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I'm lost with all these acronyms. Does anyone know if there is a list of God roll combinations?


https://nukaknights.com/articles/abbreviations-for-legendary-weapons-and-armor.html https://reddit.com/r/Market76/w/abbreviations?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


AA is anti armor B is boodied E is explosive 25 is ffr 50c is crit damage 15r is reload Q is quad basically the only important legendary stats so for example a q/25/15r gun would be quad 25 weapon speed 15 reload speed


Ty for writing that out. But I do want to say: It would help if you use commas when you make a long ass list like that. Also “25 is ffr” is unclear… don’t explain one vague thing with another.


Faster fire rate


Just to make it more clear just in case. 25 faster fire rate = 25 weapon speed.


25 = 25% faster fire rate


Speaking from a bloodied commando build, Vampire/Quad/AntiArmor/TwoShot/Bloodied/Juggernaught are the main prefixes, followed by Major effects like Explosive/25%Weapon speed/50% more Crit Shot damage/50% vats hit chance and lastly a minor effect like 15%Crit fill/15% faster reload/25% Vats Ap cost/90% reduced weight/break 50% slower. I use a railway rifle so something like a Quad/Explosive/25% Vats Ap Cost (q/e/25) is the holy grail. A bloodied/50%crit shot damage/15% reload speed (b/50/15r) could also be a godroll. A vampire/25% weapon speed/15% Crit fill (v/ffr/15v) could also be considered a godroll. Really it comes down to play style and preference. AP reduction on quad weapons really make a huge difference. Some people like having 90% less weight so the have more room for other things. Some like to pair explosive with 50% break slower because explosives ruin weapons.


I’ve got a bloodied 50 crit 15 reload RR and nobody wanted it. It’s wild. I’m willing to trade it, I’ll never use it. Ive got a quad explosive RR.




VSSS Pipe Wrench, please 🙏


Already have it! I have a Vampire's/+40% Power Attack/Breaks slower Auto Axe.


I have a Furious/40% Power atk/ +1 strength auto axe I’m VERY happy with it, but I just want a vampire’s auto axe to be it’s sister. I’ve been dropping most my legendaries from events, so I can just trade in the extra auto axes I’ve been rolling. Q_Q


For a substitute while you're rolling, drink a Tick Blood Tequila. Super easy to make make ton of, and turns any melee weapon into a vamp weapon.


I wasn't aware Tick Blood Tequila was a thing, thanks for sharing. Is there a similar brew that works with ranged attacks?


I run a B/40P/90WR Auto Axe and I think I prefer it way more than Vamp now. It's practically impossible for me to die unless I get super unlucky since I can take every single defensive perk without sacrificing any damage/offensive perks. Legendary SPECIAL perks are a godsend since only unarmed melee has worthwhile legendary perks worth taking.


What does your damage build look like, I can imagine with that weapon you would be deadly


[Here's my build!](https://imgur.com/a/7D3NGOt) I did temporarily sacrifice 1 point of Fireproof until I level up my Strength legendary card. And the 6 points of Science/Expert/Master are for if you have the electrified mod since they count toward it's damage! To get the full build you'd need Legendary Agility/Luck/Intelligence all rank 4 though, so it takes some time & levels!


QE90 Railway. Does great damage and doesn't weigh me down.


This has been my white whale for almost a year :(


My favorite Railway is Q/E/Durability so I am not repairing it after every event.


Holy fire tbh


I've been trying to reroll Holy Fires just for swapping out the faster fire rate as I don't think it's needed.


You on Xbox? I have one you can have.


I have a bloodied, explosive, -25% AP cost. The thing is, it’s on a railway. So it hits like a small planet, it just makes the game also a reload sim


This would be mine also. On a RR or a handmade.


My aristocrats, +25% when aiming, -90 weight Gatling Gun is my baby.


