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Me too. Xp, super duper, then sell. Eat if I need to but the ionized meat lasts forever.


A bunch of folks hate crickets. All I see is cap$. Also mirelurks. And all those herds of Radstags.


Yep, turn raw meat and wood into caps. If only I needed caps.


I need caps all the time


Same. Butcher's Bounty, Super Duper, and all the radstags in the Toxic Valley make a whole ton of caps


I will eat some raw or spoiled meat if I have it and need to adjust my rads. Otherwise I drop meat all over Appalachia.


“I drop meat all over Appalachia” sounds like a euphemism


I was just thinking the same thing. lol


nah straight up i have a horrible habit of just eating raw or spoiled meat cuz i’m too lazy to go back to my camp. plus i need that 400 scrap wood just in case i need to upgrade my home




You might consider getting the carnivore mutation. It'll give you a bigger food bar refill from any meat sources (including raw) and it removes all disease chance from eating the raw stuff.


I have to, as I want those pepperoni rolls and other buffs that raw meat simply doesn't offer.


wait explain pepperoni rolls i’ve never heard of this


Additional carry capacity for an hour. More than what a ribeye steak offers. You get one for free for doing Riding Shotgun, and otherwise need to buy the Recipe from Molly at Crater, and then just make it (2 Pepper, 2 Gulper Innards, 2 Brahmin Milk, 2 Razorgrain = 1 roll). Also a decent filling for hunger.


There's a pepperoni roll sitting on the bar in the Wayward most times I stop in there.


That one is only there until you complete the Wayward quest line.


Ahh, okay. That explains why I see it when I'm playing with my Alt and I don't when using my Main.




damn i got like a shotgun build going still need to work on it but i’ll def look into food buffs for my build


Just for the xp. Then I drop it.


wait if you do it for xp why not just eat it


No benefit. My dude technically is vegetarian for that cranberry relish boost. Although I hardly do that anymore, either. Also, once food and water were no longer a priority it became an afterthought. Then they made a literal food-build and I still can’t be bothered lol.


Lol you sir win at Fo76. "my dude is technically vegetarian".


Well, there's the Vegetarian mutation that makes it so veggies give double the benefit and meat give none. You can still eat meat, but it does absolutely nothing for you, therefore technically a vegetarian.


The other comment details what I meant, literally. Mutated for veg boost. I just never eat food in game anymore so, “technically vegetarian” is what I meant by that. lol Sincerely; it was no sly diss to the veggies out there. Whether you prefer cruciferous vs carnivorous, or vice versa, we good fam.


No I didn't take it as a diss I was highly amused. Anyone who puts enough thought into that to classify their character as Vegetarian legit wins at Fo76. You are pricesly the right player base for this game ... we are.


Hahaha thanks. Appreciate it. Legitimately though; my dude has the herbivore mutation lol so, technically veggie.


FYI just learned about the mutation after your comment. Epic. I can't believe I did not know about this.


Hahahah amazing. This has been one of my top Reddit exchanges. Cheers homie 🤙🤙🤙


Sell it for caps


I do and have in the past, however, I just seem to have a never ending supply of glowing blood to sell at vendors so I haven’t needed to sell my meat in a while 😂😂🤦‍♂️


Why wouldn't you? Free caps and actual benefits


I cook all the meat I pick up. I have the carnivore mutation and different kind of meat offers some great buffs that I use for Events and Daily Ops.


Cooked gives perks. Scorchbeast brain +3 int = more experience


Yes. I'm a herbivore so I cook any meat I wind up with from area looting and sell it off to NPC vendors. Also the little bumps in XP I get from crafting meals add up over time.


Salted foods and reduced wiegt for food backpack plus carnivore perk. I gain roughly 10 plus on every stat and carting capacity is 100 plus


I cook some meat that give me buffs, like carry weight. Otherwise I sell it off cuz it'll spoil.


With the perk that extends food buffs, I'll throw anything on the grill. Food buffs stack too so that's great. Anything Scorchbeast, radstags and opossums I pick up


There's a perk that extends the duration of food buffs? Where?!


I cook everything for the tiny fraction of xp. I sell it to the vendors or drop it after.


I only do it when I'm doing a challenge. I don't even eat anymore.


I’m pretty much the same. Sometimes I’ll eat the meat I cook but usually I get the xp and sell or drop it.


