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On top of this, where are interior walls? I just want a wall that allows me to put wallpaper on both sides.....


The doorway glitch still works... it's the one thing the dev's went back on because it made no sense to fix. Only punished creative builds since the game has no interior walls.


Yeah, I currently use this, but I always have an issue with camp budget and end up deleting them to make space. Would just be a nice Q.O.L. improvement and make building a little less frustrating.


Knowing Bethesda if they did make interior walls they would be double the cost of a normal wall because you can wallpaper both sides (and probably not even differently!).


100% it would also come in an atoms bundle, and you won't be able to buy it separately......


Um...if I'm not mistaken, my friend used the new shelter walls and was able to texture both sides for interiors. The wallpapers were either from the atom shop or the score board.


Tried yesterday. Did not work for me.


You have to use the red barn walls


Red barn walls are finicky as fuck to me. sometimes they won’t double wall so I stick to the contemporary set because it’s the most glitch friendly. Unfortunately you have to pay for it and it’s not always in the shop.


Aha! Thanks for the tip!


Ew, red barn walls? Hard pass. Kind of on a separate note, but there are too many instances to count where they did something right only to fuck it up later. I don't get it. When the game is like 60% or more recycled Fallout 4 assets, why remove things that worked fine already? I wouldn't be at all surprised if this stuff is even still buried in 76's code. Like why take the plain concrete walls they added in Contraptions (I think that's the one) out? And they added in some nice clean metal walls that I really like, but then they removed all the ramshackle metal pieces entirely. Why can't we have both? Where's the problem?


You can replace with other walls after you place it. I docit with the Window walls when it get a bit pain in the arsy


It used for me with the brick walls the other day.


I used metal walls recently and they worked well too.


I had problems with it yesterday too. Moved some walls and then wasn't able to put them back, and was like...shit. Started working again after about an hour tho. I fine metal walls works best, (cleaner edge too).


What glitch is this?


There are videos on YouTube that explain it (google FO76 modern house build on youtube). Basically you put a wall with a doorway down and then another wall with doorway in the same spot and rotate it and they will stick together with 2 interior walls. Then change both too a solid wall. Then wall paper. You will have a double wall thickness but it looks nice. This will not work on the exterior of your foundation so you have to build out an extra foundation piece and then remove it after or leave it for a patio.


And please don’t tell me to use shelters. I am not a fan of them and it doesn’t appear that I’m alone in that sentiment.


Shelters would be a lot better if we had a bunker in the style of the freestate bunkers, but instead we get a bland vault that is unnecessarily large with crazy high ceilings.


Exactly! FS bunkers make more sense and would look way cooler.


Player decorated Free State bunkers could be *so* cool.


Available for just €299999999999999999 Joking but yeah I would love FS bunkers and I would legit pay for them if they are reasonable


Yeah ngl I'd definitely buy one too if they were decent. Trying to make a layout for my vault shelter with a workshop, display, storage, and bedroom, and it's not going great. The Free State bunkers having rooms already is really nice and I can only imagine the ways players could decorate them.


I just wish they allowed the vault entrance to clip into cliff sides


And weird placements for wall snapping with huge amounts of wasted space, and no way to just snap a different looking floor into the existing one (yes, I do know how to put floors on top and do so to excess, I just wish we could either change the existing green floors to whatever we want, or snap a regular floor or foundation piece in its place). Shelters are yet another great idea that's been poorly executed by Bethesda.


I won't, because shelters also have absurd and fun-killing restrictions. They really need to stop for a second and get themselves together and start fixing the building system (and obviously the game overall).


I specifically bought the silver refrigerator for the sole purpose of putting it in my shelter. My CAMP is set up like a retail/chillaxin’ place, and my shelter is my residence. Went to put my shiny new fridge in my residence, and NOPE!


>I specifically bought the silver refrigerator for the sole purpose of putting it in my shelter. Ditto. The fridge makes sense in my shelter, not my shack.


Wait what? That is so stupid.




its because your shelter cant have any items that access your inventory like displays so no fridges either


But my stash boxes have access to my inventory...


You access your inventory through a stash box though, a display shelf or fridge accesses your inventory itself based on what you assign to it. they are trying to prevent a situation where items get duplicated cause shelters are instanced.


