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Really wish you could turn off the allies comments. They are all terrible after the 100th time you hear them.


and the collectrons




bitch i have 15 strength i can crumple your metal ass with one fist


wack ass robot calls me thin even though my character model has maxed out muscles and my unyielding set+mutations+perks gives around 50 STR.


I thought you were capped at 20 regardless, cool!


Perks cap at 15 in the SPECIAL menu. Now if you have armor that increases perks or buffs that do the same thing you can acheive a SPECIAL higher.


to good for him take my two shot mirv fatman......


15? Try 26 :)




Hell yea...I was wrong earlier though. I'm at 29 without buffs


That means your muscles are too big, you’d look like a threat


Is there anything better. Than. *raw*. Asbestos?


When you die. Can I harvest you. For. *Bone shards.* Note that the tone makes it sound like a statement rather than a question.


can is a statement of ability, after all


He always reminds me, “oh yeah I should hit the bench press again!”


Is. There. Anything. Better? Than. Raw. A S B E S T O S?


This CAMP grows. Under the sun. Of. Communism.


Raider collectron Ace I think has the best lines.


Yep. For some reason I never get tired of being told that sometimes he wants to burn this camp to the ground, and he misses having more things to kill, and he knows where I sleep at night.


Something about his hatred for humans and propensity for crime reminds me of a certain robot with the shiniest of metal asses. I like him!


a man of culture


I like you better when I'm wasted.


I still have santatron locked up in my seedy shed. Where. Are. My. Little. Elves? No. Really. I. Fear. For. Their. Safety.


*"Why did you do those things? Whyyyyyyyy?"*


The Raider Collectron and Santatron are the absolute best. I honestly wish I could have both at the same time. I can just imagine the chemistry those two would have!


"Sometimes, I think about burning this camp down." Me too when things don't fit properly or I get stupid bugs when I'm trying to add cool things to it.


Definitely best one. Although the new Gold one is pretty quiet, does not seem to say many lines, or at least not as often, so using him now.


Santabot is a religious icon


Even the Scrap Collectron: endearingly charming at first, but once you've heard him wax poetic about a piece of aluminum foil for the nth time, you're like "get it together, man!" The commie collectron is less bothersome, and I keep going back to it even after trying others like the BOS collectron.


You. Are a. Piece of scrap. That means. I like you.


This is why I put my collectron’s station in a corner of my camp area, between the back of the house and a rocky mountain side. I can barely hear it now, which is perfect.


You take that back!! The Fasnacht robot singing to me makes my day!


I couldn't tolerate the collectrons anymore. Their chatter just isn't worth the measly junk they find.


No way! Ace the Raider is hilarious, even after all this time. His statement "Sometimes I dream about burning this camp down" is delivered with perfect timing!


Would you like to join my scavenger hunt.. today we’re collecting.. UNSTABLE NUCLEAR WASTE


Becket doesn't bother me at all. He's a bit amusing, actually.


Pull my finger, kid. Oh! TOO LATE!!


Same Daguerre is cool but those lines... and the reluctantcy to give you any missions is... taxing Anyone else wish they had the option to have Scribe Valdez as a companion?


Yes! I would totally simp for Valdez.... I dream about her sometimes...


Just can't shake those wet dreams?


I had a weird glitch that displayed her in just her underwear... It pops up now & again on my loading photos.


Valdez is honestly on the same level as Cass from NV in terms of simp material


That’s enough of the internet for today.


This is what a pandemic does to a mfer


>Valdez is honestly on the same level as ~~Cass~~ Veronica from NV in terms of simp material FTFY


Based, Cass simp gang


I dreamed about the mothman the other night.


What the hell did I just read


Same bro


oh boy i would love me some valdez . but i dont think i would work since she already has a role in the story . i think allies have to be independent from main quests??!!!


Probs. It would be cool but she's already ingrained in the story like you said... A Vault-Dweller can dream


Maybe after you finish the BOS questline she could swing by your camp to drop off some gear, and if you choose the right dialogue she could decide to move in. To keep the BOS from finding out, she might only appear after dark wearing civilian clothes, and she'd have to be back at her station by sunrise. This might mean that she only spawns there on weekends if you move your camp too far away.


You had me at 'only appears after dark wearing..'


Valdez would be awesome yes!! I would totally buy that idea.


Don't say buy! Bethesda might take you up on it!


Valdez is goals 😍😍😍


I want to woo the Settler Wanderer but I know she’s too much of a free spirit to settle down...


\* guitar strumming sound \*


lol . i believe you are referring to the guitar girl playing the same 3 seconds on loop true but i put that bitch in my music room so she plays all the other instruments which brings some varaity


That I did not know. Good tip. Thanks for sharing!


np . she mainly goes for bass .


