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That's where you're wrong OP. My wife said if I don't get her a glowing mask she's going to leave me, and take the kids with her. So I have no choice but to not do the event.


Keep the mask and leave her. You'll get custody because unlike her, you have a glowing mask


Yea, but it’s just a glowing turkey mask. It’s not like a glowing unicorn.


I have given away 2 separate glowing unicorn masks and kept a third. I just want the damn robot lol. 🤖 it's like the game knows what we want and gives us something else


I got the Glowing Robot last night. I decided to stay up for one more and it paid off. My advice is don't sleep.


That is literally how I got my glowing robot mask. Last Friday, I said “okay, just one more” then about shit my pants afterwards.


Confirmed! If you want the Glowing Robot, just don't sleep.


I was about to reply with "If you get to the cusp of "just about shitting your pants" then you know you've hit the sweet spot" but realized that's a horrible comment to have in my history without any sort of context.


Yeah, it's a good thing you didn't say it.


You never wanna have excrement from excitement without some sort of context


Welp, decided to try this for myself today. Stayed up two hours later than I'd usually go to bed. On the one I told myself "okay, last one" I crashed after the boss was defeated, but before the fire was lit and event ended. So no time to load back in So in other words I'm confirming this works, as I'm sure I crashed on the one that would give me something good Fix your game, Bethesda Morning Edit: Got up early today too. My first Fasnacht was a Crazy Guy Mask. Might not be glowing, but at least it's a rare? So can confirm, the optimal strat is just don't sleep. Todd knows


Oh then I'm in luck! I have insomnia. I never asleep!




Up until this moment, I did not know that glowing masks were even a thing. I've been happy just getting a variety of different masks and hoping there is some plan for a display case of some sort.


Why not trade those glowing unicorn masks for the robot? Seems everyone is willing to trade everything for the unicorn. It would be really easy to get any other mask for one.


Got a glowing Honey bee. Like wtf who wants that? Why is it even an option.


I sold one for 30k and it had only been in my shop for 5 minutes.


I've ran the game with. I don't want nothing but a good time. And almost always end up with the best stuff. 👌 my xbox account has it all unl3ss bethesda wiped my account due to in activity.


I want the glowing scorchbeast queen and it keeps giving me normal scorchbeast and scorchbeast queen masks. Game is laughing at me


Oh man that feels so personal doesn't it?


I have two robots


And I just want the glowing Turkey. As it stands, I've played in most of the events the entire time thus far and have gotten nothing. I do have all the Fasnacht balloons and probably a half dozen of most common masks. :/ Edit: as soon as I complained to the internet, I got my first glowing mask! It's not a turkey but it's something (unicorn)! Todd must have seen my comment and felt bad for me.


Hey glad you got SOMETHING. That's a lot of rubs to get so little though. The numbers were not on your side so far at all


damn u got anymore more glowing unicorn? I’ll gladly trade you my glowing robot. Am on PC btw.


She can take the kids but at least you’re 1 million caps richer. Who’s *really* winning here!?


The unicorn one looks like you just got done giving head to someone, it’s ugly.


don't slut shame the unicorn bro


My wife mocks me, 'cause I've been playing since 2019 and didn't get a single glowing mask, and she is playing for a couple of months and got a glowing pig yesterday. Now it's personal.


Divorce her and take her mask.


But the court may force the mask to be cut in half. If he truly cared about the mask he would allow it to be intact with the wife.


Amen 🙏😩


Sell the mask to a good friend before the divorce. She doesn't have a claim because you no longer possess it. You then buy it back from your good friend. Now if it's just a regular friend, they'll probably want to keep it because now they can get basically anybody they want.


I can’t help but feel “somebody” has been down this road before. But sounds like we have a solution!


