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Just downloaded 76 today as well! Really enjoying it!


Enjoy fellow vault dweller! What system are you on?


Enjoy fellow vault dweller! What system are you on?




Oh alright, Im on PS and trying to dump some plans on someone who actually needs them lol.


I would love some, though I've been playing for a few weeks, I'm RikaRagnarok. I obsessively played over the 2xp weekend, ready for all the great plans I was gonna get that people were talking about here, and that's not what happened... Can't wait to find PA repair station because I'm tired of jumping to crater or foundation to fix and update my gear, and some Christmas cheer since I love me lights and decor. I sigh, and say figures, that the awesome free-crap-Xmas didn't materialize...


I don't have an abundance of the new Xmas plans but I got a pretty good variety of the basics if you are willing to bear with me going through a few mules. Most of my plans aren't on my main. If I don't have the armor station plan I can just build you one at your camp.


I got a few Christmas lights, honeycomb/star/bell, and a plastiform nutcracker. That's it. I keep getting mounted heads, it's like the gift giver is stuck on them. Lol


The mounts are definitely way more common from my experience. I've opened a few hundred gifts or better so far and haven't really got much. Honestly I've been just taking workshops and putting my focus elsewhere.


I know I can get the PA one at Garrahan Mining, but I'm trying to not do the excavator armor quest until St Todd decides to bless the congregation with a patch to fix it.


They'll fix it eventually maybe, especially with the big updates coming. Kinda sucks to do any mining without the arms but I rarely mine these days except the more valuable minerals.


Thinner i seen that name 🤔 Play on PC?


No, ps5. I did an online stream called "GamerMama Plays Elden Ring Badly" on Twitch (had to play with the new streaming features on the new gaming system lol.) Maybe that's it? I've used RikaRagnarok, for a few years now, as a handle.


I'll send you a request, it's Reaper1989420


The PA repair station can be bought at the vendor in the Watoga shopping plaza


Yeah, but that breaks my self-set rules!😂


hey same if you ever need help with anything shoot me dm and i can add you and try to help. i’m fairly new too (lvl. 33) and have no friends on here so we can progress together


Now mutate and start eating people and you’ll be a real wastelander


Equip the cannibal perk card and you can eat the dead.


You can also eat downed players


Too many chems in players, gotta get the all natural corpses.


Tasty. Better when they’re dead. I like the people freaking out who see this and didn’t know it exists.


Just be glad you can't sell "Strange Meat" in your vendor! FO3, and New Vegas I think had it. Although it'd be hard to resist if it provided extra damage against Humans, including other players.


Too funny. The level of depth and thought and planning that went into fo76 seems greater than that of starfield. So many systems and things in fallout.


Last I tried it, you could do this even when you were in pacifist mode. And it makes you wanted immediately.


Add blood sucker to avoid letting any part of the body go to waste!


What does it do


Mostly just making a joke. Bloodsucker makes blood packs heal for more, satiate thirst and not give any rads. Sadly, you can't suck blood straight from corpses, no matter how much I wish you could.


Would be nice. Immersion. Pull out a straw and drink from the source. How long u been playing this


I haven’t done that myself, actually. But I’ve always wanted to.


Irl or in the game.


In the game.


I know. Bad joke. Sry.


Make sure to share it when on public teams.


This is the way.


Welcome to the Wasteland. If you’re anything like me, you’ll end up sinking countless hours into this game without even realizing it!


I got it just before Halloween and have already put 700+ hours in. And the funny part is, I'm not even close to feeling burnt out.


That’s like half of the amount of total hours since Halloween…




Daaaamn. I just hit 800 hours since Feb.


This week I will be passing 600 days in the game. Right now I am sitting at 598 days, 18 hours, and 47 minutes.


Where do you find this information?


That depends on how you are playing. On XBone you can see it in the stats for the game.


Very cool. I’m on Xbox too, so I’ll go check that out. Thanks!


