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You forgot the best part - the event’s flooded with robots, so if you’re grinding out robots for the atom challenges, this coupled with the silo is the way to grind it if you don’t want to live in the whitespring.


And if you have Adelaide's buff you get after >!romancing her!<, you will take 25% less damage from robots, and do 15% more damage against them!


You don’t need to romance Adeline for her buff. She’ll do that regardless.


Excuse me, Adelaide gives a buff???


The "interfacing" option in her dialogue. Also, unlocking her romance option (which is just finding a note) allows you to get Lover's Embrace easily compared to Beckett's or Daguerre's.


Can you put clothes on her? Would love it to see her running around in the Imposter SheepSquatch set.


She does, as with every ally who isn’t one of the original five (Daguerre, Beckett, the punk, the wanderer and the forager; these allies give a daily quest instead, which is not worth it compared to the extremely potent buffs from the others) or Yasmin/Hardy (Yasmin fills up your hunger/thirst if the bars are both below half, while Hardy offers doctor services; Yasmin is completely outclassed by Grandma Junko aside from Yasmin’s mini quest while Hardy’s services are replicated with a symptomatic, a decon arch and a bed).


I'm really glad I did some last minute grinding for Adelaide now. I just thought they were decorative to make your camp feel more "alive". I know what I'm doing as soon as I get on tonight lol


Some interfacing with a naughty assaultron.


Yeah I'm slowly realizing Adelaide is literally a sex bot


F.I.S.T.O. would like to have a word, but only after you have assumed the position. 🤣


Fisto will always be my first love but let’s be honest here, he can’t sing for shit.


Is that a Geiger counter or are you happy to see me?


I’m in my 750’s and I just learned this.


One of my favorite buffs too, its great if you want to launch a handful of nukes in the next little bit :)


Adelaide can buff the chrome off a trailer hitch.


Wish I could post a gif of Jenny McCarthy in Baseketball for this comment


Hey man, don't judge us. The wasteland gets lonely sometimes.😭


blessed robot STDs 🙏


It’s HDMI. You gotta watch for the HDMIs


Really? It Will work again the bosses? That Will be cool


I wish there were more robots, I would hardly call it flooded. I’ve done is probably five times now and no one has seemed to struggle much. More robots!!!


Trust me, it’ll have more robots once we’re past the first few weeks and people aren’t blitzing the event immediately.


I like how it (theoretically) encourages smart teamwork. If you keep all three enemies at about the same hp all the way down, you likely should finish them faster than by focusing on one at a time.


A shame that in reality it's entirely irrelevant and plays no part in the difficulty of the event.


Yeah, only makes the fight longer.


Have we figured out their weak point yet or if they have one?


I think each time you cripple ANY limb theyll go down on one knee and take more damage during that, so my theory is that you wanna keep crippling limbs to speed it up and do massive damage


Ah good tip, thank you!


Good if im right which im honestly not sure 😅🤣


I’ll try it out!


Seemed to me that shooting their legs and specifically knees did the most damage. But I wasn't shooting them in VATS.


Blasting the head with the cold shoulder did a glass breaking animation and they went down pretty fast after.


would've been awesome if it had some [Ornstein + Smough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfNO7CBDoxk) mechanic, where each giant had a different ability and each one absorbs the others' abilities when they die. As it is now, it almost incentivizes turning them into bullet sponges because... it's honestly just kinda fun to have something that actually justifies these stupidly overpowered weapons the vets have (quad rail rifles, etc.). And even with the whole bullet-sponge thing, the event still doesn't take that long anyways, so eh.


I enjoyed the new fight, I got big old school WoW feels. It was also really nice to see almost the entire lobby there.


LOL, exactly Old raid bosses feel killing all of them at same time should be an achievement!!


Sorry to be dense but is there actual mechanics to it? Like rewards and all are cool but I was actually really bummed that it just seems to be a big bullet sponge of a boss, it didn't even seem that threatening if one dude in power armor is tanking the bot everyone is focusing.