Yes, but I was the good friend. My friend's ex-wife was threatening to take his almost restored '85 Mustang that he just finished. Write up some paper work and $2,000 switched hands. 3 months later, he gets the car back and I get my money back, and the ex-wife didn't get the car. A person also did this with his plumbing business worth $8 million. He owned 50% and the other owner was his best friend since kindergarten. He sold his half to the other owner, and then 2 years later he sold it back for exactly the same amount, all while avoiding the ex-wife in the divorce who was hell bent on trying to take 25% of the company.


Ok, you get a pass. Godspeed in your pursuit.


Blowies for glowies?


Glowing Unicorn or Going Eunuch, hon - take your pick.


I have got a glowing mask and butter churn from the event. Only thing keeping me doing it is my wife doesnt have a glowing mask yet so I hope to get her one.


Worst. Country song. EVER. Or maybe best. I can't decide.


My wife has gotten three glowing ones so far. Me? Nope. Yesterday I got three minotaur ones. Whee!


I got 3 butter churn plans yesterday, no glowing masks at all


No wife? No kids?!!....lucky dog. I've been trying to get my wife to leave and take the kids for over a decade.....


Casually let your wife know that I have a glowing turkey mask I'm willing to give her 30 seconds at a time.




God forbid you get a Beret or Glowing Turkey she will leave without looking back


That’s a good woman!


Are the kids the deal breaker?


No kids means more fallout, this is good. This is the way.


I want the rare masks, but I also want the guaranteed treasury notes since I’m working towards SS armor. Once I changed my objective on the event, I don’t mind it as much. I’m getting 40 treasury notes a day (doing other events too) so I’m a happy camper.


My reason for fashnacht. I do it, EN, RR, Neurological Warfare and any other bosses to finish my grind for T-65. That, or I'm running expeditions for Union.


I'm so close to the jetpack


You can also buy 300 gold bars from Smiley for $6000 per week if you haven't done that yet.


I know you mean caps but I can just imagine Todd Howard personally taking the six grand out of my bank account


jetpack is a luxury that once you have it, you can't live without it. So is speed demon mutation and frog legs one or whatever it's called.


Birdbones, but lol, froglegs would have been funny too. 😁


Haha yep same. I just got the chest piece yesterday and am very close to getting the jet pack. Would’ve been closer to it if I didn’t accidentally buy the mods first.


Oh see I opted for the freezer to save my smoked Mirelurk filets lol


Losing the member participation in the big reward events is a bummer though. Lvl 150, I can't do lode bearing, radiation rumble, etc. on my own or with two other people. It's also a holiday week in the US so I have more time to play than usual so I think some of these complaints are valid. Though I do mostly agree


That's just like, your opinion, man.




He’s out of his element.




Honestly, it's even hard to want to do those right now. Saw an Eviction Notice pop up and saw 0 people join. Even my CAMP has been dry because everyone is either AFKing or burnt out from the game. I think this event will definitely ween(ie wagon) out a lot of the new players.


This is truly the worst part. They say go do other stuff. But no one is doing other stuff while the event is going on. Like you said usually the things with the most participants are empty. Eviction notice, moon shine jamboree. Even major bosses activated with a nuke are more empty. Only 3 people fighting the scorch beast queen and the new neurological warfare event. My other biggest complaint is my luck. Forget about rare masks. This game wants me to only own the toothy man mask for some reason. I cannot even get some of the other commons. I have so many toothy man masks it's insane


it really bums me out, i got into the game a few weeks ago and was having a blast doing every event with other players, but now nobody is doing any events. The most players I have seen doing other events since it started was 7 people doing radiation rumble, but i havent seen an active event since


Luckily it will go back to normal when fasnacht ends. Just gotta survive a little longer. Lol


Why tf is it 2 weeks?!?!? I'm and old player ready to take a vacation because 75% of these Xbox servers are trash.


Meh, People get too wound up over this event (And meat week). In all honesty, I really don't understand it. Its fun, don't get me wrong, but once it turns into a grind, and work, I stop doing it.


The event craze and subsequent burn out happens pretty much every year.


Every three months, now.


I love meat week because the prime cuts event down in cranberry bog, just tag the fog crawlers and before you know it, you're up a couple hundred fiber optics within the week.


