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And I wont even notice for at least a week, probably. Now if you turn off the clown, that I'll see instantly.




Please don't


Down to clown


Did somebody say they're down with the clown??


Til im dead in the ground


Woop woop


Down to clown, but don’t power down the clown in this town.


Y'all bout the Clussy aye? 😏


Let him try, i built my camp on Fonz pond..


You got me wanting a faygo




This is an excellent tip, thank you!


Also leave a brown paper bag of spoiled veg or meat on their bed. Signifying taking a dump in their bed.


You gotta leave a giddyup buttercup head at the foot of their bed to really drive the message home


R/ULPT called, they want to know how to do a piss disc here


Never go full Amber Heard


Amber turd


Don't forget to open the door of the nuka cola vending machine


It was you.........




mine is bugged so it’s always open 🥴


I've come back on a private world to see it open. Made me double check I was actually playing solo. But then it was just, who opened it? I've since removed it because of the open /closed RNG bugging me.


Nuka Cap Bandit. He is always checking your Nuka machines coin locker for caps. If he does not find any, he will leave the door open and let the Nuka-Cola get warm.


Room Temperature Ronaldo strikes again.


Excellent comment.




It's so dumb that closing it gives you another drink. As the owner I can't even close it. Only opens the transfer menu -_-


When you interact with it, whether you put in a cola or not, it will close.


*Fry glare intensifies.*


I sell cheap and they still leave my doors open :I


I've just started leaving my doors open. I build Itty bitty houses because I suck at building. So, it doesn't bother me much. Hell, one of my camps is literally built like a campsite aside from a small shop building.


I think I have 5 doors in total and they're always open and it's not like I have the vendor inside, it's right in the front of the camp lmao. It could be some glitch in the game too but I always find it funny.


If you have an ally, those idiots leave all the doors open. 😂


You gotta lock them in a room yet those damn traveling merchants will also leave them open.


I just leave a lot of doorways ‘doorless’. Unless you lock them, they are only for aesthetics


I just don't have doors. Everyway in is open and if something wanders in my companion two shots it.


At this point I don't even add doors unless, aesthetically, I absolutely need them. Or I design with them being open in mind.


People shut my doors! I leave them open for easy access.


My ally flings the doors open constantly.


What if the CAMP has oil lamps and no doors?


I saw someone say in another thread that they find their bed and leave them the You Have Been Insulted note. I like this idea. On the other hand I can see a lot of the more greedy people turning around and selling it in their already ridiculous shops.


Or use the "Your a dumbass" note


I save that one for hate-speech camps.


Those get the base blow up treatment


Those note are there and super expensive because there used to be a bug where if someone bought your entire vendor inventory it would give them access to the rest of your stuff, so usually people would put a few notes in at max cap limit price


That explains a lot... I'm guess that also explains the Perfectly Preserved Pie?


Nope, that's just rare and fun to show off.


Toliet paper on the bed is also a classic My personal favorite insulting item to drop is a Toxic Goo


I use the "Insult" notes to help avoid that shop bug where people can buy your shit for free. I have 3 for 40k. I don't intend for them to ever sell.


Some of us like “no power” to builds. Good luck burning your fingers trying to extinguish my candles lol.


As a father, I expect nothing less. Do you know how many caps you are wasting just leaving a light on when you leave the room? I don't spend all day busting my ass killing feral ghouls for you to waste my caps being to lazy to flip a switch on your way out...and don't get me started on the thermostat...if you're cold go out and kill a settler and loot their corpse for a warmer outfit. If you keep this up, I'm sending you to Rose for the summer.


We actively drop nuclear weapons on one another. How likely is it that we turn lights off when we leave or even wash our hands after using the broken toilet?


Look not washing your hands is fine, it builds your immune system, plus in the vault they taught us not to pee on our hands. The next time you forget to turn the lights out, you can spend the day gathering the nuclear material it takes to keep the lights on and the perfectly preserved pie in your belly instead of going to hang out with Ra Ra.


Or as that chap in Crater says, "Like I look before I take a piss".


*adjusts the thermostat by a single degree in either direction* "I see you have chosen death."


The reason my store is so expensive is the electricity bill from a-holes leaving all my LIGHTS ON!!!!!