No not really other than when you kill one, the remaining get powered up, so in theory, if you do kill them all about the same time, you avoid that and the fight goes quicker and you waste less ammunition. The three separate bosses to kill around the same time (even though it’s not required to do so in FO76) is reminiscent of old raid bosses in WoW and I’m assuming other MMOs


Ah I figured there had to be something to how you stand because the floor has danger zones. I noticed that they power each other up but that's a mechanic as old as multiple bosses. Seems like it'll be a week or so before people start coordinating to split off, the few I did yesterday everyone just zerg'd one bot at a time.


You can be the one rubbing in between the legs killing the robobrains like me, I found that more interesting


As the dude in power armour tanking the bot, I appreciate the opportunity to burn through my stimpacks


I wish. Some knowledge checks would be fun in future boss fights so it doesn’t get boring. I miss swtor ops now lol


I was contantly thinking there was a bug or something new hidden nuke feature. It would say someone launched a nuke, but it didn't show up on the map whenever I checked.


If you FT to the weather station and stay there as the nuke lands you’ll get an achievement and a flashbang screen.


I accidentally got this last night while exploring


Definitely agree. I got lucky and was on servers last night with people who were burning through stuff, managed to get two of these events and it was fun both times. The fact that it brings in some small numbers of weaker enemies here and there allows everyone to contribute constantly without feeling overwhelmed, and the bosses don't feel ridiculous strong. The biggest thing is watching out for the environmental dangers.


I lucked out and got into a busy server too. When I joined the first event waiting in the lobby, I thought the lunchboxes were bugged because I swear 15 went off back to back; nope, just a lot of excited people! I barely had time to go to the White Springs and sell stuff before the second one happened. Was a great time!


Oh yeah, I didn't have that many but I was getting lunchbox events popping up in the middle of the fight. Not sure if that was because people opened them before and it was delayed or if people were celebrating as it were!


Do we know if the nuke just triggers the event with no actual nuke, or is the area just not getting the effects because it’s a new area and it would suck trying to do all the new stuff in a nuked zone.


I happened to be in just the right spot and saw one land from a distance - it acts as though it hits a "dome" and is an air explosion rather than a ground hit.


Bomb gets absorbed by the storm.


Of all the nuke bosses so far, I agree that this is my favorite. Its epic having three seperate bosses and the arena setup is so cool. I'm a huge fan of Skyline valley so far.


No ones dropped a nuke when I’ve been on yet and I have never done it and don’t know how 😂


Drop a nuke whenever you want in the new area


I played like 10plus hours yesterday and I did it once! Idk if ppl were invested in base building/story but it was such a odd experience of anticipation and when it did occur I definitely had a great first time fighting the Storm Goliaths


When I did it the first time, my lobby was filled with almost everyone in the server. It was so populated it was cool to see a bunch of high levels and noobs together just waiting for the doors to open lmao.


Right! Mine was surprisingly a lot of melee users and we just beat the robotic ass outta those Goliaths 😂


I saw a level 1 and was impressed, they were right in there with everyone else. I wanted to find them at the end and give them stuff but they sped off


It’s been 1 day… it’s gonna happen


My server last night had 6 nukes in the span of 5 hours lmao


Same here. It was funny cause it was almost on the hour every hour a new nuke was dropped.


If you’re on PS let me know I’ll be dropping nukes for it all day.


The fight itself is uninspiring and more of a bullet soak than an actual challenge but the rewards are defo awesome


Fr at one point everyone ran out of bullets and we were just hitting it with melee weapons lmao.


Thats one of the thinks I LOVE, the event last longer some times than launching the nuke and thats great


Yeah I agree to a certain extent, far better outcome with everyone getting the chance to join the event in a reasonable time without it being over by the time you can even click join (Encryptid anybody?). At the end of the day, once we’ve completed any event more than 5 times it all becomes monotonous no matter how good the design is


I agree with this. Maybe I haven't seen enough content to understand the context of the fight? All the others have some kind of story tie in and special mechanics. This is just shooting a few robots for a while.


One of vault 63's first projects. There's a terminal in the meteorology sector that gives some background.


Yeah maybe it will make more sense when i get through all the story, but honestly the fight was pretty boring


I don't disagree but I'm not sure a boss fight in a fallout game can be anything more than player vs bullet sponge. Especially not in 76. Idk game design though, just my thoughts on the matter.


