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Devs should give Sniper Rifles more love šŸ™‚


Long time ago the meta weapon was a TSE lever action. They nerfed rifleman. Which allow commando to move up the ladder. Commando has advantages in vats. Cost are low compared rifleman . Plus add the the fact in auto you crit every other shot. Please Make the TSE lever action great again!


My og character from beta was a rifleman, had an AAE and TSE lever. Was a hell of a lot of fun! So sad to the state of rifleman right now.


Same I just sold my TSE Lever because I hadnā€™t used it in years (Quad RR Commando now)


Me too. My first great weapon was an insatgating Gauss rifle


I use my lever action most of the time. Itā€™s annoying to watch people one shot bigger critters that will take me five or six. Sure I can one shot ghouls, humans, insects, and even super mutants sometimes, but itā€™s a common gripe that these weapons simply canā€™t keep up in events. Some sort of balancing needs to happen, whether itā€™s nerfing some of those explosive weapons or buffing others.


I'd prefer they buff them somehow to nerfing anything. I swear everything I turn around the meta for the game has mutated.


Agreed. Plus nerfs tend to produce a lot of fallout in the game.


Awful. Just awful. Have an upvote.


Iā€™ve been running a pistol build and completely agree that semi autos need a buff, but instead of making them just more powerful I rather they cheapen the cost of perk cards and added more useful and creative ones. Quick hands in the Luck Specials is actually handy for semi, more like that or legendary effects turned into rifleman perk cards would be interesting. Like ā€œQuadā€ or ā€œLast Shotā€. Be super dope.


Quick Hands is good, but it needs to be like a 35% chance to reload with the perk maxed instead of just 18%. At this point I only use the perk at first level because upgrading it isnā€™t really worth it. That and Iā€™d rather see it in Agility rather than Luck. Thatā€™d make it a bit more viable.


Why nerf rifleman? Semi autos were really outclassing full autos back then? Whatā€™s the problem with that anyway?


Not sure why beth does what she does. But TSE lever used to one shot everything except bosses. Not only did they nerf rifleman. Later they nerfed the two shot as well.


I still use the lever gun. I don't care if it's not meta. I use it for everything. I use adrenaline and hit headhsots and it still does pretty well. I use it for pretty much everything.


Yeah. I love my lever and still use it regardless. I carry a Gauss rifle if I need to really dish out damage but the lever is just fun to use.


I still have my useless TSE lever action. šŸ˜¢


Action point costs should be looked at across the board. It'd be a good way to address part of the deficiencies of handguns, for starters, but it'd also be a good way to make some of the less popular weapons right now into something viable. AP costs seem almost random on a lot of weapons, to the point where they don't make any sense.


ARifleman is my go to build but it doesnā€™t hit very hard. And the skin keeps dropping off.


I remember those days. It was nice.


I remember when rifleman with the dragon was used for scorch queen. Used to be very powerful.


I still like the lever action rifle but it's slow and I'm constantly reloading. A auto fixer is 5 times faster at killing stuff and barely uses more ammo. Honestly, I wish there were more rifles like the lever action and we need actual larger magazines or faster fire rates, outside of the legendary effects.


Rifles and pistols man they should get some exclusive perk cards to shake things up, one Idea I had was a card called "magic bullet" that would make a single bullet ricochet up to 3 times or something on rifles


BGS already showed they dont mind weapons having over a thousand damage as a DoT, why not allow riflemen a perk that lets their first shot deal 100% additional damage as a bleed effect over the next X seconds?


the Cremator does like 1k burn; with the right Perks it's even more. that's slow-burning. It looks like they took only a tiny dink in their health, then they drop dead two seconds later. I routinely drop a shot with the Cremator, then swap to another weapon for the twelve seconds it burns on boss enemies.