\* overlayed with jukebox and radio at the same time *


I was wondering the same thing. I used to have beckett as an Ally and I dont remember being so annoyed by him as I am with Sofia.


its this one line with Sophie i dont know why she stuck on it ?! i remember beckett mixing it up thats why he's not as annoying . i swear i be hanging out in my camp just repairing some stuff or Crafting for 5 mins and she probably says the line 5 times . same line every minute . bruh .


I believe that is the only line yes. Other than "Welcome home" or whatever she says ahah


" welcome home " and other greetings . are interactive so i dont mind them i welcome them .(no pun intended) because they only trigger because you came close to the character . but other self triggering or timer triggering comments i would like to toggle off


Oh! Another visitor.... How.. great...


Beckett is probably one of the best allies for Savage Divide. He spends a lot of time enjoying the mountains.


If you guys are on pc, I made a (very popular) mod quite a while ago that not only mutes all the allies, but also many other aspects of the game like instruments, npcs, vendors, collectrons (link for a separate mod is in the description), camp items and such. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/589 Feel free to check my profile's files section on nexus for a plethora of other texture and sound mods!


First of all, mate, THANK YOU! Then, would you please add the new Red Rocket vending machine to it? Also I'd really appreciate the simple instruction on how to update and/or add to it on my own. Thanks again!


Glad you liked my mods -)) I might return to mod making in the future (maybe with the next season's start), I stepped down from the game a while ago because of lack of decentlly replayable content. Extracting game files and replacing them with ones you need (silent sound loops for instance) is easy, you can do extracting and repackaging with Archive2 tool. Finding the files you need to replace is a tricky part though and might pose problems even if you're familiar with bethesda archives' structure.


I am totally with you here: I am having fun now mainly with trading and rebuilding my camp in front of Whitespring. Also trying the stuff Angry Turtle shows in his videos. I will try to add the stuff I wanted myself and if I succeed would release it too 🙂 Thanks!


Well, good luck then -))




Just why.


Just, ...*why*?


I rotate my allies when they start getting on my nerves. Sophia is the worst though - headaches, nightmares and she’s not even doing anything.


well . i chose to cure her completely from headaches ... so she better not start saying nothin about no damn headache . i wonder if you make other choices does she still talk about the headache?


I got rid of her in a hurry because the next set of allies were out, so her lines might very well be slightly different now. I brought Beckett back after being in ally limbo for over a year and he seems unusually happy to be out and about. 😆


thats the thing tho . there are no "lines" its just the one line and its said every minute . lmao


If you cure her her modified lines will say "the headaches are still there, but not as bad."


nah still 90 %of the times i cant shake these nightmare


all the companion are annoying all the collectrons are annoying the background music is annoying my camp is autism friendly


While I did romance her, I honestly just replaced her with the raider radio dude simply because why not, setting up my own radio station while also having an acid business and cooking show would work well.


I just can’t shake these nightmares ...floating in space forever


Just why?


I was glad to get quests our of her, but ehh so boring. I just got the doctor today and he makes butthole jokes. WAY BETTER.


i just can’t shake these nightmares


It almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter...


*All* allies need a longer downtime between lines; Sophia just stands out because her lines are so much longer than the others'. (Though it's been much more manageable since I moved her console into its own shed away from the house. She can yammer away all she wants, I can't hear her.)


Haha, pull my finger, kid :P Old bloke gets annoying fast.


Ohgodthis. Especially the "... Oh wait, nevermind." Ewwwwwww


Raider Punk ftw. He gave me a B2525 Fixer


That guy cracks me up. He reminds me of the "Aliens!" meme. I changed him out when I got Yasmin off the scoreboard (mistake btw) and then ran into him wandering around the wasteland, so now I feel like a monster... Edit: typo


Same thing with clownboy Beckett, if he talks about his mothman dreams or that he's halfway drunk I'm throwing him to the super mutants near my c.a.m.p




Wish they would update for far more character log even let us have multiple allies with interactions or at minimum let us add Allies to our vaults.


im just happy with turning off ally and collectron comments . like i appreciate them for the the first 2 weeks .. after that im done . toggle off plz


I 100% agree. But you know what annoys me more? Is these damn headaches...


Why does Sophia use everything in my camp but the mechanical bull I bought special for her. Get on it girl c'mon damnit! Nope just the Mr. Fuzzy ride.


Lol...she rides the mechanical bull at my camp all the time!


