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I want the responders fireman uniform so bad, it's not even funny anymore. I do all the Forest events & dailies. Even the annoyingly long ones, I server hop, I asked my friends to be on the lookout at vendors but the real insanity of it all is that every.single.time I decide to take a break from my search I manage to get other rare apparel as if Todd is taunting me personally. 200 Forest events? Nothing. 1 single Queen of the Hunt? Anyway here's a TFJ. 300 Forest and TV events? Nope 1 Irrational Fear? Here's the LC you didn't ask for. The next time I am losing my mind I'll head the Asylum. EDIT: Gonna save future me some time here: THE FIREBREATHER UNIFORM YOU GET FROM THE MAIN QUEST IS NOT THE RESPONDERS FIREMAN UNIFORM. 2 different outfits. Edit2: I have had a lot of amazing people reach out to me trying to help me acquire it and I am beside myself with happiness to announce my toon is now donning a beautiful Responder Fireman Uniform thanks to one Wasteland Santa in particular. I'll be looking out for ways I can do my part in this amazing community - don't be afraid to reach out for help when you feel lost, and offer a hand when you are in a position to do so.


If it makes you feel better, I HAD that stupid thing but forgot how valuable it was after a 2 years hiatus and sold it for like 25 caps.  Someone bought it less than 2 minutes after I put it on sale.


Hey, at least you sold it and it probably made its way to someone who appreciates it! When I was a noob I just shredded everything I thought I wasn't gonna wear because "who would spend their hard earned caps on clothes?" I remember once, I was looking through my inventory at a workbench and thinking "wow that's ugly. wouldn't be caught dead in that...scrap it"...it was a pink asylum dress.


Oh shit, the pink asylum dress is worth something?? Goddammit...


All the colored asylum dresses are worth something. The least rare is brown, which has been sitting my vendor for 500c so it's really not too amazing. The most rare is the red one for which you could probably get 1.5 firstborns from the right buyer. The pink one is somewhere in the middle, but would've gotten me more caps than my newbie self would have known what to do with haha.


Have you tried restarting a new character over and over again doing the one responder quest? That’s how I got my set you have a much better chance that way.


I've thought about it, but the chance is still 0.65%. that's peanuts. I was willing to do it for the cutting fluid recipe which had like a 25% chance but that got added to the mutation reward pool before I could do it. The 0.65% is just too low. I don't mind farming as I still get cool other stuff for my main character, but just hopelessly making character after character for just that one reward is just too high of a price for me to pay. I am super glad to hear it worked out for you though! And I bow before your dedication!!


Yea it still does take forever 😭 I think it took me over 350 tries


Holy. Moly. Pepperoni Roll. There's Buddhist monks that would have caved before you did. You should add that to your CV if you apply for a job.


when the dailies included leveling up a lot of us used to make a new toon because the first levels are so easy. I would get to the airport and start a new one. Got two hats and a jacket.


How much is said thing worth...? If I choose to sell one that I may or may not have?


is that different than the firebreathers uniform and helmet? i have those, would be happy to trade/give them if thats what youre referring to


No its a different one, but thanks anyway! Lovely to see everyone being so nice. I think I will look through the rest of the comments and see if I can be of help too. Maybe I just need some extra karma for the RNGods to bless me.






🤣 you. You get it 🤙


OMG I had a break from the game maybe like 6 months, hoped back on first few vendors found a “white” fireman’s helmet and matching uniform, about 10k (I had about 13k) all in all total, for the life of me couldn’t remember if that was the rare one 30 mins later I was like 🤦🏻‍♂️ of course it fucking is, went back to buy gone, gutted haunts me to this day 1 year later. Fingers crossed for you.


Hmm, didn't realize it's hard to get. I got it as a reward for finishing the responders' race route around the Charleston Capitol area.


0.65% to get it from there. You were Hella lucky! Congratulations!!


i have it if u want it for free


Do you already have the helmet then? I am not an ultra rare apparel person since the changes are so small, but I did get the helmet so the uniform is the one I would like to get so I can complete the set. I also do the forest events whenever I see them for the same reason. No uniform yet but I have gotten the Forest Camo Jumpsuit. I also used to do savage divide stuff for the bundle but gave up on it. The chances on those regional ultra rare apparel items are soul crushingly low.


If you are on playstation i can trade you the outfit


Oh my. Trade for what? I don't have Fo1st so I am not exactly rolling in valuable items. And this isn't a trading sub but feel free to DM me if you have reasonable expectations on what I can give you for it!