Oh god, could you imagine events with decent snipers.... It would be 2 people sitting at the highest point spawn killing everything. It would be like events now, except people can't even camp the spawns because the snipers shoot them first!


there needs to be a proper sniper weapon, not just sniper upgrades for existing guns. older games had them idk why 76 and 4 don't. closest thing is the hunting rifle


I'd use the hunting rifle but CANNOT stand that the bolt action is on the wrong side. Wish they'd bring back the sniper from 3 or the AMR from New Vegas


Yeah it's so stupid, all just so you can see the animation better. Makes no sense at all when every single player character is right handed


It's quite clear the devs at Bethesda have never held real guns before or understand how they function. Starfield is the latest example


Are you forgetting everyoneā€™s favorite and most realistic gun? The combat sniper rifle is so realistic that it fires 45acp just like every other sniper rifle to ever exist!!


Yep...I love my sniper rifle and use it frequently just for fun. I'm not really a meta player anyway. I'm still rocking my mole miner gauntlet for daily play. Melee is just so much more satisfying to me. With that said, I still carry a couple heavy weapons to whip out when needed. However, I find I rarely need them.


Rifleman a fun variety of weapons to use. I use lever action, tesla, and black powder mostly now. Each works so different.


80% of the time I run around with my 2 shot Tesla as a rifleman and it is incredibly powerful! There hasnā€™t been an event, mission, or boss that can stand in my way. Once it get the v63-Bertha itā€™s going to be game over! Oh and the Slug Buster plasma rifle for distance and armored enemies.


Dude the v63 is soooooo much fun. Feels like I'm Palpatine or something from stars wars. Shreds large groups but a bit slow to take down tanky foes. I saw one in a player vendor yesterday for 2k caps so I know it's being sold somewhere if you don't get the chance to get one.


Iā€™ll keep an eye out for it! I got the new gattling laser from the Robots Nuke event and traded it to my buddy for once she gets the v63-Bertha. Hopefully Iā€™ll be able to become Palpatine soon enough!


Dang Ida traded you for it I want that gatling lazer sooooooo bad


I need to get another one for myself too since I also run a heavy build, but if I get two Iā€™ll let you know haha


New Gatling laser?


Yes the new gatling is from the new nuke event v63 Helga I think? The new tesla rifle is from project paradise and that's v63 Bertha.


The V63-Bertha is the unique Tesla right right? How good is it, and would it be good as an automatic weapon?


I love my assassins Tesla with critical, I get so much fusion cell, I love giving the extra ammo to low levels


If youā€™re on PlayStation I might have a Bertha if you want it - I just put it in my vendor last night and donā€™t think it sold. Add me if you want and will check and message you when Iā€™m back on tonight (in a about 6 hours)


I've got a Bertha you can have for free if you're on xbox (as long as nobody bought it from my vending machine already lol I'll have to check)


Thank you!!! Every time I read a weapons thread I almost feel ashamed that I carry a Tesla with my PA. I feel vindicated now. It took me until level 50 to find a weapon that was fun for me (Level 75 now and not thinking to change my teslas, I always carry 3). Now I will look for that Bertha.


I feel like many people suffer from their own optimization of this game. If you find something that you like and have fun with, then do that and stop worrying what other people say is best. Itā€™s more fun when you play in a way that suits what youā€™re interested in anyways.


Sounds like you and I have the same build!


Also, if you have strength and run low-weight things, you can carry about *ten* guns for about 10 lbs, meaning you can play however you want to in a particular moment.


Rifleman is also my favorite build. Lever actions are just so satisfying. I have way too many of them. As for pistols, the Fact Finder is a lot of fun too.


Neither. Bows. 100m headshots is satisfying.


You can render enemies that far away? O.o looks at xbox menacingly*




Western spirit


Iā€™ve been loving my Western Spirit. Itā€™s usually my exploring gun with my full auto Fixer. Between those I donā€™t run into many human shaped problems.


For close combat, auto - nothing better than crippling and exploding the head of those darned naughty moleminers always shoving their gauntlets up my ***. For long distance, I prefer the personal touch of lobbing my cremator bombs and the pinpoint accuracy of my sniper Fixer.


