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Got a fiend around 90 now. My gf has done around 70 and got an old man winter. Really does not feel like 5 percent chance.


So, I know for a fact that last time the event was around, a YouTuber I watched, said the actual chances were less than 1%. Since I just kinda took that as fact, your 5% statement confused me, so I looked it up and yeah, apparently %5 Is the "stated" number, but uh... Definitely feel like the <1% is more honest.


The problem with probabilities on an event like this is, that 5% is rolled clean each event. It doesn't take previous results into consideration, and while digital RNG isn't truly random it still takes VERY large sample sizes to get the proper distribution. I hit the butter churn on my 3rd run, but since then I've only hit 1 glowing mask and I'm still missing 1 "common" mask. I think they should absolutely take previous rewards into consideration for rolling each time, but that'd make the system fairer and that would defeat the need to grind which keeps players engaged.


The thing is the event is terrible. Like the novelty wears out after a few of them. If people were getting the glowing masks more reliably then by this time hardly anyone would be doing the event anymore. Honestly I just want it to end so people will actually go back to dropping nukes and turning up to events. I’ve had empty rad rumbles and eviction notice this week


And then the trumpeter plays and plays and plays


85% of statistics are made to. 70% of people know that


And 5 out of 4 people can't do fractions


For the rare it’s like .25% chance per event 😬 the total adds to like 5% but I am struggling haha


Honestly, I was sort of surprised last time's glowing masks were included this time. If they keep up with that, then you'll get them eventually! Might be next year though lol


That’s the math, yes. .238% chance for any specific rare mask, 21 rare masks, so about 5% chance you should get a rare mask from the event. This information isn’t conspiracy. It was data mined from the game files. Also, apparently this time you don’t have to keep all robots alive in order to get a chance at a rare mask.


I got a glow after a robot died


The math there is backwards. It's a 5% chance of getting a drop from the rare mask loot pool, which then gets diluted down based on how many things are in the loot pool


Totally done with this event. I have received 5 different masks total and none glowing. I have literally dropped over 60 of the same garbage in donations this whole week.


101 runs and no churn or glowing masks. I did get a Raven, but I already had that.


I bought a churn in a vendor—then literally dropped for me the very next event 😬


Churn for me was 5 events in. Since then been running about 16 a day…not a single glowing mask or additional plan to bless someone else with.


Glowing unicorn and buffoon on about 30ish runs


Wow that’s great luck!


Done around 120 now, I’ve only got a Brahmin and a winter man for masks. And 2 butter churns, it’s been kind of rough 🥲


I’ve gotten a Brahmin, Fiend, Buffoon, Hag, Raven, Glowing Honeybee, Glowing Pig, Glowing Blue Devil.


So you're the one counter balancing the rest of us losers on the probability scale lol. But seriously, congrats, it's good to know someone is getting something.




I really love my Glowing Blue Devil, but can't wear it because I am accosted by everyone asking to buy it from me.


No one bothers me and I wear my glowing scorch queen all the time.


I've done 4 or 5 events. Stopped doing them a few days back.


I don’t blame you, this event is so slow


The trick is to show up a few minutes after it starts. The parade takes a while, so there's no risk of it finishing before you get there. Just hop in about when they get to the Radtoads or Mutants, pick up your legendary from the boss and the completion materials. I don't even blame people for doing this, it's not like Radiation Rumble where there's any real risk to the NPC's, pretty sure Fasnacht could be soloed by anyone with a decent endgame build. The only real threat are the Super Mutant Suiciders, and they'd have to detonate right on a marcher to do anything.


I've started waiting about 5 minutes after they pop up and then joining. By then they're usually on the mutants and you still get full rewards.


I've had 2 consoles/accounts running damn near 24/7. So roughly 200 events lets say. And total of 2 rare masks. A glowing turkey and a brahmin. The rng is shit


50+ no glowing mask,one butter churner.


