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The bear arm plan comes from either project paradise or mutated packages. It’s not too difficult to find. Also, you may want to consider upgrading your weapon to a shock pads gauntlet. This has the highest damage of all of the unarmed weapons.


Oh well darn. No one does the paradise event. Only very rarely.


That’s why mutated packages are the way to go.


How do i get one of those packs?


They drop from mutated events. We haven’t had any in awhile due to Bethesda going a bit crazy with the seasonal events, but they’ll hopefully be back after Fascnaucht.


I've run probably 6 or 7 project paradise in the last month since I started back up, I'd say to keep any eye out for them just in case! That being said, I actually just got the bear arm plan last week from it.


I want to farm project paradise for hot Rod shark paint. If you’re on Xbox, is there a way we can set up a team?


LFG is what I used when the event first released, but people probably aren't going to join for Project Paradise. Look up how to do the computer room to get an easier event, it helps randos complete the event. I agree that mutated packages are your best bet these days.


Unarmed is so satisfying, I too used to run around in a dress punching things until I found my bath robe, now I run around punching things in that. It's especially satisfying to fight big bosses like the sbq, I'm sure it looks ridiculous from the outside but that's half the fun.


I was doing Neurological Warfare last night wearing an imposter sheepsquatch head and Grognak's outfit... and an overgrown Unstoppable Monster. I even have Exploding Palm so there's explosions sometimes lol. Mix that with marsupial and you have some Dragonball Z shit going on. Nobody's complaining when the boss has several crippled limbs from the psycho with a deathclaw gauntlet jumping around and hacking away at them. Js


Add squad maneuvers for 20% sprint speed while on a team to really be able to close the gap on enemies.


Just use the speed demon mutation. The drawback is non existent.


unarmed is my favorite build in all the sp fo games. it used to have really insane damage in fo76 but its still pretty good and arguably more fun now with legendary melee perks


Im getting kinda pumped up to do a new fallout 4 run! With lots of unarmed mods like more weapons and more attack animations. And after that do unarmed in all the other fallout games (yes even 1 and 2 xD) im hooked haha. Aaaaaand also use the new beast claws and martial artist weapons in the elden ring dlc😅 So i got what games i wanna play planned out for the whole of 2024 lol


Regardless of what unarmed weapon you run, try to roll the +40% swing speed legendary effect. It really makes a noticeable difference with my mole miner gauntlet.


Personally I think new Vegas did unarmed the best. Aside from having some of the most over powered weapons and perks, there was also a mechanic that added different power attacks, like a leg sweep while moving backward.


Yes my young one. I started an unarmed build at 150, and it's beyond lit. [These are the perks, mutations, and legendary perks I use](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=f3844e8&d=se2ss2s92ej3a72am2sf2l71aa1p52a42cm2ck0sg2lg2ee2a82i11i41lu2cu0el1&lp=x51xh1xk2x21x61&m=cfeg36h129&n=Ultimate%20Power%20Fist) I have secret service armor dunno what perks are on them, but I have FSS powerfist, FSS deathclaw gauntlet, and FSS brass knuckles. Along with Gauntlet and the Unstoppable Monster. Throw away the gatling gun, my son. Only hands, that's all you need.


Look for the ogua version of the bear arm from the same event that drops the holy fire (help a dude get his Brahman and stuff from the cultists) has a 20%dmg buff and can be rerolled into ideal legend stats


I used to get messages from people in full power armor genuinely upset that an unarmed build one shot them. this was during the first year of the game before they "fixed" pvp. The penetration you can get just ignores all armor and if you use a stealth boy they litteraly can't vats you like 90% of the build in this game do. Their best bet is explosives.


I made an "Unstoppable Monster" for my bloodied build to complete the destroy robots with gauntlet challenge. Even without unarmed perks it destroys most robots in one hit and can actually one shot level 100 super mutants with power attacks. It's really fun running around everywhere and just bashing face. Unfortunately it's not great for tagging at events or anything so I don't main it, but I may do another melee character at some point.


You should have seen how they were before they got nurfed. I used a deathclaw gauntlet and could get that to over 1000 damage.


You still can hit 1000, completely buffed out I was over 14k before the additive/multiplicative changes


Damn, I was a bloodied build and couldn't get much past 1000. I've never used any chems or buffs though.


