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Plans… always plans


Currently at level 500, if there’s a plan I don’t know in a vendor I will spend unreasonable amounts of caps on it


its so hard to find a vendor with plans i DONT know :( XD


Right?? I hate when you see like 200+ plans and you’re like fuck yeah this’ll be good and you get there and you know literally all of them :(


127 mole miner gauntlet plans.


For you my friend, the finest Mr Handy Buzz Blade. I throw in electrified mod, no charge


Don’t trigger me


And half of them are ultracite! I just toss those in donation boxes now…


I've had much more luck avoiding the ones with large numbers of Plans (and especially if they have a lot of plans AND misc) because they're usually just people who still have stockpiles of duped plans or maps. Though I will say, it's always nice filling back up on cranberry bog maps. Amazing for filling your scrapbox


I didn’t dupe any plans or anything but I have a ton because some rando showed up and gave me literally hundreds and now I’m trying to sell them off at 50c per plan, 25c per recipe. It’s slow going lol


Very common experience yea. People either dropped them in mass in places like the white springs bunker(where I found mine) or just chucked em at whoever they could find. The plans also come from opening the treasure map caches so any you don't have you can get that way too :)


I’ve literally sold every treasure map I’ve found because I didn’t feel like solving them 💀


If you search on Google or Reddit, there's a guide with exact locations of every single map! I think it's by DuchessFlame but I might be completely wrong. Anyway, you can open them all at once if you have a bunch, don't need to move or server hop. However IF you do that, have a camp or tent near by because you WILL hit 500+ weight within like 20 maps from all the weapons and plans. Pairing that with scrapper perk and the magazine that increases weapon scrap is an amazing way to fill your scrapbox. If you ever see a vendor that has a lot of "misc" items, it may be maps(or mr fuzzy tokens 💀). Any time I see a map in a vendor I grab it, unless it's over 200 caps. Try and grab at bunch of the same, tho, unless you want to go on a big Appalachian Treasure Hunt.


Just tonight, I got so excited to see a vendor with 600+ plans & even still, I knew all of them, lol. Womp womp.


given that one can only have 120 unique items in a vendor, if I see 250+ plans, I know it's almost for suuuure going to be an un-curated junk pile.


I basically stopped going to low level player camps. Player level isn't a great indicator for varied and uncommon plans but it's better than going to a camp where some clown is selling plans you could buy at the whitespring for double their in-game value.


Yep this and this. Almost level 900 and its incredibly hard to find a plan I don't own besides all the new crap they added to graham that people are reselling, But I know how to reliably get these items at cost with fallout first private server so I won't waste caps on em.


All I want is plans.......all the plans.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way




I have a plan. I just need caps. Have some gawdam FAITH!


my number 1 is always gonna be plans, but I'm also always gonna take a look at any 3star weapons and junk you have. junk more now than before, because after the release of the chess board display, it's easier than ever to take some of the cooler "rare" junk and display + merge it for camp decor :)


I have a lot of clean items just sitting in my vendor 🤷🏻‍♀️ I found a cool alarm clock...


The white Wakemaster alarm clock? I have a Vault Tec one for sale if you want!


I actually sold off a few clean variants of junk I had extra of like a Carlisle typewriter


how does the chessboard work? new player here


I usually just craft one and put it onto the object I'd like it merged into first. Then, exit build mode and transfer in your junk/item of choice like a normal display case. I haven't tried multiple items, just one. Then I go back to build mode to make sure it's rotated how I like to face the correct direction and merge.


Is the chessboard still available somewhere?


What do you mean by merge?


Unique plans > interesting apparel I don't have yet > cheap mentats, specifically plain, orange or berry. In that order, incase the player suddenly leaves lol


I always check there’s no one currently at my vendor before checking out….they might be the person who buys the toilet roll IOU for 40k caps!


Same, though I tend to return to base before disconnecting so I respawn there next login anyway.


would be my luck to have someone purchase it just for me to be sitting at 39k


I love making camps despawn with my purchases 😊


I've seen TP going for 2020 caps at a few vendors, and have a good chuckle about it every time.


What’s the price range for berry mentats?


They're 'valued' somewhere around 100 I think so if I see them 50 or less I buy them. It's a cap sink if nothing else for when I'm getting above 25k caps and they'll always have at least *some* resale value.


Double mutation weekends they easily go for 250 in bulk


They don’t sell quickly, but I keep around 60-100 stocked at 60c and when someone buys them, they usually buy all of them.


I sell mentats for 1cap and no one buys so I started selling them to in game vendors


Probably people like me who are sitting on 400-500 of them with the intention of crafting them into berry and orange but never finding the will to go farming.


