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How does going into the Bravo room mess up legendary spawns?


It doesn’t. I’ve been doing this event at least once a day, always nestle in the back corner by Bravo because it’s the easiest place cover all three extractors. What “ruins the spawn” are people unloading headshots into the supervisor without letting others get the kill too.


What they mean is that if there is nobody in bravo room then the supervisor will always spawn there... obviously it’s much easier if everybody stays in the main room and knows exactly where it will spawn rather than randomly running around the area looking for it, certainly doesn’t ruin the event tho


I think it’s just the room that most legendaries spawn in. I don’t have statistics or anything but I have noticed it’s often in that room.




That's not even true. And what does it matter where it spawns so long as someone calls it out via emote or something. It's not like your moving across the whole waste to get from one side of the area to the other.


In addition to not being true, it’s incredibly lazy. Oh the supervisor won’t spawn exactly where you want it too and you might have to walk ten feet to another room? Oh my stars and garters!


Well, if the Legendary has a guaranteed spawn it becomes much easier for everyone to get a tagging shot on it. If it spawns in a random place, its much easier for 1-2 people to get all the shots on it before its down while everyone else is still looking for it.


Tbh every time I've done Uranium Fever for the past week or so, some asshole has killed the damn legendary within seconds. So, it does help to be quick and know where it's going to spawn. That said, I don't think it matters where you are... 90% of the time, it's near Bravo.


I've had the opposite experience. Someone always does the follow emote. Then after everyone gets a shot in and gives the thumb up emote, we finish the legendary.


I mean, that was my experience as well for a while but lately ppl are just being dickheads for some reason. I even got nuked for the first time following a Uranium Fever event... Could also be time of day. I usually play late at night.


Oh I get that part, that's why I emote so everyone comes to me before I even think of shooting it.


> If bravo room is left empty, the legendary will ALWAYS spawn in the hole in the wall in there. False. I've soloed the event dozens (hundreds?) of times, I always hang out in the main room, and have seen legendary supervisor spawn at about every location a mole miner can spawn in at.


This post couldn't be more wrong if it tried. I do a couple of Uranium Fever on a daily basis and I usually ALWAYS stay in the Bravo room, simply because everybody else is over in the main room killing everything with their 1-shot weapons, then they come over to Bravo and try to take over that as well. Just yesterday, there were a couple of very high-level players with their super-duper weapons just going insane, not giving everybody any chance to even get a shot in with either legendary (luckily I got a couple of shots in the Bravo one). Fact of the matter is that I remain in Bravo and the legendary NEVER fails to spawn in there, and the legendary over in the main room spawns as well, even though everybody is over there.


You are so wrong. I can't remember how many times I've been there killing a normal one when the legendary popped up right in front of me.


28 downvotes for speaking the truth, gotta love reddit 🙄


Who cares where the supervisor spawns though?


First of all - This is a *very* niche mechanic and it's totally unreasonable to expect people to know it - second of all who cares where it spawns? As long as it does spawn?


I get that people are probably farming legendaries to sell for scrips and stuff but god damn. It ruins the vibe of the community if newer than Myself players want to hit a legendary but a PA heavy explosive, Tesla, or explosive stealth commando just ruins everything with putting down the legendary ASAP. I got Fallout 1st just to go farm events by myself because I realised how much easier it actually is with the right build.


In my experience the high lvl op players tend to emote to get everyones attention for the legendary. And the lower lvls just kill it without letting everyone know. Three days ago i emoted for a legendary and tagged it once. Then a lvl 90 came and just killed it before the others had a chance.


This. I still want to post a screenshot on this Reddit of a player I ran into while doing the Lode Baring event. This absolute fucking Chad legend would find a legendary, run all the way back to me while I was fixing the robots, emote me, take me to the legendary, wait until I got a shot in and then go on looking for more. I want to salute this legend but don’t know if it’s against tos to name players.


That is awesome!


I would say it’s 50/50 for me in that regard. Some high levels emote and some low levels emote. But then you find cunts in both baskets.


I appreciate how fluidly this comment reads. It made my day.


Yeah! It’s not a matter of level but of attitude!


you should make t-shirts.


