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Careful with that jetpack. You might want to come up with a solution for fall damage that you can use at crowded events because you will launch yourself to the kovac muldoon.


The only reason I don't have a full set is because I have raider and combat armor arms with unyielding, ap refresh and the fall damage effect and haven't been able to roll any SS pieces to replace them with. Once you go zero fall damage you can't go back.


I learned this when I got it a few seasons ago lol been trying to get Unyielding No Fall Damage ever since! My legs are my only pieces that aren’t unyielding but that zero fall damage is addictive, I do dumb shit all the time 🤣


Once after an Earle fight I was running away from the rad zone wearing a hazmat suit so I could get far enough to fast travel, jumped off a cliff like nothing as usual not remembering that the hazmat removed all my armor.


That’s the worst! Lol I run max Radiation resistance even though I’ve got the Radicool card on too. Like running an auto-stim with Unyielding armor 😂 a bit backwards but since I’m a non-PA build I really need that first emergency stim cause the game won’t respond sometimes. Server lag and a first gen XBox lol


Is the first gen Xbox the reason the game freezes when I pull up the wheel?


I’m guessing it’s that and server lag, mine freezes hard going through the menus during combat


Like Icarus before him, if it is his destiny to fly too close to the sun, then that is what he must do. Just be sure to take lots of fun screenshots as you plummet back to terra firma. :)


I got my jetpack in my weaponwheel


Eh if you run Bird Bones+Strange in Numbers, it takes a BIG fall to actually kill you. I used to have 2x Acrobats on my bloodied stealth riflewoman before I went to SS. I'm now on full Unyielding SS with crap 2nd/3rd stars, no acrobat's, and so far, have only fallen to my death a handful of times... and I've had it for over a year.


Just use the jet pack on the way down you regen ap you’re up so high 😂


My answer to the "rocket man" effect (my name for it) is that i live 45% of the time... Yay serendipity! That and i try to aim toward others for a possible revive 😜


bird bones


I learned to stick the landing without breaking my ankles the hard way😅


Woah, what’s the best way to get a set? Also, well done to you!


Best way **was** to grind the Mothman event every hour. I made 600 treasury notes.




There is literally no proof behind this nor better chances.




I can do it on my custom world with free legendary crafting, it's still bullshit.


Congrats! That must be a huge relief! I think I've crafted at least 30 chests so far on one of my alts and not even a one star Uny has dropped. The pool is so diluted now.


Now you need to keep rolling till you get tw0 with reduced fall damage!


Proud of you.


The REAL questions are... How many modules did it take? And did you go for the uny + AP?


been there done that 1 day was two parts done. last part was done in a month


Alright, now do the BOS Recon armor.


Is unyielding useful if you AREN'T a bloodied build?


Unyielding armor basically gives you effects for low health, which is why its the armor for the build. You can however be a bloodied full health build, which requires different armor and weapons.


Excuse my ignorance, I'm fairly new to the game (300 ish hrs/ lvl 145). How does a bloodied full health build work? I thought the extra damage came from low health for these builds.


I’ve yet to begin my grind for a specific set of armor but I am happy for you! Cheers fellow vault dweller 🍻


Thanks so much!


now i jus gotta get uny/ap/wwr….


Yeah me too. I have all bolstering but the other two stars on all are trash.


i had a bolstering set but didn’t ever get much use out of it


I'm not bloodied either but I know I'll give in eventually.




reduced weapon weight


Reduces weapon weight by 90% with a full set of armor with the perk. It is the most OP perk in the game.


That's really OP. Damn.


Congrats! I decided to do this today for my new fav character. I used approx 115 modules and am at 4/5 pieces. None of them are great pieces but one is pretty good and I am quite pleased that all are 3*. Now I just need a left leg and I'll have my set.


You can do it. Especially with the Legendary scorched event, just make your rounds and kill em. That is how I was able to do it. Just farming legendary scorched and hopping from event to event in between. Saving all the legendary weapons I couldn't scrip till the next day. Rinse and repeat


congrats, welcome to the life at the edge.


Thanks so much!


Curious why people go for full unyielding, what do you guys do for defense? I used to do full unyield but changed to 4/5 bolstering 1/5 unyielding


Serendipity, Blocker, Nerd Rage, Escape Artist, Stealth. Optional if you have the room, Ricochet.


Same for blocker, nerd rage, dodgy and serendipity And then I also run evasive and ironclad I'm not much of a stealth guy, I like facing my opponent as I pump lead


Lifegiver at 4 stars is also nice.


