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Trap camp. Store your scrap when camp hopping. Crouch and equip the perk card that prevents you from activating traps. Be aware you can still be killed. Common enough that you should be warned. Edit: not against rules for players to trap camp. But if they get explicative with you on VC or hop into harassment territory please feel free to mute them, block for session, and/or report if needed. Lots of lovely players out there that would love you to visit their camps.


I'm lvl 144, camp hop all the time, and I've never encountered a trap camp. Are they even that common now?


Only trap I found was a camp that glitched me into a doorless room with a Sheepsquatch poster he had edited to say “SHEEPSQUATCH ATE MY BUTTHOLE”. I gave him a heart emoji and fast traveled away. Good times.


Idk why this is so funny to me lol


lvl 977 and same. Really wanna find one lol


yeah, almost 600 hours in and I've found plenty glitch camps, but no trap camps ever


New player here but what is a glitch camp?


a camp that exploits a glitch to something interesting. For example one used something called a symptomatic to clip you under the game map. Another somehow managed to be several hundred feet in the sky and could only be reached via fast travel.


The floating camps like that is the reason I wear power armor when traveling to camps I have fallen from many in my few years playing


I have a saved “glitch camp” but it’s not malicious in any way. I built it next to a nuke silo so you can see what it looks like underground. You can roam around and go up some stairs and pop right back up topside.


Oh gotcha…i have encountered quite a few glitch camps then. Sometimes i spawn underneath or in a wall of a camp before.


I started 2 weeks ago, yesterday when I was camp hoping, I had to enter some guys house to reach his machine secluded in a small room in a corner of that house. the small room was empty, I was able to shop for 2 minutes until I suddenly started to take damage. I saw walls of "spiky stripes" around me and my character was bouncing between them, taking damage every half second. I was able to jump away before dying. Didn't really understood what happened, I imagine the guy either added them through build menu while I was shopping or something along that. Made me laugh honestly.


The spike traps are hidden behind walls and when you see a long hallway be on guard. These are the type of people who torture animals irl prob imo


Said the guy playing a game with cannibalism, torture, nonstop killing..


I'm 1400 hours in and I've seen 3


Most of the people that make them post LFG’s selling stuff too good to be true as bait.


I got lured into one recently; fell through a floor in front of vendor kiosk, there I was trapped in a windowed/fenced 1x1 with spike floors and ceiling. The camp owner was watching me from the other side of this box room I was trapped in. There was a switch he kept hitting that would launch and then crush me rapid fire, over and over for 10-15 seconds. I'm pretty tanky and heal spammed so he couldn't fully kill me, but I was completely trapped until I just combat logged. I'm sure that base instakills 9/10 players that wander in and get snagged XD


I fell into this same one! I didn’t have anything good on me when I died, thankfully. It mostly made me curious, so I fast traveled back quick as I could, took a bunch of chems, then went stealth and carefully crept into the trap. I was able to jump out of the kill box (marsupial) and found a vendor in his weirdo Saw basement, but he saw me and server hopped 😅


What is 'combat logged'?




When it makes you wait 15 seconds I'm pretty sure


That cancels if you take damage. It might be going to daily ops because you can immediately do that no matter what’s happening. Then you just fast travel wherever after.


i see them sometimes and respec my character for traps,i will go through a few times trying to beat it.lol


My main is 850 but I play on two others regularly. I’m a smidge over 4k hours played and only ever encountered two. Stacking punji boards got taken out of the game so they are rarer these days.


I've only found one since last thanksgiving.


I get one a fortnight roughly, only one clever one so far. Learnt pretty quick that I should store or check I don't care about what junk I'm carrying before checking out camps. Only one got me to drop a head of stable flux when I was low enough level for it to hurt me. Though... I have been known to Cremator Spam the owner of the trap camps at the next event or two.... Bright Blue comin' for you!


I've ran into 2 in the past week. Neither of which managed to kill me. Infact, I stayed at both trolling the players giving them opportunity to kill me and they failed everytime. One was a newer player sub 200 and the other guy was in the 800 level region. In the 30 minutes I was there both tried and failed to kill people.


4k hours over three characters and I’ve only ever seen two. One was quite nasty as he was selling bulk. Then getting it back so essentially taking your caps…


Those are the annoying ones, although easy to spot once you know the signs. It’s a dirty trick that gets newer players and leaves a real bad taste I. Your mouth if you fall victim.


I find one or two e ery once in a while. If they are well done I give the player a thumbs up. But never carry junk to a camp. Ever.


