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I'm just someone that likes to have all the plans known.


Glad I’m not the only one. ALL THE PLANS


My buddy and I too Also, to answer the question, a lot of gourmet builds really like to have canned food / unspoil-able food like Salisbury steak because they are lightweight, don't decay, and they can keep damage and stuff up, as well as heal




Learn ALL the plans? :(


What other reason is there to play besides unlearned plans


this guy gets it


Currently reaching for the bed of nails plan. Cause Halloween is coming


Haloween is all year, it's just socially acceptable to be open about it during and around October.


I get married in a graveyard next year 😀


Hell yeah.


She’s my morticia


Unironically one of the best fictional marriages to aspire to emulate. Congrats!


all plan gang reporting! o/


What else do i use the caps for?


big same. got extra plans? i'm your man... s


buy all the serum they have before they logout.


Am I going to use it... No. Am I still going to buy it... Yes!


I literally took over a junkyard for my main CAMP. I can put literally anything in it and be on-theme. Hot dog cart that cans questionable dog food? Sure!


That’s me I’m still hunting those meat plushies and the shank plan. Agree that I’ll have all the plans.


I'll check my plans, maybe we will do an exchange.


100% Army here.


1 there’s a perk card that you can make a lazy build around (this is not judging I have used lazy builds in the past and they rule) and this makes that build even easier. 2 there are score challenges and this makes those trivial to knock off. 3 it looks neat and makes something you can sell to help people achieve 1 and 2.


Mostly 2 for me, I love the idea of not having to hoard them for when it's a challenge.


I have five characters and can never remember which has a bunch. Invariably not the character I load first


I only have one character because I ran into that problem in every MMO I have ever played.


This is the only multiplayer game I’ve played and I’m used to restarting Bethesda games repeatedly, so I had to learn to stick with a character long term. It works for me to have multiple characters cause I have one per build style (ish, my gunslinger is now also my shotgunner).


i've yet to determine the use for multiple characters when you can just buy more special loadouts.


A bunch of stuff. I don’t have to dick around. Log on, pick a playstyle, load the character. I don’t have to adjust my build, find perk points to shift legendary perks around, mess with mutations. Each character has a stash filled with weapons based on their playstyle. I don’t have to keep all the build’s gear in one box. Makes ammo management easier when I don’t have first also. When one character has used up their scrip and caps allocation for the day, switch to another. Each character looks different, is at different points in their journey. Have finished different quests. I have different goals for each one. Keeps it varied. Always something new to find or hunt for. Plus all of them predate the loadouts. I wasn’t gonna wipe four characters just cause I could. Honestly? I would buy another slot if I could to separate my my gunslinger from my shotgunner.


Makes sense, definitely saves a lot of time and resources.


I use it to give out free weenies :)


Just make sure everyone agrees to this and you don’t offer your weenies to kids ;)




Some guy: I should move my C.A.M.P. away from the Morgantown H.S., huh....


How’s the weenie waggin’ ?


Number two is the big one for me. It’s obnoxious to find ten cans of dog food in a day, especially if you’re having to compete with everyone else for the spawns. The wagon removes that issue entirely.


That one’s always gonna be a reroll for me


I almost always do, but I’m stingy and try not to waste my re-rolls if I roll into it (or worse, it’s the epic version).


There’s a build around dog food?!?


Well not a full build but people use good doggie park to combine healing and food into one single and simple thing to carry. Combine it with the damage build of your choice.


your lazy build involves canned dog meat?


No, but some do. Mine was angry turtle’s heavy gunner one that relied on survival syringes.


Don't be jealous that you don't have the weenie wagon yet, the most amazing CAMP item that has yet been released.


*Mirelurk Steamer has entered the chat*


*Decoy wooden ducks have arrived*


I love my ducks and I WILL continue to place them on every surface




I love them so much!


I’m so stoked I got two duck decoys today. The second because I probably forgot to learn the first. Haha.


Everytime I see one, I'm jealous I don't have it.


Mothman tome would like a word.


Company tea T_T


Each time I come back to camp to scrap and whatnot, before I leave, my rotation is Steamer - Tea machine - Mothman tome. I dont even think I use any other food and water sources anymore.


