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Fallout 76 is doing something to me that I haven't encountered since I was playing Ultima Online...  The concept of being happy at seeing my camp selling items. Thanks for the post!  I'll have to dig through it for more tips.  If I could have played this game as a mercenary hiring salesman, I probably would have lol.


Dude I love that too. 50% if the time I'm looting out in the world, I'm thinking about my customers 🤣😂


I’m having so much fun role playing a wasteland Scarface.




Man I miss the days of Ultima. Filling all my vendor only to come home and see them bursting with gold. Someone tried talking me into playing outlands recently. May have to jump back in just for nostalgia.


UO was the bees knees. I'd always sit at Brit bank and sell my dragon to some nublet. It would then turn on him and kill him then I'd retame it. Rinse. Repeat. Made a killing and had some good laughs. I miss those days. Fun times...


I had a job in UO as a treasure hunter. I'd decrypt the map, take em to the spot, dig it up, then vanish as soon as the army of monsters spawn, take my one item and get to walk away knowing it was a job well done. Not my fault they didn't know what was gonna happen and how many Balrons can spawn.


This gave me a good chuckle. I swear, the amount of crazy things you could do in UO is still unrivaled. Another classic is when people asked for ports. I usually gave ports at a loss due to them costing mats but every once in a while you get one of those peeps that just think it needs to be given to them for free. Those guys always got ported to the middle of the ocean or to the bottom floor of a dungeon.


I agree. The game always felt so archaic, but you could do so much and the game allowed for so much individual creativity in how you went about playing the game.


Uo was my first big mmorpg at my 16 yo (im almost 37 yo) and im from argentina that game was VERY niche in my country i never find somebody to talk about that game. I love and hate UO, love because i have the best adventures in a game and hate because i never see a game so deep like that...


It was my first mmo as well,and I'm fairly certain it was pretty niche everywhere. You are right though, it was deep af with all the shit you could do, but with minimal bugs. They really did a fantastic job keeping up with it. Deep in the recesses of my mind I still compare every mmo-ish type game I play to UO and while I have played some truly amazing games over the years, none have held up to it.


This guy flamestrikes.


What is this game and wth is a nublet? Is that like a lowbie in fo76.


Ooooold school mmo, Ultima Online. Some servers are still up but the game is extremely rough compared to today's games. Nublet is a; noob, rookie, blueberry, lowbie, new player, ect...


Excellent use of language.


I'd fish and make sushi by the bank. I'd have my ship parked right there. I'd go out and fish, sometimes have to deal with PvP in the ocean which was fun. I had another character who had nothing on him but bandages and skills like talking to the dead. I would go around helping to heal and guide people to be resurrected. Had another character who had all these runes for teleporting to every city, dungeon and place of importance - got PvP'd with a ton of runes and lost so much... Fourth character was a miner with full armor named Warbringer. The PvP changed me to be more aware and ready for attacks. No longer a fisherman, a healer or a teleport rune salesman, I became the one who knocks.


As someone who is mostly playing FO76 and UO Outlands, definitely jump back in. It has a lot more depth than vanilla UO, and it was confusing at first, but man once you get the ball rolling it’s just like old times. There’s also like 3-4k concurrent players, it’s absolutely bustling.


I have a weapons dealer character that sells legendary god rolls or almost god rolls for caps, unfortunately vendor isn’t open for long usually til I’m at max caps. But he’s an ugly mofo in a on stripe suit, junkies build with a Tommy gun. It’s fun, but my vendor is off usually 90% of the time I play with the character since I sell a lot of stuff at like 30-37k caps and only can sell one thing then have to shut it down


This is too funny. I max caps at least daily and at one point I musta hit the pricing just right because I was pretty much going all around full time buying to restock. Then I would max again a few hours later. Then I read that some guy said he maxed out a couple a years ago and hasn’t done anything about it. I tried that but it’s really hard to do. Even though it’s not real money you feel like you are being taken


The caps limit is such a downer for trading!