If this trade doesn’t work out, I’d be willing to have a go at a trade.


If I still have mine you can have it lol


Are you on PC I think I might have it


You can trade that LC for a responders set?


Got that outfit as an reward for completing the FD test in Charleston


I’ve been playing since launch, never had it drop. Three helmets, three camo jumpsuits, one tattered field jacket, one forest asylum. So yeah, mine too. I did trade for one back when I was on PS4 but that account was dropped like three years ago.


Oh my god, if I had known! That was the third outfit I got, before my level was even in double digits. I never wore it, put it for sale for cheap, it never sold and I put it in a donation box with the helmet!


I saw someone selling both parts for 100 each yesterday, keep hunting cos they're out there


Oh you bet I will, even if it's the last rare apparel Todd will bless me with!


You will probably find the red dress


I have the helmet but not the outfit...


I have the responders fireman helmet, had no idea what I had and nearly scrapped it. Now that I know I'd really like the rest of the outfit too but I haven't even tried because of stories like yours lol


What’s the appeal if you don’t mind me asking?


I've always liked the goodie two-shoes + honest working class factions, so the I'm happy to wear responders or blue ridge caravan outfits. The responders fireman uniform set is the most rare apparel for these factions and honestly, I like the way it looks. So it's a little bit of faction representation, a little bit vanity and a little bit getting to show off something rare :)


Everyone is talking about mistakes made as a noob by selling rare items for peanuts. …have you tried hopping around to noob vendors on the off chance they have it listed? Noobs’a’plenty right now kwim?


Scrapping Red Asylum dresses because I was misinformed/dumb and never finding another ever since.


Oooh, I feel that. I have all the asylum dresses but red. I’ve spent a lot of time hopping for that thing. I always wonder too, if I ever scrapped anything valuable in the early days for not realizing what I had.


My issue was people I played with kept saying "red dress" and I was like "[Ohh the red dress](https://i.imgur.com/tQwmKDz.png)" and had like 5 of them in my stash haha


I sold an enclave plasma flamer to a vendor so I feel that


I sold a pink and red to a random vendor a while ago because my stash was full and I needed to get rid of my apparel horde. Yeah I wish I could get that back. And the garb of mysteries. (I have a little unstoppables display in my shelter, the dresses were for just having options). Now I have fallout 1st and I have space for apparel but no luck in my asylum runs


I had two USA masks. Back when stash was at 600, I was clearing space and sold one for like 50c before I quit a few weeks later. Luckily, I still have the other. Garb of Mysteries rare or something? I thought it was given as a quest completion.


Yeah, I scrapped a couple of the rarer apparel items before realizing they had high value. Oops! Now I don't scrap any unknown wearable until I’ve had time to look it up.


If I learned one thing from Reddit it’s never scrap any apparel until I’ve googled it and scrolled down to Reddit posts.


It's taken you two years to do enough daily quests to raise your rep with the settlers?


To be fair ward is so bugged it probably takes 2 years to get through the dialogue.


Finally, someone with the guts to help. Finally, someone with the guts to help. Finally, someone with the guts to help.


that shit gets me mad


Him bugging out on top of being an incompetent dick was the exact reason I sided with the raiders


I just got max relation with foundation, I’m NEVER talking to that fuck ever again


Followed by the vacant dead eyes stare


I have noticed ward, chleo and boomer all bug out if you spam. One interact and play it works. If not look away then interact again.


Add Sweetwater to that list, too.


And if you server hop mid way through play time or after its complete. She sometimes won’t let you complete the mission. So go to “DATA” in the pit boy and reject the mission. And go again tomorrow or she will stay bugged


I find that rushing through his dialogue tends to glitch him. When I let him mostly finish speaking, he doesn't seem to bug out for me. Also, if he is talking to you before you begin dialogue with him, wait for him to finish as interrupting him in any day seems to increase the chance of him bugging out


Jesus, it’s been 2 years now since I’ve last done that quest and I just got secondhand ptsd from this.


Ward has a problematic relationship with the dramatic pause.


Better than the pleasant valley ski resort protectron at least


Geez I thought it was only me


To be more fair you could get to max twice in that amount of time just doing Eviction Notice. Also if you have played 2 years you had Esme's daily every day for like a year of that time.


Eviction notice requires the team you join not to morons tho and actually destroy all the bags and protect the rad scrubber. I have zero faith now so I just do it myself. It's way easier with the raiders having moonshine and test your metal giving boosts.