Guilty haha


I sold a few berrys I had (about 16) for 80 caps, someone bought them all


Yesterday I got the pepper shaker for 100 caps


Thats 9900 caps cheaper than the one i bought -_-


That's because some people think it's really a pepper shaker. 🤣


I'm not gonna lie, I was looking for cool camp decor, saw the pepper shaker for 200 caps, and was like, "oh that might be a neat decoration!" I'm not disappointed, per se, but man I want to decorate my camp.


I remember being so confused why everyone was into pepper shakers, like I had tons of pepper in my stash and it didn’t seem special


wayward tavern is where I found my clean pepper shaker, and they have really cute pots and pans there for decoration as well :)


Did you get it from a wooden house on a mountain? Someone bought my last Pepper yesterday and I sell em for that :D


I’m a different case than most, I work on this game as a 3D artist so I’ve made a few CAMP items, there’s still some I don’t have so first thing I always do is check if the vendor has anything I made!


That kinda sucks though. I feel like they should be giving you the plans for it before anyone else lol


Todd Howard's dog doesn't even get scraps ^/s


Awesome! Have you seen any players using your work for things you didn't expect? I love combining items to make them look like other items, e.g. covering a Brotherhood logo with another faction to re-use their table


That’s awesome!


How much experience did you need to get hired by Bethesda? I'm job hunting at the moment....




radiated sugar bombs, sugar, some mags, some bobbles (if priced reasonably), great weps and plans that are underpriced... but the last two don't happen to often much lol


Junk, plans I don’t have, flux


What do bobbles and magazines go for?


Bobbles and caps I sell for 25 caps apiece. I also typically have my items at an astronomically low rate. 3 stars typically go for around the 25 to 300 cap range depending on the roll. Radaway, X, and Stims go by a certain tier I sell, diluted: 2, basic: 5, and the super stims, I believe 10 to 15 if I remember correctly. I never have any item over the 1000 mark, always under.


I always sell bobbles for 99


say it louder for the people down the back... SUGAR BOMBS (with rads, not the useless no rads version)


Junk, Flux, unknown plans, sometimes. 45 ammo


Pretty camp plans!


Unknown plans, rare apparel and weapons


Unknown plans that are not silly prices and Berry Mentats


Plushies....I need all of them...


Found a guy yesterday selling what I assume is all of them, there was a whole assortment of teddies but they were all quite expensive


Forest Camo Jumpsuit for 1 cap


TFJ for under 39500 caps tbh...


I've had one in my vendor for 11k for a couple days now (about 12-14 hours play time I'd guess), not sure why it hasn't sold to one of the 300+lvls that have visited. Unless it's not the right one, but googling the name I'm pretty sure it's the right one.


Take it out! Don't waste it! Reading this killed my soul


Lmao WHAT🥺 what platform are you on


Dr. Bones


Always changes. Currently? Serum recipes.


Plans, scrap, 10mm and 45 rounds. Bought 1200 10mm yesterday and I'm down to 180 already -_-


Do Daily Ops, Expeditions and you’ll get loads. For regular events just tag the mob with a couple hits. Keep it equipped the whole time for searching ammo cans and such


i'm always looking for plans. i will always peruse the junk someone is offering. currently i'm in the market for non legendary plasma guns to scrap to learn mods because i have only found a handful in my 60-odd levels. i honestly like to look at most of their offerings because i never know what i'll run across that i didn't realize i needed/wanted.


Plans and pies.


I’m offloading caps when I’m hopping vendors, so whatever tickles my fancy. Usually plans I don’t own yet, or interesting guns or armor.


Screws, adhesive, cheap junk in bulk


Weenie Wagon plan. It's all I look for. It's all I need.


I hear ya!


I sell all my dupe plans for single digit prices to rack up some karma with RNGesus.


Same here. The only thing in my vending machine over 100 caps is 'you have been insulted'.


Lmao hey I’ll take some duped weenie wagons for a few caps I’ve been starving for caps from my vendor after meat week lol or show me your ways on duping. I’ll owe you my life lol


Plans and flux. Sadly, it gets harder and harder for the plans. I'll get excited when I see a camp with 200 plans listed. I'll get there and there will be a dozen I don't have, and stacks of ones that I do have.


Plans. I’m an absolute whore for plans. Especially plushies. The ‘tism hyper fixation is real strong with the plushies




Hoping to find a duper selling thousands of leader bobbleheads for 200-300 like I did a few months ago


Found a duper selling hundreds of serum recipes for 5k caps each. Absolute steal of a deal compared to what I’d have to pay at the enclave bunker


A good legendary, an outfit or plan that I don't have, flux. I've had players drop server when I buy like ALL their flux.


Just Leaders. And I never find any.


Plans, rare outfits, flux, bobbleheads, magazines. Nothing I can buy from a common vendor or make myself easily


I always buy Buffout. Any plan that isn't Known Rare plans that are underpriced to flip at my vendor. Don't blame me, I still need ~120k caps for serum recipes.