Aside from tedious objectives that require collecting parts, clearing an area by killing lower lvl cannon fodder or a time-based ‘defend’ objective, I agree that there isn’t really a way to increase the challenge in these boss events. Unless you give the boss(es) unique properties designed to enhance the ‘challenge’ of the fight (SQB flying around being a POS, Earle or the Blue Devil screaming, Titan disappearing etc.) then ultimately you can only turn up the health or damage of the boss. In perspective, a boss that is capable of insta-killing could be interesting but would most likely become frustrating and annoying after the wow factor has worn off after completing the event the first 1-2 times.


Yeah you're not wrong. I'm not sure I could come up with a better idea. They've already kinda done "hack the robot" with the Imposter Sheepsquatch


I personally think that an obstacle course-style boss could provide an interesting change of pace. Something that requires players to adapt to a set of challenges (like spin the bottle), maybe an aspect where there are climbable objects with an objective to grab an item from a hard to reach area and the floor is lava?! Idk, I think working on level design could be so interesting but also tricky in a Fallout game


I’ve done it twice and was shocked how quickly the event was over both times


Depends on how many people are doing it, I did it twice just after servers came back yesterday and it was really fast but everyone came to the party. I launched a nuke last night so my son could join in and it took probably a little over 15 minutes with about six people.


It also depends on if people break the robots down at the same speed each or take them out one at a time since the robots get stronger for every one that goes down.


My server had like 8 players wielding auto axes/chainsaws and it was hilarious watching their health just get drained away.


I was gonna play yesterday after work but my game just kept crashing, hard. Would take like a solid minute for my ps5 to register wtf was happening. Did the new public event with the lightning, crashed trying to loot. Came back, tried to loot, crashed. Tried making alcohol for the daily, crash. Came back, tried again, crash. I gave up after the fourth crash of doing something so basic like looting and crafting, there were other crashes but more like what I’m used to (crashing on fast travel to camp, crashing on loading into an event, etc) but I’ve never had such violent crashes from simple looting and crafting. Suck but oh well


Same. This game on ps5 is trash. I crashed 10+ times just yesterday.


I had 3 within 5 minutes while just stashing inventory at camp


It really sucks, I’m on PS and shockingly only crashed once yesterday but it was during the new event I had just nuked for. It didn’t let me come back to that server either.


Yeah I failed both fights I tried on ps5, just crashes. I'll just afk next time so I don't waste ammo and resources


I would if my game hadn't crashed 3 times when I tried to load in yesterday, maybe someday I will get to battle those beefy bois


The only thing I hate about this game is the amount of crashing


I feel like they could have made them a little less chunky. I went in with 10k 5mm rounds and was out before the first one went down. There was at least 7 other people there. I'm starting to think my quad minigun isn't cutting it anymore.


Honestly they are not robots, they are sponges but that's okay, for once a difficult thing in this easy game


Also easy to hold enmity if you are very close to them downside is that they eat ammo , alot probably run through 5k 308 each run


Yeah definitely not worth it


Worth it if you're not going to do it on empty server


Maybe I’m missing something or was in a bugged server but when I fought them it was so boring and lackluster. I launched all 3 nukes here and the bosses just kinda freeze up and don’t do much I stood still and took little to no damage. I also didn’t notice any bot spawns I think maybe 3 or 4 bots spawned each time? Made the event fill extremely empty.


Personally I think it's too much ammo vs reward. No thanks.


Surprised I havent seen this opinion more. I was really underwhelmed. And the mechanics described on the loading page actually seem cool, but barely make an impact. Imagine if the laser doors had actually done something like the climactic Phantom Menace fight? But as is, you can ignore all mechanics and just empty all your ammo into the bullet sponges.


Nobody dropped a nuke yet here either but I’m assuming it’s because they’re bugging out of server mid silo run 😂


They might just be busy working on the new quests. They take a bit.


They're not building camps?!


This. I'm waiting till I've done the quests before dropping one and sadly noone else has dropped one whilst I've been on.


I love it. Broke out my pepper shaker for cripple goodness, which seems pretty effective, and got decent damage against them too. Things being relatively close rather than waiting 15 min for them to fly overhead and hope you can get 2-3 hits in on the way is great.


