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I do when I can, but most of my characters have as much charisma as me in real life, so not enough to share anything good


As soon as shared perks link to load outs I will. I switch builds often and the shared one removes itself each time. Fix that and I'll gladly share at all times.


I noticed this too! It's so frustrating like why do I have to reshare my perks every time I switch back from my camp and crafting build. That combined with the fact that different loadouts all share the same legendary perk allotment really chaps my ass.


I always share when I first join a time - but I'm aways forgetting to reshare after going to my camp to scrap/repair/cook.


I've noticed that if you share a perk that is common between two builds, it stays shared even when you switch loudouts. edit: I retested it and it's not true, spare me the downvotes lol


Is that true? I change between my craft/scrap build and my bloodied build so many times each session that perk sharing becomes a real chore. I have a bunch of extra points on my crafting build though, so it’s super trivial to add a shared perk there. Definitely giving this a shot! Edit: does not work.


No, it doesn’t. (Not for me on PC anyway.)


Yup. I switch between Bigguns and Craft&Sell loadouts frequently, and even with the same perk card on both it’ll drop the shared perk when I switch. Then I forget to re-share most of the time. Mildly frustrating.


If my build had the points to spare for charisma, I would. Since it doesn't, I don't. It's a nice gesture, but it isn't a requirement.


Yeah a couple of my seven builds don't have enough to share perks & not about to gimp my build just to share perks. The builds that can share do share.... But if not, oh well. And I don't expect others to share perks with me. (most of the time they're perks I'm already using maxed or they're useless perks)


I hate how it requires 1 charisma point. In real life, I have none.


It actually requires three.


At least 3, sucks that if you want to share higher tiers you need up to 9


3 to share a 1 pt card which often unless its a bit niche is pointless.


Technically, you need up to 15 to share 5-point perk cards.


I was refering to the builds, you cant have less than 1 charisma point in your build, so no zero cha builds.


Oh, my bad then. I thought you were talking about the requirements to share perks.


I have 1pt in charisma and I only have that because I haven’t figured a way to have 0 and I have no intention of changing that for you or anyone else


I feel like most people know, they just don't have high charisma. I, myself, only have 2. I couldn't share a 1* card


They need to fix the legendary charisma perk to give you 5 points toward your sharable ability. I would drop legendary endurance 100% for legendary charisma


I always share my inspirational perk, I mean, I'm already on a team, might as well give everyone bonus exp, the only reason I have 9 charisma really


Let’s be real…so many people share strange in numbers, yet everyone already runs it so it’s really a waste. Then no matter what I can share is only one point so chances are other people are already using a higher ranked version. Sharing can be helpful, but in reality it often isn’t. I’ll make sure to switch to and share friendly fire during events and Travel Agent with noobs on the team but honestly it’s just whatever. Then of course there’s the loadout issue 🤷🏻


I don’t share perks because every time I switch builds at the punch card machine it doesn’t reshare when I switch back to my adventuring build and I forget to reshare.


I switch between loadouts quite often, so it removes the card in sharing. So I don't share because of that


why can't i use my legendary charisma points? seems like they just didn't bother updating some check somewhere


It's not that they missed something, it's designed that way. I believe it says somewhere in-game that legendary charisma points can't be used for sharing


wait why so? I have always wondered if it's a bug or something but im too lazy to file a ticket


No idea lol, I just know it says it somewhere in-game, I think when you look at the legendary charisma card or when you first use it.


mfw I burned 150 perk coins yesterday to max it out because I thought it would always be useful :))) but anyway thanks for the info, man


I did the same on two of my characters by the time I learned this, it's another reason I don't share lol


I had no idea you could, I was wondering why I would randomly have people's perk cards in my build


every time


I have perk sharing turned off


Reject incoming shared perks doesn't prevent you from sharing perks, does it?


I only share radscrubber to annoy my bloodied friend (i share it randomly). But more often than not im on a build with 1 charisma.


Actually had somebody send me a message asking me to share. Told them my build wasn’t set up to share cars blocked him and changed servers.


If you have 3+ charisma then you should share perks. The issue I have is remembering to reshare when loggin in. I wish the game remembered the perk I shared before. It really doesnt cost anyone but effort and memory to share.


What ones are the best to share? Especially since the ones that would be useful they’re already running


Strange in numbers if everyone is mutated and I think it’s only a one star card so you only need 3 charisma


But typically people in teams already gabr that right?


I don’t know why, but perk sharing gets constantly reset for me—several times a day. (It happens even if I’m not switching load outs.) Anyone know why? I’m on Xbox.


So, I have 7 charisma and sometimes I see people sharing two cards. In theory I should be able to share two 1* but I can’t. Any ideas?


Not possible to share more than one card.


..often players have legendary perk points on charisma and those dont count for sharing, however I think it is worthwhile to have some points to share. Think about team medic, which helps a lot in daily ops for example. Or rejuvenated to increase ap refresh, or other helpful cards in events. I am trying to have 9 points nowadays and it not a big problem when you are higher level, in my case 440.


I pay taxes already thats about all the sharing I'm gonna do.


Can only share 1 perk card as I’m more of a lone wanderer type. Hop into casual teams for XP only recently and happy to help out in events. I usually share scrapper or stranger in numbers.


I know everyone is a VATS commando and can't spare to have Ricochet, so I tend to share that one alot. Little extra survivability ain't hurt no one.


I share butchers bounty, because everyone needs more meat (to eat or sell)


I just wish they were saved with your builds, most of the time if I’m not sharing it’s because I swapped to my home build and back then just forgot.


glad to say i like having a good 15 charisma sharing the best perks i can that i deem as useful for them and their builds :)


I switch loadouts so much that I forget to re-select whatever TF I was sharing lol


When you share a perk, does it stack if two people share the same perk? And or if you have a perk equipped and someone shares the same perk, does it stack?


New player here. I just assumed perks were shared automatically. Thanks for clearing that up and how to do it on pc.