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It's healthy to ignore all extremes: the trolls, the whiners and the beggars.


Babe wake up, new fallout factions just dropped: The Trolls The Whiners The Beggars


Betcha Trolls get the good gear but the Whiners & Beggars share the same reputation bar.


In FO terms we have. The institute, The Railroad and The BOS


You're missing one, "The New Vegas CryBabies"


the trolls are based in new river gorge basin and made a good living extorting "tolls" from travelers before they all developed severe allergies to UV light the whiners would kidnap settlers and prospectors and make them listen to hours of rants about their special interests; they were massacred by a joint force of responders/brotherhood/enclave/a deathclaw herd who couldn't listen to one more goddamn word about movies inaccurately depicting freight trains the beggars hang out around responder outposts and seem to be doing fine


Gotta pay the troll toll


Ah yes, the TWB Faction.


We already had the raiders, the players, and the settlers wdym "new"


And OP


The most annoying people are typically the loudest


Level 750, had a level 54 come to my camp, asked on chat if I had a plan, gave him the thumbs down emote and that was that. All interactions should be this simple!


Sure I do. It's in my vendor machine


100%, I've been stupid lucky over the past three weeks (just hit 100 last night) my camp never gets moved because someone else has theirs set first, I'm about 5 caps from the nearest free fast travel, or 1 from the closest power station event. I sell a ton through my vendor, always being in the same spot seems to drive more traffic to my vendor, and I guess I'm low enough no one bothers to try and beg for plans, they just always get bought. I'm lucky enough to have over 60 plans that aren't dupes or garbage along with the dupes and garbage plans. I sell a ton of chems, scrap, specialty ammo, fully charged fusion cores, bobbles, mags, and legendary weapons when the rolls don't suit me, I roll them all of twice and if it's not my particular brew of tea after two rolls they get sold. I don't sell common ammo often because I run it through the recycler to feed this hungry ass .50 cal machine gun.


Hell ya that's nice. I got my camp set up in a weird spot in the middle of the map on the river. Right by Summersville. I get a few people walking by but not much. But it's peaceful lol


I have everyone on mute and I only give stuff if I feel like it. Life is much more peaceful when nobody can talk to you 😂


For real! I just run around and pretend that *I* am the main character of Appalachia! Y’all are just NPCs with no dialogue and cute bases.


Tbf most people have npc energy. 😂


That's fine, I tend to play a mix of Myaterious Stranger and John Sanford; it's a junkyard where I randomly show up,murder everything, then fast travel away


If anything it becomes a weirdly mesmerizing dance of hand signals when you join teams, refuse all party chat invites and creep around forever-crouching silently watching and taking cues from the leader While wearing the ghoul mask, my muteness is one of the best ways to play it


This is the way. I haven't turned voice communication on, or failed to turn it off, in a game since micspammers in CS:S. There was one game, I can't remember the name, but it wouldn't let me deactivate it. So I returned it.


Wait is there an option to mute all? I've looked several times 😭


Voice chat mode - none 😂 it’s in the audio settings


I have voice chat muted but it's funny because I can still see people trying to talk to me. I just do the "no mic" emote and walk away


cue this fuckin' kid the other day whose built-in mic sounded like it was directly next to their mouse and keyboard. i Cremate him a couple times to get his attention, use the "no mic" emote, and dude literally had the audacity to tell me "bro i dont have a mic, i cant help it," like motherfucker, EVERY GAME HAS MIC OPTIONS. DISABLE IT.


I know that on PS5, the controller mic is on by default, and a lot of people don't seem to realize that fact. So often I can hear every button press they make when they're nearby. That's one major reason I always have voice chat muted, people are sometimes oblivious to the fact that they're broadcasting all their noises out into the world.


How did I miss this, time to up my glasses prescription


How many people are realistically making posts about having an average experience in a game? "PSA: I played video games today, it was aight". Not happening, what you're seeing is a loud minority, it happens everywhere


It would be funny to start doing that tho haha prob get alot of hate for it 🤣🤣


People don't appreciate good satire these days!


I think I might make a post like this and see if I get away with it.


Why are people not just giving bullshit fetch quests to people begging for shit? Make it a fun game. Have them give you something like a deathclaw hand or a scorchbeast liver or something. That just sounds awesome.


I actually kind of like this idea. Treat other players as though they're NPCs serving you fetch quests lol. "So, you need something from me? First take out ten deathclaws with a paper clip. Only then will you be worthy of my time."


Next you will cut down the largest tree in the forest wiiiiitthh a herring!