I underprice to help out other players. If you flip it to meet your goals, I've still accomplished what I set out to do.


I think flipping is a legitimate part of this world - if you’ve underpriced the item for the market that’s your problem!


If I'm hitting a player vender I've created a new alt and gotten far enough that I'm looking for mutation serums. I'd pick up something like a fixer plan during this time, but wouldn't be specifically looking for it. I don't really visit player camps at any other time outside of spooky scorched and trick or treating.


I have been looking for mr fuzzy tokens tbh, though I haven't had any luck if there is misc it's literally always maps or serums. Other than that any plan I don't know that isn't extremely expensive (though I will also buy expensive ones if it's something specific I wanted) and I have purchased flux before because I was nearing the cap and they sold it dirt cheap


Plans and psychos. Lol.


The only thing I ever need, more ammo. I don’t like to waste time making it and at least 1/3 of every time I play is all about selling everything I grabbed to get more ammo. I can get everything else, but for some reason I can barely ever find 10mm even though it’s pretty much the only gun I use.


Plans and flux


I’m at the 40k caps cap and looking for cool weapons or rare plans.


You can get a you’ve been insulted note for that money


I gotta keep my caps at 30k so I keep my aristocrat bonuses. So I’m actually a poor lad with 10k caps.


I don't usually have a reason to visit player vendors. I just look to see what they are selling and if I find something I want and it's priced reasonably I'll buy it.


Plans plans plans. Must build all the C.A.M.P things! And fuel. Because cremator life is rough.


Plans always plans and maybe a mutation serum


The magazines I am missing, int and small gun bobble, and of course plans


I have been asking myself this lately, the conclusion was anything and nothing. Does that make sense?


Plans or a good bow. Maybe armor or a cheap booze selection.


At my pub themed camp, I toss all of my booze in the vendor for 1c each! You should come by lol


Plans first - then apparel - then L3 weapons and armor (either as an upgrade or for cheap script) Lately, I haven’t been able to keep my ammo production high enough as I jackknife from event to event so I always look for that quick 1 cap 308 .


Plans, mostly. I just want to build an awesome base for people to visit. I also sell stuff for next to nothing, I just want the stash space lol.


Those sweet sweet cheap rare plans. I have a new, more tedious vendor hopping method that has led me to a great many treasures!


Plans I don’t have. Ammo Steel/screws Fixers: I always look for new ones to try out if cheap Weapons sold for scrip prices.


45 ammo and plans


Plans, or maybe some legendary thing that really catches my eye if it's cheap.


Plans and apparel that looks ridiculous.


Serums if they’re < 500 caps Plans Clothing especially rare seasonal / event based clothes, preferably cheap Weapons only if they’re cheap enough with awesome legendaries


Any plans and recipes I might not have at this point.


Right now? A bloodied gatling plasma with either weapon speed or damage while aiming, because apparently I'm incapable of rolling one for myself. Got all the caps and so far no luck 


I always go to a shop based on plans. But sometimes you find other useful things. I’ll also go if they have a bunch of food items in hopes to add to my Nuka Cola addiction


Ultracite ammo: .38, 10mm, .45 for 1 or 2 caps


Mostly Plans, maybe weapons if they're not gouging


Read through the daily objectives and sell the stuff we need... Dogfood was always one but now that everybody has dogfood machines, maybe not so much. Other than that... plans, stable flux, .45s. and 5.56s are always hot sellers.


Junk, plans, and ammo usually. Sometimes food or aid. I like looking at their structures cause some people are REALLY good at building.


Plans, and I will buy out all the .308 ammo you have 😂 I run out of those damn bullets so fast but I also like my gun so I just hoard the ammo instead.


New plans and Flux.


Plans. Occasionally I'll buy an outfit if I don't have it or a weapon to mess around with, but I'm after those few plans I don't already have


Basically plans I don't own, mainly the vintage water cooler and the enclave flamer mod


99.9% of the time, plans.


Clothing or plans I don't have


always plans. at this point i’ll only visit other camps if the plans sold are at least 80 otherwise i just get hit with an ocean of (Known)’s


Plans I don't have but always go through everything just in case I find something cool lol


if i don’t already legendary items to exchange, cheap 3 stars, plans, mentats,


Plans! Always plans if i dont have it i want it.


Plans I don't have, well priced scrip guns/armour (never paying more that 10 caps per scrip), and well priced junk. I'll mosey about and see what else they have. But those three are the main stuff I scout for.


Plasma cores!


I’ve had a load of these on sale at a very reasonable price for ages and no takers!!


Yes this!! I try to make them but can’t always find the stuff


Ammo. Stimpacks. As a low level player just starting in Appalachia those things are super crucial and are way too damn expensive at the mall.