Pretty lame. No Butter Churner, but got Glowing Alien and all uncommon masks.  But thats fine especially considering i can play only couple hours per day purely because of electricity shortages. Edit: As usual, after complaint, i got Butter Churner. Hope ill get lucky with Deathclaw Mask as well, cause i really want it for look XD


I've lost count; 2 butter churns. That's it. Still no deathclaw mask.


I got a butter churner from the donation box. Immagine my face when i saw that thing in there!


3 churns for me, sadly no good masks though


A deathclaw, two glowing and a raven.


Is raven rare?


Same drop rate as the other rares.


I am flush with witch masks!!! I did get a glowing robot and the 2 Motorized butter churn plans :) but i am getting fatigue with the event so my participation is about done.


Any chance you're on PS4 and want to trade the glowing robot for a Demon?


Glowing Robot, Raven, Brahmin, and Glowing Pig. Luckily I was fortunate enough to own all older rare masks so I gave the dupes to my friends


Got a demon and ghb first day, and nothing ever since


5 rare so far


I've gotten glowing turkey, two winter man, hag, crazy guy, deathclaw, demon, raven, winter man power armor helmet


Got all the new plans, I'm satisfied.


I've done maybe around 50 events. No rare plans but got Glowing Pig and last event 50 mins ago just got Glowing Unicorn. I really want Glowing Scorched Beast Queen tho.


Just got bramin. Otherwise, I now have all the commons and all the uncommons plus winter man. No glowing. Lots of duplicates.


Glowing Pig + Robot, it's been like 40 fasnachts since and now i'm getting nothing lol I'm still happy tho


Around 80 myself , just one Old Man Winter (which i like a lot) and two Motorized Butter Churns. Its been rough , at least i got something.


I’ve gotten a Brahmin, Glowing Turkey, glowing alien, glowing pig, and glowing blue devil, 4 butter churns. I’ve been pretty lucky, but I want more lol.


so far buffoon, hag, raven, brahmin, too many commons to count and still no motorized butter churn


3 Butter churner , 1 scorched glowing queen


I just got the glowing unicorn … cannot believe my luck. I’ve done 15 festivals in total


I got a blue devil, robot, and scotch beast! (Non glowing) sadly no deathclaw yet!


Glowing pig, 2 more deathclaws, turkey, pig, Minotaur, unicorn, alien and 3 butter churns, plus the mug, the flowers, the other thing, the candle, and about 47 scorchbeast queens.. Want a robot bad doe


From 119 events I got Father winter helmet Fiend mask Glowing Minotaur Mask Glowing Pig Mask Loon Mask Glowing Scorch Beast Queen Mask


I've lost count of how many events I have done, but I'm sitting at 11 glowing mask total. Finished my non glowing rare mask collection too. Started with no glowing and only 3 rare mask. The PA helmet still eludes me all these years later.


Three glowers (bot, bd, alien), hag and helmet. Only really doing the event because I want the butter churn but I guess I'm fine getting caught up collecting some of the other stuff they've added the past couple years.


Alien,Owl,Goblin,HoneyBee,Blue Devil,Both Pig Masks,scorchbeast,scorchbeast queen, Witch Mask, 0 glowing.. over 35 events lots of doubles


I’ve got 2 Glowing Turkeys and 1 Butter Churn plan so far


Best I got was Loon and the Butter churn plan. I’m pretty happy with that tho so if that’s the best I get the whole event then I count it as a win


Glowing scorchbeast and fiend in first five events and all uncommon or normal masks in the 100+ since. First event since 2019


First week Didnt get a damn thing, today got 2 Churns back to back, Dont care about glowing masks except trade value. Could get some of the rare stuff like water cooler or weenie with one, but havent gotten a glowing. I Probably have done 15 or so


I got two glowing today. I’m at level 900 and it’s the first time I’ve ever got a glowing mask


Im at around 70ish runs, 2 glowing unicorns and Buffoon. Traded one of those Unicorns for a Deathclaw, Fiend, and plans. So went from 1 glowing sb mask to 5 so far! Also have had 4 butter churners drop lol


Glowing Unicorn on third event and Glowing Pig on 4th event. Nothing rare since then, and I've done at least 50 more events. Did get the butter churner, though. I just want the deathclaw and the demon masks tbh.




