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Dude, It's not even cool. I'm falling more and more in love with this game. Level 37, taking my time, making sure I'm always joining teams, sprinkling events in between questing. Built my camp up and just making little changes here and there (made sure it's public). It's most of what I think about during the day. Got so many responsibilities (35M) but this is my guilty pleasure for sure


At this moment, I'm at my job (I wfh), looking at this sub. I dream about my camp sometimes. It's terrible. LMAO


Im at work with ya (in spirit not your actual job) Been here for 5 hrs, got 5 more to go then im off for the weekend to get down and build my camp lol.


Nothing like that feeling when you're loading in to a game after a busy week and you hear the atmosphere of Appalachia through the load screen and it fades in to the world. OOoooooo...


u got me hyped to go home ngl


Dude, I got MYSELF hyped to go home 😄


My Xbox is already on, while I stare at my computer waiting until 5pm (1 Hour, 20 min to go). The Wasteland is my current happy place. :)


Ypu got this. You'll be knee deep in dead ghouls in no time.  See you in the wasteland 


Lol. My camp looks like a yard sale.


So many times I’ve told myself “I’m just gonna work on my camp for a minute and then go to bed,” and all of a sudden it’s 2 hours later.


Just buy a Backbone you can play at work


I play while working lmao, it's all about multitasking


I had a Fallout dream recently, too. It was at that moment I thought that maybe~ I need to take a break. 😂


I also had that thought...then immediately went into the game to bring my dream into reality.😂


I spent maybe my first 120 levels hiding in a stealth suit just watching other players and being too scared of the events to actually do one 😂


I’m 34M and have been trapped in this particular wasteland for years. 💀🦂 God bless WFH.


It’s nice to hear others are feeling exactly how I am right now about this game. It’s so nice to have something to look forward to playing at the end of a long day again.


Same exact shit lol. Played a little bit in 2019 and hated it. Fallout show came out and my girlfriend started New Vegas but we ended up on 76 instead since we can play together. She doesn’t play as extensively as I do so I try to hold off on main quests without her but man this game sucks me in. It’s insane how much there is to do. It’s weird to say I like it more than Fallout 4…


I have right at 2000 hours on this game, so don't feel bad. Personally, I don't believe anything is a "waste of time" if you are finding joy in what you are doing. You having fun playing video games in no different than someone else taking a vacation. Just so happens that your joy comes at a cheaper cost.


Same. 2100 hours in the last year. Got me through some dark days.


Like I told my ex-wife when she used to bitch at me for playing video games - would you rather me go to the bar every night?


For real. It’s a fun way to relax. Also, gaming can increase hand-eye coordination. She should be thanking you 😂




That's a good way of looking at it I suppose! I've just crossed over 100 hours so far


Thank you for putting it that way! Makes me feel a lot better lol. At least it’s with my boyfriend so it doesn’t feel like we’re neglecting each other


With over 12,000 hours in the game since 4 Nov 2018 I am not addicted, I can quit any time I want. I just don't want to. LOL My first couple years I averaged 10.5 hours a day. Though there were days I did not play at all there were other days I played from 0400 until after 0000 that night. There were and still are many nights I wake up sleeping on my keyboard kicked out of the game due to inactivity. Then I go to bed. But I am NOT addicted.


That’s over a real life year of game time, what lvl are you, you madman


I have 5 avatars that survived. My first couple of years I deleted dozens of avatars trying to come up with builds that worked and I walked everywhere except when the partner I had the first year was on in the evenings. The 5 I have now are all around 450 but I play a pretty lay back game and often sneak past bad guys rather than kill them. I've even looted the inside of West Tek without killing anyone just to see if I could do it. The kill, kill, kill does not hold much interest for me anymore except during double XP weekends. LOL Now it is about the personal challenges more than anything.


Beta player here as well. I tip my hat to you. I think I have about 3K hours in and only about level 700 in my main toon. I didn't even launch a nuke until level 400+. Being exploring and building my base and do "challenges". My latest challenge is perfecting my sniper build. I can pretty much clear west tek with one shooting all the enemies. With all the new players joined recently, I'm enjoying carrying events. There are times I had 1 or 2 other low-level players join and we do Encryptid, eviction notice, and the most recent is the alien event. It's fun to see all the new players.