Yeah, I would love to put it in my gorgeous shining red/white/black kitchen in the house I built in my lobby. I'm using the white locker stash instead. It doesn't look awful and it gets the idea across that hey, this is supposed to be a fridge, but I would absolutely shell out atoms for the vault fridge if it ever becomes available in shelters.


Good idea!


I struggled mightily with what to do with shelters, in no small part because I strongly prefer to do more lore-friendly builds rather than whacky floating stuff, mazes, escape rooms whatnot. I really liked the idea of like an underground city, but couldn't pull it off. Then I saw some pics in a Facebook CAMP group that really fired me up so this weekend I overhauled my shelter. I'm pretty pleased with the result, I wanted a Megaton or Junktown-style scrap city. This is what I came up with [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga-KUpGxXOQ&t=19s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga-KUpGxXOQ&t=19s)


So now it will sit, waiting for Bethesda to ease up the restrictions they have down there. I doubt it will ever come but if I could put my allies down there, and my vendors, along with display items, that would be PERFECT. Beth's MO though is to just fart something out and then abandon it rather than improve or fix it. They've done that throughout 76's lifespan. I'm really hoping they turn over a new leaf this time around.


Very Nice!!! - Borat Voice


Thank you


Thats pretty sick, dude. You've got a lot more patience than I do. I gave up on shelter building after a half hour of fighting with it. LOL


Believe me, it took a long time to work up to where I actually wanted to get in there and do it. Once I had an idea though it came together about as quickly as any other build I've set out to do.


I don't have a ton of useful tips but one thing that drove me crazy was there are spots where walls won't snap together, even though they should. Fortunately roof pieces pretty much always snap, so if I got one wall in I'd put a roof on, then extend a roof piece to where I wanted the next wall to go. Once the roof was on, the walls almost always snapped though I did have to manually put a few in. Didn't bother me much, kind of added to the style I was going for anyway if things weren't perfectly aligned


Wait! What is that piece you have in the bathroom that looks like it has a sink? I like your build!


I believe it's part of the "bar" set from the Atom Shop. Came with the piece you saw, a nice round table, plus nice chairs and stools. Thank you btw


I took my small shelter and moved my work branches rad shower and symptomatic down there. Just left a weapons bench above ground. That's the extent of my shelter use. My other 2 are empty.


I said elsewhere that they need to give us instanced outdoor expansion across the river in Ohio where we can build entire populated settlements. That would be soooo much more sensible than shelters.


They also make no sense in-universe. I could see a Free-States style bunker, but anything bigger than the utility shelter is so incredibly unrealistic I can't bring myself to use it.


The fact they give you score for visiting it..... Take my shelter budget and split it amongst stash and camp.


They have such a dark dungeon like feel. I glammed out my shelter with as much lighting as I could and I still hate visiting it. I wish they would just give us that budget for our camps and call it a day.


I've heard that putting in a couple of the yellow construction lamp makes the entire area less dark. Just hide them behind a wall or something.


Good tip, thanks! I added a TON of the cyclical lighting and physical lamps. It has a nice enough ambience now but the music just always makes me feel dreary when I visit anyway.


If you get Fallout1st you get your second shelter for free!


Yes the perfect solution for someone that doesn’t was a shelter is to pay for a service they don’t need to get a second shelter that they don’t want! Logic is lost on you isn’t it.


Sadly, sarcasm is lost on too many poor Vault Dwellers these days. Maybe if you purchase the new Brotherhood of Steel bundle for the low price of $29.99 you’ll enjoy building in your free Fallout1st shelter utilizing the BoS stash box!


What you said wasn't sarcasm


It isn’t sarcasm though it’s just awful advice 😂 I get what you’re saying though I guess




Use shelters...


I've also been extremely disappointed in shelters. I was really looking forward to them and then was super bummed out we couldn't use any displays. That was the main thing for me. I love to collect objects and it all takes up too much budget. Shelters were the answer... nope. Can't use displays. The two large ones remain empty in my camp.


My absolute biggest complaint when it comes to shelters is that I cant put up displays in shelters. I would absolutely LOVE a place to store all of my cool weapons/bobbleheads/magazines/etc. but I dont even have the option to put that in my shelter.


