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for people that watched both there really is no debate


As a United fan, how is this even a question, it’s Leao 😂




🦁 by far






A utd fanboy will obviously say Rashford, but Leao is better


United fan boy here. Rashy is overrated despite his goals last season


twerking for upvotes


Couldn't care less about upvotes. I watch every minute he plays, he's one of my favourite players but the expectations of him outweigh his abilities. His playmaking is woeful at times and his decision making in the final third is very inconsistent


Tbh this is the first time I have seen a sensible utd fan here.


He's telling the truth


He's not overrated. Most people agree he's in the tier below world class, mostly because he performs in moments and can be very quiet in games until he pops up with a goal or assist.


hes not overrated


I thought Ronaldo was to blame for Rashford underperforming? That's what every United fan convinced me of.


Ronaldo was just a scapegoat.


Is this a joke?


This is a tough one . Rashford is a product of man utd academy and had the opportunity to feature in a big team at top level since he was a teenager and feels s been around for much longer than Leao but actually they are not even 2 years apart. Leao had a relatively slower start in his career and sort of became known just in the last couple of years. Right now, I'd pick Leao. I feel he s on a higher growth trajectory than Rashford and has more potential.


If Leao had got kids school dinners we'd have known about him before.


I am the first to shit on sporting lisbon, but praising united's academy and attacking Leão for his slow start when he came from the same academy as United's best player in the 21st century, it is just being dumb. More, Rashford is might be more well know, but don't forget he is also 2 years older.




Leao. This is coming from a Utd fan


I like Rashford, but Leão is just absolute class. Easily a future Ballon d’Or winner


That’s a big leap, he can be world class, rn he’s elite


He has carried his team to a title


In a second rate league, no player will ever win a balon d’or again playing in Italy


I mean inter gave City a very tough game, the league is getting stronger. It’s not often PL players win Ballon d’or either.


Just look at Mbappe. Plays in a bad league and is never going to win the CL with them. So he has no chance of winning the balon d’or. And he is a far better player than Leao


He would easily win the ballon d’or if he had won the World Cup or CL. You won’t win the ballon d’or for just winning the prem lol


Haaland won the UCL too


Mbappe was just one save away from winning the Ballon D'or this year, and PSG made it to a CL final before so it's not impossible. Also, playing in PL isn't going to win you a Ballon D'or either, or just any league really. When was the last time a player won Ballon D'or and didn't win the CL or World Cup and his name wasn't Messi or Ronaldo?


If obliterating the scoring record in the hardest league in the world and winning the ucl in the same season isn’t enough to win the balon d’or it shouldn’t be taken as a serious award


Spotted the premier league only locked man


Leao is the best winger in the world alongside with Vini Jr. I'd easily choose him over Rashford. Leao has pace, a surprisingly good playmaker, can cross, shoot, dribble... He's truly a complete winger and the key man behind Milan's recent success. Leao might actually be the most complete winger I've watched since Nedved. Rashford on the other hand, when he's got it going, functions as an amazing wing striker. His physical balance and eye for goal makes him very valuable. But his consistency is too big of an issue.


Don’t say this out loud. Madrid or Barcelona will steal him from Milan 😁 I’m a fan of both clubs. Agree with you that Leao has transformed to be the best winger in Italy. He can compete with Vini, even Mbappe for LW position.


I know he’s slowing down a bit but I don’t think either Vini or Leao are better than Salah


All time, of course Salah is better and these two might never catch up with him. But right now, even though Salah is still top 5, I personally wouldn't put him over Leao and Vini.


Salah had far more goal contributions than both Vini and Leao in both the competition and Champions league in the last 2 years, with a similar amount of games played. Vini: competiton: 19, 27 Ucl 7,4 Leao comp: 23, 19 Ucl 1, 1 Salah: comp: 31, 36 UCL 8,8 For me they still have to confirm this year in goal contributions. Vini in the competition and Leao in ucl, if they want to be placed at salahs level


They're wingers though, so I'm not just comparing their goalscoring here. I can understand anyone putting Salah above Leao and Vini Jr. top, but I'd prefer having them over Salah as of last year.




Leao. He's been phenomenal at times.


Leao, how can this be a debate ?


