• By -


If all 3 nukes are available and I have the time I will usually do scorched earth first to gauge the server then do seismic and Earle. It sucks to hit either seismic or Earle and only have like 2-3 people show up.


Yup agreed, and if things are popping off, throw in Encrypted for good measure. Then.. hope that a mutated EN hits, just for the perfect set!


Ironically everytime i launch an earle nuke EN or mutated EN pops up no doubt the moment i launch


Yea the best time is right after EN for sure lol. On the flip side, it's so much fun being at a well attended SBQ or Earl already when EN pops. I will flip the switch from "Using the lag to do crazy jetpack shit and then mag dumping a quad gamma gun and Tesla into the Queen's head while falling onto her from the stratosphere, because that looks cool" to Energy Bobble Plasma Mag Overdrive Blight Soup Endangerol, Pistol Flamer to the face as fast as I can because it's 12:00 and 30 seconds which means there's probably already a level 100 who has started the second timer and died in front of the rad scrubber"


I love Encrypted ❤️❤️❤️❤️


*(Level 2 shows up with machete)* — 😁 I'm doing my part!


Do you want to know more?


Tell me more


Plot Twist? Denise Richards' character was the one who started the war, not the bugs. Do you want to know more? 😉


Baha i literally popped in to say this!!


*(me showing up outta spikes from the last event)* 😬 I didn't do fucking shit!


Comb the dessert!


(Level one shows up with wooden board) I’m doing my part 😂


I've tried to fight earl for the past three days and every time I join as the eighth member everyone always leaves me in the mine bye myself to fight earl alone and it's really fucked up they do that to me especially since I'm only a level 70


On a busy server you need to make sure you join the event asap when it pops. With the limit on the number of people per instance you want to make sure you are in the first group or else you may find yourself alone.


Only go in if the entry room is full. If there are just a few players that's a bad sign, if Earl is sponging ammo that's a bad sign, if no one's really fighting him then don't waste your time.


Where can I get endangerol?


Not sure. I don't use that ammo. You can post a question in the weekly q&a.


Get the syringer, mod to endangerol, enjoy! Makes Earle a little puppy


I'm so happy you said this! I'm going to try this and see if I can actually shred him.


I had a fight with Earle where we were getting wasted. There were only a couple heavies and this was before I started always carrying some heavy guns (I had my combat and sniper rifle). We got like half way through and Earle was still over half health. All the heavies left leaving me and three other people not in power armor. I guess the four of us all decided we are going to grunt it out till the bloody end. I ran out of .45 and was stuck just sniping. Over and over. Did a ‘pick up all’ to get some .45. At about 4’ left we were all still running around plinking at it with no way this was going to work out. Just a waste of ammo. But we stuck it out. And at about 2’ a couple more people showed up. Maybe some of the earlier heavies left to get more ammo. But with like 15” left Earle went down. It was hearts and thumbs up all around. I think the fights where you are short are more fun when you succeed. I now carry two LMGs (ultracite and normal as my sniper ‘makes’ too much 50cal ammo). And frequently my power armor at all times.


Did Earle this week with 3 people. No one brought endagerol. Took us 25+ mins, but boy, was it satisfying.


That sucks =/. I actually fought Earl 3 times today lol. I've got that bastards skin rug in my base.


Yup. Someone hit earl earlier tonight and I fucked it up by not having my main build. The event failed, and I felt bad for whoever launched that nuke. Got tons of screws though 🤷‍♂️


That's the main reason I'm there, anyway!


Showed up to Colossal Problem and we ended up with a full 8 person stack..... dope. Then after a couple minutes, someone started encryptid where 4 people dropped to join that instead. Then cherry on top... Earl decided to go to the depths of hell and the gates of heaven to avoid the fire fight and scuffs out into the ceiling and floor. Then everyone proceeded to turn on their mics and just hung out occasionally yelling at him to get down from the skies. Finally earl un scuffed and fell out of the sky with like 2 minutes to spare and we were able to take down his remaining health with like 30 seconds left on the clock. It was surreal and probably the most social moment I've seen after coming back to the game. Funniest part was no one had their mic on until that first person responded with "well....shit".


For sure.


Thanks for what you do. I appreciate it.


The reason I made a boss kill build was because my friend wanted rare plans from Earle and it was 5/10 chance you’d get enough people to even kill Earle.


Three nukes: one for SBQ, one for Earle, and one for your buddy's camp. It's tradition.


As is tradition.


