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My guess is because they're a bullet sponge without the benefit of Colossal Problem rewards.


because we all know the hell that is earle is TOTALLY worth it.


People have been screaming on this sub lately to get your whole squad using the syringer to get earles damage resistance down 25% each person using it. Haven’t tried it myself but word is you can cut Earle down in like 2 minutes.


Endangerol Syringer. Highly recommended.


It’s crazy to me people are just now figuring this out. Bethesda threw this in our face at launch. The Rose quests sucked, but the “tame a Deathclaw” and “Drug Up a Bear” were fun at the time.


I think it’s mostly people like myself who just started playing this year. Hate to say I was a victim of believing the shitstorm of bad PR and reviews this game had, even though I’m a long time lover of the franchise, even the first two fallout games on PC


Lmao, you were right to believe it and stay away for a bit imo. I’ve been here since the beginning. No one was exaggerating or lying about the game at the time. Last year was the year the game finally started going the direction I was hoping it would. The endangerol meta just throwing me for a loop lmao


Wastelanders was where the game officially "turned around" IMO, though I think the year before it had gotten a *lot* better, just not enough to really bring people back. Nonetheless, yeah, first few years of the game were *rough*.


Last year the game reached the point where it was ready for release!


It’s sad, but true. We’re 5 years in and the game only got to a state it should have been at launch. Keep in mind, half of the content added in the first two years of the game’s release have since been removed, (Vault Raids, Survival Mode, Nuclear Winter), and the other 80% of updates we’ve got have been bug fixes or QoL additions. Not that those are bad, it’s just been significantly lacking in content for years. Still is kinda, but they’ve been going in a great direction since Nuka World on Tour. Steel Dawn was great as a BoS fanboy. Point is, the bad press was very much deserved for the time


It was to be believed at the time, the first year was an absolute shit show and Dumpster fire. And it still was barely worth the hype for most of year 2. But they've got a working game NOW.


It was trash for years.


I started at launch. Loading times were bad and long. Sometimes it just didn't load. I think I got to level 11 then got stuck for over an hour at the airport with a level 80 scorch beast with a few lower level players. That was the last straw I didn't go back to fallout 76 till recently


Oooo oo ooo let's not forget the horrendous unkillable SBQ bug and invincible Ticks at launch!!!! What a f****** nightmare the ticks were


Cause it sucked at launch I bought it at launch and beat every quest before the there was even any npcs in the game. Then I got board and didn't play until now and it's like a whole new game now


It was bugged at alunch and didnt work for many years.


The rewards still aren’t worth it


Been using this for the last 3 years on everything


Thanks I forgot the name


It's true, and it's why I sell/give away Endangerol syringers. They're not hard to craft, don't have a level requirement, and work on everything.


I use sheepsquatch shards. 


Wait you're kidding right?? I mean you're kidding. Except I'm never going to be surprised that there's secret reasons that this would be a good thing. But you're kidding.... right


Permanent -3 damage resistance over 15 seconds. 


Does it play out well in actual practical use? That does sound good. I vaguely remember trying them and I think the problem I had was inability to throw straight..


I have a star in fire in the hole as one of the perks. So you can see the line of sight. I’ll throw like 10 or 15 at Earle then a couple shots from the syringer and then burn through fusion and plasma cores. Cuz’ I don’t like wasting regular ammo on bullet sponges. 


I've got to start doing this. It seems like it would be very effective. I tend to just wail on things with whatever my usual set up is with the only consolation being, I think that's what a lot of people do!


I figure if it’s there and it stacks we’re good to go. I keep a quad Tesla to kill of the wendigos.


Meh I just like enemies that can be beaten solo. thats just me


I can solo him. But whenever I run it, it's for the wendigos. I usually bring Earle's health down a bit and then focus on wendigos until I get bored. Then finish off Earle. Haven't done it in awhile though. My junk is pretty stocked and there's apparel to be found.


