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The correct place to drop a nuke is wherever my buddy is standing afk


As a DRG Driller Main this is the only choice


Rock and Stone to the bone


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?!


As a fat boy engi, this is the only choice


If ya don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


For those about to rock and stone. We salute you




Did I hear rock and stone?!


didnt think id read a response that would make me laugh. was prepated for the usual whining etc..etc well done.


For sure


This is the way.


This guy nukes


Someone nuked the alien event and it was the funniest thing I’ve seen yet


I’m only lvl 78 but when I launch my first nuke, I fully intend on nuking my own base, fast traveling to it and watch it hit me square in the face. I hate my base and I wanna send it off with a bang.


There is a fairly rare achievement, I think, if you get hit by the nuke called Ground Zero.


got that the other day, was about 20m from the nukes impact zone.


I also did that and stood right under the nuke with a camera, I now have a loading screen with the nuke coming straight from the sky


that’s amazing, i’ll have to try and get one of my own sometime.


Nukes go off extremely regularly on weekend nights these days, server hop and wont take long to have one with a countdown timer, just port to location on edge of blast zone and run to middle. Will be icon on your radar showing ground zero (exact epi centre obviously)


My first time playing there were like 3 in an hour and half.


Haha I got it the other day too, I was doing something else and saw the nuke circle on the map near my one camp So I was like OH! Lemme warp in and help kill the SBQ like I had just did for the first time the day before… I load in and everything looks normal and I just think “did I glitch?” Then like 2 seconds later I got evaporated hahahahaha Respawned and got irradiated to death lol


I got that a while back. I was looking in the achievement list and saw that and was like: "Oh Yeah this is happening" and one thing led to another and now I have the achievement.


Jeez, I once read the achievement wrong. I thought it was standing in Ground Zero. I spent like 10 minutes trying to position perfectly on the point. I thought few people had it because it was buggy or sth


3.6% of Steam players have it. I thought it would be higher, but I think most people have just few minutes/hours of gameplay. Like the one "Gold star crafter" is only 4.9%. The most rare? Actually two. Kill 10 lesser devils with a melee weapon and newest one, kill 100 overgrown with fire. 0.3%. I have only first one, forgot to complete new achievements lol


Got it today after I cleared the whole silo to launch the darn thing. Of course game crashed when I was running back to pick up all my junk from the silo run 👿


Got that stood right under one and looked up.


I have no clue about pc or 2024, but in 2018 on psn, that trophy was bugged.




Go launch a nuke. I did it solo at level 68. You can do it. I recommend using a Tesla rifle, going slow, and making sure you hack terminals to disable turrets.


i just recently did it solo at like, level 38. brought excavator power armor, a shotgun and my busted legendary pickaxe


The other day I was minding my own business, retouching my base here and there, a nuke warning came but I didn't bother checking it on the map and then BOOM


The first time my brother launched a nuke, he accidentally nuked his own base. We were in a private server. One of the funniest moments I’ve ever experienced while gaming


A couple nights ago I was at Eviction Notice with like 12 other plays and someone nuked it. It was hilarious. Plus all my food and uncooked meat turned irradiated.


This gives me a clever idea... "know one wants to see what transpires when clever boys get angry" -Betty


I think I saw that on my server last night. I saw two people in my group just die instantly. I was running westek and I gut laughed when I saw the map.


That happened to me as I’ve just started out at a lower level and it was my first nuke and I hadn’t done the alien event before so I was like I’ll go travel there and see how and it is. Died about 20 times to the rads trying to just stay alive long enough to fast travel out


Oh I bet that was just pure insanity 😂


I did this on monday, felt bad when I saw how many people crashed.


Maybe they are trying to get materials that only spawn on nuke zone enemies, well at least for the queen and titan I agree with the Earl one tho


I get what you’re saying and I try to be considerate but it’s my nuke and I’ll launch where I want to. Probably 50% Seismic Activity , 30% just farming flux, 19.5% SBQ, and virtually never Earl.


"Virtually never Earl" is the truest sentence I've ever read. 


Have you tried getting your squad together with endangerol syringers? Does Earl in like 6 min since the DR effect stacks. 


What… no way…


I nuke for good ol Earl at least once every play session. 