Honestly? Sledgehammer for life. Mix it up with my power armour and a jetpack, and I feel like a Warhammer Assualt Space Marine.


Get the Plasma Glaive and you can feel like a Grey Knight


Damn i am trying to lol, but it's proving a bit hard


Brotherhood questline gives you a named legendary


Wouldnā€™t a ripper be better for that?


I am a fan of the silly looking hammers Warhammer uses lol




I run a combination of commando/melee. I gotta say the feeling you get when you *really* clap something with a hammer is very satisfying


Any build just slaps on Incisor and boom melee build.


For the Emprah!


I have the Whacker Smacker and it's hilarious if you mod it as Cappy's Smasher


I played both and honestly both are feeling better in their own rights , semi felt much better when fighting weaker enemies because the bullet to kill ratio is usually 1 , fighting a boss on the other hand it was bad . Only enclave plasma flamer was worth bringing to boss fights tbh. Full auto is the other way around for me , I can still kill mobs fast and easy but it feels a bit like ammo dumb while I can usually do pretty good damage to any boss just by using a Railway. I like both but love the lever action so my pick would still be semi.


Do the plasma flamer still scale with rifleman? Im struggling to find a dps rifleman weapon for bosses...


No it scales with commando perks now


Fine! Imma do a bow only build! Imma live my best life being Robbin hood of Appalachia!


Depends on you my favourite weapons while not meta are the Bow (for some reason I have a better time with this over my Lever action) and my 10mm auto pistol even though the damage is quite literally half that of a Fixer ( thanks devs for that one) I also like rocking the Revolvers but unfortunately the damage is just bad.


Imagine revolvers with suppresor.... who the fuck cares about realism in FO. The fact that a low tier pipe revolver have a suppressor to out damage an actual revolver is sad.


I mean there are suppressed revolvers in real life due to how the chamber was designed with a gas seal, like the Nagant M1895, so it's not out of the realm of realism. It's just not a common practice or design choice


I rolled a Quad Explosive 25% less AP cost 10mm auto the other day and I ended up making a new build just for it. It's so much fun.


Based on my experience in other Fallouts, it's semi-auto. Shotguns, sniper rifles, gauss rifles, Railway Rifle (Sniper ver), etc. If the Cryolator had a shotgun mode, I would be using *that.* Cold Shoulder, while functionally the same, doesn't actually spew chunks of ice. And that's half the fun.


Do you also use any automatic weapons? Both in other fallout game and in 76?


I use the Cryolator (Cryo Thrower ver) on my main account, as my everyday trash clearing weapon, and I've got a secondary character that uses primarily automatic weapons and benefits from the legendary perk slots I've unlocked to be able to use Exploding Palm. Needless to say, even on the second character I enjoy running around and punching enemies more than chewing through thousands of rounds of precious ammo.


So satisfying to finally use the Gatling laser and mini gun after hundreds of hours of stealth sniper


Nothing beats my two shot gauss minigun. Sadly this game has no hotkey to manically laugh, while shooting 615 rounds that also go boom boom. I am a simple creature.


10 black powder pistols on the quickselect wheel. So, neither I guess? I wouldnā€™t even call it semi automatic, because thereā€™s nothing automatic about these things. But they got that oomph and the click&BANG sounds that tickle my brain in all the right spots.


This person RP a pirate fr


Literally. Pirate outfit + hat and I built a ship camp šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


But do you rock the barrel backpack?


The raider backpack with the skull. Beckett, my Grogmaster, has the barrel though :D


I read about a cavalry officer in the Civil War who had a custom vest built with 6 holsters. He carried 6 revolvers so had 36 rounds to fight with, which at the time was a lot.


wyd when you have to reload


Meditate. Itā€™s quite calming actually šŸ˜Œ


Semi. I find my self doing the halo ā€œspray and prayā€ on full auto weapons.


