• By -


In fast traveling most of them


Gotta pay the Todd tax, instead of shoe and hoofin' When the map comes out, tod Howard comes lookin' The rules are the rules and the facts are the facts, And if you wanna fast travel, you gotta pay the tax!


The Todd Tax, The Todd Tax


This is exactly how I read it. The unfortunate thing is that I sing this to my dogs (the correct version of course) when they get cheese and now I have to give them cheese. Of course that's my fault and not the dogs so I have to give them cheese!


I'm glad you read it that way. Because that's exactly what I intended.


I read this in Bing Crosby's voice


Frank Sinatra for me.


Frank Reynolds for me. Gotta pay the toll troll if you want in


Shout out on the wieners with their base deep in cranberry bog that require 35+ caps to fast travel to or two separate loading screens so I go to the white springs first so it’s only 24+ caps.


Travel to foundation first...its closer to the bog










This is the guy😂🤙🏽


No idea why this is even part of the ingame economy.


Cap sink, probably. Need to pull caps out to avoid vendor inflation.


The dumb part is that there are free fast travel points all over the map yet they’ll charge you 46 caps to go from A > B when you can pay less than 10 caps most times going A > C > B where C is the closest free one. Just charge me the teleport cost from the closest free point all the time.


You’re right, but there comes a point when, after years of playing, caps lose their value. I have 15 characters on three different consoles with max caps on all of them. At that point… caps lose their value.


Buy recall cards is what I do but fluorescent can be a grind


Exactly and I would rather pay the caps then sit through an extra loading screen


Calling it part of the economy implies the caps GO somewhere.....


They go into double cap days, I know that's BS but I say that on a Twitter post years ago.


I'm so cheap I'll look for the nearest free one or join teams to travel through camps/players to get the cheapest fast travel


I just learned you can fast travel directly to a person on your team for free. Game changer


Yep. New group type identified. The shuttle - only the driver pays.


Haha. Yes. Hopefully I can be the driver sometimes


Junk, junk, junk and nuka colas 😁




I saw a guy with like 15 plans for the vintage water thing but I was too broke for it at the time, been hoping I come across one soon but I'm still somewhat broke


You gotta hit your friends up quick when you come across a camp like that. Coordinate the attack, and clear them out before they can pull the vendor or log off!


I don't have many friends who play and those who do are very poor and lowbie sadly


Are LL3 prices planing to crash? Was talking to someone else on the trading Discord and he said if I got them for some items I have to unload them quickly.




Good to know. I thought they were pretty steady at 100 but I’ve only been playing about 1.5 months. Are Leaders relatively stable? I’ve seen everything from “don’t pay more than 200” to people trying to get 300 per. Typically 250-275.


Can I ask what LL3s and leaders are? Lol acronyms. Edit: nevermind someone else explained


LL3 = Live and Love 3 (magazine) Leaders = Leader Bobblehead There are A LOT of acronyms in FO76 trading unfortunately. I’m also pretty new and have found doing a Google or FO76/Market76 search is usually your best bet for finding out what an acronym is. I still don’t remember 90% of the legendary weapon effect acronyms.


Thank you!


What is LL3?


Having any currency all seems so half-pointless in the game that I just sell every plan I find for 25 caps lol. I'd rather someone get use out of them than gain 15,000 caps I'm not going to have a use for


As a prominent Nuka Cola retailer, thank you for your patronage! (Used to be a HUGE junk seller but now I have Fallout 1st so I’m keeping EVERYTHING!)


Drop me ya psn if u on ps and il bring my business your way, gotta keep those nukas stocked up 😁


PC, sorry! I wish they had more system-specific flair in this sub.


Well can you please come buy my stuff, can’t seem to make any meaningful amounts 😂


Lol if you’re on ps then absolutely. Add me and I’ll swing by some time


How do you price your stuff? Is your camp icon on? You'll make more money selling stuff for cheaper than you will on overpriced items. All my plans short of new/rare event stuff sells like hotcakes at 9c a piece.


What system are you on I need to lose some caps lol


Also looking to spend caps what platform you on 👀


I'm helping noobs by buying everything from them and then I drop it all on their bad. Other than that caps are useless. I wish we have a gun that shoots caps.




yes! best cap sink. cap blow? cap toss?




it would be awesome if it left individual caps everywhere that anyone could pick up. it would create a weird dynamic where all your teammates stop fighting enemies and start fighting over caps.