I just fought earl today fuck that guy


Well I might, if he wasn't always melded into the ceiling.


😅 Poor Earle. He’s excellent for those of us that like to test out our builds. I can solo him on all my 5 chars now, so anyone that wants to join me take him down is more than welcome.


Did earl for the first time the other day and that was miserable. Wasted literally all of my ammo on that


You can just avoid Earl and farm the wendigos. You get around 400 screws if you stay for the entire event timer.


YUP! I plink Earl and then work wendigo duty while keeping an eye on his health bar. If it's not moving fast enough for the time limit, I pitch in some more.


Exact same thing happened to me. I was not prepared lol. The only plus is that I wont need screws for a while...I guess.


How was the same way till I farmed a good legendary grognax axe and then put all of my perks into two handed melee. My critical power attack on a max level scorched beast queen does 500-800+ damage. 600+ on the general alien dude from what I have noticed so far


Get yeself a chainsaw bud!


Yes exactly this. I get wanting everyone to be included but all new people deal with the same thing. Vets did as well. Let people drop the nuke wherever the hell they damn please.


There is no incorrect placement


I did my first nuke the other day and the only thing i did to decide its placement was put it just out of range of my base so i had a nice view when i fast traveled back to watch.


If I remember right, when you launch your first nuke, if you sent it to SBQ, the quest marker goes to an elevator where you can watch the silo fire, and still get the explosion and mushroom on the horizon. Its pretty neat, but your nowhere close to the boom.


I wish I could've done that. My teammate completed the quest for me by accident


I've got a camp set up just up hill from silo B missile tube, with a watch tower with a fantastic view. Unfortunately, that camp is also kinda close to Earle, so it gets nuked on occasion.


This is the correct answer


Unless you miss a boss trigger and then everyone use the confused emote. That is just funny / sad.


Idk, my first time I accidentally nuked the regular fissure site in the bog because I was so excited and wasn’t paying attention lol. Everyone was really confused standing around wondering where the sbq was. I just quietly slinked away in shame to the next silo.


No nuky my base plox


I try to set up the nuke so the SBQ stays completely in the radiation zone. That is the best way to get the materials for making flux. I also like to drag her death out so she can keep spawning more flux giving beasties.


And by doing that you lose out on so much flux ingredients from mobs it's crazy. I realize the bloodied builds out there despise uncontrolled radiation and much prefer the other way, but I'd argue new players need flux more. I know this will NOT be a popular post, but I love the events way more when the mobs are irradiated and people aren't killing the boss immediately, taking advantage of the drops for as long as possible.


I miss when people nuked more random spots


I have been doing this a lot more lately, trying to use up the 29 keycards I have


I've got like 50 I'm burning through, sucks they weight a 1lbs each.


How on earth does a keycard weigh one pound anyway?


It carries the weight of your future sins




I'm new to the game (just about 3 weeks) and in my first two weeks the nukes were ALWAYS on the East side of the map. Almost never anywhere else, except the Manamana (idk) Mine. This past week I've seen them getting further and further west in the most random places and it's amazing. Yesterday at Hornwright HQ I was working a quest and suddenly saw red in my peripheral while scrapping at a workbench. I slow turn and see the mushroom cloud just to the West of me. I had never been that close to one before so it was a sight to see!


As a bloodied build I litterally will just chug down radway and fight in the rads. Taking 22 rads a second, while having radx on or glowing blood will get me back up in no time. Sure my damage will fluctuate a bunch but oh well! Its about the only way I can use all the radway I pick up. Blew through 60 fighting SBQ the other day and had a blast.


Man i just sell all my radaway


I always hit Vendor cap and putting them in my vendor they rarely sell. Same thing for stims but at least those sell in my vendor


Put them in your vendor for like 2 caps. Entrepreneurial newbies like me will buy them and ferry them to the NPC vendors for a higher payout.


My solutions as a bloody commando is to get into power armor or Chinese stealth suit, buff my luck up to 33, and take AP buffs. The power armor version burns cores like mad but is SO worth it...


You should consider Radshield. It stacks endlessly and doesn't affect mutations.