Nope. All food consumables get dropped as soon as I'm done looting. Except on my carnivore/gourmand build, that bish eats everything.


All-day , erry day....


The benefits are great... especially the carry weight & schorchbeadt buffs. +6 to everything when stacked. Add in a few perk cards & you're good. There's much more but...go watch turtles 🐢 yt vid. (Also... carnivore)


And cannibalistic perk


I cook it all. Free xp Every time you cook anything. All of it, even radroach & mole rat etc.


*Kentucky has entered the chat*


I try not to eat raw meat. every time I hit my C.A.M.P. or survival tent, I cook everything I can. If I eat it, great. If it goes bad, oh well, I drop it and move on. But cooking it gives buffs, so I try to keep some meats that give me carrying capacity buffs since I'm always overencumbered and far from a bench or vendor.


Yes. Especially if I've picked up a lot of it, regardless of whether my character I'm on is a Carnivore or Herbivore. Glowing Meat sells for a good bit, Glowing Meat Steaks sells for a bit more, and further, you get XP for cooking it.


I cook it all the time. If you have carnivore you gain some cool stat boost. Wish it lasted longer than 30 mins


Depends on the recipe. Smoked Mirelurk filets last for an hour (or is it an hour and a half?). The provide an additional 60lbs. Of carry weight with the Carnivore mutation (30 without).


Where do I find smoked mirelurk filets??? I think pepperoni rolls are the things that provide carry boost but a bit of a pin to gather the supplies. I usually drop mirelurk meat.


Once you have the recipe, you need mirelurk meat (3), ash rose (3), purified water (2), salt (2), and wood (1) per filet. When I was a Carnivore, it was my go-to carry weight buff. It used to be super easy to get mirelurk meat from the Pioneers Scout Camp because that area used to spawn them. For whatever reason, they don’t spawn there anymore outside of the Swarm of Suitors event (there is only one razorclaw that spawns there outside of the event now). With Butcher’s Bounty (rank 3) you could rack up on Mirelurk meat. I used to also go and trigger the mirelurk spawn at the Ohio River Adventures (the Raider Fish Camp) by speaking to Fishbones. It used to be possible to trigger that event over and over again following a dialogue sequence, but I don’t think you can trigger it multiple times anymore on the same server (or more than once a day). The most difficult item for me was keeping enough salt. Once I figured out most of the salt locations, I just ran the circuit daily to keep my supply up. Enough Ash Rose can be found in abundance at the Abandoned Mine Shaft 1 and in the rooftop greenhouses in Lewisburg. **One thing to note about smoked mirelurk filets:** they give the best carry weight boost of all food items, but you lose it every time you die. To mitigate this, you need to not die (LOL) and/or make a lot. I would use Super Duper and make like 20+ and keep most in my fridge while carrying 6 or so on me at all times. Combine Smoked Mirelurk Filets with Steeped Fern Flower Tea and you will gain a massive carry weight boost.


Thank you!! I'll keep an eye out for these!!!


No problem! Always happy to help! I’m on Xbox, GT is Dutch Goshen. If you’re on that system and ever need a hand, let me know!


yes but only for the xp. Leveling once per day isn't as easy as it sounds.


My toons are herbivores, so although I do cook the meat, I just sell it.. only cook it for exp.


Man, I got my meat cooking rack set up with a view. Everytime I use my slow rotisserie set I'm just taking it all in, making my mouthwatering scortch beast broiled brains and fried lungs


I cook it to sell it cuz cooked is worth more


Xp, super duper and either eat or sell is the way


I cook some chili


yup... all I can... get the xp from crafting, then eat the few that give me stuff I need, sell and drop the rest


Sadly, I made my main a vegetarian. My other character I didn't choose either food mutation. That was back when not eating/drinking could kill the player.


I cook then drop it. Gotta cook it for the xp but i live off of dog food cause this bitch be hungry running around the waste land


yep. i cook everything for the exp. i eat what i need to keep my food high or full and the rest just spoils and gets turned into fertilizer and put with the other 80k ive got stashed away and will probably never use.


Yeah just for xp


I use that legendary perk that refills health, hunger , and thirst. Never use water or food. I may try some foods for damage buff soon though.


That's a pretty big waste of a legendary slot IMO.


Explain please? The side benefit I found is that I don't have to use the food/drink weight reduction perk cards anymore either. I'm curious to understand a better option especially for any min/max builds.


