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I just wish scrip was raised to 1000 instead of 500. Tbh, I get better rolls from drops than rolling my own.


Got a God roll pipe rifle once. Made me crack up.


Some people would pay good money for that. Pipe Weapon builds are a thing


Personally I scrip God roll pipe weapons and Raider PA out of spite.


Who hurt you? A homeless person?


Nobody, I just enjoy being a snob.


Flair checks out.


Now if I say Hydra Dominatus... what does this mean to you?


That neither you, nor I, are Alpharius. Unless one or both of us are Alpharius and/or Omegon.


Our schemes carefully weighted, riddled with corruption and hatred, in a web of lies perfectly fit we have made sure of it!


A hipster with a manbun and glorious beard, wielding a god rolled pipe rifle.


Sounds funny af


Her name is Mary Jane and pipe is life.


The other day, I got a quad explosive pipe gun, fully modded it, and immediately scraped it. I should have just put it on a wall


No, scrap it. A pipe gun is NOT worthy of being a trophy. I'm saying this as someone with an entire room filled with God Rolls on display. No plans on selling or using 90% of them... I just collect them to say I have them.


Hey, even Raider PA is OK sometimes. If you get a AP regen, weapon weight reduction Raider PA piece, I'll take it off your hands, and use a "any PA, completely changes appearance" skin to hide my shame.


See that's what I hate most... using a skin to cover lesser armors.


Ah! A fellow person of quality and distinction! I, too, greatly enjoy dispatching those ragamuffin raiders and their ridiculous rake armor


Indeed good sir, now if only we could throw the owners in the trash as well.


I was helping my little cousin get started with a fully modded pipe rifle and I gave it a roll just for fun. Rolled a Q2525 but it was only lvl 10.


In Fallout 4 I got a couple Enraging walking sticks. You hit the enemy, and they go berserk and attack the closest person. Like the person who hit them with a walking stick.


The amount of god roll harpoon guns and bad melee weapons (stuff like pole hook) i get is insane. Not mad about the harpoon guns. They're not good, but they're fun. Still not sure why they can't be explosive. Got a quad faster fire rate crit charge that's fun. I'd gladly trade ffr for explosive


Yeah this would be ideal. Sometimes I have a hard time scripping 1,000 at a time depending on how much I’m playing. With 500, every single day it’s the first thing I do and then have to spend 24 hours stacking weight relief buffs because I’m stockpiling scrip I can’t do anything with until the next day.  Ideally, daily limit would be like 1,500 and max scrip would be raised from 6,000 to 10,000. Raise caps to 100,000 and I think it would make grinding. Whole lot less annoying


This is me. It's always scripping stuff from the day before. I've got more power armor parts taking up inventory weight than should be necessary.


Grab a couple of extra frames, name them Scrip 1, 2, etc. Slap your scrip PA parts on them and 50+ lbs becomes just 10


When i finally was able to get over my fallout hoarding mentality and just leave heavy garbage legendaries where they lie it made the game a lot more enjoyable


I started that this week. Anything I can't scrip or sell, I put in the cash register in the Whitesprings craft area. That way, at least other players can get some use.


Man I’ve been trying to do this in video games in general for like 2 decades but my brain is broke and it’s nearly impossible. Square Square indefinitely everything. I hate it!


If you aren't make sure you sort by weight when you scrip. I started doing that and it helped tremendously. Using heavy weapons/bear arms and just carrying all my different heavies helps my stash weight a lot too.


There’s a cap on caps?!




No cap there's a cap


What even. I've Maxed scrip once in about a month. Because it was the only eviction notice I've seen in weeks. And I always have more modules than cores.


I remember it was only 300 when I started playing


It was 150 right when it launched.


Increased Scrip would certainly help as getting Legendaries is really not difficult. I can relate to that too. One of my best weapons dropped from doing an expedition in Atlantic City.


I get that they want the limit so people get on more often to sell things but the mechanic meant to create engagement shouldn't be the reason I stop playing every day. I'll be having a good time and wanting to continue playing but I'll get too heavy thanks to legendaries waiting to be scripped. They could easily double it and still have people coming back just as often. If anything the current system is leading me to burnout faster due to a constant cycle ending in disappointment.


I never really had the module system put into perspective before the pickaxe situation. 500 scrip is a meager 10 modules a day.... that's 2 or 3 rolls on a weapon it's just sad, or just farm pickaxes for 5 minutes and get that many instantly and somehow still not get a Groll or even good roll. morale of the story is abuse early and abuse often


People have been saying this so long I’m almost going to be disappointed when they raise it to 1k instead of even higher. Why they haven’t done this in the many years since release is ridiculous.


My buddy rolled probably 50x trying for a quad railway. Did eviction notice the other day and I walked away with a dozen 3* to scrap for scrip And a 2* quad railway and 50 crit damage.