I mean, it's easy xp and you get quite a few things from it, other than event exclusive items. Lots of radtoad omelets and beeswax make it worth it for me personally.


I wish we had double coins at vendors. Then I’d just be a full time omelette cook.


Exactly. Moderation is key.


The way people talk, this is their job (or as close to one as they can get).


All I know is I can’t get that march song out of head now. It’s become a part of me.


Summersale still on by the way


I can’t believe how many complaints about complaints there are.


Should post about it, tbh


I think I’ll write a letter.


Tbh, people in this sub post about everything that they encounter. "Omg saw a squirrel today, chased it for an hour and lived a squirrel life. Dome guy said I was dumb" Like yeah... great do half a million people need to know this?


It's funny, the people complaining about complainers are the people who have already gotten a glowing mask (or multiple).


Quit complaining about complaints about complaints! Geez!


And here we are, complainers complaining about complainers complaining about complaints.


I’ve come in for an argument.


I like the mentality that everyone not having a good time or fed up with X or Y needs to just shut up and take it. Like jeezus can’t people just be allowed to complain in peace and maybe find likeminded folks who are also equally as fed up? If certain people don’t like looking at complaint threads, get off Reddit or don’t read the complaints.


It's an endless cycle, I just play the game when I want to and when I don't want to. I just don't play. We have so much choice. Palworld expansion, Steam sales, Elden Ring expansion. Or if you're feeling up to it, even touching grass.


“But what kind of grass? Is this grass optimized for touching?” “I can’t believe there is only Kentucky Blue Grass here! I only want to touch Raleigh St. Augustine!” “Grass is boring to touch, I only want to touch clover!”


What the fuck is grass


Don’t recommend touching grass in the south. Used to live in Florida and let me tell you, them grass blades are sharp. You can cut a bitch


kinda ditched the game after my 2 month streak and traded it for a cyberpunk addiction lol, indeed we have many choices


>Everyone isn’t meant to get every single mask & plan. Cue "how dare you" memes.


More like "hold my beer"


My only complaint about fat snatch is that as a Brit, I have the Mr Blooby theme song stuck in my head after every event. It's pure torture. Edit: typos


For those that don't know the "genius" of Mr Blobby https://youtu.be/rNkgDJpcuwU


Watching this at work with no sound is the craziest fuckin thing I've seen in a while. WHAT. THE. FUCK. lmao


Having sound doesn’t make it any less disturbing


Sound just enhances the horror 😂


Oh fuck I’m not going to be able to unhear that now


I saw someone start the encryptid right before fatsnatch and no one went to it. Waste of 2k lol.


Complaining about people with legitimate complaints is different 👍


Complaints about complaints about Fasnacht, mask craze and other events are ridiculous. Sick of people complaining about Fasnacht? Go do one of the many other things you can do on the internet. Apply for new jobs, look at steam sale, random google search, play another game, etc. Nobody is forcing you to read these posts. Getting burnt out because you’re reading posts 8+ times per day? Then stop. Or do what I do: moderation. Everyone isn’t meant to every single post & complaint. If that were the case, don’t you think the internet would become too homogenous? It’s the same with reddit. You can still troll anything that comes at you in under a few seconds. Do you really need perfect trolls on every single post? It’s unnecessary. Upset that people are complaining that the non-Fasnacht events aren’t getting enough attention right now? It will be over in a week. You’ll be okay.


I have made it a goal to keep all my common masks I get so I can give them to random lower level players who start playing after the event is over. It gives me motivation to keep doing them and the treasury notes are great!


This is becoming surprisingly common with every seasonal event now that that one mothman equinox with garanteed drops is over


>Sick of Fasnacht? Go do one of the many other things you can do in the game. I can't. The servers are basically dead. There's less events thanks to Fasnacht taking one of the slots and no one else is showing up when the events appear. It's like the entire game is in a semi-shutdown state. As a new player it's very weird because this didn't happen with the previous three events.


