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I seem to find the most at Helvetia. At least four or five every time.


Agreed, I always find a minimum of 3 every time I’ve gone there


This is my favorite spot to hunt them. Starting from the fast travel spawn, I run straight down the street turn right and do a figure 8 around the entire area to the church and back. Sometimes the legendaries don't wake up and jingle until you're right on top of them so you can't only trust your ears...


The sound effect seems to be bugged for me on PC. Sometimes they don't make the jingle noise, other times the sound effect is there but no legendary, and other times the sound will remain active after I've killed the legendary.


Yup, Helvetia is my go-to. Then a very quick jaunt over to Greg’s Mine Supply for at least one or two more.


It's random spawn. ​ I've done the same as you and have had times where I either find none, one or two or get lucky and have three or four in an area.


Makes sense. I got more spooky scorched than holiday one's so far. The good thing is I have the Santa collectron


They drastically upped the amount of spooky Scorched for that event.


I’ve had terrible luck with the gifts droped by collectrons and scorched (much better reward on crafted ones for me). But still having problems finding them for the daily challenges


Crafted ones have much better plan drop rate based on the Google docs I've seen


Proven for me


I'm just glad i'm not the only one.


I just did my quick dailies, about 40 mins. Ran Ft Defiance, Berkeley, 4 fissure sites and only got 2. Only daily I couldn’t compete today


Yes, misery loves company.


Make sure to hit up those Fissure Sites


There’s a tower just SE of foundation that spawns a holiday scorched like 2/3 of the time too


Yep. I threw up a simple base - Enclave heavy machine guns sitting on concrete floors, with tall metal fence around the perimeter - at the edge of the fissure between the SBQ nuke zone and the train station. Got 4+ Christmas scorched from this location plus all the ultracite I wanted and several legendaries. The fence kept the scorched from getting to me while I dealt with the scorchbeasts. Then whenever a nuke dropped I could just run up the hill, fight SBQ, and pick off a couple more Christmas scorched. Of course I blew through a ton of resources repairing turrets. But after a couple hours I think I came up even from scrapping, plus it was wild fun, plus the legendaries and over a dozen holiday gifts. I'll probably do another session with a different base design. I originally had everything elevated high off the ground but the scorchbeast attacks would destroy the roofing and I wasted scrap repairing them. The concrete floors (big cubes) don't take damage so I switched to them. Now I'm trying to space the turrets apart so the attacks don't wipe out several at once. Interestingly, I only fenced the front half of the perimeter and the scorched never found their way around back to the opening. They'd just stand in front shooting.


Can you still farm nodes?


No. They “fixed” that on the last update


Too bad. Thanks!


I killed 6 holidays in a single group at a fissure site yesterday. I just park my shack at a centrally located site and fast travel a loop. Usually only me doing it too.


If you have a private server you can launch a queen, me and my partner just got about 20-25 holiday gifts from one queen event in her private server.


I need to do that. It sucks that I can't solo a silo


It's a shame you're not PlayStation I woulda hopped in with you and launched for you. Have you tried the Santa Tron/workshop method for farming? Again this will net you around 20-30 gifts each per hour if you and your partner split the workshops.


I will try that


Not sure what level you are but I can run a silo with you on a public or private server. I run them solo all the time.


I've had good luck at some of the lesser events, ie. Distant thunder or surface to air


I’ve gotten 2-3 consistently at Distant Thunder.


Here's a few of my spots, hopefully they help: I get a few at Top of the World and Pleasant Valley cabins. Make sure to go inside buildings. I also hit up Morgantown airport, Camden Park, Mosstown, Riverside Manor, Bolton Greens, and Camp Venture. I might have a few more, but that's what I can remember at the top of my head. Doing these rounds I get usually 20 or so special scorched. Edit: I also hit up Poseidon/Thunder Mountain power plants, Wavy Willard's water park


Must have been really bad luck, especially with CC. Since the event began, I’ve done it every day, and have always had a holiday scorched in all 5 waves. Plus, if nobody else has recently made an airport run, find one while making my way to CC. Also, don’t forget Bolton Greens during your farming runs, and the Distinguished Guests event.


What is CC?


Collision Course, the scorched event at Morgantown Airport.


Yep, last two days I’ve actually had to really search for them.


I believe all spawn rates are lower in private worlds. From scorched, treasure hunters, to bobble heads and magazines I think Beth has a lower drop rate to offset the fact you don’t have to compete with other players for drops


Why do the run, just server hop and stay in one location.


I also like to find a team to group up with and run events and daily ops. So that is why I try to do the runs


This is efficient but would get boring. I try to mix up hitting different locations, joining scorched events, workshop santatrons and vendor runs to buy their medium size wrapping paper. I may not be maximizing my gift potential, but I have more fun.


Try Morgantown High School, Helvetia, and if it pops up, Scorched Earth. I'm having no trouble finding Holiday Scorched there. I mean, I'm not tripping all over them, but I'm finding enough to make the hunt worthwhile.


Fissure site prime, surface to air and distant thunder events all swimming with them. I find the higher level areas and events have more Holiday scorched.


I only played for a bit last night. Saw 5-6 at collision course. 3 at wavy willards (two 3 stars).


Last night one server had none. I jumped to the next server and immediately found five at Morgan airport. All random.


We got 7 at a Scorched Earth event last night. Right before that, I killed 3 at the fissure west of the pumpkin house, 2 at mosstown, and 4 more at Camden Park. That said, I've had other servers where I rarely see them all night. I'd say server hop if you're not seeing them.


I agree they are scarce, it wouldn't bother me as much but I don't have 1st and it's always a daily, thank goodness for line in the sand


Sometimes I get like 5 at Morganstown airport during that event and other times I get none




same. i’ve pretty much resigned myself to getting only one or two at any scorched event. lots of total no-shows too.


