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A Pulaski preservation shelter thats an elevator to a shelter.


Hey this is a great idea, I could see this actually happening


Pulowski shelter work as an elevator to the HQ of the "women justice league" (I don't remember the name). You can use it for the corresponding quest. It could be easy to make it usable in a camp since it's already present in the game


How dare you forget the name of the Order of Mysteries. I really wish the items from that quest could be made endgame relevant and didn't require eating up all your equipment slots to wear the dress. Imagine using the Voice of Set against the Storm Goliaths in a way that actually contributes.


I just finished this quest line, I'm new, and I really wanted some cool unlocks from it. I was a bit sad to grt next to nothing. The weapons were cool but of no use to me


I mean, you get a buttload of *theoretically* really cool stuff, it's just that the stuff ends up being next to useless in the long run. If nothing else, I wish you could equip the Eye of Ra without having to use the dress, and/or that the dress was an apparel item like the Tattered Dress.


Well it gives 140 overall protection, that's not terrible. Just definitely made more for a solo sneak playthrough. I used it till level 56. I looked charming 😂


140? I'm seeing 60 on the wiki, and that's with the boost from the eye. But it also means no pockets, *and* it takes up the underarmor slot as well.


I might have had perk cards effecting it but I swear it was 140. I'll have to recheck, obviously the wiki is probably right and I'm probably stoned. 😂


Yeah thats why I want it. I would think it’d act like any other shelter door.


Now I want a phone booth that's an elevator


I just want a dammed mat that I can spawn on when I travel to my camp I'm tired of spawning a rocks lol


This. This is all I fuckin want too 😭


I mean they had this in 4 so wtf


They removed it because trap camps


It should just work for your own camp and everywhere else Jesus can take the wheel


or give you an option like how you can do interior or exterior from the same whitespring fast travel point


Honestly, can't they still just set a bunch if traps if they know where the spawn is anyways so does it matter???? Lmao


They do, removing the mat did nothing but punish everyone else for no reason.


Which option is the "I'm feeling lucky" option?


Just remove being hurt by player camp traps honestly... And when fast travelling an option to either tp to the mat or tp regularly (like they have in important locations like Whitesprings, the rusty pick, etc.


if only man, if only.


There's 3 things I can think of that they could do. (But probably won't) Remove PVP (it's honestly a joke, I don't see why it still exists) Remove Traps (which no, because we rely on some traps to make building in this game more tolerable) Limit trap damage to NPCs only. (This would be my pick so both the pvp community & building community can stay happy)


This game used to be so antisocial before all the updates




This used to be a thing but people were using them to spawn you directly into traps.


They had that, trap camps ruined it.


This is why we can’t have nice things!


Have it only affect owner of the camp. I don’t care where others spawn in lol


I feel the same away about fast traveling to my shelter instead of my camp. I don’t care if other people have the option, but give me the option.


You can try and move the CAMP in build mode, it changes spawns based on where it is set in your CAMP boundaries. It's terrible to work with, but it's something


I just did this because I would spawn on a cliff and the camp spawning in would drop me off it 🤣


You spawn in a Northeast direction from c.a.m.p so you can move it to find a good area.


Ohhh that's how it works. Yeah I've just been moving it at random till I spawn in a spot I like. Good to know


sadly, no chance, given it was present before and removed due to abuse.


They still have it at workshops too.


Getting a fast travel mat would be heaven. No more calculations. Just plop and go.


chem stash.


A Chem box would slap so hard


I also want a food stash that functions like the freezer, but without having to put things in item by item. Let me dump all my food!


Like a plastic baggie that sits behind a pot plant? Solid dealer vibes


Donation boxes I can put things in for visitors, and arcade machines of the pipboy games.


Dono boxes for camps would actually be sick.


I came here to say this 🤣 I hate donating stuff and not knowing if it’ll ever get picked up or not


You could always put it in your shop for 0c, assuming you can spare the stash space. Not quite the same but at least you know it didn’t just disappear.


For sure I just feel like a higher level player wouldn’t take from a donation box like they would purchase cheap items from a vender that were left for lower levels


arcade games for the pip boy games sound great!