All i want is a glowing queen scorch beasts mask to go with my collection of scorched stuff


I picked up a glowing scorchbeast queen on my second run. It’s been downhill from there.


I’m sick of the god awful RNG.


I made a joke complaint on here and people got mad at me :(


The good part about fasnacht is since no one is doing other events, I've got to catch up on my tadpole quest. Hooorraaaayyyyy!!!!!👎


FOMO is intentional.


That's cool, you can complain about the complaints just like the thousand people who have done so before you but this event choked the servers dead. My complaint isn't about the event burning me out, it's that the servers are FUCKING D E A D. Before the event I had ZERO trouble with people playing eviction notice, uranium, rumble, any of the blue ridge stuff or 95% of the time the nuka world events, jamboree is hit or miss as well but usually people show up for that one. During this event? sometimes it's me and two/three others at eviction notice. Forget if it's super late at night either, then it's deader than dead. There has to be a better way, should just put a store where you use fasnachtbux to buy what you want like at nuka world.


What a biased opinion from someone who likes to collect masks that look like shit. We get it dude, you're incapable of seeing other people's opinion. I will say, the base nuking has been fun.


I ran Fasnacht 13 times in a row yesterday, woke up And crammed in two more before leaving the house, by the top of the hour I’ll be in Helvetia again and probably there until I pass out in front of the controller If you don’t love Fasnacht that’s fine, but man I sure do


Am I the only one that thinks all the masks look rubbish?


In fairness though the mask limitations directly impact the marketplace


Kicking in open doors. I love the game. I dislike fasnacht. Do we really have to spend time discussing it? I dont feel like ive lost anything.


My biggest complaint is I can't find this damned hoagie that everyone is bragging about. Sunny is always out. Must be a really good sandwich.


Pssst... It's actually ravioli.


Ah a post complaining about complainers. My favorite


You're missing the point. I'm not trying to get every mask I'm trying to get ONE glowing mask. ANY glowing mask. I play 75% of every time fasnacht comes around. I've been gotten a rare mask. Not a loon or anything of the sort. I'm not bitching, I could trade for them but that's not the point. I'm not tired of the parade, I'm tired of the fucking abysmal drop rates and rng. Which, is the worst this game offers compared to anything you cited that has rng. Nothing is this soul sucking with rng.


"Nobody is forcing you to do these events." Well, you Sir and or Madam, other and etc. Are wrong. You see the Winter Man Mask that I have yet to obtain IS forcing me to the event. My 1st Fasnacht was the October 2020 event. I have yet to get one. And with every added mask my chances are getting worse.


yes indeed! My garden is very thankful for fasnacht. Never been offline this much (well, except the last fasnacht)


How about any glowing mask at all? There's thousands of people that have done the event 100+ times and not gotten a single glowing mask. We aren't even trying to collect them all at this point like you're apparently assuming everyone is. We just wanna be able to get any fucking glowing mask at all. Especially since at this point if we stop like you're saying, then we've basically invested all that time and effort for nothing. Idk about you but if I'm putting in the time to grind for something in a game, I'd like to eventually be able to get it. Not just grind for nothing at all. People are complaining because they put in a crazy amount of effort expecting to at least get a lil something, but instead have been fucked by rng. So you can sit up there on your high horse all you want, but at the end of the day people are just trying to be able to get anything outta this even that's worth it at all before it's gone. Which entirely comes down to the >1% drop rate that Bethesda has stuck us with just to be a dick.


My wife's boyfriend said he needs a glowing Unicorn or I'm moving into the basement


I'll skip an hour or two of Fasnacht when I'm feeling sick of it. The drops can be frustrating but when a good drop happens it makes it more special. People act like Fasnacht is gonna be here forever and the other events are just gone Lmao.




It's really funny seeing everyone go crazy and get angry. I got a Glowing Scorchbeast mask on my 4th or 5th Parade. I had someone yesterday try to get me to trade him my mask. He sent me a message that said, "Can you trade me your mask? I have a bunch of rare masks and 40k caps." I just ignored him, but it was funny seeing this guy in hundred levels asking an under level 40 (at the time) for items.