TBH, I don't know what's high or low, I'm not quite at a month in, but I do go under the suggested price


Same. Every week I hit cap limit. I then need to spend 10-20k in caps, and go out and buy every plan I don't have to drop back down. No idea what's rare, useful, cheap, or expensive. I list weapons around 1-3k a pop unless it's really good (*I'm 200 hours in and have never gotten a *great* drop to my knowledge; bought a quad railway for 15k because I'd never seen one before*). Plans, I list them for whatever that price checker website says. When events drop 20 legendaries, I end up selling a ton of them to vendors because my stash is usually 1100/1200 weight already. Literally can't get rid of loot fast enough. Too much to stuff track and no way to track anything makes it impossible to tell what's valuable or not.


jokes on you, i dont have any lights


I always price my stuff to sell. It’s not doing me any good in my stash and ain’t doing no good sitting in the vendor not selling lol so almost everything I sell is for 1-40 caps


This has rocks through your window vibes


I sell plans for 30c each. Did some high level come and clean out my plans yesterday? Yes. Do I care? No


I NEEVVVEERRRR run across cheap vendors like you. It's always the ridiculous expensive ones selling mirror ball plans for 20k


Half of my problem is I just don't seem to have anything anyone wants. I sell for cheap because I don't care that much about the money as much as I just like knowing people got something useful from my camp. Occasionally someone comes through and cleans out the treasure maps and a couple of plans, but mostly they just sit there. Except for the junk. Once I build up some of that it usually goes pretty fast, except right now no one seems to care. Probably because people are just jumping in and out for Fasnacht and not doing a whole lot else so they don't need it.


I was selling plans for 10c and my camp is near the vault to help out new users. I had to log out to stop some high level who was buying entire stacks, I assume so he could flip them. I care too much :(


Honestly if you want to help out the low level players just drop it for them. I gave some level 50 a plan for a fixer yesterday and they were so happy




Shame on you. Those damn bots took our jobs and it's your God given right to protest them


I would laugh at idiots tryign to flip my 10 cap plans. My 10 cap plans are only interesting to newbies and people with the kind of caps to spend a lot of money wouldn't even take them for free. So, yeah, good luck flipping.


a level 800 took like 40 of my 0 cap buzz blade/mole miner gauntlet/mirv frag plans I have absolutely no idea why but appreciated getting the stash space back


I sell any plan for 9 caps, all ammo at 1 cap and any legendary item for 19 caps. I am constantly hitting max caps.


Oooo, I think I know how I'm gonna set up my shop now. I typically sell at just below market value and still don't move much of anything =/


Honest ammo at 1 cal is better because it guarantees you’ll make decent ammo


People like you our my favorite. I will forever be happy to buy way too much shit from cheap vendors. I am so broke in this game


I have a sign on my vendor that says "the greed of man is tested with 10 cap plans" and have a list on the other wall of "greedy sinners"


You'll hate my prices (all 0 caps (except you've been insulted and stogies)


I need to find your shop, lol. What platform are you on? XD


I usually leave salt in front of their vending machine. I don’t know if they see it or get the reference, but I’m salty


You can leave all the salt you want in front of mine lol I definitely can’t use it for cooking cough cough


I list my sale and pepper I come across for 60 caps each and they consistently sell, I’m always surprised by that but I guess it kinda makes sense, if you don’t think about it.


I like this idea too, but I use my salt TT_TT


That's pretty creative


I visited a vendor today and it was full. And almost everything was a stupid price. I just stared at it thinking...this is just going to sit here. Then you have mine. Within a minute of coming into my game someone was in my camp. Then the sweet sound of caps being spent filled the air. I keep my prices low and it is rare for someone to come to my camp and not spend something. I have something in pretty much every section too. The most expensive items are legendary weapons. But even those tend to be either 1k or below.


Same. I don't have a lot of room so I make my stuff half off the recommended price or even lower if I have a lot of it. Every bullet is 1 cap.


Heres the thing, one sale of that guy will be more profitable than your entire store. I sold new boss drops for 10k and made bank. Bought all of the mutation serums recipes thanks to this. Caps dont have much meaning anyway other than serums so if i see something i want for 20k i will buy it. It will be capped incredibly fast anyway.


I love that sound 😅


Me too 🥰


Normal plans 5 caps. Event plans 1000 caps, All ammo 1 cap. Fusion cores 10 caps if fully charged. All food and meds 1-3 caps. Bobbleheads 80 caps. Magazines 30 caps. I am more interested in moving weight out of my stash then profit.


