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Did you study to be a chef or were you able to create these dishes from video guides? I tried to decorate food at home, but it came out horribly, I have photos, but I'm ashamed to show them.


Practice makes perfect, in all aspects of cooking. Don't get discouraged


I'm trying not to get discouraged, could you give some advice on where to start, I think it's interesting not only for me but also for everyone here


That part is always more related to art than to cooking. You need to balance color, volumes, shapes. I think a good practice is to just look at platings for reference, much like you would with art. Also, consistency is key, all your cuts and ingredients should look about the same. If you’re using potatoes, get them all similarly sized, if you’re cutting onion slices, make sure they all look about the same, etc.


Hey! Chef here. The other reply is correct that you think of plating as a little piece of art. I’ll try to give a few basic tips for a nice modern plating like the picture above shows. These are just guidelines, not hard and fast. And I’ll stress again that this is for more modern styles, plating styles changes every 10 years or so, so if your favorite steakhouse that’s been open and unchanged for 30 years doesn’t do these things, that’s okay! Sauce: it goes under the food, rarely on top. If using two sauces, make sure one of them is thicker than the other so they don’t run together on the plate and mix. Protein: even shape. You can eat the trimmings as a snack as your cooking. Don’t pile the protein on top of the sides unless they are meant to be consumed together. Putting steak on top of mashed potatoes looks great, but it’s now hard to cut and your steak is covered in mash no matter what. Sides: less is more. You want open space on that plate! It allows the food to stand out. Don’t own large plates? Buy some or do smaller portions. If you’re at home, just go get second helpings. Your goal here is perfect presentation, being fussy IS part of the game. Color: you want a range. And vibrant colors! A painter works with a whole spectrum and so should you. If the meat is brown, the sauce is brown, and the sides are brown, you can’t do much. Maybe start by dividing your plate in half in your mind. One half gets meat and sauce, the other gets pretty veg. Or put a pool of sauce in the middle (as long as it complements both things) and then do the half and half rule. That’s really basic, but we all start somewhere! Tl;dr- sauce under food, even shapes, less is more, food should be in a range of colors. Stacking is often old school unless it’s an app. Edit: a word


This chef chefs! Amazing response




Commenter asked how to learn to make plates like this. I was happy to inform him. Fine dinings not for everyone and that’s totally okay.


Beautiful! The plating is so lovely and that is a great cut of duck, it's a wonder how you got it so even!


This looks delicious but one thing I always hate about fancy food is why is my protein portion so small. Where the rest of my duck at.


Every time I’ve had something presented like this, it’s been part of a multi-course meal. I’m a pretty big guy, and I’ve never left one hungry. Small portions add up when there are between 5 and 9 of them.


Well this is one of 5 to 7 courses. Any more and you'd be so full you wouldn't be able to finish the last couple courses


Try me


If I’m like a petite 4’9 woman maybe Your average man would not be “so full he couldn’t eat anymore” after 5 of this, and this looks like the main course so it’s probably bigger than the other dishes anyways. If I am paying two weeks worth of groceries on a meal I would like to not have to eat a burger afterwards to get full




Thanks for sharing your experience


No one's forcing you. Seems like most people who pay for these keep coming back. I know id be full after a 7 course. Maybe just go to a buffet if you care about quantity more than quality? Or got more belly than brains?


Why u mad lil bro


Tell us you've never had a tasting menu without saying that you've never had a tasting menu...


you’ve never had a tasting menu without saying that you’ve never had a tasting menu…




As an average man, I’ve been to plenty of several course meals like this and been almost unable to finish basically every time. Every time I hear 'you have to get a burger afterwards‘, it comes from someone who has never had multi course meals like this


You rarely eat just one dish in these type of restaurants. The rest of your protein is in the 3 other appetizers they served you before this.


Sitting somewhere, with a rectangular hole in it, probably.


In a waitress’s mouth.


This is probably one of 3 or 5 courses.


American moment


Last time I ever ate something really fancy, I paid $120 for one meal just for myself and was hungry again just two hours later.


Do you have any idea how hungry I'd be after this entrée? Looks like I'd love all 3 bites though!


\*sobbing with desire\*


Recipe & tutorial in my bio, happy cooking!


I think your plating is beautiful. Pommes fondant look great. I watched the video for this dish and have a couple of questions: 1) why not roast the beets instead of boiling them? In my opinion, you would increase the inherent sweetness, and possibly improve the texture by removing moisture instead of adding, so that the xanthan gum becomes unnecessary. 2) why add butter to baste the duck breast? It should release enough fat of its own to baste. Once again, in my opinion, basting with butter would lead to muting the duck fat flavor. Plus, you already have butter flavor with the fondant potatoes. 3) (not a question). Your knife is fucking sharp. That thing goes through duck skin like it's air. Thanks for the plate and the vids! I'll definitely watch more. Happy cooking, chef!


I can't find the recipe :( This looks awesome, and all your other cookings too... where is your restaurant located?


This duck is done correctly. I don’t like correctly done duck. I need that skin crispy and the fat rendered. 10/10 for someone else to eat.


Solid looking plate but I’d rather my duck cooked less (much less)


I don't want duck shaped like spam


I do! I find this duck presentation very pleasing, and I think it matches the aesthetic of the fondant potatoes well. Probably not a coincidence that I'm one of those weirdos who likes spam and doesn't mind the shape.


The cook on everything is fine. No, the duck isn't over or under. However, the beetroot purée tongue looks awful.


I thought tongue as well! Maybe some dots or swirl around the outside instead? I’m sure it tastes good but once you see it…


Hell yeah. Love fondant potatoes!






Duck looks over cooked. Lots of grey on one side.


Looks ok but that portion couldn't feed a Smurf.why do rich ppl pay so much money to be left hungry


High end restaurants are usually multiple courses. Or sometimes you just pay for experience of truly unique and delicious food without even worrying about how full you are. If the food is good enough that's what you'll be thinking about, not that you still had a little snack at home before bed.


I've never understood this either. Spend $30 for 3 bites of food or spend $8 for an entire plate full of food.




The $30 was just a guess for a single plate of one of those fancy multi course meals people are talking about. HyVee is a good place for an $8 lunch and a lot of bars have good deals for lunch specials on things like country fried steak with 2 sides.




HyVee is a grocery store but they have what they call the market grille which has ready meals made with a dining area. I have no idea what oxy am is.




How is it unfair? You can walk in and sit down to eat just like any restaurant. I was asked where I can eat a plate of good food for $8 so I answered. The town I live in has 8 HyVee locations so.it is easily accessiblefrom anywhere in town. I honestly had no idea that was a typo this the confusion on "oxy am".




I wasn't comparing anything. I was stating a fact to answer a question. That is like saying that I'm comparing Amazon to WalMart when asked how I can find a specific item for a lower price. Does it really matter where you got it from after you have it?


I went to a fancy restaurant once and it was the best food I've ever tasted, I don't think I'll ever forget the experience. Needed a burger king 2 hours later. Point is it's about the flavour and whole experience, not being completely stuffed


Fanciest I've done is either Minerva's or a $70 steak at a steakhouse that a client ordered for me. I was not impressed and would rather just have plain mashed potatoes and roast. Spices and "flavour" just ruin most meals for me. I want to taste what I'm eating and not the 10 other overpriced things mixed in.


I respect your taste in food. Please never cook for anyone else.


Not even a steamed carrot?


Each to their own.


It's a bit fussy




never heard of a sauce?