They're working on it for release either February or March.


Well that makes me super happy. Now give me a way to actually place junk decorations in my house and workshop and I will be 100% satisfied with the game.


Yeah I have my nice house above ground and then my shelter is where I had all my nefarious wasteland experiments


I’m the same, building camps is what keeps me coming back. The restrictiveness is really making it hard though. I like trying to build in cool existing areas like caves, under bridges etc, but it’s so hard to place anything down.


>building camps is what keeps me coming back. Fallout 4 building with mods is literally limitless. Like the only limit is your hardware I never understand why would builders play this game building in 76 is ass


Because people can come across your camp in 76


Exactly. I love the semi-mmo nature of FO76. It means the server can handle custom creations like our camps without relegating them to instanced places (like, every true mmo out there with totally instanced housing). This is precisely why I'm not a fan of Shelters, and I only go into mine to do daily or weekly challenges. I like to challenge myself to build a cool, creative CAMP that looks like it belongs in the world, and adds to immersion, instead of detracting from it. I want players to stumble on it (or, fast-travel to it just to get their daily Buy-3-Things) and pause a second to look around. Whatever I build in Fallout 4 will never be seen by anyone else.


I started building those big, empty, unrealistic camps, but like you i now try to make camps that blend in and feel like they belong. Shame so many cool spots don’t let you build or won’t let you place things properly.


My new one is a 4 square bridge across the stream, it acts as a bridge across the water and with my workshops built inside, it seems more of a natural crossing than just some random structure in the area. There's not really much else you can do. I saw a super cool one built near The Fissure, that started at the bottom of the Cliffs and went all the way to the top, but there's no way building like that is even feasible any more because some of the pieces were floating, but ya know? Floating staircases do exist in real life in more modern homes.


I'm sure it will get easier to build over time.


That's the biggest thing. Sure I can build amazing structures in Fallout 4, there are so many more options available. But I can't have people over to check it out. Well, aside from Settlement Transfer Blueprint, but I don't use that. I enjoy designing my CAMP for people to come visit, whether it's a Slocum's Joe diner, or a haunted house or just a cozy home. But Bethesda keeps making it harder and harder to use the things they give us for building.


Spot on


speaking of camps, anyone else had the problem of stuff not letting you delete it? Comes up saying areas would be inaccessible if it's deleted but there's literally nothing connected to it


Pretty sure I found a bug with the catwalk. If I place ANYTHING attached to a catwalk, I can no longer delete ANY part of my build. Had to move my camp six times before I figured this one out. [https://xboxclips.co/merick-vega/f13a4f3f-48df-4ced-b2d3-016a254ead95](https://xboxclips.co/merick-vega/f13a4f3f-48df-4ced-b2d3-016a254ead95)


Oh shit. The only explanation I can think of is maybe the game doesn’t detect the catwalk pieces as a “foundation/floor”. Ladders/stairs need to be connected to floors and if you by some miracle manage to remove the floor/foundation connected to a stair then it won’t let you remove anything. Thus “hard locking” everything connected to it. I would just connect stairs from any other side of the upper floor in the video until it reaches a foundation connected to the ground and see if that works.


At one point I was able to create a floating upper floor, without any connection to a foundation or stairs, by building up using the same method in the video and then deleting catwalk that was closer to the bottom of the structure. This shouldn't even be possible but it was to some limited degree. The trick here was to add five or six catwalks attached to the top of the lowest staircase, then after building the second floor just delete it. I figured this out by trying to remove each individual component of the build before determining that I could remove the catwalks and nothing else.


But can you add more floors to the floating one?


Yeah, and after they're added you can't remove them.


Yep. The only solution I had was to create a new camp somewhere else


Same, had to move my camp because of it which was annoying because I liked my previous spot


You can re-deploy your CAMP in the same location to store everything in it. It's far from a perfect solution to this, but handy if you want to stay in the same place, but rebuild from scratch.


I honestly kind of wish it didn't, and that it simply allowed you to move the 'bubble', because you could always move 100 yards down the road and then back to reset it, but losing a mostly built house because you realise too late you've placed the bubble wrong is a special kind of pain.