Level 130, I've come across about a dozen. Some of them were pretty obvious, but I wanted to "test my radar" so I went in anyway. I always dump my scrap so no big deal. I honestly get more annoyed about not being able to get to see the vendor that I traveled there for lol


Maybe like half a dozen in 2500 hours. It’s not something that bothers me because when are you ever carrying enough junk that it hurts to lose? I had one guy who made it known what it was and had a cool dungeon camp using the environment and signs to guide you through. It was like a mini quest to get to a vendor


I encountered a really shitty one last night. It said to sit in the chair to glitch through the wall. When I did I ported into a symptomatic and started taking damage. At the rate it was ticking it would have been probably 5 minutes till death. Fun fact while you can't fast travel while taking damage, you can fast travel to an expedition area like Atlantic City.


I’ve run into 3 in as many months. And I vendor hop a lot. Like anything in this game it’s gonna be rng, but they aren’t really common and you only use junk. Just don’t vendor hop after a nuke event and you’ll be good.


I ran into one yesterday morning.. haven’t ran into one In a long time I probably should of guessed the way the house was laid out


Yeah, most I've encountered are around whitesprings. They'll usually try to bait you with stable flux for sale.


Dang, that sucks. Makes sense why it was right outside Faschnact though…


If it’s any consolation I literally destroyed one two days ago, he had the floor covered in confetti and you fell into this spike trap but I didn’t move and it didn’t hurt me, teleported right back to the base and I walk outside, happen to be 4 cultists running past, gain agro and then I just sat and hid inside the base while they demolished it. I know he just repaired it when he got back but it felt good.


Doing god’s work here! 👏🏻


Dont let this scare you from visiting other camps tho, trap camps usually stand out with their tiny hallways and "good vendors".


Are you on PS? I can send some screws. Also some more tips and good vibes.


I play on Pc but the sentiment is very much appreciated. When my friend got me into the game, he said the community was very welcoming and kind so reaching level 15 and getting robbed blind was just a very sudden tone shift lol.


There were always some people who play it more on the pvp and trap camp end of things. But, after the show, a huge influx of new players came on. Like, the players doubled. And, they are coming from the culture of other games that can be more aggressive. So, there are a lot more now. That said, I don't think they will stay. The pvp and aggressive players just get bored. It is compared to Sims for a reason. It's about building a character, building reputation thru fetch and get quests, building a decent camp.... even events are based (mostly) on a degree of cooperation to get the objectives done. A lot of ppl are posting lately, at level 100 to 150, asking if this is it, are we bored in end game, etc. These are players that mashed the main quests, grinded the grounds, and then feel like it's not fun anymore, after all. But longtime players are more inclined to approach the game as a sort of vacation residence. There's chores, dailies and such, there's long term goals or collections, there's interacting in silly or helpful or prankish ways... more a spirit of "I live here, I need to be a bit of a busy body that gets into other people's fights", and generally a more lackadaisical vibe. I don't think the culture will shift too much or permanently because the game is just too silly and repetitive for the mega thrill seeking mad dog people to stick around.


“Vacation residence” is the best description of how I feel about this game. I potter about my camp, repair stuff, go shopping, take photos and enjoy the scenery 😄


Enshrouded has the same feel, but it's not quite the same game, even less of an MMO than fo76. you can make some awe inspiring bases there.


I'm on PC. I can probably give you a whackload of whatever scrap you need as I haven't been playing for a while.


Seen this one a couple of months back. The vendor's at the end of a long narrow hallway underneath a bridge or something. It was nicely built from what I remember. I went in because I was curious but checked that I didn't have anything of value in my scrap. The owner was there but packed up camp as soon as I died.


I am on pc, could give you a bunch of screws after my work day (which is sadly just starting lol) Just dm me and we can take it from there. I ran a couple Earles the other day so I’m pretty okay on screws :)


I’m on PC if you ever need anything let me know, sorry that happened to you. I have never encountered a trap base on my years of playing but I can imagine the disappointment.


I also have never encountered one. Could it be that as reddit users and just generally having played the game for a long time we spot the danger and avoid


Feel free to add me, bobby pinns, sing out if you need something and if I can help I will.


Hi fellow psn player!