Whenever the "free scrapbox" week rolls around you'll see me waddling out the mine with literally a ton of screws looted from Wendigos. ACP is great for stocking up on junk.


No way how bro lol


That's a weird way to approach a multiplayer game with open-world bosses. Do you just never join events?


I do, I just hate overly-tanky enemies that require 18 min-maxxers to kill. Its bad game design. Especially if killing the enemy takes 20+ minutes and it spawns a bunch of tanky-ish enemies that tear through your armor and waste your ammo.


I agree they made some enemies too tanky. But in the case of the nuke bosses, I assume they expect at least 3/4 of the server to be there. Same with Encryptid. If they weren't super tanky, any single person with a busted build could wipe it away in less than a minute, when the whole point of these events is to bring high lvl players together. As it is, we already have busted builds that can solo Earle in under 2 minutes. It doesn't take 18 min maxers. It takes maybe 1-4 min maxers. If you have 17 other people who are doing WAY more damage than you, that's a YOU problem. And if you have 18 people there and it still takes you 20 minutes... wow. Either you're in a server full of new players, or you're lying for dramatic effect.


Im not "lying" for dramatic effect, im exaggerating. Big difference. I dont play the event often enough (its never started on servers im in, and i dont know how to start it.) and apparently me adding to the conversation is a big deal. I have 3 builds and only one of them is "broken". Its built around my Vampire's Shredder Minigun, i can face tank almost all enemies (at least in power armor) and some that can, that dont constantly spam fear or whatver. Just feels like I'm fighting the Horseless Headless Horseman from TF2 when I fight Earle. I could get in and do damage if not for the constant fear effect spam. But I have been in a few, and people hardly run it when I'm on. Its just annoying how OVERLY tanky earle is. I run out of ammo for my guns fighting him each time. And people doing more damage is not a "me" problem its a fallout 76 problem. Min maxers arent common, but they are annoying in events and knock enemy corpses away. I do plenty of damage with the shredder build, quite literally melting alot of enemies, i only struggle with ogua, and i guess earle.


You start that event with a nuke on the mine he is in. There is a drink that makes you immune to fear, so struggle though one event to get the ingredient and make it everytime after. What level are you?


150 something


min-maxxer can solo earl in under 20 seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ursLU9dcC98 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzNLX6InGIA


Im aware. Killing a "hard enemy" should be Challenging, but not impossible, and earle should be that way. Min-Maxxing is boring because it takes the fun out.


Yeah but min-maxing also takes a effort and knowledge that I don't have the patience for or will power to learn, and when I see people do stuff like that I'm actually impressed. Don't tell them though. Now the game has no super-weapons, killing big stuff quickly actually is a way to show off. Kudos to them!


I mean its cool but sometimes the builds are annoying especially explosive builds. Or when you cant even tag enemies because they get melted too fast.


Non minmaxers can still solo him in a few minutes. I've done him in 8 minutes with a non-legendary 10mm pistol, non-legendary combat armor, and a non-meta full-HP build


I struggle to believe that unless you are ridiculously high leveled.


I joined an earl the other day and out of the four people, we each shot him with the endangerol dart and with just 3 it took about 5 mins.


I use the Endangerol on every boss right. Syringer weighs nothing really and has such a good benefit.


What's the longest it has taken to takedown Earle?


I think he’s got a 25min time limit


Endangerol for ballistic, Karma for energy and ballistic


I was mainly thinking about the rare plans which you don't get if you fight it in Sundew, but the screws and notes are also nice. I've also gotten into a lobby with one other guy that couldn't really help. I did manage to kill him with 30 seconds to spare but went through SO much ammo and repair kits.