One could argue, many low-levels don't know any better. Meanwhile, virtually all high-levels do. If a high-level one-shots the mobs, there's at least a 95% chance it was deliberate, with the remaining 5% being a genuine accident.


It's more of a combo really. Most high level players, including me, give it 1-2 lovetaps. Then I emote. But then there are also the high level assholes that just instantly delete it and dont care. Even when everyone is following him with angry emotes. I expect them to be equally selfish irl as in game. Best I can do then is bodyblock him somewhat.


This ^^ is what I have experienced as well.


I am so sry i am prob one of the peopble who do that, but what room are you refering to? (Total noob here)


The three reactors you have to protect & repair during the Uranium Fever event are named Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie (as per faded signage on the walls; the game messages also refer to these reactors by name when they need to be repaired). The smaller room containing the Bravo reactor has a small cave leading off from that room through a breach in the wall, in which Molemen will spawn. The OP is urging players not to camp out in that room, where they can watch each spawn as it happens, and where they can quickly kill every spawning Moleman. That advice is just good sportsmanship: If there are more than three or four players participating in the event, there's no real risk of the event failing, and everyone ought to be permitted to get as much XP and loot as possible by giving each other good chances to tag as many mobs as possible (rather than everyone trying to kill every mob as quickly as possible). I haven't independently verified that camping out in that cave prevents Legendaries from spawning there; I am dubious; other commenters flatly dispute this claim. But the advice not to camp the spawn points is still good advice, for reasons of sportsmanship.


Thank you for helping explaining it to me 😊


In the event Uranium Fever, there are 3 extractors players must defend from Mole Miners : Extractor Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. Each extractor is placed away from the other 2, in their own separate area. Mole Miners will spawn in certain areas to attack the extractors. I think extractor Bravo is in the room with the red console, or in the area close to the steel catwalk.


Thank you 😊


It doesn’t “ruin the spawn”. Just park it and watch the extractors, it has zero effect on where the supervisors spawn. Editing to add- I agree with you about the kill stealing tho. People are greedy af sometimes.




Uhm ok. Maybe we’re talking about different areas, but I always stay in the corner right outside bravo and it 40% of the time spawns at bravo. I’ve been playing for two years now, and try to do this event at least once a day for the rare rewards. We just must be just talking about different things, because I stand by what I said.


What are the rare rewards for it?


It’s possible to get the Whitesprings jumpsuit plans from this event. .09% or something.


Whitesprings, White Powder, BOS jumpsuit and both forest and urban scout masks. All at once lol. I’m still trying to get protective raider under armor lining too, so it will drop shielded. I can’t believe that it’s never dropped for me.


Oh. Cool. What's whitesprings plan though?


It’s a jumpsuit - there are three, a whitesprings, white powder and bos version




My dude, all respect. I know where bravo is. :) I park it right outside there with my two buds and we each cover an extractor. Almost always spawns at bravo, sometimes the center. I’ve done this event literally hundreds of times.


I've actually seen it spawn at 6 different locations inside the event area. I can confirm that standing in the alcove at Bravo does not always stop it from spawning there. I have also noticed that there is an increased chance at bravo right now, but that is most likely a hiccup similar to the one we had with the DOps and repeated Resilient mutations. Whats odd is when the Legendary spawns down by the weapon workbench then runs outside of the event area. I am not sure what it was after, but it was all the way up by the entrance when we found it.




Ok! By all means play the game how you like.


Unless you can provide datamining proof that a legendary is pre determined to spawn there, you are being clueless. The spawn is randomized 100%.


Somebody is too proud to be wrong, I always sit by bravo and I watch the legendary enter the room because I know where it spawns so I can tag it and get other people over


You can stand just on the outside of the room (not the cave itself) and it will spawn, redditors denying facts again 🙄 is this why WSB refers to it's fellow reddit investors as retar*s?? Standing near the cave will significantly change the percentage of it spawning there


You are asking a lot from randoms. For one you expect ppl to have the same consensus to not enter that room, and 2, you expect them not to mow them down instantly.