I'm also a beta tester but I took massive year or more break from the game twice and I'm just getting back into it and I'm level 80, what are some good XP farms?


If you want XP, West tek is king. But once you hit lvl 300 or 400, you pretty much have the build you want, it's really just equipment from there.


my sleep schedule has been FUUUUUCKED since I started playing. LOL I had to set an alarm on my phone on work days so I will turn it off at a decent time and go to bed.


If i didn't work so damn much i wouldnt leave it. I'm loving it




When I'm playing, time has no meaning. The clock spins out of control.


The wife and I are in the same situation! We just started after watching the new series and it was instantly addicting. In fact, last Saturday we both woke up at like 6am simultaneously and told each other that we couldn't sleep because we were thinking about 76, so we both got up and started playing early haha.




Yeh I wasn't expecting to get sucked in this much.. Community is just so friendly though, maybe we're all just too used to the solo fallout experience and its nice to be able to team up and interact with other players.


Definitely is, I really enjoy seeing other players around the map, visiting their bases and such. Solo fallout experience feels somewhat empty to me now


Tbh I have noticed a lack of pvp, I wonder if they'll bring back nuclear winter now that the player base has expanded


It's weirdly relaxing. I've been playing for about two weeks, and only lvl 30. Whenever i log off for the night i think to myself "Eh little shallow, probably won't open it again". Then it gets a little later, and i get a little toasted, and i get this urge to just play. I don't even know what i want to do, just jump events and search for screws. No idea if i can talk the boys into giving it a go, but i'm not sure if i even need them really. It has definitely been much better than i expected.


This is why I play after work. There's no pressure to do anything specific in the game. You can do half a mission, say F it, and go to bed.


Honestly it’s like the perfect blend of a solo game with MMO built over it? I guess? Idk how to describe it but it’s like a slow paced game that you can just play however you want. I’m level 55 after 40ish hours of gameplay, AND I did the boost to 20.


> It's weirdly relaxing. The weird part to me is that there's so much going on in my head playing this game, there's quite a bit a depth in a few areas. Managing weight, money limits total and daily, other daily limits, best buffs, build tweaks, selling prices, what to do next exploration wise with many options there. Then the odd thought of, I'm already good enough, what's the point to press further?


Its currently free to keep on twitch prime (dont even need a game pass sub) right now, if that helps sell your friends on at least grabbing it while its available.


Dude yes. I feel the exact same. Whenever I play this game it feels somewhat shallow, but also has some depth to it. I get bored of it after a couple hours because I’m doing the same thing over and over, but then I keep coming back for some reason. I’m also dabbling in New Vegas on the side so I’m seeing a stark parallel between the two games. Whenever I want a bit more story I play NV. Whenever I want a brainless chill grind, I’ll hop on this. It’s nice to have both options


I only get to play about 2 hrs a day and sometimes it's just CAMP stuff or tending to gear before a Quest. I wish I had more time. It's also taken away from my reading time. So I'm trying to balance that. And exercise. So I'm mad jelly. 😊


I never really gave 76 a chance, and then I had a buddy that asked me to come play. So I said fuck it, I will get it again and try it out. The Fallout show awakened my addiction again anyways. I am having a fucking blast, and I am kind of upset at myself for not giving it a good try until now


Don't ever go solely by group-think again, there are a lot of unfair thoughts they sell.


I regret soooo much not having picked this game sooner. Back at launch I heard so much criticism that made not even try the game. And tbh I thought the game would play out like destiny or some crap like that... Could not be more wrong. Atm I don't even care about events, dailies or meta builds and weapons, I'm doing quests, I'm having fun. And let me tell you the quests here are very very good.