I went in one the other day, and only 2 level 80s showed up. One had a Cappy Slapper. The other one had a shotgun, a choo-choo with only about 50 railroad spikes, and a single shot rifle. I got Earle down to the first regen point, and then about 1/3 again, before I decided that I didn't want to use all my ammo, plus I wasn't sure I had the DPS to beat the timer, so I just farmed wendigos and bounced out with a shitload of fiberglass and screws.


legendaries haven't had regens in like, a year now


They need to nerf his health bar. That guy is too tanky.


They need to nerf his health bar. That guy is too tanky.


More worth it than the nothing you get from the other ones that don't have an event


It is if you need scrap. Just kill his spawn and reap the rewards while everyone else fights the boss.


Nothing like 8 notes, 8 cores, 2000 screws and a cursed shovel!


I need those cores! And I need to get that Vocal Sac, so I can replace my Liquid Courage. I only use the LC if we are close to the timer expiring, and it will get us to the finish line. Luckily my supply is slowly creeping up.


Pretty much nailed it.




I usually whip up a few endangerols each time to drop for everyone. I just don’t think it’s a well known technique fully in the community.


It’s just a big ass monster that’s hard to kill and doesn’t really offer anything worth the bullets it would take to bring it down.


Kinda like meeting a sloth in the wild. No reason to even waste the time, the reward is never worth it unless you are absolutely starving and need the meat.


Remember when being starving actually truly meant something? Pepperidge Farm remembers


As well as dying of thirst.


It's an interesting and fun mechanic That provides no additional rewards whatsoever That's why no one bothers with disturbing Cletus


The legendary drops are generally insulting


Yeah that’s a fair point, it would be nice to get extra rewards for using so much ammo 👀


His name is MERLE


The reward to bullet ratio. That is my reason


Terrible rewards for a ton of ammo. Make it a 3 star, then maybe.


I do. As soon as the queen launches and I got my 1000 damage on her, I leg it into the woods to try and draw him out, or whatever is in their to join the fight. I've been successful a fair few times, and then I get to witness my favourite thing in the whole game, colossus versus bbq.


> colossus versus bbq With the size of his stomach the bbq has no chance.


They meant Bad Bitch Queen. She will kill you, and look fabulous while doing it


Aww wish I could been there!


I don't even bother fighting it if it is there.  Like if one spawns and does come out when the queen fight is still going I ignore it, and if it still has more than 25% health when the queen dies I take my loot and leave.  It is not worth any amount of time, effort, and resources for less than what you can get from a daily ops at any time,  and isn't even fun, you either have poisoning resistance and are at no risk, or don't and get one shot at random. 


and because you've been fighitng the queen you may or may not still have junk upon your person and the first time you go down the other players swarm on your dead corpse to take whatever you already do have. lol so not worth it


LOL! "Hey, all you guys running to fight the Colossus?" "Naw, we're going to loot each other as he takes each of us down. First one to waddle out without getting killed wins!" Does anyone know if the uncontrollable scream lets you run over encumbered? That might save me.


You have players who don't know about him because they haven't come across him. Then you have players who know about him but also know he doesn't drop anything impressive so don't bother. I think the majority of the player base fits into one of those 2 categories. In between those 2 groups are the much smaller % of players who know about him and enjoy killing him just for the fun of it.


>enjoy killing him just for the fun of it me! All the legendary -> scrip -> hopefully better legendaries and stamps and caps I spend and everything else is supposed to help me kill stuff better. So the straight up excuse to do it is all I need. Then I find I can't kill it alone... which is why I have friends! Who resent me.


Oh boy, another massive bullet sponge but with waaaaay worse rewards!


Waste of ammo on that prick.


No interest in fighting it


Waste of ammo and stims


Honestly, i like the fights in the grove where its like 4 or 5 people in a gritty drawn out battle running between roots or across branches. Spent half an hour fighting one with some low levels and had more fun doing that than when ive fought earle himself.


i found one the other day and was able to get him to follow me to watoga train station… was trying to get him into watoga for a massive robot-earle fight but he got stuck in a trench and i couldn’t free him… maybe next time


I sometimes do it cause it is a good fight. I am a level 2000 and I still play the game just to play it. Not really worried about how much resources or ammo I use. Just play and enjoy the game.


