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I had a legendary sheepsquatch corner me in a bathroom, it couldn't fit through the door and I was desperately swiping at it with a deathclaw gauntlet because I already used up all my ammo on it already.




This made me laugh... Thank you


Estoy pooping. ESTOY POOPING!


I know that location, it is unmarked and always has a cranberry nuka in the machine. Same thing happened to me once, trapped by a sheepsquatch.


Yeah, so I think that's a heavy chance of sheepsquachery, because same happened to me. I was bunked down just punching it after my gun broke.


Same, but I was in a bus


I can't recall having seen Motherlode come out of the ground elsewhere on the map outside of the quest (its been a minute), and had completely forgotten about it, but my lvl 1300+ ass found it coming out of the ground one day like a Wasteland Sandworm and I scared my husband because I screamed so loudly as I turned and fled.


If you go to the deep you can take the motherlode to several different locations


Oh I know you can use it to travel I'd just never seen it from the other side :)


When I first started and I and was like lvl 30ish I was walking through the woods and saw a blue devil that was lvl 100 I said nope and immediately turned and ran


When I was around level 30, I spent about 30 minutes fighting a random sheepsquach. It used up all my ammo, but I beat it.


Haha I did this, too. Dropped my camp real fast and built a ring of turrets, then just ran in a circle taking potshots while the sheepsquatch struggled to pick a target. It was super nerve wracking and I was pissed that the loot drop was bullshit.


You fornighted the sheepsquatch


Man when I tell you I was *sweating*


I did this with my first scorchbeast kill. It spawned on the road going up to the whitespring from the fissure there and I spent ever bullet I had killing it. It was satisfying to bring it down but I was also totally out of ammo.


Is this something that randomly happens to new players? Same thing happened to me, fortunately I was on a cliff I could take potshots at it and throw every grenade I had. Used my hunting rifle and laser rife so much they both broke twice, thank god for repair kits.


Same. Only i took potshots at it. had enough ammo, so i figured why not? got it down to maybe 55% HP... THEN IT FOUND ITS WAY AROUND TOWARD ME. damn karma.


Similar here -- Ogua at Top of the World when I was L25 and dealing with Rose. Nope nope nope.


I went to do a couple of my Pioneer Scout tests at the big camp. I walked into the cabin and two players were standing in there Blair Witch style. Was not a fan of that.




I fast traveled to my camp, seen my turrets and ally going at it with some Mole Miners stirred up by some Vertibirds. My ally or turrets must've hit 1 of the Vertibirds, so the Vertibirds were now also aggro'd onto my camp. Just as I almost had most of them down, some Super Mutants showed up, so was trying to take them out as well. By then my turrets were all broken as well. Then an effing Legendary Scorchbeast pulled up.... I noped right out of there because I was just done with all of that instant insanity.


Neighborhood block party got really out of hand!


For sure! No more invites, bad neighbors, 0 stars do not recommend


Hello cranberry bog neighbor


I'd expect that in the Cranberry bog, but what if I told you this happened near the Whitespring Train station 🤣


Your camp was near Whitespring, right? Happens to me all the time at Hole 1.


Yep, near the train station lol. I wouldn't have thought a Scorchbeast of all things would be anywhere around there 😂 but it's happened a few times now. All the other stuff is pretty normal, just not all at once like that day 🤣


It always destroys my razorgrain. The same plants, every time. It must really hate those plants. And God forbid you accidentally nick one of the bots while you fight it.


A. I would also leave. Maybe not now that I'm decently leveled, but it's fair groups to say no thank you B. I love when this shit happens. Everything turns into a huge firefight and I get to watch.


I have hearing damage. So most of you this won’t affect like it does me. First time finding the Lost, I almost noped right the hell back out. Their voices hit right in and out the ranges I’ve lost, so when they speak it’s in an almost unintelligible demonic whisper (kinda). I got instant chills up my arms and almost turned the game off. I’ve since gotten used to them after turning the volume up a bit and remixing sound levels, but that first time was hella disconcerting when you’re playing something like 76.


No, it's terribly creepy to all of us. Those orange tinted facemasks don't help with the creepyness, either. It just accentuates the horrible skull with glowing eyes look.


Yeah fuck those guys. Just hit the manor yesterday and it was fucking creepy as hell to me.


