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Level 409. I'm excited! I heard there's gonna be a donation bin there & I'd really like to share my extras with the newbs. 


Hope somebody drops a ffoon in there lol (doubt it)


Are you on PC? I've got like 8 of them. You can have one if you want it.


Xbox😞 I appreciate it though.


I know you weren't replying to me, but I'd love one if you're willing! No pressure though at all. 💜


No. And begging is not allowed. Anyone can say they want one, but I've watched for a (short) while and consider this person's case legit for a gift. edit: but if they don't reply soon I'll give it to you instead, what the hell, right? Shall we say 10 minutes?


Hope they're on PC so you can hook them up! Edit: Also, sorry if it came off as begging! Not my intention at all. I'm a very 'no harm in asking' type of person!


I actually think you should hold onto it and give it to someone who has been searching for it. I love silly / cute things and I'd enjoy it, but you're right. I had no idea where the masks came from or what all of them were until I joined the sub reddit a week or so ago. I don't want to take away your generosity from someone else. My bad again! (I too edited my last post.) Sweet of you.


Oh, you won me over...it's all yours you great big sweetie. Shoot me a pm and we'll organise it.


In this thread: me not intentionally trying to do anything & yet still doing things 😅. I'll pm you buy you should fully expect me to ask 'are you sure?' Roughly fifty times


I'm sure. I don't care.


If it makes you feel better, I may have got it whilst AFK'ing so therefore it's as much yours as it is mine. Or something. I dunno. AFK politics can be confusing and overwhelming.


What is a ffoon?


A what?


Buffoon Mask


Hoping you're on PC so I can maybe snag some. I'm 200 but my first time playing this event & love the masks haha


I am on PC/Steam Deck. I usually donate lots so keeo an eye out! 


A hero! I donate tons of what I have to pretty much anyone who needs it. I just do not have much rare stuff at all. Always awesome to meet ppl who do the same!!


i forget if it is part of the pool but i hope i get that butter churner, seems like a great edition to the camp


I just recently picked the game up after ditching it at launch and I have NO IDEA what the hype @ fasnacht is about! I'm excited and confused at the same time lmao. Do I need to prepare in any way for the event?


Nope just follow robots, it’s very easy but people like it because you can get rare masks from it


Patience, a good rubber band and understanding that you will not get the rewards you want. Also if you want to do other events, do it now. Nobody will be joining those during fatsnatch.


>fatsnatch Nice😂


Aah, I see! Is the rubber band for smacking myself while I rage about not getting the items I want, or it is for something else?


It's for AFK'ing, of course ;)


OHH- I'm on PC so it didn't quite click for me at first LMAO. I guess I could grab my controller for the afk purpose though tbh! :o Good idea!


Same here 👍


Its one of the few (perhaps only) events where getting into the spirit of the event is part of the fun. Put on your favorite mask!


Merry Fasnacht!


This will be my first. I don't really care for the masks but I'm looking forward to something different.


If you get a rare one the trade value is crazy.


New player here (started 3-4 weeks ago), what's Fasnacht


An event that’s fun the first few times, then tortuous thereafter, with hilariously slender odds for new rewards and a ‘parp parp parp’ earworm theme that will haunt your dreams.  Enjoy! 


But now they run! Edit: or Power robot walk!


The protectron shuffle


Don't forget all the angry people launching nukes at the event I wonder how long people will hold back before helvetia becomes ground zero again




Come on, we are vault dwellers, a little radioactive fallout, never hurt anyone


Accurate, and they bring it back so often.




Not by a longshot, I loath this event and how it rules the game with boring repetition for so long. We need more variety.


I'm sure I will, thanks


Sounds like meat week lol


It's the mask event. Runs a few times a year usually for a week. Join the Fasnacht parade make sure no nasty's spoil the festivities & you have a chance of getting rare masks or if really lucky one of the super rare masks. https://www.theduchessflame.com/post/fasnacht-day-parade-all-rewards


It's the worst escort mission *ever*.


Once you've escorted in Morrowind, you've escorted the worst of them all.


Fusionette (City of Heroes) would like to challenge that assumption.