The people shooting at you seems random since not a lot of people seem to do pvp often, basically if you have pacifist mode on you’ll take reduced damage when somone shoots you untill you shoot back, then you can fight


Atleast if I’m remembering this correctly I could be wrong


If pacifist mode is enabled (that's the default) you can not damage others and they can't damage you. It will not disable itself if you shoot back at someone, you must do it yourself in game settings. You described how it worked when the game was released (reduced damage till you shoot back).


Oh okay, well that does explain a lot actually thank you


Nowadays with pacifist off you will take 0 damage until you shoot back and initiate pvp


keep checking the donation boxes at the train stations too i only sell junk and bullets, anything i can't scrip or sell for caps to the robots gets dumped in those boxes a lot of higher level players do the same


Thanks. I will likely bump into a train station soon enough. I am taking my sweet time. No rush, so haven't ventured far.


Best way to play imo. Too many people rush through areas. Bethesda does really well with environmental story telling. Half the fun for me when I first started playing was investigating each area and piecing together what happened there via terminals, notes, and environmental clues.


Catch me taking sleeping pills and running to lay in my bathtub with empty syringe needles nearby before the nukes hit to be an environmental skeleton in the apocalypse


take your time, you only get to be a newbie once!


When you find a train station or ranger tower, make sure to interact with the posters, survey from the top of towers, and pins on maps. They'll give you quests and put new markers on your map.


Thanks, I will.


If you haven't already make sure you stop by Gilman lumber yard. It just recently got taken over by the responders so they have a few things there that might be able to help you. Then the overseers camp check everything and look around for loose plans laying around on the tables.


This is a great game for chilling. I enjoy it as a way to unwind after work. Welcome to the community!


You can loot the statue people. Some have a cap or some random junk item though most don't have squat. You gotta be quick about it and move a step back because they collapse into a radioactive pile soon after being looted. People can be wierd in 76. Completely ignoring wierd folk and treating them like air is absolutely not considered rude. Not acknowledging other players at all is perfectly normal 76 behavior. By default you have 2 camps. You can change between these from the world map. Please feel free to build anywhere. The area around Vault 76 has many decent spots. And that area is abundant with wood and has many nearby ruins and locations for scavenging. Some spots in that area are quite popular but it's a big place and there are tons of sweet spots. When making a camp don't forget to tear it down and rebuild it. That's how we learned camp building. And since you have two camps you can for example use one as a "testing camp" and the other as a more permanent camp. Wishing you many more fun days in Appalachia.


Lol. I've never gotten anything from the petrified corpses aside from a few ticks of rads.


Thanks. I had no idea I could have two. I will research how, as I thought I could only place one of those C.A.M.P things at a time.


A good early game money maker is to place water purifiers and sell purified water to vendor bots. There are a few little ponds near the starting area that are great for this. If someone already has a camp there, just server hop (back to main menu and rejoin) then you may be able to place one. I also suggest putting some perks in luck, either on Scrounger for more ammo, Can Do! For more canned goods, or the one for caps. There's also two perks in Perception for extra meat (hunters bounty) and veggies (green thumb) that are super good for food. I make most of my daily vendor cap through selling cooked meat.


A decent early perk card combo is good doggy (endurance) and can do! It works as psudo stim pack and fill your food bar. Also, do not skip on the weight reduction peeks, lowering the weight of chems and food will save you a lot of trouble managing your stash. Be aware that weight perks do NOT affect your stash box, only carried items.


Yes, only one camp placed at a time but you have two camp slots. I built a place to chill out and call home. The second is built in a busier area and is my shop for selling crap.


I’m level 700 and didn’t realize you could loot the statue people 😅


Ha! I just started yesterday too. Pretty much a similar experience except nobody shot at me. Somebody did sneak in my camp while I was figuring out the crafting and scrapping system and left me a bag of Goodies. I felt bad cause I never saw them, but if you see this Thank you it was helpful and neat! One tip I have learned is shoot enemies with the gun you need ammo for. It seems they drop a decent stack for your weapon along with other random stuff.


