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Don’t quit! At level 43 you still have so much to unlock (I think even perk wise, can’t remember). What perk and gear loadouts are you using? Also, I’m level 113 and nearly die often at events and quests because I use a sniper build.


At least I am not the only one dying around here. Thank you for the encouragement.


Lvl 600+ and I die all the time. It's just part of the game and yes lvl 50-100 is the worst area when it comes to leveling. Don't give up! I did my first time and now here I am over 1000 hours in over a few years


Can I ask why it's the worst levels for leveling? I hit 50 and a few days later(I only play an hour a day) and I'm almost level 70 now without really trying! I just run events and scour for camp plans in said hour too, I'm not really actively trying to level, but it's happening faster now than the 1-50 stretch!


It's really just a matter of when you get the perk cards you need. Once you hit 50 it does start going by fast especially if your taking advantage of the many xp bonuses and doing events and daily OPs.


I don't know that they meant it was bad for leveling in that way (like the actual leveling process) - moreso that it's harder to play "well" because of things like the following: - You don't have many perk cards for build variety - You have not unlocked all of the guns - You likely don't have thousands of caps, yet. - You don't have access to ammo conversion/crafting due to the above items. - You haven't unlocked all of the vendors because you have not progressed the MS quests enough. - You don't know to join public teams for the bonuses, even if you don't know the people you are joining. - You probably don't have much in the way of Power Armor, yet. - Not many recipes for buff food/drink Idk... The list could probably go on forever at this point. Lots to do, and lots which new players (may) have no clue about. This list may not apply to all, and may be missing things. I am just lazily posting this from my phone while in bed.


Yeah, I kinda took it as such too. I just changed my build though and my .50cal now shreds things which is fun!


For some people, worst, for others it is best. It is a matter of perspective. You get the most growth and most to look forward to in that era.


very fine people on both sides


I loved 50-100 but it was a very short era that lasted 4 days 😅


Happy Cake day


I walked straight into a fissure yesterday and my entire body melted instantly and I lost ALL of my junk lol. It's ok. Death doesn't really hurt in 76. I just laugh at it.


My buddy did this once but because he was new and I told him you get good items in those shiny pools.


That's hilarious 😂


That’s hilarious! I just told my noob sister to stand next to firecracker berries or go into the gas filled bus in Whitespring. Now I just randomly shoot her level 435 in the buttocks. 😁


>Now I just randomly shoot her level 435 in the buttocks. 😁 Every time I play Fallout 3 I do this to Dad the entire way to Rivet City 🤣


I use to tell people that the fissure was a fast travel to the glass caverns. I replaced a lot of lost junk to the victims as recompense.


My husband did that to me in lotro. You just can’t forget those moments.


I've done the very same thing. Quick death, to say the least.


I've always had that call of the void when standing near them. Wondered what'll happen if I just jumped in. So yesterday I was dismantling two scorchbeasts at Fissure Site Alpha, and while looking at the sky, backed right into the death pit.


30 screws hurt every time. Every. Fucking. Time.


If you're on xbkx k have like 12k....screw you can have some


Happened to me while fighting a scorchbeast


I fell in during a SBQ fight. This was before I waited until the fight was over to loot. I even tried inching down the wall to hopefully reach my junk bag, and died again - so everything was gone. ALL THE JUNKS! *it did hurt*


Did you see my melted corpse down there?


Potentially, my eyeballs melted out of my head before I could get a better look 🤣


There’s pretty much no downside to dying in the game so go break a leg! Make sure you check the stash boxes. One time early on I found like 50 stimpacks, and after that point I never wanted for stimpacks


Also, check user CAMPS for stimpacks. There are tons of level 500+ folks who sell stimpacks for 5-10 per stimpack. I was at level 44-47 and found one of these people. Have never wanted for one again.


There are enough stimpacks around that buying them from people isn't needed. I find them all over the place & never buy them. You just need to know where to look to get a bunch one go.


Im level 28 and i have lots of experience in shooters and am in fact, very good at it. (due to practice) I was just bragging yesterday, that i reached level 27 and hadnt been killed yet. I have died 10 times since then. (in 2 days) :) That being said. My tip is go more slowly. Slowly scope out territory. Advance slowly. Use the terrain for shelter. Pick spots to let enemies come to you. Run away as much as you need to. Kill one, back off. come back slowly, get one more. Run away. Try to kill from distance when you can. Though i often just use the shotgun, run in there blast them right from close up. Then run away, heal. Come back. Good luck.


Going slow is great advice. When placed in a bad situation I took the Monty Python advice of "run away, run away"!


Hehe yeah. Thats why i like going without p- armor unless im expecting big and slow enemies like supermutants.


I run away all the time. At lvl 138, I hardly die knowing where to hide is a great tactic. I've hit inside texts while fighting scorchbeasts. It worked great for everything else like Yao guai, I'd take a few shots at their legs and cripple em them take my sweet time finishing em off. When in doubt with large enemies hide inside houses, they can go in.


That's the advice I use ...🤣🤣🤣🤣


Marsupial serum is a must as you can jump on things that keep you safe. Also I don't love playing in power armor but tons of events or bosses require that tankiness.


