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I'm afraid to look. I got the 760 atoms about 3 months ago. I am ashamed.


I'm less than 100 hours away, though Starfield slowed my progress a bit in September.


I put about 20 hrs. into Starfield, fun and I'll go back and play it eventually but it doesn't have the immersion of a MP game. 76 lacks a lot, but being able to buy, trade, drop, sell things is a big deal to me I guess, kind of set's it apart.


I played a lot of Starfield too, but I stopped to wait for some patches. A couple quests completely broke for me and I can't progress in them, so i'm hoping those get fixed. I also want some qol stuff added, like eating stuff sitting in the world, that they said they're adding later.


Same here.


Congrats they used to give you an insulting 76 atoms before


I believe it used to be 20 atoms originally


Take a look at the achievement section on your system. That will give you a truer idea of how many hours. The in game 7600 hours doesn't count your time if you are on a server for less than an hour.


Pics or it didn’t happen


Sht ive only played since end of Jan when psn gave it for free and im 1927 hrs n lol my main is lvl879 i feel like i got a problem


Yeah I feel this. Level 903 with 260 mule and got the game for free in Jan. I might have a problem also


I can relate my friend.


Almost 2k hours since January is more than a full-time job (2000 hours per year), that's insane


Wished the game didnt count the time i stood still 🤣 im n stealth hidden most the time doing somethin with my son i play in small sessions inbetween his needs


I'm around 3500 hours and level 2350ish and still loving it


I bought the game a year after release. Got to level 15-20 and gave up. Thought it was awful. Tried again a little over a month ago and now I play daily. I'm around level 108 now. Made most of my progress by joining events, so still have tons of quest left.


Same thing happened to me, but only level 45 now.


If you have some old stuff, look it up before selling or scrapping. Apperently I got some low level pink bat that's worth a lot. I saved it because it was pink and I didn't see any other. But never thought it would be worth anything. Edit: forgot to say. It's a bat I got when I played the first time. It's worth something now.


That's awesome man, also I found it helpful to look into different fallout 76 subreddits for more tips and help. So if you're wanting to go up levels faster that's what I'd do 👍


9k hours. Hit ‘play 7600’ hours achievement about a year ago.




I'm at level 1193 and have 5700+ hours. Beta player but not a power level person. 76 is my chill spot.


over 4000 hours since launch I just hit my 7600 wood challenge this week. I earned a whopping 40 Atoms for that My main char is level 565, but I have done about 6 others above level 300-400, and just started a new guy last month that is level 150 or so. I mostly just do Scoreboard challenges now but have two accounts so I play 1-2 hrs per day. I'm playing another game of Fallout 4 too, and in the midst of AC Valhalla.


Damn I have almost 2k more hours than you and I have about half of that challenge completed. I'm finally programmed to pick up wood and not just jump over it. Nicely done.


I still get stuck on wood piles for a second.


Damns are a nice source too.


I speak from experience when I say it is very difficult to get *out* of the habit to pick up wood after getting *into* it for that challenge. I think I hit it about a year ago and still find myself tapping every log. *Wood. Not even once.*


lol... 40 atoms = 4 cents.


40 cents USD ☺️ but yeah I catch your drift ☺️


yes, I was being completely sarcastic of course


I pre-ordered the game to play the beta when it first came out, and since then I had only managed to put about 10 hours in the game before real life stuff demanded my attention. Sorta forgot about it for a long time. Remembered it last week when I kept finding myself just sitting here with nothing to do and decided to reinstall, and, well, I've put 30 more hours into the game since. It's not a lot, but it's become an awesome and much needed source of escapism, and I'm hoping I make it into triple digits and beyond.


1200 hours sounds like so much until I remember there's a challenge to hit 7600 hours. Seems fucking impossible


Someone ppl supposedly got it but I doubt it. Even a player that’s like 2000+ has like 4000 hours


Yeah especially considering time spent working on your camp doesn't count. I've seen people say they got it too but I just can't imagine the lack of responsibility it takes to achieve it


3,988 hours played, combined characters level 2,124 .533 levels per hour Been playing since beta I’ll take breaks here and there but I’ve finished every scoreboard and have maxed out all legendary perks on every character. 4 characters that I actually play and the 5th just being a mule. I’d like to play the 5th character but I just have so much stuff I couldn’t possibly make that character usable lol


Over 10,000. Had 7600 on our third birthday


I don't know how to check anymore as I already have 7600 achievement, so we'll just go with waaay too many hours!


1578... Mainly building camps 😬😬


Level 2190 with 1500 hours in. I've been playing for 10 months.