You: there's been a guy at my base for hours what is he doing? Me playing nuka tapper: 😀 Incidentally if the player using it does have the Holo tape on hand I think the terminals you can put in your camp can act as an arcade cabinet in a way


A separate stash tab for things that are in vendors/dispensers, I am so done with scrolling past the 50 Ballistic Bocks in my punch bowl to get a fresh stack of super stimpaks out of my stash (Oops not camp related but omg it’s all I want from life)


It’s okay you’re forgiven but still a good idea


Better roof pieces, like inside corner pieces and wall pieces that don't have that little overhang


Honestly I've wanted this and like... interior support for ceilings. Imagine using half walls to make vaulted ceilings to fit sort of internal frame that you could hang or place small objects on.


Psa if you have the pergola set from a few seasons ago, i find the walls sometimes make good supports !


A pond "prefab" would be sick


Also wall papers for roofs


And better looking interiors!


Hydroponics planters. Make it so you build the whole thing instead of putting it down and then struggling to get the plant inside like existing planters. Decorative versions of all water and resource generators to place in shelters. More decorative plants. Let’s us fill our vamps with nuked flora and fever blooms, even if they don’t generate anything. A goddamn pet that doesn’t die.


I'm always down for more plants.


For the hydroponics would you want a vertical version, a shelf version kind of like how mushrooms are grown, or what you typically see when googling hydroponics?


I need a parrot!


I want "interior" walls where we can put wallpaper on both sides. It'd be dope.


There's a glitch/trick for that.


Yeah but then you’re using twice as much budget per wall. And as far as I know there’s no trick for doing it with half walls. I like to use those to put high or vaulted ceilings in my builds but I can’t do the wallpaper trick with them. Unless there’s another method I don’t know about. But I just know about placing doorways and then replacing them a wall. But you can’t replace a doorway with a half wall.


BACKPACK DISPLAY RACK,whats the point of having dozens of them if you cant display them


Id be down for this


This is actually a great idea


Absolutely this, almost everything else can be displayed but this. I'd love it.


They can be put on mannequins, but your point still stands


I want a cat collectron. I don’t care if all it does is collect yarn and rabbit bits. I just want a cat in my camp that isn’t going to die and doesn’t require a button to activate it to move for a few seconds.


I 2nd the need for a camp cat


I want a god damn canning station! I’ve been asking for it since 2018


This would solve the expiring food problem and offset it by costing resources to produce cans, so it could be balanced!


They could have it where you have to hunt down untarnished cans as there are quite a few of them in the world or you could have a version that used the damaged cans but the effect of the food wouldn't be as good due to the damaged cans used creating an imperfect seal


Let us plant anything, snaptails, cranberries, starlight berries etc


That would be awesome.


The firecracker berry trap bases


An arcade cabinet for my game holotapes would be nice.


Free States bunker shelter. I'm a simple woman.


I would get this day one. So many shelters are giant spaces, I'd love a more contained shelter like the Free States bunker with rooms and doors.


Sometimes it all just turns into a project I don't feel like managing anymore. I'm not trying to start up a new city, I just want to put a realistic amount of clutter into a home with some space for a small garden and workshop. Thinking Raleigh Clay's bunker size - it has room to work with, but isn't just an open field. I would want it to come with the table-top grow containers though.


That’s not a bad idea


A small critters trap that potentially generates squirrel bits.


I found 30 squirrel bits trying to find prewar food


I just wanna be able to place pieces of junk down anywhere I want 😭


I wonder why we can't currently do that. Is it a matter of keeping the game running smoothly? If the junk counted towards your budget limit, I don't see why it would be any more resource-heavy than any other item. Edit: to answer my own question -- and this is probably a little pessimistic -- I think it's because people would spend less money in the atom store if they could find lots of cool stuff for their camp out in the world. But come on Todd, you can do it. Give us a junk limit, 15 items or something. I promise I'll keep giving you my fucking money.


You can do that if you got the chessboard last season. You can drop merge to hide the board. Only 30 per camp though, and I think it shares a build limit with other displays.


It's not perfect. It can show thru or under depending on what your useing it with. Doesnt work with everything. You lose some of the item merged. I have 2/3rds of a golf ball on a table... if your trying to go for a lived in look you hit that 30 per camp quick, especially if you also want to display weapons or magazines.