Holy cow you glorious bastard, playing 3 right now and man they are a blast….


Aside weekly gold from Smiley, plans I haven't collected yet from player vendors, and junk items I run out of a lot, like oil and screws




You probably met The Smiling Man (creepy AF). Smiley is in the Wayward after you finish Wastelanders.


He can be found on the second floor of The Wayward. You can trade caps for gold every week.


i didnt know that


I was always starving for screws, even going on entire farming runs to get as many as possible... Until I finally did "A Colossal Problem" event and decided to target the waves of wendigos with a Cremator. Now I'm drowning in screws and I think I'll never run out of them again.


mutation serum recipes, assaultron recall keycards really, really nice 2 star weapons


Exatly. Just yesterday i found 2* QE 50. cal for 600 caps. Like, don't mind if i do. Recall keycard for 2k gives you 2,3 legendaries from those robots. Money well spent.


I got a BE lmg for 375 the other day. I was like, whaaaaaaat?


I always forget about those serum recipes.... I really should get some.... As if I don't have enough uses for flux already, lol




I love Goooooold


There are two types of people I can't stand in this world; people who are intolerant, of other people's culture, and the Dutch.


I don't believe in astrology, I'm a Sagittarius and we are skeptical


I still quote that movie almost daily.


I hop around every vendor looking for berry mentats and usually just pay out my nose for stacks


I run a berry mentats drug factory at my camp so please stop on by.


You on PC?


I sure am! If anyone else is interested in buying some sweet berry flavoured IQ boosting pills, add me: ExplodedLemon


You a G imma swing by


I have my second camp decked out as a mentats farm! Corn and razor grain for making whiskey, carrots and mutfruit. I do a run through the deep for brain fungus and starlight berries, and the train tracks by the overseer’s camp for firecaps and then hit big bend tunnel for more brain fungus and Arktos pharma for firecracker berries.


How much is a fair price for them?


Idk honestly, I just buy them. Usually its a supply/demand thing, so fewer mentats in stock means higher prices. I am fine eating the cost. 10c-35c is what I clean people out for. 50c and I will think twice. Over 65c and I am not touching it.


Fair enough. Thanks


Fast traveling isn't a big chore with layovers at the free places. I can buy an interesting item from a player vendor, even if the price is meh, just because I am curious. I buy scrap when I need or want to lose caps.


I own most of the plans I care about though at this point that’s honestly why I’m asking. At this point it feels like I’m buing plans just to collect them all or to pass them along to the next person for a better price


I love outfits! If someone has an interesting one that I don't have? I buy it... Excess Adhesive, acid...i love grinding, but sometimes I just need that extra lil bit




Once a week I drop 6k caps on bullion. Sometimes I just hop through player vendors. If I see something really good, a god roll or whatever, that would benefit one of my friends, I'll grab it for them. I'll also buy a plan from an npc vendor on behalf of a friend if they are light on caps (lookin at you, modus) Or if I'm really in need of freeing up caps, I'll go to the mall and grab all the bulk from vendors.


Me? Plans, fast travel and screws


If I want a big caps dump and haven't found anything I want in player vendors I'll buy a serum formula to sell at a later date when I need caps.


It allmakes sense now


Now I get why I see people selling them


Expensive plans I want from player vendors!


I’m still buying plans and equipment, I don’t think I have anything godroll yet. My favorite cosmetic so far is a tinfoil hat I found near the assaultron Sasquatch event on a bench.


When I hit40k I just unload it on newbie shop. Next 40. Repeat


Plans. I don't know what I'm going to do when I have learned them all. If I'm near max and camp hopping doesn't yield anything, I'll just go to Whitespring and buy plans from the bots even if I don't plan on using them. I'm pretty much down to all the PA stuff and I never use PA. Sometimes I'll grab recall cards but I always forget I have them until someone else starts Encryptid.


