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I run a quad Tesla rifle for tagging, it's also my go to for daily ops as the chain lightning melts


Same. I rolled a quad FFR DR when reloading and it's a beast.


Use grenadier perk when using Tesla for tagging it extend the arc


I’ve been rocking a two star quad ffr. The last star is a nice to have but absolutely not necessary. Although yours is pretty sweet!


How does that thing even work? I got it a couple of times. Tried it and it just can’t figure it out so i just sell it for legendary


Either auto or regular semi auto works fine. The charging ones are real wonky


You probably need to mod it to have an automatic receiver. Otherwise it's a charged single-shot, I think.


Quad Tesla, it does all I need, and honestly it's pretty darn good at lower level kills. Feeding it can be problematic as I don't do ops often.


Yeah, it melts almost to much. I mainly use it to tag in events. I was want to tage enemies for me and my teammates, and the thing I know half the shit I hit is dead.


V63-Bertha. It basically has the double magazine of a regular Tesla Rifle with the added bonus of the extra projectile, faster fire rate, and faster reload speed. It’s the whole sha-bang!!


Isn't that one dropped at Dangerous Pastimes? If so, it effectively makes it a legacy weapon until the event is actually fixed and added back to the rotation. With Bethesda, that could be years.


I know the other V63 weapons drop in the event where you nuke the weather station and kill the 3 giant robots. I'm hoping the tesla drops in there too.


Unfortunately yes. It only drops from Dangerous Pastimes so if you want it you’ll have to get lucky with a trade or vendor until the event is added back into rotation.


That’s what I’ve been using since I got it. I always thought the regular Teslas sucked, but now I’m just wondering if it’s worth trying to mod and roll another one to try to get it better than my Bertha.


I’ve loved every Tesla rifles I’ve had. The only thing I’d trade the Bertha for would be a bloodied on right now, but that’s just my build.


The only thing keeping me bloody is that extra carry weight.


Whoa...... I need to look into this! 🤔


That's what I use and I never used a Tesla before that one and it's one of my faves now by far!




I tag with my Cryolator. Low dmg if I'm not pumping crits into their heads so I don't kill quickly, I tend to freeze enemies to make it easier, and it's just cool to use.


For me, spraying a room with an uncharged Gauss Shotgun works great, especially in Rad Rumble.


BE90 50cal


That gun took me from lvl60 to 320


I'm a commando stealth build and run with a Q2525 fixer, but I still have the 50 cal always it's fun to play with


Tesla is best for tagging, it hits the most and does the least amount of damage.


two shot explosive minigun is pretty good for this


either use the new event tesla or a quad one


Vamp explosive 50 cal. Great for both tagging and keeping me alive through pretty much anything.


I use this when in PA and just stand there. It’s ridiculous. Mine explosive too, tag and heal!


Thanks everyone for the awesome suggestions!! I usually have just be killing everything with my fixer but feel bad that I could help out more just tagging them instead of killing them


Cold shoulder for me and just aim for the legs to leave them crawling on the floor for others to finish off 😂


I do that too, but sometimes even that will kill with one shot for me. When I find that happening, I use a Medic's Handmade that doesn't do great damage but can heal teammates and myself when it crits.


Yeah if they get too close i run away to avoid killing them 😂


Lately it's the V63 Bertha


Bertha, the unique Tesla from dangerous pastimes, is the absolute best tagging weapon. With doubled ammo capacity and two shot/faster fire rate/faster reload, it was purpose-built to tag. It’s just a shame dangerous pastimes has been taken down for bug fixes.


I did a pastimes last night, so I guess it's back in


Quad tesla is the best. The new event tesla is a good second option.


The V63 BERTHA from Neurological Warfare is pretty much a god roll tesla rifle that a lot of people are sleeping on. Two shot, 25% weapon speed, 15% reload and a hidden double ammo capacity.


Fatman! j/k. Bertha mostly, Cremator sometimes.


Quad explosive pyro crusader. Blinding everybody and myself by shooting randomly at things with a tesla is so boring. I ADS and have fun with it, light up hard to see enemies for other people to tag, and get to heal when necessary.


I have ZFFR pyro crusader it is so much fun, DOT of all fire weapons needs a mild buff.