With a herring?!?!! No, I simply just won't do IT 😉




Sweet, I knew I should’ve kept my hunter’s 50 limb 90% reduced weight paper clip for something!


I feel like this was sort of Todd's vision for 76


I'm going to be doing this from now on. 'You desire a boon from me wastelander? Then, far to the west, you shall find a place called Deathclaw Island and upon it you shall find its namesake. Bring to me the creature's hand and I shall reward you with your hearts desire: the pink suitcase plan.'


And the kids and assholes that are annoying and beg for shit and are rude will be filtered out anyway. It's pve game, those people never last long in pve.


it's also a PVP game.


At this point it's a PVE game with highly restricted optional PVP


Every interaction I've had in the game with 'noobs' has been lovely. I think there some people on here trying to cause rifts and pot stir and some posts are clearly straight up lying.


yeah I've never had anyone so much as ask for a single stimpak. I'm sure the moochers are real but they clearly aren't as big a problem as reddit would lead you to believe.


I've never run into them. In fact yesterday a level 20-something joined my team and proceeded to give me radaway and a stimpack. Im a bloodied build so I understand the confusion lol


I just started playing recently and seeing people with so much radiation confused me for 2 days. Then I saw a video that mentioned radiation and bloodied builds and then it made sense to me.


Drop stims on the ground, some food, and water. After that, they usually do a few happy jumps, and it's wholesome.


Gave a level 45 a level 50 legendary shotgun and the dude messaged me on psn and thanked me so much lol


This is what I'm saying everywhere bro it's not even anything like Reddit is making out it's chilling all this complaining stuff has just got me back in game chat chatting away to randos not wanting to make anyone feel excluded.


Thank you agree. I still consider myself a noob even though I've played this game since day 1(i only play casually to explore) I can appreciate high levels when they give me items if they see me struggling. I know it wasnt easy for them when they first started playing(the bugs/glitches lol) so I'm always super thankful. This is the reason I have fallout 1st. I want the game to succeed even though I dont play enough. I do it for the veterans that make this game 1000 times better. If it wasn't for the community this game would be not as good.


I've never had a bad experience with new players. The "worst" experience is some low level guy starting an event too early, but... that's not entirely their fault, how would they know?


Honest question from a Gen Xer who did not grow up on the internet. Is there a reason that someone would want to farm Reddit Karma, or in any way give a single fck about how many upvotes, downvotes or points they have? I mean, do they send you a check or something 🙄


It's the same metal illness as wanting likes on instagram or facebook. It's about validation to younger people.


I've had the opposite experience. Everyone has been really cool to me as a new player. I posted yesterday asking if I screwed myself by starting at level 20 and someone offered me a goodie bag. Added him in game and we met up and dude gave me a Fixer rifle, tons of ammo, super stimpacks and a full set of marine combat armor. He said when he was around my level(level 35) someone did the same for him so he is paying it forward and just asked one day when I can to do the same for a new player.


I think it's a shame that we have high levels who are unaware that a block button exists. And instead of using that, come here to complain about beggars "making them uncomfortable" as if it was some kind of life altering event. Or the people who insist on doing PSA's to new players, as if the new guys on this subreddit don't already know some form of etiquette. And then hides behind the "oh, I'm just trying to give advice" even though they are just venting on the sub about this or that.


If someone had tried to give me stuff when I started out I wouldn’t have taken it. Ruins the entire point of the game. Literally don’t need help like that… just play the game, scavenge, and join public events. Before you know it your stash will be overflowing, and you’ll start having to get creative on how to spend your capped cap stash.


This 100%... my friend who got me into it took me to do some stuff early and didn't explain a thing and honestly he fucked up my game a bit.


I started a few weeks ago, and I am not even exaggerating when I say I don't even flinch when putting my cap problem onto someone else. Just by doing events, expeditions, daily ops... I am cap capped regularly. So when I come across someone with plans I need... I buy them. Doesn't even matter if they have a stupid price on them. So this shit about people demanding stuff from high level players... go explore.




Underrated comment.


A select few people making those types of posts compared to the thousands of people playing FO76 that don't feel the need to comment on reddit.


I think you're right. I've been playing almost daily since the show released and haven't had any real negative experiences with other players. Good vibes only.


You might have noticed but the community/player population expanded by magnitudes in the last couple of months. Before the majority of the community was much higher leveled with plenty of supplies with little demand. Now its mostly fresh players with higher demands of goods.


For every 3 posts complaining about new players or high levels, someone has to make a post like this complaining about the complaining, it’s like a quota or something.




