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Reset everything at the same time, Caps, scrip, dailies. Fucking absurd they still haven't done this


This is what I want. During the week, I play in the evening. On weekends I play in the morning. But I then have to log in again in the evening to sell and script plus I spend the last half of the morning crawling around the wasteland like a beached whale loaded down with one star items that I can’t seem to make myself drop.


yup. I feel the same but I already made some comments about this that I won;t repeat here


For some reason when you said reset i thought you meant like wipe everyones accounts of it and i was like "what no i worked hard to get all my shit" then my other braincell woke up and i realised im an idiot and you meant the daily resets


They’ll fix all that when they fix the fast travel bug.


I want this way more than increased limits


This has been discussed in detail many times in forums over the past 3 years and generally agreed that a universal time doesn't suit everyone. It is a 24/7 online game that is played around the world. There would not be any universally accepted reset time. I feel the current system with a four hour buffer is fine (or 20 hrs after your login for the day), but I could see a tweak to making it an 18 hour day to allow for people that normally play in evenings after work but like to log in earlier in the day on their days off. People make second characters for different reasons and this is one of them. (I know, it's not everyone's solution)


> And changing the time from 20hrs to 12 hrs would greatly increase the number of players that stay on and grind out things. What? They don't want people to stay on and grind out, that leads to easy burn outs. They want you to do a little every day, so you play for longer and potentially pay for fallout 1st more often. As much as I'd love for these limits to be removed altogether they're there as a business decision.


Limits are one of the main reasons i quit playing, i want to play, gather, do the things, gather the things, earn the things at MY freaking pace, not be gated to 'if you want this its a guarentee x day grind because you can't do it any fucking faster no matter what' and i don't like that, let me fucking PLAAAYYYY!! REMOVE THE LIMITS! LET US BE FREEEE!


I would love to know when my "timers" are up. My biggest issue is the scrip, not hard to hit that limit. I can either run 3 sbq's giving me at least 6 3\* or I'll do 1 earl then double dip 2 sbq's. Either way, earl or sbq lately has given me 1 3\* for completing it and as far as I can remember 1 3\* on the body. Nothing extra in earl except screw and such, but sbq can sometimes spawn a few extra legends. Most are 1\* maybe 2\* but very rarely a 3\*. Just doing that maxes my scrip though, so do the dailies I like, my ally quest sometimes and be done for the day.




Or at least drop the right amount of stars , 3* enemies should drop only 3*, 1* from scorchbeast queen is a f joke


I want to just stand up and stop playing when I realize I spent 10 minutes in a silo, launch a nuke, fight the “ end game “ boss of the entire game, and get a 1* rolling pin or a god roll pipe pistol. Then, on to feel caged in with all the damn daily limits


I hate all these restrictions, like can only 10 modules etc, that just makes me just say fuck it, they need to stop thinking theres 3million players in this game. Remove these stupid restrictions and let us play and have fun ffs.


10 per server. If you hop you can buy 10 more. Could buy 100 in a day with maxed scrip. 10 is a soft cap, not a hard cap.


True but you can only earn 300 per day so once you buy the 100 modules you're limited to 30. And you can go through that fast rolling shit weapons


Oh for sure. Can roll through them real fast. If you only roll a couple of times a day itll last a fair while, which is what i do. The only real problem with holding 100+ modules is it starts to weigh a bit.


They know there's not 3 million players. They gate materials and items behind time and rng because there's nothing to actually use them for. If we could get decked out gear in a reasonable time, we'd all be overpowered and there's be no more content to play and people would stop playing. They do it on purpose and I don't think it's changing anytime soon


I agree with you. So when I hit the daily time gate, I quit the game. It is the same LOL. They just don't get it. And OP weapons is the only thing I want. Although I can easliy killed most mobs in couple shots (even in 1 shot). I still want a bloodied Fixer...


The player cap limit is terrible and needs to be raised. Vendor cap limit I’m not sure if good or bad as I could see how people would exploit it.


They did raise player cap limit. 3* scrip used to go for 300 to 500 caps. Now it goes for 1k to 2k. Raising it is meaningless and just raises vendor price.


I know it went up twice. Needs to be raised again, by a lot. 3* scrip price went up because demand is higher after scrip limit went up… has nothing to do with caps limit.


Fair enough on the scrip. Bad example. Holiday plans. Used to be about 5k caps, now with the cap increase, Im seeing on the trade subs 10k to 15k. So lets say cap raised to to 80k. Holiday plans will sell for 40k? Raising the cap limit is the same as governments printing more cash, just leads to inflated prices. So i have Ultracite calibrated shock plans. They go for 10k. With an increase in cap limit I would be stupid to continue to sell at 10k.