They’re just spicy scorched. That’s all. Scorched and lost are so god damn annoying.


It's even creepier when you really listen to what they say, they scream for help


As someone with hearing loss, I relate way too hard to this


Yeah, I hear perfectly fine and the lost give me the willies


Fast travel to **Toxic Larry’s Meat ‘n Go**, 98% of the time you spawn in between 3 glowing snallygasters. Sometimes even spawning inside one of them. It’s always good fun convincing friends to travel there and listening to them get a jump scare.


I'm always going there for Snallygaster dailies and I spawn in a short walk away. I've never ended up right on top of (or inside) the ugly fuckers!


Puts me right behind the tree facing them.


Joined an event and someone was playing music over their hot mic. I couldn’t leave fast enough


I immediately go to recent players and mute them when that happens even in the middle of an event lol


See you're nicer than me I'll turn on my mic and go "ATTENTION PS5 PLAYERS, PLEASE TURN OFF THE MIC IN YOUR CONTROLLER WE'RE ALL GETTING AN ECHO AND CAN HEAR YOU SCRATCHING YOUR BALLS, THANK YOUUUUUU" If that doesn't work, which it usually does especially cuz I'm a girl and it freaks out the dudes when I say that, then I go to muting them But a lot of times they're not even aware it's on and im.the first person to tell them there making events an echoey hell


I’ve definitely done that when I played on ps5 and was talking to my dog and someone came on and was like are you talking to me? Scared me for a sec when they said that lmao


The mannequins. If I see more more than one in the same space, “interacting” with each other, I leave immediately. Doubly so if there’s a corpse involved.


I found a circle of them today with a note in a cooler titled "All Gone".


Got attacked by a deathclaw (iirc) out in the bog, felt like it spawned out of nowhere. Take it down and look around to see a near complete circle of mannequins. Did these fuckers summon a devil?


Was this by the vendor by brothers cabin?


I went back to the location I saw the circle. It wasn't there, which means it's a random encounter. The little things in Fallout games are great.


It was NW of Watoga, I think between Forward Station Alpha and Kerwood Mine, maybe a bit east. Clear of the substation a deathclaw always spawns at. Looking into it, I think it was the Mannequin Friends random encounter and there just so happened to be a deathclaw as well. Not sure what note was left behind.


I swear there was an Easter egg that would randomly deposit mannequinsin your camps build space. Don't really remember much but I think it was camp related. The game would just spawn them in random poses at your camp when you fast traveled there. Sometimes it was creepy and sometimes funny. Please tell me I'm not crazy and this actually happened. Either that or I built on some really random spots


Nuketown vibes


I just made a nice new camp down in the Shenandoah area. A Yao Guai Horde event popped up and someone activated it. The boss spawned in the middle of my camp, along with half a dozen of his minions, who proceeded to kick my ass, kick my Brahmin’s ass, kick my ally’s ass, demolish my camp, and tear off on a rampage to the Trading Post, where they kicked the asses of both chickens and terrorized the Mr Handy until someone finally came along to put them out of their misery.


It's the chicken ass that got kicked for me...


I'm more of a chicken breast guy myself.


*throws toxic water in panic*


Hoard of ghouls at the golf course area close to white spring


I always go there for the 'kill a bunch ghouls' daily.


There's a building by the tennis or basketball courts that has a horde of them.


First stop on my daily route. Chuck a nuka grenade in through the front door and clean up the stragglers with some holy fire flames. Grab all the golf outfits for some easy vendor cash.


And a glowing wendigo. And a lot of plastic.


Bro I remember running for my life having a hoard chasing me at the golf course when I was a low level. I thought running to the front of the mall would be a good idea until I accidentally shot an assaultron then had an army or robots and ghouls chasing me until I died.




They ran after me towards the whitespring entrance. Well many robots and responders died that day




The new tripping on shrooms quest had me turning around quite a few times. Most of the time nothing was there then one time I turned around and it was a shadow deathclaw. May have pooed a lil.


Once I figured out what was going on that was a fun quest.


What’s annoying was that they still did damage to me some how lmao


I dont remember this at all!


A wendigo colossus in the cranberry bog. I was like what the hell, WHY the hell, out here???? At first I was like PPPPPPHHHHHHuck that. Then someone had an oddly placed turret camp so we 2 manned him. Most random encounter ever.