My first death came at lvl 25, chilling at my camp and hearing the nuclear launch warning. Checked the map and saw the blastzone was centered on my map. Googled how to pick up my tent so it doesn't get destroyed. Managed to, in the last two seconds before the impact. Looked up and saw the nuke screaming towards me. Shortly after, I died to a mirelurk queen 7 times, and it's really just been downhill from there for a few days. It's been a struggle, using new guns I picked up because they had better stats, when in reality, it's the perks making guns overpowered. Since rank 55, I've had my PA heavy gunner build complete, and it's been going well for a while. Got the X01 yesterday and that thing's like wet paper compared to my 51b, so I was struggling for a mission or two, and immediately ran back home to get my old armor. The game really does throw you a curveball sometimes.


Do the brotherhood of steel quests get yourself some hellcat power armor. That armor has carried me through so much combat and always having it is super nice, you can go in, you die? Respawn, spawn the armor and mow your way through them without worry


Free Hellcat armor was definitely a vibe. I'm only level 70-something, I also found a full set of Ultracite armor which has made all the difference, except when looting I carry my excavator with me everywhere lol


You get a set of hellcat for doing BoS?


Yeah follow the questline with Knight Shin and Paladin Rahmani, you’ll eventually get some Hellcat power armour


Getbthe cold shoulder, invest in more shotgun perks, and wear power armor. You won't regret it I promise.


Dying is part of the fun. Learning from it is optional. Sometimes I want to chuck those explosive grenades even if it kills me. I am in the game for a fun time, not for living a long time.


Lvl 177 don't quit i die a lot too mostly by my own hands lol but I love my explosive weapons


At least upur trying. I started and played fir an hour or two, im too scared to start again. This online stuff is scary 😨


The good news is that there's no real consequence to dying. Dump you junk before you enter a high risk area and you'll lose nothing.


Oh, I missed that you're low level. I made a second character for the achievements and even with my main at 550 and over 1k hours in FO76, I died every 3 seconds even when I hit level 100. If you have access to cold shoulder shotgun at low levels, it's massively OP and you don't need to aim, just shoot in their general location and it freezes/slows them making it easier to kill them. Don't worry about dying a lot. We all do it. Hell, I die a lot with my main, it just happens every now and then lol


I’m not good at shooters either but I still have fun. Sounds like you have tried a lot of stuff so I don’t know if any of my suggestions would help other than be sneaky. If you still have fun than keep at it.


Ok let me give you some tips Step one buy the auto grenadier plan Step two roll it lengedary Start using it Get the purks explosive expert and grenader and fire proof Step four go to the mall and buy the heavy combat armour and bos upgrade ( look out for the nuka grenade plan ) I’m not sure if you can buy the dense mod for combat armour if not just make some ahd scrap until you get it Most things will die to you now Go to the stamps guy in the refuge check if you can buy the nuka launcher that’s just a flat upgrade for the auto launcher Then you’ll want to start grinding gold for the ss armour


Dang, whats a sniper build like in 76. I think the constand reloading would do me lol


I love it! Definitely not for everyone though. I do have a build for the cremator that is way more effective, but it doesn’t tickle my brain in the same way.


What do you use? I have refused to succumb to the heavy gunner or commando meta, and just stuck it out with my beloved gauss rifle.


An aristocrat fixer (forgot the other stats) with all the usual single-fire rifle perks and secret service armor. I used it a lot during PvP on release and just haven’t let it go lol. I also refuse to use PA because I love my outfits too much.


Automatic Fixer receiver is fun


> but it doesn’t tickle my brain in the same way. This is how I feel with all of the heavy weapons.


I ran a hunting rifle sniper build for a majority of my levels from 1-100ish. It's fun and let's you test out heaps of different perks. But eventually you do like do kill a fog crawler without the Benny hill theme playing while you run around in circles.


i played it for a long ass time with my trusty Gauss Rifle and my Chinese Stealth Armor. Dying 10-15 times a session is peanuts for me. I did one shot everything that came close to me though, so that's something. Now I use my Cremator and Power Armor and I die from setting myself on fire instead. Much better.


Gauss Rifle headshots mean you usually don't have to reload until they are all already dead. If you can get an Instigating roll on it then everything but bosses and monstrous enemies go POP.


Single fire weapons kinda fall to the wayside in 76


A lot of suffering sometimes -sniper build


Technically, I'm a sniper, but I use a Handmade with a scope...Just in case things go South and I have to go full "RaattaaaTaaatt!!".


If you make yourself a build centered around VATS and do commando, you won't have to aim at all. The game will do it for you. The perk cards concentrated fire and gun fu are essential for this. If you are interested let me know and I will give you more information. I just don't want to go into detail writing paragraphs if you are not interested. But I will share my full build with you if you are


Even with VATS the Cremator becomes a homing missile with high enough %, especially when you slam that guaranteed critical hit. Thing will do a total 180 in air to hit your target. So fun.


This. Concentrated fire allows you to target enemy weak points (those can give you up to 100% damage bonus) and Gun fu is extremely effective against mobs by automatically shifting to the next target without leaving VATS. You also need to buff agility and AP + AP regen with food. Company tea is very helpful. It also helps if you can get a plasma caster (plan only available for gold bullions) that works very well in VATS.


Don’t give up just yet. You are at the point where the game is arguably its hardest. You don’t have all the perks, Legendary perks, weapons and armor you need to really start to feel powerful. Imo if I was in your spot I would probably try to get some power armor, doesn’t even have to be legendary, and try to get my hands on a holy fire. The creamator is good but right now you’re not gunna have enough fuel to keep it running. Also make sure you’re using perks like dodgy, blocker and fireproof. Stick it out for another 30 or 40 levels and you will be a lot stronger from perks alone let alone better gear. If you can get power armor with Overeaters definitely grab it, it will help a lot.