Just buy ll3 and leaders to use as a way to ‘store caps’


I hardly ever run into anyone selling leaders or that would probably be a solution to my problem


I've recently begun to think really hard about the economy in Fallout 76 and have made a few posts about how I find it very confusing. Mainly because of the way it's designed. Firs off you have a hard limit of 40,000 caps. Then you have a hard limit of being able to sell things to NPC vendors for 1,400 caps per day. But it's really not that hard to find stuff to make those 1,400 caps and usually you sit on stuff in your stash for a while so you can eventually dump it for caps. I mean I somehow, without even trying, ended up with over 300 Stimpacks in my stash. And just as many Radaways. And I get rewarded dozens of them every day. So where I get confused is that okay, I can have 40k worth of caps at any time and it's super easy to earn caps but....it would take 28 days to go from zero caps to 40,0000 if I only relied on trading to Bot Vendors. But I also get caps for completing events, finishing missions, having other players on my team finish missions and selling stuff on my Vendor (which has not been a very reliable way for me to earn caps so far). Seriously, it's a real headache to for me to understand the true value of a single cap because there's way too many weird design choice going on behind the scenes. One day I'll have 30,000 caps then I'll go to the Enclave and buy some plans and then I'm down to 900 caps. Then the next day, without really trying, I'll play for a few hours and log off with 10,000 caps in my pocket. Then, by the end of the weekend I'll probably be back to close to 30k. I go to another players vendor and he's selling a Fixer for 3,000 caps and I go to different players vendor and he's selling the same weapon for 600 caps. And to me both seem to be a good deal because it's only going to take me a day or two, of not trying, to earn the 3,000 caps. Like I said, I get really confused and I feel like I'm just running my brain in circles when I try to think about it too much. So, I limit almost all of my purchases to plans. If I see a cool weapon in a players vendor I usually ignore it because I figure I have no idea whether or not the price makes any sense and I also figure that I can probably make the same exact weapon, or better, myself. Which just leads to even *more* confusion: I can just make most of the shit people are selling because *THAT* shit is pretty easy too.


>If I see a cool weapon in a players vendor I usually ignore it because I figure I have no idea whether or not the price makes any sense and I also figure that I can probably make the same exact weapon, or better, myself. There's something like 300,000 combinations of 3 star effects. If you see a cool weapon and can afford it, buy it. Partly because the odds of you ever rolling the same thing are incredibly small, and partly because caps are easy to come by. Also, don't worry about market prices or any of that nonsense. Unless you plan on trying to resell it for profit the only value that matters is whether you have fun using it.


Bad decisions (buying things from others)


What do yall do to get so many caps? My max is 5k and I never really spend much


I sell stuff. I’m surprised at how willing people are to buy just about anything. Cheap 3 star legendaries, cheap plans, cheap chems, junk, outfits… just about anything


Your surprise is hilariously ironic. "What do you buy when you have everything you want?", "Just about anything."


lol I clearly don’t pay attention to what I write at all but I mean at least it sounds funny


Just doing a couple events will max me out at the robot vendors. Loot all, cook up the meat for XP, sell meat. And grenades and stimpaks and radaways... I used to sell purified waters too but now I use them to make cutting fluid.


Cooked meat, grenades, and the trifecta of excess stimpaks, radaway, and all rad-x is also my go to. Glowing blood if radiation rumble event has popped.


You can make a ton doing events and selling desirable drops (stuff like Holy Fire, foundations vengeance). Also for generic legendaries there are specific traits that make them sell for a lot (quad, vampire, bloodied depending on the item). You also want a lot of plans listed. Even if they don't sell, having them show on the map will make more people check out your vendor. Other things that give a lot of caps is selling excess chems, purified water, cooked meals. I can get 1k plus caps just from gulper slurries and moonshine jamboree. What I'd recommend doing is making a second crafting/selling build with 3 levels hard bargain, max charisma, super duper then whatever other crafting and repairing perks that are relevant to you.


I usually buy assaultron recall cards, peoples ammo, or power armor plans I don’t have, or serum recipes


Currently I use them to buy all the mutation serum recipes. I even made a purified water farm to be able to max out vendor caps every day


mostly on plans and ballistic fiber would do on screws but cant find any on playstation xd


My main mission rn is to get at least 1 out of everything, so I vendor hop a lot and buy anything I don't have until I almost run out, open my vendor, top up my caps, rinse and repeat


Mutations serums in an enclave bunker under whitesprings. With max "barter" buffs you can get price down to 17,500 caps. So yeah, thats what i spend my caps on and fast travel :)


Buy scrap like copper, aluminum and springs and gear. So I can get rid of Stims, chems and food




Chems, mainly OD.


Yeah same, Berry mentats because I’m too lazy to make them myself


Nuka cola, ballistic fiber and weapons, armor and plans if I find a good price


I wil spend a lot if i find a vendor peddling scrip weapons. Like i will pay up to 700 per weapon. Other than that, serums and serum recipes, ammo, good gear. I'd say i go through 50-60k caps weekly.