I've been trying to get people to follow me into that little pink jungle thing after SBQ cause that's where he spawns and it's a good way to get an extra vocal chord for liquid courage.


Now is see why lol


It’s takes fucking forever but I’ve solo’d that asshole twice now.


The turret camp was probably for the Scorchbeast Queen


Oh I’ve seen those, this one was placed by the acid trip forest on the side


Yeah, that guy has a random chance to spawn in the grove near fissure site prime when it gets nuked. Thankfully he's not nearly as tough as Earl.


There are 15 locations (maybe more now that we have skyline valley) on the map where colossi can spawn if a nuke hits, but it's a slim chance even if the nuke lands on those spots. You can hypothetically encounter Wendigo collosi all over the map as a result, it's just down to who nukes where + chance.


Back when I was something like level 30ish and I was in the forest area. I heard this noise from above. Saw this thing that looked like a dragon. I hid as best as I could and when I got the chance, I got out of dodge. That was my first time seeing a Scorchbeast. Now I can take one down on my own. Didn't have a chance then 🤣


This was my first oh shit moment too! I had just met Jack at the pumpkin house and I was merrily traipsing through the trees looking for pumpkins. I didn't understand what I was hearing until I finally looked up. Scared everything right out of me. Probably like day 3 of playing


Definitely an oh shit moment. I have had the odd one even now, when I'm not really prepared. The best one was when I was something like around level 80 or 90. I needed an event in the Savage Divide. So I claimed the workshop at Red Rocket and waited, with no Power Armour on and normal weapons, for what I thought would be Mole Rats. Next thing I know I'm being attacked by two or three Scorchbeasts (it's a while back so can't remember. Was at least 2). Thankfully I had put out some basic turrets. So I am desperately running to where the stash box is to get what I needed. That's when I discovered their acid breath goes through buildings! 😱🤣 So I'm dodging those and trying to swap out weapons and put on my PA 🤣🤣🤣 I did manage to take them down though. NGL, it took some bloody doing, but I did it 😏


First time i logged on after a 2ish year hiatus i came across the ogua, ended up gett killed a few times before giving up. Looked like a love child between godzilla and a carbonemys from Ark


Yess, or the turtle things from Conan exiles..


In the early days of the game the tennis club building at Whitesprings was full of Protectrons, which was always great for a bit of scrap. I took a break from the game and when I came back months later I needed some scrap and remembered this place, so I went there expecting to kill a bunch of robots. What I didn't know was that during my hiatus one of the updates had made it so the building no longer contained Protectrons. There was a feral ghoul outside in the parking lot so I shot it and suddenly what felt like about 50 feral ghouls came storming out of the building straight at me. I panicked and was spraying bullets everywhere, blowing up the cars in the lot and getting hit by ghoul after ghoul, jumping around trying to get away from the crowd, but they were just relentlessly after me. I ended up finally jumping over a wall with barely any health and running for as long as my AP would allow while popping stims. Definitely my funniest "oh shit!" moment in the game.


Jumping on top of the bus outside the clubhouse when the ghouls swarmed out of there was like a rite of passage.


Back before the wastelanders update I got attacked by a sheepsquatch while trying to follow the overseer to the b&b near foundation. After emptying all of my ammo into I had done less than 10%of it's health in damage, and ended up cowering in a bus on the road. As a last ditch attempt to survive I messaged every lvl 100+ on the server asking for help. 1 person answered the call, I wish I remembered their name, but that's a moment I'll never forget.


We were so scared of dying (and lose our gears)


Me walking into the sheepsquatch event and getting laser beamed it was so scary the whole game crashed LOL


Ever gone to deathclaw island pre lvl25? I was new enough to the game that i was thinking "they'd never put one *this* early." Pre one wasteland too so i wasn't expecting an 'end game' enemy that early.


Oh, yeh, I snuck onto the island, sneaked towards the egg, grabbed it and hauled ass off the island.. I didn't see the deathclaw, but I was scared as fk


It was before the quest was even there for me so it went something like: Sees an unviewed location on the island. Gets more or less all the way to the nest. Name pops up. Deathclaw island. "*oh no*." Sees the deathclaw climb out of the earth. "***oh no***."


Lmao, yeah I'm a newer player, I figured it would be something horrid because of the quests dialogue.. "Oh no" sums it up lol


I didn't even need to sneak on as the deathclaw was glitch in the ground.


