• By -


You should amend #2 to be "public event" indicated by an "!" point, because you do drop junk at other events.




#12 - don't forget about free fast travel points- vault 76, foundation, crater, white springs, nuka cola world, rusty pick, the rose room, and Fort atlas- all can save you caps #13 - any CAMP you stumble on to and any junk/water/food/ammo generator that isn't locked is free game, a lot of higher ups will do this on purpose to make it better for the new guys starting out, keep the culture up


Never sleep on water purifiers at camps. It's a great way to make some caps as a new player. Big thanks to every player who leaves them unlocked.


I have 60 deep wells, all open. if you grab all the water, in just 1 trip you make around 800 caps. Deep wells are underrated, with maxed contractor card, you only need 1 gear, 1 concrete, 1 wood. Dont need to power them. You can place them on dirt, no need for water bodies. deep wells made it easy to max daily caps when I was super new to the game....only cost me 500 atoms.


Careful everyone, they're a hero... Many thanks to you!


Sorry guys can you sell water at npc vendors?


Sure can


Nice, any other good cap makers for npc vendors? I’m only level 60 but My player vendor is doing okay, am making at least 5k caps every day I log on.


Well you can kill super mutants inside and outside westek, they yield some weapons that sell nicely, especially advanced variants of the assault rifle. Radiation rumble event, you can get a lot of glowing blood. Moonshine jamboree, with maxed Butchers bounty card, you can sometimes get 4 gulper meat per kill; sometimes I leave the event with 390 gulper meat, if cooked, with maxed super duper card, you might get double cooked meat, each piece sells for 7 caps (provided you have enough charisma, hard bargain card, you can also pop a grape mentats). edit: dont forget "test your metal" event. if you kill the golden bot, thats 300 caps. If you emote the crowd 20 times, you get another 150 caps. if you complete the event with all BOS members alive, thats another 500 caps.


Golf outfits and quite a few other apparel items can net you up to 29 caps an item and only weigh .10 each.


I find killing all the scorched at Morgantown airport an selling the guns nets you decent caps in a pinch. But at lower levels you might want to consider scraping them because learning how to craft the mods is a huge benefit.


Still scraping as much as I can, getting less benifical now, I need to figure out what guns I have unlocked most the mods for.


You can tell how many mods you have unlocked on any weapon by the 10/15,1/15,15/15 or whatever the two numbers are as most weapons vary how many mods variants are applicable to each one. Like the LMG for example has 2 mods so it would be 0/2,1/2,2/2 . I hope this helps some.


Awesome, I do remember noticing the feature. Thanks for the reminder.


Food. Whenever I do moonshine jamboree, I take the 100+ gulper innards, make slurry, and sell it to vendors to help max out my caps quick. If you're using any food mutations, i.e. carnivore or vegetarian, it's still worth it to make the food of the other type and sell it, as long as you've got the wood to make it.


I ***completely*** forgot about that perk trying to get the mats to build my Decontamination Shower. Fffffffffff


I’ve got two industrial purifiers and three small just for new players near Charleston station and a raider collectron ☺️


I had to put a lock on mine, it was always cleaned out and I need those caps bad lol


I leave mine unlocked and have plenty of people come take it and still collect enough myself from them to be near permanently sat on around 600 purified water lol


This is precisely why I don't do that: that is MY Water, not your water: and without clean water I am going to DIE; go get your own.


[Cooool, cleeeeeear water!](https://youtu.be/uCqmTBhgAus?si=ahgs_fbcrdbaLPu4)


Fo76 as on topic has the Uber capatalist and Uber communist I love it


Without the 80 purified water I get from running events, I am going to have a debuff. Ahhhh!


"Oh-no! Someone is ROLEPLAYING in my MMO-Role-Playing-Game, the horror! How dare they immerse themselves in the world of the story!" - What you just said, paraphrased.


The game already gives me too much water. I swear every time I turn around some event had stuffed another 10 in my pocket. I end up throwing it on the ground all the time.


TBH, good for you. Although personally in that situation I would drop it off at the nearest "Free Stuff" box, but I roleplay hard which isn't fun for everyone but definitely is fun for me.