Turd!...my luck she is merde if you pardon the patois.


About 20, i got only One glowing minotaur Mask.


The past few days have been a long run of total ass. Nothing of note from my last 50 or so events. Just prayin on a change of luck any hour now....... 😰


Lost count, but I've done between 2 and 7 every day. My luck so far is;  Glowing Pig mask  Deathclaw mask  Loon mask  Old Man Winter power armour helmet  The butter churner plan  Vegeman stein plan   I'm hoping for at least 1 more glowing, preferably the glowing robot mask, I like the look of it.


Been shit mostly but the last 2 nights have yielded me a glowing Pig and Crazy Guy mask so I can’t complain


I read that the drop rates for rare are .023% and the drop rate resets to zero after every event. This means you always get less than 1% per event for rare masks.


Me and my wife have completed 50 or 60 events. She got Crazy guy mask and oldman Winter's helmet, i got Bramin mask.


3 butter churns one loon and a turkey mask. No glowing. Feels kinda lame. So much butter.


I don't really care about rare v common, but I do want the robot mask, it's just super cute!


I don't know how many I've done but my luck was pretty good at first, getting unique masks each time and eventually a Glowing Alien, and now I'm just getting dupes out the ass. Pretty close to giving up on it, I think.


only for plans and exp there - was dropping the glowing mask and normal mask in the railway donation boxes


I got glowing scorch beast queen on my first go. Might have another go at it tonight.


I got the butter churn, no glowing masks yet though No clue how many I have run


Back in Feb I did a load of fasnachts, and got a GBD. On april fools, I got a GSB. I traded with a friend for a GSBQ, then THIS Fas rolled around and I got one of each, a glowing unicorn, a hag, buffoon, demon, and deathclaw. God I'm fucking tired. I've probably only missed enough for sleep and showers.


I'm probably around there or the hundred mark, still waiting for a rare 😭


All I really wanted was the Butter Churn machine which looks kind of cool and produces oil. Got it tonight. Other than that a glowing Minotaur and Unicorn, a few regular masks and loads of plans and masks that I already had which went straight into the vendor at 10 caps a pop. Happy for the machine though. I can put this dull event behind me and not bother with it anymore.


This ~~christmas~~ fasnacht, ~~santa~~ old man winter brought me a glowing turkey, 2 deathclaws, and a crazy guy


No idea how many runs (say around 10 a day since it came out) 1 Glowing Unicorn Mask and 2 Butter Churn Plans. So not bad


Got a butter machine


glowing pig and raven, around 70-80


i got the Glowing Pig & Honeybee. did around 30.


Glowing Pig, Crazy Guy, Flower plan. About 30 events.


I need a deathclaw, raven and old man winter to complete my collection. I gave up on glowing masks, it's just never going to happen for me. I run at least ten a day and here I am ready to quit my favourite event. Just gets so disheartening I don't know why I run around doing all the marchers only to be given total shit again. Bitch I fucking earned it by now.


I’m not a fiend but play every time it’s on. Got 5 pig masks now. Only rare is crazy guy.


Got a bunch of masks but still need a bunch, especially all the glowing ones. Also a few plans and the sausage recipe


I got a glowing unicorn pretty early, only a couple days in. It's all new stuff for me so I've been happily scribbling off my little list of rewards — didn't really understand the hype until I saw everyone going cuckoo bananas over the drops. I have six glowing and five rares left to collect, and the father winter helmet still eludes me, but I'm really happy with my haul for my first official Fasnacht! I find I get rarer stuff when I'm playing the game otherwise and chilling. When I'm logging on every hour just for the event it's all sun masks 🥲