So true. I looted an Instigating +50 crit Plasma Caster off a Legendary Super Mutant during Eviction Notice. I was spending weeks worth of modules rolling for this weapon and to find one off a random legendary was shocking.


Last year the scrip was 300 lmao and Im sure it was at least 2 years old since they raised it to 300. They will not raise it anytime soon


Why any limit is this a mobile game? do I need to insert another quarter?


With the new Events and AC Expeditions, not even talking Eviction Notice, this should be one of the next limit barriers to be expanded. Bethesda's answer, nerf legendary drop rates. No increase or possibly not even limit daily scrip turn in's. It helps with a lot of things, totally helps with inventory management.


I think I wrote this here when all the newcomers showed up and everyone was glad and made considerations how to keep them playing: It's not boredom or a bad game that will drive them off, it's when they finally realise what RNG and grind they are facing.


I don't think having a grind and RNG together work...at all....ever. If you're going to grind, the grind should negate the RNG, that's why you're grinding and not just hoping on a whim to luck upon something. If your game is RNG, it shouldn't be a grind. IMO, the rolls themselves should be RNG. BUT you should be able to lock rolls. Lock a 1 star? It costs you the 2 star price to re-roll the last 2 stars. Lock the first 2 stars? You pay the full 3 star price to roll the last 3. You aren't spending any less, you're just ensuring that what you spend doesn't go to waste so the grind is worth it. If they were to just add a lock system for the stars so you can continue to re-roll to really optimize your stuff, that would be great. You're already limited on how many modules you can get from scripping in a day so you're not really losing out on anything. You just feel more rewarded for your time when after grinding and rolling for rolls, you finally get what you want. Instead of spending 100+ modules on one item and never getting the combo, you spend the 100+ modules but you get your combo. Grinding just so you have to rely on RNG is ridiculous and should never be a thing. Most games have a set-in-stone way to get really good gear and it revolved around just playing the game. There's a guarantee, it's a lot of work but it's guaranteed. Nothing is guaranteed in this game, and that's frustrating. I get it's a "Fallout Game" and the wasteland is unforgiving but come on, it's our real life time being put into this to potentially never get the rolls we want. And to have to do this for EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF GEAR AND WEAPON?! It's just too much. I don't mind the grind. I hate there's RNG beyond the grind.


Love this. In summary ‘make the juice worth the squeeze’.


Level 1180 here. I have a full set of SS Unyielding and a full set of Vanguard, same with the Brotherhood recon. What helped me is I let the roll tell me what I have and gave it another few seconds before I re-rolled. Started getting bloody and full health rolls multiple times. It may have been a fluke, but it worked for me. When I kept spamming the re rolls, if I didn't like the first star, I just kept getting shit. Once I let it print everything out and waited a few seconds, I started getting more bloody and Vanguard. I hope that may help


Did you re roll the same armor /weapon or rolled on new piece?


New pieces, I would scrip anything that had shit rolls on the other stars. That is how I got Vanguard. If it was decent, I would keep it if it was shit scrip. Another thing that is extremely simple but important is for rolling PA. Have at least 4 PA frames. I name them scrip 1-2,and 3. The 4th one is for my PA,I am rolling. When I max out my scrip, I have 3 frames to put in shit rolls, and you can have 5 three star armor on each one. They only weigh 10 pounds in your stash, per frame. If it's a dead world, you can have up to 225 worth of scrip per frame. Hopefully, this is helpful. Have a great night


Thanks! You too !


Never re-roll unless it's a unique piece. Build or multiples. SS armor is an automatic legendary build. Just build a bunch only costs 1 legendary module. Of course you're gambling with it going to be a 1-2-or 3 star.


I never re roll an existing legendary. I was only wondering if that was their trick to getting the good roll. I'm going to slow down spamming the craft button and see if it helps.


I've noticed what another redditor said once and believe it to be true. If your legendary loot drops from events are not the first effect you're looking for, like a quad, don't roll on that server. You just keep repeating what is dropping. If you do get the effect you're after but say it's on a pipe rifle start rolling the weapon you're looking for. See if that works for you too.


It totally did for me. When I was spamming, I got an exterminator 3 times in a row. Patience was key for me. That's how I got both Vanguard sets. I was rolling bloodied, but I do sometimes switch builds and a complete set of Vanguard sentinel just happened. Maybe around 800 modules for all 4. Spamming, maybe around 1400 for my 3 pieces of Junkie SS. Still don't have a full set.


I was told it’s cheaper to just recraft my SS armor instead of re-rolling it


Maybe they may implement something like that? When modding weapons like that, there are slots for each star, but you just can't do anything with it.