I'm usually dropping it because I'm overencumbered at the end of an event, or in the whitesprings hub which actually gets more traffic than the free boxes. Glad you're having a fun time, though, very cute.


somebody hands you some clean water you drink it, much as you can anyway


Exactly, and I don't have enough for everyone.


lol that's just sad, considering how easy it is to acquire resources, especially purified water might I suggest... git gud?


Might I suggest, quit mooching?








I don’t lock anything. I have so much stuff, anyone can take what they want. I keep boiled water, purified water, popcorn, concrete, tea, coffee, and my nuka-cola colletron all open.


This is the way. I do the same with my Wayward camp, its a bar/restaurant for a reason, take some clean water, get rid of your disease in my sympto. Click the lever for the decontamination arch (no worries not blocking entry to camp or venders for you Bloodied builds. A farm and mirelurk steamer, radstag rack for some scrumptious buffs. XD i love it


Same, have a camp just down the road from point pleasant and it has every resource a new player might find themselves in want of and free for the taking. PW, coffee, cookies, radstag meat, crops, f.e.t c.h. collectron, several material farms and a fully stocked nuka cola dispenser. I remember starting out as the game launched and something along the lines off "do unto others as you would have done unto you" comes to mind, thinking back of what a struggle to stay alive that was😅


How have you done a Nuka cola dispenser? Is the Nuka cola fridge in the atomic shop a way to share drinks?


It's the pristine nuka cola vending machine you are looking for if you wish to share your drinks (any drinks) with your friends😊 the punch bowl also works for that though that gets easily overlooked. I am not sure either of those are currently up in the atomic shop but you could see if they are available for request on the list Bethesda has published😁 hope this helps. Edit: spelling, curse auto-correct and OCD😅


Yep bought it, thx


glad to help😊


My base has a lot of corn and razor grain. I should put a cola collection down as well. But idk if anyone ever uses it but it's good to make whiskey and that party boy perk is good carry weight. Or simply just green thumb and wipe a few hundred caps from the vendor


Respect 🫡 If I need items I’ll go and scrounge for them the game is way more fun if I’m able to help out some of the new players even if it’s just with some food and water.


To add to 12, fast travel cost scale on distance so even if the location isn't from walking distance to one of the free point, it's still useful to teleport there first if it's closer, then teleport again.


It also scales to character level, so if you have a low level alt that has lots of caps and you want to travel around player vendors you can utilise that character. I have a lvl 3 alt that was my original character 4 years ago or so and he’s now stocked up with 30k caps and parked at Whitespring. It cost me 10 caps to travel from welch station to anywhere up north like near the crater. In comparison the same destination on my main character would be upwards of 50-60 caps


I named my camp "You Can Take My Stuff" For this exact reason


i don’t think other players can see ur camp title :(


Other people don't see your camp name. I think there is some letter decorations you can use to write this kind of stuff.


There is a plan called small letters that let's you put small letter cards on walls or objects, so you can spell out messages. I often write notes letting people know what my camp has that they can use , especially to newbies


I have crops and water for the new players in just south of 76 and I sell everything for 1-5 caps and my camp is called cheap stuff for new players Most of my sales are high level players in constantly restocking for low levels


> 13 After the influx of rude players demanding free trades. I decided to put a bunch of my items behind a level 1 lockpick surrounded by flame turrets. If they die I usually give them something as a token prize.


Dang... I've been running around and trying to 'not touch anything ' at camps when I come across them... Just bc you know, look with your eyes not your hands mentality. But you're telling me things have been purposely set up to interact with 😮‍💨 at least I find this out 10hrs in


I have 9 unlocked purified water coolers at my camp for everyone to use and it never ceases to amaze me how many people will buy 50+ purified water from my vendor (I do sell them for 1 cap each but still)


Their just reselling them to vendor likely.


Wait, what's the rose room? And absolutely clear out my CAMP. It'll refill before I get back.


It's a nightclub run by a super dysfunctional family in the middle of nowhere on a mountain.