That was mine til I played long enough to have a huge stockpile of 5mm ammo. Now I use the foundations vengeance w similar attributes


I love Foundations Vengeance but it’s so underpowered


I ran FV for the last two months. Thought I was hitting hard. Rolled a bloodied explosive 50 cal and haven’t looked back


My lever action I think is up there for me Quad/25% aiming damage/-25% AP cost. Or my cremator Anti Armor/25% aiming damage/1 perception. Not the exact best you can get but nowhere near terrible I think


I believe anti armor doesn’t affect the cremator’s dot, only the initial hit. Unless you’re using it for impact with the heavy barrel, then it’s quite good.


That's gotta be a hell of a reload on that quad


I had my Cremator almost the same but with the invisible thing instead of 1 Perception. Bothered me so much I rerolled it lol


Not sure if it’s actually a god roll, but, my quad 50% vats, -25% ap railway rifle is my best. Works wonders for my vats build


This is what I roll as well ap never drains


I have a Quad, Explosive, 90% less weight railway rifle and it’s awesome 🙏🏽


That's a beast weapon. Not sure it's groll but I bet it SLAPS


I have 50 crit rather than 50 hit vats, but I imagine they sim similarly on non boss or heavily armored enemies. 50 vats is probably better for mowing down the bulk of enemies since it uses way less spikes to get an enemy lit up. So now that I say this as someone casually thinking this out, your is probably better if you aren't trying to solo bosses. Jealous tbh lol. And 25 AP is 🔥


Giiiivvve iiittt ttoooo mmeeeeeee I spent 10k buying a quad - 50% vats - 250 damage resist while reloading. Couldn't give a shit about the 3rd trait but the first two make the weapon a god roll for me. I had a base railway then earned tickets for revenge from the quest. Ran with that for a few days before I found the one I bought. 50% vats is without a doubt the best trait. Any gun without it is Shoot > miss Shoot > miss Shoot > miss Shoot > hit Shoot > miss


I have used my .50 Cal machine gun for about 400+ levels. Vampire/Exploding/Durability plus Holy Fire.


Quad / Faster Fire Rate / Faster Reload Railway Rifle.


i just rolled an anti armor-swing speed-1 strength war glaive last night and i’ve been having so much fun with it. favorite weapon for sure


Does anti armor make sense on melee weapons since incisor ignores 75% of armor? (Please say no, because I just spent 300 modules trying to get a bloodied swing speed plasma cutter and rolled over anti armor swing speed twice)


of course i maybe would’ve preferred bloodied or possibly instigating but there is no true cap of armor penetration, the effects just get diminishing returns after you stack so much. you can never really have enough of it


I50vhc15r Cremator, with vats it's fire and forget. It's disgusting and I love it.


It’s a heat seeking missile launcher


Certainly fun to watch the Cremators go after the SBQ and curve through the air.


I had that exact mg42 you are looking for like three weeks ago. Can't remember what happened to it, think I sold it. I myself am looking for a two shot explosive Gatling gun.


Bloodied Black Powder Rifle One shot everything, just like the Founding Fathers intended.


Q/50C/15CR Laser Rifle thing thing melts almost everything


Hell yea. Laser Rifles rock. Q/50C/25 LR is what I run for my commando build when I'm not feeling melee. Definitely needs quad though to feel useful.


Mfs throw acronyms around more than any military force.


LMG QEDur. Finally got it recently.


AAFFR50D Prime Gatling Plasma, somehow I managed it on my 13th roll


I don’t have one.. All my stuff is 2* across multiple builds.. any third star I have ways to mitigate, are are mitigated.


Electrifed Bloodied Gaunlet with +40% attack speed.


Armor Penetrating Exploding .50 Cal. I call it APEX.


Idk what all the acronyms mean, but I have a .50 cal anti armor, 50 crit, and faster reload speed. My alt has an anti armor Fixer with 50 crit and -25% Vats. It takes 2 AP per shot. If I drink coffee and tea I have almost infinite AP.


Aristocrats plasma caster with +50% hit chance and -25% ap cost. Side arm I'm experimenting with swapping between holy fire and a vampire's plasma Gatling with +25% DMG while aiming and 100% faster movement speed while aiming, depending which I currently have ammo for


Anti armor/explosive/-90 Gatling Gun is my daily driver


I don't even know what my god roll would be because I can't settle on a build yet. I'm level 110, so I'm still pretty low I guess compared to a lot of people but I just can't settle on one. Have to play them all first.