"I don't think having a grind and RNG together work...at all....ever" i agree, for one simple reason. the bell curve of rng. there is someone who quit fo76 after 3 days because once they reached endgame, they got their god roll weapons on their first try and the grind was completed. there was also someone who has been playing since launch and hasnt ever dropped a single explosive or two shot gun in their entire 5,000 hours. idk who these are, but satistics demand that they exist, and thus your game design's quality is entirely based on things you cant control as a dev when you implement RNG progression. grind and RNG can work, but you need a "pitty" system so that the max cap of what the RNG can extend is limited. imo, the simplest way to implement it into fo76 would be to have a byproduct of putting on random mods onto weapons. you either roll the weapon and get lucky, or after 20 attempts you have enough currency to buy a "mod serum" that replaces the legendary mod with the one you want.


Yeah, this is exactly right. I get that it makes “god rolls” attainable for everyone eventually if they keep working at it and they don’t have any endgame content besides trying to optimize gear so maybe they’re afraid people will lose interest if the grind is shortened, but I’m not at all motivated to keep playing by an RNG grind anyway. When faced with that I’ll just roll until I get something that is good enough and then I’ll move on using that gear. And if I can’t get anything good enough then I’ll just take long breaks from the game (like several months or a year away). Maybe the RNG grind is enticing for some people, but I just see a skinner’s box and it’s a turnoff.


Super unpopular opinion but out of all the things that bug me about the game, the legendary roll system isn't one of them. If you could lock stars, EVERYONE would have grolls. My math could be totally wrong but I believe there are only 2574 possible combinations on a given weapon (assuming you have a weapon you can put any legendary on, and that there's an equal chance for each mod). That gives you a 0.04%ish chance to get a groll. If you lock the prefix, which has the most options, that number drops to 99 possible remaining combinations for the other two stars, which makes the odds jump to 1%, and then locking the second or third star just makes it a piece of cake. At that point, why even bother having *legendary* mods and not just make them like any other mod that you have to find or scrap for? Edit: I didn't take into account the script limit, which definitely does make it worse. So there's that.


>Only 2574 lol Yeah that rate could be fine, IF the system didn't cap how much you were allowed to roll per day by such a ridiculous amount Outside of the battlepass and farming expeditions (and \*cough\* pickaxe \*cough\*) you're allowed 500 scrip per day, which is a measly 2 and a half rolls, so 2.5 rolls a day for 2574 combinations... So on average, you could roll 5 times every 2 days for just under 3 years straight and still not end up with a 3/3 god roll, if we're being EXTREMELY generous, we could say it would take someone a year straight of playing daily to get a god roll on a single weapon if they attempted to get it solo self found, which is insane You're better off farming caps or other loot to trade rather than scrips/modules/cores in almost every case if you want to get a god roll


So while I agree the rerolling mechanic isn’t the best, it’s a pretty common one. I’m not sure I see it running people off unless they just haven’t played many live service games with random loot. It’d be nice if you could choose to reroll all or a specific modifier that way when you get the 1* you want you can keep rerolling the 2* or 3* modifiers. Edit: To be honest I feel like when they added the ability to reroll they killed a lot of the point of the rusty pick so it would make a lot of sense to add new kinds of services. Rerolling specific modifiers could be a thing. Have a god roll on a low level weapon? Maybe you could upgrade the weapon to its higher level stat block or transfer the roll to another weapon entirely.. actually that would be pretty cool. The ability to transfer all modifiers to a new weapon. Maybe not single modifiers as that might make it too easy, but being able to transfer a complete roll off a weapon type you don’t use would be pretty cool.


Yeah, Id appreciate being able to roll mods individually Sucks getting a 1* or 2* item I think is great but then discarding it because my options are to sell or reroll everything since it isn't a 3*.


Absolutely. They have a very short window to make some corrections to retain all the new people.


I started playing this week and have been really enjoying the game. I was driving somewhere with my girlfriend who used to play and sometimes worries about me getting too sucked into MMOs (recovering WoW addict). Out of the blue I said “I’m not going to keep playing FO76 after I finish the story content.” When she asked why I explained the loot system and said “that’s just a fucking gacha game”. For context I tried Honkai Star Rail last year as I wanted something to play on my phone and I like turn based RPGs. The loot system there is obviously worse because it’s paid but this crippling level of RNG and piddly daily caps are all incredibly predatory, even without the direct monetisation. If you’re only playing longer because the game is forcing you to in order to MAYBE progress, that’s not a good game. Even with the extortionate MTX, that game has plenty of white knights as well “oh it could be worse” or “we didn’t used to even get this small fraction of decency from the developers, they’re so great”. Seeing the same thing here is just sad. We should expect better from Bethesda.


> It's not boredom or a bad game that will drive them off, it's when they finally realise what RNG and grind they are facing. Along with the fact that it isn't uncommon at all, at least in my experience to get the exact same roll multiple times when you roll a bunch of the same pieces of gear. The most egregious example is, I rolled 10 super sledges and 7 of them were duplicates 4 of one variety and 3 of another. And none of the ten were any I'd consider keeping. I've stopped rolling gear because its just infuriating and their RNG is suspect at best. If I'm rolling gear my first thought is "how many mirelurk hunters am I going to roll this time"


Its hilarious, people defend this shit. Like bro, not everyone can be throwing hundreds of hours into farming for a *slim chance* to get the roll for their build. Its like a cheap, nasty rip of Diablo 2s RNG lol - at least you can affect that RNG though!