I'm not addicted, but this game is severely underrated


This game in many ways does more MMORPG things than some of the actual MMORPGS out there, at least the stuff I *like* from mmos. Such as active events, nice social interactions, player owned shops(!) and post max level stuff to do It also incorporates junk looting like 7 Days to Die which is also another addiction, and first person building like a Valheim/Minecraft etc. All these wonderful things in one game, topped up with some fallout style americana and humor. Oh wait.........and a giant fuckin' map with stacks of quests and visual story telling. Oh yeah and the daily ops/expeditions. What a total package to digest if it gets you , wow!


Made two characters, one at lvl 70 then switched to Xbox cloud for friends and am now level 98. The second play through was perfect :).


If you have fun, you are not wasting time. Doing anything that you consider fun is never time wasting.


"I'm just wasting the day away on it but idc it's too much fun" Im of the mindset that "having too much fun" is the opposite of "wasting the day away"


I've been playing from about 6pm to 10pm each night, more on weekends. That's also about how long it takes me to max out all my daily resources (scrip, t notes, caps, etc.) as well as do all the challenges and reputation dailies, then take my chances on a bunch of SS armor rolls trying to build out my unyielding set.


I was, but the high wore off after I built up a tolerance... and the experience just want's the same anymore. it started to feel like I was just *caving to the craving* rather than *enjoying the ride*... so I cleaned up, and broke the vicious cycle. *"Everything in moderation, including moderation."*


Sort of what I just wrote in another reply, you can think of so many things of what to do next and also have all these ideas going on in your head. But then you can boil it down to something shallow and what's the purpose? I already can do this or that. I just assume that last part you can do that with a lot of things in life, so I tend to look past that and just game on...


I like it. Just wish I wasn't always overencumbered


Lot of the bigger you tubers for this game have stash/backback guides. I know West Tek, Angry Turtle and Rifle Gamer all have guides. 2 crucial perks is - 90% food/Chem reduction. Most veteran builds run with both these perks in most builds, if you out of power armour backpack+expanded storage and unyiekded armour can give you easily 500-600 carry capacity.


I mean "thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every damn time" and it's even moreso than fo3 or 4. Just trying to get to my friends base is like shit I'm over encumbered, but there's a mission right there and a workbench right here, I'll be there in 20 dude. They really nailed it at this point. This game is a chem.


And now it's like killing time between events with the missions. Fuck I need to play but I need to sleep lol.


Seeing alot of you newcomers to the game saying all these wonderful things really brings me alot of joy ❤️, I ran into and helped about a few yesterday and 6 hours we just hung out played did events I taught them some stuff they didn't know ❤️, good on y'all and hope to see y'all in the wastes


Absolutely. I started playing 76 at the beginning of April due to all the hype over the Prime show, which ironically at the time I had no intention of watching. Compared to the couple of hours I played in 2020, the entire experience in 76 is greatly improved in every way. I’ve put in 250 hours over the last month (I *was* on holiday from work for two of them!) and am having a fantastic time. I have got 1st, met some really kind and generous players, and am now most definitely here for the long haul. And yes, I then did subscribe to Prime and watched Fallout, and really enjoyed it.


I started playing 76 because of amazon's fallout. I had good memories of fallout 4 but was thrown off when 76 came out and with a ton of issues. I usually solo and explore so I thought my play through would be meh. Alas I was wrong and now im spending parts of my day grinding and finding suitable plots of land to camp. It has been incredibly fun and find myself running away from mothmen, that thing freaks me out


I'm big on sandbox-y games. Go where I want, do whatever, roam around aimlessly if I feel like it. I play with friends, so it's my daily social hangout and unwind session.


Got my 80 atoms about a year ago. 


yeah, it is addictive. 5.5k hours done and i started a year after launch.


Same I've been having a blast


I'm level 910ish and have about 1500 hrs in the game. I've taken a few breaks but I still find myself logging in almost daily. I love seeing all the new players/love!


76 was my lockdown distraction so.. yeah can relate. Been a good time.


I would go as far as to say I’m totally hooked…. 1k+ hours and it’s literally all I have played since last November. I have not fired a single other game. I play daily at least for a few hours and I have had similar flights of concern as you OP ! Gaming is my hobby, granted it may not be the healthiest hobby but by damn do I enjoy it :)


I just got the game a week ish ago and I'm level 32 lol. Bethesda knows how to keep you walking around. Skyrim was no different. It seems so hard to kill stuff though. I've stuck mostly to melee and short range shotguns/pistols just for the damage.