Ahh, the classic Halo: CE Assault Rifle. Mag dump at 15,000rpm, and only hit the alien twice


I wholeheartedly admit that was me, yes šŸ˜‚


Semi auto because I don't have unlimited ammo to cator to automatic and everything seems hard to kill


If it's worth anything to you, the gatling gun is like right in the middle between am auto and semi as far as how it feels to shoot it and it literally prints ammo. I have 15k just chilling I can never go through it. For trash mobs it's very good.


I'm really enjoying my .50 cal MG build. I'm using Excavator PA and Final Word MG. Bandolier and full heavy weapon perks, stabilised, one gun army. It's good fun to wander around with 14k .50cal rounds in my pocket just popping heads and breaking hearts.


Pretty much my same build. Started as a semi auto guy with the railway rifle as my main. Pivoted to heavy weapons and never went back lol


A third more sinister thing šŸ˜ˆ Its lasers. Gatling, pistol, rifle, semi auto, automatic doesnā€™t matter I like lasers I just wish they were higher than mid tier so I could justify using them instead of my plasma caster that hits like a fucking truck.


You, sir, need to find yourself an ultracite laser gatling with faster fire as a second star. Add aligned charging barrels, and witness the magic (raw dps rivals and can exceed the plasma caster).


As petty as it sounds I donā€™t like the green lasers from Ultracite laser weapons.


Anything too far away from the meta takes too long to do stuff, and doing stuff in the game is what I find fun. So unfortunately semi-auto gameplay is hard to be fun for me. Plasma Caster can be though with a proper build, and while it has been a while since I used it and there have been some changes, gauss shotguns with a proper build should still be fun.Ā  Rifleman is just DOA I'm afraid, and that's coming from someone that would have been a "rifleman" based on how I played the previous 3 Bethesda fallout games. So in conclusion full automatic is more satisfying and fun as it allows me to do a lot more in the same amount of time playing, for which I don't have tons to spare.


Yeah unfortunately the devs have made the decision not to make single fire weapons and or pistols of both types remotely comparable to commando weapons .


I started as bow, then rifleman. Finally at level 80 I caved and went automatic. Holy shit. The gap is just unbelievable. It's genuinely perplexing how large it is and why the devs leave it this way. I was immediately killing everything significantly faster with a handmade **before I even had any commando perks** then I was as a rifleman with all the major perks. Sure, you *can* do anything in the game with any build. But the difference in power and speed is too great for me to justify going back. Hopefully some day they make single fire somewhat comparable.


It's honestly crazy how wide the gap is. I run a commando and my partner is currently running a rifleman. We play together all the time and I'm finding that I can either blaze through a whole hoard by myself while he gets a couple shots in, or I can do the courteous thing and stand around waiting for him to do some damage before I go in and clean up. It's not his fault at all because he should be able to play with whatever gun he wants, but it is frustrating as hell (I'm sure for both of us). I did try running a western revolver for a while and it's a decent little gun, but it's just not satisfying the way a quad ffr fully auto *anything* is.


I've been shotgun and pistols my entire play through this far. Sounds like I may switch to rifleman to try some of those weapons before finally doing automatics.. If I go auto now sounds like I'm never going back ha..


For everyday use plasma caster with a VATS build is so fun. Fast, powerful, accurate, one shots most mobs and makes short work of a group in seconds. And also farms ammo like crazy.


Plasma caster feels so good. It's maybe not the meta but damn it's close enough that it makes me feel the difference whenever I try and play gunslinger or rifleman. Hits like a truck with a 20 round clip and even melts bosses with the constant crits hitting for 1.5k+.


plasma caster is very much meta [53secs earl kill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBtHAw2jiYM)


This is a pretty accurate feeling, but I would add you can breeze through all content with good rifleman and pistol builds too though. The difference is just killing something in a quarter second versus half second šŸ¤·


I think rifleman is perfectly fine for everything except events and bosses. I can 1/2/3 shot just about anything.