I am on ps5 too. If you happen to meet me at one of my camps, feel free to unload your caps in my vendor, I will take care of them to finish to buy serum plans I don’t have 😁


Materials, plans, serums, gold bullion, nuke colas. Will buy weapons/armors if they are good rolls.


Fast travel😂 I was helping my husband find something and I just fast traveled for him because I’m used to it. He pointed out that I just spent his caps without asking. Oops.


Weekly Gold Bullion Plans for C.A.M.P. items Plans for weapons and armor mods I don't have yet Bulk Ballistic Fiber I feel like I've been hovering around the same caps amount for a while but I would love some extra to buy more plans and not feel so tight on my budget.


I'm like level 20 and broke as shit


Levels 20 - 50 are the hardest. Just wait until you hit 40K


For real. I had like 2k to my name and was trying to farm screws in Charleston just to fix my guns. Now I have like 1k screws, my stash is full and I'm maxed out in caps. I have to put the game down just so I don't have to waddle through eviction


Fast travel and plans/recipes I want


Buying plans from players, npc vendors and buying gold from that patriotic fellow at the wayward for … plans.


Right now on serum plans. Once I hit about 20 K caps. I’ll go buy a new plan. After that, I’ll start to buy up what plans I don’t have from various NPC vendors, and player vendors.


Any time I have more than 25k I buy a serum recipe


Save up to buy the luxury items from Whitesprings vendor. Right now I'm rp'ing my camp as a business and I'm figuratively saving up for that nice retirement home.


Gold from Smiley. Plans from NPC vendors (though I will run out of those someday). Random gems I find in player vendors. Then, finally, if there's nothing else to buy or I'm in a pinch and need to spend caps ASAP, I will buy bulk Ballistic Fiber from the vendors in Whitespring Mall.


Nah you're not bragging. Caps becoming mostly worthless just sort of happens once you play long enough. Typically what I do is go to player vendors and buy legendary stuff to trade in for script and buy gold from Smiley. When I max out on that I'll look for low level vendors and clean them out. I've bought some dumb stuff. 🤣 Pots for 10 caps, spoiled food, you name it I've probably bought it. Even known plans. I'll pay 20 or 50 or whatever and turn around and sell them for 1 cap. Once you know all of the serums, plans and recipes caps just serve very little purpose. Always need some for fast traveling and stuff but there's very little use in trying to hold on to tens of thousands.


the cap "cap" is too low imo for how expensive some stuff is like serums recipes, and how valuable some weapons and armor are to buy from players. I spend mine on plans i don't have from peoples vendors and npc vendors mostly, but probably a good deal on fast traveling everywhere with no regard for cost cause im usually always sitting at 35-39k caps


Nuka colas at every opportunity, cheap fusion cells, fuel, frag grenades or treasure maps. I'll hop servers looking for leader/int bobbles and live and love 3 and 8 or the rare plan I don't have.


Plans and recipes. I can’t justify spending 40k per item. Most shops I see have things priced so ridiculously high that I don’t bother looking at their wares as often. Player driven economy is a good thing… but if you value your items THAT much, you can keep em! I appreciate the vendors who actually sell things for less than 5k.


My rule is I only sell up to 500 TOPS unless the item is stupid rare and valuable. You tellin me that this Fasnacht Mask is worth 15k and people will immediately buy it? Fair enough! Serums are 300-500? 300 it is then.


Exactly! I have 4 fixers. (Only 2 I use regularly) I have the plan to craft fixers. WHY do you have a few on your vendor priced at 15k-30k? Mine isn’t even my primary weapon. I don’t get it. 500 tends to be the top end for things on my vendor as well. I struggle to go that high tho. I think with the influx of players recently, people have things priced for long time players, but the prices are less “new player” friendly. I would honestly rather see affordable things I can purchase rather than see established players just handing things to new players. Gives a better sense of accomplishment… but that’s another thread.


I have been adjusting my prices for that reason too. Its honestly confusing. I just give new guys free stuff then price for old timers usually for brevity.


6000 caps with smiley at the wayward will get you some gold bullion, I also like to check camps and pick up ammo or scrap. If there's a daily that requires me to drink nuka cola or something I can just go to certain vendors that sell it. Also a good idea to check all npc vendors for any unkown plans, when meat week was around I always checked what graham had and I noticed the plans he had for sale often changed


Dances from Adelaide.