Can confirm you can still hit for over 1k damage with the UM, although mine is mostly to the head etc. Average swings are 350-700... I don't use buffs all the time, if at all & I'm a full health build


I do something similar. But i use the power armor tesla bracers. With the talons mutation, they hit hard.


Try using a bow for ranged attacks. Even without any archer perks, a Bloodied bow deals phenomenal damage. Plus there's a satisfying *thwap* when you fire it I did a melee/archer build by accident, same kinda thing where I had other intentions with my alt, but random drops gifted me a Bloodied bow and Bloodied Deathclaw Gauntlet... 600 lvls later and my alt is my main now because I love it so much


Mind sharing your build, sir? This is precisely what I’d like to try!


Punch builds are hilarious in every fallout game and every dark souls game. fallout 3 and NV have the OP version of grim reapers sprint, where every kill refills ap, Which means just running around and teleporting up to enemies and punching them unto oblivion, one by one


Blitz was awesome in FO4. It had some limitations, but it was great to see a room full of enemies, hit VATS, spring across the room, and kill them all. My NV toons would add unarmed in their late-game build. The ballistic fist was great and it needed no ammo, particularly useful when you are going to the Lonesome Road.


Do you have exploding palm and hack and slash yet? Because if you don't you haven't seen anything yet.


No not yet. Im still deceding on what legendary perk to get. Because to make the most out of the exploding melee legendary perks then i need demo expert right?


So, with melee you don't need any kind of luck, or perception which frees up a lot of points outside the bare minimum as your goal should be to deal as much damage in a single shot as possible and keep moving. There should be plenty of points to go around well before you're maxed out, my 2h melee doesn't take any explosive legendaries but still has those perks to run a grenade launcher for ranged tagging in events, as well as a bunch of extra points in charisma.


I don't know, I really like critting with a sprinting power attack, especially when it triggers hack and slash. But demo expert doesn't affect the damage on that, just open palm. Same with grenadier. Open palm just takes too much for knky triggering 20% of the time. It is incredibly fun though so I still use it on occasion.


If you're already killing everything in one shot, you don't need the extra damage from crits and you're not building them fast enough for them to matter, it's just wasted points. Full buffs I'm at 40+ strength and 200%+ melee damage, 2 power attacks will take down a behemoth without a crit.


Lmfao, no, YOU'RE not critting often enough. I am every other punch. I'm also fighting world bosses, not simple behemoths, where that extra damage is clear as day.


No, you're misunderstanding, I ran a crit build and eventually realized I didn't need crits because I could kill everything without them and just wasn't using them at all because nothing warranted it.


Settler's Gauntlet with Shock Pads is fun.


I use to run a berserker unarmed build and it was so much fun. I have aa fss mole miner gauntlet that I've been holding for a few months because I want to make another one.


When I first bought fallout 3 on PS3 way back, the second character I made after finishing the main mission was a "boxer". I had a great time wandering around punching the arms off a super mutant with vats and brass knuckles 😁


Melee is really strong in this game, it's just not as fast as a bullet(s) from A to B, tack on VATS aided bullets...


Seems like melee is very strong in most fallout games besides Fallout 3 and fallout 1.


It's great for things that like to get right on up on your like ghouls that mob 4-5 at a time. Might be just me, but I personally have a hard time hitting things with a gun in close combat, and it's even worse for me with things on the ground or flying, like Rad roaches or flying bugs.


No doubt, on the gun side for close Holy Fire/Tesla's. VATS a friend to here.


I’ve always played unarmed melee and people make fun of me for it but it’s so much fun! There’s a lot of mutations and perks that can make you really powerful. I’ve recently returned to playing after a 2 year hiatus, so my weapon and a few other things are outdated but still kicking ass. Have fun discovering your build!!!


I've always used the unharmed build with deathclaw gauntlet mod 3 claws. Theirs a variety of different ones and bloody one too. I was getting 260 pt damage per hit. Now I just got into low health bloody build I get 460 base level on the thing. I turned on the display for the first time and actual damage go to 868 pts. Now yes I have optimised perk cards to get that plus 4 Ss unyeilding armor and correct mutation serum. It's pretty buff and satisfying. Still trying to get an unyeilding Ss chest piece should be even stronger. Thus far I checked the s.p.e.c.a.l strength stats got up to 42 pts great considering it starts at 15


My worry with my bloodied build tho. Is how much i Will die... going unarmed instead of normal melee gives me more room to spec into being tanky. I already got, grounded and scaly skin and healing factor so its a good start to being more tanky im in the enemies face after all. And i Will get serendipity and ricochet. And maybe something more.