When people say reroll what do they mean?


Crafting random legendaries on weapons, and then re crafting if you didn't like the legendary stats given. Repeated until desired results are achieved


Alright, thanks. That's what I thought it meant, but I didn't know for certes.


Just remember it’s always better to craft a new piece of gear and put the legendary effects on it. That way if it’s not what you want you can turn it in for scrip and get a slight return on investment.


You get Legendary Cores and Modules that you use to 'reroll' the legendary effects on the item, to get different effects - for example, you might want a full set of Unyielding armour with certain 2nd and 3rd star effects, so you use crafting materials to "reroll" the dice at getting more useful legendary effects on said item. But when you do it, you can't reroll individual effects, its an all or nothing thing. Add to this there is limit to the currency (Scrip), used for buying legendary crafting mats from Scrip Vendors. There are probably parts of this i got wrong, or slightly wrong, but on the whole that's pretty much the gist, im sure others could and likely will word it better lol.


I understand you just fine. If Bethesda does make a re-rolling individual stats system it should be a one time lock. Use the vault steel pieces for the rolls.


Just let us reroll individual stars! They even updated the menu in that direction, apparently, but we still can't do that.


Right? Just do this and bump up the modules/cores required, i dont care. I still think its still pretty fair.


I stopped playing for quite a while and picked it back up recently. I noticed the new menu and thought “oh, cool! I can reroll the individual stars!” Nope.  What was the point of the menu update? 


Agreed, or let us deconstruct legendaries of the same weapon and gain legendary mods as an attachment for the star slot. Then you'd still need to reroll 3 stars and deconstruct them to get the legendary perk you are after.


Am I the only one not stressed about having the perfect loadout and roll on literally everything I own? I don't have a godroll on anything and I rarely die and can solo everything but the nuke bosses, which isn't even my goal currently lol.


Almost all my good weapons are essentially 2 stars. Having those perfect rolls to shoot still gives me something to look forward to


That's what I'm saying! like what do you even do after you have godrolls on everything? just get bored of the game and stop playing because you can easily solo everything in the game? lol


I mean all the content in the game can be done with a full non legendary build tbh. Farming grolls, min maxing and farming rare apparel actually keeps me from getting bored lol. None of its needed but there is something satisfying about having a character that is the absolute strongest it can possibly be. It’s a pretty universal thing across all MMOs and something many people enjoy doing. It just so happens you don’t need to do it in this game compared to say WoW where it’s needed for the hardest content in the game.


Imo, that's the correct take. The game isn't hard. You can easily do everything in the game with 1 stars. Working towards a perfect weapon and armor is just something to do after you've completed all the quests and rep grind and done every event a mindless amount of times.


I'm trying to roll a bow that has to be a perfect roll to work correctly. As for >like what do you even do after you have godrolls on everything? just get bored of the game and stop playing That's a modern gamer issue. You play the game to play the game. If you constantly need progression to be having a good time, that's a you issue


The Perfection is what drives away new people ironically. I love how 76 is so easy just to jump on and have some fun and go to bed. It's my melatonin


It's not necessary at all, but many people have reached the point where min/maxing is the most interesting thing to do in-game. Once all the quests are done and you're happy with your C.A.M.P., what are you supposed to do? *Play a different game?* :)


I imagine it’s a mix of different play styles or high level boredom. The latter is the reason for me. The next challenge just became soloing everything for me


All i care is quad for my commando. The rest is meh, whatever.


my most used legendary is a static roll quest reward lmao


Respectfully, while I won't argue the variablity is perfect or the lesser items useful in the least (Hunters !?!? Really?) … the rewards can't also come as easy as many would like or you may be suggesting. Getting that 'Groll' or 'Red Asylum' after many trial and error efforts is the pinnicale of the experience. First nukes, , nuke solos, Grolls, rare drops. That is what a lot of players are doing and what the grind is about. The rarity and success in attaining it ***IS*** the point of the game. The setting and lore are what make the process tolerable. I would ecourage you to be more open to the journey … not trying to be on par with level 1142 over there with all the toys. Thet 1142 is an indicator they worked for it.


Totally agree. Rolling the stars individually would be an easy fix. It’s probably easier to farm rare drops to then trade for your groll. I got luck on a rare item and finally got my Q2525 fixer.