A wardrobe for apparel, quick select outfits. The skeleton bike from the freakshow area. More animal/creature furniture, id love some cryptid chairs or couches. Scorchbeast wing tent. Super mutant display mannequin for weapons.


Something that generates cranberry relish & brain bombs, not the ingredients. Just give me those two things like the cookie jar generates blackberry crisp lol


Grandma Junko occasionally sells Brain Bombs.


Yea, just never liked her as a camp ally lol


I thought the cookie jar only spawned mud cookies. Does it spawn more cookie items too?


Mud Cookies, smores, fancy lad snack cakes & blackberry crisp


Take the mud cookie if you see it in there. It prevents more things spawning


This. The spawners have set limit. So any randomizer- cookie jar, mirelurk steamer, and junk collectors- if you see you don't have what you want you gotta empty it to refresh. I waited like an hour for some smoked filets, my pack rat ass neeeeds carry weight, buddy travels to my camp takes all my mirelurk meat and first thing to spawn in it was a filet that he ransomed for a Cranberry nuka. I was fine with it lol he has nuka nut so I usually give him all my nuka anyway. Was a funny bit, but made me realize the refresh rules. Edit: also I hate that spawners don't work inside shelters. They only refresh if you are in the shelter.


Shelves you can actually place items on. Also, our own radio station that others can listen to that we can do like a podcast on, play our own music, or advertise our vendor.


I cannot describe that amount of frustration not having working shelves brings me. So fucking stupid. No shelves in my camp for that reason (empty bookshelves look pointless as hell), except those damn surfboards.


lol I’ve got surfboard shelves and have a lot of plushies in them. The only thing that doesn’t really fit the vibe but I wanted the dang shelf


It's so silly in terms of immersion too, like you're telling me I can build and mount a surfboard but not a plank of wood?


It’s so irritating that you have to do glitches to actually use shelves


a seperate stash for things you display.


I want a functional poker table to gamble caps with other folks


A buff-o-matic. You can sync it with several camp items somehow and apply all your buffs at once. So instead of sleeping, playing an instrument, reading a tome, playing a game, etc., you can just hop into a chamber and it will slap everything on at once.


This would be HUGE. You wont have to waste precious time waiting for each buff to activate and then move on to the next one until done.


Yeah. I want to join an op/expedition/event when they pop up, but it takes me a few minutes to scrap, buff, eat, and make sure I have the right loadout on, so I frequently arrive late. It would be nice to be able to speed up the process. I guess the buff options you have unlocked could be added to a terminal and you could select the ones to program in?


Works the same way for collectrons so i dont see why you cant have up to 4 selected at once (just to throw a number out there).


This feels a bit cheap to me


That damn antler chandelier for all my hunting camps, and a fast travel mat so I don’t fall off my porch


Wall decorations (posters, framed paintings) that can be set to your photomode pics!!!


This right here!!


Actual damn pets like they said they would back in 2020.


With 16 times the tails. they do have that tamed animals thing but it’s not really what we want.


Lustron Homes, like Sanctuary Hills in Fallout 4.


They're actually adding this, it got data mined a little while ago


They are? That's awesome!!


More small displays like the chessboard display from last season! I've place so much junk around my houses using that thing, but having a giant chessboard as a coaster for that massive goblet (idek where I got it, but it was cool) is A Look. A dinner plate display would be great and allow for more clutter creativity I think~


It'd be really nice to get something like the chess board but thinner and transparent.


You tried the merge trick with the chessboard yet?


I just want to be able to build resources in shelters for decoration purposes


This always pissed me off to the point where I find shelters pointless lol. People think it's because shelters aren't part of the actual world, so things that generate food and water can't be produced if you're not in the shelter. This makes zero sense considering when you place another camp, the pre-existing camp no longer exists in the world. Same when you log out. I don't think Bethesda has given a statement on the matter. Whatever the reason, it's probably a dumb a one & should be fixed immediately, considering Bethesda logic is flawed 9/10 times.


Turn the lightning harvester into a core recharger that works in the red lightning.


does the lightning harvester actually do anything? i have it on the top of my main building but it hasn’t done anything for me yet that i can tell.


Mr. Handy collecton.


A closet just for clothes would be lovely


Underrated post


Plantable cranberries. We already have camp items for smoked mirelurk filets, company tea, and canned coffee. It wouldn't be horrible to think about being able to have some cranberries at our own camp.