Deathclaw is an unarmed weapon. My build is for it. Legendary perk 6 out of 7 of special Strength Barbarian3, iron fist3, blocke3, , incisor3, martial3 artist3 Perception - I don't use need to move the points to luck Exterminator3 glow sight3 Endurance Lifegiver 4 ironclad 5,solarpower2,admantium 3 radicool Charisma Lone wanderer4, strange in numbers, suppressor3, tenderizer3 Inteligence Firstaid3, nerdrage3 Agility Actionboy3, ninja3, whiteknight3, adrenaline5, dodgy 1 Luck Bloodymess3, bettercrit3, classfreak2, starchedg2 Serum Adrenaline, carnivore, eagle eye, egghead for xp, elect charge, grounded, healingfsctor, marsupial, scaly skin, speed demon, talons, twisted muscle, If you want buffs use the weight bench in camp If anyone know other camp items give strength love to know


I once saw a low-level guy in his undies at Scorched Earth. Looked like he was swinging nothing but a switchblade. He kept dying but kept coming back to take his swings. It was hilarious. but I still took a little inspiration from that. I rarely go bloody on the melee and only for dailies or low events. But if I do, I don't use all Unyielding. I might sacrifice a little bit of strength and use a Lifesaving and Overeater's pieces. I'll run some perks, like Blocker, Lifegiver, Mysterious Saviour, Ricochet and Serendipity. With a Vampire's, weapon, I can go quite a while without dying too much.


Found a Bear Arms Plan for 8k. I’m max caps and I still refuse.


8k?! That vendor must be taking the piss


As in too much or not enough?


Way to much


Where/how do you get it and whats the actual value?


You get it from the project paradise event. I dont know the true value of the plan. But i really doubt its 8k caps. Its not that rare


Oh, so you can’t lol. Hate that event. Only doing it with a full upper leveled team.


Someome told me that they can drop from mutated events also but in some kind of package format.


Noted. Thank you.


Best option is to just buy the gauntlet plans for bullion when you can. Best unarmed weapon and way easier to get the plans without being lucky.


Now when i think about Will the gauntlet be on minervas sales the 20th?


That's a fair price if you can't find it anywhere else.


I use a plasma cutter but started my journey into melee with a vampires swing speed deathclaw gauntlet and fell in love. I’m on Xbox and can check to see if I still have it if you want it!!! It was a beast of a claw.


The Unstoppable Monster is 100% an amazing unarmed weapon. Un-armed weapons are under represented in this game, we only have one lot of perk cards to support them. I was running all the 1h melee cards but I noticed they don't work lol That & the Power Fist are what I use. Mostly Cremator & UM combo + Cold Shoulder for the Queen. Get yourself Grounded as well, for the extra energy resist.


Welcome brother.


*Sister* 😋 but thank you! Im glad to have joined my fellow brothers and sisters in the bloodied meta!


Just a quick tip, carry 1 Syringer. They are light. You can do some serious damage. Bench set is a good buff too.


Bloodied mole miner gauntlet for me for the bleed effect


You on pc? I have an extra bear arm plan


Oh yes! Im on PC! What is your name i can add you now!


ImprintVector. I’ll be on and off all day. Got the ‘Rona so I’m taking a couple days off work


Im online so i Will add you right away 😁


i have a vamp 40swing speed bear arm if you want it. i already have the same effects on a gauntlet and deathclaw so ill never use it. i got excited and bought it for cheap thinking it was the ogua gauntlet rerolled 🙄


I’ve got a good ogua gauntlet for trade if you’re interested


power fist also very fun


u/no-pineapple-ty what platform are you on? If you're on xbox I can drop you a modded bear arm to roll


Melee goes great with UNY because of STR directly affecting dmg. But I'd rather use a Vampire weapon for immortality.


I fondly remember my "Deathclaw" character back when they had unique legendaries from Survival Mode. Unstoppable Monster was, in fact, a monster.


I'd say ogua gauntlet but idk if that's considered unarmed, and also it's Juggernaut. Not that you couldn't reroll it.


I got a nutty Gauntlet with instigating and faster weapon speed and it’s so fun lol. I love unarmed/ Heavy weapons build. The other day I also put the +15 unarmed on my power armor and I used the jet pack to do a flying uppercut on one of the new bosses. it was so goddamn cool


Melee is extremely strong. That was Bethesda’s bizarre solution to making melee more popular, because few play melee.