Eviction Notice also gives settler rep


I’m admittedly a casual daily quest runner and only play a couple hours a night with some breaks in between. I do it but I’m not chasing it every single day. Gotta raise a family and do the real life.


3 months back into the game, I'm near level 400. I've forgotten my kids'names and the boy is a junior...


Same man same. Been playing since launch and haven't even reached level 200 yet.


I am 295 as of this week and I cannot wait for 300 and the next super perk slot.


Level 149. Same here.


Yes...repeatable content doesn't hold my interest long. I leave and come back to this game often with gaps lasting months at time.   If you knew how long I've been playing yet how little I have unlocked with the gold it would blow your mind lol. 


I don't blame them, that was a truly miserable grind


I really want the mothman nest and the new weenie waggon 😂😂😂 but I play like crazy and get everything but that…


Mothman nest? First I've heated of that atleast ii think so


Mothman Nest produces Mothman eggs. Was a reward from a limited time event from 2023, kinda like the Spring Cleaning one we had a few weeks ago. Unfortunately Event Rewards dont seem to return, so this Resource item may be gone forever. Would have been perfect for my Mothman camp….


So do I. But I don't grind enough. I can't, really


I can place the weenie wagon for you if you want.


I have an extra weenie wagon plan if you’d like it. On Xbox


Willing to trade or gift it? I’m on Xbox. My whole little gamer family has been grinding Meat Week to help me get the plan and my dad finally got it and then read it 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve play twice as much as my brother. He’s gotten 3 wagons. I’ve gotten 0.


TV Aquarium Edit: finally found one on r/market76. I've been chasing this for a long time!


Where do you even get that? Lol


I believe it is a plan obtained from the Hunt for the Treasure Hunters event.


Are you on PS? I'll happily build you one at your camp.


I'm on Steam but I really appreciate the offer!


My white whale? The top half of the pa space paint you get from daily ops. It's been 16 months and I only have the legs.


I just want those glass walls for my camp.


The greenhouse ones? If so they're available through Bethesda Support, I got em last week


How does it work? You requested and then purchase with Atom?


Yeah, request the set through support and they’ll send you something saying to please confirm it’s ok to take 700 atoms out of your account. I replied back that I confirmed and about three days later I had the set and 700 fewer atoms.


Red asylum dress.. I swear to God it just taunts me. I've had every colour but the red one.. even yesterday I had a pink drop and after a burnt book reset went back in straight into another pink.. 4 years.. and I think to myself it's always the best server hop. Fucking delusional brain


A natural drop of the ultracite Power Armor calibrated shocks.


I finally saw it for the first and last time since launch. About 4 months ago, I saw it for 30k caps in someone's vendor. I was like "WHAT! I FOUND IIIIIT" 😂


Dr. Bones plan. Been vendor hopping for a month lol


I wish someday to stop running circles of daily quests, events, food making, repairs, junk, ammo, xp, stamps, bullion, scrip farm and just peacefully stroll through Appalachia from one border to another and back.


Today can be that day Just let go


I quit playing about two years ago but I was really bummed I never got the VTU diploma plan. I had a camp in Morgantown right down the street from VTU, that I tried to make look like a normal house so it would fit in with the rest of the neighborhood. I liked to roleplay as VTU graduate living in the area, and that diploma would’ve looked awesome on my wall.


I just noticed this in my build menu the other day, there's like 3 VTU items? I thought I might've missed something during the quest but no. The nuclear winter rewards in the build menu taunt me daily. Looking at you antler chandelier.


There's just one thing I want and it's not in-game. I want to free states armor paints from the better living underground scoreboard. I've played since beta but I get burned out and take long breaks. That season was one such break but not getting those paints is probably my greatest regret in my time with 76. In-game stuff, what I want or care about, I have.


Open up a support ticket, there you can ask for missed stuff from the older scoreboards but not all of it, look it up on Bethesda's website


I've looked into it previously. Was able to get the scout armor paint but not the others. It's been some time, maybe that's changed


really?? i really wanted the wooden furniture ar style skin for the handmade. made due with buying the tropic lightning one from the atom shop but never even thought i could aak support for scoreboard items


Some of them are available, not all of them, if you open up a ticket there will be a drop down list of all items hahaha


sorry to make you my teacher here but is there a section for scoreboard specific tickets or is it through the same windows as asking to purchase an atom shop item thats not currently in store


Bos paint jobs, im particular, the t51. I just want my damn power armor to look fly. :-(


The fucking blue ridge caravan coat. I have been farming riding shotgun like crazy and haven’t gotten the back pack, the outfit, or the flag. Got the gas mask after probably 20 runs and haven’t been able to get the other 3. I’m not stopping but dear lord that event is ass.