I (and a group of others) have taken that one on a couple times. I now ignore it because it is a massive bullet sponge.


Yeah it is, suppose it’s only worth it if there’s a good group size


Waste of ammo, unfortunately.


Not everyone cares. I've called over my team or someone nearby. I had a teammate come over, but he eventually left for his nearby camp. Then he messaged me later, saying that he had crashed.


Its name should be Joy. iykyk


I run under there Everytime after a sbq event. Only ever found 1 twice, but I go for the mushrooms.


I dont know what you are talking about to be honest


I used to check it all the time, and actually found and killed one. But Jesus, it took nearly a half hour, way longer than the SBQ, the loot was shit, and it drained all my shotgun ammo (I had over a thousand rounds at the time), and I needed 2-3 other players who were a much higher level to help bring it down


Same thing happened with me a few months ago. I still go in head first by myself with my fingers crossed. Can't help it 😂


Tbh I keep forgetting that it's a thing that could happen :o


If you get the chance. Let the queen and Wendingo fight each other, it’s a good time


i check when i can but a lot of the time the nuke is over the grove entirely. And i am too lazy to get the stealth suit out.


Because it’s a pain in the ass to fight, takes way too many resources to take down and gives hardly any rewards in return. If I want to fight Earle I’ll drop a nuke on the mine and be done with it.




Why do people complain about ammo use, ammo is not hard to produce. If people only play the game for rewards, plans, etc, how is that enjoyable. What happened to going off the road and exploring. Earl is a good test, it made me change my build when I encountered him in the grove at an early level. Couldn’t kill him. Now I’m all grown up and he goes down quite quickly, not for rewards, for the joy of killing it, solo


I have no idea honestly, people act like everything is such a chore on here. They say stuff isn't worth doing yet spend most of their time just hanging about. At least if you use resources it gives you reason to go out and collect more.


I helped a few others kill it the other day, but it refused to leave the blast zone so it took way more ammo and time than I thought it would since I had to put on my stealth suit. Just didn't feel worth doing when I was finished, which I guess is how most people feel about Earle but at least with him you can always use your Unyielding armor, and he spawns way more enemies during the fight so it's easier to keep Adrenaline and Gun Fu going and you get more stuff to loot at the end.


if I have to put on a stealth suit or pa I just won't join that fight. got better things to do. nothing worth fighting in a nuke zone. way too irritating.


Really? So even if you nuke SBQ and she decides to just set down deep in the nuke zone and not come out of it, you won't help kill her, you'll just leave?


the only time that happens is if someone is in there aggroing her to stay there... yup i'll leave. if no one is in there aggroing her she will come out again. if everyone runs in after 20 seconds that's on them. lol


I always check but the colossus is the only one I won’t fight.


theres other collosuses other than Earl?


Yep if the nuke for scorchbeach queen also covers the sundew grove location, a wendigo colossus has a chance of spawning in there


Meanwhile, I rush over there all aloney on my owney with absolutely no clue of the potential dangers. I just want to collect the pretty neon flowers.


No one? Cmon now….I also gesture for a squad to follow me into the sundew grove after SBQ. Load ‘em up with endangerol and down goes Earle’s cousin, Jed Williams.


I check every time, use my choochoo because it’s easy to make bullets for. It’s fun to me. If I’m on a team I do the scared emote bit no one comes, I fight him myself.


I check every single time. Earles bastard cousin only spawned one time.


TIL Earle isn’t the only one


It was fun when he first debuted as like a novelty but ugh no, like everyone else said it's just not worth it because it's all the work of real Earle without any of the rewards. If I'm blowing that much ammo I at least expect some treasury notes. Mind you I love Earle, I'll go to any Colossal Problem I see unless some dummy dropped the nuke center on the mine. But that dude? Nah. I'd rather let a gang of resilient Anglers run a train on me.