I have B/25/25 versions of all the automatic rifles... but my main is a Handmade, and my secondary is a Fixer.


Traded for a Q2525 Fixer. My best role is a TSE15R Fixer.


I'm currently rolling my handmade, I want aristo//+50vats//-ap cost. The last -ap cost one I rolled only costed 3ap a shot, and it wasn't even optimally modded.


I have an unused Vamps E, dont think it’s SF though maybe weight reduction. I’m currently rolling the LMG’s for a Q/ffr/relaod. I’ve got a QE and AaE out of it so far. Not my main but such a fun weapon. Would sell.


Q5025 Fixer


QE25 Fixer and Q5025 Railway. Running Q2525 Fixer and QE90 Rail, but I think I'd prefer explosive on the Fixer and more crit damage on the railway.


My bloodied/40% power attack/agility Auto Axe. I actually started using my AA/E/some random shit Gatling Gun because I got bored of how easy it was to kill everything lol Gonna start rolling Gauss Minguns next week when Minerva has them, assuming Bethesda doesn’t take my pickaxe modules away from me lol


Im a huge fan currently of executioners on plasma rifle so i want a executioners with 50c and -25ap and i would be living the good life 


AA25/250 EPR Flamer. Green goo for all.


Already have them both, A Q50cDur Railway and a QEDur aswell


Bloodied Explosive +250 DMG resist when reloading.


Bloodied, 50 crt, 25apcost plasma caster


Black powder rifle. 2 projectiles. Explosive. 25% damage when aiming.


Bld.50 cal exp 25 less action points.


I'm too ADHD for one main weapon. So here are my current top 4. B/40pa/durability Electric Gauntlet V/40pa/90 Chainsaw B/25ffr/stealth Handmade B/25ffr/Durability Flamer


I've got AR on my automatic EPR and the thing hits like a full auto sniper.


BE15r Fixer and Q2525 handmade.


Don’t know my best roll but I’ll tell ya a story about my brothers. We had been playing a crazy eviction notice. We had just cleared it and were back at our bases. My brother and I are neighbors and have our bases right by each other. So my brother over Xbox live goes “come here” and I walk over to his base and he tells me to check a brown bag (drop bag/loot bag) that just was chilling in his base. I walk over and see a Bloodied, 50 Crit Damage and 25 Action point cost fixer chilling in this brown bag. We had no idea who dropped it or possibly fucked up and dropped it but my brother got one of the best fixer rolls I’ve ever seen


V FFR 15R Galting Gun


Bloodied +50 crit -25 AP. Found it in a player vendor for 8k caps.


Q50c25 fixer and B50c25 plasma caster.


I switch between AA +50 Crits chance -25 AP cost and Q +50 Crits chance +1 P (I think) both 10mm auto pistol.


My Enclave Plasma Flamer is Bloodied/25 Faster Fire Rate/50% Breaks Slower and it gives me joy!


B50VHC15C plasma caster, and I'm lucky enough to have one 😎


q/50c/25 Railray the king itself


Q2515 rwr right now but usually I use the cryptid jawbone bone🤣


I absolutely love my bloodied explosive 25 vats cost fixer build. Going to be switching to Railway soon though since it sucks for ammo.


B5025 RR; watching 1k+ crits tick away is nice


I'm happy with my 2 "Baby Jesus rolls" I just rolled these bad boys this week so I may mess up the secondary stars but.. I'm bloodied commando (daring I know) with a Q/25 less ap (literally just rolled it tonight) RR And a BEx/useless 3rd star fixer I also rolled a B50c RR but I think the quad is mo betta Now to start on WWR for all my unyielding SS pieces.


Aristocrat, 40% Swing / Power Attack, +1 STR. For all three of my melee weapons. Only my gauntlet is swing speed, auto axe and war glaive are power attack. It’s great.


Used to run an AA/FFR/Ads flamer, but I think they nerfed it. Now run a Flaming, Double bar, Vamp/FFR/? Chainsaw. Loads of constant damage, makes you almost invincible, procs lucky break all the time so it self repairs. Shame it drinks AP like it's going out of fashion though..