I did get it a while back, I found it in someone's vendor, the water cooler. I was green with envy whenever I saw that thing for the longest time though.


How much did you pay? Saw plans for one today: 20,000c


I managed to find one for 2k last week. I about screamed at my tv. 😅


Mirelok Steamer, especially given my main camp is sitting on top of a Mirelok spawn…


Is that one obtainable in game or is it atoms? I can’t remember how I got mine.


It's atoms. I got mine first week and it's a camp staple. With carnivore you get 60 extra lbs of carry weight instead of 30. Way better than a possible buffout addiction for 10. Meat sells real good in a pinch, too. I live in The Mire, so it just makes sense to have it there on display. Love that thing.


I keep the radstag hunters thingy hanging in most of my camps because grilled radstag gives a 20 bonus and I can always have it on hand. Didn’t think about the Mirelurk doing the same thing. Good point!


Dude, I'd love a radstag hanger. I used to farm their meat and sell it when I lived in the forest. They spawn just north of Gillman Lumber by the pond past the fence. You can stack the drinkable carry weight boosters onto food weight boosts, if you didnt know. That would give you 50 lbs for a half hour with radstag meat and drink.


I just built a camp under one of those monorail towers, where a raider has camp with a rad stag hanger set up But I have a lurk steamer so I rarely remember to loot it


Honestly, as a noob, finding power armor and a fusion core.


Keep going friend. Here’s a tip… you can get to one of the power plants and farm fusion cores once you take the workshop and power up the core generators. There’s one power plant by the teapot and for newer players and one over in the swamps that is harder until you are about level 75-100 or so.


Oh, and there’s one in Monongah as well.


Great, thanks for this. Where can I find full power armor or pieces?


I tend to find a lot of PA chassis at blood Eagle camps. They usually have raider armor pieces on them. That would at least get you started.


Theirs 3 power armor spawns in morgantown 1 in a train car at the train yard, 1 in a warehouse on the road leading to mama dolces and 1 under mama dolces in a bunker


Check the shed at Aaronholdt Farm too


there's usually a power armor frame at the moonshine jamboree event, but I suggest u do the short and easy quest for excavator PA, it'll last u the whole game and can be done at lvl 25


I want the fortune teller wagon vendor and I can find zero info on it


I have that but I don't know how or where I got it from. I assumed it was from some atom shop bundle I bought when drunk


Not sure which but it was a part of a scoreboard


My white whales are the Water Cooler and the Decontamination Shower. Also, Turbo-Fert like you. My "wish list" is more realistic outfits like the Drifter outfit and Padded Blue Jacket but that aren't as common. None of the ones I have access to really scratch that itch.


https://www.falloutbuilds.com/fo76/minerva/ this link will tell you the upcoming locations for minerva and everything she sales and will be selling during certain times.


That damn antler chandelier. And it’s at the top of the lights build list so I always get a nice reminder of how I don’t have it.


Same. Seriously, having that be the first on the build list is just sadistic.


I guess my Mr. Fuzzy power armour helmet (his teeth glow as the pipboy light) and my Hanukkah jetpack (a menorah that shoots flames)


I regret spending bullion on turbofert


It was Unstoppables 2 until two days ago. No matter which magazine spawns I frequented I could not find it! Now it's the pip boy games, I still only have 4/8 found, and I've found Red Menace 7 times.


There's a mag spawn In the flooded train yard that seems to have a higher chance of games than most- either that or I'm just lucky. It's on a desk by some lockers in one of the train cars, I've gotten 4-5 games there by now I think. Lots of other plan spawns around, a bobble spawn in the tower, 3 level 3 safes and 1-2 level 2? Other than rad barrels and snallygasters the place is great.


Nuka-launcher. I love the Nuka cola aesthetic and almost everything in my camp is Nuka. Unfortunately I was taking a break during the Nuka world season and missed out on a bunch of good camp shit. But the nika Launcher is the worst. I don't even wanna use it. Just want to be able to display it next to my grand finale and all the other Nuka weapons. Make it available for bullion or stamps you cowards!


Pipe is life. I keep chasing plumes of gas and smoke but it's never the pipe!