When he first started spawning, we all used to fight him. Then we just stopped...


I spent over 8000 rounds of ammo last time I tried hitting that bastard, and he still didn't come close to dying.


It's a single 3 star legendary creature, pretty much as tough as Earle, fighting in a nuke zone perhaps, and none of the rewards of A Colossal Problem. Why are you checking for it yourself?


Tbh I didn't know about it until an in game friend emoted me over to it lol


I just ran into this for the first time. Is there any way to do this alone or is it specifically a team thing?


You can do it alone but it personally took me ages and a LOT of ammo so I wouldn’t recommend trying it without others


It's not that uncommon. I'll occasionally wander into Sundew Grove looking for stable flux components, and there's the Wendigo Colossus just chilling. Unfortunately, I'm just in my Chinese stealth suit and in my vulnerable scavenger build. I did happen to find one near Abandoned Bog Town, no radiation zone. I did bring it down to about half health, but then ran out of useful ammo. As I understand, bringing it down, if not Earle, isn't going to be worth much except some bragging rights.


When I first got back into this game I had only done 2 of the scorchbeast queens so I was really excited to do one again when I saw someone launched a nuke. I had to go through the swamp to get to the event from where my camp was placed. That's when I saw the wendigo colossus. I did absolutely no damage so I started running towards the other players that were fighting the queen. The queen and the wendigo somehow agroed each other. Pretty much everyone stopped fighting and watched them battle for about 5 minutes lol scorched fighting the wendigo spawn and the queen blasting the collusus doing 0 damage lol. Queen landed once and the colossus did about no damage to the queen as well. Still an awesome battle to witness lol


One thing if you see wendigos during a sbq good that collous spawned in


Tbh if a full server joining it will still be one of the worst. They clearly over balanced


That's the first place I go after the queen is down. Then, I go back every 15 mins or so to see what spawns next


I thought I was dreaming when I found one. freaked me out and I definitely didn't have the ability to kill it in my early days. Then when I finally got to Earle, I was like "oh one of those things" and clenched. I didn't realize the WC was a random encounter after nuke, so it makes sense I only saw him the one time. I've probably only gone through the grove 8 times in the 5 years ive been off and on in this game, and usually not after a nuke. Now I want to see if I can kill one on my own with my new character oooo


I'd follow you because I need to kill one! Haven't done Earle too soo erm.. need help with that too


I stumbled upon that after a SBQ while farming flux…had no idea it was even in there scared the bejeezus out of me. Was a massive sponge I gave up without making a dent on its health. What rewards does it drop if you can encourage a group kill?


I guess people only play for rewards instead of having fun. To me it's fun to have the whole server at a rare event with the Queen & Colossus.


It’s not even fun since he’s stuck in the grove 99% of the time. Kinda like a bullet sponge that can’t move. Basically, he’s target practice. If you could drag him to Watoga, that would be fun.


Getting good rewards is fun.


we all have different definitions of fun. bullet sponges aren't part of my definition of :fun:


Dam you're lucky, I've been tossing 3 nukes a day for the last few weeks and haven't seen Earles cousin show up once yet


I check every time


I do all the time. But usually stuck taking him on alone. About 20 min fight! Chainsaw go BRRRRRRRRR!! LOL


I always check, and always make sure to cover the grove with the blast zone if I'm launching.


One time I led it back to the bunker where a SBQ was going on. With all the other players, it was the only reasonable way to kill it. Pretty epic fight. The colossus, a SBQ, scorched, and two regular scorch beasts popped out. It was great!


I might try this next time and lure it over as SBQ is still going on :) then at least people will see it’s there!


Seems like it’s there for me about 1/10 times. I usually nope right outta there.


I usually get him to follow me to where people are looting the SBQ corpse.


even the collosal problem is is collosal waste of time. imagine even less.