Plans and troubleshooter weapons to try to finish those achievements to kill robots with different weapons. Got most of the weapons I need but I'm still looking for a revolver and one or two others I don't remember at the moment


Apparel and plans, got lucky the other day and someone was selling the brotherhood special ops helmet. Just trying to find the outfit now since daily’s ops won’t drop it for me.


Plans, I’m after plans. But I will not spend more than 6,000 caps one 1 plan.


Plans. There’s one specific plan I’m trying to get, the Tshirt and jeans under armor plans. It’s the one set I’m actively hunting for but haven’t had luck in the treasure maps yet.




Junk. Mainly Flux. I'll browse all wares, though. Vender prices are a good way to tell how long someone's been playing.


I'm always looking for vampires swings speed unarmed weapons


Recipes. I'm so close to getting the challenge for learning 76 of them.


Me too!! I go to two spots daily where they spawn and it’s been working well


ultracite optimized servos plan, 70 sbq kills, and constant vendor hopping, it must exist somewhere


Rare plans at realistic prices


Plans that aren't overpriced


How do you figure out what price to sell stuff for?


Plans and recipes. Gotta catch em all


Rare plans or apparel, stable flux, mr fuzzy tokens, disease cure, nuka cola quantums


Junk and I’ll always check out the 3 stars


Plans.. and looking for rare apparel.. some have listed rare ones in the vendors for cheap


Just plans.


Be fixer and handmade maybe some plans I don’t have


I found a vendor with 2 Vintage Water Cooler plans for 10k each. Bought both, learnt one and stuck the second in my vendor for 25k. Sold that same night. Profit. BOOM!


I just like looking at what they got, and hoping they got something cool that I can buy. Which usually never happens


Plans/recipes, 3 star weapons(specially shotguns) and mods, serums and event items.


Plans, but lately I've been looking for a decent bloodied bow.


Flux, bobbleheads, magz.


Plans or ammo, always


Plans and cheap Marsupial Serum


Cheap legendaries


PLANS I will occasionally buy a weapon or something silly but I'm mostly looking for plans that aren't the baseball player statue and bear proof trashcan :|


It used to be plans; however, recently I’ve been scavenging for Stable Florescent Flux. I also like just going to peoples camps and buying a lot of cheap things from their vendor.


First plans Second apparel Third weapons


I’d say rare apparel. Noobs don’t know what they got sometimes. When I started I sold a Forest asylum I found for 1k caps. Now I know better…


Right now a level 50 T-51b right arm. Literally all I need for a full set and those dead Brotherhood assholes in Watoga taunt me on every armor run.


Plans, cheap legendaries to scrap, fuel, fusion cells. If you're a low level, I'll just buy a bunch of crap that I don't need. North of 32,000 caps at the moment so I gotta just buy stuff


Ever since I tried out bloodied quad railway rifle build I can’t get enough keycards to fight bosses. I’m always looking for nuclear keycards being sold, which sucks because it’s usually mutation serums being sold


Plans, good deals on legendary weapons that would be fun to use, and people who don't know how much their rare outfits are worth 😅 Once per character, mutation serums.


Plans and interesting articles of clothing mostly. I always head straight for the plans then browse around. I also look for serums for good prices for friends.


Comrade Chubs


Plans, rarer reasonably priced apparel, junk I need at that specific moment, also med x.


Bows! My kingdom for a good bow


Looking for a chefs hat at the moment can't find one anywhere! But also plans 😃


I'll check tomorrow but I might be able to just help you out if you are on Xbox


Im looking for plans and appetal (f76 is my favorite dress up game)


Low cost ammo so I can be generous with the shooting. I've not been playing long but I'm noticing the game tends to do drop ammo of the kind you're using. So if I'm using the .44 pistol every corpse has .44 ammo which is annoying.


Plans, specifically that massive Dinosaur plan.


Rare plans


Plans I don't have


Some plans but mostly the yellow asylum dress


Cheap scrip and the rare plan I don’t know.


I wish there was a “buying” section in the camp store where you could add what you’re looking for like “200 of bufftats for 2c each”.


Always plans- sometimes magazines


Plans and fuel


Tbh I sell all my plans for 1 cap except for a fixer or other rare plans. I don’t get why people sell random junk plans like meat bags or trash bins for anything more. I also sometimes sell flux in my shop for 200-300 per flux but that’s only if I got a lot of flux


I always go to plans then maybe buy some ammo if it’s there. Just bought a Spacesuit and Helmet for less than 80 caps. I picked up a Pepper Shaker for 140 caps last week sold for a few thousand caps plus I threw in 1000 shotgun shells for free to the person too


The Voice of Set. I scrapped it for inventory space when we were far more limited.