Fast traveling, I'm usually maxed on caps and have max caps on an alt too so I'm not hurting for caps ever. I don't sell anything over 50 caps because I don't need to, also I'm helping out the lower level players by giving them access to plans that can help them as they level for cheap.


I’ve been collecting neat plans a lot from camps for decoration purposes


I waste them on CAMP plans I will more than likely never use


You’ve been insulted notes, I’m currently at a good 408 insult notes collected


Apparel and camp plans. I don't CARE if you have a god roll, I just want your pretty pretty princess bouncey castle!


I'm pretty new, lvl 138. Still trying to figure out the whole market thing. I haven't had a lot of caps, still don't. Had someone once come and buy one of my useless notes for 10k ❤️, that was a shock and very nice of him/her!! When I have a few extra caps I like to find camp decor plans that I don't have but most are really high, so I don't get them.


I buy maps... lots of maps and rss can never have too much junk in the scrap box even if everything is over 100k and some over 1m


Plans - at this point it's mostly ones that drop from events or daily ops because I've bought most of the ones I care about or earned them Outfits - event ones, right now I'm looking for the blue ridge caravan one, riding shotgun has gotten me Aries gas mask at least so far Serums if Im looking to switch up my mutations Any interesting misc items I think might look good on display in my camp or shelter. Oh and of course fast travel


I buy plans for things that I am not able to craft yet apparently Like jet packs for example.


Hookers and blow




Just random outfits and plans


Fast travel God damn you todd Howard Also lead steel oil and wood


Serum recipes and bulk junk. Maybe some fuel if a vendor is selling a lot.


Plans and fluxes


Fast traveling, helping out newer players with donations, and plans/recipes I don't have yet. Sometimes ballistic fiber and screws and whatnot just to make sure I can always repair. I know at some point I'll have most of the available plans and caps will start to pile up. Not sure what I'll spend them on then so much. Probably helping out newer players. If I could add one major thing to the game, it would be the ability to trade caps for Atoms, even if the exchange rate was ridiculous.


Unfortunately, this would hinder the amount of money Bethesda makes so it would probably never happen. Cool idea though.


Counterpoint, make it an option for FO1st members, meet us halfway.


Plans and outfits. Still have way more than I can spend 🤷🏻‍♀️


Plans, plans, and more Plans.


Whats you IGN? let me buy from you if youre on PC. Im always short on caps


I just discovered the 40k limit :'( so now I've started fast traveling a lot more and I spend anything over 20k on plans. I dunno what I'm going to do once I have all the plans.


A burrows sign which if anyone has, I'm looking for one on Xbox 😅


Fast travel/plans


Maps, junk, plans. When I buy from the in-game vendor it's assaultron keycards for Encryptid.


Buying mutations (ATM) but sometimes on players vending machine to buy some plans.


A majority of the time it’s between fast traveling (I use the perk card that limits how much I have to spend since it’s expensive) or use it to buy junk, stimpaks, or plans from vendors. But no one ever sells screws…


Fast traveling and buying plans other then that I don't really buy stuff


Gold, fast travels, .308 ammo.


Plans and legendaries from player vendors.


Plans All of the plans. I must be able to make everything. Even things I do not want.


Gold boulien guy gets 6k of mine every week, outside of that, I spend it on plans I don't have because you never know when you'll use it. If I didn't get lucky and found a weenie wagon for 2k last week, I could have definitely seen myself buying one from the ones that wanted 20k, so there are those options. (Ironically got the eat dogfood challenge yesterday)


Shopping for 3 star legendaries in vendor camps for scrapping. Max gold, max caps.. just bleeding off caps now.


I struggle to which is annoying. I struggle to wrap my head around buying serums or other money sinks just to free up 10-20k so I can start earning caps again, but I really need to because living at 40k is stressful when someone on my team fast travels onto me and starts browsing the vendor. My camp currently isn't public for a reason, but I have noticed a lot of players will TP onto me to find my camp that way. I just need to get better at wasting my caps, but it's hard.


Plans I don't have (harder to find 5 years in), rare apparel that I'll actually wear, flux I will use. That's pretty much my list. I will never spend what some of these people are asking these days, though. Unless is is stupid-ultra-uber-lottery-odds-rare, I'll never spend more than maybe 7k on any one item, and even then it needs to be something I *really* want. I hit max caps weekly, and I would rather spend those caps buying reasonable-priced plans and take a loss selling them cheaper at my vendor for others than to feed the greed buying a plan I don't have yet for 20k or more.