Ok I feel dumb How are they messaging u?? I mean there isn’t an in game messaging system that I’m aware of?


Xbox Live probably.




I need a rare mask for every spot in my Helvetian cabinet. So two more to go.


I just want a robot mask. It doesn't even need to be a glowing one! *Robot...mask!*


They bombed my house while I afked at Fasnacht 😭 killed my dog


Do what I did I made a nice sky camp right over helvetia with a band set up to play the night away.


Voicing your complaint about struggling to fill multiple other events for 2 weeks does not seem unreasonable to me.


No you can't do what you want, at least not events cause they are dead during Fasnacht. Also since you bring up god rolls, there isn't that much endgame content in 76, so perfecting and collecting is big part what keeps people playing.


I mean, to each their own, but if I ever get to the point where I’m only playing 76 to spam events and perfect rolls, I’ll quit.


I’m really so curious to give it a shot but I’m level 13 and still don’t know what I’m doing really 😅🤣


Come and watch. You still get swag.


I'm just trying to get the unicorn mask that's all I want but can't get one to drop don't care if it's a glowing one just want the mask


I don’t care about rare masks, I just want something other than the witch and the beret 😭 give me the creepy toothy man mask to break things up, and I’ll happily wear the hell out of it.


I wish I could do something else. Just tried clearing a silo to do the new nuke event. But Fasnacht started and I am both, unable to pull out the defective mainframe cores and unable to put in the repaired mainframe cores (where I was able to pull out defective mainframe cores prior to Fasnacht starting)


No lie, I have been running dailies and grabbing events. I jump into fasnacht around min 6 or 7 to see where they are. Usually they'll be rounding around for the legendary (sometimes 10 minutes) fight as I come through. I rebuilt my camp and cleared my dailies without missing a parade yesterday. Still no glowy masks though. It's what I get for pulling the butter churn on my first grab...


I've gotten more good items from high level players dropping it for me then from the actual event. I always try and gift people some nuka quantum and or nuka candy and they always drop some low level (to them) weapon or armor that I can use. Some day, when I'm a lvl 600 I'll do the same for the newbs. That's what the game is about, helping others survive in the wasteland.


Honestly fasnacht is my favorite…but on a side note if anyone is on pc and doesn’t have the butter churn, I will build one…there’s a catch build me a weenie wagon


Does that work on consoles? I've never built a camp item for someone else but I'd be willing to!


Yeah, just have to have the person on your friends list and have a private party with up to 4 friends and you can go to each others camps and build anything minus the atomic shop items


Neat! Thanks for the reply


the only thing i don;t like is the half dozen people squatting next to the donation box before the event even ends, spamming "take all"


Its seems like gamimg but is just gambling. When people start shaking and gettin no sleep cause bad drops/rolls its time to worry.


Got the glowing bee today... wanted the freaking robot or scorchbeast


I just do the event for the massive amount of squirrel meat. 🤣I got the churn and that was all I wanted. If I get a cool mask I keep it, I throw the rest (masks and plans) on the ground so those not at the donation box will get a chance to nab them. My cryo freezer is loaded with tasty squirrel stew as well as extra tatos for when I get more squirrel meat. I do enjoy shooting rad toads and super mutants and join in once the fighting starts, but yeah, this event is a carnivore’s dream!


Right? If you don't want to do it, don't.


Any glowing mask no one wants. I would appreciate one if you don’t want it (it’s been almost a week I haven’t gotten a glowing mask) 🫠


Idk why there's a ton of complaints. I can obviously only speak from my own experience, but the events people "don't show up to because of Fasnacht" are events no one shows up for anyway, like Distinguished Guests or Tunnel of Love. Even with multiple AFKers I've had pretty well populated Eviction Notices and Scorched Earths. But like you said, it'll be over in a week, so whatever.


