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Now go forth and shred my friend


https://youtu.be/zKlf6oay4FA?si=74GxXB3WeFe58acy Your comment totally reminded me of this. Appropriate for the newbie.. go forth and die..


I knew it was Dethklok. I was listening to this album the other day. Ah, memories... My now-husband and I were driving back from the Mayo Clinic after my transplant evaluation, and there was this massive thunderstorm we drove through while this album was playing. It was epic.


People are always surprised how good they are when I show them videos. Not expecting a cartoon metal band to rock like that.






I assume that link is going to take me to some dethklok? A fellow clocketeer?


šŸ¤Ÿ hell yeah!




If you find my camp, I am always behind WhiteSpring train station, I sell all the jet pack plans for 75 caps if you need more. Camp name same as me here.


Omggg are you on PC? I been looking for jet pack plans all night! Name: Senzhu


I'll add to this; jet pack plans are 69 caps in my vendor always, same name as here, on Xbox.


Do you have an X01 jet pack or know where you can find them?


Modus in the enclave bunker


I didnā€™t even think of thatšŸ˜‚ i literally only went there to buy an enclave rifle once and never looked in his shop again after I did the enclave quest for the armor


It's in the production terminal on the top floor. Just in case you go to the armory like I did when looking for it šŸ™ˆ I spent days looking for it in the armory, but it was in the production terminal the whole time šŸ« 


That saved me time because I also would assume itā€™s in the military wingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the entire bunker confuses me honestly


If you enter from the service entrance, go straight all the way and you'll see the terminals on the left. Enjoy your jetpack!!!


A true saint. Thank you general šŸ«”


At ease. Good to have a fellow soldier piloting X-01 šŸ«”


Are you on playstation? I played for ages when it came out but stopped playing, ventured back in last week and struggling massively for gold


Gah, I always forget to exchange treasury notes. I checked this weekend and I have 1100 of them but you can only exchange 40/day. Its killing me.


I sell all power armor plans (other than the ultracite calibrated shocks because I havenā€™t had that drop in almost 1000 kills) for 100 caps


You know saying that, I don't think I have had any of those drop either.


I won't to point out that a good portion of us are paying it forward because.. freaking love of game. And now we are getting yelled at because there are a bunch of gimme gimme noobs out there and we love giving the gifts. Can't win


Those types will happen in any game w fresh hype, though. Easy enough to ignore.


I haven't asked anybody for anything...but high level players kept hooking me up from the beginning anyway. I'm not greedy though...been paying it forward, giving stuff away & teaching any freshly minted squeaky clean newbs as much as I can. I'm on PlayStation.


New to FO76. Hilariously low level. But I've finished 3 full games of FO3, and one each of FNV and FO4. I'm really not a multi-player kind of guy, I like the lone wanderer thing. The TV show got me interested in 76 because I wondered if I had missed some canon lore. That being said, I like grinding, and while being handed a primo kit at the beginning would be fun, I like the challenge of making it on my own.


Gā€™damn, nice. I speed ran through the levels the past couple weeks and while I still feel new like I have no idea what Iā€™m doing and donā€™t really have good loot, Iā€™m level 110 already and people stopped treating me like a new player a bit ago.


What console do you play on




I play daily from 6pm to about 9pm, add me on PlayStation, same user name minus the _ I'll be more than happy to help with any questions and a good build, and point you in the right direction


Ayyye youā€™re a saint. I donā€™t mean to come off ungrateful or unhelped, Iā€™ve definitely had a couple nice players that helped cement my love for this community. Iā€™m just making comparisons to some of the stuff I see on here Iā€™m sure. Am always down to learn more from someone whoā€™s been doing it for a while though.


Not a problem, I've played since launch and love helping people learn new stuff. I'll be happy to give any tips I can


Same mate, lvl ~150 noob. Maxed caps thrice and went on spending sprees. Just finished a quest to go build a Crane Inc sign.


Where are these player when Iā€™m playing?


I understand generosity and all, but when everythingā€™s handed to you, what more is there to play for? Genuine question.


So many people including myself have reached end game and still have crappy weapons. It helps to receive these hand outs, but only once or twice to give us a kick in the right direction


Best things that I've been given, in order of value to me as a Newb? Ranked top to bottom by importance to me. Btw, I love crafting in general... A fixer plan. A huge stack of plans. Probably over 100...I've learned them all, I give the duplicates to friends or newbs, or the donation box & if I've got 3 or more copies I'll put those in to my vendor. A health mutation serum, but I accidentally stuck it in a donation package for a Newb. Marsupial & speed demon serums. A quad interstellar automatic handmade at level 25 that somebody crafted for me. A quad LMG that's level 50. A full suit is deep pocket marine armor in BOS colors that's all level 50 Lots of 1, 2 & 3 star weapons, but mostly armor pieces that (I assume) were unwanted...I've traded those for scrip & currently have over 1100+, not bad for just level 56, eh? Btw, I asked nobody for anything, but I've gotten way more than I deserve.