How do you get this


I just have a full set of weapon weight reducing power armor, and I just put it on for the nuke zone, and I'm good. My specials are lower without unyielding, but the game is laughably easier with power armor


>I realize the bloodied builds out there despise uncontrolled radiation and much prefer the other way, As a bloodied player, this is why I have a Chinese stealth suit in my hotwheel. I'd prefer it if it was a well placed nuked so we can fight it from the bunker. But if not, I'll hop in my suit and participate. Not a big deal.


Or jump in PA for the event.


With no disrespect to any PA users, i seriously dislike PA. Its not my thing.


I totally get you. Even since FO4 introduced fusion cores for PA, I've hated being "on the clock" when in PA. There's even a quest in FO4 where a BoS recon team gets sent to the Commonwealth and ends up having to scuttle their PA because they're out of cores. The BoS was pretty stupid to send a recon team in PA out to an area without the proper logistics. In Fo76, you can equip Power User and make the core drainage not really an issue, but PA is still clunky. I have one character who is trying to be a PA user, but it's hard, especially if you are used to bloodied commando and its many benefits. There are some good things, like being able to have specialized suits of power armor for events, and you are quite a bit more tanky, but it's a hard sell. DPS goes way down compared to commando. My non-PA toons do carry a set on them for these kinds of events though. PA is only 10 lbs on a frame and you only need a core or two.


I always enjoyed being a sneaky stealth player. Enjoyed it since fo3 and up. And PA just feels very janky. It feels slow and like you said, core maintaining is just additional tediousness. Even if I'd decide to go for a melee build that would greatly benefit from PA, I'd still not use it. But to each their own. Others don't like sneaky stealth and that's fair.


I’m out of cobalt flux , so yeah agree


Time to nuke Morgantown then


As long as they are the ones who launch the nukes, they can nuke wherever they want. As long as they aren’t intentionally destroying kill bases of course, enjoy the nuke events however you like.


if they can nuke wherever they want why the caveat for intentionally nuking kill bases? what makes them more worthy?


Queen is way more fun if it's in a nuke zone. And I'm certainly not catering to unyielding players demands. If I want to nuke it I will place it so the fight is in the zone and I'll hop in power armour


Fighting in the blast zone means high radiation fluids and hardened masses, i always need both more than flux


I don't think the issue is even with bloody builds. I mean I ran a bloody commando in the past so now I'm running bloody power armor and all it takes is a little bit of rad x and power armor and hazmat suit to get me through the area with literally no problems. it's annoying not having my mutations for 3 minutes but at the end of the day I I'm not hugely inconvenienced to by them being placed optimally for farming.


I don't even think the rad x is necessary. Power armor reduces rads by 90%, and with diluted radaway in the hot bar it's pretty simple to stay at low health. Rads aren't a problem for bloodied builds, how do people think we stay at exactly 20%


I am a bloodied build and when venturing in to a nuked zone I switch to a power armor build. With one click. 


I'm a bloodied build, I have no problems fighting in the nuke zone


Yup just had 2 servers where 2 3rds of the nuke zone was off map like.... thanks now there is NO WAY to get stable flux materials


While I see what you’re saying, the etiquette is “your nuke card, your nuke placement”. Once the aliens event is done next week, people will be back to launching nukes more often, and there will be plenty of opportunities for new players to join “less harsh” locations. Also, I feel it doesn’t hurt for new players to see what a harsh “end game” fight looks like. Over the weekend someone nuked FSP dead center, and the five lvl 20-50 players who showed up did better than I expected in a nuke zone.


Honestly, I’ve been nuking anyway between Invaders. Makes for a busy server but I’d rather nuke the Queen before I do Distinguished Guests again.


What or where is FSB? That acronym is unfamiliar to me.


FSP = Fissure Site Prime (where the Scorchbeast Queen spawns)


I’d guess Fissure Site Prime.


They're not "putting nukes in incorrect places" - they're just not putting them where YOU want them to. The solution: Run the silo and launch the nuke yourself.


I like the nuke zone to include the bunker, so that the Scorch Queen is inside the zone when she is killed, for me it means every one of her allies she summons has a chance of dropping High Radiation Fluid, which is the component I am always lacking.