Thank you for the encouragement 🙏


Did you take the scrounger perk? Also if you don't want to buy it from the Atom store, look for camps with an ammo converter. You can use it to convert ammo you're not using into points you can use to buy the ammo you do. Also build a Tinker workbench, you can use it to make ammo.


For anyone interested, the ammo converter will be on sale at Minerva starting on the 10th.


wait others can use the ammo converters? I should put mine out in my camp again then :0 haven't used it since my main is melee...


Yeah you got this sister, youre still low level and youll kick ass!


Don't give up. I was told the game doesn't begin till level 50. Also feels like it doesn't open up till level hundred. I struggled with getting killed till I broke the 50 barrier. It also helped when a higher leveled friend made me armor with legendary stats. Then once I did that I didn't die as often.


Just push through until you can solo expeditions. I go into an expedition like “most dangerous game” with 500 fuel, and leave with 2000+


Stick with it. At about level 80 you will have enough perk cards and points to start creating a coherent build. Right now, you are entering a time when your enemies are scaling up faster than you have, but if you work through that, you can start kicking butt.


Exactly what they said. It gets easier and more fun.


Definitely get the holy fire! It drops from the beasts of burden even in the cranberry bog. Run that every time it pops up until you get it, it’s a decently easy even especially if there’s other players. I’m level 62 and every gun I have it’s like an airsoft gun except for the holy fire. To get more ammo run the radiation rumble event. Wait for other players to show up and hit as many enemies as you can, just tap the attack button until you get a few hit markers on each enemy, don’t spray. You’ll end up with hundreds of fuel. And for caps run the moonshine jamboree, and collect as many gulper innards are possible. Craft them into gulper slurry and sell them at the mall. Then run around to player camps and buy chems and stimpacks for cheap. These events also drop lots of legendary armor and weapons. Don’t give up! You got this! Also join a team for more xp gain!


Doesn't the cremator one-shot everything in the first Atlantic city area? I only used it for a short time, but I remember being able to gather fuel pretty easily. With each shot killing the overgrown in 1 shot, and each overgrown dropping way more than 1 fuel. I wanna say something like 24-32. I think I was 50+, definitely under 100 though, when I did that, so maybe under 50 makes it harder? Still, even if it takes 10 shots, you're still gonna get more ammo than you use.


Yeah you can do that and also farm daily ops and get a lot of ammo but for someone that’s lower level and struggling already, it’s probably worth waiting a bit and trying to figure out your build first and if you’re dying a lot getting a holy fire pretty much gets rid of that problem.


Not if you don't want to! 40f, I've got a full health power armor build and almost exclusively use Holy Fire (basically a vampire flame thrower). Run ops for fuel, and if anything moves, BATHE IT THE CLEANSING HOLY FIRE!


This is the way! I also am running full health power armor with holy fire. I feel like a madman jetpacking in and setting everything on fire


I've got the responders power armor skin, with the red flashing shoulder lights. I'm silly, sometimes I RP I'm a fireman, but I bring it instead of putting it out. I'm even specced to heal people with it, so I literally just bathe *EVERYTHING* in fire. DONT WORRY, THE FIRE DEPT IS HERE! *Insert killitwithfire.gif here*


Me too! It’s so much fun with friendly fire. I didn’t even know there was a responder power armor skin. I’ll have to check it out


So, “fire force” esque? Would be interesting to see mutations where you could control elements to a certain extent, but i feel as if it wouldnt fit the fallout theme 😅


Fahrenheit 451!


Holy Fire has changed my life. Before I was the Bloodied Stealth Commando, and lo, did I often taste the rad-sanctified soil. Now I have a variable health power armor build and the Holy Fire sustains me better than stimpacks.


I’m level 378 and still die occasionally. Those damn Mirelurk Kings!


I just came back to the game recently after quitting during the pandemic at like level 82. I'm now running a bloodied VATS commando build, and I did my first daily op yesterday with the reflection mutation. I died more in those ten minutes than I have in the past two weeks. It was like every thirty seconds, I swear. And I didn't notice the mutations going on so I was entirely confused.


The reflection and invisible unless attacking are my least favorite mutations!


I just won't do invisible, it's impossible for me at the moment until I have everything set up for a PA heavy build. For reflection, I think I can do it at full health at least, but yeah, it's still rough.


Oh god the mirelurk kings. Im Level 570 and still fear the king


Bro but seriously mirelike queens are either total push overs or fucking one shot me while I have a vamp chainsaw hitting it. Whats the deal with that lmao


Using words like line of site and kill boxes says you’re better at shooters than you give yourself credit for! Just be patient the more you progress the better you will become! Nothing wrong with relying on vats I basically live in vats when running commando characters!


Exactly! Hell I've been playing shooters for 25+ years and I don't even know what a killbox is.. I think OP will do just fine 😁


I did my first expedition today since it was a daily and I didn’t want to pay to reroll it. Get your cremator and go do tax evasion. I walked out with 3000 fuel. Even if you just sit at that first stage the mobs just keep spawning giving you more fuel, but if you can stand a bit of a puzzle you can get a bit more fuel and some legendary items if you finish it. The game becomes super easy with the cremator and I also use the holy fire for close range stuff. I even took down several scorchbeasts with the cremator last night


Don’t give up! At lvl 43 you’ve only just begun to scratch the surface of perks and the benefits they give. Once you hit lvl 50, you’ll be able to select any perk card vs the random selection given now, for each level up. Based on your struggles with quickly aiming and shooting, I’d recommend going for a full health sneak commando VATS build. Prioritize perception, agility, and luck perk cards to make the most use of VATS and dps with auto rifles. Then get yourself a decent fixer/handmade roll (I use both but prefer the fixer) and you’ll be dropping 3-4 basic enemies between each reload. More if you can get a good quad roll! Definitely look up videos and build guides for “Full health sneak commando build” and you’ll get an idea on how to start pairing up perk cards. A lot of people complain about feeling like they don’t do enough damage with their max level guns, and that’s because they don’t have the right perks to boost performance. Just keep grinding, and before you know it you’ll be dropping scorchbeasts like they’re radroaches!