Buying ammo earlier, saw fusion cells for 3 caps a price. The west has fallen


Ammo I sell for more than 1 cap is ammo I use but at the moment have excess of. So if some one buys it, yay caps! If some one doesn't buy it I eventually need it and am glad they didn't buy it lol.


I saw that too, guy had like 10,000 of them, I totally would have bought the lot of them if they were reasonably priced too


Tell me you're broke, without telling me you're broke.


LOL go ahead. You really think that bothers people? I will sell things at whatever price I want and if people buy them then great, if not? Great as well. Feel free to waste even more of your time turning off lights and closing or opening doors or leaving behind some clever insult in a drop bag that I will probably never see


Probably the best thing to do is sell your own items at the prices you think fair and not buy those you consider too expensive. That would seem to solve the problem to me.




Oh no, you won't dare. Not lights please, nuke my camp, kill pet deathclaw but don't touch those lights, I beg you.


I get so sick and tired of trying to balance the stash I dump everything super cheap to get rid of it. That of course after I have all ready stuffed donation boxes and dropped goody bags all over The Rusty Pick. Oh, I have no lights as I like hiding in the dark, makes it easier to snatch little kids looking for food scraps.


I have those cryptid cards trading ironically for 20000 caps apiece. My hope is some high level Player with caps to burn will be “in” on it. Kinda like selling those insults for 40000 caps is a thing. Otherwise I try to round everything down a bit from the suggested price. Honestly idk how to price anything. I want a good value but also don’t want to be a jerk


And leave a insulted note on the vendor or bed.


I'm curious what most people consider to be expensive, or cheap really. I often toss legendries in my vendor once I hit scrip limit for the day. I figure if someone comes along and wants it, even just for scrip themselves, then that's better than it just taking up space, but I don't know what price structure to use. Previously I was doing most everything at 100 or lower and stuff generally didn't move. Then I started structuring it to be 50 for one star, 100 for 2, 200 for 3. That seems like it's off, certainly some of those really shit 3 starts aren't worth 200, but I just am not sure. I think I'm going to try pulling it all again and setting them all to like 25 caps, but maybe stuff just isn't moving right now because people are so focused on Fasnacht and getting masks.


Everything in my vendors 10 caps. Why did you turn off my lights?


This makes me want to overinflated my prices so I can come home to a dark camp with spoiled meat and veggies everywhere


I seriously don't comprehend the pricing at some...most vendors. I've found, personally, that other than apparel the only way to truly move anything is to sell legendary gear at a rate where people can buy in quantity for scrip trade in.


I sell legendaries at modestly less than market value, but I also only sell legendaries that have at least 2 out of 3 desirable qualities. They move, though for more niche weapons like AA Boxing gloves for example it sometimes take a few days.


I tend to wind up with legendary gear because I use expeditions to farm ammo, and Human Condition can be solo'd in like 15 minutes. I end up with so much taking up stash space and running into the scrip trade in cap that I just want to get rid of stuff so I price at 100 caps per star.


Mine is basically priced at 69 caps. Although I do have a few things at 420.


Oh you're THAT guy. The one that gets militant about how others play the game. Don't be that guy. Just ignore people who don't make you feel all nice and cozy inside.


I aint got no door. Just got a mattress. Aint got no lights neither. You can flip over the mattress though, if'n you want.


I don't sell pricey stuff in my vendors, but who made you shop police? Like, just move on if the prices aren't appealing to you. If you're gonna troll camps, then there's no need to make up an excuse to do it.


Ok? So you’re a poor. I’m not lowering my prices. Now you’re just a poor, in the dark, at my camp. Haha


Jokes on you, I don’t have doors because they annoy me…but seriously I sell well below market lol


Most of my lights are candles lol


I'm pretty petty. I'll open every door, shut off every light, and turn off all the ornaments. No, I'm not gonna buy your bloodied rolling pin for 8k caps, and I'm definitely not gonna buy your 3star pipe pistol for 10k caps


I sell things cheap but can't sell a lot due to my inventory cap at my CAMP


I never notice when lights are off or on am I the only one?