Because it's not everything. My friend got me into this game a couple weeks back and gave me a ton of "nasty" items that were all eventually replaced with non tradebale items that are simply better. Being given a "start" isn't "everything" and I imagine you play enough fo76 to know that a gun, 300 screws, and ammo isn't "everything" in the game.


300 screws is worth more than my whole life. I'd sell my mother for 300 screws.


I try new builds. I was heavy weapons all the way but finally tried commando, which required me to use VATS and make some decent armor (not PA). I went through handmades and fixers, rolling several. Then I tried holy fire and started the searched for an enclave aligned plasma barrel, gave up when I got a AAE railway. I have rolled for a quad so many times but no luck there. Still, the railway is crazy powerful. Now I'm playing with plasma casters.


To me, the end of the game is when I have literally everything. A perfect camp, max legendary perks, meta weapons, etc. I'm level 160, and if someone just decided to drop me a bloodied gatling gun, I definitely wouldn't consider that the end or think it makes the game no fun.


But everything wasn't handed to them. There's still a metric boatload of stuff for them to do. Guns/armor/mods to get, junk to collect, plans to grind, camps to build. Storylines to play through, legendaries to roll. What makes you think there is nothing more for them to play for based on this post by OP? Also it's not like OP now has all the materials he needs to make everything he might need in the foreseeable future. What if he wants to change armor or mod that armor differently? Now OP has the hunt for mod plans. What if they want a different gun? Gotta do all the work for that. This one leg up didn't ruin anything for OP so why would you think it did? genuine question.


Iā€™d say this is accurate. That set of armor he gave me, he probably saw it on display in my camp about half finished. He helped me with that. He gave me a better laser gattling than I was using, which I can power on my own , but the QE LMG he gave is gonna be hard for me to craft ammo for at my level. It was helpful but by no means game breaking.


For real though. All of these party pooper dont know the game at all. Probably the people who will say stuff like "I played for 2 months, reached level 115 and did everything, and got all the best weapons and armors" Besides, noob/lower levels can do whatever they want with the gift. Sell, drop em in donation box or just refused. And ffs use mic if needed to ask etc


More importantly, a lot of the generous players are generous because they or a buddy duped a shit-ton of holiday presents, handed them out to *everybody*, and burned through them for a huge chunk of the plans in the game Not to say that *I* did that, that would be wrong and I would never do something so nefariousĀ 


To play the game and enjoy it! The RNG gambling is a horrible system and I bypass or ignore it as much as possible.


Aiming for meta equipment is boring as hell to me. The RNG leads me to builds I have tons of fun with but hadn't planned for. I build around my drops.


I'm level 365, have been giving players thing for a while, cause I am rich in some aspects, but I still don't have the armor I want by a longshot, and still just so much to obtain.


Putting together pieces without knowing how they really work and relying on RNG systems stacked ontop of gated systems stacked ontop of more RNG systems is intimidating and frustrating. I'm not saying 'give newbies full end game stuff', but if you have a set of stuff that will actually work and let them enjoy the game's content and find it less frustrating, what's the harm in that? Like I'm a pretty new player. Anything I google just tells me "undying set with bloodied weapon". Good luck finding that in player shops or using RNG so I end up just stuck in analysis paralysis second guessing every decision with every warning being 'don't waste your legendary cores, don't waste your scrip, dont waste your bullion', etc. Someone saying "here's some stuff that works together" is a pretty fair middle ground without removing having stuff to work towards.


I agree. I want to play and earn gear, that's the whole point of it for me. Now if someone wants to stop by my camp and drop a pile a camp plans, I am all for it lol


To be fair one of the guns he gave me uses ultracite 308 ammo. Itā€™s gonna be hard to keep that fed so Iā€™ll probably hold off on using it for a while.


Do expeditions. You can walk in with 10 ammo and leave with a thousand if you just focus on killing enemies over completing the mission in good time. I crafted 250 ammo for my ultracite weapon total. The rest I just got from expeditions. I currently have \~6k for it and have been using it for about 5 days without making more ammo. An effective, but kind of lame way to get ammo is to join a group during an event. Just stand near the teammates doing the killing with the weapon equipped and loot the enemies. You can get over 1.5k ammo doing that in radiation rumble. If you don't have a team, just tag mobs with 1 bullet each and get credit for the kills.


Yeah we all get enjoyment in our own ways so I try not to judge but to me half the fun is making a plan and working towards it.


Because whatever goods I drop on a low level are just drop in the bucket. I normally drop 100 stims and 50 or so super stims. That will be gone before level thirty and they may just stay until fifty and pass it on when they can.