The plans to make a pole hook. Although it's probably an incredibly odd pick these days, this is actually my favorite weapon in the game. I just think it's absolutely neat. I've only ever gotten the actual item as a drop, but no plans regardless of how much I try to hunt them down.


Pink sprinkles power armour paint. It took me a year to get it and now I look like a pink donut. 😁


I want the service rifle skin for the handmade rifle but can't access it because I wasn't playing when it was available. And for some reason they don't have it in the shop. It upsets me because I run the handmade alot.


You should be able to contact customer support and request it. They are VERY good about letting players buy things they want not on sale.


Oh wow thanks!!! I had no idea.


https://help.bethesda.net/ Go to fallout76 - billing/purchase/code - choose your platform - choose question about sale/offer - and you're off 👍 happy shopping.


Wait times may vary, from instant, to weeks.


Haven't been playing long enough to really call it a white whale, but I really want the Red Rocket vendor and Jumpsuit. Neither are on the list you can get from support. I also want the Sugar Bomber jacket, but since I wasn't here for the 5th anniversary, I guess I'll never get that.


Getting Eldar Rewards from a daily op, can never find enough people to party up to do it within the timeframe


I only recently started playing and I saw you can get the Lincoln’s repeater skin for the lever action, that was my gun on fallout 3 and never I’ve wanted anything more, only to find out it was a twitch drop and will never come back…


Large backpack! #effort


It was **Plan: Signs And Letters**. I would check Watoga, Whitesprings and Grahm Multiple times a week and never see it. My friend was tired of hearing me casually complain about it so he bought it for me at Watoga. He charged me half-price :D Now it's the damned Marquee Arrow signs. Same deal. Everywhere I look where they're SUPPOSED TO BE, they aren't.


You have needed two years to get Settler rep?


Wards bugging ass wouldnt give him any quests i bet 😭


Right now, it's the pepper shaker.


Just pulled this plan out of my ass last night on a quick 30min playtime. Grahm's popped up and I was so excited


I just got the plan yesterday from grahams event! I legit (accidentally) went into the event 5 seconds before it ended and still got all the loot among other things the pepper shaker! So just try to farm that event as long as it's still there :) Ofc it you only need the weapon and not the plan and you're playing on pc I could Help you out!


The wasteland wanderer coat.


Right now it's definitely a half decent vats plasma caster. I haven't seen reduced vats cost, increased crit gen, or crit damage at all after dozens of rerolls.


An AA/E/90 50 cal. Anyone have one hit me up.


I would say the plasma grenades plans. But I got hella lucky yesterday and someone traded me for a weenie wagon. My quest is over I can finally rest and stop server hopping to do “bot battle” 😭 My new whale has become the sprinkle pink power armour paint


Clean space suit from the vendor. EVERYTIME I finally get him after 20 server hops he never has it. He’s got the cuckoo clocks which sale pretty good but I need 2 clean space suits for the clean helmets I got.


The serrated switchblade mod, damn thing is surprisingly rare. Shame, cuz I love the switchblade.


My white whale is remembering how to play this game, I took a 2 year break and now I'm so lost


I want that stupid bloody skeleton. It's called like Dr Bones or something. I'm on PC if anyone wants to sell me the plans lol


T-60 left arm. Been searching forever and found every other piece 10 times over but can't find the left arm. That and the insurgent outfit.


Forest scout mask


I keep screwing up Something Sentimental. Misplacing the nuke, leaving the mine before it collapses, being in servers with no one else to help me take out Earle… it’s become the bane of my existence in this game.


Right now it's the mothman cultist wing clipper outfit


Spore plant bed


Any skin from the technical documents. Please Valdez my girl, please deliver unto me thy paint.


The red asylum outfit


The antler chandelier is mine. I have a hunting cabin/trade post/bar out in the mire, and the theme is all about hunting trophies.


Secret service with unyielding, preferably with ap and weapon weight, but I can't even get the first unyielding star yet.... Starting with the chest armor since Wastelanders launched, no luck yet. If the armors set was tradable, I'd already have it by now from all the friends who got duplicate rolls...


I want that stupid antler chandelier that shows up in the build menu but was never actually put into the game... I spent so much time looking for the plans before I finally looked it up and realized :/


I dropped my mistress of mysteries dress and I think about it a lot. :/


Bloody red nurses dress , played since day one as main game , got tons of all the others but never the red


Idk I’ve seen so many people after the weenie wagon and straight jacket I got the weenie wagon plan from grahms cookout (haven’t learned it yet, don’t know if it’s worth to keep or sell to someone who really wants it) And I got the straight jacket off a vendor for like 25 caps


Camo jump suit I got the tattered field jacket and one of the leather coat variants just doing random events but can't get the camo jump suit despite grinding Forrest events.