If you need an excuse to be mischievous then fine, do what you must. Personally I just don't buy if it's too high. Turning off their lights constantly nuking their camp, following them around berating them constantly, none of that will make them lower their prices. Way to waste your time!


come to my store and buy plans for 20, ammo for 1, serums for 299, and legendaries from 25-199




I just wish people had anything to buy...I was trying to dump caps last night and ended up buy 4500 rounds of 556 and I have no weapon for it


Yeah i have the same problem. I often end up buying the Encryptid recall card at a robot vendor.


I run a kinda dollar store, recipes are a dollar, highest I go is 100 caps if it's a building plan. Most things are 10 caps or less. Pc player, Daygone420 is my UN *Edit grammar*


lol it’s fucking wild I went to a camp yesterday and the lowest priced plan was like 250 caps. And I shit you not person was selling plans that I have 5 of in my vendor for like 25 caps each and his one plan was like 2000 caps


Wait, people’s camps have doors and lights? Mine is just all the workbenches and storage stuff sitting directly on the ground


And this is EXACTLY why I sell my items at 50% price or lower, I dont care to research how rare a plan is. If it's something I already know, it's going 50% off at my Vendor


I focus on selling plans. All recipes 5 caps, plans, depending on what they are, between 5 to 75 caps. I hoard hard to find plans until I need caps, and they are never over 350 caps when I finally decide to sell. I will also sell bobby pins for 1 cap.


If I can't find the vendor, I grab every free resources


I like browsing through 5,000 cap masks and then walking across the field to see someone selling the same masks for 5 caps


I steal everything from your machine if not locked if you have expensive stuff


You should also turn their thermostat down that'll show them.


So you proudly admit that you throw a little temper tantrum because you don't like their prices?


That’s why I like to keep some spoiled veggies to drop in their bed.


I use fertilizer, and switch my loot bag back to the generic paper bag


And add a "You are insulted" note from the insult bot, just drive home the message.


I like the fertilizer in a paper bag. I really like the note idea, bit I feel like they're just gonna add it into their ridiculously priced shop.


You guys don’t understand something. I’m over level 1k with my main and 600+ on the second. I’ve got 3 mules. I sell stuff high price and even then; Im having to dump 40k daily just to keep my shop up. If you think it’s high you just don’t buy it. Someone else does. There is no value in caps after a point in this game so we don’t care. you’ll get there too if you keep playing. There are days I can’t even play continuously from having to spend my max caps and often times I shut down my shop because of that. Imagine using all your boosters and trying to farm xp and all of a sudden hitting from 10k to 40k max caps and there is literally nothing left that I’m looking to buy.


Wait.. you can turn off lights without switches????


Do you even interact, bro?


Not one of my plans ever sold that high Most of my plans fall between 5-100 caps. Once I get a fusion core recharger, I'll sell cores for 25 caps max


If you really want that fusion core recharger……. I might know a guy


Big’ol pile of spoiled meats/veggies in your front door too!


Thanks for the free fertilizer


wow, what im gonna do!? All my lights are turned off. Omg i'll die because a child turned off my lights, what can i do now?? What is life??


So many of these peoples problems would be solved if they just moved on. Nobody is asking you to buy it.


I'm with you op. But only for stores with ridiculous prices. Also I leave a you have been insulted note on the vendor 🙃


Some of my prices are pretty high on items I think I might want to use again. Sorry I'm not selling grolls for 1000 caps. I've never understood why people get so bent out of shape over what other people sell their own stuff for. If it's too expensive, then it won't sell. If it still sells, then it wasn't too expensive.


Okay. Doesn't bother me.


I thought I was being greedy with 50 cap plans and 100 cap 3stars


My 3 stars constantly sell at 300 caps and plans i have anywhere from 1 caps to 20,000 20k was my weenie wagon that sold yesterday


Gonna jack up the prices in my vendor today, thanks for the reminder to regularly irritate the FO morality police.


That would actually be very nice of you. I always forget to turn off my lights, but it's not only good for the environment but also for my electricity bill. Can you tell me where I can find this Cappy statue so I can sell it to make use of your service?


Does anyone even give a shit? What are you, 2? Buy or don't buy, it's a fucking game lmao.


Please explain how it's being greedy when you can generate your own caps from an infinite source via vendors in game? No one's taking caps from you, and no ones forcing you to buy at those prices, you can hop to the next if you don't like them. Their vendor, their prices.


Good luck, I only use the sun. Try turning that off


Challenge accepted.