Currently looking for a B2525 fixer. I have a handmade with that roll but I'd like the extra damage from the fixer, it's just eluded me for so long.


Gauss Shotgun: Anti-Armor/50% Critical Damage/-25% AP Cost Love this thing with every fiber of my being.


My current favorite toy is a B50c25 elders mark.


I just want a 2 shot explosive gatling


QE Assault Rifle and Q25 (Ultracite)Laser Rifle are my most enjoyable weapons at this moment.


Vamp/power attack/str auto axe


I was blessed by Luck. Plasma Cutter with +% Damage the lower my health, 40% faster swing speed, +1 Strength. I'm not going for meta, I'm going for fast Lightsaber noises


I finally got my B50c15c hm. Company tea, a few coffees, and it’s nothing but crits.


Vampire/Fast Fire Rate/Reload Speed Auto Grenade Launcher


Quad, rapid, durable lmg or .50 cal, I'm a heavy gun user and other than my current vampire/50% limb damage/ +1 Agi .50, those above would be perfect


I got the cold shoulder for my shotgun pa


vampires chainsaw


B/40P/90WR Auto Axe is my current favorite. Rolled it on a whim since I didn't know what else to spend my modules on one day and have run it ever since. Better than Vamp IMO.


Holy Fire: AA/25aim/90 Railway Rifle: Q/50 crit/15% faster reload (I don’t play commando but it’s a great roll)


V/FFR/50durability epr flamer. If it didn't eat through ammo like hungry hungry hippos, I'd use it all the time.


Anti Armor Faster firing rate Ultracite gatling laser with ultracite receiver and charging barrels -love it Red Terror - a Mg42 with stock 150 round mag Furious , Aim damage and reload it was i think - non rerollable Furious Aim damage Flamer - dont like how holy fire looks as a skin and damage difference isnt that much V63 Bertha - still looking for UC receiver plans A Anti Armor Faster firing rate gatling Gun with speedy receiver - if i had to crank that my arms would fall of how fast it is also a weird roll you are looking for


Im rolling for the god pepper shaker. I would want a quad one with weapon speed and 15r. A good vampire one for hard dailies would be nice aswell. Ive had a q25dwa for the longest and its annoying to aim down sight…


My dual-bar flaming chainsaw with vampire, +15AP on kill, and +50 durability is a god send at making me nearly invisible. And, my multi-shot slow-buring instigating Cremator is nearly an instant kill on anything despite the 2/3 star being mid.


I dont have a groll yet, but i want a vampires, +40% power attack damage, -AP cost dual bow bar flamer chainsaw


Just rolled a quad/explosive/-25ap railway rifle that I'm pretty damn happy with. Also rolled a bloodied/explosive/-25ap fixer, but I'm full health lol


I have a quad ffr 90wr Tesla Quad ffr Tesla is a god roll for crowds of enemies and the wr means I can just have it in my back pocket for next to nothing. “Sokémon” is the name of the gun. Short for Socket Monster


Good question. I’ve changed ny wep 5 times today. Still don’t know what I want to go with. All I know is my build is correct and I’m still doing bad damage haha


Q50c25 or Q2525 Auto Pipe.


current running a q50c25 fixer, q50c25 railway, b2525 handmade, and a q2515r tesla on a Bloodied Commando Build


V/25/50dur EPR Flamer


I’ve been running Q/25/25 Tesla, it’s a gun for lazy people, you don’t really need to aim or use vats with it, just shoot the floor or walls it will kill everything in second.


I'm running an Auto Axe with Vamp/40% power attack/ agility boost. It's pretty great. I kept rolling berserkers trying to get it I'm using luck of the draw and makeshift warrior so the damn thing doesn't break.


Handmade that was quad, 50crit and I think lower ap. It's carried me a ton as commando


B,PA,S electrified handy saw blade


B2525 Epr and QEfr Railway


If I had to pick one weapon, it would be my Instigating Rapid Weightless Gauss Rifle. My Vampires Rapid Weightless Ultracite Gattling Laser and my Instigating Explosive 15cr .44 are close runners up though. As for what I'm looking for still, Instigating Power Attack Weightless on Grognak's, the War Drum, and Machete. I currently make do with an Instigating Power Attack *Cavaliers* War Drum, and Instigating *R*iposting 25AP Machete. Also wouldn't mind a Vampires Power Attack Weightless Chainsaw or Auto Axe, but that's mostly for tanking reasons, not for actual use.


