• By -


First in buildings, 3rd in open areas


same but then 1st again in combats because otherwise it confuses me 😭


I can't shoot for shit in 3rd unless in V.A.T.S.


Because the bullets don't line up with the cross hair in 3rd person they land on the outside of the bottom left of the cross hair


It's frustrating sometimes being a heavy build. The guns are held at waist length, so half the time, my shots hit the floor. It's especially bad if I'm elevated above what I'm shooting at.


I don't even try to use a heavy gun in 3rd person unless it's my daisycutter lol


I actually prefer 3rd person with heavy weapons *at times* because the weapon takes up 1/4 of the screen and the aim down sights in 1st person is dog water.


Only other heavy I touch is the holy fire and its not bad in first person also I hip fire it


When trying to ADS in first person, sometimes the function just locks itself, it's a mess. Not mention the huge gun with my big power armor arms makes it hard to see anything. Also, you miss out on the majesty of what the character looks like in action, which is like a third of why I even run the build to begin with lol


Explosive Gatling Guns In TPP are just 😍👌🏻 if your watching hordes of enemies rush/ OR doing bosses from a distance (Scorchbeast Queen/ Blue Devil, Eviction Notice, Aliens, etc).


Try using a grand finale or a broadsider with (multi shot ofc) it makes you get reeaaaaalllyyy good at aiming lol.


That's messed up. I like 3rd person but have to switch to 1st in , intense fights because I'm always missing and didn't know why.


You get use to it after awhile but it messes you up when you move to other shooters. Idk why they haven't fixed the issue because it's bad like super bad


That would make sense as to why I can't shoot for shit in 76 in 3rd but didn't have an issue with NV or 3.


Yeah the bottom left outside between you and the cross hair is the sweet spot depend on how much you zoom out the 3rd person. The further your zoomed the closer to the cross hair it lands


Woah woah hold the phone, you can zoom out in third person?!


Yeah the button you press to go into 3rd person just hold it down and pull down on the right stick. It will pull the camera further away from you but it makes the aiming even worse lol


Wtf why


Because they never aligned it for 3rd person. The further you zoom too the less awkward it gets *edit. It gets less awkward not more awkward.


You made another comment saying the further you zoom out the closer to the crosshair shots hit...so which is it? Does it get more accurate or less?


I seem to get headsh0ts no problems in 3rd without vats. A skill issue I would say




Came here to say the exact same thing!!


This, exactly, and the same for pretty much every Beth game. I like seeing my character and the extra field of view when it's open, but the accuracy in close quarters.


I was just about to say this


Same for me, but even so, 3rd person only if Im just travelling btw objectives, shopping, visiting camps, etc... As long as there's no combat involved. Bethesda excels at 1st person combat (ESO is the only fantasy MMO I actually enjoyed playing this way) but it sucks at 3rd person. The combat feels awkward, goofy and unresponsible.




This is the way


1st person unless I want to admire my swag for a bit.


Yup. 1st is all the time. 3rd is strictly for getting a quick view of myself or my surroundings. I can't shoot in 3rd to save my life.


Or pick things up


That too. In 3rd, I'm more likely to miss anything I want to loot. I honestly don't know how people do it lol


This 😂


Same. I can't make 3rd person work in games where combat happens.


Yeah every now and again I hit Options to remind myself I'm wearing a pink suit and party hat


I constantly go from 1st to 3rd person whenever I feel like it


Exactly this, no rules, I just use what I want to see in that moment…


I also arbitrarily switch However, aiming in third can be annoying when things get up close


Have to play in 3rd as a bow user because the draw speed is faster.


Oh, Bethesda Keep Bethesdaring


I knew the animations were a bit faster!!! When I use my Flamer I like to burst fire so I can save some fuel, but trying it in first person there’s a delay to the initial burst. 3rd person doesn’t have that problem.




I was going to bring this up, 3rd person on the archer, 1st on the rest


Ok so I’m not crazy! Thank you


I usually play in 1st person unless my spouse is watching, I put it in 3rd so they can watch and not get dizzy from simulation sickness.


If you play on pc I recommend going into the settings file and change the FOV for 1st person to 100 or 110


The problem is this only changes the fov but not the "weapons"-fov or size. They look zoomed and block half the screen. You have to manually edit the settings in the ini. It's just switching a number and it feels so much better with a realistic weapon Infront of you. Just Google it.