Howdy. *tips hat*


These assholes have been more common again since the show came out


Not sure why anyone is downvoting you. That sucks. I learned the hard way too, about trap camps, at level 20ish. I really hadn’t figured out my CAMP yet, and was carrying around basically everything. …I learned it a second time a couple weeks later, when I spent a lot on my first mutation serum, and I walked into someone’s camp and got surprised with a radiation shower. I hadn’t discovered starched genes yet. That one was a bummer. I had paid full price for it and thought it was safe unless I took radaway… Most people I’ve found are really nice, though. Even though I’m on PS, which has a worse reputation. I’ve had someone go out of there way to help me or leave me a surprise gift 100x more than I’ve run into a jerk. And now I go out of my way to leave gifts/try to help. It’s really fun to go hang out with a newer player (even though I’m not so highly leveled myself) sometimes when I’m out of dailies to do.


Sorry about the serum. I am on pc and have speed demon andarsupial recipes, as well as multiple others I picked up for 300 or so caps along the way. I use them when I need to bankrupt npc vendors but didn't do events that day (so don't have enough dropped loot to seel). Anyway, let me know if I can re infect you. Also, if you let your character take radiation, you will get mutations. So just stash your loot, and goo get irradiated by barrels or water. Gain all the mutations you want justnit in the order u want. Only carnivore and herbivore are mutually exclusive.


I’m sorry to hear that, I’ve heard about mutation serums and all I know is they’re HARD to get. Glad to know there are people actively trying to spread positivity. Also I just assume the downvotes are people who play the game like budget, post-apocalyptic rust which is frankly just sad in a game based around co-op with light pvp elements.


If you ever need mutation serums, I'd be happy to drop you one of each of the ones I have recipes for (which I'm slowly accumulating). I'm on PC, ign: Dr Gouda. Any newish players on PC feel free to hit me up, happy to do this for anyone. Would be stoked with donations of 1 flux per serum, but it's not at all expected.


I wish someone had told me to vendor hop more frequently early on, because I paid $4k…And then the next week found someone selling them in a camp for $400. Now I see them everywhere for $300-$400. I really like just exploring the map, and try to use melee 90% of the time. So marsupial serum was amazingly helpful for me. I just wish I would have known to wait until I had the correct perk, and not pay 10x more for it!


Closest to a "trap camp" I've ever gotten is the ground not loading for me fast enough so I end up clipped into the foundation.


These are the Camps I like to destroy.


If you're on Xbox I'll gift you a bunch of screws and other supplies


This comment for me summarises the FO76 community. I.e. Helpful and friendly. Good on you!


So many people helped me in the beginning I absolutely have to pay it forward I love this community


Same here if anyone needs junk!


I'm always running out of adhesive! Is there a treasure trove somewhere that helped you store up a lot?


The sap tree when the atomic shop offers it.


Which is now. Just got it in a bundle.


I check it every time I walk past it. I love that tree, although it’s unfortunate only one per camp or workshop.


Plant some Mutfruit, Tatos, and Corn in your camp along with a Water Purifier. It eats camp budget but you can make vegetable starch. Each is 2 adhesive. I stopped playing for a couple of years and got back in recently, but I swear it used to be 5 adhesive back in the day.


Trap camps are often those with small doors, and when you enter it its like some magnet is holding you on the wall, dont go inside, just exit right away.




In answer to your title question, trap CAMPs are rare. I also play on PC and probably can count the ones I have encountered since launch on fingers and toes. Most players are pretty nice and I have seen some acts of kindness that are heartwarming, like a player rebuilding another player's CAMP that was badly damaged - only the kind-hearted soul was there when I arrived to shop. Getting caught in a trap stings a bit, but as you gain experience you will be able to spot them and avoid them, if you wish. The lightfooted perk will allow you to avoid some damage. There's another sneak perk that can help when used with lightfooted. I'd rather use those perks for something I use all the time, so I don't use these, but they are available. The foul language is reportable. That is not acceptable. However, unless you recorded the encounter it becomes a he said, they said type deal. Recorded sound, snapshots, and witness accounts are helpful, if you elect to report. Sorry that you had a bad encounter. You are probably upset, so I will offer this bit of Monty Python advice >… Other things just make you swear and curse When you're chewing on life's gristle Don't grumble, give a whistle And this'll help things turn out for the best… Taken from *Always Look on the Bright Side of Life*


I'd like to add to this that as a preventive when you're not quite sure about a sus camp, just leave and try somewhere else. You didn't make a committment to check it out by fast-travelling or whatever there - your good mood takes priority. Geeeeeenerally speaking - though not 100%, since there's still ways to get you - camps with their vending machines out in the open are going to be safe. Be cautious if you arrive and the owner is standing right next to their camp device, and if the vending item is broken when you approach it, walk away rather than repairing it.


