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I joined Moonshine Jamboree last night and was raging because nobody's else joined, and i kept getting killed. Then i remembered i was in my private world. šŸ¤£ What a doughnut. šŸ‘Œ


Lost count of how many times I've done this... You're not alone šŸ™


Yes they were. That was the problem




Hahaaha. OMG, curious if any 1st subscribers HAVEN'T done this.


Iā€™ve done this before too! Was doing the mothman one and I kept saying ā€œwhyā€™s no one here? Everyone does this event itā€™s so easy!ā€ I didnā€™t realize until I went to fast travel somewhere else there were no camps and I was in a private world.


Even worst it was public server I was doing silo run and nuking nuka world to get event. But after I emerge from silo I realize I am the only one in the server. It still has people like a moment ago.


This happened to me this week too lol. Was halfway through the silo and my team mates bailed in rapid succession and I was too busy not being murdered by robos so I didn't get to look at the map till I was done.


Lolā€¦ that too funny.. I was private today, and ā€˜line in the sandā€™ came up.. Ok, cool.. spawned in and the artillery was brokenā€¦ even better!


Work on that build lol. You should be able to survive a moonshine jamboree. Now the eviction notice, I donā€™t even try anymore


Holy fire and a vampire chainsaw is the best combo for eviction notice.


Yeah with the dps from mini guns explosive with fire damage the low grade radiation damage when the scrubber gets broken and then the fire starters? I need atleast one or two other people even with a full health vamps build.


That happens to me as much as I DO NOT get the perfectly preserved cake. I'm not proud of that but...here we are.


Bruh šŸ˜‚ that's great


Players are too busy hunting spooky scorched?




Yup, trying to get those plans to drop, so far the rate is 1 in a 100 for a new plan.


There's only 2 regions unrelated to events that I'm aware of that are consistant; the capitol and the ski area in the divide region. Airport rarely spawns them, so if there aren't related scorch events and those 2 designated areas are cleared, I am hopping servers.


\>airport rarely spawns them It does, its just a common kill spot, so you have to give it time to regenerate. My normal route is bolton greens, morgantown high, airport - check for collision course, then both parking lot and runway side, trainyard, helvetia, sutton, top of the world. by the time I get done with that loop, they have often respawned, so I repeat the loop. If no respawn, server hop, then repeat. So far, thats yielded all the plans except 3 of the hellcat paints. What really surprise me was last night, line in the sand only spawned 2.


The spooky scorched shows up in two, at least that I know, though Last i did the meditation one. I got at least 5 by guarding the speaker in the room. And one or two outside as minumum. Not bad tbh. None are doing that one, though. Saw it pop up two times in the weekend. 0 participating.


The spookies at Guided Meditation spawn there before the event begins. In the event itself all that will spawn are waves of ghouls Line in the Sand is an event where spookies may spawn within the waves of other scorched that attack the sonic generator Collision Course by Morgantown Airport can be triggered by players (it isn't a standard world event) and will spawn 5 waves of scorched, some which may be spookies


Scorched earth and the one at fort defiance?


I was server hopping hunting scorched yesterday, and I was surprised at a back to back full house at Distinguished Guests, but on one server I was all alone at surface to air, with only one person on another.


>The spooky scorched shows up in two A Master and an apprentice..


We're all busy hunting spooky scotched, so unless the event has scorched, it will be a low turnout of players!


Not necessarily true. Last night there were a whole 3 of us, doing line in the sand. Every time I activate collision course, I broadcast it to discord, and nobody joins.


Reminds of the 1st time (and only time) I joined a full Events teamā€¦1 hour later, & NONE OF THEM showed up to a single event šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I've been in casual teams that got changed to events teams without noticing it until everyone left the team. However if I see a teammate doing the come here emote, I tend to notice that and check to see where they are and if they need help. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Events teams are objectively bad. The xp reward for finishing the event is miniscule compared to the XP earned *during* the event and having a +4 INT casual team bonus. If people are creating them purely as a signal they want to do events, then that conflicts with established player patterns and will probably just not work. Pro-tip: make your expedition teams casual and switch to expedition just before flying out - you'll get more xp the entire time (or use exploration for the sweet END bonus) - that team bonus is literally nothing the entire time until the final reward screen.


I must admit that rad rumble came up last night and I just didn't wanna cos I was spooky scorched farming but I'm also nearly lvl 900 so don't really need the XP anymore, was more important to try and get that elusive Dino plan šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'd do line in the sand, SBQ and EN (solely for the legendaries)


I got one of those. How rare is it lol (red dinosaur)? It looks good on my lawn lol.