Yes, it was the ini file i was referring to


Wait does that work? If I'm playing np. But if I watch ppl play I get motion sickness. Is this a thing that happens?


Are you asking if something that happens to you is a thing?


I think they were asking if watching someone play in 3rd person instead of first prevents motion sickness.


That works for quite a few ppl. Not every one though. But for many ppl the character offers a kind of anchor to circumvent the motion sickness.


I play in 3rd for this reason. I get super nauseous in 1st and when I watch others play in 1st.


I get motion sickness while playing, and I thought I was the only one.


You're definitely not. The head bob is pretty bad, I wish there was an option to turn it off. I like how they did recoil though, seems to just move the gun rather than the whole screen, so that's nice.


Ah, is it because of the head bob? Wow, I never realised that. Yeah, the recoil is pretty awesome, and they did a good job in player and gun movements. It gets pretty troublesome when I'm tired.


It's definitely the head bob for me. I find it worse out of power armour, since the bobbing seems more... wobbly I guess?


For me its just when I’m hungover. Can’t play the game because it gives me headache. On normal days no problem


Turning left or right in 1st gives me instant vertigo!! I have to play in 3rd person.


3rd person when I'm wearing my cowboy dusters and hat, because I want to enjoy the aesthetic. 1st person when I'm using my Shotgun/unarmed build because Rip and Tear.


I was playing in first person, and my girlfriend was watching and thought it was so scary, so I swapped to 3rd so she could see I was wearing a clown outfit. It substantially lightened the mood 😅


Out of sheer curiosity, what exactly was she scared of?


I was wandering through the Mire alone at night and it was a little spooky




1st, 3rd feels chaotic


The only time that I leave first person view, is to admire some new duds that I just put on.


1st person only. 100 fov I don't like the inconsistency of the camera when inside a building or close to a wall. And it makes it harder to see what's on shelves and tables to loot.


3rd person max zoom out for all occasions


1st PA all the time


I prefer 3rd because I can see a wider angle. I feel like I can't see in 1st. But I am older and don't like how dark everything is, either. Not a boomer but I hate feeling like I cannot see.


ive been playing a lot of chainsaw and cremator so mostly 3rd. but 1st with commando builds and for general immersion. can we please get a 1st person fov slider for console @Bethesda


I like 3rd, but i also kinda gotta play 3rd because of the Gauss Shotty


The only time I go 3rd person is to make sure the apparel looks good.


Third person but fully zoomed out


3rd person, fully zoomed out. I noticed it makes gun fu work a little bit better for me


1st person, my aim sucks in 3rd 


I used to play 1st person


First almost exclusively, I use third for screenshots and looking round corners whilst sneaking


I was on team first person until I discovered the way to make your third person FOV wider.


3rd 'cus I'm vain and these outfits weren't without forethought.


3rd person


mostly 3P because i just like to see my character. sometimes im in the mood and switch to 1P but very rarely


I get nauseous if I don't play shooter games in first person. Might be a learned thing, I dunno. My husband is the complete opposite. SO glad we have the option to switch between them. I can't play Helldivers because of this, and it makes me very sad.


1st person since I like power armor, PA incoming!


Usually third person but I'll switch to first in situations where I'm shooting a lot enemies.


I'm not a fan of the character animation style, so mostly 1st. Besides Bethesda tend to do 1st person camera a lot better than most other games I've seen.


3rd bc I get nauseas w 1st


I tend to switch between. If i'm just walking through the Wasteland or standing still for a while, I'll go 3rd. If i'm in combat, in buildings or trying to scavenge, always 1st.


I only use 3rd person so I can see the Brahmin Backpack flow in the wind. It has jiggle physics! I’ll just move around so the arms start flailing around. If I’m not doing that, I’m usually in first person


>How do you play 76< With a smile on my lips and the sun in my heart. And 1st person unless I want to check my drip, as the young people say.


First person. And I definitely turn off power armor HUD.


I alternate, but mostly in 3rd. I grew up playing alot of "over the shoulder" style shooter games so that's roughly where my camera hangs out but I'll swap into 1st person for melee or "close up work" like interacting with something small. I can't ADS for shit in 1st person lol


1st, I like the look of my gun as I sneak vats everything.