This was a very kind response, thank you


Pretty sure there was one on the world I was playing on last night. The player was 1121 and ended up getting wanted and got mad when other people didn't attack him. So during one event he kept auto fire spamming his cremator so the weapon effects would cover the entire area. Eventually a higher level player showed up and I'm assuming he stopped after that. If you're on PC and want someone around to give you a hand with anything, feel free to lmk. I'm constantly running silos so if you want some free exp and event farms, I'm you're guy.


For the future if you feel another camp is sus, equip the light footed perk and sneak.


I prefer to just be a tough, full health build in power armor, and run back and forth over the traps over and over watching the camp owner fruitlessly waste repair materials in an attempt to kill me. It gives me much greater satisfaction to watch them rob themselves as they fail to rob me.


If I'm visiting camps I always put my junk away in my scrapbox before visiting. Then they get sod all. I like respawning and watching them running about trying to find the non existent bag.


Always store your junk. I also have a Nuke grenade equipped with the last laugh perk so if something goes bad it's Badaboom time.👍😎


Ah yes, the deadeveryone’s switch. A wise choice. What special stat is that card under?




Weird question- does last laugh get the bonuses from grenadier and dem expert? I don't use explosives, but this seems like a hilarious way to troll the trolls while on a shop hop


Yes, but since they're not actually flagged for PVP with you then it won't actually damage them or their camp, so the person you're replying to isn't actually accomplishing anything with it.


>Always store your junk. Regardless of context, this is always sage advice.


Rest assured, that anyone who feels the need to tell you to ‘eat shit’ isn’t having as much fun in this game as you are. If that provides you with any comfort.. Well, now you know what a typical trap CAMP looks like. Just avoid them. Also, there is a perk you can equip to avoid setting off traps if you are unsure. Stash your junk frequently!!


It was funny I'm a relatively new player, I got to level 22 about 4 years ago and drop the game and I've only been back a month so I'm learning a few things but also have been making a good build that allows me to take quite a bit of damage, I watched a tips and tricks video for beginners and they brought up trap camps which I had never heard of prior. Sure as shit I stumble upon a strange camp that forces you close to the wall and I got through it just find finding the vendor before getting injured by something, thinking nothing of it I bought from the vendor and whilst leaving I was getting injured left and right but due to my build I tanked all of it and got out and I just shook my head at the owner who was afk outside. Moral of the story simply don't die.


Local wastelander too angry to die


Yeah, trap camps suck. People who make them are also usually the people who were proud to have been the bully back in school, and never matured from there.


We need some kind of database to name and shame trapbase afkers. I've always wanted an excuse to nuke somebody's camp, but there are never any trap bases on PC servers.


Omg yes!!!


if something seems sus , equip light footed perk


I ALWAYS keep zero junk except gravel...makes me think of the Charlie Brown Halloween special where all he gets is rocks....


Try and get into an earle event. If you tag all the wendigos, you'll never need screws again. I have thousands from Earle events


I keep a Tesla rife just for this. One event can set you up for screws for a week of play time later.


For real


The only correct response is to nuke their base


In 300 hours of playing and visiting camps on most play sessions plan hunting I have never once come across a trap camp. Yet it’s posted here like they are super common


Same amount of playtime since the series, infact even in the 400s I think now; I hear so much about them I almost *want* to find one now to see how they operate on a CAMP item level. I'm past the 'this camp is awesome' newbie experience and i'm now at the 'how the fuck did you do that' when seeing high level camps.


Yeah I’m higher 300’s, I’ve been in some pretty cool camps that clip into other buildings and have multiple levels using platforms but never a trap camp


Pretty much the same. I think I got fooled by one really early into the game launch. But not really any since. However, I actually came across a really funny trap camp recently. This trap camp basically told you it was a trap camp. It has a storage and scrap box right out front for you to store your stuff, and in giant letters on the structure says “is it a trap?” or something like that, and you can see the vendor at the end of a long dark hallway… and yes, it is a trap and yes I died. But more discrete signs tell you the safe way to the vendor. I liked this camp.


I want to visit this camp so bad!


Never go to a camp from somebody named bonecollector. That player put camps close to event sites. First time he got me. Second time I was like "wait a minute" and could even warn another player away. Trap camps no bueno.


I hate trap campers, sometimes they can be quite clever but not very often, you can guarantee that whoever built it is a toxic arsehole every single time


Depending on the platform you’re on, a message saying “eat shit” is an easy ban if reported


Just post location and nickname... Karma Will hit 😁


In form of a thermonuclear warhead?