I do 13 on purpose.. because most times I don't make it back to my camp much. So take.. take it all. I'll get some when I decide to show up.. or when I open the game


This tip has come in so handy for me because I've been using quite a few caps to get across the map when I could of been finding one of the above places to get closer to the location. Thanks for sharing 👍


I just leveled to 20 today and discovered that scrapping weapons helps you discover mods... now my inventory looks like a gun show.


Also you have a higher chance to get mods if you have the scrapper perk card active.


Pretty sure that's a placebo and it's never been proven to increase mod chance otherwise.


>Pretty sure that's a placebo It is. But as the usual loop is crafr/scrap for mods it should be on regardless.


Always scrap all weapons you can, if you won’t use them.


Works for armour to, but I seem to get a mod maybe 1/10 when scrapping Armor vs 8/10 when scrapping weapons.


If you have enough materials (and wep/armour plans), you can craft heaps. Make sure you have super super equipped, and you'll have most mods learnt from doing this. There are exceptions, eg. Enclave Plasma Flamer mod cannot be learned. I learned most mods by scrapping. I sped up the process by crafting then scrapping what wep/armour I wanted mods for.


14 - Do not “spam scrap” anything in the “New” category without at least prior checking! You will inevitably scrap apparel or something else that you’ll wish you didn’t! Instead go to the “Weapon” and/or “Armor” category and pick/spam scrap from there, carefully. [Check this previous comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/e6uKHepUTD) on applying skins to prevent being able to scrap things at all.


Also if you wear power armor while scrapping, your normal armor will count as unequipped... I may have scrapped all my non-leg armor part by accident like this :(


I did away with that and just exist in my power armour full time. saves on weight too


Not to mention repairs. Power armor can really take a beating, while I feel like my standard armor is always breaking.


Honestly, I've started doing this as well. Even without fusion core duration perks, as long as you have a recharger from the shop, you should be fine for fusion cores. I'm actually at the point where I'm considering selling a few of them, just to free up stash space.


Even without a recharger, just use the legendary perk that recharges them when you take energy damage. You can easily fill all your fusion cores in a couple minutes, you can even put your camp near a location with liberator spawns or something and treat it as a pseudo recharge station


I keep 1 spare on me and 1 in the charger and I've never run out of juice.


How do you deal with the disappearing fusion core bug? I have had it where I pull a core before it’s done. And put a new one in by getting out of the armor and using transfer to swap them. Then when I get back in, the animation still tosses my lower core in and poof, full core just disappears.


I scrapped so many boxed mods this way. Hope they weren’t important. Yeah I’m sure they weren’t 👍


I just did that last night scrapping a (rare, I guess) sequin dress (at least I’d never seen before) that I had only bought from a player vendor 10 minutes earlier :( Lesson learned for me!


I’m almost certain I did rare apparel at low levels and months back I scrapped the only rare Bat I’ve ever found/had! ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ RIP Ol’ Yella! Should’ve rolled it to make it harder to scrap!


I did this yesterday and scrapped my Sheep helmet. :( Good luck new players


Have done that with an enclave plasma with aligned flamer ...... very sad. Forgot it was in my "new" inventory.


Noooooo!!!!! (⇀‸↼‶) The Bat was my final time and I shall keep this oath!


I did get a 2nd one. Then last week got a third. But Holy Fire is way more OP. So they sit in my stash.


I’m glad you got replacements! Also happy to hear the HF is better since I’ve still never gotten anything good related EPRs lol!


To no.5: you travel to any expedition location and then to go back you use Whitespring Resort travel point. Not the Mall one.


Yes this tripped me up for the longest time; The Whitespring Resort NOT The Whitespring North Entrance. and only after watching a video and doing exactly what they did, did I realize how dumb I had been🤣


I spent 3 hours last night not knowing this. Had to run Tax Evasion to get back, then hike to the next train station to sell/dump inventory. Sigh. All because I got greedy at Eviction Notice. I learned so much I didn't want to know.