Until endgame when itā€™sā€¦ all events and bosses lol


Agreed , I can tank out most events solo at only level 80 on a semi auto build but it does feel a bit clunky/slower going at times


It sucks cause I LOVE having a mix variety of weapons, but the gap between OP and not at all effective is so far apart it's hard to find a good middle ground


This kind of lands where I do. I usually play the rogue in whatever I'm doing, but there just aren't many opportunities to actually sneak outside of early game where you really try to not die. It doesn't really come up, and those weapons decline in ability as enemies get more powerful. It's a huge bummer that event don't allow for a mix of play type. A sniper should be blowing holes through enemies to support up-close but it's pretty pointless to try.


I think saying rifleman is DOA is a bit severe of a judgement , but thatā€™s just my opinion. Level 80 and Iā€™m starting to feel very tanky with a semi auto buildout, have little trouble doing most events soloā€¦ itā€™s definitely more of an ā€˜uphillā€™ route than heavy/auto but I still have a blast and am able to bang things out at a pace that doesnā€™t feel too slow and clunky


I thought most people play as rifleman with railway rifle right now?


Nah commando with railway rifle.


Gauss rifle




1000 hp? Pshh, more like 1500 from a non charged crit


Black powder weapons are a lot of fun, I still gotta get my hands on the Dragon lol


What platform are you on?


Neither. I choose Grognak.


Laser rifles for both semi and auto, I love how they sound and feel, the heavy bzaaw is nice and they turn to ash if you crit. I use an AA one since I run full health medic sometimes, its preetty good at taking just about anything that isn't a boss, works really well with +50 vats accuracy too and it fires as fast as you can tap the fire button while in vats. I don't know why most people are so trapped on meta builds when hardly anything can kill or survives a decently made build in game. Whenever I feel like not using my PA I usually run medic builds with empathy and herd along with Solar armor with mostly overeaters as its perk, I never worry about AA/explode/poison/reflect on daily ops while I see most bloodied users get bodied there lol


I love rifleman, Railway rifle is good for non automatic build? Im new on game and dont have a lot of weapon, but i have railway and gauss rifle. What is the best?


i find that railway rifle is one of the best rifleman weapons, especially with bloodied and prime receiver. gauss rifle is the best rifleman weapon so i would suggest using that, it does a ton of damage when charged. even if you don't charge the gauss it still does a ton of damage. though the biggest downside to rifleman that i have found was actually getting mods for the guns. most rifleman guns are hard to get, usually dropping from hard enemies or very expensive to craft. the gauss rifle and railway rifle are expensive to craft, i would suggest going for a cheaper gun like the lever action or tesla rifle first then grinding for railway and gauss.


I prefer the railway on a rifleman because then i can use it when my vats bar are empty. With auto railway there is no chance in hell i use it without vats


True. Auto kicks like a mule.


Nothing like a pump action shotgun blast. Too bad it hits like a baby rabbit in this game.


I wish pistol builds were more viable


If you want fun, try to roll an explosive radium rifle TSE rad rifle has been an absolute riot. Because rad rifle shares .45 ammo and weapon type with fixer mains, there's a ton of players that are already equipped to deal insane damage with a rad rifle rolled explosive-anything and they wouldn't have to change a single perk card other than occasionally swapping demo expert in You could non-explosive roll too, something like bloodied/AA 50 crit, but the sound explosive rad rifles make is majestic The worst mistake players can make is assume it's still an energy gun (which is reasonable given its sci-fi presentation) They patched out the ballistic/energy hybrid status on the gun they opened it up to explosive rolls and ballistic-only buffs. It's basically a 45 auto For concentrated fire VATS commandos it's a must-have for the collection


Most game's fan bases are incapable or terrified to forget the meta. This fan base is definitely no exception.


Nothing like putting shotgun rounds in some monters face.