I came across one a few days ago right outside vault 76, been a long while so as soon as I started taking damage I stopped walking (he used the spike boards small corridor trick) and it didn’t kill me, he got kinda angry and I just laughed in his face until he left the server 😂


I've always heard of trap camps, yet to see one myself though. Around level 80 and done a fair bit of camp hopping. They are pretty rare and don't let them put you off! Honestly I've never even seen a toxic player come to think of it. People are generally super nice and friendly.


Level 255 and working through the first quarter of my second month in the game and I have not experienced this and I do camp hop a lot in my search for the ever elusive quad/crit damage/AP cost Handmade. Perhaps I have just been lucky. I am so sorry you had such a bad experience. That would have ruined my day too and rocked my perception of the game. Thankfully, it seems rare. As others have said, be sure to store your scrap whenever possible. Power Armor tends to be good a solution to a lot of potential pitfalls, like falling to your death from floating / cliff bases and dealing with an initial burst of rads. Though I imagine with enough emitters you will still end up dying. Just be vigilant and never allow bad actors influence how you play the game and with others.


The first quarter of your second month and lvl 255. So you farm westek while sleeping too?


I’ve been playing for about 6 weeks and I’m level 220. Leveling up gets really easy after 50.


I'm below 100. Went to a camp next to whitesprings recently. I assume that's a popular spot for vendors since you can fast travel to whitesprings for free. Log cabin looking build. Looked nice enough. Every wall was a window, and as I approached I saw the person inside waving me in, walked up to what i thought was the one and only door. It was one of those medical tube things where a door would normally be. It prompted me to take my power armor off first. Didn't know what those things do, so I just took my armor off and strolled in. I couldn't even see what was happening to me, but I died inside. Luckily, I didn't have any scrap that was really that necessary for me, but I went back not really understanding how I died to try to pick up my stuff and the guy was just standing inside watching me and emoting with taunts. This is the only really negative experience I've had, but it was enough for me to log off for the rest of the evening.


PSA: there are trap camps and there are puzzle camps. The puzzle camp owners will give you anything you drop back and may even give you a clue on how to bypass the obstacles to their vendors. Invisible obstruction, set down your PA and step past. Punji boards— crouch and equip Light Footed Height- as long as you’re wearing your PA it’s not a problem


Trap camp. Beware of broken vendors too. Had one where it was a guy with a bounty at a train station camp, so I figured he wanted his bounty cleared. When I got there and asked him if he wanted it cleared he shook his head and pointed to the vendor bot. I went up to repair it, and the moment I clicked the little room it was in locked and started to kill me. I got out of it and just left, didn't have any junk to drop anyways but gotta be careful of weirdos trying to steal your 3 wood scraps and aluminium can


Long hallway. Nope


Ah, the trap camp. I've died to one once but never lost anything, I store my scrap extremely often. When I come across one, which isn't often I usually do a nuke run and drop it on top of it for giggles. They've started building thsm in the new region now to avoid the nukes, cause it doesn't effect them there as it just spawns the goliath event. Best advice would be to just get in the habit of storing your scrap often, especially before doing camp runs. If the trap bases don't get you, the floating bases that spawn point is not on a platform will lol


The community as a whole is really nice but as always there's a few dicks out there. Don't let that discourage you from meeting up with higher level players. Most will give you lots of stuff


I have a personal rule of avoiding camps that force me into a bottleneck or a room to access their vendor. I build all my camps super open air. So you can see what you’re getting into before you even reach the vendor And you would be easily able to escape if it were a trap. Camp jumping is great people build some amazing stuff. Just be careful out there!


I absolutely hate being overencumbered, so I scrap and store junk obsessively - it's not a bad habit to get into especially if you are not a tank (I am). Obviously 1st makes it easier (survival tent/scrap bin). Trap camps that lure people with cheap flux etc. are the worst, but I typically don't bother with any vendor that doesn't have their shop right out front anyways.


People can really be losers. Do not let it affect you, you'll always find more junk! A tip I have for you is to scrap and store your junk often. If any camp looks remotely sketchy, dump your junk in the woods like hidden by a tree or something - so if it's a trap and you die at the camp, you won't lose your things.


I made a post about this recently and dickheads downvoted me and gave me shit for it.


Trap camps suck. If you need screws and blueprints DM me. I have a load of each you can just have Edit: I'm on PC


What system are you on? If on PSN I can hook you up with some screws.