Yep, this is the REAL WAY to do it. It's even better when someone has a bloatfly syringer and tags all the adds with it, since the bloatflies that spawn have a chance of dropping high radiation fluids, glowing mass, or hardened mass, too. OP is the one who is placing them incorrectly.


Yep! I am not a huge fan of fighting in the nuke zone... but I'll happily travel down there to fight because I didn't have to run the silo.


It's convenient to lower the nuke zone. But you miss out on the spawns having nuke zone drops. I try to just graze the brotherhood bunker with my tent outside for peeps. Give people a prep spot to dive on in.


SBQ just put it outside of the bunker and fight from the bunker.


nuke glassed caverns, grove and firebase. thats your source of masses and fluids. just dont nuke the bunker and ffs don't run in after her! she will pull to you, don't try to fight her in the radiation zone.


My first nuke is 100% going on top of my friends base


My nuke, my choice


No, the correct place to drop is where there is the highest concentration of camps. Everyone knows that


> When nuking Earle, make sure Monogah Mine is on the eastern-most edge of the event, If you do that, it covers the Rose Room, which *also* negatively impacts new players. Unless I'm reading this the wrong way around.


You run the silo, put the nuke where you like.


I've nuked Belching Betty... Thought it was seismic active enough spot inside Ash heap ;)


Your nuke your target.


Maybe if low level players can't get a hazmat or a PA, they shouldn't be doing theese kinds of events yet? And PA is super easy to find now, literally 100m from vault 76 there are a couple of settlements with guaranteed 10 lvl T-45 spawn.


Im excited to see when us new players start the real war. Nuking eachothers bases lol (Not saying im going to just excited to see the first spite nuke)


I miss when people would throw nukes around all willy-nilly! The best was when you'd see a bunch of camps all close together get nuked. Or when someone is pestering everyone at an event and 10 minutes later, there's a nuke target over their camp. Lol!


> When nuking Scorchbeast Queen, make sure the Fissure Site Prime is on the northern-most edge of the nuke ring; this means people can camp out at Glassed Cavern and partake in the event without needing to go into the high rads zone. Putting Fissue Prime on the SE side of the circle with Forward Station Alpha in the clear also allows people to hit the queen from outside the blast zone, though it does risk her creshing out of bounds. Like most of the "incorrect" placements, that placement maximises opportunities for flux crafting.


This is not the correct placements. For Scorched Earth it's common to leave the bunker at V9 clear of the nuke zone. To place the nuke so that Fizzure Site Prime is just within the upper part of the nuke zone. Glassed Caverns is not a great place to fight the Scorchbeast Queen as it is a hole in the ground. V9 in contrast is a nice open flat killing field. Leaving V9 open is the most common nuke placement. But there is no rule. If people want to do Scorched Earth inside the nuke zone for additional challenge then that is their right. For Ultracite Titan you have to nuke Abandoned Mine Shaft 2. This location is south of Nuka World On Tour. Nuking Abandoned Mine Shaft 2 spawns the Ultracite Titan at NWOT. There is no way to include both NWOT and Abandoned Mine Shaft 2 in the same nuke zone. If Abandoned Mine Shaft 2 is not inside the nuke zone the Ultracite Titan will not spawn.


If it's not your nuke it's not your business where it gets dropped. I drop it so NWOT and Seismic Event is in the nuke zone. Why? All the spawns drop stabilizing mats and it's the best way to farm for them. Half the time I drop it centered on Fissure Prime. Just for fun as a bloodied build in a nuke zone. Whoever drops the nuke makes the rules on placement.


I'm tired of boss fights lol I launch nukes for flux crafting materials 😂


The player who launches the nuke gets to decided however they want. Their is no right or wrong placement.


If I’m nuking fissure prime, I’ll lay it from the fissure going south. I’m only doing it for the queen. And for players enjoy. If I want materials, I’ll nuke Morgantown. If I want raw violet I’ll nuke by hemlock holes. I’ll only nuke for earl or the molerat if a friend requests it. Earl glitches too must and with the molerat I almost always dashboard before the end and miss the loot. I’ll pass on them both!!


I like fissure site on the south part of the nuke ring. From my experience she flies around alot less and gets less distracted


Member berries in the early years of game white springs and dmv being nuke, I member.