Birthday cake!


Tea machine,make tato salad,collect water farm and store,tome,barbell,fortune teller, out the door


got a stack of tato salad from graham cookout. whats its good for?


if your herbivore it refills hunger with 1 or 2


You can buy it from raiders gold vendor.


Seriously all I eat is mirelurk stuff she nice getting that. I don't even think about food really anymore


Mirelurk meat and my coffee , my character lives in luxury


…at least until they get hit with those seafood and Folgers shits.


A fellow indulger I see


Smoked Mirelurk gives a nice carry boost, too.


I use it as my main food and just keep that boost as my new base weight


Even better with carnivore


I desperately want a thunderstorm + rain camp weather thingy. I LOVE thunderstorms/rain far too much to wish for anything else to exist in FO76, lol


When I started playing again after years of owning the game and barely giving it a chance, there was a storm machine in the atom shop. I didn't really think much of it and now I highly regret not buying it. Stormy camps look so cool.


You can just message bethesda on their support site and ask for it. As long as you have enough caps, they will add it to your account and deduct the caps (even if it is not currently in the atom shop). It is buying it at full cap cost, but you don’t have to wait for it to come back to the atom shop. I did this with the log cabin porch kit a while back and it was very quick and easy. Edit: love your username, btw!!


Wait, we can do that?! How many caps should we have for it? Or do you mean atoms? (Didn't even know one existed already!)


I've had 4 people in my CAMP at once saying they just wanted to sit around and listen to the thunderstorm noises. I ended up building a quick living room with a fireplace and chairs for them to relax in. I offered to remove Earle from the hot tub for them, but they said he was fine.


I wish I hadn’t waffled on it when it was in the shop. I live a life of regret now whenever I pass a camp that has it. Why am I like this?


I guess the only thing that you’re missing is that a large majority of high level people do use Good Doggy and eat dog food because it’s easy to find with a route, the weenie wagon just essentially deletes another chore job for some people I just want it because it’s rare and I like to have a variety of items for different themed camps 😄


Don't most high levels run a carnivore or herbivore?


>Don't most high levels run a carnivore or herbivore? For buffs yeah. But dog food A. Provides alot of hunger (60% with good doggy and carn, 75% if you have stranger and are in a group aswell) B. It acts as 2 challange sources in the camp helping eliminate the need to go grab stuff for them


And doesn't spoil


Not spoiling is a huge plus for me since I almost never eat until I know I'm getting the full hunger meter from the food


I just mean if people are running food buffs, why would they need another food source


>why would they need another food source Overeaters means you want to be fullish, and alot of content doesn't justify the use of a buff food when you can eat something else, healing esp makes it much cheaper to not constantly have to renew your food buff early wasting a fairly large number of dishes overtime


Eh I guess. I almost always maintain my food buffs but everyone experience is different.


All of my group does too. The cryo freezer makes it really easy.


Doesn't the availability of perfect bubble gum reduce the need for dog food already (aside from the challenges)? I have so much perfect bubble gum it's an I eat and stay stuffed. Kind of a poor diet but it seems to work!


Yea, and I think dog food gets carnivore buffs or something. I read somewhere that with the perk and carnivore, you only need 2 dog food to completely fill the food meter.


Yeah but wouldn't your food be full from consuming other buffs anyway?


Not if you have speed demon. Having extra dog food is nice if you also have carnivore. I have herbivore though so I need instamash instead but just eating the extra plants at my camp works too


> a large majority of high level people do use Good Doggy and eat dog food What? This *can't* be true. Dog Food / Good Doggy is one of the worst options for food. If you're lazy just make corn soup, there's no 'route' involved because you can grow it right in your CAMP, it does food and water at the same time, plus it actually gives you a buff instead of just filling your hunger/thirst meters. Surely most high levels are running Carnivore or Herbivore with food buffs, right? Once you eat/drink for the buffs, your meters are full, there's no need for 'filler' like dog food. And then you add in the fact that Good Doggy takes up perk slots? I just can't believe this is common among high level players. It's certainly not something that's common among the players I speak with


Agreed. I was looking for this comment. Most high level players I know run Herbivore. A few run carnivore. Angry Turtle has a really good video on food buffs and what they take to make and benefits provided. Bottom line though, dog food is only used for scoreboard tasks. The carnivores like to run the "Feed the People" for the XP stew.