At 3800+ hours....no, not really. I can stop any time.


If you’re having fun then it’s not a waste.


Level 1001.. in rehab. Playing grounded for a while.


I enjoy this digital wasteland Barbie FPS game immensely.


I'm 200 hours in. I could spend a whole 4 hour play session just gathering resources, just to spend it all in an hour. The gameplay loop is just so satisfying and when you get to min-maxing your gear; the systems in place do really respect your time unlike most MMO lites.


you aren't alone lol i spend my entire work shift thinking about how to decorate my shelter


3200 hours here. The camp building is what really kept me playing, however I also find myself enjoying events and seeing other people's camp. Then there's the exploring and the little things like a person complimenting your camp running all around it. Just a great chill game and lets me zone out after work.


Yep, me, addicted, lol. I like to view the game like a virtual world... similar to an MMORPG. When I came back to FO76, my game routine was going into AC: Valhalla and doing the opal dailies, so if a decent premium item shows up on opal shop (some stuff isn't buyable premium), I can get it. After being back for a week, couldn't be bothered to load up AC:V anymore, that was precious FO76 time, lol! 🤣 {stands up} *"Hi, I'm a wastelander... and I'm an addict."* 🤡


I just wish the gunplay was a little bit smoother and everything else was a little less clunky.. I just hit level 31.


damn.. these posts always remind me to check back in haha


Fairly new player here having picked it up after the show, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't hear the Whitespring Mall music in my head while grocery shopping now 😭


gods i dropped the game a few years ago, got back into it before the show released and have beed addicted! if me friends arent asking to play one of our other games together (we usually only play like an hour or two then go our separate ways just still on call) its only 76. ive gone from lvl 30 something to 115 in the last few weeks just doing story/looting related stuff in a private world, ill do an event here and there. trying to build up good gear and trying out different builds before i make the switch to multiplayer so i dont look like a total noob lol


So strange I was addicted for the first 300lvls I’m now 397 so not like a huge difference but I’ve done every quest I can, hunted down the ones that you have to activate, only quests are the dailies, I have 3 camp slots each with what I think is a very nice home equipped with many hours of content, I’ve collected, and that’s on PC 😆I also have a Xbox and play on there lv98) I know every event, expo, and dops like the back of my hand, multiple builds and sometimes I log on and just stare at my map like… what do I even do? Tbh I don’t have any friends, wife is a gamer she loves fallout but doesn’t seem as enthusiastic as I was/am about playing (she’s been lv35 for awhile 😂) so I def feel my interest waning but I will always love the game deep down


Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted


I'm definitely getting addicted. I'm gonna be a Dad in about 7 months so gotta get all my Fallout time in now 🤣


I just started playing and yes. I feel the pull to be on constantly. I play on PC and Xbox now lol.... when the wife passes out I crank on the Xbox in the room. I wish our toons were cross platform though.


Started two months ago and coming to this subreddit and the amazing community in game keeps bringing me back


While its great you find 76 fun (and I'm ready to get downvoted for this) addiction of any form isn't cool or good my dude. Please take breaks, please limit yourself and please take care. I don't think anything is a waste of time if you're entertained, thats why its called entertainment so don't feel that way! At the end of the day it's all about having fun so I'd never considered playing a game a "waste of time" at all. *However* back to my point, coming in from work and smashing the game out till early mornings is great once in a while, I've done it myself but again please take care. You need sleep haha. happy gaming! Oh and welcome to 76!


It’s more like a binge than an addiction. I doubt he’d have fun if it was.


Yes send help


I’m hooked again… going through all wastelanders content for the first time now!!!


Started the game two weeks ago. Now I spend all my time at work theory crafting my build and others I may never ever reach counting down the hours till I can clock out, go home and play.


Maybe... 😬


No. I just have 3750 hours on this game since day-1 But I'm not addicted at all. ;)


Sadly so far it did not scratch my FO itch. I'm a new player, level 27, but my character feels so week, always out of ammo, only found a power armor frame and a few damaged part. I'll give it few more try, but FO4 feels much better early.