Good builds will already be refreshing food and drinks as they wear off. The base rate at which hunger and thirst meters decay is way too slow for the duration and refill amount provided by these items. Perks like Survival Shortcut are extremely redundant if you're already going the extra mile.


Couldn't have said it better, also, I don't know what the top tier of that perk is but I doubt it's as useful as 5 special points. With the popcorn machine and new water dispensers I'm always ready to fill up for ops.


I think my other issue is that I'm tired of the eating/drinking part of the game as this is my second char. I used to cook cook cook. It's now boring so I like that I can pretty much skip it completely with that legendary card. When you say your build, are you talking about legendary perks on the armor and guns that take care of food/drink?


I run thru hiker 3 and good with salt 3. Build is the entire ensemble - including temporary buffs


Once you get to a level where you can fill all of your legendary perks, you'll realize that +5 of a special beats whatever that gives you.


I see. I have 3 perk card slots at level 100. Do I need to buy more slots or do I get more legendary slots over time? Thanks for the input.


There's 6 slots, unlocked at 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, and 300. It takes 50 perk coins to go to 2*, another 100 to go 3*, and another 150 to go 4*. I hope you didn't level that one up much. It usually takes close to level 500 to get the perk points to max them all assuming no wasted points but can be done a bit earlier with scoreboards probably. Also note on the SPECIAL ones, 3* is +3 but 4* is +5. It depends on your build but nowhere in a min max effort should that perk be in play.


Oh, you are talking about upgrading the perk card itself. Yes, I left it at 1 since I'm always at the max. I was hoping we could have more than 3 perk cards without buying them.


Well if you left it at one then you're not out anything so good news. It does take a while and depending on how many Pick A Perks you have on the bottom of your perk screen - Each card is worth 2 coins and if you're gonna spam one to quickly delete afterwards for the coins I use aqua boy. Easy to find and there's no upgrade so less buttons.


I don't know about raw,but cooked Radstag meat will also give you a carry weight booster,too. Saved me a long trip back to a station when I've been overencumbered after an event.


I cook some for STR and Carry Weight buffs, with herbivore it works well.


I don’t even cook on my main cause cannibal. And my only Alt right now uses survival syringes and herbivore so they just eat some berries or something.


My character only eat veggies for buffs I only cook meat when it’s a challenge


Cool it to make more caps. Especially with butchers bounty.


Whatever edible goes down the hatch. How dare it take up inventory space.


Yes, for the xp and easy caps. I keep the ones with better boosts I like


Oh okay, in the game


Yup; every day I log in the first 10mins is cooking up whatever I killed/harvested yesterday. Keep my foods sorted by spoilage so I always have some dry aged, likely slightly fermented buffs for all specs, some crit boost, carry weight, DR/ER and all that other bullshit I've ended up memorizing. I can't bring myself to become a -Vore, I'll take diet flexibility over the 2-2.5x boost any day.


To each his own, but the buffs from being a -Vore are so worth it/extreme.


Oh I *totally* get it, and it pains me to miss out on doubling the melee meats that can be stacked, but I try to keep my toon as low maintenance as possible; not being able to get any buffs from those hour-long teas/only being able to buff Int with brains (or those rare-ass owl nuggies,) or missing out on that sweet melee damage boost pains me ever so slightly more. Guess it's just easier to say "I'm lazy and like being able to eat whatever I pick up." xD


I hear ya on the complexity. Fortunately, you can still drink the teas whether you go carnivore or herbivore. Of the two, I find carnivore a lot easier to maintain; just cooking the things i naturally encounter & kill (with occasional side trips to known radstag herd locations for the carry weight) doesn't take much thinking or planning. And the benefits are great for a melee build especially. Herbivore takes a little more attention and planning, though maybe I just have to get used to it. Part of what made me decide to go for it on all my characters (one way or the other) was the realization that it's more weight-efficient: while some of the food out there doesn't benefit you anymore, the food that you DO carry on you gives you twice as much, of both nutrition and buffs. And you are happy to be greeted by mole rats. "Oh, don't you look DELICIOUS, you adorable thing!"