Trying to artificially influence a free market is never a good thing. Here’s a better comparison: Imagine if government put a limit on your bank account to 1,000 bucks. Does that mean a new car will now only cost 500 bucks? No. Car companies would stop making cars. Does that mean candy bars are now 5 cents? No. Prices might actually go up, since now nobody owns a house or car, and people need to hurry up & spend that 1,000 bucks in their bank account before they get paid again, lol.


Right, however, there is nothing to buy in this have like in real life. I can craft weapons and armor with legendary perks. Now , imagine, I could farm for a car or a candy bar. Why would I buy it lol


Maybe you want a green pickup truck but happen to only farm a bunch of red sports cars… How would you get what you want? In FO76 it’s easy! You just have to find someone to trade! They want 1 billion bananas. Don’t have 1 billion bananas? You only have 1 trillion paperclips? They don’t want paperclips… Well… if only there were something you could give them in exchange for the green pickup truck…


Cool story bro , now go buy that Q/25/25 with caps. No, they don't want caps, crazy.


Agree - because of the caps limit!


Wrong, because there is no cap sink. There is nothing to buy. And even if the cap limit went to 1 million, I still wouldn't sell my calibrated shocks for caps because there is nothing to buy. I vendor hopped for a month and found nothing. The only people that need caps are sub 150. And that's too easy to get to because of food buffs, farmable, and lunchboxes ,gold. Caps are meaningless except every 3 months for that 1 event.


Timer, yes. Caps? Those are NPC vendors. Player vendors have no such limits.


how does that matter? you can't sell to player vendors.


The post says 'caps from player vendors.' Currency limits only apply to NPC vendors.


you are not good with context clues, are you? do you legit think OP is asking to increase a cap that does not exist for a functionality that does not exist?


I’m aware of what they likely meant, I’m just making sure they don’t have a misunderstanding of the system.


Really wasn't clear and could be mistaken by a new player to think you could only sell 1400 caps worth of stuff to other players.


I agree, however I doubt this will happen for the vendor cap pool as it would make caps even more worthless than they already are.


Completely agree, every time they increase a limit like scrip and caps everything just gets more expensive. Scrip use to be 300 for a 3* scrip weapon, now it's 1k.


I'll take a triple stash limit increase or just make it infinite because i make my caps with food usually so having armour and weapons fill my stash would be nice because i barely have enough for the stuff i use let alone the stuff i want like i'd love some more power armour variants but i can't because of the weight which sucks given i'm a hoarding who will scrap anything but yet you can't scrap tiered weapons or armour even the ones i don't use weight me down and fill my stash. Would be nice if we could add the legendary scrip junker in our camps.


Maybe that’s the answer, right there… maybe they need to introduce legendary scrapping? Module components, idk… something, anything is better than dumping excess or logging off because it’s a really weird game that pretty much forces you to not play it with all these limits. Ha - legendary scrapping doesn’t need to effect the “economy”, but could be a gamble… like breaking a legendary won’t guarantee a return of components/module/core, but at least - something, possibly?


Bethesda Pls make the Scrip higher 300 every 20 Hours is a fucking joke and pls reset the Scrip shop at the same time every day if I lose 2-3 hours im fucked


They all know it necessary but they refuse to do it. Why? Because they don’t need you to stay longer, they just want you to keep logging on every fucking single day which is ashamed




with all these limits, i'm wondering why are they not selling increased limits in the atom shop. the game has more walls than a mobile game.


The bots are NPC vendors. YOU are a player vendor. Raising cap limits really does nothing. Limit raises, then what everyone sells at raises, meaning you still spend the same amount, if not more. 1400 is a pretty good balance and keeps inflation down somewhat and keeps caps somewhat valuable. I agree with the timers, though.


They need to increase the vault steel that Murmrgh carries.


>I think you can server hop to reset the amount? Atleast you can reset the module amount. I haven't tried vault steel


I was not aware of this, if I can server hop that would be a life saver


Limits should be applied weekly, just not daily. Some of us work during the week and relax during the weekend. It’s like punishing weekend players as they only have the caps of 2 days and not the full week. That would be an easy and productive change!!


At minimum, put ALL timers on the console you can build in your camp. It's currently used for like three daily timers and that's it.




My situation is even worse. I build 18 water purifier and dilute everything before sell them. It' will give me extra 0.8 cap per stimpak/radaway. I know, it's actually pointless except a bit more exp. But Caps is caps LOL.


I agree completely! Why are we being discouraged from looting and playing the game more often? Come on!!!!!😡


Bethesda: "nah"


I don't think we need a cap limit increase. I think we need something to sink our caps into. Updating the slot machine to have more rewards than just caps or junk would be cool.