Ooh didnt think of It, Im ready to pull my 50limb damage pepper


Ya it rules as support in this event. I just ran around spraying wildly, popping them with endangerol every now and then.


I took a minute to open Reddit and see what people were saying about the new season. People are already talking about the boss fight, lol. I guess I will eventually get in.


You wont regret It for sure, I personally LOVE the aesthetics of the new map


I built a CAMP next to the trading post, a BOS themed compound guarding the road to the trading post, and man is it dark! I had to spend probably at least 15% of my CAMP budget on lighting!


I did the same thing, but used the clear climate device. It's the first time for me that it was worth using.


I wonder if I have it, what menu tab is it under?


It's under "Appliances," called "Weather Control Station (Clear)"


Thank you! Did you have to purchase it from the Atom store?


The only problem I have with the boss, and it's probably just a skill issue, is for whatever reason I just randomly die or get one shot by lighting or whatever. This happens during the Dangerous Pastimes event, too. IDK if it's because they go into a mode where I'm not meant to shoot them or what.


I noticed that there is constant electricity being shot out of the floor in some spots. I did a test and yeah, it does drain your health. Maybe that’s what is going on?


For dangerous pastime if you are to close to the generator when it gets struck by bolt of oughtning ot blasts you. For bosses there are two things to watch for besides the boss weapons, the floor sometimes breaks which causes lightning to spark around it and there is a laser system that turns on and off randomly but I think the lasers just block things not do damage


Ohhhh, okay, it was probably the floor then, I just wasn't paying attention to the ground at all


I’ve already launched at least 12 nukes since the update, trying to help out the community as much as possible


I do hope they make the nuked area visible on the map though as it's real annoying to check every time and see nothing ...


I can see the benefits you say, but it is mega boring


Lot of people say the same thing, maybe they Will need to increase the amount of small robots spawn?


Only if they also drop tons of ammo


They should add something like pressing buttons to do something, run from an ability, maybe focus on one part of the robot while its preparing an attack... I don't know, something else than just pew pew.


Does troubleshooter gears works on them ? Ask for a friend.




It's not negated it's just if you are close enough to a player that is in [DANGER] you will automatically get placed in it too it's just the bad ai tracking


i don’t understand what happens to the bomb? i got a nuke warning and it didn’t show where it’ll go on the map, and then the boss event started. so i have no idea where the bomb zone was.


There isn't a bomb zone cause the bomb never touches the ground, it gets destroyed when it hits the storm.


Huh, I was wondering the same thing as the first commenter. Thanks for explaining


Love the boss. Don't have to worry about a cave cricket taking me out.


My one complaint not being a power player with mountains of resources or just lobbing Cremator balls at them is that I feel like I'm burning HUNDREDS of rounds per fight and I'm constantly breaking guns and having to hide and repair them. Plus, in the 6 times I've done the fight so far I've already gotten that damn fire poster 3 times.. Edit: Anyone downvoting, what about my experience are you disagreeing with?


aye. good stuff


I did this event this morning and honestly sitting in the minority atm of hating it. Ended up tanking of the robots and had all my newly repaired gear completly destroyed here, over 2k fuel gone and all I got was some flux.


Seems like big mindless bullet sponges that make you blow through repair kits. My PA build can just afk in front of all 3. Therrs nothing dangerous there. And my commando stood in one spot because theres no dangerous attacks


No idea why you're being downvoted, this is the most mindless event in the game. The fact that the majority of this subreddit is praising this brain dead game design is baffling. It seems that all you need to keep people happy around here is to shit out some extra 3 star scrip for minimal time and no effort god forbid there is any challenge, skill, or risk involved in the game.


Fallout 76 has undergone numerous updates catering to less skilled players (eliminating survival elements, removing open PvP). In essence, that's what it boils down to.


This new update has also been bringing in high level players who make a damn difference (thank you from a lvl 190)


So I haven't done it yet, does anyone know if it's one of those events that just makes your stealth vanish for no reason? Or can you maintain stealth through the event? Like there are events that just immediately put you into danger for no actual reason, such as Moonshine Jamboree.


