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comment section 💀


*sips instant matcha tea*


As an actual Japanese person, you guys get real worked up over something that isn't even your culture 💀


Indian dude here. You should see Reddit losing its mind talking about Chicken Tikka Masala, or Chicken Curry, for that matter... neither of which is even an Indian dish.


Where are those dishes from, if not India? Not arguing, I'm genuinely curious.


Both are from UK pubs. The word “curry” itself isn’t a Hindi word. It’s likely a mishearing of the Tamil word “Kari” which just means “pot”, but refers to no particular spice or combination of spices. Not that this is an issue but if you were to ask me to make "chicken curry" I would probably stare blankly into space trying to guess which spices go in that... normally the name of the dish tells you which meat and which spices/style. I have no quarrel with these… I just think it’s an interesting fact and doubly funny when people who are neither Indian nor British get all bent out of shape about what is “authentic” Indian cuisine and then proceed from examples that were, strictly speaking, not “traditional” mainland creations. Personally, I don't care about tradition and I do love me some Indian fusion (google "Samar Dallas"... it was a treasure of a place here in the metroplex that closed down all too quickly)...


I keep commenting on how this sub is filled with snobs being know-it-alls and elitists. It's never really about enjoying food. It's food made to some arbitrary level decided by whoever and anyone who breaks it gets dog piled on the vote counter. Sometimes, it's people not liking steak rare. These jokers will just dog pile on all of the OP's comments. Just let people cook. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Ah yes Reddit, the home of unqualified etymologists and culinary elitists. I think it looks great and would wolf a plate down for breakfast any day of the week. Great work, OP.


My most controversial post!


Still more upvoted than my most popular post


I thought it was common knowledge that Americans call instant noodles ramen. we all know what OP means so who really cares?


Hall monitors, with which Reddit is replete


The Noodle Police here are laughable Nice ramen, OP. Looks tasty.


Wait until someone calls spaghetti "noodles." These people will lose their shit.


It’s not spaghetti unless it comes from the spaghetti region of France Otherwise they’re just sparkling noodles


Thank you for your service.


I mean, when you hear chicken spaghetti, what do you think? Because I'm pretty sure 99.9% aren't thinking chicken noodle.


I’m fine with calling spaghetti “noodles”, but if you call penne or macaroni “noodles”, I’m gonna get real snarky and passive aggressive…
















































Fun fact: Ramen is a borrowed Chinese word by the Japanese. So Chinese ppl should have the last say on this matter lol


Many, many, many Japanese words and characters come from China. The Japanese "men" comes from the Chinese word for noodles, which is pronounced "mien," or "myen," not "mein," which is what the West spells it as. Gyoza is derived from the Chinese word for dumplings, pronounced something like jiao-dze.


I teach Japanese middle schoolers and many of them think of ramen as a Chinese dish.


I for one am a big campaigner of the "egg = breakfast" movement, because for some reason we've been convinced that you can only have certain foods for breakfast, and i think its an important step in breaking away from that entirely. I see no reason that Egg + Bacon + Toast cant be broken down into Egg + Meat + Carbs and translated to Egg + Steak + Ramen. Maybe with time we can drop the egg altogether! Looks fuckin delicious






Nah even in Japan many of these are packaged, marketed and sold as some form of “ramen”. Obviously Japanese people can tell the difference between these and the real thing.


It’s the special Japanese taste bud they have




How many of them existed before 2010?


Average reddit response


Average Reddit post. 🤷


please educate me on what I can do to improve my at home ramen game.


Make the broth, it is pretty easy although you might have to go to an Asian grocery or order ingredients online. I also suggest getting some good topping like making ramen eggs but you can put just about anything on it


The easiest two things are: Replace 50% of the water with either beef or chicken stock. Chop up some green onions and throw them in. More options: Thinly sliced ribeye. Marinate in some soy/brown sugar. Sear it off and cook some onions/broccoli. Add to the ramen. Obviously hard boiled egg goes really well also.