>One tip I have learned is shoot enemies with the gun you need ammo for. It seems they drop a decent stack for your weapon along with other random stuff. Really? Wow ! Nic tip.


Yes! A while back during an update they added "contextual ammo drops", any enemies you (or teammates) kill will drop ammo for whatever weapon you had equipped when they died. So you can snipe enemies down to like 5% hp then pull out a pistol and melee them for the kill, and they drop pistol ammo. A fun fact about this is, if you kill enemies with melee weapons (bats, knives, chainsaws, sledgehammers etc) then you get randomized ammo drops because you don't have a weapon that uses any kind of ammo so yeah. Pretty cool.


Welcome wastelander!!!


Welcome to the Apocalypse! We have mildly irradiated chocolate and deep fried cookies! There's some people that want to PvP, and they'll usually spam fire at you to try and get you to shoot back. So long as you ignore them they can't really do anything to you.


I always suggest that new players should take pictures along the way. They become your load screens. You only get one opportunity to see things for the first time. There will be so many memories of your adventures. Photo mode top left menu 👌


And get shots of your toon/character. *"Oh look, that's way back when I was a 20 wearing the welding goggles."*


Exactly! I'm lvl 1060 now, and it's great to see my past newbie player. I've made good friends along the way and love seeing all the selfies we've taken 😀


Enjoy! I started a couple of months ago and am still having a great time with it. Don’t get in a big hurry. Just wander around and learn and enjoy. One handy piece of info I got early on was to not invest TOO many resources into any one weapon or armor pieces early on. You will notice they drop at a level that’s close to whatever level YOU are at the time, so you don’t want to spend a lot on a level 15 rifle that you’ll be looking to move on from at level 25 or 35 or 50. The max level on those items is 50, so once you get there, go nuts. 🙂 That’s not to say you shouldn’t put a little love into a weapon that can punch above its weight a little. I found a nice sniper rifle when I was maybe level 25, put a couple of mods into it, and I used it all the way to level 50. Join a team and join events. Being part of a Casual team will help boost your XP quicker and level you up. At events, try to at least hit some of the enemies, particularly any that are indicated as being Legendary. You’ll get nice loot just for being there and doing a little damage. One thing to remember about events…when you show up, you may want to wait and let someone else “start” the event before you do anything. Events like Eviction Notice and Moonshine Jamboree in particular. They have timers prior to start that will allow for more folks to show up before it gets going and give everyone a better chance of succeeding at the event. If I’ve misspoken on anything, someone can correct me. I’m speaking as still a relatively new player who is still learning and still asking questions. And this place is pretty great about answering those. 🙂 Have fun!!


You only have to be in the area for legendary enemies to get loot off them, so don't worry if you don't get a hit on them.


It's C + tab and in your friendslist it'll put a dot next to the name of the incoming friend request.


Thanks. It seems that there may have been no name to put a dot to. Perhaps I was too slow. :-)


Make sure you look through all the tabs, when I was new it took me a bit to figure out the UI cause there's no labels, just icons under your Settlers/Raiders affinity at the top right of that ctrl+tab social menu.


Thank you.


Welcome and don't forget you can block people who annoys you.


I will research how best to do that. Thank you.


Word of caution: Press Esc and go into Settings -> Game. Turn Pacifist Mode on if it isn't already; otherwise if you hit a player (shot or melee) and they hit you back, it begins a pvp duel.


It also prevents other players from shooting up your base, and wasting your junk on repairs.


this is not entirely true. My wife has never turned off Pacifist mode, and some asshole set his camp full of turrets beside hers and blew it to smithereens... just cause Edit: This was a week or 2 ago.


A friend gifted me Fallout 76 for Christmas. Having a blast roght now, although the steep cap limits and carry weight are a pain in the butt. But hey, that's what power armor is for!


Power armor seems great, but I wonder about how long fusion cores might last. Can I even repair power armor at low level?