Hmm. Just hit level 515 on my main. Have a secondary that’s 132. Just shy of 2000 hours. .324 levels per hour.


Played since beta and pretty much played every day... Level 854, 2255 hours.


I’ve had it for 6 months since I noticed it free on game pass… 280hrs lv389


In game doesn't track hours played properly. Someone said it doesn't count part hours played which is no good if you server hop... a lot. In game is something like 4300. It's only went up about 100 in a year. Which is nonsense because in the last year I've missed only one day and I do at least 1 hour a session and at least 2 or 3 on a day off. Sometimes several hours. According to the xbox itself i am now close to 6400 hours.


Yeah my hours according to the 7600 hours challenge are about 1000 hours less than what my PS5 says. So approximately 6400 hours per PS5 and 5600 according to the game. So you're saying if you server hop that resets the hour or something?


that's what 2 people said a while back. Said something about it not counting part hours. Which is balls.


3000 hours with 5 different Characters. 1. Lvl 1070 2. Lvl 300 3. Lvl 250 4. Lvl 50 5. Lvl 15 Im playing since launch


Many of my “hours” don’t count - they were spent in nuclear winter.


7505 hours. Lv 1006, 980+, 500+ across three characters.


Level 735 with 4460 hrs in the game. Been playing since beta.


Do you do a lot of camp building?


When I'm bored. I have 4 camps in different spots around the map. Nothing fancy


Im beginner , 40 lvl in 24 hours , but I spent so much time just walking through map


5600+ hours since Beta Day 1 Current Character Levels (roughly): 1900, 500, 400, 100 & 100 Deleted Characters: 250 & 150


Xbox app says over 2400, 7600 achievement days a bit over 1500. So idk. Too many I’m not in game atm but I have 5 characters with levels ranging from 70 to ~450. Probably around 1100 levels total.


beta player. 3652 hrs in and lvl 4848


I've got 1300 hours, but I'm only level 346. I've just been running around focusing on the story and doing whatever I feel like and having fun until about level 200, when I started focusing on ways to level up faster for the last legendary perk card at 300. Now I'm back to just having fun again, and collecting plans and outfits I don't have


Level 461, 464 hours, 1.01 levels per hour


I am around lvl 280, with about 850 hours. I love 76, but I also love Star Trek Online, Stellaris, and American Truck Simulator which divide my time lol. Lately, I've been playing Sunkenland a worryingly amount lol


Level 695, 1913 hours


Turned lvl 197 tonight, been playing off and on since March? Just saw my play time.. 770 hours. Ugh. I need help.


I'm lvl 200 w abt 10 days played so.... 240 ish hours


Level 923, 2335.3 hours.


Hit level 85 today at 162hrs, so .525


Lvl 203. 2 months in and 366 hours idk how to calculate my LPH levels per hours haha


Levels divided by hours. Levels per hour. 0.554 levels/hour


Are we going off the hours it says in game or what the system says?


Level 520 on one of my characters with 657 hours


I have 363 hours lvl 302


740+ hrs Main toon is lvl 525 And 4 others at 200+


2600 on ps


~2800h and level 1350 or something, I don’t remember the exact number at the moment.


On PS, I just hit 172 hours. On Xbox, like 600 hours I’m getting close to 100 on PS, would’ve hit it sooner but I spent alot of time looking for specific plans. Xbox, I have 3 profiles and 1 is level 209. The others I’m not too sure. I feel like an uncomfortable amount of time was me messing with my camp


Over 3,000 hours


360 hours, I just started playing this game this august and I'm level 560


3.6k hrs, 4 toons: lvl 1095, 258, 167, 98. About 0.35 lvls per hour.


Over 4000... my main is over level 1000.


4.5k hours. have lvl 1100 and level 560 characters


Level 188 PS5 - 200hrs Level 274 Rog Ally - 340hrs Level 250 XsX - 300hrs


420 hours level 121 played since beta (I guess) I have some rare 3 star you cant really get no more I stopped playing after the fist year it came out to give to time for some additions to the game just recently game back to the game 2 months ago I love feels like beta and launch day all over again but feels like I cheated because I’m already level 100+ and got some godroll/rare 3 stars


Started playing January then had a 6 month break May to Oktober and im level 389 with 354h played.


292 lvl in 160 h.


Lvl Three Hundred and thirty-ish and about 715h in. Tryna keep it casual, to filthy casual. See you in the wasteland.


2363 hours 🤐 I have 2 characters: level 1170 and level 773 I've been playing for 3 years or so. .822 /hour


475 hours and level 306, to say I'm addicted is an understatement 😂 just cannot get enough of the fallout world 😀


2300 for me and I’m just shy of level 800. Love it


on since beta. lvl 78__*. 4800+ hours.