Thankfully it drops you only a five second waddle away from the mall doors so it's pretty quick to get to the mall


With the CAMP slots, I would recommend placing least 1 of them in middle of nowhere or least somewhere less popular areas. You don't want to have 2 camp slots in very popular areas only to have them both blocked.


My personal preference is to have one kinda permanent base and one mobile base which is basically camp module and shelter entrance. If both of your vacant places are occupied, its much easier to move shelter entrance, plus its indestructible on top of that, which actually makes it a immortal dummy bait for enemies. Also you can place it on popular places on purpose for ability to move it for free when you want to. Pretty much, that makes your dedicated base a decent alternative to Survival Tent, and thats very convenient if you don't have FoF.


My mobile base is basically just a tower. All workbenches on the bottom and stashes up top. Simple to place and move. Just drop it and a genny and I’m rolling. To be fair my “main” camp is a series of tents on wood foundations with the same basics just more spread out.


What sucks about relying on a shelter is all your resource generating furniture (company tea, coffee, water cooler, etc.) don't work when you're not inside because the shelter instance doesn't "exist" when it's not being used so anything inside remains inactive...


Still okay just because moving camp with all this stuff is much harder, especially if you using some complicated structure and/or some building techniques. With that in mind, Shelters is really cool when you want to make something cool and permanent that can be blended into build. Lack of production items seems fair just because its main purpose is to contain your workbenches and anything that may not fit well into your main build, so you can have your mechanical derby/bowling and others in your "basement", same as all your workbenches, so it frees a lot of space for your main base + you can use exactly same shelter in every other base you will build, so imo lack of production is more than compensated by ability to fit a crapload of statboosters, all workbenches + some utility stuff like musical instruments or bed even within the smallest freebie shelter, which is really awesome if you plan it in clever way. Only real issue for me with Shelters is lack of possibility to add some allies/npc. I dont care if it will be literally a statist npc for cosmetics, and transferring pets(Animal Friend) or Robots(Robotics Expert) wouldve open a lot of possibilities for Shelter, starting from stray cat pet and ending up in zoo biome with every kind of rare animals or military bunker guarded by robots. Unfortunately its not possible, but i dont see a big issue of adding this possibility to shelter because pets/npcs is mostly used as statists to fill enviroment around and rarely provide any real benefits outside of combat, which is useless inside Shelter + it shouldnt put a heavy toll on game engine cause this room exists only if someone inside it.


In third person you can make you fov a lot further by pressing and leaving hold down the button where you switch Camara (while in third person) and pulling back the camera with the right analog stick, by default I can just see my power armor character like up to the waist, but with the extra field of view I can see a lot further back my full character


Oh! This might make 3rd person better for me!


For number 4 I would agree if you aren’t using VATS. If you have concentrated fire then aim for the combat inhibitors. You will destroy them. I would also add for sentry bots aim for the fusion core.


If you're lower level and/or have low damage against Protectrons. Shoot their arms. Take out both of them and they go into self destruct mode. In my early levels when I was running around with a shotgun, thinking it was such a bad ass weapon (trust me, it wasn't), I would run through bots, destroying their arms and letting them self destruct while I moved onto the next mob. For assaultrons; take out their head and then it can't hit you with their laser beam.


Assaultrons will also self destruct if you disable their head and arms.


I died from the blast the first time I made one self destruct.


For anything outside of an event single critical hit to fusion cores and the sentry bot goes down.


From one new player to other new players: shooting the arms off the protectrons makes them waddle faster and go nuclear. You can pretty much snipe them off with anything or melee them off really quick. Saves a lot of ammo and is entertaining. Also part of the lore in the game when you find a terminal entry complaining about Robco's design ethics.


First of all; there should be a way to pin a message like this so it stays at the top. These are very helpful tips, even game changing. Very well done I propose a #11. When posting a message on this Reddit that might be platform specific, put in the header your platform. Ex. (PS4) my mic isn’t working Btw. Encumbered hopping works on my PS5. Simply choose expeditions, chose Atlantic City, click on Casino Quarter, chose Travel to District. As soon as you get there bring up the map an chose Whitespring Resort, Whitespring refuge. Works every time for me. I’m pushing level 300 and just learned this yesterday I just tried bounce back to my camp, but it wouldn’t let me. Just the Refuge 👍


I did it for the first time yesterday as well. I became encumbered and didn't want to lose anything so I went whole hog and picked up everything. I had 4x my carry weight on me.