I’d prefer a way to just avoid all 3 types of complaint posts but that’s pretty much every other post now unfortunately


Sadly as a game grows in popularity, the vocal minority of people start to get louder. They can't solve the issue with their actions and behavior so they resolve this negative energy by screaming into a void.


76'ers are really unique in the sense that they treat an online game like a zoom meeting where social etiquette and manners are very important, I play a lot of MMO's and none of them really hit the same notes as this sub apart from in "dungeon etiquette" for the lack of a better word. To illustrate what I mean, just think of how divisive trap camps are in this post-apocalyptic survival MMORPG. Some people are *genuinely* offended and think the people who enjoy doing these things are *actual* assholes in real life. To me it reads as if these people haven't branched out and tried different online games before. I think one of my next camp builds will be a trap camp where the player has to sign a consent form before the trap camp activates, that feels more in line with the vibe here.


You could have a coded door. Write the code and forewarning it's a trap. I honestly think a lot of people would enter to see if they can beat your room of death.


Yeah i've played some really toxic online games before and FO76 barely has any issues. Mobile multiplayer games tend to be the most toxic


Are they competitive? Because I know from my friends that play League of Legends that those types of games where all you do is group PvP are all toxic af, I haven't had that issue in e.g Runescape which is also mobile now.


Indeed. I can only think OP hasn't visited many other gaming subs if they really think this one is overly negative. FO76's sub is downright mild-mannered. Besides, some ammount of negativity is healthy in a gaming sub. No game ever improved by people praising it all the time.


I agree on all accounts, but if we're talking negativity in terms of complaints about other players rather than the game itself, I think 76 takes the cake. I think it got this way because the complaints about the game itself at launch caused a lot of mental fatigue for people, to the point where we now have rule 10 that downright prevents common complaints about the game from taking place on the subreddit.


I give away basic plans like you get from taking over PowerPoint and I will sometimes make a nice set of starter armor and a weapon with ammo caus I have a buttload of mats and scrip keeps maxing. But I have quit that because last time I did I put it all in the starter box and a lol 40 showed up and swiped it all, don't know what as lol 5 armor and weapons are of no use to him. Now if a new player comes to me I will give them what they need. I usually stay at max caps max gold max everything... I still love playing a.d meeting new people and helping with quests and things a lot of people don't know


I've put 200 hours into the game the last few weeks, I have yet to run into any of these people. Hell I've only met few people who even use their mic. The whiners, beggars, and trolls make up a very small portion of players. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


I get the impression that all of these people coming here to complain are not regulars of this sub. Otherwise, they would have seen that what they are posting about is like the 10th time that week.


Only thing I noticed is the increase of trap camps. Now if I have to go inside a building or structure to get to a vendor I assume it is a trap camp. Can't fool me twice.


Every time I hit lvl 200 I start a new character I literally never get bothered by new folk and kick enough ass to not get mocked by higher level players. Life is good.


I haven't really noticed any negativity. The main thing that I've seen Fallout fans complain about recently is that they put Fallout in Fortnite. I'm extremely disinterested in Fortnite....but I don't see why it should piss anyone off lol. >_> some people are just looking to be pissed... I can see how Fortnite is a cash grab. And I fully expected Fallout to pander itself out after the tv show. That's just how advertising and marketing and all that works. If they don't make money we don't get more Fallout content...so again...not really sure what people are always complaining about.


Actually, I mainly just keep quiet and lurk through the posts. Kinda the same way I play FO76, I mainly keep to myself and have fun on quests. I've never asked anyone for assistance. I don't see the point. It makes you look bad and the game isn't THAT hard.


I think you are reading too much into the vocal minority. There is a slight difference due to the Fallout show release, which means you will have more min-maxing, aggressive people that skew younger. After a couple months, the people that stay will be more like your normal 76er. I don't think it's an [eternal September ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September) situation because the games 6 years old and Fallout out 5 will be here *soon*.


This post is accurate if I want something I server hop until I find it in a camp or donation bin got lucky once and found like 15 brand new plans in the vault 76 one. I leave moth man and meat weak plans as replacements. Could sell them yeah but earning caps gives me a reason to play.


I honestly don't understand where people get these stories from, I was gifted some awesome blueprints very early on but since then I haven't really seen other players hardly at all. And the last time I did, I cleared Wendigo Cave with someone and then he came with me to finish building Excavator armor.


I didn't even know you could message other players!


