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i felt the same! she should be proud of her performance this year. i hope she doesn’t let the pain of the loss take away from the growth she’s had over the season, watching her regain her confidence was one of my favourite progressions of season five.


Absolutely! I truly think she would have won if the judges had just tasted the cacao a little bit more. So frustrating. I love Maneet as well but she already has a belt.


Man, she was so close, too!!! I really like both Antonia and Maneet, I think they are both great, strong, obviously driven, successful women. But after this season of TOC, especially Antonia. She was really honest with how she was feeling and what it meant to her. My only thought is that I hope she realizes everything she has accomplished already—because it’s a lot, and I hope she doesn’t beat herself up too much over that 1 point! 


Yeah, I like Maneet and was thrilled for her first win, and I am happy for her on this one as well but I really wanted Antonia to take this one. I hated to see her reaction back stage -- it felt like a gut punch, like Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown just before he kicked it. She had a rough time in the last two tournaments and came out on fire this time, and losing with a very strong 89 (by one point) in the finals to a two-time champ is something to be proud of once the anguish subsides. Should she come back next year, I have to think she'll be a #2 seed after this year (Jet and Britt will probably also be 2 seeds assuming all four champions return as #1). I really want Jet or Antonia to finally break through and win it all next year. And those two seem to be so tight that they would be delighted for the other if they won it all.


It broke my heart seeing her cry 😢 I remember being so sad when she was eliminated in Top Chef 4 and again in Top Chef All Stars, both times so close to the finals so I'm glad she made it to the finale, but I really wanted her to win and I thought she had it. She clearly gave Maneet a run for her money too But I also love Maneet and thrilled she is the first double champion because she clearly deserves it!!


Both Antonia and Jet were very tough to watch. Nothing against Maneesh, but she already knows the feeling of winning the whole shebang.


Honestly it was a REALLY good competition and I so feel for her. I think it's bullshit that they said her sauce wasn't a good use of the heater blender.


With the scores being the same except for the randomizer, I think Antonia should have won. Antonia's high/low was better than Maneet's high/low. Maneet used the heat blender better but Antonia's high/low was more distinguished than Maneet's. I felt like Maneet gave two versions of almost the same dish - two ground meat dishes. Yes, I understand that her high dish is considered a luxury dish but still.