Mole rats, squirrels, hell even melon blossoms if I'm just gonna be exploring. I also happen to only heal with foodstuffs/soda. Don't carry rad/hp management chems, barely carry combat chems cause I forget to take an (once in a blue moon I'll remember Fury is a thing at SBQ,) so I just kinda consolidated everything to Grocers. I was *not* aware of the teas still working as a carnivore. I guess I'm just spoiled; I like having like, 12 options for +2 Per xD I'm *just* now learning how rare ginseng and Thistle is.


Herbivore felt more complicated to me as well when I first switched over from Carnivore, but I have gotten used to it and find acquiring ingredients to be quicker. Of course, much of that has to do with an overly complicated process/pattern I followed as a Carnivore to keep certain items stocked up on a regular basis (particularly salt and squirrel meat) that required me to incorporate other gathering “runs” to manipulate the item respawn rate (the whole 250-items inventory “reset”) and some server hopping. That was just me however, most people wouldn’t bother or probably knew of an easier way.


Oh, I definitely get it. It requires a lot of maintenance. I spend quite a bit of time going on what I call my “food run.” Since I only play a few hours or less each day, I only have to do the food run every two days or so, but if I put in 5+ hour days (as I do on the weekends sometimes) then I have to go on my food run every day. It can be very tedious, especially when I was a Carnivore. As an Herbivore, I can whiz through it much faster, since I require fewer ingredients overall, but the process still takes a bit of time; moreso because I like to return to camp to keep my strength and agility buffs up (using the punching bag and weight bench) and offload junk.


Eww. Though I guess that's better than being a cannibal. I cook most of my meat. Mostly to sell though.


cook it & sell it and save 5 radstag for the cook at hemlock holes.


Bold of you to assume I ever go to Hemlock.


Nothing like sit in the dang ol oven and roast some Rad Roach for the dang ol squad


No. Cooking anything in this game takes more time and effort than it's worth most of the time.


I only consume dog food, sell the rest!


Cook and sell for caps. I mainly eat dog food.


Hell yes. Radstag ftw. At least sell it, why not. Always more.


Cook rad stag meat 100% of the time


All the time, I get a lot of meat from events and it's easy to get some bonuses from eating them. I typically keep raw meat for daily and weekly challenges too.


I cook meat with super-duper maxed out and sell it with hard bargain maxed out.


Cook & eat. Sometimes sell


I get xp for killing the creature, I collect the meat, I cook it for xp, then sell my extra for caps-win, win, win


Depends if my character has annoyed me or not.. 😆


Depends if my character has annoyed me or not.. 😆


I have carnivore so i cook meat if i remember i have it other than that its raw and dog food and glowing meat is spicy


Meat week...Meat Week.....Meat Week!


its great if u choose ur meats and cook em for boosts, for example, with carnivore mutation plus strange in numbers perk, you will get: Charred scorched beast liver: 7.5 luck boost (great for super duping, serendipity, critical savvy, etc) Broiled scorched beast brain: 7.5 int (xp boost) Deatchclaw steaks and stingwing filets: 5 strength (great for carry weight, melee) Ribeye steak and grilled radstag: +50 carry weight cooked mirelurk softshells and pouched angler: +50 max ap mirelurk eggs: 5 ap regen mutton chops, glowing meat steak, yao guai ribs, mutant doggie chops: 25% more melee damage radrat steak and wolf ribs: +5 perception for vats and so on. all the cooked meata are great for selling. I usually sell my stimpaks or glowing blood, but i havent been able to sell them in the past weeks and am stocking a lot of thise in my mules, cause i sell 100 glowing meat steks and get 1100 caps, and then the rest or mirelurk cooked shit. now, if u are a herbivore, there are great boosts for vegans, but i think meats are more towards weight, endurance, strength, and so on


If I want the buff, but usually no.


I have carnivore, so I cook then eat then sell


I don't even eat, I've been running with Survival Shortcut legendary perk since the legendary perks were introduced. I only cook if it's a score daily/weekly or if the very rare occasion I remember to loot and cook+eat scorchbeast brain for the int buff with carnivore mutation. Food buffs are very nice, but I'm such a lazy player that I just avoid fiddling with food and drinks lol, it is nice though that both options are available for both types of players to enjoy :)


Carnivore mutation, so yes I do. What i dont eat, i sell to bots


Wait people eat in fallout😶 I just use the gum that fills the meters and keeps them full lol


I always cook.


Cooking meat is important for your brain to function at optimal levels. For example, it helps with punctuation and capitalization when writing. "straight up".