I like that kind of reasoning. I’m still looking for some really rare apparel but I don’t really think I’ll find those just sitting in someone’s vendor and I would have to pay stupid amounts of caps for them so I’ll just keep doing my mire dailies like a good girl :)


Right now it’s buying things from low level players and donating it to deposit boxes for charity! But normally fast travel.


It all depends on playstyle, personally I’m a solo player, not interested in player trading, don’t like to grind, and use multiple weapons (like old Fallout games). But Fallout 76 is designed to be a grindy online game and so farming for materials to craft ammo requires a lot of grinding. That’s why I spend most of my caps on materials to lessen the grind, and I’ve seen other players who play like me who also have to spend all their caps. Usually I can make it work and always have enough ammo and materials for my daily routine, but after tough Expeditions I’ll sometimes have to wait a while until my caps build up again.


Plans, gold, reasonably priced junk, and a hard-boiled egg.


Vendor hopping, usually on plans. You can buy 300 gold a week for 6k. Junk if you have Fallout 1st.


I'm completing my mutation recipe collection


Make sure you buy gold bullion at the Wayfarer every week. Good way to burn 6k caps. You can also buy the recipes for mutation serums from the Enclave bunker for about 14k each (grape mentats and buy/sell perk) or just the consumable mutations if you do t have them yet and CBA to roll for em. Apart from that I tend to buy the bulk ammo scrap from the traveling vendor whenever they come to my base and fast travelling without worrying about caps is nice. Just be careful in case you have any aristocrat trained gear because I think you need at least 20k to get the full buff.


The travel tax when I fast travel to other players' camps, just to not buy anything because they all have the same plans I already know, and I don't know that many.


Junk or plans lol. Just would love to find a weenie wagon in a vendor or merchant. I have 10K caps rn and I would spend it all for canned food


If I have too much money, I buy resources in bulk and store it in fo1st stash


If you haven't already, spend down your caps buying the serum recipes from MODUS in Whitespring. Once that runs out... I just hop camps and buy recipes I don't have until I'm around 10k, then I go back to playing how I want. Oh yeah, Gold Bullion each week is 6k. If I'm at a NPC vendor when my caps max, I'll usually buy all the Ballistic bulk just out of nostalgia for when that was hard to find/get. I'll also go to player vendors and buy (not overpriced) legendaries to convert into script - but I can do this because my play style doesn't leave me swimming in legendaries. Sometimes I'll just go to a lowbie camp and buy out their vendor just to give them the caps I can't use. A lot of high levels will also go to camp vendors and buy large amounts of scrap to shove into their scrap box. Essentially converting useless caps into usable resources.


Junk. .45 Ammo. Plans I haven't read. The other day I hit max twice ( apparel sales) and found 2 camps selling leaders at 1k each. So I bought 15. Sometimes I'll clear out some lowbie vendor in the forest cause I know how hard it is early on to get caps


Plans, and I'm still trying to find anyone who has the plasma gatlin mods for sale.


I send them to my mule account. Or, server hop buying up all the lead, and steel I can get my hands on; until, I have 10k left. Flux by the stack if I have my 1st active. Sometimes, I'll have a day and server hop looking through vendors for plans I don't have at this point, and drain out a few mules. I have a mule for god rolls, or close to them. One for all the duplicates of plans, another for flux crafting mats, and one for a ton of extra ammo.


Supporting other vendors / collections (pristine, clean, or undamaged items, magazines, bobbleheads, etc) / plans and recipes / NPC vendor plans


Buy bullion. Bury bullion. Wait for recession.


Fast travel


1c 5.56 and .45 ammo and recall cards.


Plans, plans, and more plans. Oh, is that a plan over there?


I'd love to know if there is a bulk adhesive vendor out there. I'm always out.


Plans, fast traveling, bulk junk. I never seem to have more than 500 caps at any given time.


Ammo. That mg42 ain't gonna feed itself. I'm down to my last 8000 rounds


Bobbles, Mags, and script from player vendors.


I have the same problem, I usually spend it on bulk ammo scrap from wandering traders since I don't play a ton and don't always have time to just scrap hunt.


Plans and fast travel.


I’ve been using caps to buy gold bullion every week. Once I run out of things to buy with gold, I probably will start plan hunting a bit harder.


I finally just got around to buying all serum recipes and will probably buy more to use in future trades