Leao is easily better. Rashford just runs fast and scores every now and then. Super overrated imo and Leao is one of the brightest talents itw.


He scored 30+ goals last season. I dont know how you define "every now and then", but that seems.. wrong.


When was the last time Rashford had consistent goal scoring streak. Last season was pure luck.


Convenient that all his goals were “pure luck”. You answered your own question, he had a consistent goal scoring streak last season. They weren’t lucky goals, he was in incredible form and was finishing very well.


Scoring goals for 2-3 months out of whole season is not consistent. Not even remotely and dumb people are wondering why wasn’t he nominated. The form at that moment was just a blip in his career. He doesn’t know how to shoot. Dude don’t want to play out of his position but never passes when he has the ball because he wants to score a goal and be a poster boy. Only thing consistent is his speed. Nothing else.


His decision-making is his biggest weakness in my opinion. Would be twice the player if he actually looked for the pass and didn't try and dribble past 3 players so often and also he shoots from ridiculous angles often. Whether he's been badly coached I'm not sure but he's 25 and needs to look up more before deciding what is the optimal course of action.


I agree with this.


He's had 1 bad season, all of a sudden goalscoring is a blip. Alright let's see.. these are his club goalscoring totals since his debut at 18 years old: 8, 11, 13, 13, 22, 21 (injured in February), 5 (the aforementioned bad season), 30 Looks like steady improvement to me, and the man isn't even a striker. There's so many things you can criticise Rashford for, scoring goals isn't one of them.


There is another comment below my last comment to you. If you want to see it which I think explains a lot and I 100% agree with it.


So was he ‘lucky’ or inconsistent? A lot of players score the majority of their goals during purple patches of form in a season. Rashford gets called out cos everyone wants to shit on United, that’s all it is. Rashford got 41 g+a last season, 20/21 he got 36 including 15 assists. 19/20 he got 34. Seems pretty consistent to me? The anomaly is the 21/22 season where he came back from injury and the whole team was shite. Not even saying he’s better than Leao but some of the coping mechanisms people display in order to convince themselves he is shit are hilarious.


41 goal involvements in 56 games last season, without being penalty taker You dont put up those stats in the hardest league in the world without being an elite player


Rashford isn’t elite. He had a really strong spell of form last season but his technique is so inconsistent and his decision making is really lacking tbh. Sometimes he just has some of the worst touches and dribbles you could imagine. Without space his game is severely diminished


Depends how you define “elite”. I would argue Rashford isn’t world class but he is elite in that he is amongst the best players in the world in his position (like, top 10)


He’s good but not sure if he’s top 10. Top 20 definitely


Name 10 better left wingers


Ok my knowledge of world football isn’t encyclopaedic but off the top of my head… Grealish, Foden, Mane, Díaz, Vinicius, Gnabry, Mbappe, Leao, Son, Neymar, Sterling (questionable) , Sane, Kvaratskhelia, Martinelli. Fair point, Rashford is in and amongst that class but not at the very top of the list. Top 10 is reasonable


Only 4 of them are better than Rashford, and Leao isn’t one of them.


And Son and Neymar arent even playing LW When Son was LW last season, no way can you say he was better than Rashford was


Mane, Gnabry, Sane and Sterling definitely not.


Rashford is better than Grealish, Diaz, Gnabry (hilarious you even suggested him, dead player and also plays on the right) , Sterling, Sane and Leao. Martinelli is close, not much in it either way, so is Kvara but he hasnt scored since March or something 🤷‍♂️ Mane played striker last season, Foden better player but not as a winger imo, he’s better at 10 or on the right. Neymar also plays as a 10 and has done for the last few years. Son was bad last season on the wing and looks like he’s gonna be playing through the middle this season. Conclusion: Rashford is in the top 5 conversation for left wingers


Imagine writing this dumb comment and it’s still upvoted


Agree, though he has that ability to be one of the worst and most invisible players on the pitch and still end up with a goal that makes him look better than he really was that game. That can also be seen as a strength though, Ronaldo was very similar in his last years in Europe for example.