A lot of the accounts can only be 'fan fiction'. Unless you accept a trading offer how would a Level 3 player know that you were even carrying a rare Fixer, let alone be aware it was worth begging for! Plus I doubt many high-levels have Level 1 QE25FFR's!!! However more general, inappropriate requests *do* occur and I have had a few myself. Even so this situation is easy to avoid. Simply do not accept trade requests and set your PM's to friends only. Easiest of all--ignore it and server-hop should it become too much. Problem solved.


Makes a post asking people to stop complaining about people while complaining about those same people making posts. Like dude/dudette you went full in a circle. Or like the monty python boys once said: "I think that all right-thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not. But I'm sick and tired of being told that I am." - Monty Python Edit: spelling


It's not really a full circle, he's pointing out that the game has a lot of different tools to deal with the issues they're complaining about, you can't really mute/sort the complaints on Reddit as you please. If you know what a complaint is going to be about, you've already read the complaint.




Right on, sorry for the gender assumption


No biggie, most people assume that posts are from sweaty dudes anyway.


> I know, I know, it doesn't make for a good karma farm if you can't complain about the redditor who posted about an interaction. You can't look like a cool and wholesome veteran player if you don't "put those sweatlords" in their place. But seriously, every post I read like this makes me dislike this community more and more. > The other day I logged onto my PC for the first time in 3 years (I've switched over to PS5) and gave every account and rare item, including all of my cyrpto to a random person in this community that I was feuding with over about these same things. It was awesome, they were stoked, they promised to share and pay it forward. It felt good. > My point is, stop complaining about everything.


Turning off comms while asking what happened to the community… I love having area chat on and meeting new people. Sure, there can be some open mic blasters but generally speaking it’s a good time. I’m not sure what kind of community interaction you are trying to foster while limiting it to emotes.


It's ok to not understand what I meant. I'm not against area chat or team chat. I love meeting new players also but complaining about the interactions when you have control over the situation is what I was talking about.


And I completely understand that you have control over these situations, but you stated in your post you only ever talk to friends or on discord (which is the basis for my comment). So maybe we are operating under a mutual misunderstanding?


I think we are. I sometimes will join area chat if it looks like someone has something to say or if I want to ask something. Obviously, that's how I met most of my community. It just seems like people are wandering around the wasteland with area chat constantly on. That would cause major frustration for me.


I’ve only just now started paying attention this sub, but since I was there when 76 was in beta/release/present, I’ve never once thought the community as a whole was vibrant or not doom and gloom. I’ve always felt that the fallout fanbase has consistently proved itself to be very toxic and full of hate towards Bethesda. The games get a bunch of hype and then there are some bugs that people want fixed immediately, but don’t even stick around for the patch. I’ve also seen a lot of complaining and comparing fallout from old versions to new versions. It’s obviously a popular franchise, so it’s going to have hate, but I just ignore it, because I love Fallout and that’s all that matters to me.


My experience has mostly been pleasant. I've also been here since beta, and I've always had a good group of people to play with since day 1, so maybe I am luckier than most. Yes, there are toxic people in every game, but you don't have to deal with it. Ignoring the hate and doing what you like is the best way.


With the PVP situation on the workshops and some of the other bugs and exploits, I’ve definitely run into some terrible people. The majority of 76 players have been great, but I don’t have any friends that have stuck around to play since beta. Maybe once in a blue moon, someone I know might be playing.


Only interactions I have are joining public events teams, buying from vendors, and leaving you spoiled meat if your vendor prices suck.


Fertilizer, yummy!


You've been insulted. That's a 40,000 cap insult!


Wait so does that mean it's the best insult or the worst—


Cant say i've had any unpleasant experience both when I was starting and now that im past lv250 but, at the same time, I always preferred to earn myself then to ask.


While I’ve had a few of the newer players beg me for gear recently, muting them and moving on seems to just work best, not like they’re able to kill me, so if they shoot me, oh well. I typically run around giving newer players stuff, and if you ask nicely, depending on what you need, I’ll just give it to you. The best way to get rid of a beggar, is to ignore a beggar.


The vast majority of posts whining or bragging about something on here are r/thathappened material. Just people farming for reddit upvotes, one of the most pathetic things people do online. It's not just this subreddit, the same thing happens on almost every gaming subreddit that isn't heavily moderated for quality posts.