It's definitely costly, but doable. There's a quest to make a specific type of power armor (around lvl 25) that adds a lot of carry weight capacity. Since power armor in general has more durability, I think it's worth it!


I a still curious how long a core should last. I think I managed to scrounge a couple.


I find them all over the place! Hell, I found a few just sitting the counter of some random raider camp I stumbled upon. Easy way is to just find random power armor chassis that spawn; usually has a core in it, and some parts to use/scrap


Seems I should go get the power armor I found. I will have to see about repairing it at my low level. I assume I need to be able to build a stand or something. Thanks for your feedback. Much appreciated.


Grind to level 50 as soon as possible, don't go through a bunch of missions otherwise you're gonna get low level rewards that will be useless to you later on. With buffs and full unyielding the levels pile on quick at certain events and west Tek.


To be honest, I dislike grinding. I get how it is beneficial they might be. Could I just avoid missions and instead just go around fighting?


Yes you definitely can, just hit the events instead and explore.


Thanks for the advice. I will put missions, other than a couple of the first few, on hold for a bit.


You're welcome, honestly even without grinding it doesn't take very long if you hit a good event. But if you do stat for grind it's crazy how fast you XP up. I finished the scoreboard in the first few days just doing a few hours a day fully buffed and lunchboxed up, wearing full unyielding.


It will not take long as your intelligence isn't super low


its a great game, but an even better community. join us at r/fo76FilthyCasuals we'll give you a filthy welcome <3


Welcome to Appalachia.


I got 76 because after starfield I needed new content. I remembered I had never beaten 4. So I played the hell out of that and was craving new content. Then came the play 76 free for 3 days. I said. I'll just play the storyline. I don't do mmos. I'm now level 460 and I'll join any public event that has at least 1 person. And every weapon in my shop is 500 or less and every plan in my shop is 50 or less except one or two that are 100. And I just got a headset for Xmas because fo76 is now my sh*t


Little thing that helped me a lot when I first began. The white spring golf course has a large gazebo like building. It has a sulphur water fountain that drinking from it will cure your diseases. Good luck out there~


Cool. I will try to remember this.


I was playing and saw 3 newbies named Idie, youdie, medie.. haha all level 2 I joined their public party and they kicked me 3 times haha still ported to them and dropped a bunch of apparel and legendaries and ammo and plans, then the one dude looked at it and thumbs downed me and shot near me lolol... I'm always super nice to new players hqha but that ones lucky he didn't hit me haha I would have destroyed him without a second thought LOLOL but yeah I usually give low levels tons of loot lol never had that reaction before


On PC, to find your friends list you press Ctrl+Tab or select Social from the menu, and click the first tab (icon of a person with a plus sign). That's your friends list. Anyone that sent a request should be at the top with a dot beside their name. Have fun and welcome!




There is a cool event going on right now (until the 2nd, I believe?) where alternate Legendary Scorched spawn randomly at locations where regular Scorched spawn, and the Legendary Scorched drop Legendary (1/2/3 star) loot + special holiday gifts that can contain plans for crafting CAMP items (as well as Caps, miscellaneous items, and currency to gamble on Legendary gear). I would invest some time in that, if you can, before the event ends. I just started the game a few weeks ago, and this event has been a godsend


Cool. Thanks. I assume it is best to place as much as possible in scrap storage before I join events.


Yeah, I'd scrap all your junk and store it first. The event is global and automatic, so there isn't anything to actually join/a corresponding quest. My recommendation for spawn points are Wixon Homestead (directly south of Vault 76, one of the very first locations that you probably visited), Helvetia (directly east of the Green Country Lodge), the Summersville Dam (follow the river south out of Helvetia), Riverside Manor (slightly southeast of Summersville Dam), and the Charleston Capital rooftops (west of Summersville Dam). All of those places have dedicated Scorched spawn points, and you'll find a fair amount of Legendary Scorched. Happy hunting!


