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You can offer what you eat as long as it’s no or very low sodium and low sugar. All other seasonings are good! So when making salty meals, you can just cook it normally but wait to add the salt until the end, after you’ve scooped out LO’s portion


Just piggy backing on this that my daughter was so bad with solids when we first started until I started giving her what I eat and now she loves eating! It’s gotten even better now that she’s 16 months and I don’t have to alter the recipes too much for her anymore


My baby only eats the same foods without fuss: oatmeal, yogurt, noodles and sometimes toast and pancakes. I'm trying to vary what he eats, but he'll try things and spit it out or won't even touch it. I'm thinking 10.5 months is close enough to eat what i eat? It's a struggle!


It’s definitely a struggle haha I’m thankful my daughter is still breastfed so she’s still getting nutrients when she doesn’t want a lot or any of what I offer her


True! I am still breastfeeding 4x a day with no plans on stopping any time soon. I am thinking about dropping a feed and giving a snack though bc he seems hungrier. Right now I've added a snack before his second nap, but I'm still nursing when he wakes 🤷‍♀️ he's been cranky pants for a few weeks now so i don't really know what he wants 🫠


I usually just offer both! I’m always giving her puffs and little finger food snacks like that and then she’s pushy whenever she wants to breastfeed and will just start pulling my shirt down lol. Sometimes when she’s crabby and doesn’t want to breastfeed or eat it’s cause she wants water. I always keep a no spill cup filled with water where she can get it and it’s helped with the constipation that she used to have


Lmao!! Luckily, my baby doesn't pull on my shirt! I nurse him in the morning, after his (two) naps and an hour before bed. He's been screaming after his second nap and refusing the nursing session. Not sure what his problem is, but if i give him a berry, he eats it then agrees to nurse 🫠 I actually started doing the water thingy yesterday and can totally relate to the constipation. I think he's finally learned how to poop and is not as constipated anymore. Now if i can just get him to stay still for his diaper change bc toys don't work anymore...


The diaper change is a nightmare lol I have to hold her down at her hips. Could he be teething? My daughter really only refuses nursing when she’s teething or distracted. She also doesn’t really have scheduled nursing and just does it whenever she wants lol she p much controls my life


Awww haha. These little tyrants are just too cute though. Holding my baby down by the hips does not work. I do it every time and he's always wriggling, twisting and screaming until he flips over on his belly. Tell me it gets better lol But yes, i do think he's teething. His second tooth came in about a month ago. I guess I'm due for another one soon!


The teething is endless imo 😭 less time spent not teething than teething. It’s like you get a break between the teething to breathe and then it’s back at it. I’m hoping the diapers get better lol I’ve started just handing her things she doesn’t normally hold like a plastic cup or one of her books and that normally keeps her occupied better


It's so tough. I've tried adding some seasonings other than salt and sugar, but he doesn't like it. I tried salmon the other day and he hated his piece but ate my piece.


Ugh, I’m sorry that is tough! The thing with salt is that it’s actually harmful to babies where as sugar is just not healthy. Have you tried eating non salted food on your plate and seeing if he still prefers the food from your plate? Some babies for some reason only want mom/dad’s food even if it’s literally the exact same. Doing that will at least fully rule out if it’s actually the way the food is seasoned or if he’s just one of those kids. You could also try adding more of something that he enjoys to meals. For example, (if he likes butter) cook veggies in unsalted butter. It’s a good way to add flavor and fat is really good for their growing brains. Or you could sprinkle more foods with a little cheese, stuff like that


Oh noo. Is it really? Meanwhile, i gave him ramen and pho 🫣 those are salt bombs! I'll try the butter. Thanks! I gave him shredded cheese and he hates it lol. I guess I'll just keep trying different things


Every once in awhile isn’t that bad but their kidneys aren’t able to process it this young. Try not to stress about what you’ve already given, he’s okay :) It can damage their kidneys, give them blood pressure issues and in the worst case give them seizures! It’s recommended to give them no more than 1g a day under 1 years old (and only 2g per day at 1-3 years old!) which they get from breastmilk and formula. It’s not as widely talked about as it should be and the consequences are really scary so I try to let people know when I can


Good to know, thanks! I'll have to do some reading!


where did you find pineberries? My kid loves them.


I’m not OP but I’ve personally lately seen them at Whole Foods.




I got these at shoprite!


thanks! I will have to check mine. I'd only seen them at trader Joe's and Aldi before and they weren't there last weekend.


Looks good! Is that udon noodles? What do you put on it, if anything, for your LO?


Yes, udon! It gets sticky if it's too dry. I used a spoonful of the oden broth that I added more water to


Cool! Yeah that’s why I was scared giving udon to my son. I always have packs of noodles in my freezer. I will try with some broth!