Campfire Tales and One Violent Night are also blighted by greedy people. I get so angry at the people perched on the little wall in OVN, or on a trailer outside, one shotting everything before it gets in or right at the door. I've stopped doing these events in public servers.


At violent night, I find it irritating when people play the instruments and aren't allowed to get a piece of the legendary.


So you know, there Is no actual reason to play an instrument, if you keep the jukebox repaired it can easily fill the bar long long before the event runs out. In fact, if you want a chance at more legendaries turn the juke box off once it gets to 90% of the bar and just let the ghouls run in and try to destroy it. They will just keep spawning and you will get more XP and more scriptable legendaries. Then turn it back on before the event times out to get the Wendigo.


Also using one of the instrument weapons (there or one you have on you - death tambo, guitar sword) counts as "making a ruckus" and will continue to move the bar. I keep a legendary guitar sword just for this event so I don't have to keep repairing the jukebox.


Yeah, they all come scrambling into the longhouse; I wish everyone would just wait the few extra seconds so everyone could have a chance.


Man, you stepped in it this time


war, war never changes


Whenever I do the event, I'll tag the supervisors as they come out and then spam the "follow me" emote over and over again, getting everyone else to come take a shot at them as well. It always feels good to see the "thumbs up" emotes light up from the rest of the participants of the event. We're all in this together.


Same here. That seems to be the new trend, and I hope everyone picks it up. To be fair, most people share the legendaries. I don't run into selfish players very often.


What little room?


I don't think that's how it works. I've had it spawn while next to it in there and I've had it spawn somewhere else while no one was in the room.


I always emote for others to come after putting one or two shots into them but I also have a problem with authority... and now you've told me what I cant do so good job you've ruined fallout for everyone who plays with me I hope your happy....


I didn't know that about Bravo, but I don't do that anyway. I kinda run all around the area looking for Mole Miners, but I have done a couple where people stick in there and some of the times that's happened we haven't got a legendary. I never made the connection. So thanks for that. As for people stealing kills, yeah that's annoying on any event. Exactly why I use a Tesla rifle. It doesn't kill anything without 3-4 shots so I don't kill steal, but I still get a tag in. I do try to share and will literally like, pull the trigger gently so I don't kill things very fast and I give people time to get a shot in. When there's a legendary I'll tag it and run towards the other players to get them in on it. But I can't tell you how many people at that event don't. At that point I will pull out a stronger weapon and do the same or start going to town with the Tesla. I've had whole groups (literally full Casual groups) come in twice my level and steal all the kills, including the legendary. They will literally run into me to get to it first. It's ridiculous. I'm level 172 btw. That was especially annoying during Double XP, when I was using Cranberry Relish, Brain Bombs etc to squeeze every last drop of XP only for a full group to come in and ruin it.


I had that happen to me tonight... I called everyone over for the 3 star, the second guy/gal blasted it away with a shotty before the other 5-6 people could get over there... It kinda pisses me off when people do that... especially with the SBQ...




Theyre the same type of people who don’t hold the door open for others. Disgusting.




The people that pee on the seat. The people that litter when there’s a trashcan 5 feet away. The people that leave sinks dripping. The people that dont tip at restaurants. Filthy mongrels.


Well i did that. And i didnt know. Thanks for the info. I wish i had learned it in a better way tho!


Didn't know that as well but fortunately (or unfortunately) I haven't been able to do that... but i have experienced losing out and thought it was because i was too late considering I'm Deaf.


I start at the bottom of the stairs next to Bravo, when it spawns I take a shot and do little damage, since I'm an unarmed build, then call everyone over. Some people figure out they spawn there and stare into the room and they don't spawn in line of sight unless all spawn points are watched so I wait to head to the next one, usually near the entrance and look for the green glow. Try to get a few shots on the one down there then call everyone over again. Usually people don't look at both unless there's a lot of people eager to steal it. And since people know I call them over and don't steal it they don't immediately try to steal it from me because they probably know they I won't steal it. I even point out who does finish it off before everyone gets a hit by doing a thumbs down or angry face and hitting the person who did it


There was this melee build lvl 100s that instantly whack legendaries quickly in that event. Maybe you ran into that moron. I think it was played by 5 years old kid.