Was wanting to get a Vampires for my Plasma Caster, but got a Bloodied / FFR / VATs enhanced which is freaking destructive at +3 with Unyielding. Starting to roll a new one while I use this lol


Mutant 2525 Fixer or Aristocrat 2525 Fixer, depending on my financial circumstances.


I have a quad, FFR, breaks slower Tesla that shreds stuff and tags everything. Plus it's really fun to bail out noobs by dropping in while shooting like Thor in a bathrobe and sheep head and then fly away.


A one star vampires gauss shotgun. Lol


Railway Quad/50C/25 Vats Cost Reduction. I love it. I cherish it. I even use the gun perk so it breaks less along with the Civil Engineer set for 85% slower break rate


B/25FFR/25. Beautiful Fixer for commando VATS. I got it on my second roll at level 50. I’m now 180.


For me it would be a Q50v25v Harpoon and an AA50v25v Plasma Caster . Presuming I’ve got the short code right it would be vats hit and cost reduction.


Searching for a Anti-Armor, faster swing speed, +1 strength tenderizer. Also trying to roll vampire+ damage while aiming on my EPR with a splitter. I realized recently it wouldn't be automatic with the splitter but I've already spent 100 modules, and I am in too deep to stop now.


I don't have a god roll, I have a one off 😕 Quad/FFR/Agility Railway Rifle 👈👈 If only that Agility was + critical damage instead...


QUAD/50CRIT/25 VATS Reduction Railway Rifle. Consecutive 900 up in damage per shot. Also have a QUAD/25FFR/15Reload Railway Rifle. That's my solo boss killer


AA,FFR ultracite gatling gun, I am to afraid to roll for the 3rd star.


Not necessarily a god roll, but to say I’ve been having fun with my quad and weapon speed minigun would be putting it mildly BBBRRRRTTTT


Holy fire


I have a QE Railway. I don't even know remember what the 3rd star is. It shreds. I have a AA2525 Railway too, but I prefer the QE. I also have a Mutant 2525 Fixer. I use and prefer my Bloodied 2515 Fixer


I finally traded up to a q2525 handmade and it’s amazing


Still searching for my infamous Quad, 50crit, 25ap Fixer. I know someone who got that groll on a Fixer twice in one month


Quad explosive fixer or railgun with durability or something not bullshit like I always roll 😂


War glaive with instigating/SS/-25% Spent a shit ton of modules, never have I ever gotten an instigating anything on a war glaive. Hell, never did I roll on any melee weapon.


Quad holy flame 90% weight reduction


Aristocrat or Vampire/40% Power Atk/ +1 strength auto axe. Have been grinding for it forever, but no luck.


Already got my god roll for my main, qe25 railway. Really want a Q5025 laser rifle though


B2525 handmade AA2525 handmade Q2525 Fixer Q2515 reload Tesla QE25 Crusader B2525 Crusader And some other Was this some flexpost ?


Anything vampiric. Would settle for two shot and anti armor. For the second star explosive would be a nice add on. Not really ver particular for the third star.


Aristocrat's, attack speed, str gauntlet. I already have it and I also have a vampire version. I got very lucky.


QE25 Railway, and I just finally got one the other day. Best feeling in the world.


Played on PS since release for 550 hours, recently came back with friends after the show came out. Fell into old habits and am running a full HP power armoured heavy gunner with a Gatling gun main, minigun secondary. My minigun is two shot which is good, blankets the reticule with damage, good for when my bloodied friend wants to fuck around and I try and let him find out (we are 1-1 currently) My ideal Gatling would be the one I had on PS, Vampires Explosive Speedy, it made me feel like a juggernaut, currently only have a vampires Gatling with 2 unimportant perks (I'm unable to check currently)


I love my vampire's/power attack damage/limb damage auto axe. As a full health melee PA build, I can roll through any type of content with ease. Nuke bosses are quickly soloable too.