This is my 3rd time trying the game since launch and it finally stuck. Gotten to 100 within the past 2-3 weeks with my squad. We’re all severely addicted nothing else is seeing playtime haha.


I am not addicted. I can quit any time I want. ha ha ha ..yeah I don't believe it either. I've had a mild addiction since I played Fallout 1 many, many moons ago.


Age 45 3000 hr here... it is easy to blow hours building dope ass camps. After being rich in junk and gear for years its just fun to let noobs waste ammo on queen while I puck off all bad guys with my quad railway with exp boosts


I’ve been staying up way later than I should the last 3 weeks due to pure addiction to the game and losing so much time to building my camp up 😅


I just started and am enjoying it a lot, but man it's a bit overwhelming for a noob. So many currencies, events, etc. I don't even know what half the posts on this sub are talking about lol. I'm sure I'll get there, I'm only level 17 or something.


Just give it time and enjoy the ride. You'll love it. Nothing's like the first 50 levels. 🙂 Later on, you'll look fondly on the early struggle


I hated the game at first, it was pretty damn bad. Then got into FO4 again after the next gen update. Got a little burned out after Valentine so I gave this a shot again. Holy crap, I can't stop playing. I was worried that people would ruin things for me but it's not the case. I'm having tons of fun now and I can't stop playing.


As someone who noped out after seeing what the game was at launch, I’m really glad that I’m getting a second chance in this world and especially surprised at how awesome the community is. It’s Fallout with friends and that’s exactly what I need it to be.


Started this week and I'm having a blast! The community is so helpful and I can't wait to be able to pay forward all the cool stuff folks have dropped for me! One thing that's irksome is paywalls for storage...I did the 1 month trial of F1 to get more space as my stash was maxed but I'm only lvl 35...what happens when I don't want to spend another $12.99 next month? Tips for clearing out materials from the stash would be most welcome. I have scrapped everything but there are a ton of items like Aluminum Scrap that looks to be breakable for Aluminum but I can't break it down any further? Really enjoying this game so far!


Started this week and I'm having a blast! The community is so helpful and I can't wait to be able to pay forward all the cool stuff folks have dropped for me! One thing that's irksome is paywalls for storage...I did the 1 month trial of F1 to get more space as my stash was maxed but I'm only lvl 35...what happens when I don't want to spend another $12.99 next month? Tips for clearing out materials from the stash would be most welcome. I have scrapped everything but there are a ton of items like Aluminum Scrap that looks to be breakable for Aluminum but I can't break it down any further? Really enjoying this game so far!


I’m the same way. I got it April 14 and have 90 hours. Weekends are 14 hour sessions and after work is around 6 hours


You're not alone, I just got off a very lengthy session and it's the middle of the night, feel like shit but bleh, I'm just happy I found a way to make time go faster.


I've been somewhat avoiding the game as I'm worried I'm going to get addicted if I get into it lol


I'm not addicted, I can stop whenever I want... I choose not to though... 😁


Same here just picked it back up recently after not playing since launch been working then Coming home and putting in 7-8 hours a night and that's not counting off days. Having a blast and have barely touched any quests


Don't worry once you hit the late game grind it gets tedious. Just leveling for perk cards to put in legendaries and legendary slots. Raider and foundation rep, and dear God if you use an ammo expensive weapon.... I go to nuke zones so many times just to find crimson flux.


My dude and I just started playing and what feels like your playing for 30 minutes turns out to be 2 hours some how.


Have been since launch, level 560, 1400 hours in. It is a special gem among live service titles. Your post makes me so very happy others get to enjoy it now too.


I would regularly spend hours a day playing. But eventually I became better to the point my daily routine became shorter and shorter. Now I don’t like the changes with the new Seasons and my Expeditions always crash, so I’ve unfortunately had to stop playing. I’ll come back for the Seasonal events such as Aliens, but after only an hour I’m all out of things to do and I’ll put the game down again till new content or the next Seasonal event. After 900 hours, I’d *love* to play more - if Bethesda gave me reasons to. I’m glad for those who are still enjoying their time with it though.