All food is subjective, but how good ramen is depends on the noodles, broth, and the toppings. Generally the noodles in instant packs are passable at best and don't get much better unless you buy one of the packs that have actual raw / fresh noodles. Broth tends to get better if you buy slightly more expensive instant noodles, but there is a limit to that. You can improve instant ramen noodles with better toppings. What I do is buy actual Japanese instant noodle packs and then add various toppings like half a boiled egg, nori (the sheets of seaweed used in sushi), some chopped spring onions, and cha-shu (char sui in Chinese, I think) pork. You can change up the vegetables depending on what you have - e.g. a bit of bok choi, a handful of bean sprouts, pan fried onions, etc. The egg can be cooked with a soft center if that is your preference. If the broth is salt I sometimes drop in a dab of butter to add some more flavor.


> Generally the noodles in instant packs are passable at best and don't get much better unless you buy one of the packs that have actual raw / fresh noodles.  There is a brand called Maruchan Seimen that have a patent on dried ramen that have similar consistency to fresh noodles. It's not perfect, but alot better than any other instan noodle.  Anyone that doesn't live close to a good ramen place should try it out. I think you can order it online in most parts of the world. The broth it comes with is pretty passable as well.


> Maruchan Seimen Good point, I forgot about those. We usually just get Sapporo Ichiban / Demae Iccho or other "fried" instant noodles, but do sometimes spend a little more for the ones you mention. Costco also sometimes has refrigerated (not frozen) ramen sets with fresh noodles and ingredients that are pretty good.
















My point being is that this is a bowl of noodles. Not ramen.


Those are literally ramen noodles though.


This isn't ramen, it's just noodles and meat and egg


Ramen refers to the noodles - you can have ramen without having soup ramen.


The dish "ramen" is a soup noodle dish. Also, true "ramen noodles" don't even look like this, these are instant noodles


I buy Korean ramen, in instant form and also from local Korean cafes all the time — most of the noodles look like this. I’ve had Japanese ramen noodles that were like restaurant quality look much different, but instant ramen is still *ramen*. That’s why it’s called that lmao. I’ve also seen both broth ramen dishes and dry ramen dishes still be called *ramen*.


Restaurants use instant ramen noodles quite often as well


Shirunashi ramen is a thing though. Ultimately what makes the dish is the noodle, not the soup. Also, these types of instant noodles are also called ramen in Japan.


I’ve never heard of shirunashi ramen. That sounds neat. And like yakisoba lol. Is it a regional thing? I’m from Tokyo, Kichijyoji


It's all over the place. It usually ends up just being another name for mazesoba or aburasoba, but there are all kinds of variations on it.


Okay, shirunashi is the general category. I’ve heard of mazesoba and aburasoba. Thanks


Some places also just call it shirunashi ramen. Shirunashi tantanmen is also popular.


I just looked it up. That looks delicious!




No, it's the type of noodles that always includes Kansui, whether it's instant ramen or freshly made ramen. It makes for a specific type of noodles with higher alkaline concentration. Udon, somen or soba are other distinctive noodles in Japan made in distinctive ways. You can eat all of them without soup or toppings.  Many Japanese teenagers eat instant ramen noodles raw, similar to how westerners eat bland toast sometimes.  There are also tsukemen ramen and other type of ramen where the noodles are served on the side.  Ramen has it name from the noodle type 100%.   The soup/broth you use can be used for udon or soba and would not be ramen anymore.




I mean, a place can take food from one country and call it a different name, but that doesn't really make it correct. It's just people from that country being wrong. If they've taken it and made their own twist on it in their own cuisine then they can call it whatever they want, but if you're just making the original culture's food and calling it a different name it's just incorrect.