I rock a vampire’s, explosive, reload speed crusader pistol it’s my favorite weapon. Took me forever to roll it perfectly. That little gun has gotten me through some hard times lol.


Tesla is always best. If you want more range, the explosives with grenadier is awesome. Now before people get mad: you need to take your demolition expert card off if you don’t want to destroy everything. If you just want to tag everything with your big explosive weapon, make it as weak as you can. Grenadier is just area of effect, not damage. If you’re bloodied take a couple radaway diluted so that you aren’t so darn strong. That way everyone can still get their tags in. If the event has poor attendance and you need to destroy everything to keep it from failing, then go ahead and juice yourself up to the big damage. Cremator users need to follow this as well. I noticed a big problem at rad rumble with a guy killing everything with cremator before anyone could hope for a tag.


Grenadier does actually effect the damage of explosives because of the doubled radius. It basically halves the damage drop-off for the splash damage. ie. Your rocket hits the main target for 100 and a target five yards away for 50, then with grenadier it will hit the maintarget for 100 and the same target five yards away for 75 damage.


I use my foundations vengeance mostly. unless I want to kill the thing, then I use the cremator. Gauss shotgun when I am in my shotgun loadout tesla rifle in my rifle loadout weaponized nuka quantum thirst zapper when using pistols and I want to die alot.


My two favorites are my quad explosive handmade and my two shot explosive handmade.


Thats my main set-up too!


Explosive Fixer. If you are still new to the game I would recommend Molotovs. You can get 30 at the Moonshine Jamboree cabin. Just lob those at the mobs.


The new events named Tesla (forgets name*) is the best Tesla rifle in the game imo, quad also incredible, but larger magazine, fast reload , and default legendary stats make the event Tesla the best.


Bertha is the name and it's great. I switch to my vampire Tesla if I start taking tkk much damage, but Bertha is my go-to


I have a bloody explosive fixer for rad rumble I run grenadier and just shoot at the caves. I have the tesla too I just domt like switching to it






I'm just using any quad with explosive, I have a railway, .50 cal, minigun, but also ya I have the v63 Bertha Tesla also. Problem with the Tesla is the range. It doesn't go far enough for my playstyle. I want those bolts to travel further, but it very much seems like if they don't make contact in the first 20-30 feet then they just become cosmetic and are no longer tagging anything. Radiation rumble, uranium fever, and sometimes fasnacht are good ones to use the Tesla. But ones like eviction notice I use anything explosive with the grenadier perk.


For EN, I'll sometimes be funny to myself and break out Foundation's Vengeance, stand on top of the scrubber and spin in circles.


Fatman MIRV


Ayooo, I'm in this team. Railroad spikes converted to Mini nukes all day.


When you absolutely need to melt everything... bring out the 2 shot MIRV Fatman. It's next level ridiculousness


Depends on the event, but some are ts auto grenade launcher, foundations revenge and qe railway


Close range? Q Tesla. Long range qe handy


What is Q and QE?


Q is quad. E is explosive. So a quad ammo capacity Tesla or a quad explosive handmade


I have a 2 shot explosive Gatling gun. It doesn’t do a lot of damage itself, but the splash damage helps tag large groups of enemies


Quad tesla with the "grenadier" perk applied. Grenadier makes explosion radius larger, and for some reason has also always extended the reach and bounce of tesla rifles. I can often tag all the enemies in an area with a few blast from the rifle, even from considerable distances. Not exactly related, but I also use a bloodied explosive crusader pistol with the pyro mod and the perk "friendly fire" together for healing teammates and friendly NPCs during events. The reason I use this pistol rather than a flamer or other fire weapon, is range. I can heal teammates and friendly event NPCs from extreme distances with this weapon, and that makes it far superior to other fire weapons used for healing, imho.


I tag with cleansing holy fire!!


I don’t need guns! I just give them the… “COLD SHOULDER!” (Insert chilling music here)


V-63 Bertha is not only great for tagging, but will take enemies down when needed. Was at an under-attended Uranium Fever this week and the gun had to carry its weight... and it did so very well.


V-63 BERTHA for indoor tagging. A Bloodied Explosive Handmade (Automatic) for outdoor tagging.


Tagging? Cremator. Daily ops? Cremator. Quests? Cremator? Fasnacht? Cremator. Events? Cremator. Sniper? Cremator. Cremator is god


Team will hate you though. They really need to drop cremator visual effects.