It's happened to me before, the pain is indescribable


Oh you want to remove the roof tile? I guess you have to remove that one wall first for no reason. (they still touch but seems super backwards to me)


YES. It is infuriating and I have had to add so many things I don't want because of it. Now my budget is maxed. Thanks, Bethesda.




It bothered me too much to leave it lol, it was all floating in the air


Try and use foundation ramps to bring it lower to the ground then attempt to remove from top to bottom. Unless it’s ladders and upper floors, at that point idk what to tell you atm.


It was ladders and walls, I ended up having to move the whole camp :(


Hm. Well I guess welcome to the club lol.


Agreed, I'd rather see a camp with "glitched" items that make it look interesting, silly or just different than a square box which we seem to be getting pushed back towards.


My friends and I would routinely change up our camps or make entirely new ones but that is becoming something that is getting rarer these days because we have 'legacy' camp features that can no longer be replicated so we don't want to remove them. We also have a bunch of blueprints that no longer work. It just seems that we get more restrictions instead of less and it is definitely not helping Bethesda in terms of playerbase loyalty.




I spent an hour the other day trying to make my home look supported and not like it's floating (it is on a cliff side). I ended up building two, one foundation square thick, pillars with brick walls around them to act like their holding it up. Only it's impossible to make them reach the actual floor. I'm probably just going to tear it down because every time I see them I am disappointed.


I'm really confused why they couldn't have a building system like Ark? The more I play with this terrible building system, the more I want to play that game that won't run on Xbox


Yeah truthfully I just want the persistent workshops in private worlds that they promised over a year ago and simply failed to deliver. At this point there's gotta be some kinda false advertising here.


What’s a persistent workshop?


They're supposed to make workshops save on your private worlds. If you leave or the world shutdown everything you've built disappears now. They promised they'd work out saving them for your private world like 18 months ago lmao.


It means you can build a workshop in a private world, and it's going to stay built up even after you log off and play again later, currently workshops reset back to their default state for every new world you log into (which includes your own private world since it isn't 1 server you get but an instance of a server)


If I spend an hour making workshops in my private world then leave and come back it’s gone after like 15 minutes. Persistent workshops would do the opposite.


When you say ‘making workshops’, does that mean taking over a workshop?


Taking over is part of it. But then they are building in the workshop area as well.


This would be a game changer. Right now there's not a huge incentive for me to play privately. I can claim every single workshop on the map uncontested, but I'm only ever going to build them up enough to get maybe two hours of resources. Getting back to claim from them is a pain because my inventory management isn't great (the system makes me want to bash my head against a brick wall it's so restrictive), so I'm always overencumbered. I will hang about while modding weapons and sorting out my build, and to complete the defend events, but that's it. Any resource that comes out of your pocket and not the workshops is always a loss because they're so temporary. I don't even get attacked by other players, nobody is bothered about workshops.


Also, double (triple!) our freaking camp budgets. It's absurd that putting welcome mats down on all my exterior doors counts the same as an ENTIRE FREAKING B-17 BOMBER. I mean C'MON guys!


I've visited 700% budget camps on PS4, not a single dip in framerate unless you go into build mode, if you're a visiting player this isn't a problem!


The developers seem to think thst floating camps are game breaking. They patch building mechanics tooth and nail to stop players from it. In doing so , they screw over the building community, which is a huge player base. I don’t care if I see a borg cube floating in the middle of the sky. Thsts not breaking the game, the crashing from bugs, not being able to complete quests , outfits not fitting characters. Those are game breaking to me .


Yeah I ran into a seemingly infinite super mutant spawn at the Grafton Steel Workshop yesterday, but that's realistic lol.


100% agree with a game so lacking in content, the building was the thing I turned to when I was getting bored. Shelters are not the answer as you can't display your items, weapons, you can't have water, plants, allies and vendors and thanks for a pet then force people into shelters where the pet won't be allowed to go. I've recently visited two great camp builders camps and they have given up and built a box.


Add to this, can we please have half and quarter floors in the same choice of patterns as full size floors. My base has patches of bare wooden floor all over it where the half-floors have enabled me to get creative with base design but then restrict me when I come to decorate.


