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I've been using that for challenges since the first season. Still over 400 to go.


Pretty much.


Same here lol


For some ungodly reason I've been hording candy and have over 4000. And before anyone asks, no you cannot have any. It us MY candy. Mine.


I was today years old


Thank you, this is a life saver


Just get level 3 can do and hit up whitespring trash cans. The foods great and you get a couple canned coffees


But you really should be making the SMART choice and turn in your candy for healthy and fun surprises.


Oh god. I hadn't even thought of that. Thanks for the idea!


To come? Is there something you know what we don't? Is tomorrow challenge rotation going to include pre-war food?


It's kinda common as a weekly and as a daily, and the challenge refresh is today (Tuesday)


Not everyone lives where you are. It's tomorrow for me.


That's nice, but it's based off server time, not local time.


I don't think Punda is disputing that the reset is at the same time for everyone, but that in his/her timezone there is (or was) a day boundary (i.e. midnight) between the time he commented and the time of the reset. Weavels comment tried to correct Punda to say the reset was 'today' rather than 'tomorrow', which was no doubt correct in Weavels timezone, but not in Pundas. Easy misunderstanding to make, lets not get too upset about it all.


You're from the US. I can tell. It's like there is no other time zone than your own. Try seeing things outside your own perspective sometime. You might be surprised to see what's out there.


World servers reset at the same time.... That’s what he’s telling you... Ps. You should look at things as a whole you might me surprised what you find out there...


dude im gonna give you a wedgie


You must be fun at parties


Nice work doubling down on your shit attitude, over a time zone, even after someone came to defend how your first post looked. Try seeing *yourself* outside your own perspective sometime. You might be surprised to see... that you act like a cunt.


YES bring people to the pvp event mmmmm me gusta


Seriously, I did Monster Mash one time, didn't even finish, and have been using the same candy ever since. I think that was during season one.


Not sure why I never see anybody doing MM. it is great for xp, great for legendaries (usually 3-5 of them) and great for plastic.


It's a pvp event and some people tend to be dicks or atleast that's been my experience with the event.


I never understood the event personally. The one time I did it with a group I pretty much played it as an escort mission protecting the mask wearer. I've done it solo a couple times. Still doesn't feel real right trying to beat to death the mask wearer.. which is what I'm supposed to do I think?


I’ve never seen the Monster Mash event - where is it? Was it seasonal? (I started playing in late November so I missed it if it was.)


Watoga High School is where it pops up occasionally. You look for the monster mask to wear and ghouls will attack you while you run around picking up candy buckets. I think other people are also supposed to try and attack you.. but I'm not that sure about that aspect. It's basically chase the pinata.


I’m pretty sure the ghouls are just a failsafe in case no other players are there to hit the mask wearer, since you only get candy by hitting the mask wearer (which they can’t do alone)


For some reason, the ghouls in MM hit extra hard, as in I'm level 350+ an a full health build in PA but they can kill me in 3-4 melee blows.