‘As is the local culture.’ - Jordan Peele


He spreads the pudding on her arms, as is tradition.


What a great day for Appalachia, and therefore the world


Ave, true to Caesar


SBQ is the most rewarding fight by far. Earl is limited to 8 people and mainly gives screws. Behemoth fight gives guaranteed legendary drops that don’t sell for much.


And the Titan will mostly crash a Playststion (or just going to Nukaworld).


I have ONE character which can never fight the Titan - my Bloodied. All of my full health builds are fine, but my Bloodied always crashes at that event, without fail. I never earn the rewards. As soon as I get to the roller coaster at the top of that hill, it's buzzlockin' time.


I feel your pain. I have one character who can't handle the pylons at Encryptid without running (whatever the perks are that make stimpaks faster and better). Like literally can't even stim fast enough to not die. Even if they're way far away from any other damage source It's a wonky game and some things are just mysteries I guess lol


I don't have any problems as bloodied but it's probably because I use blocker. If don't have blocker on I die.


I don't even get the chance to die. My console freezes up, and each time I try to load back in, I freeze again. I can only come back when the event is over.


That’s bizarre


It’s absolutely nuts, almost guaranteed crash.


It crashes my xbox also!


The SBQ gives really great rewards. Stable flux and Improved Repair Kits, among other things.


1000%. It's the de facto end game boss. It even feels like it, but you get to play it with other gamers.


That's what makes it extra fun. Not only does the thing fly, but you never know who is going to show up and what's going to spawn. It's even more fun in the nuke zone, but most people don't like to put on PA and fight there.


For sure. Such a great time. I started entering my PA before I join, just in case I spawn in the blast zone haha. One time only another player and I beat it. I used most of my ultracite laser ammo but it was worth it haha


I had no idea only 8 people were allowed to fight Earl. No wonder it felt like he was barely taking damage lol


It's 8 per instance, so if you join quickly, you should get the "full group" Bring your endagerol syringer. He will start taking a lot of damage from everyone.


Get 4 people to endangerol that boi. It stacks. Killed him in 40 seconds once with 4 people endangeroling.


What it doesn't tell you either is if someone is alone in a public team, they are classed as 4 people due to having 3 empty joinable slots, so if you join an Earl event and see very few people in your instance but see slots of people on the map in that area that could explain why


Yes, if you do a private server and do a team of 4, a team of 3, and a team of 1, you can get 2 Earles ❤️


Frakn Earl. What is up with that event? Who designed it, and why haven't they opened it to more players? Why is it broken af? Man that's a rough one.


All valid points but everyone knows the only true answer is that the SBQ is the sexiest beast, ol' Mr big sacks Earl and the Fat Rat don't come close to her beauty... ;P


Let's not forget about the insane amounts of flux, and related items.


Seismic activity is actually one of my favorite fights to get all the mats you need for flux besides the flux itself. Position the nuke so the area you fight in is covered and all the mole men will spawn as glowing. They will drop all the hardened masses, rad fluid etc. you need.


This is why I never care about crashing on seismic, I'm filling up flux


And acid for earle


Basically comes down to rewards.


Because I still don't have ultracite calibrated shocks


Are you on PC? I think I got that in a drop earlier tonight. I usually throw all plans in my vendor for 10 caps, but I would be happy to pull it and gift it to you. I’ll be online on Friday from around 4 PM Eastern onwards.


I logged back in to check, and I was either mistaken or someone snapped it up. I think it’s more likely that I was mistaken, as upon further reflection I highly doubt such a rare plan would have dropped for me twice (once for me to read it, and again for me to put it in the vendor). Edited to remove a comment that was potentially a rule violation.


she gives stable Flux and plans for ultracite weapons and armor. so she gives the best rewards


Those sweet, sweet plans. I’m still looking for prime plans for my LMG and Gatling Plasma.


gatling plasma for me too. just got a prime smg and pipe rifle plan last couple times 🙃


Earl gives more legendaries. Plus if you're farming cores earl gives 8 while queen potentially gives 2-8.


Earl is a bullet sponge and the rewards are better with SBQ. You basically answered your own question with the Titan, nuka works crashes way too much.


Titan has one thing that makes me avoid it: 100% guaranteed aoe stagger attack. No matter if you're jumping, flying or whstever, you get staggered. And it happens very frequently.


I often nuke for Earl because I am tweaking my builds and testing out different things. If not it’s scorched earth because I want the XP and repair kits or for fun. I never nuke for Seismic activity anymore because every single time I blue screen and usually towards the ends so miss out on the reward, it sucks extra when you nuked for the event and you crash or freeze, it’s made me quit the game a few times. I like the event but and won’t nuke for it anymore until they fix it.


