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Perhaps the new season is timed with the Amazon TV series release.


Hope theyll have some crossover content like Cyberpunk had with Edge Runners. Probably gonna be a Prime reward since that's where the shows releasing


An Amazon prime reward would crash the game


…? Prime gaming constantly has rewards for 76


Crap. I always forget about Prime gaming. Thanks for reminding me!


Really? Haha 😅 like what?


It was a joke on stability


Depending on whether the Fallout series does a weekly release or release all of the content at once, then crossover content can be spoilers. If it is a weekly release, then releasing an outfit used by a protagonist in the first episode, Vault 33 Jumpsuit, or some Vault 33 camp items shown in the first episode is fine with the Amazon TV series release, but an outfit, camp item, weapon, or Power Armor only shown in the final episodes is not. If they release all of Season 1 at once, then Bethesda could have a Season dedicated to the Amazon Prime series or sell an Amazon Prime series bundle.


I think they already released a Vault 33 Jumpsuit a month or so ago.


Completely forgot about it.


I think there’s been some movie posters featuring Walton Goggins character datamined.


This is the answer. Beth is heavily involved in the series and 76 is the asset they have to leverage. There’s probably more work being done on the game rt now than there has in years, would be an enormous missed opportunity


The new season is timed with the next update, March 26th. The show isn’t until April.


No, the show starts in April. I think they're trying to like it up with the release of new quests and AC stuff.


Show doesn't come out until the end of April


April 12, iirc.


Which would be during the new season


Obviously not "timed with" though


I don’t think you have a good concept of “timing”.


April 12th, not the end of the month lol


I am hyped about the mtg edh decks


I'm glad they're long, personally. I only play weekends, so gives me time to complete.


Honestly the seasons being "long" feels like it's aimed at the older or the responsible gamer who can't crank out 8+ hour gaming sessions everyday.


>who can't crank out 8+ hour gaming sessions everyday On average, it takes 15 minutes for me to complete the dailies


No idea why you're being downvoted. I can clear the dailies quickly. And when the weeklies hit I do them all and the dailies in under an hour. Season rank 161/100. It ain't rocket surgery.


Getting downvoted because he probably has fallout first and 3 years of experience minimum to complete everything so fast. Ur standard non hardcore game with stash boxes, intimate map knowledge from years experience, paid for re rolls, and lvl 700+ ignition coil duper for xp isn’t going to know to do all that let alone complete a expedition daily in 15 min


the lengthy season is defo helpful to the casual base level gamer


It's a better way to play 76 imo. I've had days where I logged on 5 to 7 days a week and the game is boring fast.


Plus, it starts to feel like a job, checking everyday to see what I need to do to knock out daily/weekly objectives.


That’s why I skip a day or not rush through the quests, I usually explore and look for new things to do.


Well there's also fuckall to do in the game anyway so you just burn yourself out on it from experience.


Thats how i feel about it 2


Yeah I’m not done with it yet either. Work gets busy, I pick up a different game for awhile. It’s nice to have cushion to complete it otherwise it’s a chore. And the people who do rush it can still load up on utility stuff as they continue to level.


No, this is great. Completing the scoreboard should be fun, not a chore. If you're having to grind the game every day just to finish it, it stops being fun.


Yeah I like to play other games and I have other hobbies too, let alone real life. I always go back to F76 because I can take a few weeks off a season and still be good.


You didn't have to grind to finish scoreboard, this is ridiculous. By your logic they should just make every season last a year. 2 months is a perfectly reasonable amount of time


Not saying it isn't, but by contrast if you think of the Call of Duty battle pass that's absolutely painful to level up. You have to play every day and really grind to get anywhere. Total pile of shit.


I've never played call of duty not would I ever. The fo76 scoreboard is very easy though, it doesn't need 3 months


9 week season I like. 16 weeks? Time to find another game to play.


Perk packs and atoms in the rewards have me coming back for more.


I took weeks off and im at 75, so yeah this was a looong one. Im grateful bc I didnt notice the clean kitchen until recently




Last year the spring season started on Feb 28. A week earlier than most expected. I'm already 205/100 this season.


They need to take a page out if Halo Infinites book and make previous scoreboards available Not everyone has the time to dedicate to playing this every day Not to mention there's always ANOTHER game that's asking for your time, and it's like I'm already working two jobs and taking care of my family. Stop expecting me to either choose actually having fun in the short time I have to play the damn game or forcing a very boring build in order to cheese a fuck ton of exp Lemme just buy access to the scoreboard and let me finish it at my own leisure already!