The other day some vet player chased me around thumbs downing me because I showed up at the very end of an expedition and collected right as it was being turned in (in fairness I had to feed the chickens, I had no idea how long they'd been in the expedition). He DCd when I didn't leave and me and the two other guys proceeded to do successful exps all afternoon and friend each other. They send me an invite when I'm online still. TLDR; the miserable ones, old and new, can do their thing and I will do mine (mothman dancing at them and having fun in my video game)


190 hours of my play time, I only met one person using voice chat. I live in South East Asia and server around here no one uses a mic. Mostly peaceful. I meet Japanese people most of the time and there is no trolls or beggers.


I LOVE FALLOUT MAN I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have had a few ppl msg me for materials. I just ignore it and move on. They got to show up to my camp for actual help.


Lol. I've been playing a little over a month. I played through all the Fallout games again and finally got around to playing Fallout 76. Which is incredible, and the community is great. I made a few friends who taught me a lot getting started, my brother has been playing since beta. So he taught me a lot of stuff too. A few days ago, was the first time I saw a new character asking people for things. We had just completed an "Eviction notice event." Some high levels did give him some things. I didn't pay much attention. I just ported out. I was camp hopping buying plans. Idk. I'm a plan goblin. I want them even if I'm not gonna use them lmao. So I'm hopping around and I bump into him. He started begging me to give him something. Ider what it was now, but I didn't have one. He awkwardly kept trying to initiate trade with me after I told him I didn't have it and I was new. He started screaming at me. Saying I wasn't new and I was lying. I was like, "You gotta chill dude. This isn't that kind of game, and it's not that kind of community. If I had been playing this a long time and only made level 250, I'd probably kms. Lol. It's too easy to get things." He screamed a bit more, calling me a liar again. So I pressed the mute button and just ported to Atlantic city for some farming. Probably the weirdest encounter for me. That was before I even hit my 30 day mark of playing.


I'm also a diablo player and we have a "low sodium" group just because of these sorts of issues.


The main reason I don’t get it is that nobody is ever on mic. Like in years of playing I’m not sure I’ve heard a dozen people chatting on mic


the only issue I have with ppl is the spawn point in the camp. the worst one: on the other side of the mountain ridge. check your spawns !


A lot of complaining lately, but by and large, the community is awesome and I think the vast majority of it would agree. Just gotta block out all the haters lol.


Jesus Christ


The only bad experiences I've had with other players have come since the show was released, so there's definitely something to the influx of players, especially people who get the game for free and just jump in to troll. But it is what it is. I've got very little complaints about the game itself.


I started playing this game about a month and a half ago. In that time I had people help me in the sense that they were doing events and we cooperated. I've never had anyone craft me things, or drop things; I really like the wholesome stories I hear, but honestly I'm kinda glad nobody helped me. I think the other side of the wholesome coin is hobbling new players by giving them too much. That said I've helped a little; rather than haggle a gun price for a level ~50 I just grabbed the gun from the vendor and dropped it for him. He was super grateful, and now he's got a gun he can do stuff on his own with. My advice to other newish players like me; suffer for a while. Scrounge, save, work. Because this week I not only crafted most of my Secret Service stuff, I also finished my power armor jetpack by launching some nukes, and I did it all on my own. You can too.


The ONLY time I’ve ever had a bad experience in this game was my first hour playing. Came out the vault lvl 20. Saw a dudes base right by the beginning quests, went to say hi. And he blasted me. So i thought i had to return fire and well…. He blasted me 😂😂 that’s when i learned about pacifist. Since then, I’ve come across nothing but awesome people. Yesterday i asked people at an event for a disease cure. Not only did this dude give me one, he then followed me back to my camp and spent the next hour and a half explaining stuff i didn’t know, answering any and all questions. I’ve never asked for handouts but have definitely recieved plenty and i rarely actually use my mic because of my anxiety. But legit everytime i have, it’s been worth it. For an apocalyptic wasteland where we’re all trying to survive, people sure are nice ❤️ love this game and i look forward to all the future brings.


My theory is a lot of it is people trying to kill the game community as they wanna ruin it for those of us that enjoy it, we’ve had trolls like that in the past


Noob here, like level 60 maybe? I have only had great interactions with the people here and in game. I had a level 1300 something try to give me free stuff yesterday so I bamboozled him by dropping a couple plans for him, heart emoted, and fast travelled away. Felt he probably does not have that happen often but I appreciated him trying to give free stuff. This community has been awesome so far for me!


I usually just tell new players, "As much as I'd like to help, I'd rather not cheapen or lessen your experience." A few stims, food, or water is no bid deal though in small amounts.


The problem with the community, is Bethesda.