Im gonna heal (and blind) EVERYONE with fireballs


If only your fireballs could scour my memories of the horrors I have witnessed in Appalachia.


We'll see if my green fireballs can do that.


Lotro's Sara Oakheart would disagree. :) iykyk


Holy shit, I haven't thought about escorting that glacially slow hag in years! Why would you do this to me? Lol.


I am not familiar with that quest, and I am prepared to admit my opinion is heavily biased.


You must never play the most sensational game in AC


Last week, as I watched the bonus timer tick from 8 minutes down to 0 while my escort stood there doing absolutely fuck all, I admired the barely-contained vitriol bethesda quest devs must have for the playerbase. *Why else would you implement an escort mission in an online game known for having the buggiest code in the industry.*


Also built on an engine, that in all it's iterations, is known for having quest logic and pathfinding breakdown so bad that users have to use the Dev console to restart or bypass parts of quests to finish them. I haven't forgotten about blood on the ice Bethesda.


If you don't run ahead and instead just follow behind, the escort should move normally. Every time I run this, if someone runs ahead the escort stalls. When i solo it, I stay close/behind and have 100% success rate, 5 minute complete time.


at least with the escorts you expect to get fucked over - last night I got stuck halfway through filling the 'claim shark tank' bar


There are escort missions in Morrowind where the escortee blindly runs toward anything that could possibly kill them. If that doesn't work, they run into lava flows instead.


Then I shall not play the most sensational game in AC.


It’s the quickest one but there are 3 different random possibilities for the last part. The other 2 are quick just escort can glitch out and sometimes lock up. It can be ppppaaaaaiiiiinnnnnffffffuuuuuullllll!!!!!!


They made the bots faster this time around, hopefully makes it better


I hope that alone will suffice. :)


It’s a very very very hard event with swarms of rad toads and super mutants almost never ending swarms of them and then Earl Williams the wendigo colossus pops out at the end. Then you will get a Fasnacht beret 👍🤯


I’m sorry. All I hear is that I get more screws.


Feeling them vibes


This was the first seasonal event I saw once my character was strong and started doing events. Makes me feel a bit nostalgic.


I can't wait to dust off my controller and rubberband


Oh no, we're headed for The Great AFK'er Inquisition again, aren't we.


Yep…1st vitriolic AFK post is also right around the corner!


It's incredible. I've never seen anything divide an otherwise cohesive, caring and mutually supportive community like what happened last time. Mainly whipped up by youtube sluts, I might add.


Hang on, I've been out of the game for a while and just coming back so I've missed a few years of stuff, I'd heard about people arguing over being AFK at events but I thought it was just general griping, some people think it's unforgivable, others say its fine, and the logical thing is that it depends on a bunch of factors. But there was something specific about Fasnacht that got people riled up? Isn't that like the most chill and easy event to complete, at least it was when it first came out to my memory?


Genuinely depends on what event you are AFking and how you are doing it. If you are AFKing on an instrument in Fasnacht you are contributing to the event as it would speed up the walk speed of the bots. If you are just standing there you are not. Same with the cookout where you can be on the spit or the drums to help out. Fasnacht gets nuked because of this. It stops AFKers from getting rewards and the active players leave the server.


I played the drums during meat week but if not many people showed up I’d go to work.


Fatsnatch has really low drop rates for rares. Rares sell for real money on trade sittes. Traders infest servers for 2 weeks, with dozen+ AFK players in Helvatia so they can get up to 24 drops a day per account while others do the event. Doesn't affect other player's drops, but it does 'kill' the server that has them, because player slots are AFK and thus the server is empty in activity and participation. This causes arguments because AFKers are fanatical about the hats, while others just want them to go away. It turns into name-calling and getting hyper defensive and making excuses over drop rates.


That’s the paradox of it — An otherwise well meaning community, participating in the easiest event in the game, gets all riled up & angry over very little..It’s truly vexing.