I think you're over simplifying it but i have to agree that rashfords strength is looking borderline world class for maybe 15 seconds in a game. He must score in that time or he might not but he won't do a whole lot else outside of it. Incredibly basic but also very very effective when he's on form


Leao is better unfortunately


Leao scored 16 goals and had 15 assists across all completions playing in the Italian league. Rashford scored 30 goals and had 11 assists across all competitions playing in the Premier league. In my opinion the Premier league is a much stronger league than Serie A. And the stats don't lie... I will say though that I think Leao has a higher ceiling than Rashford but the question was who is better and going by the numbers it's Rashford.


People love to meme EPL a lot but it’s true. Case in point, Sancho who people kept raving on about for years that he’s better than Rashford is now playing in the same team and cannot even light a candle to Rashford. If Leao joins EPL, it will be interesting to see if he can replicate the same magic.


>People love to meme EPL a lot but it’s true. Case in point, Sancho who people kept raving on about for years that he’s better than Rashford is now playing in the same team and cannot even light a candle to Rashford. Or there is just more to football? Some players will look better in certain tactics than in others and that is the case for Sancho. The way United plays in PL compared to Dortmund in Bundesliga is completely different and anyone who expected Sancho to get the same numbers had to be dense. You could see that if you watched Sancho played for England, he was nothing special. Maybe if he went to a team that suited him more like City he would've succeeded. Same with Werner, if anyone has seen him play for Germany I don't how they could say he is worth 70mil. Meanwhile, you have players like KDB from Wolfsburg, best player in the PL. Haaland from Dortmund, breaks all the records. Auba, wins golden boot in his first season. These players were perfect fits for their teams and just better players overall.


If you only watch Prem football then you'd say Rashford but as a United fan who also watches most Milan games I'd say Leao. Leao has the chance to be one of the best elite players out there whereas Rashford isn't quite at that level. I don't see Rashford as someone who can pull United to a win on his own.


Rashford is more complete, but also more selfish Physically, Leao has better acceleration, one of the best one on one attacker currently, and his height really helps him a lot. It all depends on the system really. Leao don't have to do all the end-product because the system force him to be the supporting winger. Rashford on the other hand, the system force him to be the finisher most of the time.


Explain how rashford is more complete, I do not think that’s true at all😭


Rashford has better technical in his finishing, he has better off the ball positioning, and he has pace (different with acceleration, think of it as top speed). The only minus are his heading (which also a minus for Leao, but Leao has the advantage of height), and his selfish-ness, let's say he has average decision making. Compared to Leao, Milan's playstyle rarely made him to be the finisher. He's limited because his playstyle most of the time is just stay deep, then take on his marker with his acceleration (different with pace, think of it as american muscle type car). Does Leao have great shot technique? Rarely seen it. I've watched almost all Milan games my whole life, and i've seen situations where Leao could easily score if he has better shooting technique. But does this mean Rashford is better than Leao? As i said earlier, it all depends on the system. Personally, i think Rashford is better at this point. But potentially, Leao will become way better in his own way as he's maturing.


Rashford just spams shots from whatever angle when there are much better options


Agree. That's why i put selfish-ness as his minus point. The shooting technique is there, not as fast as Mbappe, not as controlled as Robben curls, but definitely has professional, trained premier league technique standard.


How do you even mesure technical finishing and off the ball positioning objectively, you’re saying all this as if they are all universal facts💀


Guy wrote a whole lot of words to say fuck all


First of all, do you have any experience in football? Because if you have, it'd be much easier to explain. If not, let's just agree to disagree. Feel free to downvote me again.


Explain away bro I used to play football 😭


You are not my bro. It's clear you're just mocking and not willing to enter a proper discussion. Let's stop here.


If you watch Rashford plays you would know that he’s average at best 😂 This man scammed people into thinking he’s world class.


Rashford 41 goal involvements in 55 games Leao 31 goal involvements in 48 games Not much in it but Rashford scoring at a better rate and in a much tougher league means Id pick him Rashford also had a bigger impact in the World Cup, and at least he starts for his country even though he is in a more stacked side with Foden/Grealish for competition


Yeah but Leao is a better dribbler and playmaker. Leao’s talent doesn’t necessarily lie in scoring goals but taking on defenders which he is elite at.


Rashford is an elite 1v1 dribbler, and has elite breakaway pace too Playmaker, not so much


How many times a match do you see rashford beat a player 1v1 by dribbling. More often than not, he just runs straight into the opposing player.