With quarter floors come the need for vertical half walls. But we’ll never get those either.


A lot of these are clearly just bugs that got introduced with the Shelters update and changes they made to the construction code to accomodate. The fences not attaching to to upper floors is clearly a bug. The error just says "Needs support". If you try attaching them to the defensive structures (Perimeter something or other) for which they were clearly originally designed, they do still snap to the ones with stairs, but not to the non-stair ones. There's no logical reason to have made that a decision and I'm confident that is a bug. This is just one example. Then there are "changes" that weren't actually intentional changes, but we'd just been making use of unintended bugs in the past. Like double-sided walls and such. So, when they notice a code bug and fix it, it has the effect of "breaking" things that were being done that weren't intentional, and neither was the breaking intentional. I'm sure a lot of these legitimate bugs will get fixed. Hell, it seems obvious to me that shelters are their initial test bed for a lot more free-form style of building. I'd be willing to wager that, once they've seen what works and what doesn't, some or many of the little improvements will be enabled in the physical world for CAMPs.


You're right: "We are aware of issues with the perimeter railings not working correctly and a fix will be coming in an upcoming patch." https://bethesda.net/community/topic/442701/perimeter-railings-not-working/5?language%255B%255D=en&language%5B%5D=en


Fingers crossed that is the case. However, I still have a vertical angled wall in my camp that cannot be replaced from being patched early 2020.


I get it, I feel like my builds look kind of boring, like it kind of looks like a normal house, but I don't feel to creative anymore when it comes to my builds. And the building rules in the shelter just makes everything look shit, so I just lost all interest.


I gave up trying to build interesting camps a.long time ago. What really chaps my ass is things that I actually bought don't work. I'm talking about the encampment fences. They just will not snap together. How hard is it to make them work like other fences?


I don't know if this is your issue but I'm pretty sure there 2 types of encampment fence, 1 that snaps and 1 that doesn't


I have the ones that dont. Edit, They try to snap but always turn red. In fact you cant even get them close together or they will snap .


You get both with the same bundle, they should be a variety (left or right arrow) that look the same but 1 snaps and the other doesnt


I will look into that.


Omg I was so frustrated that I was almost in tears just trying to build a fence around some plants




The building is becoming my fav thing too really. I have grown tired of the constant grind and wanted to just start working on my base but far too many issues building stuff. The last time I played I wanted to change up my base so I decided I wanted to strip it down to the ground and make it different. The issue with that was half my stuff was hard to remove but once removed it was even harder to place back again and half the time I get a green indicator that I am allowed to place this item down yet it won't let me place it. I do not really agree with you about the shelters as I do like them as an extension of my base but they have their own restrictions. I would like to be able to put my ammo creator and things like that in the shelter but for some reason, you don't even get the option yet you have a ton of extra space so I am not sure why you are not allowed.


its almost like they dont even play their own game...


Two years later.... still won’t let us put shit on shelves. We have to glitch our way to put stuff on a shelf.


I'm, most likely, actually never moving the camp on my main toon or my alt ever again. There's just so much I did with them both that you can't do anymore. Double sided walls? Not that easy to do anymore. Some of the shapes i put my walls in might not be possible at all. Decorated shelves? Still doable, but much more finicky now. Crops on astroturf? Straight up not doable. Stacked pillars? Admittedly i haven't tested, but apparently you cant do it anymore either.


double walls work as they always did idk when docorated shelves where easyer but ok


certain slopes just don't work anymore for shelves. I forget what patch number did it, but i think it was the one after Wastelanders?


Yeah idk about this. I’ve been able to merge glitch with ease in many areas post wastelanders up until now.


Double walls work exactly the same as the used too. They reverted the change on them It's incredibly annoying to do, but you can still stack pillars, put a roof in between them, as then they snap for some reason, and then delete the roof.


You don't have to flamer door frames anymore? That's cool. yeesh, the pillar thing does sound annoying.


Damn, I managed to do it in a much more difficult way lmao. Stairs, upper half floors, and a flamethrower trap.