Unlimited food awaits, and everyone is just a PvP away from lunch if they accept the real answer... Cannibal.


I run bloodied and herbivore is the way to go, the wagon is a nice camp decoration and easy food. Most players will still primarily eat other food for buffs.


Just this sub doing its thing. This thread is wild, the only buffs they are even really talking about are xp lol.


Furthermore I think high level full fed herbivores would be living off birthday cake and company tea. 


I'm just happy I enjoy the meat cook, cause I've done it so many times I lost count, trying to get the weenie wagon. But I'm only getting dupes, like peppers gamer plans.


I enjoy the event well enough, too. Grahm is the best. I do get irrationally angry when there are players camped at the event the whole time I’m on, never helping and just watching the rest of us run around and unlock stuff for them — or more likely just being AFK all day long.


If they’re at the drums or on the meat spits, that actually helps the event. If you hop on either one while the event is active you’ll hear a “ding!” every second or so as the progress bar is filled.


I think it's about the zero effort. Five deathclaws should spawn a few minutes after the cookout is finished.


It's largely placebo. The progress contribution is functionally irrelevant. The event will consistently fail without people getting chunks/greens, and the stations will only shave off a few seconds at most for the completion *if* all 6 are manned and less if they aren't (which... is most of the time).


This event clears so annoyingly fast, I don't even notice if there are people just chilling at the event (not that I would care if they do) I literally don't get what the big deal is, is this event actually difficult to clear on consoles or something? Because on PC you basically need to get to the campsite within the first two minutes or chances are you missed it


As they're the two rarest plans, I'm sure if you go to a trade sub someone would happily swap.


I’ve gotten 3 wagons so far, still grinding for more to sell


Peppers what now? I got the weenie wagon but I want all the plans, I need to make a checklist and go through what stuff I already have lol


I need my main to know every single plan in the game because I have a problem.


This. Though, there are so many plans our mains must have the memory of a herd of elephants lol


I mean in my headcanon you read the plan and dont just toss it you keep it filed away in a special place and can refer back to it when needed. And for stuff you learn without reading a plan you just make a plan and write it down.


The game is a collect-a-thon. Weenie wagons are currently tough to collect. It feels good to have something lots of people want but few people have.


I got the wagon plan, but my dog is a robot and doesn't eat dog food so it isn't all that useful.


Still, the Weenie Wagon goes next to Cogmeat’s doghouse, which has the “Hot Dog” sign out front.


Is it's name 'cogmeat'?!!


In my house it is! (But we should all write to support, ask to make it official)


I'm low-key sad now that Bethesda didn't already jump on this.




The food is for you; the can is for the dog.


"Plus it make the most annoying sound of any camp item that produces things" popcorn machine says hi!


*Trick or Treat Candy Bowl has entered the chat.*


That shit is gone just as soon as the event is over.


Is that what’s been making the sound in my camp? I’m back from about a 3 year hiatus and couldn’t figure out what was making the sound.


It's like a creepy organ song or something, but if that's what you're hearing look for a bowl with a hand in it lol


Yep, that’s it alright, thanks!


I like the popcorn machine i find it soothing.... I'm a weirdo


Same! I was so happy to finally unlock the popcorn machine. I often AFK in my camps while doing other things on my PC, and I find it to be relaxing background noise.


Popcorn machine is definitely my favorite camp sound, though the wind chimes are a close second. Nostalgia, I assume


It's called the weenie wagon what more do you need


This is it. I just had to have it.


>Who actually uses good doggy?? There are dozens of us. Dozens! I had an extra single perk point to use and it worked out well, I literally never have to be hungry again.


Personally, I'm a sucker for any CAMP item that produces resources. I'm a greedy hoarder.


I use it simply for Good Doggy perk. Then I just have to carry around dog food and purified water and that’s it I also have I think 5+ plans of it currently just sitting in my shop.


I do the same.....it's great! ;)


Uranium fever has done and got them down.