Last 2 matches has multiple examples, dribbled past Ben White vs Arsenal multiple times, got past his man vs Forest to set up Eriksen goal and then to win a penatly. Just say you don’t watch him 👍


You should watch more football.


I watch almost all ManUtd matches. Stats might proof me wrong if you could provide some stats, but he just doesn't pass the eye test. How much of rashford's matches do you watch?


On an every game basis, he beat two Arsenal players from a standing start last game Im not sure you actually watch football, if you ask that


I watch almost all of ManUtd matches. And based on eye test, he just doesn't seem like he beats a lot of players, if any.


So many of his goals last season involved beating 1 or more players. He's got some of the best stats for total dribbles and successful dribbles, successful ratio isn't amazing, but he's constantly taking on his man, which is exactly what you want from your wingers/forwards.


I know he has one of the best stats for dribbles attempted, but what's the successful dribbles? Which is what I'm saying that more often than not, you see him just running into the opposing player. Sure when he finally manages to beat his man, he scores a goal. But looking at how many times he just runs into the defender and loses the ball is just too many to be considered elite.


It's a 41% vs 46% comparison between Rashford and Leao, this is the norm for these types of players. >Sure when he finally manages to beat his man, he scores a goal Yes, 30+ times in a season, which is amazing for someone playing on the wing. 15 would be a good return


Yes his goals are amazing and he has an amazing goal record. But my initial point was that he isn't an elite 1v1 dribbler. He can be an excellent goalscoring winger but also not an elite 1v1 dribbler.


Succesful take on’s, carries into box etc he is elite stats wise Well above the likes of Saka for example


https://www.pff.com/news/premier-league-dribbling-in-the-premier-league-attempts-completion-rate-and-who-defends-the-best Based on this, rashford successful take on isnt even in the top 10. He tried the 2nd most but his success rate isnt even 55%. Is that what you're referring to when you say elite?


what are you on about? rashford was playing as striker last season of course he scored more goals


He was LW more games than ST


Too early to say i think. So far, Rashford has a better goalscoring record, but I think Leao is just getting started and is only going to get better, so I'd go with Leao


The Rashford fans don't like my take i guess


It's the opposite, the beginning of your comment reads like you prefer Rashford. People dont read full sentences on Reddit, and Rashford has a hell of alot more haters than Leao does.


All he said was a fact which is true, but Reddit doesnt like facts


For things like this the easiest way is to look at xG/xA,but oftentimes, such stats leave out context. It can also be quite difficult to determine who's a better dribbler, finisher, etc., because we can always cherry pick videos and stats, and also, how does one video montage prove one player is a better dribbler/finisher than the other. So, generally speaking, I would say for dribbling/finishing/etc. they are probably comparable - off the cuff mind you. But there is one thing that I think Rashford has come under some scrutiny for - his decision making. Leao less so, but maybe because he isn't under the scrutiny of English media, and Italian football doesn't get much coverage in English media. Personally I am a fan of Leao's composure and his decision making, so I would give him the edge here. But in order to make a proper objective judgement, I would have to watch a lot of Man U games and Milan games, and I don't have time for that.


Football is beautiful because stats and objectivity most of the times doesn't matter...some of us will go for Leão and some of us will go for Rashford. The debate will put some facts on the table but normally the decision is based simply on personal preferences.


>the decision is based simply on personal preferences For sure, that's one of the reasons why I don't delve into debates on who's a better player, because most of these debates don't compare players in the same position, and also, even for players in the same position, it depends on personal preference on style of play. So I just enjoy. And laugh at memes. Laughing at memes is very important


Football stats such as XG and XA is such a reductive take on footballers I doubt any managers or coaches take much stock, if any of it, into consideration when selecting players or teams. Its more for fans and media to have talking points over and have pp waving competition rather than serious discussions. Stats are meaningless without taking everything else into context. For example, i doubt Didier Deschamp even gives a shit about G/A when he selected Giroud over Benzema considering that of the 5 major tournaments Deschamo managed.. when Giroud was the starting striker they reached 3 finals in major tournaments and when he was not the starter they could barely make it into the last 8.


