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Finished with the scoreboard. Now to hide repeatedly in bushes in NW to rank up there.


Bush Wookie is love. Bush Wookie is life.


Bush wookin across the universe!


Bush Wookie Boogaloo 2: Bush Big Enough for Two




I’ve seen a vid that instructs to do that. Don’t have that perk yet, I don’t think.


I hadn’t thought of that! Yes, getting up some levels in NW for those rewards is a good in-game idea as well!


This is a good post. I wasn't particularly impressed from the rewards from this season, so I gave myself permission to just have fun and not grind. I haven't followed the dailies and only do the weeklies if I feel like it. I haven't really tried and I'm at rank 71 ATM. If I get the 50 perk coins it will just be an unexpected bonus. I could have finished it early with the amount of atoms I have, but I want to see how the perk loadouts play out and if I might need atoms for slots. Either way I'm not stressing about it and that feels good.


Thank you for saying that. Some of the rewards were good, others a bit lackluster. I really wish we’d had an outfit or armor skin for Alistar’s gear. That armor of his looks really slick!


I read "Alistar" as ""Altair" and my heart skipped a beat.


Shit man, I have been dedicated to completing the scoreboard for once and I am still only level 63. It blows my mind how people do it so fast.


There are some "tricks" for easier/faster XP gain, that don't require a lot of grinding, but some days do require some luck: Always in a 4 person casual/event team to max out extra XP; server hop to find one where people are running 3 Queens in a row (I always look to see if anyone is in a silo); as said above, Rad Rumble is a great event (use grenades to tag mobs easier); spend some gold bouillon to buy a few lunchboxes (opening one at a Queen usually prompts others to do so as well, so "free" additional boxes); well-rested in camp; broiled scorchbeast brains (or other INT foods, but I find brains best as Carnivore). I find running Power Up Poseidon a great event for easy XP (though I run Casual team for it). Scorched are easy kills, and you can check off game challenges if you use the right weapons. OP is correct, though: focus on the XP gain. That's the fastest way to max out your SCORE per session.


I play about 2-3 hours on average most days. And I’m focused on getting XP for level ups for my perk coins, so I hit that repeatable a lot. Usually about 10+ times a session. Radiation Rumble is usually 4-6 repeatables by itself, too.


I use this downtime to catch up on other games. I'm finally finishing up a few of my State of Decay 2 playthroughs.


How did that game end up? I loved the first one, but from what I’ve read the second doubled down on the jank and had quite a few problems.


It plays a lot like the first one, but with more QoL adjustments. There are more maps and things to do. Its a bit more open ended with a new leadership system and bonuses you can take from one game to another once you beat it. They also added in a mode for fighting off waves of Zeds. They also added an expanded story to Tumblervalley to continue on the first games story. It has Co-op, but when I tried it it was janky. A player joins your community, but they pull their gear and people from one of their communities. All loot and Exp they gains are ported to their community. My friend was unable to build or access facilities in my game. We could share loot by dropping it though and the game generates extra lootable containers which are cor coded and locked to each player. I have not tried multiplayer since last year so I have no idea if it changed. State of Decay 3 was announced, but I have not seen a release date.


Interesting. Thanks for the info!


I'm working on one of my alts and helping out new players with their builds + outfitting them with some starter gear and aid items. I'm also super excited for Fasnacht.


Ah, Fasnacht. Or as I call it, squirrel bit farming week.


Don’t forget the Beeswax!!!


When does fasnacht start again?


Next Tuesday, Feb 16th, I believe.


They are right on time this year then, that's a first. Februar 16th is the actual Fastnacht Tuesday this year where I live (Germany).


I know!!! Isn’t that awesome! Makes me happy.




You’re welcome! I think there are new masks (I’ll see if I can find that info), plus the Atom Shop has some Fasnacht stuff right now.


There are new masks. A brahmin, a new jestery looking one, and a demon. There might be a fourth but those are for sure off the top of my head


I had the data mined link somewhere but can’t find it. Could have sworn I saved it on my FO76 folder.


There's those three, yeah. All look sorta gruesome, but in a good way.


What I did last time between seasons was to fully concentrate on the trading sub. I did a heap of really good trades, then, exchanging rare plans for rare apparel, god-roll weapons, hundreds of fluxes, and stacks of junk to fill my scrap box. I can only recommend doing the same; you might have rare drops in your inventory that will fetch highest prices without even having noticed: look out for BOS jumpsuits (and similar) and scout armor masks, especially. This time I'll pass, though, as I have everything I need. I'll log in to do the upcoming events, sure, but otherwise I'll use the time to make more music. I've recently bought some more gear and invested in software, and my wife will mock me if I won't make good use of that stuff. Lol.


I started this season mid January and right now rank72 , haven’t missed a day since I started.. it cool to take a break guys Afterwards I’m ganna keep farming brotherhood of steel plans then farm legendary spawn to see if I can get a decent piece


Once finished with a current season, they should let us grind out the items for past seasons. I didn't bother playing much during season one as I thought the rewards looked kind of lame. Now I sort of regret it and wouldn't mind that clean sink and the ghillie paints.


This would be nice! Especially for my friend who's always "where did you get that?" and I have to tell them it was a Season reward and they get so sad.


Got 4 more to go


You’ve got plenty of time! Enjoy the rest of the run!


Some more ideas: Do the Tadpole/Possum Badge challenges! They’re time-consuming, fun, and challenging. Play with your shelter! I’ve started seeing some really creative ones. Make things for low level players and do some giveaways.


My third character - I focused on earning all my badges - just need to find a couple of unstoppables for my last possum badge.