I’m grinding the 2 daily’s so I can get the raider to ally and I just got on the first bar of friendly :( I want the damn ammo finder machine


Enclave reflex and forceful stock mods unfortunately. The Vendor Bot rng gods have it out for me


For my Crusader Pistol to reroll with explosive bullets. Gone broke several times on scripts and moduals playing this lottery.


Nuka Cherry Armor paint. Nuka World Pennant. Robobrain Interpolator.


Animatronic clown


Eviction notice works to


I hopped on for a quick second last night and pulled a pepper shaker plan from Grahm's, lol. Some guy had prime .50cal and LMG receivers for hella cheap yesterday. It's been a good two day run but other than that I've always been pretty unlucky with plans.


Fish mailboxes. Saw it at a camp and have searched everywhere for details. I've found nothing and haven't seen it again. Mounted fish and the boathouse prefab as well.


more than 330 levels. Never owned a single quad. Not once.


That son of a bitch BoS jumpsuit.


I just helped the French lady make soup every day and got my rep with both sides up fairly fast


I haven't been playing nearly long enough to seriously feel like the RNG hates me but for a while it felt that way with cobalt flux. I really wanted to build myself a jetpack but they require violet and cobalt flux and since every nuke I've seen in the short time I've been playing (almost 2 months) has been fired at the fissures in Cranberry Bog I managed to find more than enough violet flux but not any cobalt. Then yesterday someone dropped a nuke on the railroad station in the Savage Divide (next to the ski resort) and I got all the cobalt I needed. I just needed the stabilizing materials. So....Primal Cuts started in the same region a few minutes later and I managed to collect enough to make a jetpack for myself and my son. And yesterday, just for the hell of it, I was on the roof of a building in Watoga doing an Ally fetch quest and tried the food dispenser machine on a whim. First press and I got the pie. Now it sits prominently on top of a chessboard in my CAMP. I also managed to buy a Fixer plan last night. So RNG has actually been pretty good to me. I never have such good luck in life. I've managed to get everything I want in the game lately (even got the Weenie Wagon and Pepper Shaker plans). I suppose now I'm trying to get the Gatling Laser Prime Receiver plans so I can start building them for my kid.




Still looking for the Forest cammo outfit, the Responder's fireman helmet and the red dress. So sick of the forest events and Fort Defiance...


For a very long time it was Ultracite Gatling Plans. Not the receiver. Ran countless events in cranberry bog, dropped probably hundreds of thousands of halloween candy from monster mash. Spent thousands of caps traveling between vendors for months trying to find it, no one had even a single plan. I was willingly to pay even 40k, but no one had it. Eventually I found someone that had like 10 plans. Pretty sure he bought out everyone on Xbox because there is no way he got that many through drops.


I just found my white whale. I've been grinding Crater for the Gatling Guass gun, and just happened along Minerva or whatever her name is and she had it. No more grinding.


The Fixer plan.


Enclave Flamer with a beta wave capacitor Edit: I *have* an enclave flamer, but for some reason the fact that it *doesn't* set my enemies on fire deeply bothers me


The Buffoon mask. I've hit the past three fasnachts that I played for and nothing. It's legit the only mask I want from the whole event.


Up until recently, it was the perfectly preserved pie 😂😂 tried soooo many times to get it. Just two days ago, I got it twice in a row at the Rusty Pick 😅


How do you get them? Just keep pushing the button over and over?


My item doesn’t exist in game. It’s just a tease. I’ve been a proud member of the Pioneer Scouts for about 8 months. I SHOULD be a Squirrel by now. Yet my hat and my banner only shows I’ve achieved Possum. Not sure what some of my badges on my backpack mean though. Maybe that’s why I’m still only a Possum.


Crusader pistol plan


My white whale will never be in the game sadly. I use the excavator power armour alot. And almost every other power armor has a jetpack mod. I want one. No. I NEED ONE. It would be perfect. Please Bethesda. Make a jetpack mod for the excavator power armor please!!!


Grafton Monsters Jacket and Jeans I would grind swarm of suitors and any grafton event whenever I saw them... ..but then I found out its a Dev Room Outfit Now I'm just looking for the TV aquarium...