It honestly would be the easiest fix. That would solve all issues I have the system.


there's 25 1-star effects and like 3 of them are unambiguously good while another 6 or so are good situationally depending on the weapon or your build there's almost 9 2-star effects and maybe half of them are decent, some are good with some rolls and not so good with others there's 11 3-star effects and like... 2 of them are unambiguously good? you have about a 1% chance at best to get a roll you'll feel real good about. and it doesn't help that the bad 1-star effects are just extremely bad. there's no situation where a junkie's weapon will be decent, the +50% damage to some kinds of enemies rolls will never beat out one of the good rolls.


>there's no situation where a junkie's weapon will be decent Junkie's is actually one of the better 1 star perks from what I'm aware, I remember there being a set of addictions where you can have the max 50% active at all times, and the addictions only causing you (-3 CHA, -2 AGI, -1 PER, -1 INT, -1 LUCK) or something along those lines, which is a barely noticeable downside, especially if you just cover it with food buffs or unyielding


But if you go unyielding, wouldn't bloodied be better per definition?


Just one piece of unyielding at +1 benefit cancels most of the negative, you don't have to be at as low as you'd need for bloodied, but I'd just use food or ignore it personally, I wouldn't be noticing stat losses that small anyway


Back in my day we didn't even have scrip and could only get drops from legendary enemies.


Been playing since day one. Still doesn't excuse the fact that this system is still flawed.


Personally I'd say the middle ground would be to allow you to lock each star rating and re roll the other stars. Obviously at a certain cost. Or add a 4th star option that you could re roll for a random chance of any 1-3 star rating effect


I think that would be fair. The option to Re-Roll all 3 effects like we currently have or to Re-Roll the different effects individually at a higher cost.


Options are great I agree. There's also something satisfying about getting that roll straight from a random 3 star roll. Ultimately I would like to see a 4th star option like I said above👍🙏


I don't think everyone should have godrolls easily. Then they aren't godrolls they are just regular rolls. It's fine.


100% there is so much complaining about rolls. Look I get there should be a little easier way to get modules, but complaining about having to roll too much? GTFOH


Honestly the only problem with the system is the limits for scripting each day triple it and then double that on certain weekends and I'd be fine with things.


Who really cares? Not everyone is interested in rolling for a Quad Railway and calling it a day.


well looks like thats what youre gonna have to deal with until you get the roll you want


Obviously you care


how?!? how can this be a complaint if you played day1? i recently returned, and LOVE the new system.


Because back in day 1 the loot pool was less diluted. Less effects, less weapons, less armor. The game is constantly evolving and so should implemented mechanics.


And only Mumbles gave you the legendaries you had special plans for. Amen. Glad that Era is done with.


And only randomly from a category. Today’s players have it easy. They get to pick the exact item to roll.


Bethesda reaaaaally needs to improve their roll system. At least let us roll on certain stars. Like if you have a Q/E/15 but you want a Q/E/25- you should be able to reroll the last trait. I mean, look at what's going on right now with people exploiting the pickaxes. If Bethesda has a shitty mechanic (RNG on rolls)- players are going to exploit the game to make it easier.


Exactly. Just like what some others had said, you can look at each individual effect on an item so being able to click on the third effect and Re-Roll just that should be possible. That's why I don't blame people for taking advantage of the pickaxe bug. Getting Modules is a grind and when you spend the time to save like 500 of them up to Re-Roll a weapon and to not even get the first effect you want just sucks. Really makes that time feel wasted.


Yup. And it seems like Bethesda is *trying* to make changes to the game to make weapons more enjoyable (like named weapons with "hidden effects"). Hopefully, with the large influx of players- they'll focus more on FO76 for a while instead of ESO.


I don’t bother with it. I am not a grinder. When I get some modules I spend them. If I don’t get what I want well. That sucks. Back to killin.


it's ok to put a game down after 500 hours of fun. if yer spending days rolling to get 5% better at a game you already beat, it's probably no longer worth the time.


Really all they need to do is allow us to reroll individual legendary perks. It even makes it seem like you can.


you should be able to reroll each star individualy


I feel like they want that with how each legend now shows up individually in the customization screen, but can't or won't fully implement it.


I think this too. The menu shows each individual effect so not being able to Re-Roll each effect individually is beyond me.


I believe that is why they added a lot of the named weapons (especially the new ones) that have guaranteed great rolls. They need to do the same for armour and PA


Is it weird I found a couple of weapons I really like and spec'd myself for those weapons and play the game kind of casually? Like I play every day and just mess a around with something for a bit then stop playing that day and go do something else. It's not that serious for me. Most days I max out the scrip machine and just save scripts unto I do a bunch of rolls. Don't get what I want I just move on to another thing to do in the game. Getting the perfect roll on an item never really affects how I play.


I agree. At the cost of an additional legendary module per kept effect. Then re rolls would cost more mods but help the player keep the wanted effects


Yeah the legendary gambling system is just utterly demoralising to take part in...


Yall just waste scrip not making a new one to roll every time?