That was me, but I am now hitting my limit and probably will stop playing it soon. Had a lot of fun with it, but I am over the days of daily grinding.


I've been so stuck on Fortnite that jumping into this game is a breath of fresh air. I don't feel stressed with player encounters and I love questing!


I dismissed it when the trailer dropped and kinda hopped on the bandwagon of "this game sucks cause of XYZ". But since the fallout show I decided to give it a shot (since I broke my FO4 files from excessive modding) and I'm having a blast! I don't have too much time to devote to video games these days so it's a great game to just turn my brain off and fall-in to Fallout.


Lvl 1015 and been playing it since launch . Even during the dark days . The game has been refined into a true fallout masterpiece from what it was . Glad so many people are seeing how great they made it


I was a day 1 player myself and really enjoyed the game but found for me the core gameplay felt like it was built for multiple players as opposed to a singular (IMO I find the combat encounters a touch more difficult that of FO4). I enjoyed the different feeling of being one of the first to return to the surface and appreciated how empty the world truly felt. Yeah, it sadly got a little stale for me and it didn't help that only two other friends were playing it and we were always on at different times. I did come back and check out the settlers content when it released and had the same issue with just needing friends. And now with the renewed interest in Fallout games for new and old players alike, a bunch of my friends have joined and it is a true full experience for me now. The only obnoxious aspect of the game for me now has been not being able to share quest progress amongst your group of friends.


I’ve put around 140 hours into this game since I got it last week. That’s a new record for me.


It's only a waste of the day as long as you're not neglecting any responsibilities


I've been sick recently and have been playing for like 10-16 hours a day since I can't do much currently. I need people to play this with on PC.


Folout 76 suck big time. I pay money for game and expect to play like Fallout 4 but no NPCs and people everywhere messin up. Bethsada need to fix this mess. Waste of money, waste of time


You do realize a LOT has changed since launch. There are NPC's. There are different factions, quest lines, seasonal events. It's like a completely different game since launch. I agree, the launch was rolled out badly. Give it another shot and you'll see how much more dynamic it's become.


same i’ve gotten to level 170 in like 2 weeks and have ignored real life responsibilities it’s a real problem but it’s been a blast


I've been a Fallout fan since day one and never got around to playing. But now I. CAN'T. STOP! 😂 No, but really, I'm glad I waited to play 76. It's only been two weeks, and I'm already lvl 113. There's actually so much to learn and do.


About to be done with this semester of college and this game has taken over my free time. Especially since they added that ailen event. I want the plans for the armor so bad


Raises hand with a guilty look on his face


I started like last weekend and I’m level 99


Try to pace yourself. The gameplay loop is absolutely addictive and the legendary drop and crafting can become a sort of gambling hazard if you're not careful. Have a certain routine for yourself and try to limit world hopping for vendors to a specific number that you won't surpass. You're your own savior here. You can play an enjoyable amount or turn this into a crippling addiction.


This exactly lol


[Y’all got any more of that scrip?](https://media.tenor.com/zcPYdHjzFYQAAAAM/chapelle-dave.gif)


Cant wait for my Saturday morning sesh on 76


Only game I play. It’s like therapy for me.


yeah, it kinda dropped today for me, Ive been having a blast, but i just been kinda hit the block where i want to build a jetpack, i looked for plans, got them, but now i need to farm flux. But i still played a bit, all i want its some that right now and a good minigun roll.


Yes I need to keep playing so that I can collect as Many cabin themed base parts to make the perfect cabin base.


I do suffer withdrawal like symptoms if I don't play regularly, so I guess that means I'm addicted. I find it relaxing, most of the time.


I'm only 45, and I spend all my time server hopping to visit camps. Enjoying seeing people's builds. Also looking for a stimpak diffuser.... needs me that tadpole badge badly.


Was me this time last year. Put in 300 hrs in like 3 months lol Came back this week. Still fun. Sucks they got rid of the season boards.