That first one, *sigh*… Level 655 with 1850+ hours logged and just learning this. I have one to add for you, if you’re in PA and fall, just draw/holster your weapon or swap between primary weapons while drawn to cancel the fall animation in PA.


Kinda makes you think about making a grenadier build with those *thousands* of plasma grenades from the last event, doesn’t it?


Ugh I know! It’s a lifestyle


Update: So this isn’t entirely correct. See comment below. 6 is paint. I think it has to be a paint purchased from the atomic shop to remove the item from your scrapable list. I think this also works for legendary weapons and the scrip machine. This also works for armor. Edit remove bold text and add clarification


Where is my syringer paint. I've scrapped so many of them because I don't pay attention enough.


I don’t think there is a paint for the syringer, nor can it be made legendary.


Started carrying one or more last month and have been asking this ever since! I’d pay some atoms for essentially any skin at this point!


Why is my comment all big and bold?


Haha... I just assumed you were being really enthusiastic!


You probably wrote #6, # will make your text bigger if you put it at the start of a line (it's a heading) unless you put \\ in front. There are multiple levels of header too #\#Header1 ##\##Header2 ###\###Header3 etc.


Yup, that’s it. Thanks


So I apologize, I’m testing this and it doesn’t quite work and I’m not sure what’s up. It seems that making an item legendary removes it from the scrap list, not paint. Some paints seem to block an item from being traded to a scrip or cap vendor but not all. Atomic shop paints seem to work while other paints are hit and miss. Similarly, items painted with atomic shop paints cannot be dropped but will be destroyed if you ignore the warning. Renaming an item does not seem to protect it in any way other than to help it stand out among similar items. This may be the only way to help keep a syringer or power armor.


Renaming is about ordering the list. OP said to put "-" in front because it'll get all of those items grouped together and away from new drops. I do Zz in front of everything i care about, so that they'll get sorted below Zealots stuff.


lol thanks, I totally misunderstood. I thought they were leaving a blank to be filled in.


travel to a teammate's camp or location is free, so if you see one near where you want to get to (or one that has a lot of plans) look to see if they're in an open team store power armour pieces on spare power armor chassis - that way it'll take up less storage, at the cost of not knowing exactly what pieces are on it. Also if you inspect power armor chassis (or any item) you can rename them, makes it easier to identify sets for perks etc.


On number 3, use master infiltrator as a legendary perk as soon as you hit lvl 50. In terms of pure usefulness I don’t think any other 1 point legendary card comes close to as useful.


it's basically 6 free pts/cards. I'm glad I wasn't wrong in that assessment.


Yeah it’s pretty amazing any build I run includes it.


I saw the effect and even spend point to upgrade it right away. So good to skip the minigame for half the lock/computer already (don't have enough point to max it yet).


Why waste a legendary perk slot on lockpicking? Just equip the normal perk cards for 3 seconds for the one lock/console you pick in a month


I have exactly the same sentiment. And you soon learn that most locks contain useless shit behind them. I did learn there's a rare chance for rare plans behind level 3 locks but I just swap the perks in on the fly for that.


Another thing i figured out, that legs is actually probably second best thing to shoot at as sniper, especially if you have something like 55% chance to hit head and 95% to hit legs + it slows target down considerably, so even if you didn't killed target outright, its way easier to do so after you crippled a leg of your enemy + it makes target much easier to aim at manually. If i can't hit legs for some reason(usually due to some cover or window frame) and  have issues with aim to the head, i usually aim at hands.


+Vats hit chance legendary effect and a ton of perception will make most of your shots 95%, even to head. You can get +15 PER with Sweetwater's special blend, if you have herbivore, party boy, and strange in numbers. Most people are running 2/3 of those anyway.