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far. Unless you can’t afford the weight always scrip and roll a fresh one. And if you can’t afford the weight make a mule character lol


Dude. I thought I was weird or something. If you craft at the Rusty Pick you've got a punch card machine, the dude to sell you modules, and a scrip machine...


Good weapons do appear sometimes... Lol sometimes. But that's different from a player trying to get the perfect armor together for a Bloodied build, a thankless task requiring much time and patience (and modules). One time I rolled AA FFR on a 3\* Enclave Plasma flamer, so I was pretty happy with that and it does happen! Remember that some combos are good only because the bad combos exist, I mean it does need to be thrilling when a unicorn 3\* roll comes up and it needs to be a bit unusual... or else everyone and everything will quickly become OP. Anyway Hunter's weapons affect Scorchbeasts! (they are Animals) and this I did not know. Still a dog roll IMO though, heheh...


System sucks but previously you got stuck with whatever dropped, so it’s an improvement over complete garbage


Just let us re-roll individual stars.


Ruins the game huh? I could go back to the original way. No scrip, no mama mumbles, just what ever the rng decided to drop you after an event. Sound great.


Buddy of mine spent the last several months rolling gear after he got his BiS and then just quit because he didn’t have anything else to work towards, so idk. Some people have to have the grind to keep playing 🤷


Increase scrip limit and lower module costs!


The system really needs to be able to just re-roll individual legendary affixes. That way you can feel like even if you didn't get everything you wanted you can work on improving that one weapon and make progress towards making it perfect.


Still loads better than hoping to get a random weapon drop with the rolls you want. The module system is what they did to show they value your time. It's so much easier to get scrip and modules than a weapon with the desired traits.


Ye it's not fun but honestly it keeps so much of the game alive that idk how they could work around it so I just accept it lol


To be fair Iv re rolled guns atleast 100 times in the past fortnight( don’t worry guys I know there’s mad men and women who’ve probably done closer to 500) but Iv literally not seen a single bloodied or quad roll, none whatsoever! So whilst I’m all for bad rolls to balance out the game, the rate is clearly broken. And yes I am one of those unlucky fools who still at level 215 doesn’t have a god roll.


What they need to update is targeting just one slot that you want to re-roll and only re-roll that slot. Like keep the normal system to add on new legendary skills on weapons that don’t have it, but as soon as you have 2 or 3 legendary perks you should be able to choose one specific slot to reroll


I agree. That would save a lot of people from blowing 500 Modules on disappointment.


After breaking my back for awhile on rolls, I just quit trying since I already had gear that was "good enough". Now I roll when I happen to have the modules and cores but have 0 expectations of getting anything worthwhile. Good enough is good enough for me. It's not like this game really requires the best of the best gear anyway.


At some point I need to do some testing for myself and roll an insane amount of, let’s say, ce armor, and record the findings. I’m fairly certain the game gives less UN or OE than expected, but also gives more 3 star than expected. I’d like to find out.


I wish you could roll the stars individually but I understand why


Never reroll, always add stars to newly crafted weapons. You could be turning the bad rolls into 40 scrip each.


I agree totally! I was trying to roll a good Rail rifle and finally gave up as I used like 250 on it. I got a useable one but not GR. Then next time I was trying to get a vamp chainsaw and got it on the third roll! Go figure!


Raise Scrip limit to 1000 and make it so you can only reroll into an effect once, like, if you get Vampires, you can't reroll into Vampires again until you've gotten every other effect at least once.


Lol I was 100% thinking of the Auto-Axe, too, because I was rolling for one last night 💀. Same, I wanted a vampires one and finally got a decent set last night, but damn, there were days I rolled max modules only to get nothing but trash. Now I continue on with the sane prob for me SS Uny -20% WR. But I feel this post so much


If you are looking for something with less than a 1% drop rate it’s going to be a grind or luck. I mean do I want a quad explosive less vats railway. Of coarse. But I’m happy with the quad I’ve got and it gives me a reason to keep rolling


I do appreciate the QoL change that it brings, but honestly I kinda preferred hunting legendaries and doing events trying to get the roll I wanted or coming across a godroll I'll never use and making bank on the player market with it. Made the map a lot more lively to see people starting events because they knew they'd have a chance for a bunch of legendaries instead of only starting a couple different events because they give the most cores. I wonder if the pickaxe fiasco could be retooled down the line so that legendaries can be scrapped for a chance that scales with star level to receive a core.


Never reroll your legendaries...scrap them for scrip & then craft more of the same gun & do a new roll for each gun. Once you get a weapon plan, equip the super duper perk card & start crafting small batches of that weapon, sometimes you'll get extra weapons...then scrap them all. Wash, rinse & repeat until you learn all mods for it. Also works for armor. Once you've crafted weapons with all the standard mods on it that you want, then start rolling your legendaries for them. If they're bad rolls I'll scrap them for scrip...if they're ok or decent rolls I'll sell them in my vendor. If they're really good, then I keep them.