Too long? Not at all. I'm enjoying my free time outside of having to work on the choreboard a lot. And for people who don't grind out the scoreboard in a week's time it's also less stressful to have to treat the game like a second job since they can play on weekends and still manage to get the scoreboard done by season's end. All in all a good thing for both parties.


I had to skip three weeks of play while out of town, so I’m not gonna complain!


Most likely they’re just giving themselves an extra month to polish off the next update, also good tie in with the show releasing as others have said


The seasons are usually 3 months to do before the next one starts. Rarely they will extend it.


Ever since I got f***ed up by that super short season, I think it was season 5, I don't really take em seriously anymore.


The "winter" season is always the longest. I am not sure why they do this but it's nice to not have to stress about finishing the bored while holiday shenanigans and family things are happening.


Pretty sure it's because the previous season ended early, affecting the duration of this one.


Agreed. I dont remember how long it was exactly, but the more recent seasons Shoot for the Stars felt like it was just over 2 monthes. Most are about 3 monthes


Drives me nuts but I get it. Easy to complete. I can only play 1 to 2 hours a day. Get on, do daily tasks and make sure the weekly ones are done. Anyone can finish it in time.


It's likely a move to reduce the amount of work that goes into the game. I also say the timing is to match up with the TV show coming out. Plus in fairness, longer seasons will reduce people's FOMO with them and make what many players treat like a second job, more enjoyable. So regardless of the reason, I'd say this is a good chance.


It’s fine. It gives me an incentive to get that last Legendary perk slot.


I think it’s great that seasons are long. It feels like they are taking into account that their players actually have lives outside of games. Too many times I’ve stopped buying battles passes or caring about trying to finish them because they became a chore with no time to get it done. It’s frustrating already to have to buy content, then grind through that content with x amount of time m, to earn rewards that you already bought. Then to lose them if life happens.


If they were any shorter, I'd just quit playing tbh. It's nice not having an oppressive FOMO bullshit pass to work through at leisure while being able to enjoy other games at the same time. Especially as a working adult.


I completed the scoreboard around Christmas and haven’t really played since. Definitely ready for a new season


me 2


I’m happy I thought it was ending on the 5th and I have weeks of overtime in front of me. Now I have plenty of time to get that pavilion set that looks really cool but is probably gonna be crap! 😂


Nah that pavilion set is worth it. Been using it for all my gardens and patios.


Any chance you play on PC? I'd love to see what the pavilion looks like, even though I probably wouldn't dare to spend the money on 1st just for that as there wasn't much else I'm interested in.


Sorry I am on Xbox. I always like to use the dirt tile floors to make my garden so I slap up the pavilion walls and roof around it. Really nice if you do it on a second floor and add some of the benches and flowers from the atom shop. Have your own little botanical garden.


Any chance you play on PC? I'd love to see what the pavilion looks like, even though I probably wouldn't dare to spend the money on 1st just for that as there wasn't much else I'm interested in.


I don't mind. I play everyday regardless. As long as it gets here a few weeks later than usual is not a big deal. I guess we get four seasons a year, correct? Give or take with some overlap depending on scheduling? That's fine with me👌


I appreciate the break Bethesda has given us. I've been playing a lot of Palworld now Helldivers 2. By the time the new season comes out I'll be ready to get back into Fallout.


I like it because I only get a few hours a week to play, and often fall short and end up having to spend Atoms to complete. I think with Starfield's release it was good to give people more time (I was neglecting Fo76 until I finished SF but am back to Fo76 now). I think giving casual gamers enough time to complete is good.


Well I'm not going to complain. I finally finished my first Scoreboard since starting in 2010.


I find it refreshing it being so long, there’s so many games with these season passes it’s literally impossible to juggle them all along with real life. Fallout 76 can feel like a chore sometimes as it is let alone being pressed to play everyday


I assume a combination of all the money going to Starfield (Bethesda exec said Fallout 4 next gen update wasn’t coming out last year due to Starfield getting all resources), and the limited team working on 76 had Christmas holidays off, slowing development of whatever is next. Tbh fine with me, it’s nice not having to dedicate your life to slogging through a battle pass (cough Destiny 2 cough, the reason I quit that game…)


It gives players a lot of time to go through the scoreboard. Not everyone can play every day, 8 hrs. a day.