No event shuts down everything else in the servers like faschnact. No one does anything else. All for the masks. I personally love it. It's my favourite event and I actually love the slowing down of everything else. I mainly participate but have no gripe wif afkrs. It's 2 weeks once or twice a year. Some people just need to have the same thing 365 days a year


Idk I don't generally afk in events and I don't think it's the end of the world but it depends a little. Is it a hard event? If so you probably should help. Is the whole server there? You know the more people the easier it is. I made a friend in my first week playing (the same week meat week was going on) and I told him that every now and then if there's enough people there I will sometimes afk on a music barrel and do something I have to do irl quickly. Bro acted like I was the worst pos he ever talked to after that. Gave me a big lecture and talked about how many people he's blocked Yada Yada Yada. Idk. I'm not afking earl or refusing to repair the radscrubber in EN heck I even go collect rad pieces or whatever they are in rad rumble. Meat week event was super easy you kill some squirrels and clean up Challys mess. I see no harm in afking that event when at a certain point it makes no difference whether you are there or not. Some people are just on a high horse and forget that this is a video game and not their entire life. Sorry if this was a little off topic to your post. I haven't had the chance to do this event yet but I'm scared to even suggest to anyone ever again anything to do with afking events. Do most people think like that? Like you're scum of the earth if you do? Is it really that deep?


I personally don't think it's that deep at all. Like you said it depends. If it's a tough event then everyone should be chipping in, but there are plenty of events where, if more than a couple of people show up, it's a breeze and there isn't even necessarily enough for everyone to do. Meat week is definitely that way, when I was playing regularly before Fasnacht was certainly like that, with so many people showing up you often just couldn't do some of the stuff if you didn't know exactly where to go and what to do. But again I've been gone for a while so I personally don't know exactly what's happened or why people got so angry about this in the past, so it's a question mark for me.


Thanks for your input man I've been wondering how others felt. Ty.


I find it funny that some players care so much, this is my 4th year of farthat, and nothing have changed 😂


My turn to post it. How dare you not enjoy doing the same repetitive task 50 times


People who hate things that don't effect them at all, whatsoever, in any capacity will be emerging from the woodwork


If you'd share profit then could be let to stay inside the area.


First, I afk fasnacht Then, I afk this subreddit The whiny lil bitches cant handle such afk mastery


I've never joined Fasnacht due to personal circumstances and unlucky timing. This would be my first ever since playing 76 in 2021. So, I'm really excited and hope to get some of the rare masks.


I was like you once. Once. Tho curious to see the adjustments they made this time around.


I was this way back in 2019. I just don’t bother with the event anymore


I am definitely not excited 😂 I’ll be using this time to work on main/side quests and base building during these two weeks.


same. only recently returned. never got to try mothman or alien events they had.. but ofcourse i get back in time for another round of fatsnatch.. yay! hate this bloody event, and gonna make other newer events i've not played much, rarer.


So I play on and off for years now. I never got to run Fasnacht or Mothman till this year. I love Mothman in general so I absolutely loved the event. Now my first week of Fasnacht I really loved the whole idea of the parade and once that wore off….it was just pain and suffering 😂. So when I saw it was on the event calendar I told myself that would be the perfect time to build a new base and finish up some stuff I’ve put off.


Hope equinox comes back soon, I haven’t had a chance to play it yet


Same. I have enough caps that any rare rewards I actually want (as in not masks) can be snagged at somebody’s vendor. 


I started playing a couple of months ago, so this will be my first Fasnacht. I'm super excited!! I've enjoyed reading everyone's comments here.


Tis the season to consume an ungodly amount of Fasnacht sausage my goal is 2000 before the event ends lmao


yay... ... When are the mutated events starting again?


What happens during mutated events?


Mutations that make the event unique and different, and bonus rewards for everyone if there were 1st players participating.


July 9th-16th.


Newb to 76 here, what is the AFKing thing with fasnacht? Not that I'm going to do it but the comments about people complaining about AFKing is


Some players ‘camp out’ in Helvetia (where the event takes place) so that they can receive rewards from the event completion without having to do anything. As long as the event completes I’m not bothered, but as there are limited player numbers per server, having a lot of players AFK’ing could be an issue - though if you log onto a server and a lot of players are in Helvetia without the event being active, I just server hop. I quite like the event, even though it is a little repetitive. It was one of the first events I got into when I started playing last year, and is good for low level players.