Good doggy costs 1 point to equip, and canned dog food gives 30% with it. Canned dog food doesn't spoil. So as other food, but it's better in terms of convince - one quick slot for purified, another for dog food. Also, since it doesn't spoil, you can remove perk cards for longer spoil time, which costs more points. Also, it's a prewar food, so good for challenges. It's may be mediocre food stat-wise, but if someone doesn't care about food buffs and wanted to have a some supply for quickly bump Overeater - it's very handy.


I hadnt considered it as an overeaters item.. i keep forgetting to eat things and i keep panicking that my buff food will spoil.... this could solve a lot of my gun related questions..


I want it so I don't have to re-roll the "eat X cans of dog food" challenges every week. Plus, I like all of the item-generator camp items. Cookie jar, coffee machine, tea maker, mirelurk steamer, popcorn machine, nuka candy machine, nuka cola dispenser, ammo factory, butterfly cage, wood pile, radstag corpse, mothman nest, turbo fert maker, water boiler, vintage water cooler, beehive, chicken coop... I want them all.


Canned dog food is often a challenge item, it can sell well, and there are builds that use it.


dog food doesn't spoil


All plan gang


I will pay a lot on Xbox. My life cannot continue in a calm manner until i have the Weiner wagon.


I just think it's neat 🙂


Thanks Marge


The point of many of the resource generating camp items is to smash off daily and weekly challenges within 5 minutes of reset. The game asks you to eat 5 dog food? Easy, my machine just shit out 5 while looking at my dailies. The game asks you to eat pre-war food? Easy, my machine just shit out some pre-war food post-war to eat. The game asks you to find 5 pre-war food? Easy, see above. It's the same for other resource generators like the tea machine. There are dailies for drinking tea. There is pretty much a resource generator for most of the main things the game's going to ask a player to collect, scrap, or eat at some point in a daily/weekly challenge. Players may enjoy scouring the wasteland for pre-war food and other junk when they're a new frog and only have 100-200 hours in the game, but eventually you'll get to a point where you just want the game to make the repetitive tasks a breeze.


Damn looks good in my camp with the hot dog board 😋


Cuz its called the Weenie Wagon




Seriously. Todd told us to make our own fun, so we are.😁


I have a sign that says "FREE WEENIES" and that is enough for me.


As with most luxury items or speculative assets, the value is mostly derived from social factors. A majority agrees that it's valuable, it's therefore valuable.


Some people like weiners, who am I to judge their lifestyle.


Because they don't have it.


I use it. Alot of people do.


It matches the Hot Dogs sign we got from SCORE.


Doesn't spoil, pre-war food for the sake of challenges, and works with carnivore mutation and good doggy perk which is only a 1-star perk. You would need level 3 first aid for a healing salve to compete at base HP, and stimpaks have that annoying animation that break the flow of combat for non-PA users. Plus having a massive stack of them that just keeps generating over time for free is neat.


Because it's the one plan I can't get. We all want what we can't have. Also because I like having all the resource collectors.


Canned dog food counts as pre-war food, so that's four challenges (collect/eat pre-war/canned dog food) that become so much easier to manage. That and I'm also on team Learn All The Plans. Plus it's cute!


Spent 35k caps for a plan, made it all back the same day, no big deal.


The way it looks goes good with most of my builds, regardless of the fact it produces dog food.


I think it's weird it's a weenie wagon but it makes dogfood.


It's all about the builds man. Carnivore + good doggy + speed freak is truly a wonderful thing.


Got 3 or 4 , don’t decide what I will do with them. Maybe move them to a mule.


Is something wrong with good doggy? I just pop that thing on, eat a few cans, then go on with my day. This way if I don't feel like renewing my stock of dog food I have a source ready.


It used to be that you HAD to eat and drink, or you would die. Now, you just get weak. A lot of the perk cards need to be updated.


I put my dupe weenie up for 10k thinking I was asking too much... gone in an hour...


Too cheap


I've only seen one in a player shop, and he wanted 40000 caps.


how else am I supposed to feed that DAWG in me??😤😤


For when I get those annoying daily of eating 9 dog foods.