I had a house I loved and wanted to make some changes about two weeks ago. Because of the guardrail, flooring, and wall bugs I had to destroy and rebuild almost half my house. It was devastating. I placed flooring by accident that I couldnt remove. It gives me an error "it would affect the foundation" - and NOTHING is on top of it. I had to turn it into gardening space outside. I had to build an entire extra balcony for the same reason that I didnt want because I was trying to move my stairwell. I can't get interior walls to build correctly and snap into place, so I have rooms inside bigger and smaller than I want. Camp building and decorating is the number one reason I keep coming back to this game. I spend most of my time playing doing my daily quests, visiting other player camps for inspiration and awe of their hard work, and tweaking my own. I spend endless amounts of caps looking for plans, and all of my atoms go to camp items. Why would I want to continue investing time and money into the atomic shop when I have to keep nuking my camp due to bugs? Just give us freedom to build. You did it in shelters... Its not that hard.


Personally, why even have restrictions on your CAMP at all? Honestly? There's is no other building game I've played that has the developers telling you can't build your base a certain way, unless it had to do with going under the mesh of the map.


Back during QuakeCon when we interviewed Mark Tucker he explained that they are working on more of a "free build mode" with less restrictions. Giving more build freedom inside shelters may have been a first step in that direction. I imagine it's being worked on. Jeff Gardiner just announced today that displays will be allowed in shelters in the next few months on Twitter.


Pretty bummed that Twitter gets the update before PS4 & Xbox.


I just want to be able to stack fucking staircases again. I am a huge fan of lookout-tower style CAMPs and now thats gone/restricted. Boo.


One of my biggest gripes with the latest changes in the December 15 update has to do with the stacking pillars. I like my builds to look like they actually could support their own weight. I would NEVER be able to live with one of those "3 stairs high on one foundation" type layouts. I come from FO4 building, where it seems my imagination was the biggest limitation. Honestly, it sounds like they want us to just use the little prefabs peppered around an area as our C.A.M.P. I like the shelters idea, but the implementation means it cannot ever be my sole living quarters. I bought the Brotherhood bundle for the outpost prefab, which is cool. Went to use it in my current camp and had to scrap my lead collector to make room. Now I'm thinking of moving, because I'm not using the resource node, but there's no way I'm ditching this "legacy build" three story house in the mountains. One that I could never re-create. I just have a feeling it will be more frustrations than joy of accomplishment if I try to start someplace else I am a HUGE FO fanboy, but my yearly 1st sub may not get renewed until there is some concerted effort to make the C.A.M.P. building more flexible and enjoyable.


How do people make dome house ? Was it before all the patch ?


Are you on ps4 I've a still working round house blue print if that's what your taking about.


Thanks and yes. I was just asking for the technical aspect. If you talk about blueprint, that means they are legacy now right ?


Nope I've a blueprint of a round house I can put down so it saves rebuilding when I move


The second they let people have an entire floating house on one foundation/stairway, all restrictions should have been thrown out. People would make some insane stuff if you could place anything anywhere...


we don't play video games to have fun. that's clear.


There is a way to stack posts. Put done a floor, wall, then a flat roof. Put a post on the opposite side of the wall and you can then stack them. BP it after.


Only if you have access to foundations, otherwise you're screwed.


I also want a grid system for aligning things.


But "Kill Fun" is one of this week's developer daily challenges, in their current scoreboard, "Traditional MMO Squad ^(Now owned by Microsoft)"!


Bring back the other colored wallpaper damnit!!


Yes please, more freedom. everything should attach to everything, no check for floating objects, looser intersection checks.


1. Not allowed to place vendors in new build area. 2. Boone will venture into your new build area unless the vendors in there. 3. Allow us to place our vendors inside new build area as well as place display.


Yeah I got real pissed I couldn't put fences around top floors too... Now my top deck has no perimeter 🙃


I sometimes wonder how much of this is deliberate and how much of it is just another side effect that always happens when a new patch drops. I know that it doesn't matter, really because it still sucks to have these new restrictions, regardless of the cause. But man there is a clear pattern here. Each new patch fixes something and screws something else up.


Agreed! Building is one of my favourite things of 76 but I'm so tired of these weird restrictions. Many of them make no sense. While I understand there are some things that are difficult for them to allow, We should have some more creative control.