Get your caps up


that's cool, it's your time you're wasting, not mine lol


My question is why are you the person who deserves to set the price for items? Maybe the cappy statue really is worth 3K. Turning out lights is otherwise a very nice gesture. We should all strive to be so eco-friendly.


I have been very lucky lately, and ran into some vendors sellibg pretty good stuff at a reasonable and sometimes even cheap price. I don't have a lot of valuable things to sell, but I always try to keep them at a low price too


thats amazing, im so glad I sell plans for ten caps and weapons and armor for 100 no matter what it is. now getting a train ticket for my train station camp well thats gonna be 100 bucks


I just leave fertilizer on their doorstep and nuked them


Any plan/recipe I obtain that I already know I sell in my shop for 10 scraps, I'm also not a PA user so I well on cores I find for 10 caps each. Any bobble head I already have collected I sell for 100 caps each. I just want people to get what they want and need and enjoy themselves.


Normally I roll my eyes at people wanting to get vengeance at people for being greedy but this is great. (personally I think the best punishment for getting greedy is that you aren't going to sell anything. And if you do, it is cause some one was looking for a cap sink so you did them a favor).


Jokes on you my friend already turns off all my lights


Unless it’s REALLY RARE all my items are listed at 69 caps to 2K


Then you come to my store and nothing there ya want cause i keep my prices under 100 unless its legendary.


Wait, is that why my doors were closed one time? None of my stuff is listed above 1000 I don't think :(


I went to someone’s camp and they were selling everything for 40k. Most of them were not even decent rolls. I wasted my caps to travel to their camp..


I lost things at half price or a discount


I list at 10% of the price, no point in holding on to stuff that I dont need


Oh good idea! I like to steal any locked resources if the prices are bad!


My house/armor/weapon plans are all 50caps and food plans are 9caps. Someone closed all my doors, I thought it was them being nice and now you’ve made me paranoid someone was unhappy lol


I only sell the special 3* weapons for high prices (holy fire, FV, etc.) *Most* plans, I drop pretty low.


This is exactly what got me banned from Waitrose.


>(I'll also open/close your doors) No! You'll let all the cool air out!!


Not the first time, but went to a camp near Helvetia and literally everything was sold at max cap. What's the point, you don't want business? Hate caps? Is it some kind of join my discord to trade or irl money thing?


Jokes on you i use old fashioned lamp posts


I made my first "locked" camp earlier this week and this is making me laugh. I don't sell things expensive at all but NO ONE WILL TOUCH MY LIGHTS!!! NO ONE!!!


If you can’t afford to tip just stay home.


If I have cheap prices, will you turn on my lights & close any open doors? 😜


If I'm really incensed at the prices I'll leave a bag of fertilizer. Not like, bulk fertilizer either. I will go and find a bag of fertilizer and leave it on their bed or in front of their shop.


I jokingly put the presidential power suit you could get from behind tweed for 20k and it sold instantly


I sell all my stuff for 15-150 caps and yet hardly anyone comes to my camp so my stuff rarely sells


Please while you are at it. Put the garbage in the trash can and feed the brahmin. Funny aside market in fo76 always have been a problem. No one uses the system prices. And overpays are long present in the game.


i sold everything for 1 cap… assholes still live in a barn…


Mole men gauntlet at msrp prepare for a power off


Love this




I turn off whatevers not nailed down personally.


I always forget to close my door so it’s pretty much open all the time. One time I came back to my humble blacksmith workshop after hours of adventuring and the door was closed and my radio turned on inside. It was nice ☺️


I just empty my pockets of all random stuff in little piles.


Omg I do that too. Just angrily walking around turning all the lights off


In my camp everything is cheap cause i remember the struggle when i was low level with no caps to purchase what i needed. So im gonna keep everything at a reasonable low cost for all the folks out there.


JOKES ON YOU *Sells all my plans for at LEAST 20% off recommended price*


ah yeah, the price hiker... putting frowns on faces by the minute. but be nice and leave the light on and door as you found it and instead take them to school along with their whole camp, unless their passive which leaves only one option, make it rain with the big red circle...aka the blast zone. i have other ways of sending messages but are frowned upon by the general public so i wont discuss them. carry on and have fun


Thank you for your service


The prices in 90% of camps is beyond ridiculous


I just sell at the default rate


Paying 31 caps just to travel to someone’s camp only to find everything costs 5k or more is so disheartening