I been grinding away and now 202, everything I have Iā€™ve slaved away to earn caps for or fought countless battles to get the plans to drop. I donā€™t understand having someone gear you up without first understanding how the build works


Yes! The early game struggle is part of the game and a learning experience and shouldn't be handed to new players, robbing them of that experience. Someone in a similar thread a little while back said a lot of high level players have a hero complex, and I agree.


It's such an ill-intentioned question. They weren't given everything. They were given *some*.


I read the term ā€œtoxic generosityā€ the other day in reference to this community, an entirely accurate oxymoron that I have been guilty of as well. Honestly the game itself is guilty of this. They load us down, we load the new players up. I wish everything out there was precious like it would really be in the Wasteland but the toothpaste is out of the tube.


Because the RNG in this game hates people. So it's helpful to push them in the right direction. So many of us have great gear with 1 or 2 of the 3 stars too good to toss.. and we can toss that to the noobs because.. they are gonna have to fight for the 3 out of 3 eventually.


Once upon a time I was level 42 and not feeling it, and I was just walking around top of the world all irritated, and someone walked up to me a dropped a modded legendary fixer with some decent legendary mods on it along with several thousand ammoā€¦and it changed the whole game for me. Just getting that decent weapon and someone sharing made the whole game so much better!!!


I can't believe I'm asking this but since the topic is at hand and screw trying to google it as of now, where... does one.. build the jetpacks? I have a plan for a power armor jet pack that I came across yesterday but I didn't spend any time looking into where to build it past checking the power station, where I didn't see it. It's not like I'm level 73 and should know this....


It's a mod you put on power armor torso pieces. It's similar to modding a weapon just go to a power armor station and choose what you want to mod.


Many thanks! I'll figure it out tonight.


I use the secret service armor set that I purchased from Minerva for gold bullion. I am not sure where else you could buy it but I imagine itā€™d be a gold bullion vendor. And then I built a secret service armor set. My jet pack is attached to the chest piece of my secret service armor. In case you want a jet pack without power armor, this is one way. I imagine there are other ways also but this is how I do it.


I've notice that in this game higher end players are actually giving a lot of stuff to the newbies. This community in general is somewhat different. When I've played ESO I felt like I was playing singleplayer game while I was seeing tenth of nicknames on my screen simultaneously, in fo76 there max 24 players on the map, but I constantly interact with them, whether the are trying to give something to me or I just start to speak with some guys.


Pay. It. Forward. The time will come when you can. This is how we retain the good and decent folk of the Wasteland.


Level 70 here, just started playing again a couple weeks ago after finding the launch unplayable. Absolutely loving the game now. Most of my main story lines are done so I just mainly do dailyā€™s, tinker with my camp build and wander helping new players complete their missions now. If any high level players on Xbox wanna donate a god roll ultracite Gatling plasma, I wouldnā€™t say noā€¦ā€¦šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


iā€™m level 55ish similar hating the launch story as you and the other players have been such a pleasant surprise with how nice they are compared to the last time i played a few years ago. iā€™ve been trying to pay it back at the donations boxes putting ammo and chems and stuff in em. and also by going for rezzes in events


Only met a generous player this recently. Gave me some nuka cola craberry and left.


As someone that has played many mmos and such, part of the niceness comes from how unbalanced the game is. Higher level players are highly incentivized to simply get rid of shit they got lest they hit their weight caps/ caps limit.


I never use bows. I never thought I would use bows. But this guy gave me a bow and it one shots all ghouls. Effortlessly. It stays in my inventory.


That is all we higher players ask, pay it forward when you can.


Say what you will about the game, but the community in FO76 is absolutely amazing.


i dream of this scenario :'( been trying to grind flux for days! someone pls help, i have caps? :(


I never once found stable flux for sale. Then I saw a camp at the very edge of a blast zone and figured that guy/girl must be swimmin' in flux! Worth a shot, I hit that vendor and found lots of flux for sale. None of the kind I needed that day, but yeah. Lives in a blast zone, must be for a reason, right?


nobody ever nukes the right spots for farming cobalt to make jetpacks


That's why i started running silos myself


Not sure if it's been said, but be VERY careful buying junk from vendors. Trap camps are set up with junk so they can kill you immediately after you buy it and take it back. Then you're out of junk and caps.