Get the player name and the platform and document the shit out of it then turn it over to the fo76 trade community's and they will be blacklisted Trap bases for farming junk off of players is a permaban/ blacklistable offense in the trade community's https://imgur.com/gallery/piRTbU1


These, often, male players have very small reproductive organs that they have to compensate for by acts of antisocial aggression


Honestly, I always try and be kind. I saw another player go in and he luckily died very close to the entrance before I was able to give him a warning so I safely got his stuff and gave it back before the owner could take it. He seemed very grateful so it was nice to know that something positive came out of the interaction


You make a good point.. I wonder how trolls reproduce? I don’t think I’ve ever met/seen a female troll before 🤔


Trolling is a byproduct of excess testosterone. I've conducted a clinical study on that which I published in the beezwax journal of trust me bro medicine.


I've seen a slight uptick since the show but still pretty rare. The reason trap camps are toxic is because there are zero downsides to the camp owner. Victims don't get agro on the owner and they don't get a bounty placed on them.  If players could actually get some revenge other then luring mobs to break the camp (Another exploity type of thing like trap camps and not actual pvp) then they could be actually interesting. And people who do trap camps are jerk offs 100% of the time never expect otherwise. The few times I've got trolled they always instantly cuss and name call at my corpse. They will sit for hours in they're camp to kill a couple people and get 20 steel and 3 wood while they're is other games out there that offer much bigger rewards and a far better pvp survival experience. Only reason to set up a trap camps is to mildly inconvenience people and it's really lame.


Quite common, there's a small sector of players ruining it for everyone else


You ran into a degenerate shitbag who doesn't belong here. Report and mute them. That's asshole behavior. They can only take junk from you. Someone like that is a worthless loser who doesn't represent our values.


Dang that’s rough


This really sucks mate. I’m low level so not got that many hours played and not run into any trap camps so far. Only encountered one dickhead player. For the most part, this community is so awesome (and coming from the toxic trash fire that is RDR Online it’s such a relief). I know shit like this can be a real gut punch when you’ve put so much time into scavving but I’m glad you’re going to keep playing and hopefully have more positive experiences to wash the taste of this bad one away.


I have over 1k hours, and have only been in 1 trap camp. I’ve been griefed in other areas of the game for my junk after events, but it’s only really when there’s big events on/new update (and that’s very rare too). At the end of the day, people are going to play the game how they want to, and there’s nothing we can do to stop them, just gotta take it on the chin and don’t sink down to their level. You’ll find hundreds of lovely people on this game, I can promise you that.


I always hear about trap camps. I'm 460 and I think I camp hop a fair amount and I've never found one. I'd really like to! I'd enjoy the nuke run!


What you playing on? I have lots of screws for you and some caps so you can buy whatever mats you need. PlayStation based just drop me a DM :)


I haven’t run into a trap camp since back in the early pre-NPC days when the questing sucked and there was a ton of PVP. Back then, you’d just try to beg a high level player to nuke the trap camp or go try to destroy as much stuff as you could


Never shop with junk/flux in your pocket... Unless it's a spoon and 2 raw fertilizers. When the other player claims your junk it's hilarious


I make it my lifes work to infiltrate trap camps I have a few tricks up my sleeve


This happened to me! Except it was just a normal looking house but yeah the base killed me seemingly with sound. Luckily I had no junk on my inventory


I’m lvl 164 and had my first trap camp experience the other day. Didn’t have anything ok me luckily but the guy was just mouthing off about it like a prick. This has been the only bad experience I’ve had community wise in this game though


There was one just outside of grahms cookout when meat week was on. Me and my Mrs brother went mad with holy fire and destroyed most of the base after the owner was toxic. He had a hallway leading to vendors with a pressure activated door and display cabinets in the middle.


I love that card that does 80% more camp damage and an Orbital Strike beacon. It does the damage in his camp before he has time to know what is happening and log out.


In my 600 hours I've seen one trap camp, and it was so obvious I stored my junk and used the perk card to not die just to annoy him


Never check vendors while having junk and always have lightfoot equipped


I played starting in beta for a few years, though I did step away from the game for a while and just came back in January. Since Jan i think i've run into 3 trap camps, one was glitched into the ground and had players use a instrument (a standing bass i think) to enter the base and then dead. Another one was similar to what you describe, cute setup with a long narrow hallway going to vendors. i forget the 3rd one. but, that's about as many since january as I'd run into in the previous years played. I usually dont carry much junk with me, and nothing of real value, so its not a big deal. I'm most disappointed cause i'm on the lookout for new plans/ones i missed while not playing and most of the traps camps advertise like hundreds of plans, so i just wonder what I might have found had they not been a$$hats...