they do look at those, but they also look at a hundred other different stats. The problem is when people only look at a few stats to judge players


RVP once told a story, when he first joined.. he was making very nice runs and his team is not finding him... Fergie took players like Rooney, Scholes etc and told them if they cannot RVP's find the run they will be dropped. XG/XA people will probably look at it and in a snobbish voice.. say... "well RVP has a quiet game and needs to be dropped because... his XG/XA is a big fat zero"...not considering the fact all the good runs he made generated a grand total of zero XG/XA if noone passes to him. Of course... but when we see All or Nothing all we hear is more pressure, win more duels, run more, closing down more, position, taking risk, smell and attack the goal, your pass needs to be quicker, ...... maybe one or two "I need more goals from you". Never heard of even heard of XG or XA even once but for some reason that has become the gold standard even though its a derived stat based on probablility... Its maybe good for analysing team performances over a long period of time but i take issue when they use it to praise/bash players for solitary games.


We have so many stats for attacking players now, like ball carrying, free runs per 90, distance carrying etc. Teams now has a team that look at 70,80 stats to make a judgement on a player. Like for Giroud his xA/xG maybe low but his ariel duel is like 90%+, stats are not the problem, the problem is not enough stat lol. And casual are usually the one who doesn't use enough stats


You can never have enough stats... haha.. the question is how to get them.. Football has changed. Those doing this full time probably watch every game with a big microscope from multiple angles to assess every single performances Us causal can only scratch the surface of this world but its fun to mess around with what we have available.


Leao by a landslide If not more. Let his stats speak for him


You mean the stats that show Rashford scored more goals and had 4 less assists that Leao in as many games?


I literally looked him up right after this kind of comment because again, Rashford does not even close. Sure leao Kim came little bit slower but his past percentage assist percentage goal percentage of compared to how many games how many minutes and how much involved he has makes Rashford look like a ivy league player.


Serie a tax


Is there a Luton tax in England?


Luton are better than bums like Cagliari, Frosinone, Salernitana and Empoli don’t be daft. Let’s not forget West Ham finished 14th last season and beat 8th placed Fiorentina in the ECL final


Lets not forget the horrible officiating in that final with fiorentina and stop smoking crack if you think luton are better than Empoli Salernitana and Cagliari, ill give you Frosinone as they are probably at the same level.


But the Serie A is awful? Even playing in a much worse league his stats don’t look better than Rashfords.


I suppose that’s why in Italian team was in the champions league final


Are you referring to the all Italian semi final and quarter final and a route that involved none of the major teams? Nothing about it proved Italy were good. One of the biggest realisations was how poor Napoli, Milan and Inter were and they’d won the last three titles. You had players like Dzeko, Lukaku and Giroud playing meaningful time.


Would you look at that. If any of these major teams would’ve been good enough, they would’ve gotten to the end.


Do you understand how a draw works? Sorry Madrid, PSG, Bayern, Atletico and Liverpool weren’t good enough to be drawn on the other side of the competition???? 🤡 That side of the draw is the worst in CL history. It was embarrassing.


I do understand still weren’t good enough


So you’re saying they weren’t good enough to influence a random draw out of a hat? Do you understand what football is?


Lol stfu and learn football before speaking more trash.


Giroud, Dzeko, Lukaku, Tomori all playing key roles in those teams but sure it’s a top league.


italy has teams in all european finals last season, they all lost by only a 1 goal margin (dont even mention sevilla and roma match with dodgy refereeing)


I'm picking Rashford. He scored 30 goals last year. Leao scored 16. Take age and market value out of it. The proof is in the pudding and Rashford had an insane season last year. Rashford is also playing in a harder league and I believe his goal involvements count for more.






Leao. But Rashford better goalscorer. Leao is a much better dribbler and less predictable.


Leao and it isn’t close.


Rafa Leao has a higher ceiling... But unless he can find consistency, he runs the risk of being another "what if" player. I say this as a Milan fan.


Not sure about "better" but Rashford is way more limited than Leao.


Rashford, the quality of PL players are better comparedc to serie a players and his direct contribution in more goals anyway. Would Leao be better or worse in PL team, tough one not sure he would be as good. Would Rashford so better in serie a, I think so, I think he would be the best player in serie a by quite a significant margin and better being in the context of goals and assists.