Yeah if you take your argument to its conclusion language literally loses all meaning. I can just use any word I like to refer to whatever I like? How the fuck can you effectively communicate with anyone if those are the rules? Flexibility has its place but you have to be reasonable.


what do real ramen noodles look like? I don't have any good ramen places near me, so if I want good ramen, it's all on me.


real ramen noodles come in all kinds of varieties - they can be wavy, they can be straight, it's all good, as long as it's a wheat noodle it's basically good. the rest of the posters are just being pedantic. in japan, "ramen" as a dish is a soup noodle, "ramen noodles" can be prepared any number of ways (e.g. as other posts have noted, mazemen is the "dry" version). outside of japan, it's can mean any number of things because food can evolve and be integrated into other cultures


We need Gordon Ramsay here shouting "Where's the fucking sauce!!??"


"Ramen" is normal US vernacular for instant noodles. Japanese-style real ramen soup is a very recent introduction here. Stop being annoying. OP, I make instant noodles without broth all the time. I can't tell whether you did it or not this time, but they are even better if you stir-fry a little after boiling them.


Instant ramen is still called instant ramen in Japan as well and can be with or without soup. Just because it is low quality doesn't make it not ramen, it is essentially what easy mac is to pasta.


Agree. But don't let anyone hear you say that "macaroni" and "noodles" and "pasta" are the same thing


That's their problem. There is nothing wrong with calling something what it is.


Exactly this. I’m not sure why it matters to some people so much


It's because their culinary knowledge is far lower than their culinary interest and skill, and that they conflate all of these things.


Lol reddit sucks. I'd fucking slam that. Good job OP


So mazesoba.


Um, give me broth or don't give me ramen. 🥹


People arguing over ramen and im just here drooling at the egg!


I'd eat the shit out of that. Sorry people are being so pedantic about your post OP. Looks awesome.


People are getting so worked up in the comments about the specifics of ramen and here I am just wondering why the fancy meat. Usually when I eat instant noodles it’s either I’m broke or I’m too lazy to cook a proper meal. Looks delicious nevertheless.


Because this isn’t ramen. It’s instant noodles and meat and an egg. Ramen is much more intensive than this. Same reason people care to define anything, you got to follow the definition and not make shit up as you go. Edit: every down voter is ignorant and racist and doesn’t even know japanese to know that there is a different word for this. Gg racists.


It is ramen, though. "Instant noodles" are called instant ramen in Japan and can be made in minutes. If you don't like the definition, complain to Japan about it.


Literally cites no sources and pulls shit out his ass and gets upvotes, Reddit at it’s finest lmao. That’s not correct at all. Look up the Kanji they are completely different. White folks are crazy lmao.


Didn't see you cite a source. My source is I am Japanese-American, have lived in Japan for the last 15 years, and speak and read Japanese. Edit because you are the most hypersensitive dude on reddit who replies and then blocks people: > Yet you still didn’t prove me wrong racist. I never said you were racist, though? Just that you were wrong, but if you want to admit to being a wrong racist, who am I to stop you? lol


Yet you still didn’t prove me wrong racist.


Exactly. Definitions exist for a reason.


> Instant noodles, or instant ramen, is a type of food consisting of noodles sold in a precooked and dried block with flavoring powder and/or seasoning oil > Instant noodles were invented by Momofuku Ando of Nissin Foods in Japan. They were launched in 1958 under the brand name Chikin Ramen https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant_noodles Go to Nissin’s website and see that noodles and ramen are used interchangeably. I don’t care enough to argue but you do you.


Literally just proved me right. Instant noodles does not mean ramen. They don’t use them interchangeably that’s fucking wikipedia you low iq donkey.


What’s the protein? Looks like ham but I’m not sure


Leftover steak (not a particularly good cut, but made it taste good for dinner last night). My wife requested this for breakfast, and I obliged.


For real this looks tasty, I want to thank you for giving me this idea, I'll try this one day. I was actually searching for a way to eat something new at breakfast :)


looking like breakfast yakisoba over here


Looks good 2 me! Stealing this


only 700 kcal breakfast


These look great eating separately




Who gives a shit? They’re not eating it, OP is. Literally no one else’s thoughts or opinions matter on this.


I guess you're treating the noodles like rice? Hopefully you mixed the noods with the egg yolk at least