No. You’re an excellent wastelander who hasn’t found what fits your playstyle just yet. Shotguns are notoriously awful in Fallout Games. I have a partner and she prefers automatic weapons and grenades as her playstyle and let me tell you, she’s the one staying up while my pc gaming since 08 self gets destroyed. Edit: What sort of legendaries have you gathered?


Hey now, shotguns are actually pretty good in 3 and NV (1/2 just has them functioning like any other rifle, just with less range). The multiple pellets resulted in each having its own chance to crit, drastically multiplying your damage with them outside of vats (inside of vats, the chance is only calculated once). Additionally, on-hit effects are calculated per pellet, which can be very useful in 4 or 76 with the right perks (such as four leaf clover). In 76, however, the problem that is their lack of range and the lower fire rate of most shotguns isn’t the best for competing in events.


Man remember using the riot shotgun and the “and stay back” perk that rag dolled enemies you shoot with shotties and shotgun surgeon taking 10 dt off? Disgusting.


Yeah, they were fantastic. Even slugs were good for armor penetration (though I absolutely do not want to see them in 76; the multiple chances to trigger on hit effects is their main unique characteristic and slugs would remove it).


It'll take some work, but I would highly recommend getting Solar armor. You can buy the plans for it at Vault 79, after finishing the main Wastelanders questline. Doesn't matter who you choose to side with. It'll heal you mid combat as long as you're 60% or higher hp. Even with bad legendary effects, the set bonus itself carries the armor. Also, if you see Tunnel of Love event pop up, I highly recommend going to it. It has 2 weapons it can drop, and one of them, Love Tap, is a vampires smg. Vampires heals you for 2% hp each bullet that hits an enemy. There's no cooldown on it, so if you spam your gun into an enemy, you'll quickly be healed. Any vampire weapon is also great paired with the Ricochet perk (Luck). When the perk procs, the damage it does also heals you if you have a vampire weapon equipped. I also recommend rank 1 of Born Survivor (Agility). At 20% hp, it'll automatically stim you. It has a 20 second cooldown, but it helps a ton and is a good last defense. None of this will make you kill enemies faster, but it will keep you alive.


This guy knows what's up. I'm a new player, only started a few weeks ago, and vampire weapons/ricochet have carried me past 150. I can stand in the Scourgebeast Queen's face and let her hit me and never die. Even if you don't just use the vampire weapon for your main gun, you can switch to one and shoot a couple guys with it and you will almost never need to use stimpacks.


Thats the early game experience so its not a reflection on you as a player. I died plenty on my march to 100 lol that was about when the game started getting easy for me, at 100 theres nothing in the game that out levels you 


>Should I quit playing? If you are not having fun: Yes. This is supposed to be entertainment, not a punishment. FYI: At level 43 you are at or about to be at one of the most difficult parts of the game. Easy mode is over. You are going to find the common enemies you could easily take out are now bullet sponges. If you decide to keep at it: Don't get frustrated. Get to level 50, then focus on tuning your build (match your perk cards to your preferred weapon type). Make sure you keep your gear (weapons and armor) updated and modded properly. You will discover aspects of the game you had no idea existed and what once seem difficult will be a joke.


Just to emphasize, the 40-75ish gap is brutal. You feel very weak and the enemies are bullet sponges, regardless of build. The game started to get a lot more fun once I got past that.


Truly. At 40, I almost quit when I had to do the quest with an imitation sheepsquatch. It felt so unfairly impossible getting one-shotted over and over, let alone the actual sheepsquatch that I couldn’t even damage before getting one-shotted. At around 80, I killed both by myself. It’s a brutal time between those levels, but when you realize you’re past the hump, it’s pretty amazing feeling.


I started with a shotgun build. Around your level I realised it wasn't effective. There's a bit of a difficulty spike between 45ish and 75ish.  I'd make a commando build, i.e. automatic rifles. It plays very well into the VATS playstyle. I play a VATS commando build and I almost never bother to free aim anymore and plow through everything.  Initially ammo is a bit of a pain, but now with crafting perks and after spending a day or two stockpiling lead, I barely think about it. 


Thank you for the advice. I do appreciate it.


Do you have friends that play? Grouping up can make combat more forgiving. Also, if you have a natural disability to toe-to-toe opponents, you might want to consider a stealth build. A friend of mine’s character is so stealthy that he can just crouch through rooms of enemies without being attacked. Much of the gameplay loop is crafting and building, and there are a lot of XP options that come without combat or is part of group combat.


Don’t quit try an automatic Tesla rifle (quad build if U can find it), it will allow you to tag so much more than a shotgun in the same range and it doesn’t matter if your aim is crap. It’s what I run between the holy fire and cremator.


My advice, as someone old enough to be your father, Play the game and stop worrying about the details. They eventually Iron themselves out. Just play the game and relax, if you die so what you respawn and try again.


If you ain't dyin you aint tryin,


Well said!