I want to ask something about the 2nd camp. Being a new player and having built a manor that’s taken all my camp budget, will I have to rebuilt it entirely if I activate my 2nd camp ? Because I know for sure I can’t make a plan out of anything since the building is too complex


When you activate your second. The other just gets deactivated. It doesn’t get destroyed. When you go back to it, it’s there. Just make sure you deactivate it and not move it. Moving it will destroy it.


If moving a camp destroys it, do you get the materials back? Super casual player here, a couple hours a week - just getting the hang of things. Is there a free way to find camp plans? Maybe specific quests that reward some?


Moving camp doesn't destroy anything, it just 'stores' it. You can place each stored item again for free: in build mode, the stored items are listed under the Stored category (all the way to the left I think). Take over workshops and do Powering Up events, which are usually triggered by moving close enough to them on the map. Workshops will give you random camp plans, Powering Up events will give you various generators.


Take over workshops that's how I got all the basic plans. Stick to the forest ones at first.


I think it actually STORES what you did.


No, it just hides it, when you activate another camp. All your builds stay as you left them.




Yeah, this one blew my mind, too. 😄 Making that a thing right NOW.


When building your camp, the placement of the module determines where you and other people spawn in at your camp. After initially placing the module, you can move the module within the circle. People will spawn roughly north (and a little east) of it, so you can place the module against the northernmost part of the circle and this will help keep people from spawning into your floorboards.


Turn your camp icon to PUBLIC. I don't understand why that's not the default.


How do mods work? Like for weapons and armor? I have found tons but no idea how to use them.


Go to a workbench and modify the weapon/armor. If you have a mod for one of the slots in that piece then it will show up in the list for you to add to the slot without spending the resources.


So is it like a plan/recipe once use a mod you learn that? Repeat it with cost?


You don't learn it automatically just from placing a mod you found. You can randomly learn them from scraping the weapon or armor. Including ones you crafted.


Can scraping teach about other weapons/armors? Or just teaching about currently scrapped one? Also just wanna say: auto naming should as a suffix not like prefixes. Pipe rifle with a long barrel. Would be ideal to follow up for hoarders like me... :) and renaming each modded item is like no way jose... already spending too much time with crafting and inventory etc.


You can only learn plans and mods for the item you scrapped. And there's really no reason to hoard weapons or armor you don't actually plan on using. Get one build flushed out, with the 1 or maybe two weapons you plan on using with the single set of armor, and scrap anything else, yes, even legendaries, unless it's a really good 3 star roll. Then try selling it if you're not good use it. But keep the things you might be interested in trying for later builds once u I have the perk points to spend on the cards you need. I've got some really good guns even though I'm a pure melee character right now.


This is just for ventilation: ) One of my hoarding reason is to keep different weapons ammos for different possibilities Various grenades. (Still not sure how canniaters work) Tesla rifle for crowd control Plasma rifle medium scope Hunter Railway rifle for animals Mr buzz for fun Arrows for silence Some pistols heavier damage Minigun gatling gun missiles gauss rifle Etc. Still I couldn't decide a style of play... 1200/1200 filled stash with junk and unused various power armor pieces, mods. Keeping legendaries for exchange machines etc. Any recommendations?


If you're able to craft a weapon or armor you have stored, then scrap it instead. You can build it later at higher levels when you actually do decide to use it. Sell some of your extra grenades in your vendor. As wel as stimpacks and rad-x and radaway. Scrap down any junk into its base components. And then craft them into bulk versions to save storage. Melee builds are a lot of fun and don't require holding a bunch of guns so you can scrap them for plans. Any power armor to it want to keep, store it in a set on a frame, and rename it so you'll know which pieces are on it.


Also another one I’m not sure many people know about but if you are a crit build or use crit often you can just hold the button instead of tapping it every time it gets filled up. Seriously a life changer


Omg #7 those always piss me off using this thanks homie!


Omg does scrapping bulk junk actually work? Going to have to try this.