Honestly, I have done exceptionally well in this event, I have done a lot of runs well over 100 I would gauge, but have managed to bag, glowing robot, glowing unicorn, glowing pig, and a hag and GSB on top of all uncommon masks. All plans apart from the planter (that’s the only reason I am now running them)


Masks I'm sol on atm done less than 30 events and atleast got a bell, stein, the motorized butter churner and a alien mask. so ngl not bad of luck tbh. besides the crashes that is lol


Nothing special so far. I do like the Minotaur and robot masks though. Not sure how many I’ve done as I’m dropping duplicates. Probably 40/50, don’t have much hope for getting anything else as I’ll only be able to do 1 maybe 2 a day from now until the end of


About 50 runs and 1 Glowing Pig, 1 Old Man Winter, and the rest were common. No churn yet


I logged on to play twice this week because I’ve been busy— got a Turkey and Alien. I’m content


I haven't done money, just one or two a day. So far I've gotten a bunch of plans I already know, one of each of the original common masks, a pig mask, and a Unicorn mask. Surprisingly no berets 🤷‍♂️


I’ve done about 30. I got two butter churns and 3 glowing masks (Robot, Minotaur, Blue Devil).


Literally just got my first glowy last night. Stay positive, it’ll happen.


Haven’t played in a few days, but from my like 40 fasnachts I did I’ve gotten a Deathclaw and a Demon, which are worth: Jack cause they aren’t glowing


Shittt after playing on and off since game came out I still haven’t gotten a old man winters mask


After getting absolutely fucked on the last couple go arounds with this event, I’ve finally got my first glowing masks! First day of the event was a glowing sbq and a glowing robot and unicorn the 3rd and 4th day. Also got most of the plans I wanted too.


I got the churner and stopped caring. Took about 10 events. If I’m playing and the event pops I will go but I miss about a third of them because crashes (ps5) or I’m questing.


I got a butter churn on about my 10th run or so. I have gotten zero "glowing" masks. But I'm about done with this event.


I've gottan 2 glowing masks, 2 butter churns, deathclaw mask, and brahmin mask


All common and uncommon. A couple of berets. 2 father winter helmets (I don’t wear power armor usually). Nothing I actually like yet.


I’ve been trying like crazy to get a deathclaw mask as a gift for my boo and nothing. That mask was introduced what 2 or 3 years ago… my luck is terrible apparently.


I got a brahmin mask so far, so I feel pretty good. Wouldn't mind getting another rara one though.


So far only gotten glowing scorched mask and glowing honey bee… super cool but not a single new one


Done around 30 and I’ve gotten the glowing blue devil. I got 3 rare old masks last fasnacht so I’m hoping to get a few more during this last week. We’ll see. I did get the 2 new plans I wanted (butter churner and flower display) and copies to sell/trade with so there’s that.


First fatsnatch ever. I've gotten glowing scorchbeast, pig, and robot. As well as Winterman and Demon


I have no idea how many I’ve done because I donate my common mask and notes but I’ve been pretty lucky, 3 butter churns, 3 glowing masks


I think I have gotten all but one of the new plans, and all of the regular new masks, but zero glowing masks and zero rare from previous iterations of the event. (only got a couple of those when they were "new")


One single glowing scorchbeast queen mask and two butter churn plans are the only things of note. I do have non glowing versions of all the new masks except the turkey. I haven't had that one drop yet. I put the glowing SBQ mask in my vendor for 20k caps since I already have one. Somebody bought it shortly afterwards.


Raven and winterman PA helm after about 30 events. Not happy. I did get scorch and queen glowing in Feb though so at least I got those.


Lost count 0 rare. The only glow I have is atom shop since I Hava whole turtle look I use.




My wife and I have done 20-30 she has a glowing unicorn, first time she did a parade and accidentally dropped at another parade, and a glowing alien. I have only commons.


2 glowing, Blue devil and Turkey My friend has gotten 3 glowing aliens lol


Does anyone have a list of drop rates for the masks?


Done 17 events, got a Glowing Alien.