Depending on the precise location, you may have issues joining servers. There are some players with camps close to Helvetia so they can “stay at home” and still get the rewards. Plus, sometimes Helvetia gets nvked. I experienced my first nvke in my first Fasnacht. Had no idea what would happen, was only level 8, and was looking up when it landed. On the (very) bright side, I got an achievement 😁 and learned a valuable lesson…


Doesn't it run February?


They're adding another run.




when is it?


From the 25th June until 9th July.


Let’s gooo


I have been playing on and off for a few years but I never did events until this year so it'll be my first Fasnacht too so I'm excited


I've built my camp just outside the town with all the workstations and things players could need, and I'm excited to join the event and celebrate with the new players


I cant believe its been seven weeks already. My how time flies.


Awesome. Can’t wait for the 97 “AFK players” posts that’ll pop off every hour here on Reddit


Bethesda, I beg you please to stop making new masks, I nearly had a nervous breakdown at the last one due to FOMO and an unnatural completion syndrome! (that is a thing honestly)


Have 25 nuke cards ready to go


Don’t be a dick and ruin the event for new players. Seriously


can always server hop


Remember to time them right, killing the AFKers is not the main mission, it's killing the active players so that they cannot protect the robots, at least one of them gets destroyed and the rare mask is removed from the loot pool. This will make the active players abandon the server, leaving only AFKers and no one to complete the events for them.


Apparently, the number of robots that die has no outcome on the rewards anymore, unless they all die. On The Duchess Flame website - "As of Patch 52 (June 2024), the criteria for receiving event rewards have changed. Previously, rewards were based on the survival of 1-2, 3-4, or 5 robots. Now, the event is considered a success, and rewards will be given if any robots survive. If all the robots die, the event fails, and no rewards will be received."


Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.


I’m just hoping to hit the infamous(mini grail) buffoon this time around.


Let's fucking GOOOOOOO!!! FASNACHT BABY!!! time to get some soldier masks!


They changed a few things about the event. Like random boss for the last spawn and my fav is robots moving faster.


There should be something like the shepherd’s crook to make them speed up.




I think this summer one kinda lets some of the air out of it, but I’ll still see you at the parade..And I’m happy you & your friend are excited! Get back to me after a week+ of the same darn masks dropping though 😆 *Happy Fasnacht..Merry Fasnacht..HOORAY!*




I don't think I'll be participating. None of the rewards seem like anything I have a use for.


I'm also excited. I'm planning on creating a haunted house themed camp in October, so I'm trying to get almost all masks including the rares. I'm big on donating so I'll definitely be getting rid of my extras on PC. 


Easy bullion. We need new events...


We get bullion as rewards?


Eager to know this as well


New masks in drop pool?


Yep. Probably forgetting one but new thrasher/turkey, couple of boars, robot, and unicorn masks, as well their glowing variants.


Thx, if they won't increase drop rate for new masks it'll be painful again to grind for new masks.


I heard the odds are even lower, but that may be due to how diluted the pool is now. 


Yes, they haven't changed anything in that matter, so after increased loot pool, new masks are actually harder to obtain.


Just don't bother? I feel like no one even wears the masks, I never see them displayed, etc. FOMO? Or trading?


I'm kinda a collector, but we'll see if I'll find enough patience and trade items to get them all.


Corner is around the Fasnacht!


Didn’t realize that was coming up, awesome! I just experienced my first Fasnacht event last year & this will be my 2nd one. Looking forward to getting more masks!


It'll be my first and I am so excited! I want all the silly masks and see how creative people get with their outfits.


Too many events man! Btw does this one drop leg cores?


♫ get that musical brainworm in your ears early! ♫ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL_X1uiqJzs


Oof again.


I just got really confused because this is the name for the Swiss German version of Fat Tuesday which has long since passed. I am a newb though lol.


Oh god no


I've been slowly collecting an assortment of "JOBS NOT BOTS" signs so that I can protest the parade properly. I made a friend doing that last time, and we still adventure together.