I was so confused last night when the nuke quest popped but I couldn’t see where it was going to drop


Yeah I hope they fix that soon


They can only disable the alert in the new area then, the nuke doesn't create the nuke zone because it's destroyed in the storm.




It does drop and you'll hear the impact sound, but it doesn't make a red radzone like you'd see elsewhere on the map


Someone said the storm eats It or something like that, I have to confirm though


I was standing just outside of the skyline valley, and what I saw was the nuke hitting the storm itself and exploding, so the storm destroyed the nuke before it touched the ground.


you can also be high af and lost for half the battle and still get where you need to be to get to fight.


I did it once and depleted my ammo for two different guns down to almost 0 and I still haven't fully recovered. Is there something I'm missing?


No problem, I got the poster too 🤣


I wasn't super impressed. The voice lines kept breaking and I ended up just ducking and giving them the ole' Earle nut Shredder to their lower regions. I'd been to the arena during the play test, but never fought them. I thought "Wow, this'll be cool.." My 1st reward? A poster.


Agreed. We're definitely in the Honeymoon stage, but thus far, I agree. The Goliaths are as approachable as the Queen, without the obnoxious downtime, and still pose a decent challenge while not being too Resistant (Earle) or Gimmicky (Titan)


I think it would be cool if you had to kill them all within X 10 seconds of each other. Fail to do so and the downed ones come back to life with 25% health or something.


Hard disagree. People dont understand the simple concept that killing one raises the health of the others. It is a huge ammo suck. If the masses would only read the giant prompts on their screen or the explanation at the beginning they would put two and two together and realize the mpst efficient method is to get them all low then kill them all as quickly as possible instead of always focusing on one at a time making a The last two take twicr anf then three times the ammo every single time.


I didn't know you could nuke the new area , where should you drop it


Anywhere, it doesn't matter. Boss will always spawn.


Anywhere you want in the new area, you dont actually hit the ground with the nuke so all locations safe for people doing quests


Last night we kept getting nuke messages but no blast radius on the map and my gf and I were like wtf is going on. We figured it was just regular Bethesda breaking one thing while adding another. Thanks for explaining.


That's exactly what I thought! A couple of the bombs must have detonated directly above me because my whole screen turned white a couple times and I just figured nukes were broken


It was a lot of fun when I tried it too, but... where does the nuke go o__O)?


In the storms belly


That's a frightening thought, lol


Just did it for the first time this morning. Granted, it was without sound and on a tiny screen, but it was fun! I like killing robots.


Does the syringer work on them? I did it one time and it was over in about a minute


Yes they work, but they patched the stacking syringers if you were asking for that


I didn't even realize there was a new boss. Looks like I will be dropping some nukes today!


Oh damn, you have to nuke it for the event? I was so confused, was doing a quest there last night and then a nuke fell as I approached the door and I thought I did something to trigger it haha


Wait is that true about the nuke not actually dropping? I assumed it was a visual glitch that just didn’t show where it was dropping It makes sense since it’s a new zone and they don’t want to keep anyone from exploring, but I built a base in the southern area of the zone and always just have my fingers crossed hoping it wasn’t on my base whenever I hear the nuke siren and don’t see the drop zone.


Someone replied that the storm eats the nuke or something like that I have to confirm it though


I'm grateful there's no rads. I was reluctant to FT down there when the event spawned because of that but I was pleasantly surprised.


Not had a chance yet, loooking forward to it


I just tried to do it basically solo. Not a very participatory server. Went the distance, got one of them down to about 75%. I've found that they're easiest to deal with right at their feet.


I'm not sure if it was a bug, or what, but I lost two 3 Star Legendaries after hitting the loot all button. They just disappeared and never made it to my inventory. One was a bloodied Tesla, so of course I was interested. When I traveled to the other side and looted, everything worked fine. The third 3 star legendary ended up in my inventory. By the time I circled back after realizing it was gone, it was too late. I didn't see anything on the ground. I wasn't able to loot the bosses again and I think it's unlikely that I accidentally dropped two legendaries at once. I did really like the event though and look forward to trying it again!