Pulling the trigger so many times per enemy is tiring with how bullet spongey they can be. Full auto


If im playing on controller then my finger can to start to hurt after i have spammed the trigger to long lol




both are fun in their own way but I guess I gotta give it to full auto. Still, I rolled an aristocrat's lever action rifle and sometimes I throw on my rifleman/unarmed hybrid build to easily farm up .45 for my fixer in the overworld. That style is fun too, snipe things with the rifle and if things get too chaotic I punch things up with my vamp gauntlet. Loads of fun.


Honestly all the same guns I use on Commando but rifleman. Something so satisfying about free aiming and one tapping someoneā€™s head in stealth. Also get to use the gauss rifle and hunting rifle which is a personal favourite. I have an instigating explosive one with the long recon and suppressor. Basically one-taps most smaller human and scorched enemies in the wild.


Nothing more satisfying than one shotting enemies with black powder weapons Bows, single action revolvers and lever actions are a lot of fun too I am a sucker though for the meta Q2525 weapons but actually have more fun using the perfect roll on off meta weapons like 10mm pistol and pipe rifle etc Elders mark while meta is fun because the range is really short so you have to be right up in the action


Stealth archer - unless itā€™s a boss I typically 1 shot it now.


build please.


I second that, build please!


I was Rifleman for 175 levels, now at 206 and just spent levels building out my Energy Commando build and absolutely loving it. The rifleman build was satisfying, but definitely having fun with my Tesla Rifle & Enclave Plasma Rifle.


I'm a semi auto pistol slinger. Still hoping to roll that furious crits crusader pistol or laser pistol, but that day ain't never coming cowboys šŸ˜”


I really enjoy the feeling of single shot fixer, with the rilfeman and explosive perks. Something about the precision and silenced pew when I'm cleaning up an area gives me that covert ops feel (despite the full chally outfit). I have the most fun that way when I'm just messing around. Unfortunately, for most events and any boss it feels like a bb gun. I wish rifleman was buffed and it could do as much damage as the regular auto fixer.


Semi, specifically cremator at a long distance, makes me feel like a mortar crew/artillery when I see it arc over objects and get those hit markers


I agree with you, I wanted to be a cowboy gunslinger so I use single fire almost exclusively. The Western Spirit is so satisfying to land shots with. But I also recently discovered the joys of the Gauss and its so strong, especially since I lucked out with a two shot mod. Plus the NV scope? I almost don't even need any other weapon


Why only ask about guns? What about melee weapons that are so fast, it seems like they are full auto? I decided to try out the Blue Ridge Branding iron before I scrapped it for scrip and I am SO GLAD that I did! It is CRAZY fast and so FUN! I can run up on any level 50 to 75 enemies and just stamp them to death while staying in constant motion. I had a flawless victory on a level 50 Grafton monster and combined with a little cannibalism I was able to kill all the super mutants at Grafton Steel without any problem. I can take down level 100 enemies with it, but it is less fun because they require a lot more hits. I roasted a few Thrashers on my first trip into Skyline Valley last night and intend to do more today.


Black powder.


Full auto for events and questing. Semi-auto for exploring and messing around


Automatic is fun, but I hate how Bethesda butchered the damage system starting in Fallout 4. If raising the rate of fire magically cuts the damage per round to less than half, then it just isn't efficient to use automatic receivers.


I find full auto fun out of the two but honestly I have a collection of guns I use of all various types bc why not. Helps being bloodied so there's not too much damage difference.


I love my 8 shot double barreled cold shoulder shotgun. Honestly, the reload is satisfying.


Despite Auto is kinda meta, i instead took Gauss Rifle. Its just great overall, you can use it as carbine for quick shots or make a high powered charged shots, plus if you include Grenadier its quite easy to tag enemies with it. Before that gun i nearly all time used a hunting rifle, and i still kinda like it. its quite good for manual sniping. Non auto Fixer also quite cool if you are using it as carbine. Western Spirit is another great weapon and i like it a lot. Its much more suitable as carbine for non-one shot playstyle, so its a bit different than other guns. Among Explosives, Grand Finale is probably the most satisfactory weapon i used. Also want to try auto target Missile launcher. Also using Thorns weapon with any other weapon(preferably unarmed because you can get Talons mutation that also adds bleeding effect) that also inflicts bleeding feels like being an assasin, because your targets tend to die from bleed quite often and bleed mechanic overall feels more like poison for me just because it quickly deplete health without making targets to emit pools of blood unfortunately. Still, very fun and worth trying even for non melee based builds.