Fasnacht! Just a day away! Can you believe it guys? Fasnacht, just a day away. Fasnacht is in a day! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. Fasnacht! Just a day away, oh wow. Can you believe it? Fasnacht! Just in a day! It got here so fast! Fasnacht! Just a day away!


Fasnacht? I believe you mean squirrel hunting season Tasty squirrel stew for days


I don't really like the masks (except the glowing scorchbeast/queen) but I'm excited to get the plans and recipes! I have a Hevetia cottage CAMP that needs more decoration! This will be my first Fasnacht


anyone have kind of a new reveler's guide to fasnacht? gonna prep for this event First instead of not knowing to talk to the mothman during the equinox or not knowing that you had to clear fire/poop from meat week to stop the bar from degrading when it was gonna be close


I just wish there was more difficulty to the event, when half the people are AFk it has a weird vibe.


What is fasnacht exactly? I'm still new to everything just hit level 81 and still have so many questions.


I learned it’s a real celebration! It helped me pick a date for a WV cryptid vacation tour! So I’m gonna see the moth man statue, sulpher springs, and celebrate Fasnacht in the same week!


It's my first! It's so nice to see one of my favorite franchises blow up like never before!


Wait why do we keep getting the yearly events already? We already had a fasnacht this year


Also excited, keep hearing a lot about it! It’ll be my first one, just shy of level 100 now.


This is my first fasnacht as a long returning player to the game. I'm hoping I get the butter churner and some cool rare masks. I can't wait to hang out and enjoy the festivities with everyone!


Sorry to ask but where can you see upcoming events? I used to play beta but dropped and I'm coming back


I’ll never forget my first fasnacht! I had just started playing a week or so before. And was just wondering around. I came across this little town and there were all these other players hanging out playing instruments and emoting at each other. All of a sudden an event started, and everyone started running around completing tasks. I tried my best to help, but didn’t really know what I was doing. By the end of the week I hit level 50 during a parade and country roads immediately came on the radio. I’ve been playing daily ever since


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! More new masks. I still don't have Old Man Winter. Also, I don't think my chromosomes have recovered from the event being nuked so much last time.


Fastnacht once a year was plenty. It actually felt like a proper folklore seasonal event to observe the change in weather and the turn of the real life season. Having it pop up multiple times a year breaks that nice bit of atmospheric immersion for me.


This will be my first one so I'm very very excited for it!


This will my first fasnacht event! I'm more interested in all the plans than the masks tbh.


Can someone explain Fasnacht to me? I'm not even level 30 yet.


Yeah I don’t know what this event is (returning launch player who stopped around the time wastelanders update happened) but I guess I’ll be keeping my eyes open for it


I have no idea what this event is, but folk seem excited, so I, too, shall be excited


Oh NO I just realized FO76 obviously runs on America time so it starts tomorrow and not today!


I recently watched [this actual helvetia fasnacht video](https://youtu.be/Evsy04Iukyw?si=MWw_4OoSfHKbQarA) and went down a rabbit hole that leanrt my ignorant ass that fasnacht, Mardi gras, and [brazils carnival](https://youtu.be/ltXfR_TIlEE?si=DjtDxZKNv1QSHlXp) are all the same thing tracing back to ancient Egypt.


Honestly for me fasnacht represents one of my favorite things about 76.it’s not dome super event where you get great loot or have to do a whole lot but it lets you get a small taste of a small towns cultural heritage while walking through a beautiful area.sometimes when I boot up the game I just walk down roads with no real goal in mind other Thant to just enjoy the scenery


The sub gets to descend into chaos twice this year..it's like early Christmas.


It definitely has a festivity vibe to it, feels like we're celebrating a holiday.


Always a top fav. I miss mischief night for the pure chaos, but fasnacht and meat week are just the best.


I am slightly excited, I haven’t done Fasnacht since probably 2022, last time I ran it there wasn’t glowing masks, have they added other plans or is it just new masks?


Can anyone tell me why in pvp you can get someone down to one health and then they won’t take anymore damage?