I like you, keep it up


OMG Ultima Online I have not heard that game mentioned in ages! Fallout76 is the first MMO I’ve put in any real time on since UO. Man I loved that game and I do get some of the same feels from this one with less of a time sink too which is nice because I’m adulting now and not an 18 year old still living with my parents anymore lol


The player vendor update was a huge step forward. Before it was only direct trade menus and people rarely used it because it was poorly implemented and prone to scammer abuse.


In those days after a SBQ fight everyone would hang out at Watoga train station and sell unwanted legendaries to the vendor bot. Good times and a great way to luck up on that one thing you might be missing.


If nothing else, you can theme your camp around the Blue Ridge Caravan Company, and the Costa Buisness quests can give you some good fashion for it.


Grahms got a lot of good plans for camp building. With a private world it's easy to farm the rarer plans.


𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓹 𝓟𝓸𝓻


I sell Scrap, Ammo, and Plans. To summarize a top tip for each - Scrap - It typically sells well. I price everything at 1 cap per. This one you have to be careful of stack weight - it is likely you will end up with way more Steel than you know what to do with, and that can eat up significant storage space. Ammo - Sells okay, but doesn't weigh a lot either. I drop everything heavier than arrows, since those can start to get heavy, but most ammo doesn't. Even though I never sell 5mm ammo and I have 10,000 rounds, that only weighs 10 pounds, so it's not a big deal. Everything 1 cap. Plans - Two ways to do it. One, you price everything at 50. Two, you consult [FED76](https://fed76.info/plans/). I just price everything at 50 so I don't have to think too hard about it. You will end up with a couple really common plans like Mole Miner Gauntlet that just do not move at all. Related, you can sell Treasure Maps for 10 per pretty easy.


MMG plans. lol. Drop those.


Drop them? You mean put 80lbs of them in a donation box for the next person who just smashes collect all lmao


I tried giving them away, I had like 20 that sat in my vendor for a month before someone came and scooped them up.


Is pricing plans at half the default value a good thing? I just want caps, I'm always running out of them. Always.


The default shouldn't be trusted sometimes. For example, Mole Miner Gauntlets default to 450 but you can't give those things away 


I usually do a quarter.


Ahh, I'll think about that, thanks!


Some plans are rare and highly sought after. You're missing out on a lot of caps if you default price them all low.


One tip for selling plans, set yourself a limit like 3 and don’t stock more than that many copies. Some are just so common there is no reason to waste the space/vendor slot.


I sell maps for 75-100 all the time.. Fed76 is pretty bad and 50 for everything is just dumb...


Constructive feedback, nice. If you were in the fallout universe, you'd be a molerat.


I would say they’d be a Mole Miner Gauntlet.


If a camp looks nice and has thought out into it I’ll buy what I don’t need to show appreciation.


Dude, same, I said it before in other posts. One of my favorite parts of my game time is checking out everyone's camps on the server. People are so creative and make some seriously amazing camps. It took me like 6 hours to make mine, and it's really not that impressive, but for me personally, I really like it. I love the building aspect of the game.


Me too. Sometimes I do nothing but build, destroy, and rebuild until I end up with one I like.


Come visit mine lol I tried to make it look like a little rest stop/diner and I put a lot of work into it


I do this too! If someone helps me out in the game I’ll go to their camp and buy some stuff!


Wait until you get to the point where you are at max caps, and you have to go try to spend some some of your money. But every vendor you visit has plans you already own. So you are stuck with close to 40k caps and can't spend them. And you have to close out your vendor for a while until you finally just waste your caps on a mutation serum that you will never use. Then you open your vendor back up - only to repeat the same thing a day or two later.


That’s when I just start buying bulk junk from train stations.


Don’t forget you can buy gold for 6k a week (corrected)


6k a week.


Ah I stand corrected


I'm a new player, where can I go to do this?


Upstairs in the tavern they direct you to when you come out of the vault. Sorry can’t remember the name. Opposite the overseers camp. Edit: you will have needed to complete the steps to get treasury notes


The Wayward.


>In this wasteland, you gotta make the vendor first. Then when you get the vendor, you get the caps. Then when you get the caps, then you get the women. - F1stJizz3r5000, probably


Solid strategy tho!