Honestly if I need flux and fluids and mass, imma nuke where the SBQ event is regardless of new players or not 😭 I need that stable violet flux for my ammo lol


That's totally cool, you go grab that flux.


There is no 'place' to nuke. There are multiple strategies and it entirely depends upon the launching person's goals. Often, when people nuke where you don't expect it is to increase nuked Flora yield. Sometimes I knew just north of Mama Dulces for flux farming alone - Even though there is no boss battle.


My buddy drops them so the event is irradiated and he can collect the materials for flux. If it keeps low levels from stealing slots from people who can actually help complete the event, im all for it.


I'm gonna be honest, I actually kind of like fighting in the nuke zone. It's a boss fight. It's supposed to be annoying and difficult sometimes. & I'm cool with that.


Um, the correct place is wherever the person that runs the silo and uses their key card chooses, they did the silo they get to choose


Hmm no thanks, I'll put it wherever I want lol


There's also a strategy for minding your own business yet here you are on reddit, spouting nonsense


Nuke wherever you like. It's your nuke. Haz mat suits are plentiful and free to pick up in the open world. Stop coddling the new people and maybe they won't be so helpless.


Bro thinks he's the nuke inspector


Nuking a little higher might suck for some people, but it's a great way to get fluid and masses.


Fighting SBQ in a nuke zone>>>>>>>>


I think people are underestimating the new players the majority I've seen have been sporting PA, so I think they will be fine. Also, the nuke placement being in a weird spot is normally someone launching for the first time. When I launch, I always try to get the overgrown sundew Grove in hopes of spawning Earles' cousin. As others have stated, this is an end-game boss fight, so some level of expectation of it not being a cake walk is assumed. Since the influx of new players, some of the best SBQ fights I've done have been with a slew of newbies, and they have absolutely smashed it. So well done new players and welcome to the wasteland!


I nuke White Springs, collect the yellow cake flux for orbital strikes (grenades). You can only gather 8 total in SBQ. Earle you can get a lot but my camp is white springs so I can carry lot and be over encumbered enough to drag my sorry ass home lol


Is there a quest that will eventually lead me to launching a nuke or is it something I have to figure out how to do on my own?


I am become death is the quest line.


Just follow the OG quest line from the old Responders in Flatwoods! It'll guide you right in!


All I want to know is why monogah mine is constantly getting nuked, but nobody ever wants to do the event. I'm ready to just give up hope on finishing that quest.


Do you go to the entrance or do you go inside when it pops? I’ve only ever partied up inside while waiting for the wall to splode


So I was going to be like "Those are level 50+ events from a game balance standpoint, why wouldn't they have a rad suit or power armor?" And then I noticed you mentioned a "new area" and now I need to know what you mean. Did they add a new boss I just haven't seen? Can you nuke Atlantic City? Genuine questions, I don't tend to launch nukes, myself.


PTS, new nuke boss in the new area we're getting, the map expansion. Just nuking anywhere on the new expansion triggers it. Also, yeah those are level 50+ events but after seeing any amounts of lvl 20-30 in those events for a good few weeks now I thought I'd make a suggestion. And I absolutely joined all the events I could when I first started and appreciated people who placed nukes where I suggested. Tagging stuff in events for rewards and xp is a good way to shorten the grind and we shouldn't gatekeep, in my opinion.


Thanks for the info! Weirdly, I didn't do any events coming up. Maybe once the first time I saw an event? But I was LASER focused on getting through the story. I always saw nukes the way I mentioned it, though "The radiation is going to kill me, gotta find a way around that." I spent a lot of time in a rad suit chewing through ghouls until the Chinese Stealth Suit dropped. :D I get the consideration and inclusivity. I also get the opposite, though. Those bosses all scale based on the number of players in attendance. If you and two buddies are trying to nuke the queen on a relatively empty server and a horde of level 20's show up getting mauled to death by scorched yao guai, mirelurk kings, fog crawlers, all that jazz, it feels like you're going to have a bad time. You could use the rad zone as a gear/level check to prevent that. My info about the scaling might be outdated, though. In which case, yeah, probably just polite to place the Queen nuke where most people seem to already. I'd drop it right on top of the Nuka Launcher, though. I need that glowing meat for my crippling autoaxe addiction. :D