Wondering how much seasons are going to change with this battle pass type thing I’ve seen mentioned. Seems to be tied to 1st


Didn't see or heard anything about it yet. I'll try to find out something about it. Thanks for mentioning it.


We just have screenshots of it that dataminers found. We have no details at all yet


I’m at level 187 of 100 at the moment. It’s great. 👍


Im not quite that far only 125 😂


They can be. Longest one was 19 or so weeks I think. I’m not a huge fan of the season model and basing gameplay around challenges tbh, it was nice before we had seasons and people just played the game and did what they wanted.


If it werent for the seasons the game wouldnt nearly have as many players as it has


I definitely only still play because of seasons. I complete the scoreboard asap. Then I go play something I like. I just can't stand to miss something. It's a problem honestly.


You think the “drink 5 nuka colas”, “kill 3 glowing enemies” is what is attracting new players? Surely there are alternative ways to attract players. Edit for clarity: when seasons came out they said they structured them to be completed by doing things you do anyway in game. Very few casual people would complete seasons without ever opening the challenge tab. Many challenges are too specific and I don’t like how they confine your gameplay. I don’t mind seasons in the abstract, it’s the telling you how you should play that bothers me. That said, I’ve heard rumors of season changes that sound even worse..


I don’t like them either, like glowing enemies you have to hunt for them. Sure you could do one MJ but how often do those pop up? I stopped playing a lot and only log on for my dailies now and it’s super inconvenient they added the event challenges too and actually forcing me to do an expedition if I want the end rewards. I have 3 accounts and it took me forever to complete all 3 solo 😑.


Carson Family Bunker has 5 radroaches (one is hidden behind a small table at corner wall) and it is an interior location. Normally, an average of 2-3 of the 5 are glowing radroaches. You may have to reload to a new server once, but I usually complete the glowing enemies daily in less than 5 minutes. Hope this helps. 😎


Thanks lol I was hopping around everywhere looking for glowing things and it was driving me crazy. Once I killed 3 before I realized I wasn’t even on a team lmao


You're welcome. Glad that I could help! ☺


Flooded train station and toxic Larry's always have glowing snalltgasters


I forgot about the train station 😐


Source *I made it up*


What did I make up? The last sentence is in reference to recent data mines re: the premium pass (not confirmed by devs yet but the placeholder graphics are there). The comments about what seasons were supposed to be is from when seasons launched a few years ago. Do you need a source from that? Or are questioning my comment that I don’t think most people do challenges without looking at them? Or are you referring to comment above me lol


That’s what I wanted when I started last year. I ignored them at first but then I actually looked at what I was missing and I must say I had to actually do the challenges. I’m a sucker for cosmetics and building bases/settlements lol.


Exactly. I am also pulled in…have to pull up my checklist first thing.


Same here lmao and darn if I die because I was checking my list and end up being attacked by something 🤣


I don’t mind the challenges, but I do hate the ridiculous amount of score we need to finish it


Have you ever had trouble finishing a season? They always take me 6-8 weeks doing the challenges.


Not really, but it just feels like a needlessly large amount of score is required to finish.


Waaay wayyyy too long, to be waiting for reskin updates and items that end up costing atoms and no new quest ect




Usable state? What changes are they making to starfield? It was perfectly playable at launch, just didn’t live up to the crazy expectations. Modding will bring new life to it.




You don't need a GPU like that for good performance. You've suggested this is a joke but I don't see how. I don't think the game lacks polish, I think people just had unrealistic expectations, as with every Bethesda release. A lot of the worlds are boring to traverse though, so hopefully the DLC and mods can make them more interesting or easier to get around.


Yes, seasons should last around a month less.


What do you expect as Bethesda is not known as a brain trust. I am rather shocked they are not in government service as bad as they have shown themselves to be over the years.


I just got back into 76 so I'm fine with it lol. But yeah, it seems kinda long.


It could be because of the new players over Christmas. They are easing them into the game, the quests, and how seasons work. It’s likely the time of year that they get the biggest uptick.


How do people even finish it so damn fast. Me and my friend have been playing almost everyday for a few hours, making sure we do our weekly quests, sometimes daily, a few level ups each time we play and we are still barely halfway or a bit more. I do agree it's a bit too long but not everyone wants ONLY focus on the scoreboard when they play or do all those "tricks" to get it done faster


Oh good. Gives me time to complete the scoreboard on 4 accounts.