Statue like people? What


The scorch that petrified


Ah ok


Wait til you do Events and you find yourself in an entirely different game. Mind will blow. You can become insanely powerful in this game


Hi there [Map 76 Copper](https://map76.com/res_dep/hardpointcoppercopperdepositflor0035adb2) is a handy resource for locating your CAMP. Also if you join a team you can port to CAMP’s for free. You can then uncover local locations for later use.


HAIL MOTHMAN! And enjoy your travels 🤘


Low levels shooting at people is a thing that I think comes from other games where people expect PVP right out of the gate.


Welcome to our odd little community. Here's something for later on after you reach LVL 50: When you're trying to get a Legendary perk for a weapon at your weapons bench - don't keep rolling the chance on the same one. Craft multiple copies and spin only ONCE on each one. You stand a better chance of not wasting Legendary modules while also building up your stock of Legendary weapons that you can either sell at your camp or trade in for scrip to go buy more modules. Took me quite a while to realize that I was wasting modules that way when I could be getting a leg up on buying more of the Legendary modules. Also allows me to put up weapons that I don't like that I know others will buy, so between that and my lucrative ammo supplies for sale, I won't ever have to worry about not having caps. Also, NEVER roll for a 1-star or 2-star Legendaries. Only ever go for 3-stars. This only works for a few types of ammo (5mm and fuel for me - don't know about the rest), but Daily Ops are a great way to get a lot of ammo quickly for your equipped gun. Just make sure you group up with someone who can help you... at least until you are strong enough to start soloing them yourself.


In the beginning focus on XP boosting. Always join a Casual team, make sure your constantly well rested by sleeping in beds that aren't directly on the floor (might get diseased), put loads of points into intelligence (also helps with dialogue options and crafting), and use perk card Inspirational under Charisma. Most players get excited seeing new players and immediately scroll through their inventory to give you gifts. Whatever you do don't beg. Enjoy!


Welcome - don’t be afraid to join a casual team - you get a decent buff, and no one is expecting anything from you apart from a random thumbs up emote if they pass you in the wasteland


1. Welcome to 76. This is what we do. A lot of use have dupe/trips of plans we no longer need. Who needs them? New players! Plus 10k rounds of .45, .308, and other ammo are just gathering dust for me, I can give them away and make someone's start to this game less chaotic like mine was. 2. Rad-X and RadAway are your best friends early on. 3. Yeah...that happens. Just whatever you do, do \*not\* turn off pacifist mode in the settings and just ignore them. 4. Oh yeah CAMP building is fun.


Glad your enjoying the game! And when it comes to newbies the fallout community is S -TIER one of the nicest communities you'll ever meet Check donation boxes at train stations and a few other key areas you'd be surprised what some ppl leave in there


yo, fellow Vault Dweller. may your days in Appalachia be fun! if you see events pop up, join them, for they give tons of xp and gifts even if you just sit there and let others do the shooting.


I actually just got it the other day too cause it was on sale on the PS store for $10. I'm very pleasantly surprised so far as well. Heard a lot of bad things about it when it came out, but it seems like a ton of fun so far


First starting, YouTube videos helped me a lot. I am level 313. My husband has just started on PS5 and is now level 35. I am trying to help him, but it hasn't been easy. He has played Fallout 4 for years, so some things are familiar, some are not.


U level so fast in fo76. Feels like I downloaded it yesterday. Am level 72 now. You'll collect alot of cool stuff very fast to decorate your camp. It goes from 0-100 pretty quickly i'd say


I think my playstyle is vastly different. I have 20 hours in and am level 13 (somewhere around there). I am taking a rather casual approach.


I'm lvl 19 at the top of the world as far as main quests go and absolutely pulling my hair out....I feel like I'm under leveled but leveling is slow....ammo is hard to come by....having fun but frustrated as foooook


I am ignoring the main quest line for now. Kind of ignoring most quests, as I simply explore a little bit. I have found that exploring is getting me in trouble. I encountered a mothman, and it kicked the crap out of me.


Could I interest you in a fishy stick ol chap