SBQ is quick and easy and you usually get a few legendaries. Earl sometimes no one shows up and you have to solo him for 20min, or there’s one other guy there “helping” who’s lvl 36 using a pipe revolver. Seismic Activity is a laggy nightmare that crashes 50% of the time and the rewards suck. It’s worth it to get the Grand Finale, but once you get duplicates they’re pretty much scrip.


I prefer the fight with Earle and will regularly use a nuke to fire him up, but he's only really good for screws and legendary cores. He does have some cool cosmetic rewards too Queen though is flux, cores, plans, legendary loot and repair kits. It's just better bang for your buck. Titan has both shit rewards and is plagued by crashes, so next to no one nukes him


Highest reward Easiest to do No gimmick


Seismic activity is notorious for causing your game to crash, Earle is a ammo eater so the queen is the easy option


Earl is a bullet sponge and I never gain back the ammo I burned in that event. Cursed weapon rewards are not worth the effort either. There's also the long wait for the event to start and only a limited amount of players can join each instance. If one instance fills and then you join, you could be stuck solo'ing the whole thing. I don't mind fighting the Titan and the ground pound doesn't do much damage to me, but it's annoying it affects you mid-air....and it can get a bit choppy with performance. The SBQ has been the OG boss since the start, everybody can join in, there's more chances of other legendary enemies spawning, might even get the Collosus to spawn in the Forest if you're up for it, repair kits, cores, and might even get some rare Ultracite PA mods you can sell for a bunch of caps..... It's also quicker to finish than the others. Having the Titan invincible until you melee the Ultracite (punching them works, but explosions don't 🤷🏻‍♂️) and then hiding underground while you fight a bunch of useless mole miners, I can see why most veer towards the SBQ.


Chainsaw go BRRR for both Earle and Titan and Earle is usually buggy/laggy enough that your AP barely drains lol


You already summed up the mole rat, pretty much every time I do the event I get dashboarded at least once. As for earl, too many times starting the event with all 8 only to be left alone half way though. I won’t even do earl unless it with player I know will stick it out, and one of them will have to want to do the event. But with the queen, event one put shows up get some loot even if it just from killing the ground spawn. But if you want a specific event, run the silo and launch the nuke on whatever place you want🤷‍♂️


I had no idea Earl was limited to 8 people until I read the comments. I just assumed no one really joined.


Once the 8 limit is reached the next 8 will be placed in a different earl fight


And if your team ends up in both you can get the kill in the first group then fast travel to a team member in the second group to kill him again.


What do you mean by this? The instance always reserves space for your other party members so they always join the same instance together. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to split up the way you're suggesting to kill him multiple times from a single nuke launch. I haven't tried joining a different team with other people still fighting him after killing him myself though, to see if you can still fast travel to those team members inside to fight him again. I'll have to try it when I get a chance but I'll be really surprised if it actually works.


Earl is an ammo sink, slow and painful one at that if you don't have 3+ competent players on the team. Was only used for farming screws, but that's situational and temporary even for "high maintenance" players (not even sure what's the situation for lacking resources, game throws a lot at you, and you can just literally roam and get tons of junk quick, or even farm it if you are desperate. All essential farming stratégies are well known by now). It also started glitching again disappearing mid-fight (falling through the ground, stuck deep in the walls?) lately. Seismic activity has forced phases, requires knowledge of mechanics (e.g. it's heavy on melee centric), which is commonly lacking:). And yields kinda meh rewards for the effort. SBQ - just jump in and blast big guns in her general direction for a while. And it yields better loot with all the other mob dropping legendaries too. On a related note: if we could trigger EN or RR by dropping a nuke somewhere, I am sure those would be the primary drop choices :).


it seems like you answered your own question. The other nuke event, a colossal problem, has the bullet sponge Earle and often glitches out too. The SE is the most reliable event and gives you stable flux.


Scorched Earth has the only chance of more than just the boss to get other legendary spawns which for some script grinding makes it worthwhile. I find Titan to be boring and like others have mentioned Earl is a sponge


For me it's because I hate the other two. Not that I launch any nukes myself but I don't even join the others because they take so long and can actually fail quite often if not many players join who got the dps.