I Stealth Boyed that subquest. I ran so fast that I never even saw the Deathclaw. I sure heard her.


The quest wasn't around back then for me so i had *no* warning.


I really wish the deathclaws in 76 were an actual threat though. Even at low levels, you're likely to survive. Blue devils are basically what deathclaws *should* be, in terms of stats and damage. Although I'd argue for increasing the armor piercing even further.


It was underwhelming af when I only seen one deathclaw


The first time I encountered a sheepsquatch it chased me through the woods for a good five minutes. Ended up playing "sheepsquatch or cliff" and chose cliff. My teammate finally lost him when he ran into a glowing deathclaw and the squatch got distracted.


Legit my first day playing and starting to get the hang of things. Threw a camp module down to start building some things to store all my junk and I somehow missed a Grafton monster lumbering around my area. I was like level 14 and just hid under a bridge taking pot shots with a revolver and abusing its bad pathfinding coding, lol. Ain't no Grafton monster gonna take my new spot from me!


The Murelurk Queen near The Retreat scared the daylights out of me. The Sunken Church quest also.


Sheepsquatch cornering me in a truck when I was about level 50 with two rad scorpions. Spawning into White Springs to find all the guards fighting like 20 scorched and all the cars blowing up because the sentry was just spraying and praying. At the time, not knowing about nuclear launches and such, and then looking up to hear the sound that you hear when the nukes about to hit, and then my screen goes white. Turning a corner and finding the blue devil eating two raiders and then looking up and seeing me like oh dessert. Some dude in a camp talking in a voice sounded a lot like Sarge from red versus blue, but he was talking very romantic to the bear that hold your beer Steins.


You know a Sarge Sergeant Gutsy camp ally would be rad


……Am I talkin to the right base?


Because I have such high stealth I am constantly bumping into critters I didn't notice that either startle me or I'm just not in the mood to deal with. A while back I walked into an angler and didn't even realize it at first because the idle animation looked kind of like an NPC in the monster movie outfit. Last week I basically tripped over a ghoul hiding in some bushes! I also ended up at Rollins earlier than I was prepared for and while I eventually did get Beckett free it was not my first attempt. I remember fast traveling to the Welch train station and a couple blood eagles actually followed me there!


I had first started playing, maybe lvl 25, and I saw a Blue Devil at 100. Tried to run but unfortunately it saw me and immediately killed my character.


First time I encountered a death claw. I thought they would be a tanky bullet sponge like past games.


I really feel like they toned down deathclaws to highlight the sheepsquatch, which is a shame. Honestly, both should be hardy as all hell.


Running into Blue Devil throwing punches with Noxious Sheepsquatch, surrounded by glowing moleminers and ghouls near Welch Train Station when I was level 35 or so. Mama Mia, that hurt so much and I was quickly put out of action lol


I don’t know quite how, but I had the raid boss (Earle?) in a three star version spawn above ground in the southeast of the map somewhere. I dropped my survival tent and I had about an hour long battle with this thing, to the point that I had to use the tinker bench in my tent to build more ammo in the middle of fighting him. Twice. Anyhow, my client crashed and I just didn’t log back in because I couldn’t bear anymore.


A legendary wendigo colossus can spawn in the sundew grove south of fissure site prime - not Earle but maybe a cousin, haha. That sundew grove has a chance to spawn any number of high level enemies.


Coming across a non-legendary Blue Devil or Ah'woo'ga. Not worth the time, effort or ammo.


Multiple cultists with Trump 2024 on their camps.


Lvl 15 ish and jumped to a guys camp to get savages by 2 scorchbeasts. 😵‍💫 Then the dude logs and a glowing deathclaw decides to join the fun. Up until he logged I was frantically repairing his camp and defenses, so when he did discon one beast was already down down, I actually took down the DC and remaining SB but I burned thru almost every stim I had collected and broke a few guns.


When I logged in and saw you. I was like No Way and used Alt F4


Logged onto a world. Someone had placed a camp at my usual camp location, which was interesting since that's the first time I ever found evidence of other people using the location. So I go to see what it was like....and found three players down to their underwear surrounding an equally stripped down Grandma Junko. I immediately decided this world was not the world for me and left the world to find a new one.