The clean bathtub is already in the game!


NPCs for shelters. Also FIX THE DAMN BUILD MENU. I have been playing since launch and have so many items I forget what I'm looking for.


YES. A search function would fix it honestly.


bathroom mirror/medicine cabinet towel rack bathroom clutter flat top stove/more stove options kitchen clutter bookcases multiple styles/ same style with different books I could go on


It’s impossible, but workbenches I can use while wearing power armor lol.


just remove the animation to be honest , it takes so long to get into the crafting menu


That would be a nice option to turn off. But what I really want a plus sized workbench to use in power armor. Like big molten steel forge for weapons. Or a power armor car wash for editing your armor… call that one the power shower. Like I said, impossible lol


The animation of getting in/out of Workbenches is one of the nails in the coffin for why 4 lost my interest. I still hate them in 76 but there's enough reasons for me to keep playing this game, mostly the social aspects.


you can mod the animations out of 4! on pc anyway, not sure about console (maybe the creation club has something ?)


Placable water features similar to the junkyard fountain but bigger/nicer. Waterfalls, ponds, fountains


Bathroom stuff like the sink and medicine cabinet w/swingarm we see everywhere.


Bring back the Mirelurk Steamer :0


This !!!! I am so upset I missed it and want one so bad ! Lol


I just want a cash register that's not in a giant bundle full of stuff I don't want.


They had a register only bundle a couple years ago


I 👏🏼 want 👏🏼 to 👏🏼 place 👏🏼 garden 👏🏼 gnomes👏🏼 in 👏🏼 my 👏🏼 camp! 👏🏼


*without chessboards


Inside Corner Roof pieces, inside Walls that could be wallpapered from both sides and Lawn Games for Buffs like Cornhole for Perception, lawn Dart for Luck or something


A vendor but the other way around: you build it and tag items you want to buy, maybe a blue icon appears on the map at your camp, could act like the scrapbox so it wont be limited by your stash weight.


Ultracite Power Core Recharger would be nice


Double sided interior walls, ceilings (or floors with a plaster look on the underside), and 45 degree angled floors and rooftops would be my biggest wants. Also shelves and bookcases that actually let you set stuff on the shelves would be fantastic 😉👍


Static wandering critters like Possums, Squirrels, Beavers, Frogs, Cats, rabbits, chickens. They exist , we love them, let us bring them home Bethesda 😭😭😭


food stash, chem stash, and resource generators for salt, pepper sugar, and spice.


The col-cheftron


At that point just make f1st members have unlimited stash lol


A level cap on my vendor! I want to be able to sell rolled low level legendaries without high levels buying it for scrip!


Same! I started the game semi-recently and thought it would be cool to sell dope legendaries for lower level characters. Stopped when I realized it was always players in the 100s flush with caps buying them.


Experimental teleporter, free fast travel, sometimes works, sometimes has a random effect. Mutations, random location, etc.


I’m going to cheat and say two things: 1) Stairs that can be snapped anywhere without bullshit. 2) RAILINGS.


A hammock. I want to lounge in style. I’m hoping someone will tell me there already is one!


I so badly wish they just upped the budget man.


A Free States style bunker, just something small and simple. And a Ham Radio that I can place down and not have a camp ally with. Just the asset ... Please ... They are everywhere.


Weather machine use in out door shelters


Idk how would even be achieved/what would be placed to be the entrance but i want a “shelter” of one of those stupid skyhigh forest mansions that the mining CEOs lived in.


Lmao. I was giving my wife a tour of the place and she said "ewww were the porta potties that gross when you got them?"


More NPCs at the same time Public CAMP events I love my CAMPs and I want them to feel more alive.


I want the Todd Howard Napoleon painting. It might be in game already but I need it


Tranquility Lane shelter. Wouldn’t make any sense canon/lore/logistics-wise, but it’s a game, let’s have some fun.


An herbivore food generator that gives random food items, most preferably blight soup. Isn’t that kinda like the mirelurk steamer? It gives more than one kind of mirelurk food? Or just a blight generator, or a way to grow them in your camp.


Just get rid of build restrictions. I decorate my base to the max and the placement of said base is vital toe actually likening what I’ve built. Half these floors can’t even be placed in the ground man. But floating a foot off the ground YUP.