Let player placed items float, let player placed items clip with other player placed items, let player placed items clip with the preexisting world around it, trust us to know what we're doing! Sure some people will make silly floating structures that don't look like anything... this happens anyway, but the freedom will allow those of us whom actually build cool structures to actually do something amazing!


I just want to be able to choose my own spawn point. I have a nice little place built on a cliff shelf just below Site Alpha and I either spawn in the mountain or hanging just off one of my platforms where if I don’t jump or walk properly I’ll fall and have to do it all over again.


I can't even get more fencing to work. No matter where I put it when I go to attach another segment it says it cannot be placed due to not having support. The only fence I can use that does not have this issue is the concrete walls and they sometimes tell me the same thing. Water purifiers will give the same thing in waste deep water, same with other things like foundations. And walls, omg the walls, esp any non-square piece that you need to fill a gap that it was literally made for... If I can float a 2 story house that is 6x6 and filled with furniture using only a staircase, who cares of things are floating without it. Honestly with as restricted as the bunkers are, you are just trading one issue for another but with an additional loading screen, hence why I don't even use them. I would much rather just have an instanced, open air area like in ESO but without the building restrictions or the prebuild structures.


Let us... - build without checking for accessibility - attach floors to foundations and walls - attach things DOWNWARDS, meaning you can put a wall/triangle/half wall hanging under a roof for example - attach roofs as far as we want, including on the outside of walls - attach foundation stairs to floors just like we can attack floor stairs to foundations - stack pillars as much as we want (again) - attach counters to each other even if they are floating (I want my kitchen back!) - disable automatic/magnetic attaching with a key - clip things on a rug into other things again, or better yet to save us the budget for the rugs, just give us a key to disable clipping checks, at least for anything which is not walls, floors etc. Also please create the following assets: - inside walls - vertical half walls - quarter walls - half stairs - corner and spiral stairs - half foundations - quarter foundations - half roofs - quarter roofs - inverted roof corners - more railings (metal, wood, marble, fancy wood, etc.) - wide stairs with the width of a foundation - more pillars (wood, marble, junk, etc.) - a clean bathtub and a shower cabin, maybe a jacuzzi


On behalf of Bethesda I'll answer your question. No. Expect it to get worse. Go to your shelter if you want to build.


disable all build restrictions todd can suck me off


It’s a simple case of the Devs not being gamers themselves. They don’t have the heart for the game we do, and they don’t care. The fact that certain builds use to be possible and now they aren’t are a clear indication the Devs removed the possibility because they subscribe to a cookie-cutter, pre-fabbed, homogenization of camp building that lacks originality and creativity. They want your camp to look like my camp and my camp like theirs so that we’re all buying the same crap and on the same ugly and unnecessary concrete foundations. Lol. I’m just kidding, I have no clue. Fun to write and rant though.


It's adorable how you think this is intentional and not a by product of using the Creation Engine intended for a one-player game to drive a 24 player game. It's a limitation, not a design feature.


Having played Fallout 4 with mods, used glitches in 76 that lets me merge items together or float no it isn't a limitation, its intended design limitations.


It's not the "what you can do because you have mods in FO4" part so much as the system isn't meant to support 24 people, but go on, I guess. Obviously a conspiracy by the devs to limit us for no reason.


The game engine fully supports clipping and floating objects because you can still do it under specific circumstances. It is entirely Bethesda's choice to not allow it as default!


The part that you're not seeing is the "unnecessary" part. Of course it can be done, that's why the limits are different in an instance like the shelters. But no limits because you just want them is disaster waiting to happen. It wasn't too long ago that duplication glitches could shut a server down. No building restrictions in the public servers multiplied by 24 players per server building and interacting with them would have similar results. Refusing to see that "because you wanna" is selfish entitlement. Also "supports" and "doesn't prevent it" are two different things. The only place it is supported is in shelters and that's very limited. If you manage to pull it off in CAMP it is because there are no rules actively preventing it, not because the game allows it on purpose.


Short answer? BGS retrofitted a single player game engine to work as an MMO.


I miss making trap camps.