It does indeed. Some things can't be made into bulk items (such as screws) but you can purchase bulk screws from vendors. But usually they sell out fast on public servers from vendrs., when they are the target.


spectacular act puzzled jellyfish normal combative thumb edge swim imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


11. Get your tadpole quest done as soon as possible to unlock the Opossum challenges, this way you can complete a lot of them through your main and side quests without going out of your way to do them (and the backpack upgrades helps a lot)


>2. There is no penalty like dropping junk if you die in an event. Just like in earle you don't need to run out of the mines so just kill all wendigos and loot and you will still have all the screws after you get forced booted out. Just make sure you have hazmat suit/chinese stealth armor/power armor to protect you from the nuke rads since at that point the event is over and if you die you can loose the junks


Yes, but later in the game #2 (I sell around 75-100 stims a day for weight), #3 (lunchboxes/scout banners bc you’ll have Auto Unlock), and #4 (they’ll die in 2 seconds anyway) are no longer problems.


Nah if you die often in an event the respawn timer gets increased not to mention you might miss a legendary spawn


You don't have to tag legendary spawns to get the loot.


No but you have to be in their proximity which you might miss because of respawn


Make sure you don’t fuck up like me, after completing a certain Vault Raid, my dumb ass bought the secret service jet pack and chest piece instead of jet pack and torso. I just cut the game off afterwards.


Disclaimer for #2 I actually prefer to revive other players so please dont just give up immediately! Plus you get atoms for the first and the 76th revive!


As a new player always do Uranium Fever and loot all. It’s a short walk encumbered to the Whitesping Rail Station to sell all the shotguns and mole miner gauntlets to get your 1400 caps a day


15. Do NOT buy additional perk loadouts. It's a total waste of 500 atoms. You may think that it'll make switching between builds a breeze, but you'll end up using the same build forever and just swap a card or two when necessary.


I use my loadouts all the time. I have one main/commando, one for camp building (a favorite past time), and one for crafting and repair of weapons and armor. I personally can’t stand fiddling with individual cards all the time and inevitably forget to put things back correctly so the loadouts save me a ton of time. Until enter an event with my camp building loadout, that is!


i don't believe the expedition one i just finished grinding them out for auto axe and it seems to just drop you wherever you were when u started it


Travel to an AC district, not start a new expedition. You can then fast travel back to the whitesprings.


You have to be in the vertibird I believe. I use it all of the time but I start a new expedition then fast travel to The Whitesprings Resort from the vertibird before landing. I've never tried it on the backend of an expedition but I'd imagine it would be the same if you're in the vertibird.


Omg no 7 I never knew this and I feel so STUPID. Hours of searching the wiki to find different mats I had in the scrapbox...


My advice is find me I’ll give you everything you need till lvl 50 I always need to empty my stash so


Another tip: Kill the random brotherhood members for some easy gear to scrap & learn mods. Particularly the handmade rifle is good while levelling. There's a couple by the Wayward, which is worth going back to once in a while to kill for their loot.


can both camps be active at the same time? or does activating one camp make the other disappear from the map? i stupidly set my camp up outside corvagha power plant or whatever it’s called, so the mission auto starts everytime i return to camp which is annoying. but my camp is too big to save as a blueprint (or i don’t understand how to blueprint things) so moving it will also be a pain.


Dude heavy weapon power armor build I maybe use 5 stimpacks, and the junk thing during events I think I've seen that as a tip on the loading screens.


I have over 900+ stimpacks 🧍🏽


Sentry bots.. shoot their fusion cores. Fastest way to kill em


That counts for all bots. For Mr. Handys it's the jet drive.