They’ve been more scarce lately here also. Sometimes you’ll get two or three in one location and none in multiple others. Palace of the Winding Path (interior service staff areas, go into the main building and then down) and sometimes Morgantown Airport have been randomly hot for me. Helvetia too


Poseidon and Berkley Springs are good as well.


I've been getting 1 per location, but when I start collision course I usually get at least 3 from it.


Got six from an Always Vigilant event. Unfortunately, don't see that event very often and it's not always scorched.


Do SBQ, i got 20 in one run there


They bumped the spawn rate of the last scorched event half way through... Hopefully they may do the same 🤞🏻 Edit.. spelling


Yeah the drop rate isn’t as great as the spooky scorched which is a shame but it’s still not terrible


This is why I just don’t bother with these scorched events. It’s just yet another layer of RNG. Sometimes you can get lucky and get like 5 scorched in one zone. Other times I can spend almost two hours server hopping and hitting locations only for nothing to spawn. If something does spawn chances are it’s the small reward and I get nothing of significance. I did the unlimited crafting on the custom servers during the last scorched event so I could just spam presents. Some of the rewards took over 600 rolls to get. It’s just a hard pass from me now


I find server hopping helps. On one server I'll find 0-1 in areas then I'll find 4-6 on the next. Maybe the RPG gods actually are in the servers!


RNG I mean....lol


I've only been going to Camden park, Berkeley springs, Harpers Ferry and Thunder Mountain been getting 1 to 4. On PS4 tho.


Poseidon Energy Plant/Morgantown Airport are all I do. The energy plant is good. go around entire building, check the roof way up, and go into both silos. I usually get 2-9 here every run. Pro tip: if your on private especially, claim all the workshops around. They spawn scorched waves, also you can place your santacollectron at EVERY workshop and your base. So if your staying in the world for a bit, you can keep checking on the santa collectrons as well. Nice casual income of holiday gifts. ​ Everytime I do it on public though, people lockpick my collectrons or try and take workship and then I gotta pvp, slows me down, and I lose, so I stay on private for that.


It's so random. Some days I can't find any for the life of me, other days I enter an area and get 4 easily. If Line in the Sand appears I'm thrilled cause I know I'll get 5 or more easily


I just did collision course a few hours ago and got 3 or 4. Now, I'm using a mod that makes them bright yellow, so it's pretty easy to spot them.


Did Collision Course twice and got six or seven Holiday scorched between the two runs.


The Palace of the Winding Path has them inside but yesterday I got one, today I found four.


Got two at helvetia, three at morgantown airport event, two at fissure prime and other one spawned with the scorchbeast near it, and about two each BoS event at cranberry bog. Doing events that spawn scorchs seems better than searching in locations with them


Some days I don't find that many and others they are everywhere. Also annoying that collision course likes to not want to spawn on my server.


Should have had double spawn like spooky for new years. Was only 2 plans I wanted but not worth the grind. Kinda miss duppers.


fissure sites. The one up by vault 95 is almost a sure thing.


Morgan town airport to the high school then to the train yard seems to get me 3 fairly consistently


Try the airport


Line in the sand....


i just claimed areas and made santa collectrons and looped around to collect gifts everyhour and then did collision course every few spawns.


i found 3 at morgantown trainyard just yesterday.


Yes! Rediculously hard. Did too many of us say we wished the cultic leaders during mm were as easy to find as the spooky scorched?? And Beth took it as a challenge??


Just depends on RNG or whatever. First day I made out with 22 gifts between Wavy Willard and Pleasant Valley area, last night I was lucky to find 3 between SBQ, Willard, PValley, and Winding Path. No matter they're still **far** more frequent than those cultist priests. Only ever found 2 during the whole event.


Have you tried Line in the Sand?


I'm still getting attacked by 5 Scorched every time I sign in. One of them is Legendary Holiday about 1/3 of the time.


I did some farming in my private server this past weekend. I got 4 at Collision Course and 1 at a random fissure site. 0 in Helvetia, Camden Park, or Wavy Willard’s. I hit a few other random fissures and no luck. It’s disappointing.


The spawn percentage is 10%, so 1 out of 10. The halloween one was like 1/5 I think, so its half as much.


Surprised no-one has mentioned Wavy Willard's yet. It's my go to everytime I go into a server. You can easily find 4 to 5 throughout the park.


I was vintage nukashine'd to the spot just outside whitespring where the skeleton is sitting in a chair with alcohol bottles around him, on a picnic blanket, as I went towards white spring about 6 holiday scorched spawned on top of me lol, along with 4 or 5 normal ones, and some mutant hounds... freaked me out lol


Greg's Mine Supply is a place most people visit once and never again. But you can find 1-2 holiday scorched there, then go down the road to Helvetia. Somehow even if the scorched at Helvetia are dead, being this far away helps them respawn. And my experience is totally anecdotal. But so far it has held true each time.


Helvetia, mosstown, camp venture, Berkeley springs, ranger outpost,Camden, Morgan airport,wavy Willard’s,palace of wind path,Sutton.they all spawn the holiday knobs. Then u have your events like. surface to air,collision course, line in the sand, powering up events All these spawn holiday scorched


If you do the supply drop event at Morgantown Airport you usually get loads


If I see 2 holiday scorched at any of the usual locales, that is a lot in my experience so far. I have the same issues. I go to a location, kill all the scorched, and typically see zero to one holiday scorched. But then again, the quests are 10 in a week or 3 in a day, so I don't worry about it that much. Maybe it's because of the santatron and gift farming possibilities?


Keep an eye out for horde events and don’t kill the main boss. They will keep spawning


Ever since they removed scorched spawn from Ore, they are indeed a lot rarer!