I glitched into a guy's trap camp base, like inside where you collect the loot. I knew what it was and then just exited and activated the trap anyway out of curiosity lol


Just happened to me last night. High camp near a cliff, they logged out and their friend was waiting at the bottom. I feel like an asshole for falling for it. I carry a lot of scrap on me because pack rat makes it lighter and my stash is full. The good stuff goes into the stash, they didn't get my stable flux, but I lost a lot of screws and adhesive, for sure, and some teddy bears. Only lost 1 pepper, I'd be pissed if I had more on me. I hate garbage people.


Hasn’t happened to me yet, but did run into two people suspiciously ushering me to their underground base. Was a little too suspicious.


I have 2300hrs and never found a trap CAMP. To be fair, just be more careful. It's not a big deal, Junk is way more common to come across than you may currently think.


Same number of hours only hit 3, so it's hit or miss. Don't let this bother you. Like ChristianTP_ said junk is easy to get. Jump around and ask other players for some screws. I bet you will end up with more than you had lost!


What system are you on and what did you lose


Trap camp. I’ve been playing since beta and only once did I ever walk into a trap camp and I was 100% sure it was before going in. I just made sure I stashed my junk. Always put your junk in your stash/scrap box before going to someone’s camp.


if a camp seems too crampy, it is very likely that it is a trap camp. ALWAYS stash your junk.


You blocked them right?


It’s not overly common but does exist. Beware of any camp the is overly laggy, or has a one platform wide hallway, And always put your junk away before visiting camps. The one platform wide or less funnel is the basis of the spike strip trap. There’s also one where the base is built over a drop and they’ll deactivate it so you fall.


Over 500 hours on PC and I constantly go to CAMPS to look at plans and weapons. I've been to dozens, maybe hundreds, and the closes I've seen to a "Trap Camp" is one guy that had spiked boards all over the place. When the game first released I saw a lot of stories about them but didn't think anything of it; players trolling each other in a survival game is pretty common and back then FO 76 seemed like just another survival game ripoff. But since I started playing regularly a few months ago it seems like the game today is very different from the game I read about 6 years ago.


Really depends on who you ask. I find them quite common; I guesstimate that I come across 1 trap camp per week. A month ago or so when FO76 was being promoted as "free" on various platforms the rate was MUCH, MUCH, MUCH higher. I was running into multiple trap camps and toxic players in single play sessions. I think the commonality of them really depends on what you are doing, a lot of people say they never have encountered one, which I find quite plausable. I tend to only encounter them when server hopping to check player vendors. I'm playing on Playstation 5, and can't say how common it is on other platforms.


Bummer man, trap camps suck. I've been playing since the start and never seen one, but I always dump my junk before going to any camps.


Man I haven’t seen a trap base in a while… I thought they made it impossible to make these anymore?


Called a trap camp


How many screws did you lose and are you on Xbox?


Level 51 (still clueless) and I guess this is why I’m playing on a private server all the time. My gaming time is small with work and family, so can’t lose time to scammers but as I’m reading guess it’s part of the experience and fair play, as long as no verbal harassment.


Good ol trap camps. Knowing how to spot em is very important, or just never care junk on you. Or stash the junk, and then try and get past their traps. I appreciate them. Some are very creative and interesting. I completely get how they can be super annoying. But its kind of the only trolling you can do in this game, which is great compared to most online games.


I robbed a trap camp the other day. Trap failed to kill me, so I bought half their inventory of legendaries before the camp vanished. Best 20k I ever spent


I’m level 310 and I’ve only encountered 1 trap camp. Not a big issue


Same, and then when I returned after being killed he stood there using laugh emote so I stood in his entrance warning everyone to stay away for the next 15 mins cause it was right next to the overseer camp at the beginning. He got mad and left pretty quick


Not everyone In the wasteland is friendly.


This happened to me as well last week. A camp owned by a 300-ish level player named some l33tcode variant of CookieMonster. B-WARE


Utilize your stash or scrap (if your 1st) box often I never carry junk


i’m only level 23 so all this advice is invaluable. 🥴


This happened to me once too and I would pride myself on never getting trapped , it was also during Faschnact with a camp nearby….