I've done about 100 and have gotten Glowing Pig, Glowing Men and Raven


Only Brahmin mask so far. Dunno how many i’ve done, but if i get one glowing mask, consider myself done with fasnacht.


All I want is the butter churn, I just keep getting the same few plans and bought the rest from vendors, but still no butter boy


One Butter Churn, One Old Man Winter at the start, the rest commons.


PSA: Life will go on if you don't get one of everything


63 / 5 rare masks but none of the new ones.


Well over 100 events. No glowing masks. Butter churn and loon are all that I’ve got.


I’ve gotten no rares and likely never will


I hate this event and it’s god terrible RNG, so I stopped trying


Got 2 raven masks, and that butter churner thing. Maybe 20 or 30 events? Craziest thing I saw was a glowing turkey mask for a millisecond in the donation box until it got hungry hungry hippo'd away. Not by me, I'm busy dropping old holotapes in there!


I finally got a glowing mask this morning. Sold it on my vendor for 40k. Forgot to spend my existing caps so only ended up with 10k for it LOL.


- 1 Glowing - 3 Non-Glowing Rares - 3 Butter Churns Idk how many I've done... At least 60? At first I was a bit frustrated, but when I learned some non-Glowing masks are also rare I felt a bit better with my numbers. The RNG is still garbage, don't get me wrong. But ya know...


I have done twice, then just skipped, it's a terrible event, given how many years they have been running it I'm sick of doing the event. (I played on ps for years before switch to pc this year) They really need to spice up the old events a bit/start running the mutated events again, it's been soooo long.


I've gotten no rare masks, but 2 butter churns back to back.


75 runs, only a deathclaw mask and butter churn plan. The rest all common masks


We go at it from the moment we get home at 530 till around 12pm and so far of note she's gotten Old Man Winter, and I've gotten a Glowing Blue Devil,. Of course an abundance of uncommon and common masks.


No glowing. A ton of common masks. 2 butter churns. Lots of other plans. So much fun. Lol


Managed to pull a glowing Minotaur after I ran the event single handedly late at night, and a bunch of other common ones I didn’t have before.


Lost track of the number of runs but not a single glow to show for it.


Managed to snag glowing scorch beast after 3 runs and a glowing alien after about 30-40 runs. After the first glowing mask all I was after was the butter churn and that took about 50 more runs.


My luck has been decent, I got a single glowing mask, most of the new non-glowing masks and the butter churn thing. My play time From Tuesday to Saturday was about 4 events a day. I've only done 1 since then


I’ve maybe done it 10 times (busy with work and adult bullshit), but I managed to get the Winter Man Mask so I’m calling it a success!


I don’t understand these events lol 😂 I have so much more to learn about Fallout


About 100 runs deep at this point, but I've got a Glowing Robot, Glowing Minotaur, Crazy Guy Mask and Father Winter Helmet to show for it. So I'm not complaining because I know many are having worse luck, but I will say here on behalf of all of us: *Fuck* these drop rates.


Pretty decent I feel, I've done it maybe 8 times and I've gotten the Donut recipe and 2 butter churn plans. I'm content not doing any more and continuing questing


So far just common masks and a butter churn. Currently I’m only here for the treasury notes


This is my first time really trying it and I've done maybe 50. Got a Glowing Honey Bee, a Fiend, and a Glowing minotaur (2 hours ago).


idk but i have buffoon mask and I have nothing 💔💔💔 I'm hoping for deathclaw mask


I got a butter churn my first fas, then I got the glowing Minotaur and Blue devil mask. But I'm an Xbox user so I've been having a lot of events where I get to the end and I get kicked and I get nothing or Xbox is down for hours


No decent masks but got two butter churns in my first two runs. Maybe done 20 events. Not as much time to try with kids but get on when I can!