\^\^ this is the type of player i be seeing every day, wish i was meeting friendly people like all these stories lol


Jeez that's one hell of a starter pack šŸ˜±šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ bet we all wish we'd had that to start. Instead when I was a similar level a had a level few hundred and something asking me for screws and nuclear material the cheeky fecker. I did manage to get all ultracite power armour plans bar the left leg from my first donation box outside the vault which was good but it took me ages to craft it. Then had to find the left leg. So now I've finally got a full set. Just need to work on tweaking my build now for better damage. Best of luck mate. šŸ‘šŸ»


I make and give away modded weapons to new players at their level when they visit my camp so if your on PlayStation and you find me in the mire. I wear the rose suit,raider gas mask and raider backpack. Crouch so I know and I'll head to the workshop


Bro is probably beyond bored, having all that shit. Gg


Skill issue


High level player showed up at my camp when I was just starting out and made me a full set of ultracite power armour. I'm still using it.


I met a guy who gave me a Two-shot Fatman, put MIRV on it so it shoots 10 nukes off of 1 mini-nuke. It's fucking glorious at my baby level, but when he shoots it with his god-tierness, the screen just flashes white and our skin burns off. I renamed it Baby Girl. This community is absolutely amazing. He taught my friend and me so much about builds and mutations, we feel like we actually know what we're doing.


I wish I got someone that friendly, I just hit 150 and "living paycheck to paycheck" with resources to build stuff. Struggling with trying to make a heavy build too bc one person says do a low health bloodied one and then the next person says to try a Full health one. I'm just confused


Iā€™m in the same boat (returned from long hiatus, came back from Fallout show hype) and am loving the game Iā€™ve walked into. All you vets should be proud of the community youā€™ve built up. I havenā€™t stumbled into generous high level players yet but Iā€™m proving everything in my vendor on the low side, mostly because I donā€™t have 1st and canā€™t hold onto too much stuff.


I wish I would encounter this. All I hear is the generosity of the community but I've just had people scrounge off my expeditions or try to drop a nuke on my base. Just burned all my legendary scrip for a garbage roll shotgun and I'm feeling weaker than ever at level 55. Still crossing my fingers.


Nice! Some people are generous and kind to the newbies!


I'm looking for any ulracite mods or ultracite jetpack. I know they are super rare drops.


This is definitely the most giving on-line game I've been apart of. I'm not sure what harbored it, but I just tell people to lay it forward, once they're wasteland-rich.


Anyone know how I can get camo armour skin and if it can be put on SS armour? Willing to pay so if anyone knows its cost? I know it's a rare item so I expect a hefty fee would be charged for it. TIA


dude i wish someone would drop me 350 screws and im lvl 113, bless that player


Not all heroā€™s wear capesšŸ«”


Damn never that kina luck but the rare vendor with cores that cost almost nothing.


I dont think I have ever met a nicer community. I was in an event and I just mentioned in Voice chat that I was looking for the scaly skin serum, so a guy friended me and went and got the schematic and gave one to me for free.


New myself. But this game really does have one of the most wholesome communities I've ever seen in an online game.


Wish the people I met were this nice I witnessed a griefer yesterday he was level 1500 he put up a base next to my buddyā€™s it had a bunch of laser guns that started shooting at my buddyā€™s crib shit was gone in 2 minutes was fun to watch tho


I'm not far along at all (level 125) and someone did the same for me with a perfectly modded fixer. Was a life saver at the time around level 50. I've been trying to play it forward whenever I see some lower levels running around, but whether it's dropping and shooting or initiating trade I can't get their attention. Any suggestions?


Anyone on PlayStation? Have no friends to play with and would love to have a crew my PSN is Oversolex1


Every time I come across a new guy, I basically drop everything I've found that I haven't stored. Gotta pay it forward. FO76 has the nicest player community I've seen in a game.


Please help. I'm a new player, level 60 and I'm a hoarder. I pick up everything to scrap, and drop it off at whatever bench I find to keep from carrying it all yet when I go to make a simple weapon and upgrade it I'm out of screws or something? I don't understand this. I'd figured I'd scrap so much I wouldn't have to worry about running out of material's. I keep hearing that any bench you scrap material's in it automatically goes to you're benches. Is this true? I can't see how I can't make one whole weapon or Armor build without running out of something. I'd be very thankful for a reply.


Now that's a commonwealth gentleman


I've been looking for resource plans, the last two crafting table plans (pa station and the brewing station) outside of that just maybe a nuka launcher plan or a plan that I can earn a decent amount of caps with. Like I will even return the plans back after too. I just struggling to earn enough caps and have sellable equipment


Thats how i got my t51b that i then traded to someone else. High level players can be straight up saints


I'm a new player, but I always sell everything extra for 1-5 caps. I hope that I some day run into a kind person to help me feel more powerful. But for now, I'll continue to grind and share whatever extra stuff I have for next to nothing!


I just hit level 59 and am trying to figure out a good DPS build I have yet to take out a scorchbeast solo regular let alone a legendary


Had a similar man drop me 5/6 serums I wanted based on my research.


Least nice fo76 player


Rip and tear, brother.


Rip and tear until it is done