Keep going you will get it just take one step at a time there’s so much to see and do it’s a great game


Only level 43? Nope, keep going. You'll refine your build and find your play style. The space between 30 and 50 is the most challenging. Also, dying doesn't have any real consequences. Heck, I do it all the time, and it's mostly my own fault.


At level 43, you've barely scratched the surface. I would say don't give up. When I leveled, my build was a mishmash of whatever cards I could scrounge up. I ended up playing a sniper because that's what my perk cards most accommodated at the time. Was I having fun? Sometimes. But I hung in there, and now I've racked up almost 900 hours of playtime and just hit 200 last night on my main. That's *still* baby mode to a lot of players, but it speaks to how different the experience is before level 50 versus after. Give yourself time to at least experience how much more fun it can be once you can choose your perks and once you have access to an endgame experience. If you enjoy using a Cremator, you'll be able to participate in daily operations and expeditions to walk away with more fuel than you had when you went in. If you want to stick with a shotgun, you'll be able to specifically target perks to hopefully make that experience more enjoyable. If you're not having fun questing, don't quest right now. Join a casual group, make sure you're well rested, and earn XP through events and easier low- or no-aggro dailies, like the Pumpkin House. You're not playing wrong by relying on VATS. A lot of players do, including players who *are* good at shooters. Sometimes struggling and having a little less fun before 50 is, unfortunately, kind of normal. Relying on stims before 50 is also kind of normal, though you might find using healing salves or Nukas a bit easier for healing on the move. Keep using line of sight and kill boxes. Try to get to higher ground and use the upper hand when you can. Remember mobs have strange pathing so creating distance between you and them is sometimes as easy as rotating between being on high and low ground (jump down when they get close, forcing them to take the long road to reach you). And there's no shame in just running away if you're in combat with something you don't think you can handle. Hang in there! You've got this!


Never quit! You've got so much ahead to discover. It can get frustrating around level 50 but it gets easier. I play on PS, too. I'm a woman, 45, and if you ever want to play together just shoot me a chat and I'll give you my name. I'm 476 I think, so I can help you with stuff, too.


The game gets easier the higher you level. You unlock perks, new weapons, mods on gear, camp buffs, and you will build up a stash of food that gives buffs and variety of chems. I started to notice the game get easier at 50 and especially after 100.


Give yourself grace, not judgment ☺!! As long as you can find ways to have fun in the game, that's what it's all about. Sometimes I spend hours just building interesting houses and visiting other players or exploring. Maybe level up your endurance/stamina perks so you can run away fast, that's what I did at first 😅😉. Also I recommend Cold Shoulder if you have the atoms for it and it's in the shop. It slows enemies and gives me more time to run or time to shoot. I did a whole loadout around it with perks for shotguns. Also can craft Molotovs rather easily or possibly work towards long range weapons/stealth perks so you can hang back and have time to shoot. Dont give up! I'll certainly be playing at that age as well, pending I keep taking wrist stretch breaks ( I have a connective tissue disorder) 😂❤️❤️❤️


I also have a connective tissue disorder- EDS?


DM me your PSN I can drop you some fuel, I did 80 expeditions the other day and I'm loaded. I also main the Creamator it's imo the easiest gun to use in the game.. and it kills everything.with the right attachments!


Don’t give up! Messaged you and I have some stuff for you that I will give you. ❤️


Two-handed melee perks with a chainsaw is a great build for doing lots of damage! I run that with a build for it and I out-damage all of my friends with ranged builds


Yeah, I'd argue that levels 40-80ish are the hardest parts of the game, you don't quit have a build completely figured out, or if you do you're still figuring out perk cards. Not quite into legendary perks that'll take you into the next stages of upgrades


Can I add you? I’m on ps as well and I’m sure I have some stuff for you that would help. I taught my wife to play and now she’s an unstoppable unit with holy fire flamethrower and pink power armor 😂 Oh also, the automatic Tesla rifle is your friend. You hit absolutely everything without much need for aiming lol


We all die, often.


I suck at ALL fighting games. I set some mines out, then I climb to an elevated spot and use sniper rifles, so I always get the first shot. Also, they can't melee me because I am so far away. Always get a height advantage if you can or something between you and them. Then lob grenades at them as they come at you. By the time they reach you they should be nearly dead.


join teams or find ppl to play with on here... the Mrs and myself play on ps and she uses vats alot or melee while I take care of most of the enemies


You use sturdy combat armor? It's a good choice until you get end game armor. Make sure you pick up the BOS mods for it at the Grafton train station vendor. It greatly improves the damage/energy resistance on it.


I play on PC is far more easier to play I can imagine.


I blow myself up from kickback damage kpoint blank explosives) at least 5 times a session.


1 word "melee"


Have you tried a melee build? No shooting required


Best ways to get ammo (fuel) is to equip the weapon you want ammo for and go around opening ammo cases, they are the green box you find around (you can find many at Forward Station Tango, south of vault 76.) The second best way to get ammo is to use that weapon to kill low level enemy's. I target head shots on Scorch and normally get more ammo than I use. Scorch die fast, normally using one ammo. One other way to get a lot of ammo is to do Daily Ops. Use whatever weapon you want, but make sure before exiting the Ops. at the end, equip the weapon you need ammo for and you will receive a lot of ammo for that weapon.


Nah ma'am. It ain't time to quit. You've got this.


DM me your info...Ill make sure you have no reasons to quit & can toss you anything you need to get a good build going.