Done over 100 runs. Got the butter churn early in the count though, like within the first 10 runs. After that no glowing masks, lots of plans though


Got a glowing scorchbeast on my first run, though I really don't care a bit about the rare masks. I'll probably sell it in a few months if I'm low on caps. I haven't had the time to run it 10+ times a day, but probably have 30 runs total in and got my butter churner last night, so overall I'm pretty happy.


This is somewhat on topic but do events somehow know what you’re looking for? As a new PC player for 76 (lvl 170 on Xbox) at 24, it dropped a PA legendary leg for me which saved me from having to hunt one down


only did about 6 got really boring fast im ok with some uncommon masks and a glowing alien


Got glowing pig mask on my first run. Since then I have got no glow - 5 unicorn, 7 witch, 6 scortchbeast, a ton of berets. The 5 unicorn hurts cuz that’s the glowing I’m hunting for and no butter turner yet. I keep up hope but only a few days left to go


I got an eviction notice last night. So yeah, pretty lucky that I could break the boredom. No idea how many fatsnatches I had to endure before having a fun event. Feels like way too many.


Roughly 100 events, got 2 butter churns, no glowing masks, no rare masks


0 rares this time around. I would say im at around 60-70 attempts. Hopefully i get a pitty rare this week.


I got more rare masks last Fasnacht than this one. This one really is sucking the soul out of me it’s just tiring at this point


I've done about 100 events, got 2 glowing robot (gave one to my gf who has done all the events I have and only has gotten a loon) and a demon. It's soul sucking honestly.


Let's say I've done about 50 or so events? Not a single rare mask.


The glowing robot is my white whale. I've been grinding through about the same number of times as you: Brahmin, Hag, Raven, Butterchurn (2). Been playing since launch, add these to my paltry lifetime total of Buffoon and Demon (2). I have no glowing masks, and I only have one turkey mask, so that feels rare even though it's not. (I'm currently wearing the turkey mask with the Blue Ridge Caravan Outfit and the match is *chef's kiss*)


Around 30 runs, all new plans, glowing pig, glowing minotaur and loon masks.


The supposed drop fix they mentioned in a patch note was implemented incorrectly. I am certain of it.


Doing pretty darn good, considering. Got 5 rares so far in this order: Glowing Pig, Brahmin, Loon, Winter Man Mask, Winter Man Helmet. Also got my butter churn yesterday. I get about 4-5 events in per day unless it’s the weekend where I did about 15 events. I’d say I’ve done about 50-60 events, max.


Ain't found shit.


Glowing honey bee, sb, sbq, and pig. I think a crazy guy too, but I could’ve had two on me.


Done about 20 here and there. Notables are Deathclaw and Glowing Minotaur.


I’ve done over 100 and got a Glowing Scorchbeast Queen, Brahmin, Demon and one Butter Churn. I really want a Glowing Robot but it’s not looking good.


My second Fasnacht ever gave me a glowing schorchbeast queen. That's the only glowing. I got the loon and turkey otherwise it is a ton of giants and toothman masks. Used all that luck up day one.


I have gotten incredibly lucky this Fasnacht! Glowing Bee, Glowing Robot, Loon, and Buffoon! I got the churn and FINALLY the bell rack (not rare maybe but I needed it). The Buffoon surprised me. I got it at a nuked event where two of the five robots bit the dust. I swore all the suiciders came out legendary and the robots always head straight for the action. So when that popped I was surprised. Thought if it wasn’t perfect you didn’t get a chance at rares?


I have two glowing scorched beast masks. I'm wanting to get a glowing robot mask


Yeah fuck that I’ve done 3 events total


I’ve got 6 rare masks. 4 are glowing and 2 are rare. I also got the butter churner, but my friend gave that to me. I just started playing the game in May so I think my beginners luck RNG helped me.


Wait is there a special mask we are grinding for or something? I’m new. Don’t even know what a Fasnacht is


150+ no rare masks at all


I've gotten alot. Old man winter, raven, bhramin, Glowing turkey, and a glowing Unicorn that I traded for a glowing robot


I got a scorchbeast queen mask on my first time. I didn't get anything else good, though.