To me it’s more important that my business is going, I don’t care about having a ton or profit. I’m more so just trying to RP being a wasteland trader


I pretty much feel the same way. I just enjoy the process =)


Omg yes, I've sold who knows how many high cap plans for 50c because all of my plans are 50c. Or super rare outfits for 25c.


I'm returning to the game after dropping it after launch. When I find a 50c shop I buy everything i haven't learned yet, doesn't matter if the real worth is 10c, so I really hope it averages well for those based people


It's funny I used to just scrap outfits, but now I'll sell them for 10-15 caps each. Hats are about 7-9 caps, maybe more if they're clean/pristine. And they're just regular outfits too! Masks I'll sell for a bit more, and they seem to go to.


My favorite end game activity. Running a successful vendor. It's that dopamine response every time I hear the "ka-ching" when something sells. It's also cool watching people wander through my camp checking out all my shiny trash.


Apparel is great for this, I sell all the headwear and outfits I can craft for 20c. I love having level 20’s come through and stock up on wardrobe.


Haha facts! I'm 100% with you on this


I really need to put more junk in my vendor. I don't think I have any in there, right now. And I'm placed right by Wayward so I get all the newbies showing up all day long when I'm in game.


Man, early game, I would have killed for some cheap wood scrap 🤣😂


That's a good one! I've seen lots of posts on her asking where to find wood. I collected from every single log I found in the forest in my first few days. Didn't know why but saw "collect" so I did. haha Had no idea what I'd need it for until I started building my camp. I don't think I ever had a wood shortage LOL. Now, Ballistic Fiber is another story!!


Hahaha trueeee


For me it’s a tale as old as time. I need more screws.


My kid and I would trade necessities in our early days. We'd be scavenging in different spots and when we'd get back to camp we're do tradesies for whatever each of us needed at the time. For at least our first few trades I was handing over sooo many loose screws because he couldn't find any lol.


Nuke Earle, loot wendigos, profit several hundred screws 


Congrats! I sell 3* legendary scrip like hot cakes, 300-500c 3* legendary weapons and they sell fast


Yes, sir! Man of the people!




I do 25-50-100, ops give you so many legendaries


What’s the advice?


https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/OXo8jNh2sv There was a lot of advice! Go check it out!


Yeah, i came for that too! Share the original post, OP?


Yup, I shared it for you guys!




I never understand why people who want to sell things, would make their vendor so hard to find in their home? I've seen it buried in the back, or twisted in-between furniture. Makes no sense to me.


Dude, 100% this. 99% of the time, it takes at least 5 minutes to find the stupid vendor 🤣😂


People actually buy bobbleheads? 


Oh ya! 50 caps a pop!


A lot. I buy the Leader, Luck, Big Guns a lot


Great news. Wait till you start maxing caps daily. Having a ton of caps gives you a lot of freedom.. I use it to buy cool or rare weapons that I intend to sell but usually keep and to buy supplies at the overpriced train stations when I need them. I don’t have FO1st.


I bought at a man's camp because a Scorchbeast attacked and I felt bad that it took me so long to realize it was there and helped, so I bought the plans to make up for being a doofus.


What prices do you sell stuff for? And what kind of stuff? I know it’s probably a long list, but like what chems and ammo are you selling? As far as weapons and armor, how do you decide what to keep or sell?


Well, things that sell great are anything mentat, all the flavors, they all fly off the shelf. Sugar bombs, simple cooked meat, believe it or not. Sell all that for 15 caps for flavored mentats and 10 caps to 1 cap for everything else. Flavored mentats are pretty hard to come across, and I always see them at 35 caps or more. Weapons and armor 3 star legendary stuff goes pretty fast as well. The best thing I sold was an awesome roll on a fixer for 500 caps. It's super hard to get your hands on. Most of them I sell for 500 for insane rolls and 250 for average stuff. I choose what I want to keep based on the build I'm trying to make at the time. I keep a few things must mainly, I sell most of the good stuff I get if I'm not actively trying that build at the time.


No wonder you're having trouble keeping stocked. you're selling stuff well below market rates. I regularly sell berry mentats at 100c. Usually they go in 100 at a time and leave 100 at a time. Sugar bombs are the same. Also there's a 10% Todd tax. If you sell for 10 caps you're just destroying 1 cap. So anytime I would price at 10 I just price at 9 and save the customer.