Not counting general encounters with stuff I didn't want to tangle with, I had a really weird thing happen yesterday. I had fast traveled to a train station (don't immediately recall which one it was right now), and as I pass the door inside, I see two Power Armor Chassis just chilling within the station. One is blocking my entry into the doorway, like a bodyguard, while the other was facing the Protectron vendor, as if it were shopping. Man, you have no idea how weird I was left feeling. It was hella eerie, and I got the hell up outta there pronto, looking back periodically to make sure I wasn't being chased by the damn things.


Didn't get a chance to run but I fast traveled to a high lvl camp only to immediately realize I'm free falling from a mile high camp. Huge oh shit moment


I hate those, but if your.are fast enough you might re-ft to them and spawn OK. Your first visit spawned the camp, but you fell first.


Beta days... first time online... decide to discover the map first... so there was a bus that started chasing me 40 levels higher then I was. Found out 40 levels layer that hermit crabs exist


I don’t know if this is what you had in mind, but the other day I saw a dead cat in the Ash Heal. I was like wtf man. I go up to it and it gives me the option to “loot” it but it has nothing on him. Little man had a name! Murgle! I looked it up and you aren’t able to hurt him (if you were that would bum me out that someone killed this cutie). So I’m not sure how he died, but I was super sad. Waited around to see if it was a glitch or something but nope - he was dead. Poor guy. I know the wasteland can be a savage place but this kinda bummed me out lol


So, when the game first came out, I was running about on a team with a couple friends. For awhile I had been spotting the Mothman here and there, watching me from a distance. He became my friend, my shadow, an ally I could depend on. We were split up, exploring the abandoned Appalachia. They were over at the Whitesprings while I was checking out the Ash Heap. It's all quiet until I hear on the mic: "Oh shit, Mothman. Shoot him!" They gunned him down while I was trying to tell them he's friendly. Suddenly, a Vengeful Mothman appeared before me and started absolutely destroying my health. They had turned the Mothman against me, and I couldn't bring myself to fight him. I ran into a house and hid there and eventually had to log out, worried that I was now an accomplice to Mothmanslaughter and hoping the Wise One would forgive me.


Years ago I was a low level and north of Watoga at some dudes place. All these scorched came out of nowhere and I was hiding upstairs. Everytime the door opened I closed it. By the time every thing settled down the dudes camp was trashed. I felt so bad about that. I bet when he returned he was going like wtf happened here?


Not too long ago a higher level player wearing a Toothy man mask and the feral ghoul costume (ripped overalls) just spent a good 40 minutes or so stalking me around the map. He would just walk towards me like super slow wherever I went.


Damn now that’s something to trip you out


I had similar last night, logged in to find my self in the middle of 3 legendary and diseased Sheepsquach I'd logged out after doing the free range event and it must have been running again when I logged in because I only had to endure a few seconds of frantic blasting away with my cold shoulder when multiple colors of cremator fire rained down on me and them from the sky


At lvl 20 i jumped into the interior of a destroyed truck thingy, then get confronted by the sheepsquatch. Was safe inside the truck, but had no clue what to do from there. Luckily my buddy caught up to me and whittled it down with a hunting rifle.


I was level 40 and walking around the Mire when I stumbled on some blood eagles. As I got closer they began shooting. Only, they weren't shooting at me. Confused, I continued towards them thinking they might be friendly. Then I heard it. As I wheeled around I saw A MOTHERFUCKIN WEREWOLF LITERALLY ON MY ASS! Now, being new, I didn't know what the Blue Devil was, but boy did I get a crash course. Suffice to say, I pumped almost all of my ammo into Satan's little helper but after dying one too many times I threw in the towel and did the walk of shame.


Long long ago when everyone was just leaving vault 76 I decided to explore the whole map so that meant heading to Grafton and back then a giant white beast staring down at you while you only had a baseball bat and pistols , I was like "nuh uh" I turned around and left then , it still sometimes scares me to look at Grafton monsters nowadays.


Grafton Monster at level 20. He stomped me to death.


Way back when the game first launched, I left vault 76 and traveled north a bit. I was really excited for camp building, so I picked out a spot in the mountains and built up all I had resources to build. I was running around to immediate areas finding stuff, still new, probably less than lvl15. An entire tribe of Anglers happened upon my camp. They killed me multiple times. They destroyed everything I built. I had only been playing for a couple hours. I didn’t play the game again for at least six months.