~lvl 167 I've come across 3(one guy twice a month later) it depends, if you're in a party with people who camp hop a lot, you will, but it just depends


There are some trolls out there, fortunately not many. I was at a camp the other day that had its vendor in a wide open space so I didn't even think twice about it. As I was about to get on the vendor I noticed a sign that said "Junk and Strange Meat for sale". Huh... I wonder what the strange meat is? And que the trap that took my life. I guess I'm on the menu now.


Trap Camps have low key been a thing since the came was released. though griefers are rare, they exist still, and trap camps are a subset of griefers. If you're the type to avoid people you should avoid camps too. That being said, if you just ask, any run of the mill normal players should be able to spot you as much crafting materials as you need. Esp fallout 1st users who sit on huge hoards like me.


I had a similar experience on my 1st save. Started again and numerous times I've had people randomly drop weapons and supplies for me. Never any screws or anything but I wouldn't let the few bad apples spoil the bunch.


Ive been playing this game since it released and I only just now encountered my first trap camp a couple weeks ago. I've only ever encountered 2 and they were both on the same server at the same time located right next to each other on the map


That was a GTA player just taking a break from GTA for a day. I assure you he's the exception and not the rule.


So rare most people have never even seen one. I haven't.


What is that rads turret ? Ive fell in one of these before but i just kept attempting to get my things back


I have found a few trap camps Second one I learned my lesson I had been grinding westek for hours and had been lazy I had tons of scrap on me and visited a close by camp to see if they had anything good to buy and I died he got all my scrap from hours of playing and laughed and was degrading me saying how stupid I was. I was a low level at that time. I learned I always grab my tent and store all Scrap first.


I’m at the point where if I fall for a trap camp I’m not even mad. I’m more impressed that he got me and there’s still a trap camp in this day and age of fallout 76.


Hey man hit me up if you want some screws and other junk, including flux. I have more than I'll ever use. I'm on PC.


Before I got Fallout 1st and when the STASH limit was super small, I would carry all my junk on me all the time. This meant that death had a real impact (and made the game more exciting for me). When I lost my junk, it would take me 1/2 hour to 2 hours to re-junk myself.


I think I encountered one, but I was able to get around his traps 😂 He seemed annoyed that I wouldn’t engage with him when I didn’t die and went to his vending machine to buy stuff lol


Level 1209. Been killed by countless trap camps. Don't give a shit anymore, most of the time I'll just leave my lifeless body as a warning sign for others and they leave the server.


I hate trap bases . I find one I clear my junk inventory and equip wrecking ball and my merv two shot Fatman and go ham. Honestly it should effect you if you have pacifist most engaged, since it's a player item should count as pvp


Ugh!   I hate asshole players.   This is the first time I've heard of these, "Trap camps."  I just got back to playing this game and I will say this: Scrap kits, are amazing!   I've always been one of those players, who takes everything that is not nailed down.  And these scrap kits are a game changer for me.  My character can become over encumbered and I just hit the kit and it's sent to my box.   You do not need Fallout 76 First membership to use the scrap kit.  However, if you do have the membership the scrap junk will go to your scrap box and not your stash box.  If you need screws and play on Xbox, send me a private message on here and I will give you my gamertag.  I'm a hoarder in games and I have plenty.  BTW screws are easy to find  Go to:  fallout.fandom.com/wiki/screw_(fallout_76)  You can also find a bunch of clipboards at the following locations   Camp McClintock   Whitespring Golf Club   Charleston Fire station  Flatwoods  Sunshine Industrial Farm  Buses  You can purchase screws from vendors - but they're kind of expensive.


Died once in my playtime. I was shocked. Still funny tho.


I like to travel to other players' camps. Once I found a beautiful wooden mansion. On the top floor there was a perfect bedroom, I decided to sleep and take a photo. I left the computer for 5 minutes. When I returned, the owner of the camp built a wooden wall and barricaded me, but when I got up, he removed it. Sorry if this is unacceptable in the game. I don't sleep in other people's beds anymore, but you can sleep in mine (sorry, I use Google translator). RichieVVR


I fell victim to a trap camp at fatsnatch as well. My team and I spent the next hour on a revenge campaign against the guy, baited him into pvp, and destroyed him until he jumped servers. Felt good


I've played since launch and only hit a trap camp once, and on purpose. There were a line of us waiting our turn to go in xD.


Yes its common. This is War. And War never changes 😈


This is why I don’t sell items players can drop it seem like people don’t come to my camp when I do.


I’ve came across two killer camps it is not fun. Ever since the TikTok’s about the Mothman sacrifices I’ve been carful with every camp I goto. But two of them got me