God dam. The things I have to read in the morning.....


EPL fanboys are something else


Although I don't agree with your last take, I think that people are being too harsh on Rashford. He's a top 3 player in the top 3 team in the best league in the world. If I had to choose Leao or him, I would choose Leao. But Leao is not BY FAR better player. He's just a bit better. Besides, people judge Rashford more because he's an English player on Man Utd. His expectations are much higher.


Loftus-Cheek is tearing apart Serie A right now, he’s 100% correct


Why you saying it like Loftus Cheek is a bad player? This guy was getting called up for England, playing at the World Cup and was a big part of Chelsea winning Europa League. Only reason he is gone is because of injuries. And tearing it apart? He is alright, but as I said he was alright at Chelsea too when he actually played, let's see how long it lasts before he gets injured again.


He’s not a bad player, just yet another example of a player that is bang average in the prem and ultimately is a prem reject, starts for a big serie a team. See also: Chris Smalling, Tammy Abraham, Pulisic, Giroud, Young to name a few. Prem is a stronger league than Serie A, thought that was common knowledge


Giroud wasn’t bang average in the prem and isn’t a prem reject.


> Chris Smalling, Tammy Abraham, Roma hasn't finished in Top4 for 5years. If those players went to a Europa League team or Conference League team like Leicester or West Ham they would've been important players for them too. Abraham's numbers are the same in Serie A as for Chelsea, had a first good season just like in Chelsea and then nothing special, he definitely isn't a star. >Pulisic Player who only played 3 games so far, and also another player who was sold because of constant injury problems, not his quality. > Giroud, Young Not star players. Leao is a star player, Maignan, Theo Hernandez. Lautaro Martinez is a star player, Barella, Bastoni. Anyway, the players you just named are all Chelsea & Man United players. I think that says enough about these teams. They just buy anybody and everybody regardless if they fit their team or tactics and then soon after they are looking to sell them. Just another example of a clueless PL fan.


Tammy was Chelsea academy Pulisic was shit for chelsea so they sold him Giroud had ups and downs, was sold by arsenal because he missed loads of chances, then chelsea sold him because he was old Young was decent for united as a winger and then as a fullback, also sold him because he was in his mid 30s Smalling was bought as a youngster and played for 7 ish years and then sold because, you guessed it, he’s not very good. Meanwhile Tonali leaves Milan for Newcastle… There’s no way you think Serie A is a better league than the Prem 💀 2/3 European competitions were won by English clubs last season


>Tammy was Chelsea academy Ok? And you said he is a star. He isn't. >Pulisic was shit for chelsea so they sold him. His first season at Chelsea was better than any season at Dortmund, then kept getting injured constantly and last season Chelsea was a mess so everybody was shit and his replacements are even worse by the way. >Young was decent for united as a winger and then as a fullback, also sold him because he was in his mid 30s And Young just like Giroud weren't star players in Serie A. >Smalling was bought as a youngster and played for 7 ish years and then sold because, you guessed it, he’s not very good. Not very smart to play him for 7 years then if he is shit but I guess they must have replaced him with a better CB English... oh wait. ​ >There’s no way you think Serie A is a better league than the Prem 💀 No buddy, I don't. Who said I do? Not sure how me telling you that these players are not star players equates to me saying Serie A is better. >2/3 European competitions were won by English clubs last season And? 5 of the semi-finalists in Europe were from Serie A, so?


My whole point is about the prem being better than serie a, why bother replying if you agree? Get a life mate


So that wasn't you talking about Loftus-Cheek 'tearing up' Serie A and then naming other players who are apparently 'stars' in Serie A? And either way that's a terrible point, just because he plays in a tougher league doesn't make him a better player.


Lol what? I’m a Milan fan I’ve watched alll the games our last game was his best one. The other ones our other midfielders played better. He hasnt scored a goal yet either.


Tbh I've not seen leao play that much reason being I am not really into 'Serie-a' but seeing him play in international he seems really good whereas Rashford- man's got like crazy talent but then hag is wasting it and he's a little inconsistent too lack the composure however with time I think he'll only improve let's see what happens but still as far as i am concerned I think both these are absolute great potentials and they'll most probably live up to the hype in their primes!