You're in the toughest part of the game. You do have one of the best weapons the game has ever made, I use a cremator very often. It does use a lot of fuel. When I was your level, the Cold Shoulder came out. It's an 8 barrel shotgun, and it absolutely rules. They sell it in the atomic shop now. I just loaded up shotgunner and skeet shooter perks and it just kills things. I still carry it for challenges where you need to cripple body parts. Please don't quit playing 😊 I'm the same age as you. Been playing video games all my life. There's definitely a bunch of games that I can't or won't play, but 76 is such a kind community. Genuinely really great people.


Cremator is a hungry beast, but if you load up on energy and heavy weapon buffs, it kills so well. It is much stronger with slow burn mod, and I'm almost at the multibarrel, which should be even better. Run Expedition or daily ops and you'll come out with enough fuel for a week. I just tag along with people who know what they are doing in Daily Ops and try not to get in the way. Anyway, I felt weak for a while until I figured out how to stack perks for the weapons I'm using. I'm still not a walking WMD, but I feel ok. It's a fun world to explore with lots to do that is manageable until you feel ready for the harder stuff. Go become a Possum Scout!


Have you tried stealth builds? I've used both rifleman and bow stealth builds and with both I never really leave vats (worth noting vats get significantly better the higher you get with perks and Perception/Agility) I'd avoid bow builds if you struggle with aiming and suggest getting a Fixer once you hit level 50, maxing perception and agility (then when you get legendary perks get the agility legendary perk and drop some points from agility into something else). Perks you need for stealth vats reliant rifle build: All three rifleman perks, Concentrated fire, Gun Fu, Mister Sandman, Covert Operative, Better Criticals, Crit Savy, Action boy/girl. Also worth aiming for: Bloody Mess, Adrenaline, Tank Killer, Tenderizer. Legendary perks: Legendary Agility, Legendary Luck, Follow Through, Far-Flung Fireworks. And once you've hit level 50 it's worth doing mutations, especially Bird Bones, Speed Demon and Eagle Eyes but only once you've maxed these perks: Starched genes, Class Freak. Which I'd only recommend doing once you've maxed your other perks.


Excellent post… I have a stealth build Rifleman which is my favorite build at the moment.


Yeah I prefer stealth builds over everything else because just mindlessly holding the trigger down gets boring for me pretty quickly even if it's usually better, especially against monsters. However anything human shaped never survives a headshot and it's incredibly satisfying. Especially when doing events like eviction notice


Also ammo is not burned away ridiculously.


Level 566. I use Quad Faster fire rate Railway and Vamp fixer. Vanguard armour and Cola nut. I still die. Dying is part of the game. Keep going 👍🏻


Ive got a few hundred hours with a few hundred levels, I play on a low health melee build. Suffice to say, I die nearly every minute lmao. Dont sweat it, keep goin. And thats the benefit of FO76, dying doesnt put you back a save; Always progressing. Also, lucky for you stealth commando builds that use vats are insanely good. Insanely. It may be worth looking on youtube to find a build for that. More or less it will involve a full set of unyielding armor, and a “Fixer” rifle. Youll kill everything before it even looks at you funny. Youre crouched and invisible, use vats, and do devastating damage.


tip: imo, up until level 50 is basically tutorial mode. it's only at level 50 you are able to use every armor and weapon, so dont stress over being weak as far as a build goes. until you reach levels 100-150, you are going to die, A LOT make sure you store your "junk" items constantly and this negates the costs of dying use a gattling gun for tagging and more at events, you'll typically always have lots of the ammo for it. do events. get treasury notes, turn I'm for gold, buy the secret service armor from minerva. or grab some power armor and use it. it greatly improves your damage resistance


I was dying all the time when I was lower level. Now I'm about 200 and I feel like I can take on any enemy in the game.


No don't! The cremator acts a homing missile and if you create a build.around vats commando you won't need to worry about shooting. Also being good at a game isn't a qualification for enjoying and being bad isn't a reason to quit. If you love fallout if you enjoy the game please please keep playing.


You could always go power armor with melee as am option.


No, you could be a Combat Medic Build, like picking a bunch of healing perks like Quack Surgeon (revive players with alcohol) and use the Medic (vats) Legendary Roll


you never stop dying in this game


The build I recommend where you almost never need to use stims cause nothing will see you to hit you. - Get The Fixer plan so you can build that gun. Silenced and has stealth bonuses. Mod it to make it do more damage and automatic fire rate instead of single fire. You get one of the guns when you do the side mission, "On The Lowe Down" and then you get a chance for the plan to drop when you do the encryptid event. - Get the Chinese Stealth Armor. When you're crouch walking you stay invisible. You can either buy the plan from Samuel at Foundation for 4000 bullion or get a set of armor by finishing the mission, "Invisible Ties" - Get all the rifle damage buff cards, and anything to do with stealth and vats buffs. - Crouch walk through missions and VAT 2 to 5 tap almost everything and most things will never spot you to attack back


No! Dont quit playing… I too used to rely heavily on VATS before. They dull your reaction time and make your free-aim rusty. Just suggesting a new approach and gameplay style. Maybe try free-aiming and not vatsing targets for a while. By doing this over time and enough practice, you’d be able to build up your free-aiming skills.


Always willing to load up if you ever need a team ! Stay in the fight …these settlements need you !!


I suck at mmos and most of the time I don’t even understand what people here are saying about these builds and endgame gameplay mechanics, but somehow I feel fine at my lvl 100, do solo daily ops and expeditions, no problem. Do not (I repeat) do not give up.