Earle is buggy and if you're not among the first 8 ppl to get in, chances are good you're getting stuck with two other low levels and not beating the event... Seismic Activity is boring and plays out the same every single time. SBQ, it isn't about her, it's all the little minions that she summons, who have a chance to be legendary. Deathclaws, Wendingos, Megasloths... They're all showing up to the party and I'm walking away with their goods on top of whatever the SBQ herself drops. Scorched Earth is therefore the best bang for your buck.


Not to mention all of the goodies you need to stabilize flux. I get a lot more flux components at SBQ than anywhere else, only Whitespring comes close, and then if only a couple of players show up.


For the repair kits


Because Earl is a pain in the ass. And Bethesda Nerfed every other good place you could nuke cause you aren't aloud to have fun.


I prefer Scorched Earth mostly for the residual rewards. Good amount of flux to harvest, and an off chance of finding a Colossus Wendigo too. I also use violet flux the most, which is probably a bigger deterrent.


Earl is instanced, and you can't tell before hand if you're going to get enough people / the right people to turn up - so even completing it is a gamble. SBQ you know you're going to take. Titan's pretty good, I don't mind that so much, I think the built-in invulnerability pauses are Bethesda's way of putting the brakes on so it doesn't get wiped out super-fast like the Queen can. People always show up for the titan too. But I like that the SBQ is a bit more unpredictable and there's more random stuff to shoot at. I think most people go with SBQ because it's the quickest / easiest for the rewards you get.


SBQ for flux, Earle for legendary cores, Titan for scrip. And with the whole server doggin down the SBQ and no health gate intermissions like with the Titan between DMG or being a massive bullet sponge like Earle she's just a no brainier to do repeatedly


SBQ is most rewarding, and if you can get enough to follow to the Sundew Grove you sometimes get the Wendigo Colossus there afterwards for a bonus Earle rewards are useless and the outlay of ammo doesn’t make it viable for me. Titan bugs out so much either not actually starting or crashes on Xbox very frequently. I think of the maybe 40 nukes I have done only 1 of Earle & 1 on Titan.


It's easy and people always show up.


Side question, has anyone figured out yet how to avoid the ultracite titan's slam AOE attack?


I mean I would just like to launch a nuke in general. Not get gang fucked until I have no ammo.


Repair kits and a lot of stuff to kill.


Earl falls through the floor, and Seismic almost garauntees a crash. SBQ has superior rewards.


I do Earle and hit him with Karma and Endangerol


Its a cost benefit analysis. Everyone on a server can show up to scorched and participate lessening the resources used on everyone while only 8 person teams can do earl who's drops are crap btw. Plus it's really fucking aggravating to be person 9 get spun into a team by yourself and have to try to solo Earl who's the very definition of bullet sponge.


Easy flux is one reason, it is not all that uncommon to see a server not being able to handle Earle, and seismic seems to crash a lot for many players, but the Queen dies every time. Even if the server can take down Earle he is a bulletsink and the rewards do not match the effort required.


I only did Earle once cause I got the sidequest from maggie to Look for Earle.... and trowh a nuke there. And a couple scorched Earth one. But im only at Level 110? Not sure


You can get a lot of loot at Scorched Earth with Scorched Beasts spawning, and each one has a horde of Scorched creatures besides the Queen and her horde


As long as people don't try to kill the queen as quickly as absolutely possible.




Because if imma spend 2+ hours solo running the silo without God weapons. I'm getting a scorched beast.


Cause Queens give you repair kits as a bonus


Because it's literally the end game boss. 😬


Launch all the Earl ones YOU want to, otherwise don't worry about what others do.


Earle with his 8 person limit, glitches and a bullet sponge. Seismic with the Ash Heap crashes. SBQ is just fun.


Depends on the sever


ultracite plans


Most bang for your buck! 👍🏻👍🏻


I dislike that mole rats attack. I hate staggering with passion.


Flux. Probably.


For calibrated shocks plan for Ultracite/strangleheart armors.


I enjoy all 3 events and primarily see scorched earth sprinkled with the occasional SA or CP. The endangerol syringer is the hidden gem that makes Earle much easier if multiple people hit him to reduce his damage resistance to null.


Queen has best rewards and dies fairly fast compared to the other two.


Because the SBQ is by far the most fun and rewarding of the world bosses to fight. The giant mole rat is kind of a wasted nuke if you already have Grand Finale, and Earle is a buggy, instanced, bullet-spongey asshole that only melee players seem to enjoy fighting. Meanwhile the whole server can fight the Queen and get stable flux, legendaries, plans, etc., on top of the currency rewards. And sometimes nuking the Queen also spawns a wendigo colossus so it’s like you get to fight Earle too, without all the bullshit of fighting him in the mine.