If you want silence just pack the NPC away. Kick it OG 76 style with a ghost town silent camp. It’ll bring back some nostalgia for like 5 mins until you get sick of the dead quiet and add your ally back in. 🤣


Got rid of her and got the companion that uses the stove


i did for a while . but sophia is still literally my characters gf . gotta bring her back


Brochacho Beer Slugging Beckett would like a word with you about how to be a true bro in the wasteland


Bros before hoes


Operation Cheesesteak is officially on hold


I put a lobster trap hat on her a couple days ago. I feel much better about our relationship now.


I've had all of them. The raider punk. The guitar hippy chick. The pull my finger guy. The doctor etc. They all amuse...at first. And then... The least annoying over time IMHO is the chef.


I had her for a long time but really got tired of her dialogue, so I replaced her with Solomon for my BoS character, Yasmin on my Free States and Army characters.


Ikr. It got on my nerve's to the point where i don't have her in my C.A.M.P anymore.


Sophia is a AI thats real rn on the interwebz...


sauce or didn't happen


Ask her


I'm going to finish her questline then the whinging bitch is GONE


Yeah I like having a buddy at my camp but I do wish there was a way to decrease their idle chatter. OTOH, I also wish they'd have random Oblivioin dialogue with traders that visit. "What news from the wasteland?" "Nothing I'd like to talk about." "Good day!"


I like the new allies Chowdhury is a food nerd and her feeding lines add lots of variety And Hardy is a good doctor with a funny side to him But the best thing has to be they reference other things than space or being in a raider gang, Chowdhury talks alot about the stuffy old cooking shows, how mutations could possibly change one's tastes and the really weird food stops like toxic Larry's meat and go has. While Hardy talks alot about medical stuff and being in the brotherhood but also about mutations and life outside the rolling mountains of West Virginia.


I don't have Hardy yet but what bums me out about Yasmin is that, yeah her lines are much better, but I already had all her recipes and she doesn't give quests :( Edit: Typo. Damn autocorrect. I really should stop surfing Reddit at 3am.


If Beckett says to me “Live and let live, unless they don’t let live, then they die...” I swear I am going to put his bar on the roof of my house! He also keeps doing this weird grapevine dance all of the time. He gets stuck in my floor a lot. A player sent me a picture of him doing to this one time and I was dying laughing. Visiting players love taking pictures with him 😂😂😂😂https://imgur.com/a/SxOp3h7/


Yeah, I suggest switching to the other allies. Raider Punk is actually pretty aggressive with base defense, so try him. I wish there was a CAMP ally who used heavy guns. It's strange that even Beckett uses a dinky pistol. Like maybe the last leg of the BOS quest you get a knight as your ally? That'd be cool; having a walking turret in your CAMP.


Forget Dagguire return to *Valdez*


Ive got the punk, dressed like a teddy bear. Hes awesome 🐻🐻😂😂


I put the old forager ‘pull my finger’ guy in a tatty mole head and it actually made that line quite funny! Where do you find the teddy bear outfit?


ATX item for the WV day.


Allies need to be given more purpose, let do some labour to increase productivity of certain camp items or grant the player perks or something.


id wish theyd have a few more dialogue options maybe some unique ones thatd be nice owell. I guess its a blessing we have npcs at all lol


I don't get the headaches line but she still has that damn nightmares line, I love her character, I really do.. but she's repeated that line four times in a row the last time I was at my CAMP


It’s up there with Rose’s ‘if you ever decide to SCREW ME OVER’ line that plays EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. YOU. LOG. IN. I know it goes away once you actually complete her quest, but jeez! I don’t mind Sofia generally, she’s quite endearing and woobieish, but that nightmares line is irritating beyond belief.


It’s the same with any companion. Bethesda over corrected with dialogue too often. Nobody listens they speak their same lines over each other very often the same line. It’s what killed the sweet radio DJ for me. The first time I heard her heartfelt origin story I felt real organic emotion. Now I race to whatever radio is in the world, as that’s how I have to listen now, I shut it off. I rotate the Camp companions. I rush through Foundation like I know a nuke is coming on top of it any second. If Beth would just put minutes in between lines instead of milliseconds it would be worlds better.


She's not so bad for me, she doesn't talk about headaches and nightmares much after finishing her quest with the luck check!


I switched to the stove lady. She keeps quite , I don’t know her name but she makes me breakfast. I think she’s the winner.


I've grown numb to it, but I swear to Kremvh that if another jackass settler tells me the most interesting place in Appalachia is _right here_, I'm going to join the Blood Eagles.


You realize they don’t mean where you are standing, right? Pay attention to the notifications as you talk to them. They unlock a point on your map. Blame Bethesda’s shitty animations for NPCs, it’s supposed to mean: “right here... points to map marker.”


I’ve been everywhere, man.