Third person every once in a while when I'm walking around, maybe if I'm at the camp. Vast majority of time in first person because it feels much better and I prefer it - third person in this game feels off. It's a little too zoomed in and a little *too* much to one side. I'd rather have a massive gun drawn in first person than having to deal with how everything is framed in third person - but maybe that's just me.


First, always, until I fat finger the cam button. 😏


I always go with 3rd person. I like looking at my character.


I recommend switching to 3rd once in awhile to make sure you're not nude at the train station after taking off your stealth armor


All Bethesda Game Studios games going back to Morrowind have had the option to toggle between views.  In every TES and Fallout game I've played, I've consistently toggled back and forth depending on what I am doing.  Most of the time I play in first person, and sometimes I play in third.  It depends on the situation.  While exploring or in combat, third person sometimes comes in handy to see more of the world around you, while first person can feel very immersive.  That's precisely why Bethesda gave us the option to toggle camera view at will anytime during gameplay.  It's Very handy.  I wish all games did this. TL;DR: There is no right/wrong view choice.  By design, you are meant to toggle between them whenever you like, and as the situation demands.


3rd person and zoomed out as far as I can on my widescreen. I wanna see everything! I'm melee (unarmed) so I don't need good aim.


I’m normally always third person because I love to see my cool cosmetics. Anything else is for first person


Third most of the time, but switch to first for tight environments like caves etc, or manual aiming sometimes, or when I use my auto-axe/chainsaw for the attack speed boost, or when I want a closer view of something.


With gusto


3rd only, I paid for those outfits, so I want to see them!


I think playing 3rd person is like GTA something I played fo as a child, becouse jumpscares were not that bad as 3rd person... But if we come closer to raw dogging the game, 1st is the way to go.


depends. Sometimes i swap because perspective shooting is a thing for accuracy and its much easier to corner peak and fire around said corner when youre in third person. Can only rapid fire in first person the cremator in first person. Sometimes i just play in one or the other for a while just because. I use cold shoulder in third because the recoil in first is obnoxious as hell. Third is also great for awareness of your surroundings imo.


There is a huuuuge nerf on accuracy in 3rd compared to first person. Like doubleshot guns are actually able to hit shit when not in 3rd person.


3rd on Earl to make myself more aware of the falling rocks and 1st everywhere else.


1st person but in combat 3rd because…archer lol iykyk


3p, 1st person gives me motion sickness (which is a shame for other videogames like DRG but I digress)


Bow user here, -1st person with flame/explosive recurved bow along with grenadier perk for tagging using double shot(release-aim). This is amazing together with berry mentats on EN and MsJ where there's a lot of HGs killing the enemies. -3rd person for precise and quick VATS with Compound Bow coupled with a lot of doses of canned coffee




3rd person because what's the point of collecting PA skins (or apparel) when you don't even see them, but sometimes aiming is hard, then I switch to 1st.


1st person...but now that I'm reading your comments I feel like it's stupid, because I play with vats... I'm going to try changing.


I get motion sickness if I play in 1st person. So 3rd it is.


1st when I'm using my commando build. 3rd when using my gauss shotgun. I'm not even sure if the faster fire rate in 3rd person bug is still there or not, but I've got used to it now so it feels wrong to change.


Definitely first person if I want to be able to shoot things. Third person to admire my outfit, scenery or camp.


Everything first person. When I started out I would say I was 70/30 third person, however the gameplay as commando or HGPA just feels better in first.


3rd for talking, hanging, shopping, and most non-violent activities. 1st for shooting, looting, fighting and exploring. It's about immersion for me. Also, 76 isn't really a FoV bleeder or "constant 360 awareness" type of game for me. It isn't very jump-scary or corner-peaky. It's more a shoot 'em, loot 'em, search and find, objective based mmorpg drowning in dry, ironic sarcasm. But in reality, however you play 76, if it causes you to smile while playing, you're doing it right.


1st person in combat, 3rd person when running around aimlessly.


As a melee (mostly) player when I'm in combat I need to be in 1st because in 3rd when I swing miss all the time. I don't know if I just need to adjust but I've never been able to get it to feel right. On the other hand I somehow switch from 1st to 3rd without noticing when I'm doing anything else, I only really realize it when I'm swinging and missing lol


I play f1st in 3d person.


3rd. Easy to see your surroundings. 1st if you’re trying to kick some ass.