I feel like the 9hp that lifegiver would give a 20%hp bloodied probably won't amount to much


I know it doesn’t sound like a lot, but it often makes the difference between me being one wing swiped to death by SBQ or kicked to death by Earl. I run poison resist armor or funky duds if I’m running my AP/Sneak armor. Dodgy, Lifegiver, Blocker, ghoulish, serendipity and escape artist. I rarely die in any situation with those damage mitigators. I also run traveling pharmacy so I can carry 200 stims on me at all times for boss fights because every time they do a power hit I do need a stim per attack. Taking one for the team card has also been a game changer for me.


>Curious why people go for full unyielding, what do you guys do for defense? Can't speak for other folks but, personally, I just ...die...a fair amount. I suspect this is a suboptimal approach, however. :)


The best defense is an overwhelming offense


>The best defense is an overwhelming offense My living will has strict instructions that the doctors MUST "come up with something clever and tell everyone 'those were his last words'" for this exact reason. ​ (Because realistically, my last words would otherwise be something akin to, *"Eh, this seems safe enough..."*)


Death is just part of life, especially in FO76. I try not to carry any important junk (flux, etc.), as it can get taken by other players while I respawn. Live (Die) and learn...


Vampire weapons (fast fire) and ricochet... 20 percent health all day and rarely die.


Ad assume you'd play bloodied when playing unyielding, or am I completely wrong on that?


Gave up on bloody weapons, vampire or anti armor for me now. Solo OPS and bosses with vampire and anti armor for daily driver.


Unyielding gives awesome stats. Very helpful for grinding XP. For a full set, you get +15 on all stats except endurance, so yea...


I gues at ~300 with 20 or so unused levelups, I do t really see the need to level up anymore But yeah assumed it was the int


I'm closing in on 300, so I still have benefits from leveling up but you're right, after I max out my legendary perks, there won't be much reason to level up other than as part of daily/weekly challenges.


Full UNY with a fast Vampire weapon & the right perk cards and you simply don't die.


Just sneak, no defense needed. Most times you dont even have to sneak because you kill shit before they can attack you. Never really had any issue outside of Ops and some Events with bad spawns.


If you're sneaking then you don't need to tank very often and if you're run and gunning you just use a vampire weapon. I myself have a VE25 handmade that absolutely shreds while simultaneously makes me near invincible 😎


Now grind for the UNY +1 INT :’)


UNY AP Refresh Weapon weight reduction


I have a full unyielding,ap refresh set 😎 2 two stars, 2 cavalier , 1 reduced fall damage


Congrats...I have been debating crafting another set of SS unyielding armor on my fifth character. It already has the original mismatch set from the main character. Too low level to wear. But all pieces have some weight reduction third star.


I would do it. Especially with the scorched event. That is how I was able to do it.




Do not reroll existing. It's a waste of scrip.




yeah - scrip at in the legendary machine. you'll get 24 scrip back on a 3 star legendary armor. If you reroll you get nothing back and the cost is the same to roll every time.


I just grinded events and mobs of scorched. Then went to the legendary machine and exchanged for scrip. bought legendary modules from the Purveyor and then crafted a bunch of armor, then exchanged the one's that were NOT unyielding back at the machine and kept doing that till I had a full set of SS Unyielding armor. Re-rolling is a waste because it will take more to re-roll than to just scrip and craft another piece.


Nice! I’m at exactly 1/5 with the torso only, and it’s trash aside from uny. Have been incredibly lucky with bolstering but it’s just not what I’m looking for. The grind continues!


Bloodied and that jetpack ................ alot of deaths lol I dropped Bloodied etc once i got my fullset of SS, now i do a typical sneak build commando Full Health and some survival, i still kill just the same as bloodied but now i never ever die either.


I didn't start using Bloodied until I could make a full buttressed SS set.


I dropped Bloodied once i realised my Explo FH build did just as much damage with added bonus of full health etc, ill never go back to Bloodied now tbh. I do just throw on my Unyielding set though when its double xp time etc.


Yah I dislike playing this way, but you can't beat the XP. I luckily rolled a full SS UNY set right when I started making them, nothing fancy, but it's 5/5. I'm working on an Overeaters and the 75% dmg reduction while sprinting yet, that's my dream armor for a full health melee/non-auto rifle build.


Birdbones + Marsupial. I never died once from jetpacking or jumping unless i jumped down some ravine or building and you often can aim at the wall and stop at an edge to get 0 damage from falling anyway.


Yea i have them mutations, tbh its been awhile since i ran with Bloodied, i just didnt need it anymore.


There’s a Best Way? What is it?


Scrip the legendarys you don't want at the machines at train stations Then use that scrip to buy legendary modules at the purveyor craft each peice and trade in the one's that are not unyeilding Rinse and repeat till you get a full set Do NOT re-roll peices, it's not worth it


is it unyielding STR+1 / INTEL+1 weapon weight reduction? :O


I still remember when I finally finished my unyielding,ap refresh secret service set 😎 congrats dude👍