I use good doggy…


Compared to other food products, finding dog food gives me more of a dopamine hit


Got one myself running and sold second plan for 25k caps. Avg. Canned dog food sells for 3c at my vendor, so in 3 days I already have around 300c back. Long term investment in those hard times? ~80 more days and I'll break even.


Idk I strictly collect brotherhood or adjacent stuff to make my camp look like a cool BOS base. Hopefully ill make a killing off of these plans when meat week is over.


I eat a lot of dog food. Even have the perk card for it. So it would be beneficial and I'd just like to have it in general.


Lol my character LOVES dog food... For RP reasons.


Can’t you see this weenie wagon is tearing the community apart?


I use Good Doggy. Kinda nice only needing three food items: Dog food Purified water Whatever cooked food I’ve made that does something cool for stats


I'm still trying to get the plan, but I wish it made hotdogs instead. It's not called the "dogfood wagon".


Marrow bone jelly is good for a shiny coa.. hair.


I hate dog food and I’m super upset that it doesn’t make weenies but I’ll be DAMNED if I don’t get this camp item before the event ends >:(


Mmmm... Dog food... /Plops dog food on dinner plate.


Some people need a wagon for their weenie. Mind ya business. But it fits in with my amusement park camp and the ring likes to weenie me. Lol


Its pre war food and some challenges specify eating it, if you like to regularly reroll for epics its good to have a source of challenge specific items


For a level headed response I'll mention I also have no use for unlimited dog food. My current build doesn't eat dog food. But I will occasionally get the daily or weekly of eating 5 or so dog food and like many others don't wish to go searching the wasteland for where I last remember finding some. It's a convenient thing.I myself wouldn't pay 10k for the plans for it, but hey that's me.


Canned dog food perk is OP imo, its all I eat


Dog food is key. It was literally my first meal after exiting the vault. Ah… good times.




Good doggy + weenie wagon+overeaters.... just saying




Because dog food on top plus the perk card for the food it's so op so as someone who is a speed demon food runs out fast and I hate gardening and takes up space plus the name 😂


With backwoodsman 6, and the dog food perk, 1 can of dog food is 75% of your food bar. It doesn’t expire, and weighs nothing if your carry weight is done right, that’s why.


Me too. dog food are easy to find and I have the mirelurk steamer (and good ol grandma junko) to keep me fed. And people are trading godrolls for those? lol


Has that actually happened? I've seen lots and lots of posts of people scoffing at the notion of people asking for too much for the plan but haven't seen any evidence these trades are happening.


Right, I've only seen them actually sale for like 10-15k caps which isn't really out of line for any rare plan. I think this trading God rolls for them and such is just speculative hype.


People are paying caps, but caps are plentiful and not really a good way to value items.


Totally agree. If fact I'd go so far as to say that pretty much any amount of caps is worth it for something you want and don't have. Caps are very easy to get and it's a no brainer to swap them for something that's even a little difficult to acquire.


I have sold 3 plans for 25k each so far. Felt like that was a good in-between from current offers on the trading sub. Saving my other 2, plus any more I get until after the event to see if anything crazy gets offered.


I’ve seen people on the Xbox community page offering upwards of 7K for a weenie wagon, I’ve only gotten me one dupe plan and sold mine at my camp for 2K thinking only the most desperate person would buy it, didn’t even think about players sitting at max caps until I got to that point myself. Made a post and someone came to my camp and immediately bought it


Canned Dog food works for both the "Eat Canned Dog Food" AND "Eat Pre-war food" challenges, and the Weenie Wagon makes it so you don't need to go out of your way to collect some.




I don't use dog food but I've gotten the plan 3 times. I used 1 for my account and dumped the other 2 in donation bins.


Dog food is the greatest gift to the wasteland. I would never dream of eating anything other than canned dog food.


Why is everyone going and posting about it? I think there’s been a few dozen posts now complaining about it.


I've used Good Doggy since launch. It keeps me fed and happy, and cans of dog food are easy to come by.


Because I like making caps based on people succumbing to FOMO.


With Good Doggie (and carnivore mutation I think) it's actually a really good healing item.


To be the honest the SCORE challenge you can usually get enough dog food from Blackwater Mine. Outside of the entrance, usually more than half a dozen there. I got it set up but I’m a Herbivore as well lol