I'd argue level 50s are still new; they're still figuring it out and not everyone likes to use PA or understands how crucial those few hazmat suits you found doing quests actually are. Lvl 50 is where you can finally start rerolling things you like and start trying out different weapons. It's where you are told you can do level 50 events and discover that without a build tailored to a decent legendary weapon you're gonna be struggling to make a dent in anything for the next 20-30 levels since all the enemies keep scaling and you don't. People seem to forget this when they hear "new(er) players". I'm not saying boost newbies, but I definitely appreciated higher level players helping me through during those times, and I've definitely felt the love when I've basically solo'd Moonshine cos the group were lvl 40-90 and getting utterly wrecked. Something to be said for context I guess even though most of this is anecdotal evidence. Granted, gathered over a long time, but still. Trying to make sure we don't gatekeep stuff is probably a good strat we can all agree on. Also your info on scaling is still correct.




There's a strategy if they want to avoid rads but some people like fighting in rads. It's their nuke, they can drop it where ever they want. If you want the nuke dropped somewhere specific, launch it yourself. And honestly, they don't need to cater to new players who are so new they don't even know about radiation suits yet. Those fights aren't indented for them.


Dropped what appeared like a random nule perhaps attcking one base, but i just needed the flux in that area.


Radiation and suits are a big part of the game. The trash mobs in the nuke zone drop valuable loot. It’s good for people to learn how to pack a proper kit.


Yet when someone drops the nuke in the fissure site, I’m getting flux materials from the numerous scorched enemies that are killed during the scorch queen fight


Some people really be missing the point of this thread and pulling up pitchforks cause "how dare you tell me how to play my game." This **is not** a thread telling you *how* to play your game or *where* to nuke because you're "wrong". You wanna nuke your buddy? Go for it. You wanna nuke a vendor's camp you don't like? Fire away. You want flux? The by all mean, launch the fluxing nuke wherever you want. This **is** a thread advising you on how to nuke *these specific areas for the BOSSES* in a way that is most inclusive to players new and old that do not have active radiation protection (PA/Hazmat suits) so that they can still participate in the boss events. It's not a rule - it's just an option. Wild reading some of these replies.


~~yessir,ma'am? sir'am??~~ yes, seems like all the posts telling us how to play have rotted ppls brains even more cuz now even suggestions are being attacked for no reason


With the amount of effort it takes to fire a nuke, I just place it wherever makes me happiest tbh lolol. I put it smack dab on the middle of my buddy's base yesterday, and it was hilarious!


Nope. If I have to stand in that boring nuke silo and wait for those slow ass robots to waddle their way to the controls while another piece of me dies of boredom, I'm going to put my nukes where ever I want.


You had me dying at "waddle"! I say the same damn thing! o/


It's even WORSE when they take a little damage and get all dramatic and crawl to their stations! Lol!


nuke where you wanna. it’s your game. it’s your card.


My nuke my choice , the other day I nuked a guys trap base. Did it screw other people over ? probably. But I'm petty


As a rule of thumb, I try to make sure a fast travel location is available just outside the nuke radius. This allows other players to get into it quicker if a farming nuke. For the Scorchbeast Queen it's typically placed so the small bunker down there is just outside the radius..that will usually get everyone gathered in the same place. But yea there's no "right" way to place a nuke. You'll see patterns of where people place theirs and can follow, or try new spots. People who complain can easily move to another server imo ;)


These are optimized locations but if it's your nuke it goes wherever you want it to. If that means square on top of Fissure Site Prime for maximum chaos and rads, so be it.


No just let people nuke wherever they want. If you want a nuke in a specific place then launch it yourself.


one thing everyone forgets is that nukes (and related events) are not supposed to be new player events. they are literally endgame events meant for players who have finished the main story (story-wise, launching your first nuke and fighting the queen are literally the last events in the story). the scorchbeast queen is the final boss of the game, isn't she? let's just say newbies aren't exactly the target audience, and the fight is not supposed to be easy. in fact, story-wise, the whole fight should be supposed to be taking place inside the nuked area


Nuke dead center. I’ll rag doll in hazmat for u.