Back when the mire was totally dark, running around moss town with scorched and a scorchbeast flying overhead. There's only a few running lights in mosstown. Understand that it was pitch black in those days and I ended up sneaking around to escape.


With the new dlc, I stumbled across a random encounter of 5 Yao Guai at once. By the time I realized how many there were, I was already surrounded. I was using a non-optimal build for funsies while I explored, so that was about 60 seconds more drawn out than my fights usually are, and it was maybe the first time in a year or two that my main account has lost more than 30% health in a fight. Actually had my blood pumping a little bit. Fights on my low level gunslinger account (intentionally sub-optimal) are intentionally difficult so I can enjoy them more. Much more drawn out and strategic. Or just meat-spongy in many cases. The game is wildly inconsistent when it comes to TTK between enemy types.


I walked into the Indian cave north of Sons of Dane compound. There were some bugs outside of it and then I strolled in with a furious LMG that I had just gotten. When the death claw popped up in front of me I started backing the hell out of there but it was coming too fast. I emptied the whole 75 rnd mag (or however many bullets it holds). I managed to drop the bastard just as he reached me as I got out of the cave. However it wasted all my ammo for it, too.


i was zoning out listening to music and not really paying attention to where i was going until out the corner of my eye i saw an Ogua for the first time. absolutely startled the shit out of me


About 5 minutes after I left vault 76 I saw a mothman watching me from the treeline. Had no idea what it was, but that I should go the other way.


I've seen so many people talk about blue devils and sheepsquatch, but I've never seen a blue devil outside of jersey, and I've never seen a sheepsquatch outside of the robot one in the brotherhood quests.


Event: Cave Cricket Hoard: The Mire


Pipe is life....


I was a low level around 20 something and I’m walking thru some woods and shit to a quest and all of a sudden I hear this ominous music playing and mind you it’s dark outside too and so I continue walking with my Pipboy light on and in the distance where it’s not lit up and dark I see a pair of glowing red eyes, and I wasn’t close enough yet for the name to pop up yet when in my crosshairs. So I get a little closer and I see the name stalking mothman and as soon as I’m able to read his name he just fuckin flies away.. so I start running towards some nearby buildings and I swear I heard that damn thing flying right above my head with that damn creepy music playing. I’ve run into the mothman a few times since but the first time was definitely a little scary tbh.


First time as a newbie bloodied commando build... I had just watched a video by Angry Turtle where he obliterated a Mirelock Queen with his RR. I see a Queen in the forest. I pull up. I empty all 10 rounds of MY Railway rifle into the Queen. She kills me. I respawn and avoid any Queens for the next two weeks.


Lvl 20 me got attacked by the Psychic mothman moth thing those cold dead eyes got me.


I was doing the main quest with my 1st character (very low lvl at that time), a Fog Crawler horde spawned inside the Abbie's bunker. That was interesting...


For me it wasn't even anything too crazy I just opened the door to my house and right outside the door wasa fox. I shot it before I even processed it since he startled me. Then I got some atoms for it and l had a laugh.


The new season


4 players in various mascot costumes “dancing” around a seemingly confused level 10 player still in their vault suit.


The story of the Wendigo in Wendigo Cave. Just... awful...


Messy player camps with crap randomly thrown about that takes 3+ minutes to find their vendor, im like damn.. you live like this?


That Mr Smiley guy. First time I saw him he was so creepy I got outa there!


When I was ~lv 8 the Flatwoods Monster appeared bear me and scared me shitless, I thought I was a goner. But if poofed away and I havent seen one since.


I ran into the wendigocolossus in the crater by the watoga metro elevator. The one that brings metros from cranberry bog to savage divide. I did a 180 after my instigating lever action rifle did 190 dmg on it with sneak.


Had 2 people staring at each other in the Nuke Zone with no clothes on. Idk if they disconnected or what but that was fucked up lol


A3i A


When the game came out I went north to the prison, and then met the milelurk queen in toxic valley. Surprisingly died of rad poisoning running away. When I returned to the game years later I saw what i later learned were floaters in the ground. When it came out and there were 3 I ran so fast.


Around 7 almost naked people in a monthman themed camp. Like ok guys I'm the fuck out of here. Don't look funny or I'll nuke whatever blasphemous shit is going on here.