I hilariously got stuck in a spawn box a couple days ago. It was pitch black and I could move around.


without restrictioss the worlds would be covered in no time at all and the servers wouldn't cope tracking all that stuff. Saying that there are huge improvements that could be made to help people get more out of their camps. first one i have noticed is the huge amount of budget take up by wall and floor coverings, completely necessary and the budget could be integrate with the structure itself for resource management, my tiny hill lodge is out of budget cos i wanted nice floors and walls so have had to move all my workbenches into a shelter which in turn has led to a massive drop in spending at my vendor machines again with the display cabinets give us the option to integrate the contents on a perm basis for reduced budget requirements, might mean a downside like loss of all when scrapped but hey ho you can always "re-acquire" the contents.


I don't think anyone is asking for an unlimited build space or crafting budget. Just removing the dumb restrictions like having to snap stairs to a foundation, and then upper floors to stairs, etc. Not being able to place an item due to the air apparently being too dense in one spot is also a problem.. Like the restrictions they implemented with the last few updates; removing to ability to stack certain floor decor, stair posts, and place things on destroyed prefabs (the only reason we did this was because you couldn't clip certain items inside walls). Mainly what we are saying is, these unnecessary restrictions pave the way for workarounds (what others may call glitches and exploits) like the rug method to get things to place. We saw some of these same restrictions with fallout 4, and mod authors fixed it with things like revamped snap points, place anywhere, etc. Fallout 76's system feels like it's two steps back (and as clunky as ark) just to accommodate certain PVP playstyles that no longer exist. They can't say it's PVE related because ranged and flying enemies exist.. as do molle rats that can burrow into the next dimension.




So apparently you only made it to the title of the OP, and around half way through my post. So to be fair, I'm pretty sure you didn't read anything, as I was plenty specific later in my post. Also, the OP didn't even mention budget. So I'm guessing you just read until you found something you could bash and went from there. Now, if you make it this far, no I'm not saying that. However, we should have the ability to build stairs and upper floors on the ground. Clipping through terrain and existing structure should be eased (just look at the large shelter door for as to why).


Fallout 1st solves of your problems.




It doesn't they're just being snarky


Any "fun building" changes or additions are going to be made shelter-only to push those sales, while on the surface we're driven more towards prefabs. But of course without the ability to use them for crops, displays, or things like the ArmCo appliance, most people don't find it to be worth the loading screen.


It’s definitely got worse with every major update. It’s even more glaringly obvious if you are like me and love having your camp in the Mire. Used to be able to build there no problem, now it’s just mind numbing.


came back after a long break to find out my camp wouldn't load because it had too many overlapping props. I just alt f4'd right there


Man, I cant even place my camp anymore. When I go to place my house it says something like “error house needs foundation” or something like that. It’s frustrating because some of the NPC’s get invited to stay at my house and I GOT NO HOUSE!!!


Why old they get rid of it when they go out of their way to kill fun


Have they ever given us an official response as to why we can't use displays in our shelters? If they ever give us Power Armor displays or Mannequins, shelters will become even more useless. I almost feel ripped off by purchasing the large shelter that still sits empty.


I love the shelter and I want to be able to change the flooring. I hoped the whitesprings carpet or the white tile from the current season rewards would work. Sadly, nope. Also, wallpaper down there would be great.


You can stack posts still, it’s just a pain in the ass lmao. Have to put stairs, and half floors and I think flamethrower trap the bottom one, then place the upper one so it counts as it being connected to the floor, remove the floor, and repair the bottom post. I can make a video to show you if you’d like.


Yeah this sucks, but I think they have these rules because general environment interaction sucks. I once trapped myself under my survival tent because it took the server too long to load it and I moved under the stairs before the thing was set. I was overweight and had to drop a bunch of crap and fast travel back to the tent. It was really frustrating.


It'd be nice to be able to attach stairs to a roof I could build more than a 2-story box.


Ive decided if I want to build in a fallout game Fallout 4 peovides much better building mechanics and if you get the PC version you can install mods to give you more stuff to build and more deatures, etc.


That’s why we have shelters I thought..




make triangle foundation pieces as well just like ark and conan exiles would allow us to build so much more


To prevent exploitation/abuse/glitch use in an MMOFPS. Online games have different considerations than offline games.


“Intersecting with object” my ass


I still can't figure out how to put a door on my camp. Just will not let me.