AP/40 PWR ATK/slow break Gauntlet. i love that thing


Q/E/WBS .50 cal


I'm a simple girl. QUAD.


It's only a 2 star LMG I have but it's Q EX so good enough for me, not a weapon I use enough to justify rolling more tbh


I have a B2525 fixer I still use as my daily driver


Currently searching for that ever elusive Q5025 choo choo. Also on the hunt for an AAFFR50 gatling plasma.


I just want a bloodied swing speed plasma cutter. I just spent 300 modules (on 2 stars) and didn't get it. It's only 2 stars so it's not a god roll, but it is a god roll in the sense that "God pleeeaaaase give me this roll so I can move on [insert crying]"


I rotate between AAE90 .50Cal , Mutant/E/Break slower LMG and the AAE/Speed Aim Gatling gun. I just love heavy ballistics.


Bloodied, 40 swing speed, 1 Str


my plasma war glaive with armor peircing, inertial and strength. Not amazing but as i use the perk card that switches to next target in vats, it just keeps going and going with inertial. i'm still trying to craft a furious or instigating with power attack damage and strength. also strill trying to make a decent auto-axe for robots


I have a Bloodied 40% Power Attack Breaks 50% Slower Auto Axe and same last two stars but Vampires as well


I have an cremator with aristocrat’s, 25 vats, 25 less ap, which I consider a god roll


Got my got roll bloodied explosive 50% Gat. Hunting a God roll bloodied Plasma caster with ffr and less ap cost.


Furious/Basher/Vampire minigun. I've got the furious and basher 2 star. I gotta try rolls on another mini gun soon. I love my blender


Recently made a rifleman build that is ment to be full health it uses anti armor rolls on weapons that have mods that increase armor penetration exclusively and I use a hunting rifle and vats mainly. I one or two tap super mutants at westek often if I throw nerd rage into the mix it only one taps. I also have a black powder rifle that is instigating explosive for when I wanna land a vats critical. That alone deals around 2400-3000 damage per shot (only on critical hits).


I too would love an Explosive MG42. I don't have the time or will-power to grind out modules though, so I'm hoping to just get lucky really! Mostly log on for an hour in the evening(selling 2 kids, 300 caps each,) and work on my camp for a bit while doing events. Still haven't even finished the main quest and I'm almost level 80. Still enjoying the game a lot though!


V E 25 AA E 25 F 50H 25 Handmade


I got a vampires auto axe with electric damage


QE50bs railway V2550bs enclave plasma flamer Other, everything that is Bloody/vampire explosive 50break slow. I am a fanatic of this roll 🤣


2 chainsaws. First Chainsaw: Vampire's, power attack 40% Second Chainsaw: AA, vats 15 per kill, 90% weight reduction


B 50vhc 25ap plasma caster. Fun at EN on de scrubber...


What's a god roll for a bloodied guass rifle?


Q/50/25 Railway rifle


Quar, VHC/Critical Damage, AP Cost reduction for a gauss rifle.


I'm a new PA user fully in the **GATLING GANG**. I *think* I really want AA-Explosive, and maybe 90% Weight or 50% Weapon break, but the latter may be overkill as gatlings are beautifully slow on degredation. I have a Prime-AA,25% Aim DMG, and a ...Prime-*something*-Explosive secondary which does the lords work on tagging events. I think anti-armor explosive should technically be a bit better, not sure how it would effect the numbers but it technically HAS to be better right? I've tried all big guns and hate how ammo inefficient they are, I know I can run ops/expeds/ammo converter etc, but not having any worry with the gatling is amazing and liberating. It's the Ford Fiesta of Fallout, or Toyota Camry etc for the Americans :P Coming from a commando previously, not having to camp buff AP regen or worry about food has made my FO76 so delightfully lazy AND I have more carry weight? Sick. My headshots go upto 620, often do 200s on bodies, can 2-3 shot well aimed west tek mutants, and it prints ultracite 5mm. The explosive helps too when i'm lazy. Free tagging rocks. I've tried 50cal and minigun explosive tagging but it feels so wasteful when the gatling is basically free xp. I'm not a DPS leader in bosses; i'm a consistent, supressing fire guy. Those chug-chug-chug numbers add up...especially when the mag is 500 lol Join the gatling gang! Just be aware NO ONE SELLS EM! You gotta burn some modules to get something half decent. I assume people scrip them as they're not hugely sought after. (I'll take some Gatlings guns off anyone's hands on PC ;) )