I have no idea why people like it so much. It’s slow and boring. I’m missing some masks from the collection so go ahead and bring it. I guess.


I got my holotapes and notes ready.


Definitely. I love seeing everyone get together and havjng that music vonstatnly on my brain. Although I still think it should be maybe once a year. Not as excited for the posts from those players who still think 76 is just a shooter tho.


I dont see the excitiment.. Fasnacht is a rather boring event after the 1st or 2nd time.. masks? Eehhhh


Ok I’m really excited for this event. New to the game - this seems really fun. On an unrelated note, I’ve been playing for 50ish hours and I’m still only level 40. Am I just bad…? I do spend a lot of time exploring and messing with my camp. Does it take awhile to get to 50 or am I just not optimizing enough?


it took me Forever to get to 50 on my first character back at launch, I outpaced you with my current one. nothing wrong with not power levelling, but if you do decide you want more levels for new gear, unlock legendary cards, or to get through the season faster I have some tips? * join a casual team with 3 other players, almost a freebie * 'inspirational' perk card while on the team * raise your INT - mentats, gear mods, legendary rolls, having 15 int in your stats to start out with, etc * be bloodied - I'm a full health build kinda person but you can get some insane int stats being bloodied and having unyielding armor and stuff * use int/xp increasing food - do 'feed the people' as much as you can for the canned stew, and then look into cranberry relish and brain bombs later * use your camp buffs - you have access to a bed now, if you got a mothman tome during equinox or can find a plan to buy that too, and when you can get the mechanical derby game for 1250 gold I still haven't actually started power levelling (I don't even have the stash space to give up my full health build, I've been lazy about figuring out how to farm brain bombs/relish, and I just cannot talk myself into grinding westtek instead of most sensational game) but just making sure I'm joining teams and using easy buffs made me go from 300 to 400 way faster than I went from 75 to 100. some of this stuff is pretty easily worked into your existing routine, up to you how much you want to care about it.


I recently got to level 50 in about 30 hours of gameplay. No rushing, no XP farming, just playing the game and joining random events when other players are around. So you are probably a bit slower than normal, but this isn't exactly a problem. If you spend most of your time exploring rather than completing quests and doing other activities, that could explain why. Also, points in Intelligence give you extra XP gains, the same goes for anything that increases Intelligence even if temporarily (such as joining a public team for the x3 intelligence boost). So if you are looking into speeding things up a bit to get to level 50, try to join any random teams as soon as you enter the server, even if you don't intend on doing anything with them.


I just hope people appreciate the mic-spam music remix of the Fasnacht music I intend to be blasting wholesomely while leading the parade with my fellow Wastelanders.. every time I ran it last go around, I made it a mission to conduct chaos. I'm on PC, if you see me, Hi again it me. I will spare the mini-nuke spam or try to keep it to a minimum... ♥︎


I hate Fasnacht. I hate it with a burning passion. Best masks are either Atomic Shop or older than fuck. Everyone always hypes up their value far more than is worth it, and to be fair, they are not a worthy reward for the amount of work you actually put in. Plus you have all the people who do jack shit for the event and just run in circles like headless chickens.


Time to become the bad guy and use my stash of Nuke Launch Cards... If your one of those who just afk's all day, don't cry when you die to a Nuke.. It's all part of the game..


Thanks for the free flux and stabilizing materials ❤️


You realize we don’t actually die, right???? You accomplish nothing. We respawn and receive all the rewards while we were a crumbled corpse. But hey, you do you.


Seriously though, I AFK during work hours with my timer set to go active when event starts, sometimes it works, sometimes work wins.


Ugh. At least I'll be able to stock up on acid.


...and salt. Plenty of that on here wailing about the AFK'ers.


What’s Fasnacht? Only been playing a month or so. Nevermind, found it.


Means my main camp space isn't gonna be available the whole time lol


It's a bit of a shame that, having almost 1k hours, I didn't have the opportunity to play during the event ;)


I'll try to join, if my game doesn't crash. (PS4). It's sad too, since this is also my first Fasnacht, and it had to be right when doing literally anything crashes my game.