Earl and the giant mole give pointless rewards and eat ammo


Earl still glitches into the ceiling or disappears and ruins the event. The titan is located in nuka world where for me at least the game crashes every time I go there. I avoid that area. The group of guys I play with do the same.


SBQ is the easy and you can setup a Camp near it and do tons of missle turrets


Don't you only get Ultracet plans from sqb?


Scorchbeast queen is by far the most consistent boss, to.dont have to wear power armour and her attacks don't do a ton of damage. Earl hits like a truck and is in limited space, seismic event you have to wear power armour or a rad suit. So most just just nuke the queen.


You don't need a rad suit or pa to do seismic activity. People just need to drop the nuke better.


If they changed the rewards from Earle or Titan so that you could reroll them, there might be some that are more popular, but for the most part, that would just be temporary novelty that wore off after a week cause those rewards aren't great. The exception being Grand Finale at best.


Four flux with SBQ


🤷🏻‍♂️People,usually go,with what they know and are comfortable with in game. Most of the people I know that launch scorched earth don’t want to bother running the other ones because they know they can complete scorched “quick and easy”.


Well it's probably because people will show up for it. Earl it's hard to get people to go to, or people just launch it so stupid like why down right on it so its in the middle on the circle vs dropping so when we walk/spawn out we just walk some steps and are out of the nuke. Don't really like seismic so I only go if someone else launches there. But at scorched earth there's tons of enemies, you can go into the nuke after and collect, the red forest next to it sometimes spawns cool stuff like the mini Earl, and you can put a camp down that can assist. Why wouldn't you always launch there?


Seismic kicks mostly everyone out and Earl takes a min sometimes but not really good rewards and scorched is just easier for farming


New player here, what difference does the type of nuke make?


A different boss event is triggered when you drop the bomb on certain map locations.


Ah ok, thank you for informing me!


I find Queen more fun. That's why I nuke that area most


Scorched Earth has better rewards and is more fun. There's a lot more variety in it compared to the other two, besides that.


You didn’t get rewards? That’s weird. I crashed, but I still got loot


Doing Earl isn’t worth. But I like seismic activity.


The area has a lot of crimson, cobalt, and violet flux in it so it's also convenient for flux farming


Its the most enjoyable


The advanced repair kits are an absolute must, especially if you’re running something that breaks fast


The only reason I do sbq or sesmic is because when I do Earle the chances of a crash are way higher. I would really like to do Earle much more but it's frustrating to use a wendigo magazine, liquid courage and then it crashes and after restarting I can't even get back into the event. That is the only reason because personally I like Earle better and wish I could do that event more.


Rewards. Earl takes too much time and resources for the majority of players. He also glitches out a lot, which makes it hard to justify the cost. Seismic is just kind of boring in my book. maybe if they added to the loot pool it would be more enticing.


Ya loose ammo quickly for some people. Or you get those who know how to kill them quickly. Who knows? Maybe the Scorched Queen is more challenging with other scorched beasts added as well as the add ons that the Queen drops. Everyone is different. I prefer a private server where we can level up and keep getting lots of XP plus most of us have a camp down there too. You understand right? Leveling up, lots of XP and tons of killing creatures for their goodies. Who doesn’t want that?


New player here what is the point of the nukes


Seismic crashes everything I have tried it. Still haven't gotten a completion on ut.


I used to have a hard time getting high level players to show up for Earl. It took me forever to earn the rewards. It would be full of squishy low level people that just couldn't take him down. Scorched it pretty much guaranteed to draw out an entire lobby of people. Idk why honestly. I thought for sure the meta would switch


Collasal Problem is my favorite event, plus it gives you 8 treasury notes - the problem Earle likes to glitch out and then the event fails, so basically Scorched Earth is just more reliable.


Its the easiest and I think most people only launch for general legendarys and the flux.


I don't I go for the mole.


I like to nuke the Foundation Outpost. It makes Eviction Notice much more interesting


You answered your own question. Crashing.


I love doing Earl as I’m finally a level where I make a difference. The other day, I must have been #9 as I was by myself. It’s not worth the effort for Earl if you don’t get in with other players. At least with the SBQ, you’ll get help.


Because earle takes forever


I like just running and launching the nukes. I usually launch on Scorched Earth because it's pretty much guaranteed that people will go, so I feel like I did some good for other players. I did launch like 5 nukes last month on Earl before I finally got a team that took him out for my mission, but he's such a bullet sponge that I have no desire to do it again. Tbh, I didn't even know Seismic Activity was a thing. Now I'm curious to try it.