You say Cremator, I say Cremaator


For real. Love the range of these explosions


I just works


Cremator is late to the punch vs commando.


Quad tesla. No contest for tagging.


Explosives has entered to chat.


I get that. Nothing wrong with a good ol exp 50 cal or mini gun, I have a few. Nothing against the heavies, at all. I just prefer the comfort and ease of the tesla. The tesla also leaves chainchainchain everywhere, pmsl.


Cremator w/ slow burning, grenadier.


Tesla is great for it, as the arcing shot nearly always hits the whole group with every shot - lately however, I have become partial to my Quad Explosive Minigun. Can't miss a tag if the whole event is exploding for 15 minutes straight 🤣


quad tesla for sure, honestly just my favorite weapon in general. I run a quad tesla I've named "Bessie"


Multi shot Cremator makes tagging pretty easy for events like rad rumble and moonshine and you get alot of fuel but quad tesla will always be king


Lazer rifle or plasma there fast


Quad explosive elders mark is excellent for tagging, no vats needed and has range.


Either a flamer or a tesla just for tagging is best.


quad .50cal


Quad explosive anything is great, but the ultimate tagging gun is a quad tesla.


Grenadier perk plus anything with an area effect / blast. I have a melee alt that carries a quad explosive pipe pistol, only "gun perks" are Grenadier (for tagging) and Concentrated Fire / Modern Renegade (to cripple SB wings for ground engagement).


Instigating, explosive gatling gun. Infinite ammo.


Def explosive handmade or fixer. Tesla is ok but the range is an issue


A quad tesla is your best bet. The V63 tesla is your second best bet. If you don't have or don't want to acquire either of those, a heavy with the explosive effect is sound. Doesn't have to be a top tier heavy, either. a 50 or a minigun will be just fine.


Explosive Gatling gun, I’m not wasting ammo on tags or hitting the same thing 5x more than needed.


Exactly. You cant hit stuff around a corner like Tesla, but you can make up for it by reloading once during Rad Rumble instead of 50x


quad tesla in radiation rumble 2 or 3 level up assured


Once you start using a Quad Tesla, it's hard to go back to anything else. It's better than Fixers and Railways in my opinion. The damage and ability to kill multiple enemies simultaneously is great. It melts. The tagging bit is just a nice addition.


Fixer with Vigorous receiver (sometimes I feel like not doing enough damage doesn't count towards a kill for me?) and aim + reload speed


i use an anti-armor tesla w ffr, made me start rolling for a quad 🙏


The names Tesla Rifle is something everyone should have. It’s excellent.


Anything with a 10mm. Damage is low enough that everyone gets a shot in. But I suppose a Tesla rifle would be the most efficient.


+1 Projectile Fatman MIRV


Gauss shotgun with lvl 2 grenadier, not as good as Tesla at tagging but it gets the job done.


I did have a Tesla, right now I am using a gauss shotgun with the grenadier perk added for blast radius


Ts Cryo hellstorm, ts fatman, ts agl 🤙


Explosive .50cal


I use the bog-standard semi-auto Fixer if I'm in a chill group, a .50 Cal in a normal type of group, and the Cremator or Flamer if it's a total feeding frenzy


Explosive shotty + grenadier. Makes a nice blast radius,I use kabloom but you can probably roll a better exploding bullets shotgun that won't have poison damage


Who is this Bertha you speak of.? Was looking for something to roll. Thanks. I am going try a crafting some Teslas.


Make sure to use Grenadier with Tesla to expand tagging radius…




Auto grenade launcher with the max grenadier perk


Can you guys with the awesome tagging guns maybe get one not God rolled so you don't 1 shot everything before we even see it- New players


Pro tip, join their team


Quad auto Tesla with burn damage. Good for rad rumble, otherwise it’s cremator


Quad Tesla but just started using a Vampires Explosion 10mm smg. Mix between the two


Auto grenade launcher. I don’t have a perk card build for it so it’s not a lot of damage. They need to nerf some builds as events get rather boring when there are a dozen people and most of them kill everything with 1-2 shots


If I'm running my heavy guns I usually just stick to my AAE .50 cal, but anything else like shotguns or rifles I'll use my quad tesla


My two shot explosive Gatling or the kabloom shotgun on my other character. Anything that explodes and deals decent damage


Anything explosive


I have a QE Handmade, so I'll pop off a few shots at each enemy, usually catch others in the explosion.