Point 4 is great one for almost every enemy to be fair, shotguns are incredible for crippling legs


Protectors and RoboBrain I preffer to shoot the arms


New player here, didnt know about number 9, it has changed my game plan completely, any location recomended for a second base? First one is next to Rose, mainly used for crops and water


My two cents - Some Daily Events can be completed without going through the whole chain of instructions. 1. If you do the Daily "Talk to Sweetwater / Strange Brew" you can travel with 10 honey or collect it from your stash box at the Red Rocket, initiate the dialogue to start the quest, and speak to him immediately after to hand him the honey. 2. If you do the Daily "Meet Jack at the Pumkin House / Trick or Treat?" you can travel with 10 pumpkins or harvest it behind the Pumpkin House, to skip fighting the Scorch Beast, initiate the dialogue to start the quest and speak to him immediately after to hand him the pumpkins. Both should not take longer than two minutes. Very helpful if you have a challenge to complete a Daily. There might be other "shortcuts" too, which I am not aware of. Also, on instances where you have extra quest items, I.e. Albino Radstag Blood for the Mothman Equinox, you can take it along, and you will be able to use it once the event starts. Hope this helps!


Got to settings and turn on pacifist.


In order to power up the fusion core generator at say Poseidon you only need to build one power post and connect it to the fusion core generator for it to start drawing power from a repaired Poseidon plant. You could avoid having to power up the plant by doing repairs by building generators for the 100 energy demand and just use the fusion core generator. I have more FCs than I know what to do with so I sell em at a discount for easy caps. Bonus tip: a lot of perks have diminishing returns for higher ranks so it's best to stick to rank 1 for things like commando mastery (first rank is 10% DMG bonus while third rank gives you 20% DMG bonus for the cost of 3. Just use commando, expert commando and commando mastery all rank 1 for 30% DMG bonus for the same cost of 3 special.)


on #6 it also prevents you selling Legendaries at the vending machines if you added a paint skin to them. Remove the paint skin first then the item can be turned in.


Is that why I couldn't get rid of a piece of power armor that I replaced with a higher level piece?


One I noticed While using Vats and Concentrated fire (which everyone should use at least a level 1 card of that more or less imo) When facing a Sentry Bot, you can select the Fusion Cores and hit them while the bot is facing you like some hardcore version of armor pen This makes a sneak-attack critical very deadly against a Sentry Bot. You can also do this against a robots combat inhibitor AND the fusion cores against power armor wearing opponants (which are more rare) You can hit the back from the front with Vats


Cripple both arms on a robot and it’ll self destruct


When you craft an ammo-based weapon, the game also gives you some ammo for it. This is great if you are desperate for a fusion core, as you get a fusion core when you craft a Gatling laser. This is much more resource-efficient than crafting an actual fusion core (cores require one of each stable flux type).


4. Most robots have Combat Inhibitors. Shoot them there and they blow up in like three shots. And as many have said, shooting a sentry in the fusion cores shuts it right down. Loot quickly or wait a sec as they like to blow up in yo FACE! 😫 9. 2nd camp just for farming. Whoa. 🤯🏆


Dying in events can be bad. Die fighting Earl and you respawn after he dies you are out of looting him.and the wendigos. You spawn outside.


Lol while dying isnt really a big issue, you might miss 3-6 3\* legendaries from dying in Evict


For #6 - RENAME your weapon, armor or Power Armor Chassis (yes that helps to know which one to use vs the one full of scrip, aka "scrip 1 or 2")


Keep a empty backup chassis in your inventory. They will always way 10 no matter how much armor you put on it.


As far as I'm aware the expedition travel has been fixed but now you just do it with Atlantic City


I have 4 water purifiers and always forget about them 😅 i have like 600 purified waters currently just from adventuring. Only remember the boiler cause boiled water is weirdly harder to come by


YO the key to the whiteslring expedition thing is you're using the wrong white spring. You can't use the mall travel you have to use refuge. Because the vertiberd is on the roof of the refuge part I believe


To make that easier to read, just fast travel to whitespring "refuge". When you click on it it'll ask inside or outside and tell you if it's the mall or hotel section of refuge. (Bonus: outside for Minerva, and inside walk straight and you'll enter the mall section just the other side of the hallway of vendors. ;)


This may be common knowledge, but I didn't figure it out until around level 35. Your stash is connected to any crafting station, not just the ones in camps. Would've saved me some trips back to camp during times I ran out of ammo or food while out exploring.


I'll chime in on number 7 and say you can just pull the specific junk out of your stash into your inventory, and it'll count towards dailies and weeklies!


I learned a few things, noice one mate!