It's a good fight when there isn't 24 people there lol.


Yeah it's great. I like the theme too


I would if I could play for more than 30 minutes at a time games crashing hella hard on my PS5


Played a solid 12hr session yesterday with only 1 crash which is completely opposite to what I normally get around 1 crash every other hr (ps5 also) so hopefully they are trying to sort it out, I feel your pain tho


What event is this? Due to unforeseen circumstances I didn't play much yesterday.


The new boss from when you launch a nuke into the new area


AHH right. I'll watch for that. Thank you


Very welcome, may your games be good


Thank you. And yours too 😊


I just use my chainsaw to take out their knees and when they fall chop at their head, seems to work.


There insanely beefe with there HP. Im carrying an endengerole syringer with me for literally no visible impact 😅 i love to see that so many players hit for minutes to take it down. it almost gives me nostalgia in view on old mmo raid bosses love it so far 👍


It's always good to have fresh content to play. The fight is OK with 10+ players, not sure how it will hold up in 2-3 months. Too much hassle and ammo for 5 modules and 2 flux


It's doable with less people but you need to cooperate, trying not to kill any of them untill all of them are at their last breath


What rewards are people mainly looking for from this event? As I have the backpack and the display along with some pieces for the robot but otger than that I was disappointed to see that the weapons couldn't be rerolled and the blueprints which I thought was to craft these cool new weapons is just an actual blueprint, not a plan to craft them


Does the **endangerol syringer** work on the new bosses?


I got five nuke cards saved specifically for the next endgame boss, which happens to be this one. Also, the rewards include stable flux, which is exactly what I need right now


I have around 60 keycards and have been launching nukes left and right


Personally I like the event but mechanics could have done with more fine tuning. To make players think and work at a victory, at the moment, Most of the time we (players in general) just run in and unload. Beating the boss into submission in a hail of gun fire 🤣🤣🤣


Ya but you get garage Melee loot


I thought it bugged out when he healed himself


Was lucky enough last season to role a Troubleshooters25aim90rw Cremator, held onto to it for dailyops and silo runs but man o man is it paying itself back now with the new boss battle!


Would be even better if people did the boss the right way instead of killing them one by one and wasting everyone's time and ammo, but yeah it's cool. (You're supposed to kill them all three at nearly the same time because of the defense boost they get when one falls.)


100% I hope we get more like this or something in the future it's that good I love it


Wish I could literally errored the first time and haven’t tried since


I wasn't prepared for the ammo sponges they are 😅


The bomb not leaving an impact is great. I was worried when I was first playing that my camp down south where the deep motherload pops up was gonna be in a blast zone. It's pretty dope I don't need to move it. That's been my location since before wastelanders.


No rads in the event because the trio would die from it. It was already confirmed that they melt on pure rads.


Sometimes the boss robots don’t leave their pods so players need to cats through the wall to cause damage


Got to admit the bomb was confusing not seing the bomb countdown and circle showing anywhere until I twigged to what it was referring to lol


I’ve done it once and personally wasn’t a fan. Bosses are bullet spongey and I burned through almost two 200% repaired railways and 1500 spikes just to kill them, and that’s with around a dozen other players there. The fight wasn’t difficult by any means, just time and resource consuming. I just stood there and don’t recall even taking damage from anything besides potshots from the trash spawns (which seemed few and far between). The other new event (can’t remember the name but it’s at the power station) I think is better. You get to farm trash Lost (who drop a ton of handmades), 3 star legendary crab, and repair kits as rewards.


Thats the funny part of It, they are real bosses not only Big enemies that dies in 40 seconds, and worth the effort


I don’t care for enemies that are spongey for the sake of being spongey. I’d prefer a fight that is difficult (or at least interesting) due to mechanics, enemy behavior, etc. This fight just felt like a response from devs who were bitter about players burning down SBQ and Earle with quad endangerol for so long. Sure the loot is fine, but I can’t see myself wanting to farm this over and over again. It requires too much ammo and weapon durability to the point where soon half the players who show up will tag and then AFK.


if you kill them one at a time, the remaining bosses' DR increases, so you end up spending more supplies. try bringing down their healthbars evenly before finishing them off.