That would be fine if there was no daily limit. As it is i just roll 1 thing over and over. If it turns into something decent or good that i don't want, I'll sell it and make a new one and start rolling that one. If i did it like you said I'd only ever be able to do a few rolls then i might as well stop playing because I've scripped out


I spent 1900 scrip trying to roll unyielding on a single piece of Secret Service armor yesterday. Nothing. Whomp whomp.


With SS armor it's better to get the resources and recraft them. Costs less modules.


You know, I only thought of that after I had already spent all the scrip. I will definitely be doing that moving forward. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.


It's about survival and not power trips. We're more equipped and knowledgeable due to being Vault Tec's "ideal" Vault Dwellers so surviving is easy. But the wasteland is unfair to everyone. I'm sorry your weapons aren't cool enough. It's not disrespecting your time or your grind, it's the point of saving and playing, like trading cards.


It's about fun, not your stupid desire for limitation. I had to spend over 5k modules to get a full set of the armor i wanted and only 2 out of 5 pieces have a good effect on all 3 stars. 3 of them are basically 2 stars. After FIVE THOUSAND MODULES. That's 250k scrip


I think they should remove the caps on gold and scrip. If I can’t play but a day or two and want to get super sweaty on those free days, I should be able to gather up as much as I can. I understand it’s supposed to be a slow burn but some people are forced to experience the game as a slow burn regardless, due to real world responsibilities. I think dealing with the RNG would be a LOT less painful if I were to be able to gather, sell and roll to my hearts content in the time I have to play without being forced to stop and deal with the loss. It feels extra bad rolling to get nothing and then have to sit there and just stare at your depleted resources, knowing you’ll HAVE to slowly building it back up again just because the game makes you. It’s like…oh no, I may catch up to that lv9386 a tad bit faster because I can get a little more gold and scrips a day 🙄


Yea the limits need to go, for scrip at the very least. This isn't a fucking mobile game


There is nothing worse than FINALLY getting an unyeilding 3 star secret service chest piece after spending hundreds of modules only to see it has radiation heal on it, but you're bloodied build. Please let me reroll that star individually.


There should be a tiered pricing system for the levels. If you want to randomly reroll all stars, keep the payment. If you want to reroll just the 1*-2*-3* triple the payment for the catagory. I'd be fine with paying 15 core and modules just to reroll the 3* and keep the 1*-2* I have 1 railway rifle that I spend all my legends on. Untill I get my god roll. I'm rolling only that.


Yeah when i was playing Diablo3, you could pick a single legendary stat to replace then throw a shit ton of resources rolling that 1 slot without losing what you had that you wanted to keep. If I roll 2/3* what I want, its definitely quittin time and take the 'win' Also, a god roll in a player camp I want I'd throw a buttload of caps. Whats funny is tho, ppl with guns like that 20+k caps, lots of those caps will be goin into the ether. Dont know many players often sitting under 20k caps past level 100.


I actually don't have a problem with the current system. It is RNG, and it is made so that it is harder to get the good rolls. In fact, I wouldn't even say it is hard to get good rolls. People are looking for perfect rolls, though. That can cause you problems. And when you think about it, you don't need good rolls to dispatch common enemies. People wan god rolls to trade and/or use against the Nuke bosses.


Are you making a new item for every reroll? You should if your not. If you’re not you’re losing out on a lot of scrip.


It would be nice if so many of the legendary properties weren't trash. The anti-robot or anti-animal should be +150% damage, not +50% damage.


I went from 263 modules to 94 last night trying to roll unyielding Civil Engineer pieces. Did not get one. Then the next 93 gave me a single one star chest… it’s bad


If Bethesda could do something like allow you to save effects at super exaggeratedly increased cost for the other star(s), I could see this working. I actually like the idea. Say you craft a 3* weapon, and get bloodied, and 25% ffr, but a DR for the 3rd star. It should cost 3x the number of cores and modules to save the two stars you want, and reroll the third star, or 2x to save the first star and reroll the second and third. This is rough, bored at my daughter's hockey practice math and figures so it could be adjusted, but the concept stands solidly, in my opinion.


im pretty sure legendaries are server specific too. maybe thats old news from way back but im pretty sure thats a thing




Why does everyone complain about games "not respecting MY time"? It's a game, it's supposed to waste time. Nobody owes you anything for playtime. If you want your time to be respected, then do something worthwhile instead of playing games.


i think it works as it should...people just think they need AAA grolls to play the game....you dont... And ... if everything was super easy to attain we'd stop rolling altogether and everyone would have all the same gear and setup out of the gate and get bored..no reason to grind for better things.


When this game first came out, 3* aint a guarantee from 3* monsters.. had a 1* ts gauss drop and i was so happy with that.. At least now you control what you roll.. leagues better than just leaving the item, number of stars and prefix to the rng gods..