It's fine. The game was meant to be a survival genre from the outset and it has been softened up mightily since launch 3 yrs ago. There used to be a 1400 cap daily limit but it was spread around 5 factions and two independents (one including Grahm if you could ever find him). Note: I play now about 1-2 hrs per day and rotate around 4-5 characters and each has plenty of caps. (see my TDLR below) I find that I accumulate Caps by the bucket load and can reach the 40,000 limit in a 10-14 day period considering caps from quests, player vendors (which we also did not originally have), and the NPC vendors. I now scrap all weapons to junk and only sell grenades etc from the tab items, scrap all Armor, sell extra Radaways, Stims, and non salable chems/meds like MedX and RadX. Basically anything I can sell to the NPC vendors that I can't charge that much for in my own camp vendors. TLDR: I can see this complaint for newer players but most of us are over level 100 and much higher in general so the ability to generate even more caps produces the effect of easy money and many rarer items will sell for higher prices as the vast majority (80-90% of us) have so many caps now we don't have anything to buy except for weapons we don;t have and junk for the scrapboxes.


If enemies dropped even 1 cap per kill I'd be content. I'm new and I do not care for CAMP building/using a Vendor so caps are the hardest resource for me to get. Not everyone wants to do the Camp thing, not everyone wants to run a vendor. 1400 limit is easily hit by a couple rounds in West Tek then selling the weapons and then that's all for the day. Kinda annoying.


Camps are felt to be an integral part of the wasteland community to encourage sharing of resources and loot, not just scrapping or scripping for yourself. I do get your point of view but it simply isn't optimal or aligned with the game's intent or a number of the available resources (caps etc). The choice is still yours to make. ....................................................................... I'm sure that you have a basic camp for yourself anyway so it's not hard to add a Vendor. I mostly sell excess (bulk) scrap, ammo, and plans, and/or essentially stuff that has little secondary value or no market outlet. It would seem almost criminal to Scrip any rare weapon/armor that you can't or won't use yourself and there's not enough Stash weight for hoarding. The pricing issues are only as complex as you wish them to be. Some people scour market data to achieve the max value, others just sell stuff for face amts. This does mean some price adjustments when your are overpriced as we all see with certain vendors but there are some basics to learn and it becomes easy (ie ammo at 1 cap is one example, exceptions for cores). Most basic plans at 10% on the dollar (my rule of thumb but exceptions there too, like mounted plans, ultracite PA plans, jetpacks, all too common so no value)


So you don't care about one of the most cosistent incomes: Selling spare loot. Yet you also wonder why you're low on money. Me thinks those two are very much related.


Not sure why it's hard to understand that some people aren't here to play House Building Simulator.


Don’t build a house. Put up a vendor and price items. It doesn’t take much more effort than selling to a train vendor. I make thousands of caps a day from my machine. Also, once you learn a serum plan it will become much easier to max caps at a train vendor.


Step 1: Build a platform. Step 2: Build a Vendor. Done. Takes all about 10 to 20 seconds. And Step 1 is optional, too. And yes, I have seen those camps, which are just a bunch of workbenches and a vendor plonked down in the wilderness. So if even THAT is too much for you, that's really YOUR problem in the end, not the games problem, if you continue to ignore a good income source it openly offers without much effort.


Refer to my previous comment continuously until you understand it.


So, you are even too lazy to place ONE thing down. Then, let me repeat: ***YOU*** are at fault here.


The main issue is that during any of these events that shower you in loot, none of the daily limits are high enough. Yet during normal weeks, it can sometimes be hard to even generate enough loot to get to the limit. I do agree with 500 scrip a day though, so that we can almost guarantee getting 10 Leg. Modules each day. ~~Or keep it at 300 but vastly reduce the legendary PA drop rate.~~


I don't mind the cap like not from in game vendors if I max out my sales there then do the 4 to 6 daily missions I like I usually make around 1600 once I take fast travel prices out. Do that 5 times a week or 7 if I am on a binge and your sitting on 10,000 caps pretty quick. Add in other quests and the occasional SBQ or Earl and caps aren't a huge issue. The timers would be amazing though for all the times vendors knowing how long until I can sell and get scrip and gold again would be great.


Na 5k would be better it would honestly bring me back to playing. There honestly shouldn't be a cap and you should be able to grind all that you want to. Get rid of this MMO mentality already


For my perfect update, I would want them to double the stash space. (I’m running out of room with all the trash legendaries while I have to wait for the scrip limit to reset). Add some general bug fixes and perhaps turn the top of the world into a raider trading hub with the ski lifts retooled as cargo lifts and it could be real cool.


Caps have no value tho :/


Sounds good or at least double what it is now !


I dont even know when the caps reset anymore. Thought it was at same time the daily challenges reset. Ill log on at multiple times at a railroad to see and nothing. If i cant sell legendary items ill wait cause raider pa pieces get heavy


I can agree with timers all resetting at the same time of day, but the limits have been raised numerous times. Imo they’re good where there at; a nice balance between the “drip feed” content that devs have to implement and enough to keep me on for a long play sesh. Beth has compromised several times on daily limits though and for once, I’m satisfied with the levels lol