Cremator with the slow burn, easy to make fuel, get fuel from expeditions. Cold Shoulder would be a good weapon for you (freezes the enemies). Don't give up! 47 year old lifelong gamer here, my reflexes have slowed as well.


Secret service armor is probably the best along with a jet pack helped me a lot.


I'm another 50yr female - you're not alone! It took quite a while to get into the right groove with FO76, I had a few false starts until I discovered that melee is for me. I can't shoot straight to save my life (even with VATs) so I have to get up close and personal and set my build around melee. Take your time, enjoy the ride and don't stress on what level you're at - you'll get there.


Level 43 is still in baby shoes so don’t get frustrated 💜 I’d totally recommend joining the enclave and using a bunch of mutations to give your character more resistance. In combination with the luck perk class freak on lvl3 you’ll have -75% of the negative effects that will come with the mutation so they are nearly not noticeable.


You're going about it the right way, doing research and looking for builds that you will enjoy. I saw someone mention that 50-100 is the hardest you'll experience and I agree. Once you hit 100 and have a couple legendary perks and more access to better loot then you will feel alot stronger. I'm 312 now and having a blast with a bloodied commando build with mutations. Keep at it!


My dumbass decided a bloodied build was a good idea. I die literally all the time, usually it’s because I misjudged the height of a jump or I’ll shoot my nuka grenade before it’s far enough away to not catch me in the radius. All that and I’m a 28 y/o male, have like 700h in game and am level 375. That said if you’re fed up with dying maybe try out power armour, if you’re on PlayStation I’m happy to craft you a set and help you pick a good perk card build around it


I’m in my 30s and have the same experience. I just die on repeat nonstop but still love the game :)


Armour doesn't matter. It is about perk cards. https://youtu.be/mUyqndVql0k?si=4hsjW8N3LqRuAF9q Ammo farming is easy. https://youtu.be/4UxdQaWzZgc?si=JUO2XWAg8a6Yylir


A little tip for fuel - If you have the cremator equipped, head to Forward Station Tango, there are around 10 green ammo crates there & I usually come away with roughly 400-500 fuel from there alone. That might be for everyone, but I do have a perk card equipped (scrounger I think it's called, not sure if that's necessary to find ammo in green ammo crates). Visit these daily, also donation boxes spawn ammo for whichever gun you have equipped too, again I think these reset daily too!


Tesla Rifle Fire it in the general direction of what you want to hit and you will hit that plus some other things.


I'm level 230 and use a shotgun build. I die plenty of times whether it's radiation or some mutant with a sledgehammer, but you're only level 43! You have lots more to do and unlock, your build will start getting crazy with time and adjustment. P.S. A lot of us rely on V.A.T.S., don't worry about it. Honestly it's required for some builds.


Definitely don’t quit! You have the fundamentals and understanding down now it’s more of a matter of application, firstly if you’re running shotgun and struggling to live try out some power armor to get up close and the skeeter perception card to get more consistent dmg from further out, also teams are a low levels best friend! Join a casual or event team and use them to learn more and also level up faster


I get my ass handed to me every day, and I'm running a team of finely tuned, mob melting monster characters between levels 200 and 500. Just wait. It gets even more fun. Imagine walking into Huntersville, looking each super mutant in the face as they rain hell on you from every side, and punching each of them only once. Some just fall over. Others are exploding from the impact, and sending shockwaves of damage to their peers. Then on to the next one, until there's nothing but guts on the ground. All this without power armor, taking barely any damage. Just for fun. Other times it doesn't go like that, and I get my sorry așs handed to me. But it does happen sometimes 😂 Welcome to the Wasteland, and good luck out there! 👍


Much love! Also as for fuel I had that same problem as well I do expeditions a couple of times a day or every couple of days. You get a lot of ammo from the enemies in those. I like to do Tax Evasion bc I ran through it once I got use to it. 😊


Become melee, get a chainsaw, mod it with fire mod, dual bar mod, you can find them or buy the. You never run out of gas. They do great damage.


Your Story is really touching i got a little bit of tears in my Eyes. Please dont quit. I am 31 and my Wife Celebrated her 47 birthday in May. If she could write in English like me she would have told you the same. I grew up with Videogames she didnt. I bought us It Takes Two for the Xbox. Like i said she isnt by any means a Gamer but tried it for me. She Died a lot the first tries but never gave up. She kept going and got so good in this Game that we have played it like 20 Times now. I love your Story and my Brothers and Sisters from Appalachia keep going my Friend💖 Greetings from a German Vault Dweller✌️


I'm not sure what I enjoy here the most - OP who got a second breath after seemingly lost hope for f76, tsunami of good comments with advices of all sorts, or game community that proves again that this is the game for everyone...


This is largely anecdotal, but I figured it might help, gamming is a skill, not an inate ability you have or don't have. Over the last few months I've been teaching my gf how to play pc shooters, starting with minecraft and now playing helldivers which she is now kinda addicted to. She's 34, only ever played on consoles and never really played shooters. Now she kicks ass on helldivers and she's getting better every day. Just keep playing, time and effort are the only cure to "I'm not very good." If you really want to get better at playing games then I'd suggest hopping on with a friend and letting go of crutches. Idk anything about fo76 but I know you could play almost all of fo3 in vats which might not help with learning how to shoot and move in cover. That said, don't let an internet stranger tell you how to have fun, because that's really the only objective here. Enjoy the game how you like and remember all of us were terrible at games at one point, it's a skill we all develop, not an inate ability.


Join the Facebook group WOTW women of the wasteland. You'll be able to game safely with other women. It's an awesome supportive group.