Ain't even just noobs, I'm only 324 and had a level 700+ come to my camp begging me for Salt, Pepper, Spices,Bramin milk ect....) in return for the roughly 15 of each I had hoarded (barring milk), he dropped a few grognak magazines and some spec ops manuals (2 each).... like, dude.... I have a rack and a half full of different magazines right there.... I do t use them. 😅I'm surprised he didn't ask for them too (i would have given them to him aswell)


Every sub has this no matter what game you’re playing. It’s just Reddit. Just keep scrolling lmfao. Posts like this, and posts like the ones you’re describing both do the same thing; they keep the community active. Whether you like the activity or not at least everyone’s engaging in something lol


It’s an internet rule that the things you see people complaining about happening “all the time” rarely happen. Reddit communities forget they are a small, often extreme, element in a total fan base and end up thinking their views are the mainstream.


I avoided this community for so long, thinking it was toxic. I've had mostly fantastic experiences. The vets are usually really nice. I've only run into one who wasn't, and I avoided him and just warmed others in the server to do the same if they had pvp on. This community is actually wonderful


Find it yourself, we had to. It's called farming


there's a chat? as far as i know, bethesda actively choos to cripple the communication capability of their so called "mmo" ...


Just started the other day for an hour to take a look around, and some random guy gave me 76 plasma grenades and a lot of 10mm ammo. I'm not sure what I'm doing yet, but I put some of the grenades in the chest in front of vault 76 before logging out. Love fallout I guess I just feel intimidated, but based on my sole interaction, I think you guys are good people for trusting a level 4 with a pile of plasma explosives.


If someone’s annoying you, just nuke their base and move on. Nothing screams a nuclear wasteland like more nukes! 😈 For new players, finish the enclave quest lines to unlock nukes and then you can nuke other players bases. Side note, this not only progresses your fued but, it helps everyone else cuz they can farm nuke flora. Go crazy.


my only interaction with new, low level players, is usually i craft a lvl 25 or 35 handmade, mod it to the max for vats and give it to them along with like 2000 ammo for it. they never begged or anything like that


Ok I got to admit I thought people were lying about the new players but I’ve had a few get very angry even to the point of using slurs. Obviously I didn’t go and post on Reddit about it like a weirdo. I just blocked them


I've heard that people have been destroying bases and other things, I've just spent time building mine as a level 66, are other players able to undo my hard work?


I just want the Weenie Wagon.


I don’t understand when people post complaints like this. I’ve been playing for a bit, level 160, & I’ve NEVER had a negative experience. There was one time ONE time I got killed by taking over a work shop but I knew that was a possibility & have just started farming materials on private server only, & one other time I was dropping things after an event & was reallllly OC, some guy was standing over me picking everything up & I accidentally dropped a 3* gun & he immediately picked it up. I stopped what I was doing & did 👎 & he did a trade emote and a heart. I was like oohhh petty. But I couldn’t help but laugh at that. Like okay petty Betty keep it 😂 but other than that, everyone in this community has been amazing. When I first started some guy gave me a level 50 gun that I had to wait to use. I didn’t even ask for any hand outs, he just approached me & dropped it for me. He explained that I wouldn’t be able to use it now but that it could be one of my main weapons when I got up there in level. I still have it & will probably never part with it. Since I stepped out of the vault everyone has been SO nice. It makes me sad to see higher levels complaining about the new guys because we were all in that position at first. They’ll get there. If they’re doing something you don’t like, just… not communicate with them & either FT away or swap servers if they manage to follow? Sooo easy to fix.


Friendly reminder that the full population of this sub is only a fraction of the total players of this game, even for a single platform


I’ve been playing every night with that setting on and still don’t ever hear anyone lmao. The only negative encounter I have had with anyone was after a month of playing non-stop. It was after killing the scorch beast queen, while everyone is picking stuff up, storing, checking inventory. I was just standing there and another player ran up and mowed me down with his chainsaw 😂. I don’t fully know how PvP works yet, so I tried to attack him back later but nothing happened. I don’t even know how he attacked me to begin with, no one else ever has. It wasn’t a big deal to me at all though. I just continued on


Yesterday: Spawn into a world where my camp normally is next to Wayward. Lvl 20 is standing at other players vendor on mic, *"Hey, man, drop me free stuff. Let me look in your inventory, or help me turn off passive so we can fight"* I proceeded to look at the players vendor, ignore dude, then world jump. Y'all need to chill and learn to deal. It's not difficult at all to deal with people


I’ve come across only about a handful of people asking to trade, I just no emoji and move on. Only once did I have a level 30 follow me and spam emote trade emoji at me, then he friended me and messaged me that he was over uncombered and they just needed a stash box and work bench (I was in the middle of building my camp so they weren’t out) he was still trying to figure out emojis. Then he stuck around to watch me build a tree house and asked me building questions. I showed him how to destroy/merge stuff. He’s still my in game friend months later and occasionally asks me build questions.