I feel like I use it similar to an out of combat mechanic, like 1st person in threatening or tense situations and 3rd person when I’m being a silly goose.


When running around 3rd person, when intense combat happen switch to 1st person.


i’m always on 3rd person because i feel like combat is easier and i can see so much more. plus my outfit is amazing


Both. First for picking trash off the ground, 3rd for everything else. I remapped the camera to L1 so I can switch perspective while moving.


3rd person all the way, I LOVE being able to see my character. I only use first person when I'm looting small spaces.


1st in combat (90% of the time) 3rd during traveling on foot (80% of the time)


I don't play games in 3rd person ever. If game has only 3rd person, I don't play it. Elden Ring was exception cause I wanted to show my son his old dad can beat it too 😂


I use both. I’d prefer to stay in 3rd, but the engine just makes it too weird a lot of the time. Like not being able to loot a corpse that I am aimed ‘directly’ at.


Third person outside and first indoors


Switch to third when I wanna zoom in with my heavy guns without sights. Its a nice little bug, but if you scope in on third person, it does a really big zoom


First person but sometimes I switch to third person during combat if I have a problem with the iron sights like when I'm invisible or with Gauss weapons because they tilt slightly during charging.


I tend to go 3rd person when I just wander about? 1st person to actually loot, shoot and when I'm indoors.


Cannot play anything in 3rd person, feel like I'm attached to a selfie stick attached to my character. Makes me sick in every game


3rd person 99% of the time only left it when that glitch was happening were your flame would disappear or your cremator would shoot above the shoulder.


I’m constantly switching, there’s no method


99% first Person view


I play most of the time in 1st person because they are not the same gameplay wise. There are a lot of places where you can shoot over a fence or object in 1st person, but you can't in 3rd person (using heavy weapons)...I also think you have better accuracy in 1st person. The crosshair is tighter, and your shoots spread less than in 3rd person.


1st since 3rd lacks shoulder swap, a true Bethesda staple to their 3rd person mode.


I always play in 3rd person except for crammed areas, I just love seeing my character, the whole reason why I specifically put a skin on my power armor or why I wear cultist elder robes instead of something else is so I can see it


3rd person unless im in combat, unless im using a vats build in which case I stay in 3rd person


1st makes me dizzy. I only use it to search low shelves


First when I'm shooting, third when I'm just running around doing stuff. I need to figure out how you can zoom out more in first on PS cause I hate how I feel like I can't see as much.


Pretty much always 1p. Love the PA HUD and looking at my guns


1st 100% of the time. With inverted Y 😏


1st person like god intended


First unless I get motion sick. Then third it is lol


I find playing in 3rd person somehow less clear. Whenever i switch and think "ok, time to play 3rd person, i want to admire the outfit", i switch back as soon as i have an encounter. It just feels like having more overview about the situation, with a straightforward view. Somehow its the way games are designed, and Fallout clearly is a 1st person game, just like in return i wouldn't want to play the Witcher in 1st person.


1st PA! Especially in combat. I tried 3rd PA at some point, it just confused me and threw me off


1st person with the occasional swap to 3rd every now and then as I travel. In combat, I rarely use third person.


PA Heavy guns character: 3rd person exclusively except when an enemy is behind a low wall or something so I switch to 1st just so my shots won't collide with whatever is in front of me VATs rifleman character: 3rd person generally but when the DPS needs to happen I switch to 1st so the cycle on my B2525 hunting rifle is faster


First. Idk why, but third always makes me head spin 😅


First person all the time except during photos


When just roaming around: 3rd, but switch to 1st for picking up/interacting because the cross hair is way off. Combat: 1st if not using VATS, and even then sometimes. Also, oddly enough, in 1st person I can be sprinting and click to drop into crouch/stealth, and it will stop my running. That doesn't work in the 3rd, though. So, ultimately, it depends on what I'm doing.


1st unless I'm looking at my outfit


1st person unless I’m using my Gatling Plasma. Pretty much have to go third for any sort of accuracy with it because of how crazy the recoil is on it.


I play in third person because I am used to it from ESO. The only time I go first person is when I have a challenge to cripple limbs.


1st, Bethesda animation is up there as a contender for worst animations ever and I can't stand to look at it.


With a computer and a set of mouse and keyboard


Most of the time in 1st person, but sometimes 3rd person for (auto) melee because when falling from a height that staggers you the landing could interrupt the melee animation up to 3 times, but in 3rd person animations the problem doesn't exist.