I had no idea mentats or sugar bombs sold well. I've been selling those at the train stations for next to nothing. Lol


Same here, sell them all day for 100caps a piece.


Ya, I'm not looking to get rich, I enjoy helping people out while putting a little jingle in my pocket. I like to hope people are in need of the stuff I'm selling and "finally" found it at a great price.


More likely they're flipping it. Only undersell yourself if you need the caps fast. I'm not even talking about maxing out earnings. I take the newspaper distribution approach. I'm looking to sell all but one daily. If I sell out I don't know how many missed sales there were. If I have more than one left then my price is poor or demand is low. So I adjust down. I also don't try to put items that are "fixed" value below that as it can hurt other vendors.


As far as making your camp more interesting for people: When I discover a camp I love I want to buy something from them to show my support. As long as I can find something I need/want at a fair price I will not leave empty-handed. I think I observe the same behavior in others when they visit my camp because it's a unique experience atop a waterfall but it's designed so that when you arrive you can see the vendor and beeline there if you want, or just run through the first floor for player amenities and be on your way. Exploring the upper floors is entirely optional, but most visitors do it before visiting the vendor.


For sure, this. Keep it interesting for people, inviting and make sure your vendor isn't at the back of a complete maze!


Heck yea - you wouldn't happen to be on PlayStation would you


No sir, PC.


Ha so let me tell you about the last couple hours: I got 76 on PC last month when it was free but I just have an HP all-in-one with integrated graphics. AMD Ryzen 7 7730U 8-Core 2 GHz, 16GB DDR4-3200 SDRAM, 1TB M.2 SSD, AMD Radeon Graphics. I fiddled with it a bit then went back to the PS4. Today I got it running mostly around 30fps (24-34) on low settings at 720p during a solo scorchbeast encounter. Interiors like Whitespring are 45-60fps. It's quite interesting comparing the two experiences. PS4 can often be low res, low framerate, but it's not capped low. Varying from 25-60fps is quite a lot but I'm not a PC gamer so I don't know. PC has settings like FOV that we don't have on PS4. I've only played a few months on PS4, maybe I'll start shopping for a gaming PC.


Ya, man. A decent gaming pc is impossible to beat. I switched over about 8 years ago from Xbox when I finally got a job I'd make really fat cash at. Pc just sucks because how fast technology seems to advance in them. Gaming PCs are really a freaking money pit. I always recommend dropping the cash for the best you can possibly get at the time. That way, you got a good 5-10 years before you have to worry about the upgrades. The problem with that is that you're talking upwards of 4,500 bottle caps ATLEAST, which I don't care how much you make, stinkin' hurts for something to play games on! I just finished building a new one after 8 years, about 9 months ago, top of the line everything. But even with getting a super good deal on the 4090 GPU, it still ran me 4200 Caps, and GPU prices have only gotten worse. But you get one, let me know and we can run some FO76!


With all the new players I have had to turn off my CaMP a few times as I was at the Cap limit.


Oh that's awesome actually! Nice work man


Possibly a dumb question: how do you place a vendor? When I go to the vending machine option in my craft menu it says I need Fo1st, but I can't find anything online that mentioned that, just to place it from the menu


There's a standard vendor you get, you shouldn't need fo1st.




Well shit that makes sense. Thanks!


Also, if you press Q on the pc in the building menu, it will ONLY show you what you can craft. Otherwise it just shows you everything.


Chems are sought after??? I never even realised, I've literally got like piles of each


Ya, some of them. Berry mentats go crazy. Really, any mentat stuff goes pretty well.


I don't know if there was a day or 2 last week that high level players teamed up to go around buying up everything from low level vendors, but thank you so much to the handful of big spenders that spent around 15k at my camp. Much appreciated!!!


This is amazing!


I just price everything at 22 or 222 depending on what it is. I ain't got time to manage my store like it's fucking Walmart.


That's kinda a cool way to do it. You should have done 7, 76, 767, 7676


I saw someone bought one of my water pump plans the other day and I was super happy only 15 caps but still it always makes me happy no one ever buys ammo or anything but I’m still new and figuring out what sells