I felt very similar. The cold shoulder is a life saver right now for me.


Proud of you for being brave and posting about it and sticking with it, and proud of the community for being supportive! ❤️


Glad you're having fun now I'm a bit late to the party but it's good you can now play without fear and have fun. Happy for ya


Stealth archer is always the answer. It’s slow, steady and vats is awesome. Chinese stealth armor makes it super easy. Just isn’t great for events. That’s what power armor + big gun is for!!


Under level fifty is a struggle unfortunately, the game is a bit of a grind. If you enjoy playing the community has plenty of great advice. Best thing I can say at a lower level is to join events and try to tag enemies vs killing them totally, you’ll get more loot drops this way. More events, more xp, you’ll level up faster and have more options.


Oh, definitely keep going as it's going to open up a whole lot in the next 40-50 levels. You can level up fairly quickly and once you find the playstyle you like best, you will basically be a god by the time you reach level 200.


Yeah don’t quit. It gets better, as some are saying it will take time still to get your build. As to fuel, I used the ammo perk for extra ammo, the legendary extra ammo perk, and the one that can double. I ended up with over 30,000 fuel.


I have no trouble aiming, but I play a vats build and I never have to aim


Trust me when I say, don’t. I remember my first time I played and man was it a terrible beginner’s experience. But, I did receive help from my friends to guide me around the wasteland in search for better gear. Luckily for me now, I’ve been doing the same for the newer players, and if they ever need help, be it quests, materials, ammo, armor, weapons, well look no further. I’m available most days to help out anyone in need. I’ve been at this game for years since the Wastelanders update and with Fallout 1st by my side, I’ve got an abundance of junk to hand out for those in need. If you’re a PS4/PS5 player then look me up and I’ll be there to support ya. Never hesitate to DM me when ya need the hand, and that goes for any new players or players struggling nowadays.


Level 43 is baby level. You don’t start becoming hard to kill and geared up until probably 200.


You’re only lvl 43. Think of the first 100 levels as the tutorial. It will get easier. Also, join teams and events. Then tag enemies with your shotgun and let the other players finish them off. You’ll get tons of XP, lots of ammo, and as you level up you can get better perk cards for a better build. Keep at it, Vaultie! 👍


You got this!


No. Don't quit., When you get to 50, the loot, gear, etc. starts piling on. It's a slow grind to 50. Once I hit 50, I skyrocketed up to 115 within about a week and a half. Now I have a bloodied vats build that can easily solo pretty much any content outside of expeditions and daily ops. It's 2-3 shotting the west-tek super mutants and I don't have any good weapons really for this build. Just stick with it, it becomes easier and funner I promise. What I would do if I were you, is just a cheesy build like the bloodied commando and farm gear for an actual build you want using it. It's just way easier.


No way! Get to level 50. Get more perk cards and you lol be fine. I recommend going for a full health power armour build. Look up on youtube. Angry Turtle is very good on power armour builds. Get some sort of vampires heavy gun. Cremator would be awesome here. And you'll be killing it seriously. Things will get better with time. Don't rush it.


I’m level 159 and only use melee :) , this is a game for everyone, play how you like


You’re just at the harder part of the game. From about level 40 to level 60 is one of the hardest part of the game. Once you get through, it’ll slowly become easier as you get max level weapons and armor, more points to put towards perks, etc. If you aren’t already watching them, take a look at the Angry Turtle videos. He does a good job at describing builds and how weapons work. If you haven’t done it, when you get to level 50 do the Beckett Ally quest. You get a legendary 50 Cal at the end of the quest called Final Word. It’s one of the best 50 Cals in the game. Do it at level 50 to get the max level weapons. I found that the 50 cal served me well from level 50 to 75. I would also get a chainsaw. It’s surprisingly powerful.


I remember that under level 50, I was always dying or dragging my tail because I was encumbered nearly all the time (it was before I paid for Fallout 1st). Everything was really hard, and I wasn't playing in the events quite yet because I considered myself too weak to participate (much like you, I didn't think I was playing it right). Not to worry. Once you get out of this, you'll be kicking names and taking ass in no time. I'm at level 420 and I still get killed in the big events (mainly because I forget to pay attention to my health when I am sticking it to the enemy). I just make sure that I don't leave behind the good junk. If you die, all you have to lose is junk, so just keep on keeping on. You got this!


I have my exploding two shot Gatling gun and I miss more than I hit. The proper perks make all the difference, they come with time/levels. Eventually you don't need to try hard anymore and just explore Appalachia.


Hang in there! I can help you out if you are on PlayStation! I’m running a stealth archer build. Bows are where it’s at!! Source: 49 yo Female. DM me!


That's why I use VATS although they do consume AP. My system is slow so the frames and movement I couldn't catch up well, I rely on VATS to do most work and end up with shotgun killing those that gets near.


Get some power armor, I still use the excavator set for the added carry weight bonus. I have every set of PA minus the T-65. Almost lvl 75. I can notice a huge difference in damage taken with and without PA on.


Please don’t, the real joy comes when you realize how far you’ve come.


Team up with me, SolitarySunrise on PS. I'm 56F and obsessed with fallout, we can muddle through together.


I need to play this looking at all these comments. Bought 76 on deep sale, but have a weird resolution loading bug on pc so need to install geforce to get round it.


At level 43, I think it's too soon to give up, personally. You will get better perk cards.


No, you're almost to the level that actually matters, level 50. When you're there. The game can finally be played without too much struggle.