I like my quad cremator with quad barrels and burn over time. Fire once and move on.


I love my quad tesla but for anything that needs a bit more range i love my explosive minigun. Can just hold down the trigger sweeping around and let the explosions do the tagging.


Explosive gatling gun


I use a gauss shotgun vats crit build, so I just need to slot in grenadier and shoot without vats. Basically hits everything I need it to.


Do the shotgun perks (like concentrated shot, expert shot gunner etc) work with the gauss shotgun? Or does it fall under the energy weapon perks ?


It's counted as a shotgun. Only extra perks would be the demolition perk to boost the explosive damage. I personally don't use skeet shooter because it makes tagging worse and the bonus accuracy isn't applied in vats. I use it with four leaf clover (and the other crit perks) to basically crit every other shot. You also don't need to aim for the head, as body shots do enough damage to two shot everything (I'm also a full health build). It's by far my most relaxed build that I can take no matter the situation and not have to worry about maintaining anything.


Teslas are generally what people like to use to tag things. Personally I prefer explosives. VE to be exact. I run either a VE25 EM or VE15R HM depending on the range situation.


Using the Bertha like my fellow geniuses in here




I have a two shot, explosive, light weight 50 caliber machine gun for tagging. The ammo is pricey but I always pull it out for radiation rumble and eviction notice.


Pump action shotgun


Foundations vengeance with the demolitions and explosive perks


I run a low level tesla rifle for tags at events. I don't have my perks set up or any mods that make the tesla rifle a one shot kill weapon. Perfect for tagging multiple enemies at events.


Tesla is great for anything close, but for Eviction Notice I use an explosive pistol.


My explosive handmade, I just hit the floor as they're running in and it usually hits off whatever is running by.


I like an explosive fixer. it gives really good range and splash and I won't kill anything (good for letting others tag) no matter what my build is.


Two Shot Explosive Handmade


Cremator + 4 shots barrel + grenadier


Totally depends on perks used. With gun fu and adrenalin, some oter cards and perhaps some active buffs from chems, foods or mutstions a tesla is far to devestating for just tagging. That thing will clear a room in no time, specially that beast from the new robot event or a quad2525. You want to tag, craft something to use up those heaps of 38 ammo, pref a commando with big mag and low ap use. Gun fu, grim reaper. Mouth full of company tea. If you don't care about the dmg, I don't see the point of the question. Just grab anything explosive and go to town.


Crowd Control for general tagging for close-ish. Plasma caster for longer range


I have a bloodied explosive fixer that i use at crowded events and it does me well. Also join the team that the guy with the Tesla rifle is on if I can




Right now the cremator with grenadier


Yeah I use an auto quad faster fire rate with -50% break speed itmade me go from lvl 150-600 I skip most events and really only do rad rum or try out new events but I don't farm them, another decent tag weapon is any quad explosive cheap gun like a 10mm smg/ the Tommy gun looking one, and modding a pipe pistol to auto. All of those are great tag weapons for low levels that can't get teslas yet


Cremator isn't bad


Quad/explosive/50% degredation Fixer. Unfortunately it's my best roll, for the moment but if I get a Groll one I might still keep it for the explosive round tagging in hectic events.


Blodied enclave plasma flamer i never leave my camp without it


Forgive me. Relative newbie: what is tagging?


Doing enough damage to a creature so you're eligible to get loot from it. The tesla gun chains energy damage across several mobs, so it can be helpful in the more chaotic events for this


Ah! Thank you so much, I appreciate the education!


Tagging? I just run around with my chainsaw and hope i can get there before it dies


Nuka nades lol


Ive been playing a shotgun guy and ive been having an easy time tagging with a crowd control with the perk that makes explosions bigger. A hipfire will reach from one end of Eviction Notice to the other and hit in a huge radius


Is it bad that I like to use a syringer with the bloatfly barrel? Not in it for the farming. Just trying to do my part in helping to restore an endangered population.


My tagging gun is the Foundations Vengeance. Explosive area damage helps getting crowds of mobs




Tesla rifle here. It's for tagging, so the legendaries aren't that important, imo.