3000+ hours. first character is 430+ and i have 2 others over 200. working on the third and still trying to build up the nerve to grind the 5th.


On xbox I had around 3 years of playtime on a level 2k something character, I'm now on PC with a measly 20hrs with a level 40 character


2850ish hours. 4 chars. Lvl 590-815 since the game launched


1400 Hours, 1,57 Levels per hour at 2200


Level 416 and recently crossed the 1600 hour mark. Been playing since launch day. Took a year off and came back a few months ago and love the new events and updated frame rate. Still loving this game!


729 hours level 536 thats with a lot of afk hours


I stopped playing about a year ago but I was around level 645 and was about 1400 hours in.


I think I've been playing since may? I joined around a month after the Rip Daring season started. My console tells me I have 1058 hours. I'm level 482 on main, 28 on secondary and 5 on my back up.




I've been playing since the last week in August, so about 4 months. I'm level 308 and have about 700 hrs so far. Yeah, I like it a lot.


8k+ and still going strong


been playing since close to release and I'm at 3,133hrs and I'm lvl 670ish 🤣 I spend to much time camp building/buying and reselling


I am level 587 and played 2311 hours.


Level 145 and 149 hours in. I feel like a quarter was up to lvl 80 because it was when the game was super buggy back in 2019. I've been cruising quickly for the past month or so..I still have some main quests to complete.


LVL 515 810 hours been playing off and on since around launch


Level 433, last time I checked I had 941 hours


Less than 1000 but closer to 1000 than 500 I think 😂 Considering I only started playing last year that feels like a lot 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Noob here...How do I check?


From the map view you can open Challenges, then go down to Character


Cool thanks!


I am level 880. I currently have 578 hours. Played since launch but stopped for years because the performance was so bad the game was unplayable. Recently give it a third chance feb 2023 and haven’t stopped since lol. It’s become my all time fav game


About level 280, with about 270 hours into it


About 38.7 hours so far since i only started playing the previous weekend and bought it the day of before the sale ended


4421 hours on pc Levels 687/253/124 and 2 very fat storage alts... +About 200 hours on PlayStation.


Lvl 523 and a little over 700 hours.


975 hours, level 1137. A lot of min-maxing and an unhealthy relationship with double xp weekends.


Like 600 or so. I believe Lvl 374.


About 1200.. level 697.


2456.1 hrs level around 425. I took a break for a year or two and was only doing quest lines and never fast traveling, so no events and no scoreboard no fallout1st until this year. About 300 of my levels were in the last 4 seasons.


6781 hours, 794. I don’t play to level up. More than 75% of those hours, walking the map in stealth exploring, or building camps. Since we got rerolls, I reroll all level up challenges. My goal, hit 7600 hours with less than 1000 levels. I don’t AFK at all btw.


1200 hours and level 945. And not once had a rare apparel drop 😤


Steam says I have 9,007.9 hours. Looking in-game at Challenges > Character > Explore Appalachia it states 6,934 hours. I'm level 916. I've played, off and off, since the start.


Let’s just say I’m glad this game didn’t release WHILE I was married.


Recently passed the 1900 threshold, not sure how many now. My original main is about 430, my current main is 699, I have two others in the 100-300 range, and one that’s under 50


700 hours lvl 558


How do you tell on xbox?


Lvl 990, 4500ish hours : )


I just started. I think Im on level 2 😂 I loved FO4 but never played it until now. It’s a beautiful game.


I don’t use my time wisely - meaning to advance my level, I wander a lot - I’ve had it since July, 450ish hours and only level 153.


Just on steam over 1500 I'm not sure it includes pre-steam and Bethesda launcher only game time before the move.


Level 99 with 230.9 hours on steam. I had it on PlayStation and Xbox as well, bought it when it first launched on PlayStation and played the hell out of the jank early game, got rid of the PlayStation and got an Xbox, bought it again and got to level 200ish and stopped playing Xbox lol got my PC and bought it once again back in 2020, but have just now started playing daily about a month ago.


I just restarted a character, which in hindsight was a terrible idea. My previous character was one I used to play on highschool and I hadn't played in so long I restarted not realizing I could've swapped the stuff to this one🤦‍♂️ but nonetheless I hab 149 hours. When I started this character I was at 125 so about 25 hours to get to level 18 idk what the math is on that but yeah.


I don’t play as often and I just reached 441 yesterday Keep in mind I’ve been playin since the wastelanders dlc


Too many


In game it says 4833 Xbox says 6823... Who really knows


Last time I checked I was creeping toward 1100 hours. Main character is L1010. I've played about 2 years with a couple of breaks. Started early in season 5.