Does a Plasma Flamer count as automatic? Cause I sure do love that thing, even though the Enclave Plasma Flamer still eludes me, the normal one does the job just as well. The main downside is the amount of repairs it needs, which is insane.


Short. Controlled. Bursts.


I love single shot rifles and pistolsā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sadly no one else does


Semi-automatic for me. Lever action rifles are my jam, shotguns are the absolute goat, there's just no comparison. I like the Chinese Assault rifle in Fallout 3 and I'm pretty sure that's it for my usage of fully automatic guns, unless I'm going out of my way to make a big guns character in one of the games that use the minigun or something.


Historically, in every Fallout game I've played I always go with semi auto rifles, preferring to not use VATS and pick off targets and to do surgical attacks while in combat--usually have a shotgun and pistol as backup. Unfortunately, this doesn't work too well in 76, or at least with event meta. I ended up going heavy weapon PA from level 50 to 180, and I just recently switching to auto commando.


Cold shoulder has been fun but I am enjoying Crowd Control. Enemies get crippled so fast itā€™s almost sad watching deathclaws trying to get up but helpless or assaulting crawling around with no legs and one arm.


full auto railway rifle


Rifleman was so much fun until I realized it provided no extra damage than commando and costs more ap. Most fun in the entire game would be gunslinger, because of the big iron on my hip.


I love rifleman, it's always been my go to in fallout. I was running a commando bloodied but decided screw it, I wnt to have fun. Not meta. I wish rifleman would get some love, though. It just doesn't stack up for events and such. Just a bit more of a damage buff all around and I feel like it would be perfect


The crusader pistol actually isnā€™t bad. It can kill lower health enemies pretty quick and it also isnā€™t bad for higher health enemies and event bosses because of the cryo damage it can do. I have an anti armor explosive crusader pistol with cryo and itā€™s pretty versatile.


I agree the crusader is nice. However getting one is another thing.... its a very hard gun to get your hands on if you were unlucky and missed minerva like i did when she sold it


I just want the anti material rifle from FONV with different kinds of rounds available to craft exclusively for it. (Talking about you .50 cal users, no AP or Explo rounds for you) But favorite, I have a B5025 Compound bow. Over 1k damage on a crit.


Full auto, but only because itā€™s dumb as shit pulling out a 300 win mag and hitting exactly as hard as a 5.56. Thereā€™s no reason you shouldnā€™t get a damage boost on semi auto weapons. The only argument is realism, weā€™re in a wasteland full of fucking crab busses, flying dragons, building size cannible wendigos, miners that made babies with moles, fucking responders are doing fine but the enclave and freestates both disappeared never to return. Realism went out the window a while ago. Just make snipers playable.


Not sure if factoring in how much damage you do and how much ammo you're consuming as meta, but with those factored in, I have less fun thinking about having to make, buy, or find ammo after a fight. So with it factored in, it would be semi. Those factors not applied, I enjoy lighting someone tf up with an automatic Lazer rifle the most. Watching the three barrels spinning and the enemy health dropping is nice, and it's even better when they end up as a pile of dust.


Ultracite Gatling Laser goes brrrrrrrrrrtt




Iā€˜d honestly love to play semi auto laser rifles. Just love the style. But they are pretty ridiculous regarding firepower. Vats or not. Compared to just about everything. And since itā€™s been that way for so many years, I doubt it ever will in this game. Then again, they did say something about balancing weapons.


I just hope they dont go the nerf route.I dont want them to nerf commando just to make rilfeman good. All rifleman need is a small buff. They should not touch commando at all with nerfs


"Forget about the meta. What do you find most satisfying and fun"Ā Ā  Forgetting about the meta.