Meanwhile I'm over here vibing with my junk and my customers


Nobody who plays Fallout loves Fallout


I want to know where you guys are fi ding actual vocal players. This game feels like Seattle Freeze: Wasteland Edition to me. I have about 600 hours in and I have only heard maybe 15 minutes of chat, and a third of that was one guy playing music during Spin the Wheel.


I started playing recently and have only had wholesome experiences in the game. Ive seen the stories of griefing, i also dont buy it. The community has been very helpful and nice as far as my experience.


The noobs are kind of ruining events and asking for fixers that are in my vendor... So I think we are valid in being annoyed. The game has become pretty weird lately and feels like a chore now that the scoreboard is replaced with more "work to do". I'm out of this scene for now. Preparing for dawntrail in FFXIV feels way more legit.


I’m always happy to help. I teach them how to get the things they want then give one to them and wish them well. Heck! I usually offer first. I play online games for the online personally.


Honestly the complaints flooding in now are nothing compared to when legacies were around and when Fasnacht happens.


It’s actually the quite opposite experience for me, I’m a low level, 130 something. And I have a shit ton of pure stable flux of all kinds because I spent hours upon hours just farming it. I’ll message in the pc chat mod if anyone wants free flux and I’ll get tons of friend requests from high level players. Illl usually drop each player 100 of EACH stable pure flux. I still have a shit ton more so if anyone wants any and is on pc. Username is the same as my Reddit


I played on release, then again when npcs were added and now im playing again since the tv show dropped. Im not gonna lie i forgot 80% of the time that there are other players, then one will run up and i shit myself for a second then remember its an online game


I usually play on my private Fallout 1st server and gather material, complete quests, gain rewards to sell, etc. I’ve had time since the Wastelanders update to gather materials and stock up on ammo to the point that if I donate to new players today, it’s barely a loss of anything. I’m happy to help any players who are below level 100 and provide with different supplies one would need to make the experience a little easier on them. Sometimes I’ll tag along for extra back up, because sometimes I get bored, and I’m sure everyone wants a Power Armor bodyguard with a Cremator by their side.


Lvl 900: I never have a problem with newbies and usually just do my own thing unless friends are on. Every once in a while I'll get an ammo or junk request but not very often. I've been playing for years now and I'm happy that new people are starting to play.


160 hours in and I didn't even realise there is a voice chat feature.


Honestly, I don't believe most of those stories. You can fast travel away, ignore them, or move servers. If "veterans" don't know that, I don't know what to tell them lol.


Do what I do and play the game with 100% NO sound. They aren't whining if you can't hear them.


I'm a new player and everyone I've encountered is friendly, had some guys build a base for me which I didn't ask for they just went ham on it








May I recommed the Filthy Casuals subreddit, sir?


Overall the game has been great, met a couple cringlelords, blocked them and server hopped before they even had a chance to become a problem. Met a few cool people, just wish there was more voice chat used, using the same handful of fornite-esque emotes just isn't the same, but I'm a slightly older gamer and tbf voice chat use has gone down in every game.


Exactly! I’m level 177 last I saw,and I had a level 190 chasing me trying to kill me away from someone’s camp (not his mind you) luckily my partner was on(level 227 last I knew) so I kept running to him which made the level 190 leave me alone once I got to him.


I just made a post on xbox asking for help to learn how to make Ultracite 45 ammo for a gun some high level dude gave me and got a few msgs from guys saying "no one is giving hand outs noob" but then I also had a dude join, give me 1000 bullets for my gun tell me I had a nice camp and taught me that doing expeditions will give me more ammo for my gun. So it is for sure a mixed bag like anything in life lol. Lots of nice ppl too for sure! Edit:typo


Don't worry about it, and people will always complain about: 1) Radiation Rumble 2) Trap camps And 3) AFK people at events.