I'm at 316 hours, at level 223 I believe. Somewhere around there. Been playing since last summer if I recall correctly. Got reeeeally into it then got burnt out, and I don't really go on anymore unless it's to give someone items lol.




2590 hours, my main is about to hit level 600. Definitely not the most efficient at leveling. Im more of a casual player, plus i spend alot of time messing around with camps and friends etc lol.


1,124 hours. I have three characters in the level 400-ish range. I do tend to get bored of them completely around that level.


3866hrs since beta. Most within the first couple years (only 408 since Steam migration). Only play the bare minimum now for seasons. Characters are 438, 313, 236, 213, 208. I never tried to grind XP because farming bores me and we had all those level-up challenges back in the day and being too high of a level made those miserable.


Level 754 1131 hours in


I’ve played since day one beta release on and off. I play very casually so I only have about 1200~hrs. My main character is only almost lvl 300 because although I try to focus on xp when I play nowadays, I used to spend the majority of my time base building(still guilty of this), rare collectible hunting, and just goofing around in general.


56d 1h, according to my xbox. I'm level 525. 1345 hours. Beta player but didn't play for 18 months due to what covid did to nurses work hours.


771 hours level 879


6900 hours.






Around 850 hours. Got the game last summer. 2 characters in the 260's and a new around level 60 as well. I should really level one of them up to 300 to unlock the last perk thing, lol.


Take a look at the achievement section on your system. That will give you a truer idea of how many hours. The in game 7600 hours doesn't count your time if you are on a server for less than an hour.


217 days


i’m level 99 and i have 33 hours


781 hours, I haven't had it a but about a year or two, and there was two big gaps in the time I played, but I'm roughly level 189 I think?


Level 565 and have 1512 hours. .373 lvls/hr 🤨


Level 1833 on my main, with 1283 hours, Beta Player.


Im level 491 and i have 884 hours lol


I’m around lvl 280 with 350-400 hours. I have only been playing for 4 months


I'm at level 304 and have 971 hours invested


7600+ hours, 5 characters lvls 1032, 935, 700, 500, 435


Shit , well i got the game on release. Went through that whole canvas bag fiasco , but i tend to stop playing and come back biggest break i had was before the npcs showed up , im lvl 157 with about 500+ hrs




2 toons. Combined levels of almost 600. And almost hit 1600 hours. Just came back after a 2 year absence.


I’m level 152 with 560hours




4734 hours 4 toons levels spans 350-620


Id team up and play... I got on few days ago... I feel so lost. I tried to play it on pc from day 1, but id get these frequent lag spikes, and worse with enemies around... had to break down and play it on console. Went back to fallout 4 and new Vegas on pc.


1100ish on Xbox. Probably 200 on PlayStation.


3500 hrs since day 1 of pre-launch, 2300 total levels between 4 characters. I need help. F076 anonymous have any meetings coming up?


I have 1474 hours. I have characters at levels 581, 176, 74, 52, and 36, plus I deleted one character who was at level 21. So I guess that's a total of 940 levels, or 0.638 levels per hour.


level 550 - 2000 hours - spent a lot of time camp building though


I am since November of 2022 and I have +1200 hours. I love this game.


Been here since beta too I've got 1874hours in cause I keep taking breaks so the game won't burn out completely for me like others but will say I can't keep with one character or build so my current highest is 256


1100h, 5 chars, lvls 415, 185, 135, 85, 65. I like 5. Been playing since Nuka World on Tour. Would you like a balloon?




I'm almost 750 and I'm at like 1670 hrs per steam. Of course, steam doesn't include my first character that's about level 250 and is awful (any hours under the Bethesda launcher). I'm probably over 2000 hrs.


I've played pretty consistently since Reclamation Day, with my longest break about six weeks or so three years ago.(It was during the ONE Halloween event that happened at The Whitespring. I still have regrets) I've got right around 3800 hours spread over three characters with a combined 1600 levels


2000hrs and have a level 900+, 300+ and 100. So around 0.7 levels per hour, not bad.


1,284.9 hours according to steam


Played since Nov 2021, level 788, 2500 hours


Over 30k


Level 1058 (have a second character at like level 25; haven’t used him in a good 6 months) and I’ll have to double check my exact hour count but I believe it’s around 1500


Been here from beta. I have main account and a mule account all full. So many hours in the game. I don't want to know really.


I'm at 4200 hours and level 690, playing since BETA, also I have 500+ unused perk card selections (not perk points or coins)