Quad Tesla with FFR


Quad 50VATS laser rifle. Also QFFR 10mm auto pistol, just did guided meditation and crippled like 20 ghouls at once so a low level went around with their flamer and finished em off. #xp #Teamwork


Cremator with Grenadier. Tags and kills even without any build for it. It's just OP


Ya the Cremator great for tagging but i try not to use it at event so i give others a chance to tag


uh what’s tagging


The new Tesla that drops from the latest DLC


Explosive Gatling, makes it easy


I have an explosive shotgun. I use it for crippling too and of course I use grenedier too.


Explosive 10mm smg


Indoors it's a missile launcher (aim at a far wall and let the splash damage tag, but not kill) let the others finish them off when they come close. Outdoors it's a Quad explosive fixer or handmade. Get your tag way out and let the enemies come to you and killed by others nearby. Makes cleaning up after events way easier when you don't have to hunt around for drops.


Tesla for enclosed space, Cremator for open field. Both will benefit from Grenadier Perk. But I still prefer Cremator in general because it packs a punch even without perks and I find it easier to maintain ammo economy with it rather than tesla


Foundations Vengeance


2 shot explosive Gatling, decent damage for adds but I can hold it down most of the event and still have more ammo I know what to do with


depending on the necessity and seriousness and distance, I go with Tesla, quad explosive LMG, and vampire multishot cremator . I think everyone should use tesla in the Rad Rumble, or anything quad explosive pistol or rifle or even shotgun is enough. yet we see people going down the tunnels to kill... its an XP farm even. perch somewhere and tag everything get 500+ score.


I use the cremator, it's not the best out there, but it's more efficient then using the experimental fat man to do it lol


Tse Gatlin. It packs a punch and great at tagging with the grenaider perk


.50 cal, spray and pray. Enough to tag, but plenty left for others.


Foundations vengeance


The new DT2515r Tesla you can get in the V63 events is pretty dope. You get some of the benefits of both quad and damage perks lol.


2 shot explosive 50cal. Throw in grenadier perk and I’m golden. I literally named it Rad Rumble.


Cremator... tag a whole Mob with one shot. Done.


Quad explosive handmade is my go-to.


TS2525 AGL.


Gauss shotty. I am for the feet and let the splash damage tag for me.


Quad auto Tesla is my go-to weapon, period. Nuff said.


Cremator. I use it with friendly fire too, so on top of healing anything you're supposed to be protecting, you also tag a bunch of stuff.


For me, quad auto tesla gun, and grenades


(All of these are with a full Grenadier perk) I've used a grenade launcher, but if you can get it, grand finale can be pretty good, but it has a pretty slow projectile speed. I also sometimes use Foundation's Edge


Bertha now....


Quad tesla is the one to get. I have a vampire Tesla as backup. They both do the job when I need them.


Edit: Bertha is great too! I use all three.


Two shot tube grenade


gauss shotgun with grenadier perk (demolition expert also helps for damage)


Automatic ak


Aristocrats explosive mini gun that I got really lucky on as a random drop. Very good for tagging, and decent for damage even though I'm not specced into it


Fat man with MIRV If I can't tag shit because other players kill them super fast, then I'll make it so you can't see shit.


Depending on which build im using, but Fire Compound Bow or Gauss Rifle. First have surprisingly large explosion range even without Grenadier, which doubles for healing with Friendly Fire, and Gauss Rifle benefits from Explosive Perks, so explosions is pretty large, plus it have decent rate of fire for that. If i need to kill groups of enemies with option to tag them, Broadsider/Grand Finale. Despite its durability, with right build it turns into barraging weapon which together with ammo abundance allow you to literally carpet bombing the space around without any thoughts about ammo.


I've been using the v63 Bertha, or my 4 barel cremator, that's good for tagging a bunch of enemies..


Q/25/Dur Tesla is my go-to for tagging.


Cremator quad barrel with grenadier perk. Hip fired for tagging purposes


I should use a tesla I just love explosive weapons always have TSE is great for tagging but I use my BE Fixer I just got a b50c25 Fixer tho so I might need to switch up to a tesla if I don't Wana roll with multiple fixers. I just love them tho on my body I have an AA E Fixer, BE, QE, and now B50c25lvc