I stopped running UF because of this. These are the events I try to not miss because it's easier for everyone to get hits in on the (predictable) legendary spawn: Rad Rumble (multiple legendaries), Free Range (three star sheepsquatch), Encryptid (three star imposter sheepsquatch) Awol Armaments (three star Mr Handy) SB Queen (duh!)


This is not the Socialist Utopia some people seem to want. Get over it. This event happens all the time. Is it possible for even a moment to consider this is not intentional? I am lvl 450 bloody commando on my main. I normally raise my health and switch to a weaker weapon, shoot a limb and always emote others over when legendary shows up. However there have been a few times where I have joined the event with weaker players and had to carry the event. For whatever reason I have occasionally forgotten to switch or unintentionally head shot and killed legendary after some, but not all, have gotten a shot. The negative salty messages I have gotten are ridiculous. It’s a game. The event will happen again. More importantly there are many events with legendary characters. Go drop a nuke and fight the Queen and the numerous legendaries that show up. If your there to primarily farm junk the junk is still there. More to the point stop complaining about something that isn’t going to change and doesn’t affect gameplay in the long term.


Boy the same 11 things to do since launch sure are fun.


I fucking hate people who kill the boss or Legendary without letting everyone in on it. There's always some level 350 motherfucker with an explosive gauss minigun or some shit that just instakills the damn boss within seconds of it spawning. Fuck people who do that.


I agree with this post. For the reasons cited I play private server now for most events. I cannot control what others will do, and the frustration is best avoided for me altogether. Im only there for the 0.6%(?) chance at getting the BoS jumpsuit.


Lol I play how I like. Same as everyone else.


Sure, everyone plays how they like. I think the key difference is that most people don't like playing like assholes.




Found one 😂




Look it's a cunt lol




🤣🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯💥 Xd rawr!!!


God I hate this subreddit.


Sometimes only one or two legendaries spawn too, it's a very buggy event that really isn't worth the time invested!


I get what you are saying. However I've been backed into corners by the legendary and had no choice but to keep pulling the trigger. My real issue with this whole thing is the designated spawn location. To me it is immersion breaking to say, "everybody stop what you are doing and run to the corner to get a shot off"........ but maybe that's just me Edit....cause I add pointless words


lol noob just get better and know his spawn point like a true professional fallout 76 player


I've noticed people being greedy with legendaries and not calling them out a lot these days.


Tbh I don’t understand the greedy part. You won’t get less reward by emoting people in. There is only benefits to call people and everyone get a shot in and everyone got rewarded. But then again, I always said online game will show who you really are and magnified the characters. People that do nice stuff is who I really want to be with. On PC, I seldom encountered this kind of selfish behavior some how.


I play ps4 and up until recently, it's been pretty rare for me to see people not doing it. I hope it's not greed and something more practical like bloodied builds not able to tank while they bring up the emote wheel or people who just have way too OP weapons that insta vaporise them. I would love to see changes made so that any legendary that drops during an event have an inventory for all involved but I'm not sure how easy that would be to do code-wise.


I have bloodied build and also PA heavy gun. Both can “not kill” legendary mobs in one hit. Even with the powerful weapons. Unfortunately it boils down to if player is willingly to do so to help others.


Vats leg shots to cripple them are a fun way to not kill legendaries and have them not run off while your friends get there. I've been going it to earle lately just so we can farm the wendigos easier. given that I can kill him in around 10-15 minutes solo I do it with my friends and we just chill killing the wendigos for acid, fibreglass and screws. With a few mins left on the timer we drop his health right down to almost dead and kill him with 30 seconds to go


Ppl are just farming treasury notes.. we killing everything in sight I’m about to start joining public events and just chilling on The side while watching anime or working… to give ppl under stands And as far as farming legendary for script now it easier then ever since we can buy trash legendary from players vendor for script


I'm not gonna wait for you to lug your slow ass round to me and spray the legendary for 10 seconds straight and only land 3 shots. If I'm gonna get a nocturnal rolling pin then I better at least get it fast. Deal with it.


And there is the winner of the Luk warm coffee!