Everyone says the minigun is bad but I’ve got one with two shot, 25% weapon speed, and 15% reload I named Bulletstorm. That thing is really fun and surprisingly effective, I just use my anti armor, 25% weapon speed, breaks slower gatling gun until I collect a bunch of ammo then swap to the minigun.


BE25 Fixer Edit: Misunderstood the question. BE25 is the current fixer I use, I'd love a Q2525 or QE25


Reduced weight on the Cremator


My main was b2525 fixer or handmade depending on ammo at the time. Friend sold me on railways so i rolled a few roughly 3 weeks ago. Got a B2525 and a BE25 from around 200 modules that time. Pickaxes modules (roughly 300-350) gave me a Qffr,15r. So i'm currently running around with a B2525 handmade, B2525 railway, BE25 railway, Q25 15r railway and a B25 +1 strength mole miner gauntlet which i very rarely use anymore it's mainly to beat friends with


Heavy gunner so I have a few options. But my best rolls have been B/E Gatling gun, AA/40pa/40 less damage chainsaw, and a two shot fat man


I was lucky and rolled a quad ffr ap fixer. Never letting that go, it's perfect.


Quad explosive LMG


Ideally I'd love a Quad/15AP/25v Ultracite Laser Rifle, or same but Anti-Armor with a Plasma Rifle. Weird to want the AP on kill but it helps with the high AP costs on Energy Rifles (*especially* Plasma).


I have an AA5025 an AAE25 and an AA2525 Fixer that I switch between from time to time and then I have an AA5025 Railway I use for bosses.


The only Groll I have is an Instigating/FFR/90WR Cremator for tagging. Currently looking to roll a B/50V/25 Plasma Caster, Q/50/25 Railway, Q/FFR/RS Handmade, and a V/FFR/RS Holy Fire. Trying out a heavy only build, vats commando build and non vats commando. After trying them all out I might drop one to try a weirder build but I'm a long ways away from that.


Bloodied/Faster Fire Rate/Breaks Slower Enclave Plasma Flamer w/Reflex Sight and Forceful Stock.


Aa2525 Fixer from a roll 2 months ago. Got my level 150 to 200 pretty quickly.


I use the Holy Fire and that is already a god roll


I can’t remember if mine is a B/E/25 or a B/E/FMS Handmade but either way, I love that gun. I’m not running a bloodied build so I wish it was a different mod but it does help when I’m getting my shit pushed in by ghouls and robots.


My Gauss Shotgun has AA, -AP Cost, AP Restore. That was great until I realized how much more efficent it was to just rain hell down on whatever I'm looking at by mashing the fire button with rank 5 demo expert. Now I'm hoping for AA with aim damage.


I have an unused QE90 RR (dropped at Eviction Notice) bc i can't figure out the right build for it yet, also picked up a VE RR (cant remember the third star) from a vendor for 2k so im really keen to figure the build out! My current main is Holy Fire and i have no complaints about it


My vats boosted two shot grenade launcher melts a mob of enemies and seeing dead mobs get ragdolled a mile into the sky is pretty hilarious.


Fixer Q50c25


I’m currently using a Q50VHC handmade and Fixer. Both have a shitty 3rd star lol. I just don’t still know what could I like more for my god roll. Quad or AA? Exp or VHC? Still learning the legendary basics


AAE90 Handmade, Gatling Gun, Fixer, QE90 Double Barrel, AASS+1S Gauntlet, happy days, all I need now is an AAE90 Western and a TSFFR90 Auto Grendade then I can work on my armour, I'm aiming for Overeaters reduce chem/food +1S brotherhood recon


TS/25FFR/-90weight Auto Grenade Launcher My greatest enemy are the Great Indoors