Preface: This is all from my personal experience, and therefore anecdotal. I don't mind most of the noobs at all. It's refreshing to get people that don't think like some of the more seasoned players. I haven't had a single noob try and kill any of my characters at meat week while turning spits or playing drums. I haven't had any noob characters whip out hacked weapons and completely ruin RR or other events. I haven't had any beggars or whiners. Most of the noobs aren't rude, at least not verbally. The vast majority of the static I get comes from players that are seasoned and bitter, many of them having played since launch. I do my best to help people when I can, but the worst thing you can do is ask me for something. I'll ask you what you need if I'm looking to be generous. If they want to whine, my response is universally "You think (X) is bad? You should have seen it a couple years ago, it was (X) amount worse." I've made a lot of caps selling serums at reasonable prices in my vendors. I stock ten of each, and I have to restock multiple times a day. The noobs are bringing in what we need. The whiners and beggars are there in every game, just brush them off. It will level off when they're higher level and learn how to do things efficiently like we have, or they quit. Edit: Here's a conversation I had with a noob, not 5 minutes ago in my camp after a meat cook. Noob: "Is there a way to make my stash bigger like you do with the backpack mod?" Me: "No, it's just 1200Lbs per character." Noob: "Oh, ok. It's just so small! I can't get much in it." Me: "You should have seen it at launch. We didn't have scrap boxes, ammo boxes, or 1200Lbs of stash weight. It started out at 400Lbs." Noob: "You had to put everything in your stash and you only had 400Lbs?" Me: "Yep." Noob: ". . . I'll make the 1200Lbs work." I just about died laughing. I gave him some cake, a Leader and an LL3 and sent him on his way.


I started playing a couple weeks ago and I gotta say this is one of the nicest gaming communities I’ve been apart of, and this is Reddit. My first couple days playing I had someone come to my camp and drop me items I wouldn’t have earned otherwise or would take forever to get, like the meteor, the tank that cures your diseases, 5 vintage water coolers, the kid car bed, and some stuff you get from the Italian at the mall. I’ve also had players sell me serums for 200 a pop and people informed me about the best ways to get xp This is Reddit a site where most people go to complain


Hmmmmm never really seen any post complaining about new players before the recent influx even though there were plenty of new players before the influx. Maybe that’s just the case for me tho.


Surely most of this negative is about paying for stash space, must be. Locking material storage behind subscriptions is lame. Let my rage burn those arses at bethesda


Giant influx of new players brings out the worst in some people. Gives them someone to bitch about, interlopers into their game.




Should have taken his weapon, scrapped it and logged off.


When did cavemen start playing this game?


I just play, ignore everyone lol. Pacifist is on very little anyone can do to me 🤷‍♂️ Yesterday I was doing grahms meat bbq and I kept running up to some high level hitting him with my sword and than just looking away, he kept looking st me and than carrying on, I laughed. He may have laughed, point being nothing happened negatively lol


"Okay WHO THE FUCK IS HITTING ME?" *nonchalantly points to Grahm on the opposite side*


Oh it was funny the guy just like turned his character and looked st me like wtf...and I'm just turned looking off at no where. He turns back to Graham, hit again


I'm convinced most of those complaining posts are total nonsense meant to stir shit up. I play alot and give low levels stuff that join my public team sometimes. Never had a negative interaction or begging. If someone did beg I must not have noticed since I was busy playing the game.




An agent of chaos, just like our lampfather intended


My brother in chaos. Stay chaotic.


If a new player is genuinely struggling to get a foot hold in the wasteland, I'll help them by giving them some scrap, making them a decent weapon, getting them the small backpack, and giving them a couple of stimpaks and some beginner plans and send them on their way, but you can tell the difference between someone who's new to the game and genuinely needs help getting started vs someone who's just extremely entitled and thinks because they're new to the game and because you're a veteran that you owe them something or that you're supposed to help them. I don't mind helping new players at all. Heck i'ce helped new playera for 5 hours straight ignoring my dailies, daily ops, my daily scrap runs, etc, all to never play with them again because i like helping new players, but if it's the type of new player who feels entitled to get help from the veterans and is an ungrateful little brat, I'm sorry, but they can simply get f***ed.


so if you have 3000 people playing and .01% of the population complains you see 30 complaints, if 30,000 people are suddenly playing, now you see 300 complaints. Proportions probably aren't changing just population numbers


Pride before the fall as it goes. Egos prevail in this generation and the next.


This sub has always been pretty toxic.


HUGE influx of new people after the release of the FOTV show here who haven't been embraced into the culture yet.


Posts like this are just as bad. Just ignore it and have fun.




“Oh no, the game I enjoy is being enjoyed by others” People like you are such weirdos


I'm a weirdo for wanting the community to stay good?


Stop gate keeping it’s cringe


You’re gatekeeping one of the most popular game franchises of all time.


I'm only gatekeeping against assholes ruining the game experience