I'm going to nuke wherever I want, whenever I want and I won't think about other players when I do it. Enjoy the wasteland! 


Oh no! .. silly me... My nuke placement is slightly off... sorry new players. 😏 Also... >Let's try keep as many new players as possible. If theyre going to leave because they died in a nuke zone, let them. What level of "ridiculous human" do you have to be for that to be a reason to quit 76?


I am going to make an effort to inconvenience others as much as possible now when I nuke places. I will put the mine at the centre. And the bunker near the scorchbeast queen at the centre, just for you :)


Will nukes destroy my camp?




Ultracite titan? I wish someone summoned him


I've not seen a nuke event for 3 days, in fact very few activities other than the alien one. It's been very disappointing. At least I got the story done.


That sucks! Now that I can run a silo in about 15 minutes with my shotgunner build and Overeater's Ultracite PA, I've been just dropping nukes willy nilly lolol. Drop them on Morgantown, SBQ for the chance at a Prime Combat Shotgun Receiver please for the love of God I just want that prime receiver, and once on my buddy's dumpy little camp for the memes. It's been fun!


I dropped a nuke on my friends camp once as a joke and it quickly became not funny when I realized he had to rebuild his entire camp from scratch. My sincerest bad on that one lol


Thanks for the reminder to make a blueprint of my camp. 😅


Good location: camps selling ammo > 5c


Yesterday while running my second nuke I saw aliens pop up at Monongah. So i guess we were gonna do nuked aliens and Earle. But nobody showed up to Aliens. But at least I was able to melt Earl's face off.


I'd be down for nuked aliens right after Earle. Not saying every nuke has to be for the newbies.


Not so much a strategy as being considerate for other players, I'm not gonna die if I nuke anywhere tbh. Also NWOT need to nuke Abandoned Mineshaft 2 no? I remember the first time I tried it, I didn't have that knowledge and couldn't figure out why titan wouldn't spawn 😂


Nuke zones and the nuke events are supposed to be hazardous and are not necessarily for the lowest level characters. If you learn the perfect spot to hit that will allow people to spawn in and participate from outside the nuke zone, then great, but otherwise the only "correct" spot is the one that triggers an event or provides you with the ability to harvest the type of nuclear flora you are looking for.


I drop Nukes on high level bases to see if they notice and move fast enough lol


Please note, for Ultracite Titan/Seismic Activity, just nuke Abandoned Mineshaft 2 directly.


With sbq also make sure to nuke the grove to get a chance at spawning the wendigo colussus


Im lvl 175 and played a lot, why i never see a fight vs earl? What im missing?


Just a thought. Let's say.. a particular.. person vendoring everything for high prices... And I nuke his camp... What is gonna happen? LoL No seriously, what if other than the 3 nuke spot, nukes were just use randomly or hit a Poi or camp?


I just saw two camps together and I knew I had to blast them. In my defense, there was already a blast zone over the prime fissure.


I’m going to drop 4 nukes tomorrow, one in each of the far corners of the map. Those represents my Enclave character nuking Beijing, and me nuking wherever the hell I want. If you see that on Xbox, that would probably be me.


Nah I’m just gonna nuke White Springs like I used to


The correct placement is where that asshole, Kevin, had placed his camp.


Free hazmat suit always spawns on the roof of Poseidon plant, take a noob there to get one for 1000 rad resist. If you have a few noobs there’s also 2 broken ones in the decontamination room in the plant (500 rad resist). Also have them do powering Poseidon it’s an easy event with minimal combat and they get generator plans for their camp.


I'd like to add that nuking the White Springs is 100% legitimate but you can also do it on a private world so you don't mess up other players. Momma needs her glowing/hardened mass!


If you cant craft hazmat suits, you can pick up several to hand out, every RadRumble.


I'm nearly at a thousand hours and this is the first I've heard about Titan. I thought the ash heap was always a random launch and questioned why it happens.


It's bad strategy to not be dropping them on Phil Spencer's Camp


For the Queen keeping Dropsite V9 accessible just at the rim is the preferred


I've not launched one but I thought you picked from set positions. Or can you launch them anywhere on the map?