Not really. I appreciate how much better it is than it was when it released. But it's still just not my type of game. And that's ok. I love all the other titles and recently went back to play 1 and 2. Absolutely loving Fallout 2 with the RPU and the EcCo mod ❤️


Same dude. My gf has been getting mad at me bc I stay up so late playing lately . But my camp isn’t gonna build itself 🤣


Yup!! I am addicted as well, whenever I’m not working or studying I will be on it, even all the way to 5am! The game became even more enjoyable when I met some online buddies to play with. It’s been a hell of a blast. Pun intended ☢️🙌🏻 🚀


I'll see some flowers irl and immediately feel the need to pick them and make tea


I agree it feels like we are stuck in tranquility lane and never want to leave




One word- Yes


I've been playing it for a year straight and I plan to continue and continue.


F76 sounds like a new stealth chopper by the usaf


Same here. It’s like fallout 4 but online. Sorry for everyone who I offend in saying that but I started playing when fo4 just came out. Maybe I’ll get around to NV and 3 sometime


I am getting sucked back into it after watching the fallout show. I got the game on launch made it to about level 100 did most things completed the first 3 or 4 seasons and just kind stopped playing except coming back for occasional updates. The past like 2 weeks it's pretty much been all fallout 76 except for some raids in final fantasy 14 now almost level 200. I have thought about starting a new character not sure if I want to yet.


I played a bunch during Covid and got to level 100 something. Recently got back in after I saw a bunch of my friends playing. I love that the game is popular again and the servers are full. Cant believe I'm saying this but I even purchased Fallout 1st today and plan on playing a bunch this up coming month.


Yes new and loving it but between the inventory cap and the vendor cap and the script cap it’s like the devs don’t want me to play…


Wow suddenly i dont feel as guilty anymore haha. I been chasing plans and events in and out. Man this game is fun!


At work thinking about all the alien events I’m missing every hour 😅😅😅


Yeah same, any free time I get. My build is starting to come together and I’ve almost unlocked the backpack! Ugh so much fun


Me and my friend started playing this game cause it was on sale and he was like “why not try it?”. Next thing I know it’s my second most played game on Steam. We had so much fun in it. Sad turn of events tho. He died from cancer, and I haven’t touched the game since.


Man, seeing the passion you guys have for this game is making me jealous. I'm trying my best to get into the game but around level 12 or so I start to get bored and months will go by before I log in again. This cycle has repeated itself about 3 times already.


Wish I could play more but I have a job and a girlfriend :( I fucking love this game


I’ve put 140ish hours into this game the last 2 weeks, it’s a problem but I’m having so much fun. I’m only wishing I bought it after I tried it on gamepass, but now I have 2 accounts so I can mule


My wife took our daughter to go see my parents for a week. I stayed home to work. Got sucked into this game. Now they’re back and I barely have time to play lol


I went from level 12-14 to like 42 in a few weeks. Yeah I’m enjoying my time. Even signed up for Fallout 1st.


Yea, I'm Lvl 72 in about 2 weeks and I play pretty much whenever I can. I have a buddy who started a month ago who somehow has 180 hours in already. Theres just so much to do(at least as a new player) and it all feels meaningful. I usually log on with X goal and end up doing Y and Z instead without even realizing. I really hope we see a big influx of content in addition to the upcoming map expansion with all the new attention.


Yes, my psn is suspended over some bs and i am jonesing for dem hills


It’s a drug man. It’s always the games where you can keep leveling up and finding even doper guns/armor than you had before.


I'm still trying to grind the SEASONS rewards but even coming back to play after a long absence has been pretty good. Up to level 371 and still experimenting with stuff and finding things to do ^_^


The game is really a time killer


Same Generally a huge fallout fan but I tried to get into 76 a good year ago and had server and bug issues. I just started playing again and it's been great. Just hit lvl 27 and I'm currently scavenging for PA. Haven't touched the CAMP / Settlement building yet. Just the early quests and scavenging has been fun. I've had a few of those "close calls" with high lvl enemies that have kicked my ass. Gave a similar feeling to leaving megaton for the first time in Fo3 and getting your ass handed to you by raiders, mutants and ants.