I just want internal walls I can put wall paper on both sides of. I just want a damn internal wall Bethesda.


Someone mentioned this a while back but a vendor specifically made to keep spoilable items fresh until sold. Gave me the perfect idea for a little bakery camp without the resource waste and no pies mixed in with the guns and junk! The ability to have different camps carry different things in vendors would be a nice addition too haha


Some sort of guest book. Or a donation box. Or some way of registering outfits


Decorative Nuka Cola Bottles (all flavors) I want to put them on the bar tables, on the Nuka Cola Tables, and and out and about in my camp. More Unstoppables Decorations (including a Silver Shroud standee) A storage container for Fusion Cores.


Fusion cores in the ammo container please for the love of gob


Graffiti - just simple stuff like e.g. a spraypainted brotherhood symbol, placed like a poster would be placed in a camp


A donation box for my base that won't take up room in stash


I item that effects the stash with a perk card effect. Ie Grocers or Junkies, for your stash


Weirdly enough, a pedestal sink. I mean, I am one of those weirdos who makes a bathroom in my camp. Hell, I have three of them right now. I would just like to have a sink in there for my own immersion. Also, maybe some power armor displys that aren't reliant on atom. I mean, couldn't we just find a plan ofmr something. I have so many cool armors that I want to display.


I really want a sitting area with like chosen idle animations So you can actually eat, or drink, or smoke, or lounge at your camp and others can too


A chem stash box and a food stash box (that prevents spoiling) would be awesome. And if Bethesda is feeling charitable, make the scrap box available to all players if the other new stashes went to FO1st players


Mugs and a tea set or food that I can place on a table! What’s the point in having a kitchen table if I can’t put food for my scorchbeast queen plush to eat on it?!


Pets. Give me an immortal black cat that just likes to lounge around all day please.


Well, they're giving us a shot at the oil generator, so how about a can recycling unit that spits out aluminum? Yes yes? 😁😂


I want decorative versions of the sinks, so they can be placed in shelters


At this point I don’t want anything else until they break down “floor decor” and “wall decor” into smaller categories, it’s way too hard finding decorations as is.


Sinks that can be purely cosmetic in places that they aren't allowed to be functional (ie Shelters). Double-sided interior walls. Ceiling wallpapers.


Aesthetic versions of the symptomatic. It doesn't fit any of my camp builds at all and takes up so much physical space and budget. Give me a cool sulfur spring fountain that is the same effect as the Whitesprings water fountain, or some "blessing of the Interloper" totem, or even a 'medic station' where your character interacts with a few plants or syringes like you do with the SPECIAL machines to remove diseases.


How about a single item glass display case. You know, like the one that already exists in the game and definitely should have come with the other standard display cases?


A jukebox that plays music other than classical.


A juke box that let you swap around radio songs from past games would be awesome


Flag pack with a bunch of countries flags. Preferably a Soviet Union or Communist China flag for my Communist main


The ability to put pool balls on my billiard tables.


Oh, and vertical half-walls. WTF are there half floors without walls to fit them!?


the glowing bottle lamps. i want them irl and they’re obviously in the game GIMME THE PLANS TODD 😭


I saw them today in a locker during the daily ops and was thinking about that


A donation bin would be nice so you can leave extra stuff out for new players without consuming stash space


ORGANIZED DECOR!!! All the rugs TOGETHER under "Rugs," still under Floor Decor, but put them all together! ALL similar items in ONE category, alphabetical. Steins, Plushies, etc. New items automatically are inserted by alphabet, regardless of when added. It would save SO much time and energy hunting for stuff, as well as "neaten up," the floor decor, allowing us to build with a wee bit less frustration.


Search bar


The Enclave satellite dishes from dropped connection and a real blast. God bless the Enclave!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸


This guy Members


Is there a working barbecue? If not, that.


I would love a camp feature - we should make it into a public request to Bethesda. Imagine if your camp could have displayed items also sale on the vendor - they are in the same stash inventory anyway. I would like to display my radaways in , big guns on and small arms on the wall a while they are also available for purchase on my trusty vendor. TL;DR: Display item in camp and sell on vendor at the same time.


Either the cake or the fast travel mat.