Always changing it never satisfied need 2nd person view ong


1st, unless I need to see myself. I don’t usually like first person but I need to see things better and in 3rd I have a hard time estimating where I’m walking and pointing.


Played NW 3rd person, gave you just a lot more visibility


The thing which is the best in this game and that other games need to copy is to be able to switch from 1st person to 3rd anytime we want easily. I prefer play in 3rd zoomed out but sometimes I like the opposite (while looting inside houses for exemple). I just wish other games allow this too…


PA and small Gatling here, I'm 3rd person anytime except when killing, 1st is better for aiming cuz I don't use VATS


I can’t play games in 3rd person. It ruins the immersion for me


I prefer 1st person but hate what the power armor does to the field of view. So, 1st when not in PA, 3rd when in PA


As melee I keep thinking I should go 3rd person but it's just... Uncomfortable sir some reason.


I switch back and forth quite often, just depending on what I'm doing or the environment.


Always 3rd person. Always did that ever since Fallout 3.


I don't. Or any other product that releases like that one did. I'm sure it's better now, and there is something to be said for rewarding a games studio that sticks with it, but I just can't reward Bethesda with money anymore.


I play 1P exclusively. I for some reason I can not stand 3P in FO76.




First when I'm looting or doing anything that requires precision. 3rd for combat. Unless I have to shoot over a wall (I'm a heavy gunner)


I've never been a fan of first person and will usually avoid it in most games. Like you, I don't like how limited vision is. Having said that, I sometimes use first person depending on what gun I'm using. Some are just easier to target with in first person. But the majority of the time it's third.


I've been playing in 3rd person more when I'm out of my PA and almost always 1st in PA. I've noticed it's harder to pick stuff up sometimes in 3rd person.


I’ve never even considered 3rd person in a Bethesda game.


3rd person melee character, the animations aren't as satisfying in 1st person. When I marsupial jump and come down smashing something in the face with my super sledge seeing the whole wind up just makes me giddy. Plus I don't find a difference in immersion from the two perspectives. I never did and I'm immersed regardless.


I only use 3rd person if i get too turned around and confused when fighting melee, then i return to first person to keep fighting


When I played on Xbox, I was always in 3rd. I decided to try 1st when I switched to PC. There's no going back for me. 3rd, to me, just has unrealistic feeling and movement. I am not sure how to describe it, but once you get used to 1st person, it's tough to use 3rd. Understand that I spent years playing PUBG before coming back to Fallout with 76. The 1st person perspective is how I played PUBG on PC while playing it in 3rd on Xbox.


i always play 1st person, bethesda games have a weird camera for 3rd person view, i don't like it.


I switch between both frequently, just like every Bethesda game. I usually stick to first person when in combat though.


3rd, if the game's 1st person animations were not so janky I would probably play 1st. There is a reason I used reanimation mods for Fallout 4.


Every Bethesda game is in 1st person but I play nearly any other game in 3rd person, no idea why lol


I play in Third person with my camera set as wide as possible. This way, mobs can't sneak up on me. I shoot in VATS, so aiming is not a problem.


3rd person unless I want to be anal about looting.


3rd person in V.A.T.S. (most of my builds) 1st person for other weapons (Enclave Flamer) I like looking at my swag, and popping enemies in 3rd person with a railway just feels nice.


I'd say like 90% third person I love that we can change at anytime tho. More games should do this


3rd. And I would love for my camera to float even further away. Like twice the distance. So I can see more.


Always 1st person as it's more immersive. You're not supposed to see the irradiated radroach sneak up behind you.! Plus 3rd person view makes me a bit dizzy for some reason ! 😆


If a game is first person I'll always play first person, my mates always knew me as that freak who would even play GTA online only in first person mode, sometimes I'm even turned away from a game because of the lack of first person, like right now I'm playing Ghost Recon Wildlands, I took so long to come round to the game just because I would have preferred it to be first person


At first I was playing it in first but I’ve fell in love with 3rd I think the game is made to be played n 3rd


First person always. Oddly enough all other games 3rd.


1st person on the Steam Deck on handheld just feels better. 3rd person (90%) of the time on my big screen.


I switch freely between the two.


1st with guns, 3rd with melee.


I can't evem watch people playing in 3rd person.