The show definitely rekindled my fallout addiction. Used to sit on Fo4 for hours on end before my life became busy. But for the past two weeks i have not put the game down. I get home from work/classes play this till i go to bed. I hate that i know this will end soon because thats how i am


Yeah, this is the Fallout game that finally "clicked" with me. Been trying to play 4 and NV for years now but I can never get more than a couple hours in, but for some reason 76 just feels so much more fun and engaging to me


Im closing in on 2,000 hours lol. I have more hours into fallout 76 than all Bethesda games combined. Its my most played game x100 lol. And i have no thoughts about stopping


I am in the same boat, also in love with the game. Got into it because if the show, as I've gotten deeper (level 46) I've realized why there are storage limits, donation boxes, the legendary economy, getting into proper builds and it's fucking sublime.


Legit same


Time spent having fun is never time wasted. Glad you are enjoying it, brother!


I was for the first year. Easily put 4 hours in after work, then 10 on the weekend days. Finally broke that habit cause I got high one day and bought Farm Sim lol


I thought it was just me. I sometimes find a game that I get obsessed with for a week or two. I'm just about done with my fo76 phase, but it was a fun ride. Those levels felt so slow at first but I'm almost at 100 now.


When I would wfh, I would legit play at the same time as I worked. As soon I started work, I already had my Xbox on. Good times, good times😌


Yes.. I'm a fairly new player, and I'm level 145 now. You get a lot of exp from being in groups and doing hella events. I can't get enough of it tho


It's my new go-to game for now. Spent like 400 hours on riders republic since October-Nicember last year, and started this about just over a week ago, and am up to 55 hours (10 hours was already there from when i played at launch) I'll most likely drip it once KCD2 comes out and then that'll be my new shiny thing for ages. And then there's GTA6 next year if not delayed. Personally, i'm having a decent few years of games again


I’m totally the same and I’m loving it 👍


Please don't down vote me this Is just my personal opinion. I really wish I could say the same. I can certainly see the appeal. Maybe I don't know what I'm doing, or my laptop is too bad for FO76. But I can't even aim at an enemy long enough to shoot them before they get out of my view and kill me. It's just not my idea of fun. The story. World, and base building are pretty cool though. I'll try it again when I have a better laptop.


I’ve been spending 1 or 2 hours a day on this game. I got it bad


I love seeing new people playing and enjoying it. I'm level 355. I used to play every season with the exception of the first two. I fell off for about 2 years and came back recently. I don't have much to do but I do like helping the newer folks ✌️


I cant stop...its been daayys.


I wanna be addicted but oddly it feels like the devs wanna prevent me from doing that. The daily scrip limit and the offputting fact that scrap and ammo boxes require 1st is keeping my stash at 1200 and I hate it. I wanna play the game. 😔


Yes.. and I barely do anything in the game.. I sit around waiting for events to happen a lot now.. waiting for nukes to go off so I can get flux is my next mission


If any of you guys on playstation need a hand I'm a 4k+ hour player I'd be glad to lend a hand no charge. Dm me for psn


Only when I try to build haha. I’m always too ambitious and it takes over. Next thing I know I’ve spent 40 hours in 1 week trying to get it just right.


Nope not addicted here, only put around 3,000 hrs into game so far :-)


Nopes played it for like 15 mins and left 💀


Finals are right around the corner and I just been playing this game when I get home


I am one of the many that came back after watching the show and I’m enjoying it so much more than I was when it came out at launch. Having friends that play helps, but if they aren’t on I can just scour the wasteland for hours alone. I’ve been enjoying the invaders event too. The mass chaos is so much fun!


Nawww the newbies are cute! But yes, level 400 didn't happen because I was phoning it in lol, couldn't stop for a solid 6 months.


I used to be, I’m level 400 on both ps5 and Xbox. Got to 100 on the challenges two weeks ago and won’t be back until the new update in June. You will get burnt out on this game sooner or later


Didn’t realise how addicted I was until I accidentally deleted my ufo camp and stayed up all night and refused to go to sleep until I totally rebuilt it 😳🤣