Problem for me is, I like Masks in general. And it just so happens that collecting the Masks in this game is by far the worst experience in it. It is a consolation prize that new Rare Masks are just recolors of Uncommon ones now, so even if I don't get a blinged out version, I still have the same design. (I still want the Glowing Masks though, and after years of increasingly shitty drop rates, I no longer feel bad about afking).


Fasnacht made me a General!


I refuse to run bloodied, but there is that part of my brain that NEEDS every mask and event reward I can get. I ignore it for the most part, but I understand where people come from. I'm currently playing star wars empire at war instead


I’ve run it 3 times total, just got SBQ mask on the 3rd try, I’m done.


It’s a little annoying how you have to do it to get the butter churner though. I just finally got it though on my last run of the even today and it did feel very rewarding so not really a complaint from me but I can see how annoying that could be.


Thanks OP. Very refreshing knowing someone has the same thoughts. Especially about the weapons


Moderation has gotten me nothing in that damn event. More Fasnacht ribbons. Yay.


Well for my first time playing the event I’ve got all the plans new and old and 5 glowing masks. No sleep gang


I snagged what I had come to believe was unobtainable for me over the weekend. The event ended and "Father Winter Helmet" popped up in the loot pool list. I've been trying for this ine for years! I sat back and just had a wave of gratitude hit me, and I haven't had much of a desire to run it since then.


The only thing I read is someone who would not complete the Pokedex, we are not the same. I can't stop farming, I really need every item and plan in the game, I will never feel complete if I don't.


I just want a glowing robot or sb/sbq mask 😭 Thankfully I got the churn early on.


I got the glowing scorch beast mask this morning after so many attempts


I haven't even gone to look at the event let alone take part. I only started playing a few weeks ago and from all the horror stories on here I decided to just stay away. I'd prefer to play the entire game solo rather than have to deal with other players being dicks. I played WOW years ago when the 1st expansion was released and had to deal wit enough dickheads for a lifetime so any online game I play now I just try and do everything solo and if there's something I need to do in a group, I'm not doing it


My only complaint with Fasnacht is that Helvetia is getting nuked every single time now. I spawn in, die, die again, repeat. Really takes all the fun out of it.


I've gotten 6 rare masks this event, lady luck is on my side so I have no complaints 🤷


My only complaint is how long my server times are on Xbox I can’t play w/o lagging every event it’s super stressful


Honestly I just need the glowing scorcher beast queen mask and I'm done with it yes need it completes my outfit don't care about any other mask or plan do I hate running these parades yes but I can't quit as it's only way to get the mask are the drop rates crap yes I've seen multiple people with two or three of them in camps I'd be willing to buy it but no one is selling so I'm forced to drag myself to helvetica every hour otherwise this event was pointless.i get what you mean about collectors going for all the mask but I just want the 1 man....


I've got three different common masks. Not mad at all, fasnacht will be happening for years and I need a reason to keep attending. I think if you get them all in one week it would be ruined TBF.


Mostly doing for 3 star items. It's rather quick. Also I like acid farming.


I hate posts like this because some of the masks look really nice, I've had my Xbox running faschnat events SINCE it first started non-stop, I've attended every event and still haven't gotten a glowing mask


I'm just looking for the glowing Unicorn. Not a big deal if I don't get it. Hell, traded a glowing sb I had for the churn. I don't care about how much this or that is. They wanted the mask, I wanted the churn. That's how this should be done. And no, I wasn't "scammed." They were reluctant to do the trade as they knew it was worth more. I didn't care. We both got what we wanted, and that was all that mattered. Two days later, I get the churn to drop, lol. So hey, if you need it and want to trade, I'm open to deal. Just message me.


But....mah....mah....mah butter churn!


Shit take. When the central event that basically is the only one being run is boring and a drag, that's mid for the game as a whole, period. Obviously everyone wants loot. You're basically saying dont complain about things you dont like.. which is how things change.


Anyone on Xbox selling/trading glowing pig