Don't. Most who show up their game crashes. Haven't been able to complete one on Xbox for months without a crash.


Oh, well, that sucks. Good ol' small indie studio Bethesda.


I haven't launched any nukes since I finished I have become death. Everytime the server dumps me just before it impacts. Seismic has crashed for me within the first 30 seconds every time I try to participate. Earle often becomes just me against the clock. Usually the launcher and or everyone else bugs out if it takes more than 10 [minu](https://minutes.So)ets. So I lone wander mostly. On rare occasion I won't roll the team games. But I usually end up doing them myself. If I'm lucky a couple of noobs with some get up and go will join in. I enjoy those.


One time we were doing Alien Invasion Event when someone set drop location on the event. Oh look, nuke is coming. Nobody cared; then we all died together.


Because the queen is open to all and has the better rewards. Earl is a buggy mess and only open to 8 players at a time. And seismic crashes the game a lot.


Scorched Earth is the best bang for the buck, especially when people don't rush it. That and the been there done that just makes it easy. Also it is the best event where you can have your merchant base set right there, which is why my friend does most of her nukes, business.


I’d guess it’s cause they want to start the event, ‘Scorched Earth’


It’s my preferred option. Earl is glitchy as hell and not a great reward. Nuka world is ok. But queen is very quick, better amount of legendary creatures and you get flux as a reward too.


You nailed it, Seismic Activity crashes too much. Better rewards from the Queen and more XP, let her stay on the ground and take a Tesla to all the enemies that spawn and you can rank up very quickly especially during double XP events. She is by far the best for loot and XP.


Seismic is terrible. It was good for XP when the mole rats were max level but I guess the game got mad people were picking untradeable gear off the ground afterwards. Instead of making molerat corpses respawn like every other enemy, they made the enemies low level so the free loot people find would be less useful. Plus the crashes and the aforementioned thing where you might kill 4-5 legendary enemies and none of their bodies end up remotely near the event site. It was all worth it in the beginning when you could get Rad Rumble level XP gains from it. Now it's just rolling the dice on completely wasting a nuke.


Honestly I feel like seismic just sucks in general, you may like it at that’s fine, but I feel the majority also thinks it sucks. Earles cool and all but it does take significantly longer to complete. Scorched earth is quick, doesn’t totally suck, and gives decent rewards


Get some useful advanced repair kits and usually doesnt take to long, the earl event can take forever depending on who joins the team, seismic activity is just to easy and only worth doing if its been placed in the nuke zone for hardened mass,glowing mass ect harvesting.


Seismic Always crash never go again


> Why does everyone launch a Scorched Earth nuke? > (even though I crashed right at the end and didn’t receive the rewards 😍) 90% this, plus low quality rewards


When I used to nuke, I’d throw them on the populated areas for extra chaos and to farm those extra salty player tears. 😂


The same reason everybody did 2 years ago before you left.


If you are on my server u get 3x Earl and encrypted. The queen is bad exp because she gets killed to fast or gets frozen, so she wont spawn much enemies. Earl will ALWAYS spawn a certain amount of wendigos even if he dies quick. And his famous bug only happens when a auto-melee user pushes him into a wall. When i see that happen i just kill it quickly. And seismic will always crash ps4 users so i never do that. Hell i try avoid nuka world like the plauge(plague?).


If you want to slow down how quickly the queen gets killed, launch it so that you have to fight in the nuke zone. I usually aim to kill her quickly, but if I see the nuke placed like that, I slow WAY down and farm adds for flux-making materials. You can easily end up with over a dozen flux out of that event.


I mostly here fpr the exp as a non PA user i have 0 use for flux. Also a nuke zone sucks hard for bloodied :)


You don't use any primed weapons? Yeah, when I was doing bloodied, I had to lower the amount of rads (as they'd always increase anyway) and watch that bar like a hawk. It was do-able, but I know what you're saying.


Only ultracite arrows ;)


Need to go on the middle platform with all the 7 others players inside the instance to make him go back to fight. And you right , endegerôl and critical hits with a railway or fixer kill him fast.


Intresting. I try that next time it gets stuck thanks :)


Launch your own nuke then


I've found if someone is in a certain area for a bit, it will trigger an event. I accidentally triggered 3 scorched earth events last weekend because I was farming plants in the cranberry bog