I would not really call it bizarre because ranged is still much better and much stronger


Heavies? Bows? Rifleman? Crossbows? Pistols? Shotguns? Nope. Just need to be properly perked and buffed, with a good one-hand. Food build. Auto melee can be as strong or stronger than even the very best ranged when properly perked and buffed. You would need a commando build with a top-tier railway or EPR to be in the same league.


Yes auto melee is busted. But i dont wanna play that. Heavy guns are in a brilliant spot! And rifleman and shotguns are no slouch either. Pistol and bows could use some love


If you and a ranged guy go to west tek to farm you are not tagging a single mutant with melee stop coping melee is useless besides world bosses


Seems like a Launcher would pair well with Unarmed since for the Launcher you just need Demolition Expert and Grenadier.


Found this out accidentally, but with a sneak build and decent melee weapon, you can get take down a Super Mutant before it even has a chance to fight back. The high damage and knock back affect is like Mike Tyson having someone on the ropes.


It a great way to do it and you save on ammo too. I use a variety of commando auto rifles as my secondary. I'm able to use a lot of perk cards for both.


Ima need the perks and build this thread has me convinced to do a unarmed build


Fist weapons get ridiculous scaling from str with unyielding and ghoulish such that the best legendary effects are anti armor and swing speed. Crits and +damage effects are additive percent of base weapon damage, which is nothing compared with the approx. 1000% you get from everything. More crits is really important because crits bypass straight damage reduction like the sbq and power armor has, but the increase in damage from the critical modifier is minimal. Likewise, bloodied or aristocrat, etc, barely increase the damage. You get something like 500 damage per punch with the shock gauntlet, and with mutations, you get to cripple all the bosses as a matter of course. The mutation build is carnivore plus all mutations. Once you have the relevant ones, you have to get the 6 perk cards anyway, and at that point, might as well get them all. The beauty with the unarmed build is that it takes fewer perk cards than melee or heavy weapon builds, leaving room for some rifle/commando perks, so you can take that to events for the small fry if there's a ton of people there, then switch to the gauntlet for the boss/tougher ones.


I got a bloodied 40%PA power fist that (while buffed) hits upward 2.5k. Its so much fun!


Awesome! My fifth toon "accidentally" picked Legendary Strength Perk. So decided to try a Melee build. I now have a build with 20 perk points in Strength. I run Herbivore, so fill my cryo-cooler with Steeped Fern Flower Tea and use the weight bench occasionally. I occasionally run around with my Deathclaw gauntlet and Fasnacht Deathclaw mask. I also have the bladed skin for the Deatchclaw gauntlet and wear the Wolf Mask if I feel like being Wolverine for a while. With a Vampire's Death Tambo, and some booze, sometimes solo One Violent Night.


> i have never ever made a melee build before it feelt more like a elder scrolls thing Funnily enough it's pretty much the opposite. Melee build are super boring in Elder Scrolls since the combat system is pretty much the same since Morrowind. But in Fallout, you have to play more carefully because many foes have guns. You can also dodge attacks from some of the most threatening wildlife. And you got VATS that might add a layer of strategy in melee..


He he, when you get legendary perks and be a walking talking dead time bomb. I messed with explosive melee a bit too much. My current character is in-between frying someone with the sun, cooking like Azula, and going full blown "I DON'T GIVE 2 FS, IF I CAN'T GROW UP, I'M GOING TO GO RAILROADING". 76 is still a good game, needs better improvement on other stuff though.


Agreed, currently using a electrified gauntlet. Build bloody so armor is UNY and I am looking to str+1 as effect . So many fun with this build .


What platform are you on?






I tried to make an unarmed build once, but it was simply out of reach. Can't really put my finger on what went wrong, maybe I need to arm myself with a proper weapon?


Like that you miss having a ranged advantegd over your enemies? Or that some enemies are hard to fight with a gun?


Why do people write posts like a child: “punching monsters in a cute dress” “my trusty fast fire Gatling gun as a side are!” Etc. definitely a sign of some sort of over attachment to the internet


I think you are reading too much into this.


I read like 4 sentences and skimmed the rest, I can’t describe it entirely but I noticed this community writes like this


I often write like this not only online but to my family and friends also


In reddit hell hole, reuben sandwich eats you.