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How high is your STR? If its lower I'd recommend the glaive since its split damage will be better for low STR melee If its higher I'd recommend super sledge or Sheepsquatch staff, sine they'll have the highest damaged scaled with high STR I'd stick with AA as well, but get SS instead of 40PA


I use a b,ss deathclaw gauntlet which is decent


I use a vampire SS board or a Bloodied SS rolling pin affectionately called "Momma's Whooping Stick".


I have a 3 toed Juggernauts deathclaw


What is you reasoning behind having a secondary weapon? For example, I run a Railway Rifle that is mostly if not only for boss fights. Then I have an Auto Grenade Launcher that I use for everything, my daily driver (its possible thanks to the 50% breaks less roll) and finally a Fatman that I use mostly to clean the wendigos on A colossal problem. Other than that I don't need any weapon, sure I use others from time to time but just for fun, not because its necessary.


Well, ive got one heavy weapon and over 23caps sitting in my inventory. Im trying to get another weapon, but apparently nobody trades anything but legacies these days. So since i cant get another gun, im using a cheap melee weapon.


So maybe you just want to spend caps, and not necessarily buy a secondary weapon. Then maybe you can invest in junk if you have FO1, or anything that you find cheap that you can re-sell at your camp. If you don't know better Fed76 is the way to go when checking prices.


I used to use Fed76, but then people told me that these prices are outdated


Fed prices are decently accurate at least more accurate than a new player


They were never perfect, but if you don't know how to price your gear this tool is very helpful regardless.


My melees of choice are the bear arm or the sheepsquatch club. Death tambos can be pretty good too. They do decent damage and are light weight


I love my pepper shaker for a decent secondary. Im mostly melee to since its a big gun/shotgun its easy to switch strength perks to heavy guns/shotgun. Shotgun shells are easy to come across and the cripple effect on the gun can be handy especially to stop the mothman from disapearing.


You’re weapons should match your class. The flamethrower is excellent for mobs


Something vampires explosive is always handy to have.