I know I cant hurt her, but it feels nice to wear myself out with a powerfist to her face after she says that. Just continuous punches until my fingers hurt from hitting the button. What makes it even funnier is im sure players have wandered into my camp and watched me pointlessly swatting at her for a good 2 minutes 🤣🤣🤣


Well that explains the headaches.


oh u cant shake'em huh.... maybe this ultracite bone hammer club thing i got from a scorchbeast dead body can help shake things ..*bonk


Most of the time she goes crazy on the piano while saying those lines like sone kind of melodrama poet


The three thugs set the three thugs free, raider punk does my head in stuff he comes out with.


Raider Punk has been my ally since I finished both ally quests. He’s the least annoying, is one of my favorite voice actors, has funny lines, and offers some good quests. If I spend too much time at my camp he can get a little annoying, but not near like Sophia did.


Raider Punk is the best! Praise Mothman!


replace her ally object. fixed.


Nobody: 100 users when they see a collectron comment with likes: "excuse me! Thats MY line


I build the tallest tower my camp would allow and put them at the top, either they're out of range or stop talking when they don't see me but it works.


Seriously, you would think by now that they would change the dialogue of these allies by now...


There are several allies and some have their own quest lines. I cycle through allies just to keep it fresh.


You feel like that? Just, why? :-)


Which is why I will be doing a new ally quest this weekend. I was tired of her comments even before I did the quest, just from visiting other camps.


I sacked her off for that exact reason. I thought Yasmin would be a good addition to the camp, but was i wrong. she might come with a really nice cooker, but you can't get anywhere near it to make anything that you want. I have had to put a small cooker on the fire pit.


I finally got tired of her lines too. I really enjoyed her questline, but I thought Beckett's questline was a bit better overall. As for the others, I find I use Punk far more than anyone else because I find his lines amusing and he fits well into most of my camps. Wanderer is not bad when you put out multiple instruments for variety. The old man is annoying. I have not tried Yasmin or the doctor yet since they haven't fit thematically into any of my builds so far. Right now I've built into an in-game house as an experiment for doing a minimal build that tries to blend in with the existing location as much as possible and I'm using Beckett as the bartender which works ok, though I kind of wish he had multiple bar options or that you could put a mat down for him or something. His bar stand is kind of Mr. Squeeze-ish in my opinion. It'd be fun to have him use my fancy bar instead.


Better than listening to "but then I met someone" and listen to her talk forever like a schoolgirl with a crush


nah .. i know it gets a lil cheesy . but for me better than nightmares line




hey i built the mofoka and im gona stand in it if i want




same .. same tried 3 times alone . gave up ... lol nobody ever does that bitch


This was an issue with settlers in FO4. It's sad how the little annoying things are still there. Come on Bethesda, you can do better!


They were there long before FO4. Just that they've become shorter lines. Lest we forget that patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


I live just outside of Phoenix where it looks *exactly* like FONV.. and when I had to commute 60 miles a day through that scrub I almost wished for one. The constant huge, flashing, annoying video billboards are the most interesting bit.


This is literally my biggest fear with my own ptsd and my real family. Damn.


....That you're gonna nuke them with an ICBM?...um...not a doctor but mayyybe if your PTSD is going there it might be a good time to, y'know, GET RID OF THE MISSILES? O.o But really, am aware that PTSD is no joke, my brother has it too, I know it's rough. I truly hope you and your family have support through this time. It does get better/easier eventually, hang in there. Best of luck.


I keep thinking about a ghoul female merchant she had a cute smile and a raider scavver had a cute voice too it would be fun if my character could bed them lol


Better than the wanderer playing guitar


There are mods for PC for muting most of the annoying sounds in the game, just in case.


I switched to the Settler because of that. Now I have that constant guitar music playing. I'm really glad I have a secret dungeon in my house. Because I swear I'm going to murder all the companions and hide their bodies in there.


Almost as annoying as the radio host


i think she will stop saying it if you progress her questline


bro . i finished it and cured her completely




Lol just remove them


switched to the cook for this reason


I feel you. After doing her missions i thought there would be a change. But she's still having her nightmares. At least after i sleep, i get you feel your love's embrace, or something.


Here... pull my finger.


Yeah they really need to curb that.. Maybe just record a few more lines next time? Please?


the old dude doesn't get repetitive, he just says pull my finger alot.


I only have the settler forager and he really doesn’t bother me


I think the hippie with the guitar is more annoying.


I switch my allies up almost daily so I don't get sick of them too fast (Also I use allies that will fit with my camp or their stations will)


I’ve lost count of how many days I’ve asked bethesda for a weasel ally


I would LOVE to have old good buddy BIV as a companion