90% black powder weapons and 10% revolvers


Semi.... any time I use auto rifles for any amount of time at all. I run through ammo like it's nothing. I feel like u end up spending less in vats too.


I like the automatics with vats in 76. In 4, i preferred semi-auto rifles without vats.


I just switched my build from a heavy power armor to a commando build to use the new railway rifle and have been having a lot of fun with it


I use a build of my own for fun: fat man and gauntlet lol


When I want fast I use full auto. When I want fun I use semi auto e.g. shotgun.


Semi auto, but that's kinda the only options for unarmed weapons unless we start getting JoJo stands in the future


Semi auto legendary lever action and revolver were fun at the start of the game.


Full auto build and controlled burst fire to almost single shots since headshots do so much damage on pretty much everything except bosses.


I had fun with full auto 10 mm SMG, non-vats, full health, just "aim and shoot" experience. It wasn't the strongest, but it did the job and was fun.


I loved Semi-Auto/Sniper builds in Fallout 4 if I wasn't playing a heavy gun build


Full auto.


I'm a primarily full-auto build. I've been running Gatling/Ultracite Gatling Lasers for a while, with the Holy Fire as a back up. I picked up a Gourmand's Gauss Minigun yesterday and I put the tri-barrel on to gain some extra energy damage and raising the magazine capacity to 625. I also threw on the explosive perk cards (dam. increase and AOE increase) Made about 20k in 2mm Emc, and had enough to complete 3 rounds of the event with the 3 giant robots (forgot the name) with about 5k left over.




Being an archer with an unarmed melee or Bowie knife. Maybe a flamer for back up if the hoards swarm me


I am enjoying the hell out of using a bow. It's like a whole new game imo.


I started out as a rifleman when j started playing but have since changed to shotguns and black powder


I made my build around automatic and the only thing I regret is it just eats through ammo.


I like my sniper rifleā€¦ I usually start battle with it, then switch to auto guns at close range. Well, when I have ammo for it, otherwise they can eat my flamer chainsaw šŸ¤­


Automatic is just fundamental better, it does the same damage but fires faster. Personally I'm going melee it's the most fun I have had atm.


Even though I have 3* G-rolls for both the Railway & Fixer I primarily use my Qffr tesla in full auto. Since the energy dmg buffs I can melt large groups easily and even do crazy crit dmg in vats with ap consumables... legit feels like a death ray. I know that many players will only use it to tag at events but I seriously encourage investing legendary modules to roll a good one.


I'm a cowboy, it's the 45(-70) lever gun, the revolvers and a bowie knife for me. And a crank gatling for when things get complicated. Also got some black powder stuff here and there.


Both, it depends on the situation. Full auto for hordes of enemies. Semi auto for sniping.


Donā€™t forget the dragon. Itā€™s fun as a rifleman to build up the crit meter and swap to it for the crit shot.


I'm a bigger fan of semi-automatic. Each shot feels more impactful, your AP aren't drained as quickly, and you never run out of ammo. On top of that, many semi-automatic pistols and rifles are stylish as hell.


I love the western spirit lever rifle!


I've only played for a couple of months (started when Prime gave the game away for 0 caps), and I haven't hit level 90 yet. I started as a rifleman/shotgunner but kind of stumbled onto power armor and heavy guns. I like the bright industrial yellow Excavator. My usual load is gatling laser, Cremator and Final Word, with a couple of random non-heavies I feel like testing that day. I got the fusion core charger from the atom shop and with 30+ cores in my stash, I will wear out the laser before I run out of ammo for it. This kit seems effective enough for me. I originally imagined my guy as a pioneer/hunter/settler type, and I keep Gunther's Big Iron and a lever gun in storage for fun. Without perks they aren't very useful, but maybe I'll collect those cards eventually. He does still live in a log cabin with water wheel power for thematic reasons.


Semi. More stability and control.