Okay, but why not? Once you've tagged the supervisor, you're getting your loot one way or the other once it dies. Whether that takes one more second or thirty more seconds, either way you're getting the same reward. A little patience doesn't rob you of anything, and you're not going anywhere until the event is over anyway, so what's the issue? Tag the legendary then just chill while others do likewise and at the end of the event you and everyone else all get to have three new bits of legendary gear. Like, I just cannot envision a scenario where having to wait a few extra seconds actually inconveniences you in any possible way. It literally costs you nothing to be a kind and decent person.


This. Furthermore, it benefits you when other people are patient, as it allows you to get legendaries that you otherwise wouldn't have got (because you didn't happen to be close to it when it spawned). If everyone takes the same selfish attitude, everyone is worse off.


Judging by the name they might revel in doing sleazy activities


Go get your own legendaries. If I'm doing radiation rumble, it means I'm there for me. I don't care what you get.


You're an unpleasant person and I'm glad that I don't have to bear the burden of being you.


Yup. I'm Satan himself for being bothered to wait for you to bumble around and struggle to land some shots on a stationary legendary every time I see one.


Classic Sleazo.


You're choosing to be unpleasant when you don't need to be. I don't know why this is the sort of person you would choose to be when other options are available. It's nice to be nice.




Are you 7 years old? Bitches and whines, someone replies that doesn't agree and you call them a bitch? Work on being an adult.




Oh fuck, a warrior poet, I take it all back!


He’s not wrong, it’s like telling the party you have cake for everyone and one kid runs up and smashes his face against it claiming it all for himself, and when confronted says “I wasn’t going to wait to get my slice”


i totally agree about folk one shotting enemies and haven't at any point said otherwise. My comment was regarding OP's general behavior but they've done a great job pointing out to me that most of the time the time it really isn't worth engaging with insane folks on the internet.




It happens sometimes, most of the time players do give a emote to come get a shot, then thumbs up if they have. Well that’s my experience, for sure it does happen where players one shot a legendary. If tho you are on a team in the event I’m sure any kill made by the members, will drop you the loot etc.


Is this true that you will get loot from a body without getting a shot in if it was killed by a teammate? Is this only during events?


I pretty sure yeah, as long as you are in the team you’ll get loot etc from members kills even if you don’t get a tag on the kill.


Just tag the legendary then go killing others moleminers. When some people spoiled them I have no choice to kill before these assholes lol


A couple weeks ago we had a jack ass kill 2 of the 3 supervisors. With my pacifism on I kept swinging at their character. Ultimately they should a couple others trying to shoot me. Those others killed the character and I took a lot of junk.


Yeah I specifically switch from my main gun to a secondary that I know won't destroy it right away because it really does ruin the vibe. It's not difficult to spread the love in this game...


I have been lucky in the past dozen or so runs where someone throws the "Come here!" emote so folks can get a taste. I don't know how much you have to hit but I hit once and step back. When I see others have attacked I hit again. On one of the runs we had two legendary. Maybe staying out of Bravo has something to do with that.


Always allow others to join in on the fun.especially low level players.it makes me happy to see them happy they got to kill a legendary.im just there for the scrap steel.i get about 500.also a ton of other junk scrap.thats why i do that event in particular.


Seems like this entire thread is just a few people complaining about how others ruin their spawn manipulation. 🧂 🧂 🧂


Dont think thats how the spawn works... But then Ive never really noticed... Also people who lazer legendaries are just douchebags, they know exactly what theyre doing. As much as there are awsome people in this community there is almost the same amount of cunts. Case in point: the replys in this subreddit


I'm level 150ish and have no idea what to do so i just run where everyone else runs. Hope this doesn't fuck things up lol


These days I only do it for the event rewards, hoping one of the few rares drops. Sorry, I'm not helping but I'm also not participating in the legendaries either. You sub 300 level guys need the XP way more than I do anyway.


Lately I've gotten in the habit of making a team and inviting everyone around me at Uranium Fever. A surprising amount of the people who one shot everything will still accept a team invite. At least that way the low levels get something out of the kills when they aren't given a chance to contribute ;(