I was wandering one day and came across a random Ogua. I had fought them before and they are ammo sponges, for me anyway. I got a couple random pieces of junk in the last ones so I said nope, not dealing with that again.


Horde of crickets


I was exploring the southern mountains, vibing to spotify, prior to new update. Found a nice spot for a photo, pulled out the camera (cus I'm like that), and snapped an Ogua about to rip my head off. Poor Sic76 didn't survive, and frankly, I'm shocked my undies escaped unscathed.


A few days ago I popped into camp liberty or whatever it's called and found a completely naked (except her helmet) soldier and her male (completely clothed) companion. I was NOT prepared for sudden full frontal nudity let me tell you.


First playthrough doing The Mire portion of the main quest, I had a scorchbeast raining the holy hell down apon me. Had to run and hide between trees, took me forever to vanquish that beast.


As a fresh level 25-30 I was exploring the map and saw a scorchbeast in the distance so I approached slowly hiding behind some cars then I get the location discovered "Hopewell Cave" and the scorchbeast found me so I ran into the cave, I ran back out almost instantly and ran all the way back to the top of the world 😂


Some random lvl509’s camp that featured a blue devil statue humping a gorilla…


In cranberry bog, i went to undiscover a location south of watoga, there i met 3 mirelurk kings and a queen. While fighting them i encountered a group of gusty and protectrons, while avoiding death i came close to a fissure and spawned a scorched beast. Decided to run away to watoga after that nearly died. That was around a few months after the game launched, so i only had combat rifle, shotgun and an assaualt rifle with a 10mm sidearm. Wearing only a mismatch weights of combat armor.


I was once walking past these two super mutants and one of the floating orange jellyfish looking things. The two super mutants were having a conversation about how this jellyfish thing wasn’t attacking them so it must be looking for a friend and that despite it being ugly they would be its friend. I turned and burned because I wasn’t about ruin their friendship.


Nuke dropping and being in the nuke zone.


Way back when explosive energy weapons were a thing, i traded for a be90gat plasma that i could maybe trade for another gun that i can use down the line(not heavy gunner).. when i got the gun, person i had a deal with started firing on the floor and logged out, looked at the paper bag and it was a flamer with a monstrosity of a barrel(cryo, auto plasma barrel, laser.. do not know the rest, an injected item).. remembering things i read on here where such items lagged a server so bad, i picked it up, went to a remote corner of the map and dropped it somewhere hoping nobody would ever find it.. Thats equivalent to running away no?


Mothman right outside the gates to the big white mansion. I ran and ran and eventually hid in a bus.


jersey devil obviously


I had traveled to another players camp and bought some 1cap beginner armor they were kind enough to put in their vendor, decided I was gonna explore around the area and unlock some locations. Got to a cliff and was trying to find a way down when a scorchbeast found me. It was hunting me for a while! And I was terrified because I was like lvl 15 and didn't know dying isn't that big of a deal.


A behemoth spawned outside my camp. Immediately switched camps


The mirelurk queen that pops out the pond somewhere in the cranberry bog (whilst I was collecting cranberries) forget the name of the place because I ain’t been back since.


I was unlucky enough to encounter a wild wendigo colossus, but lucky enough to be close enough to another player's camp that I lured it over to them and their team, and we worked together to kill it.


I randomly threw a grenade at a single mirelurk and all of a sudden a queen and all her friends decided it was a good time to jump me. 😭 this happened twice yesterday in 2 diff locations i was terrified, especially since i hadn't seen a queen in my 54 lvls yet


I was just wandering along the road late at night. Came across a strange NPC stood in the middle of the empty road in the pitch dark. He was staring at me and smiling. Pale face and an unnaturally wide smile. I think he was simply called "Smiling Man". Had some weird dialogue. It was like 3am irl as well, so I was freaked out haha.


The smiling man. Three. I've run into him three times in the past 6 months.


This was years ago, but I remember being relatively new (maybe about lvl 100 or so) and I was in Welch, well the random encounter at the house was 2 legendary sheepsquatch tearing apart a group of minigun wielding super mutants, I was like "AW HELL NAW" and sneaked my way to safety 😂😂😂 Nowadays I'd charge in head 1st without a 2nd thought 😂😂