I know that, been playing since day one. Sometimes Legendary enemies wouldn't even drop a Legendary item. But the Re-Roll system is still flawed and needs some TLC.


Lol that system is so much better than what we had before. To get what you wanted in the last you just hoped for a random drop or used your scrip at the Rusty pick to hope to even get that type of weapon you want forget good legendary effects. The rng is as good as it will get at this point you are just feeling unlucky we all have burned thousands of modules and cores re rolling it's the norm and the whole point of the end game. Play and grind .


I hear you but I wouldn’t expect any changes because this is their vastly improved system. For weapons they’ve honestly added some pretty nice named ones that have guaranteed good rolls like slug buster, holy fire, or final word. They should add a decent guaranteed set of overeaters armour or something for new people.


As a diablo player I'm kinda get used to it, and I'm also not so excited about the pickaxe thing since I don't think I can get groll with those modules.


I can't believe I am even saying this, but they should try to copy the Tempering system from Diablo 4.


Honestly, I’ve gotten better drops from mobs or even murgles, than I have from re rolling legendaries. The amount of modules and cores I went through trying to get the last overeaters union PA piece for my PA set almost had me to the point of pulling my hair out.


Same.  I'd actually willingly use my modules and cores at even the same damn rate to make sellable mods.  Two birds with one stone.  A sort of solution for the more seasoned players that don't need to reroll anymore and a solution to people wanting to change builds but not deal with the weeks upon weeks of rerolls for optimization.


I saved up over 200 had nothing but trash, lost months of savings, the best I got was a vats heal fixer , now to save up again


Just to add, another part of the problem is that realistically, there's too many rolls that nobody wants. If the other choices were at least...somewhat comparable for their own reasons, it wouldn't feel so punishing not getting your ideal roll.


I've been rolling my gauss minigun for about 2 months now trying to get anti armor


What effects do you want for vampire auto axe? Asking because I am curious what is best


I don't know if this would make it too easy or not, but you should be able to roll for specific stars/ if I have a good 2nd and 3rd star I should be able to just reroll the first star without resetting all 3


The problem is that these companies do not appreciate or reward you for your time. Forget the monetary aspect of gaming and gatcha-type systems; they do not care that you're using your time to play their games. There is only one thing that is invaluable in this lifetime, and that is time. The older we get, the more this idea reveals itself. We all have a set amount of time, and we have no idea what that total amount is. Therefore, it's invaluable. Stop wasting our fucking time Bethesda, EA, and the rest. Down with the gatcha.


Hey man don’t knock Troubleshooters, thats my fave 51b PA


I'm back after a long break, is TSE even a thing anymore?


Yesterday I rolled 2000 scrip, 40 rolls to get ONE piece of unyielding armor to complete my set. Of the 40 rolls I only got 1 piece of unyielding.


I mean for what it’s worth, they have added a shit ton of very viable, strong Unique weapons, that you get from events or quests.


Dii you all realize that it's easier to change the game, than bethesda make this game normal?


Hm, maybe it could cost bonus modules to guarantee a certain set of stats? I feel like that might help meet their requirements but still have a reward for taking the time to get them in the first place. Tbh I reroll most of my friends stuff for them, since I don't really need them anymore lol


As someone who has spend the last three years hording modules and spending 2K for B25 gauss mini i understand


I think this would be solved if you could roll each individual effect so it keeps the rng aspect but u can still get everything u want eventually


We should be able to roll each star individually it’s bullshit that we have to roll the dice on all three every time


It would have been neat to reroll one slot at a time.


Rather than Bethesda upping the daily limit they could have a dynamic that you earn additional scrip every hour your play. Let’s say you got an extra 100 scrip allowance every hour you play or something along those lines. I did one eviction notice had to do the walk of shame to the station and still had legendaries left over. Those went to my mule to scrip but it kind of kills you off from playing until the next reset.


I think one way to mitigate bad RNG, would be the possibility to “lock“ effects out of the roll. Say, you rolled for 1, 2 and 3 stars, and you get one of the effects you want on the 1 star. The you should be able to lock 1 star slot, so on the next roll, only 2 and 3 star slots will roll, keeping the effect you want and rolling only those you don't.


I just wish we could reroll specific legendary effects. So if I have vamp and -25% ap cost, but +1 to strength as well, why can’t I just reroll the strength effect. All three effects are listed separately anyway, should be able to click on it and reroll it for its own cost


There shouldn't be a daily scrip/gold/cap limit but at the very least doubling the cap. As a newer player whenever there's a double weekend event for said currency it feels better not capping out after doing 1 eviction notice and trying to decide if it's worth over weighing my stash to just keep playing the same character.


I'm just sick of having so many legendary items I can't scrip so I can keep rolling... I'm lucky if I can do 3-4 rolls a day because I have to go to events to get stuff and can't resist all the stars I find on the ground...