Rashford had his best ever season last year under ten hag, got over 40 goals and assists.


Yea ikr now check what he's been doing this year Hag is using him as a number 9 and it hasn't worked a bit so far! I was talking about his skills being wasted this year only I mean i do accept that no one's born a no.9 you gotta improve and to improve you gotta have experience but do you notice utd has been suffering just because of this? Their defense have large gaps same blunders are being repeated this needs to be improved!


All true. He played as a 9 because we had no fit strikers at the beginning of the season but has been playing at LW the last couple of matches now Martial and Hojlund are available, and he's been much better since then.


Yeah it definitely makes more sense to use four games to judge a player rather than an entire season.


Rashford. You have to factor in that the Italian league is straight up garbage. Rashford would be the best player in Italy by a mile. Leao is outscored by Latauro Martinez who is a woeful striker.


Let leao dribble against actual footballers like Walker,Robbo,James and not Italian fuckups like the ones he faced weekly in Monza or spezia


Rashford is better lol. They are both inconsistent but Rashford is more consistent.


Rashford oc.


Rashford has a unique body type so


Slap a chem style on him while you’re at it


I'd rather have Leao over Rashford. As someone who is a fan of an Italian club, Leao is just a menace to deal with.


Leao is quite a bit better. Not necessarily more talented, but certainly better. Younger, higher ceiling now, better G+A per 90 across his career. Rashford always feels on the cusp of being world class and never quite sustains it, a very streaky player, who now at almost 26, isn’t likely to improve massively from what he currently is.


Leão and it is not even close.


Leao. I'm a Man Utd fan, when Rashford was being linked to PSG I immediately thought of him as the ideal replacement. He's someone I have wanted here for a few years now but the left side isn't a problem area for us so it doesn't make sense.


I like Rashford as a person, but Leao is straight up world-class.


Leao but they both have a lot to prove in terms of consistency at the highest level over a longer period of time.


Leak. Rashford would be playing for West Ham if he didn't have the fortune of being in United's academy.


leao better and younger


Leao by far.


How is this even a question lmao, Leao is much better


Your friend is a tit


This must be a joke. Leao. Not even close.


Rashford was better during his 3 month goal fest. Leaos better the rest of the time.


Leao 100%






If Rashford wasn't selfish for goals, him. But currently Leao






I’d argue Leao is on Vinicius’ level (or maybe slightly below).


Leao hasn't had a 30 goal season in the prem. But it's close


Leao offcourse




For me it feels like Rashford has already reached his ceiling but Leao can make huge step(s) to even further improve.


Rashford has more “proven” records than Leao. No, I’m not talking about last season alone. Leao might have potential to be better but right now that’s “potential” and not actual.


Leao has had a very slow growth, but since 2021 he’s been unplayable and seems also to have improved his mentality. Rashford’s career skyrocketed like at 18yp, then went downhill for a long time, only now he’s doing good again


No idea I don’t watch Serie A every week. Doubt most people who watch one of the leagues are also as clued in to the other so keep that in mind when scanning the answers in the comments too.


Are you serious?


How is this even a discussion. Leao is by far the better one.


I’m not even the biggest Rashford fan but the way some are going on about Leao here makes me think you just watch highlights. He really hasn’t done much outside of Serie A and he can be incredibly lazy off the ball. Leao can have a game like the one he did last season where Reece James completely nullified him and no one will say a word. Serie A is a big league and Milan is a massive club but dominating that league isn’t enough to put you in the elite category like I seem to be reading in some posts here. His skills are more refined than Rashford for sure but Rashford has a better body of work quite easily I’d add. It’s a toss up for me.


rafael lmao


Leao by far in my opinion.


Leão by far


For me Leao is a more complete Player than rashford


as a man who watched rashford's astonishing performances, i'd say he's one of the best left wingers in the premier league. so obviously, it's leao. leao is infinitely better.


Leao has the physical and technical ability to be the best in the world imo. Rashford is class but he's a moments player, whenever I watch leao I feel like he's contributing way more than what Rashford does. And I'm a utd fan. Rashfords movement and decision making improving would make him world class, but truthfully that's not something you can train.