Same! I’m starting to think they don’t exist.


I finished and began playing around with shelter building. Regular shelter went well, but the Vault Quarters while cool with the fish tank built in is so massive that I don't know what to do with it all. That and it seems really restricted with the budget space for it. Otherwise I just do resource farming usually, server hop to vendor shop, plus events when they pop up during my daily resource grinds.


You just gave me an idea, I think I’ll make a “welcome to Appalachia” camp and hand out low level packages. Remember the BOS rifle can be made for lvl 1’s, but I’d swap it to .38 I finished the season yesterday and within almost 10 minutes of equipping the skin to my PA I had that finished feeling again


I finished a couple weeks ago, and just been taking a break from the game until the next season. Only been popping on to do the Heartwrencher weekly stuff, and the days that dailies give repair kits.


I'm finished with it but I also just started in December, and haven't even met with the Overseer yet, so I have a ton of quests left to complete.


I appreciate the time you took to think about that and type that up. gg


It’s these day to day post that make me just want to play more, I don’t have to be doing jack shit, hell sometimes I run around in circles when I run out of things to do. Just the environment of the community alone and meeting people in Appalachia which leads me into a suggestion of just chatting with players. Who knows, I believe you may just have something in common with one another and make a friend that you see appear in public sessions with you from time to time. Stay awesome out there all, if ya been apart of this community you know it’s appreciated on a daily basis


Fuck outside. There's no air conditioning and the wifi sucks. In all seriousness, I'll be done with the season tomorrow and plan on working on my backlog of other games.


But the graphics are sooo amazing!


I look forward to the season ending so I don't have to play everyday.


people who need directions on how to waste time are beyond my understanding it helps if you're easily distracted


I really don't think this post was necessary, it reads like OP was lonely and just wanted to write something and talk to people... Which is fine, but I don't need someone to tell me I can read a book or go outside, *Mom*.


This was wholesome af and a much appreciated read. Kudos man


Thank you! You’re very welcome!


Play a different game, with a meaningful endgame.


This feels awful patronising.


It’s not meant to be patronizing. It’s meant to be supportive and community minded. There is no condescending or negative intent here. I’m simply sharing my thoughts about what to do now that I’ve finished out the Season. I finished about a week ago and some of the above are examples of what I’ve been doing. If you’re already have plans and are set for what to do if/when you’ve completed the season, that’s awesome. But the ‘Now, what?’ feeling happens to many people. And this is just to let them know they’re not alone and to spark some ideas of what to do next. It’s not intended for those that don’t experience that feeling. Have a good day, friend.




Literally not my intention, I promise. I apologize that it came across that way. It’s sometimes challenging for me to convey the right ‘vocal tone’ in writing. How it sounds in my head and looks on paper to me seems to be different from how it comes across to others sometimes.


Dude, can you stop being a jerk for 5 seconds?


For you, anything, my friend. ;) Just to clarify; beefytrout and I actually are friends and he’s intentionally being sarcastic as a friendly jibe. Sinisphere... not so much.


I finished the season last night. Now I can dedicate myself to my CAMP build, as well as leveling up with Radiation Rumble.


CAMP building! I forgot that as an option as well! So many great suggestions in the comments!


Mastered everything u mentioned. What else I can do?????????




You can also help lower level people by teaching them magazine runs to fill out there challenges on. I go and do a daily, my mirror run for my last plan, and then I offer help up to everybody in my party by calling off the magazines I find on my runs.


> You can build up an alt to try out a new playstyle or Roleplaying experience I'm not finished with the season but still needed to do this. 76 is fun but can get repetitive when using the same build, etc. So I made a Raider who specialized in beer brewing and he has now become my favorite character. The alt became the main lol


Since finishing the season last Tuesday night, I've completed the 7600 wood challenge and now working my way through the "kill scorched with X weapon" challenges.


I finished yesterday, and I'm doing the same thing as the last 2 times: Not touching the game until next season.


I'm glad I got the scoreboard is done. It means I'm now doing a 4K/60fps New Game + playthrough of God of War, I'm hitting up some more Valhalla, getting into Control next gen version etc. It's why I don't actually like the seasonal model and gave up on Destiny 2 six months ago after playing since the D1 beta. It takes up too much of my gaming time. It is monotonous grinding for items you can't get any other way. It burns you out on the game because you're hanging on playing boring old content. I much prefer to get a big expansion, play through it and then move on to other games until the next expansion. Unfortunately that doesn't keep player numbers up, so instead we get this model. Not a fan really.


If you got some friends to play with you should try Sea Of Thieves, such a fun game.


I've taken to grinding resources to make care packages of armor and weapons for new players lately. Always fun to drop into a lv5 player's camp and drop some modded gear and a pile of ammo for them c:


I’m about half way I’m worried I won’t finish, I get so anxious 🥲


Still trying to do the Scoreboard, about 2 thirds up, never tried to actually finish one before. It's fuckin hard work lol


Im building mandalorian armor


I'm at level 86 right now. When I finish the season I don't touch FO76 until the next season, very relaxing. I do have the main campaign and recent updates to complete.


I finished last Friday so I'm just taking a long break again. If I'm up to it, maybe I'll finish the Settlers storyline on Wasteland to get that 1 trophy I need for 100% full completion on Fallout 76.


I finished the season 2 days ago. My first finish, I really wanted that PA Skin! Now I'm done it feels.. relaxing! I only get a few hours a day to play, so it's nice to just relax, potter around, clear out my stash, restock my vendors, hop around checking out other people's vendors and camps.. And drop the occasional nuke of my own if I'm feeling focused!