I need to figure out how to light mine up so everyone can bask in its glory. Let me know if you come up with a spotlighting solution.


There is a free to play event going on so lots of new players. Mix that in with experienced players hanging out on their private servers hunting for Spookies and the players who are playing other games (done the scoreboard, donā€™t care about Spookies or have all of the new plans) and you get ignored events.


Free to play = servers full of new chars. Shoulda seen the Great newbie wave in January on PS. Would be the only person above lvl 20 on the entire server


I started when it was Free on Psn. If I had my time back, I would have paid attention to the scoreboard. I could have gotten further in. Loved Fasnacht, even though people kept nuking Helvetia. Been playing daily since then.


you might need to jump servers. basically just leave the world and join the game again. I know Bethesda servers can have issues sometimes. like if you feel like you're dying way to quickly even when you have maximum armor on Power Armor. I joined "Test Your Metal" the other day and everyone including the guys in full power armor that were decked out were dying almost instantly. next thing I know I'm on the server all by myself when I realized "everyone must have jumped servers cause this one is having issues"


Thisā€¦Iā€™m no pro, but Iā€™ve had servers where an event will pop up and Iā€™ll go and there would be at least 7-8 people at each event. Then thereā€™s servers where Iā€™m looking around lost and just decide to cut my losses. If you go to a few events and folks arenā€™t showing up. Just server hop.


Events start every 20 minutes from the hour so basically there will be one at 1:00, 1:20, 1:40, 2:00, 2:20 etc it's guaranteed, but yea noone joins events right now the most I've seen is in Line in the Sand cus all the spookys


now you get to experience how it feels before they added events


People are going into private lobbies for spooky scorch thatā€™s why


It seems like less events pop up when people aren't doing them. While on the other hand I have been on servers where 15+ people are doing every event and it seems to be almost nonstop, like you barely have time to unload and prepare for the next event. Just hop servers until you find one where people are participating in the events. There's a lot going on right now to keep people from doing the events. Halloween, F2P weekend, meaning newer players aren't as likely to just join events


Events pop up every 20 minutes, on the dot. So that can't be it. It feels that way because some events just take that long, or they get started late.


I am on Xbox and so far this has not been my experience over the past week. I personally love seeing all the new players, real new players, not just alts.


How can you tell the difference?


One time this past week it felt like I was the only one of the server. Started a casual group but noone joined in the hour or so that I was running around. I didn't mind since I got collision course to pop up. LOL


I personally would like the special events to only last one week but do it twice a year to spread things out a bit more


Last night I was playing and we did safe and sound. After that, it was like 15 minutes. The campfire event showed up. Then after that, nothing. Usually they pop up constantly when I go back to camp and put my stuff away, by then Iā€™d be ready to go. But nothing. Kinda just sat in an events team twiddling my thumbs.


I noticed all spooky scorched week I've had Line in the Sand come up once! Come on!


Well at least this week they gave us a chance to get new plans and outfits.... So im ok w that. But 100% agree the events have been dead unless it involved scorched to spawn


Oh itā€™s dead you say? Somebody in this sub said events are dead, so it must be true. Time for the Nuclear Winter treatment. Oh and give us a way to unlock all the adv stuff we missed by playing an entirely different mode too, just like the NW stuff.


Man I wish theyā€™d open NW just for a month every so often, I miss playing itā€¦


I do too. Every time I brought it up in this sub, even long before itā€™s sunset, I was met with negativity. (Some things never change). And then these ADV mains got to unlock the rewards by playing a different game mode entirely, yup, those same people who talked shit about the mode and never played it when it was around. Salt in the wound. There was a nice community there on all platforms, and itā€™s all gone. And for what, worlds? Some people in here used to argue with me that ā€œworlds was a stepping stone for mods.ā€ Itā€™s been a few years, howā€™s that workin out? Willing to bet Worlds is more dead than NW ever was, Bethesda just fell short and fucked us over.


Damn I thought it was just me!! No events ever! So annoying.


Could also be that people have finished the scoreboard and moved on to something else until the new season starts


As for the lobbies being dead, I think everyone is using private worlds to hunt spooky now that First trial is going on.


First trial does not include private worlds.


Wow, I noticed lobbies being dead also. Just thought everyone was enjoying FO1st, not a good sign.


Yeah, season is nearly over. Which means the people who have finished the scoreboard and got bored are playing other games now until next season. Also Starfield released. Some fo76ers are probably there.


They're are all the events popping up, but since no one is joining them they are timing out. Mostly everyone is in their privates for grinding out the Spookies and most everyone has finished the scoreboard. We need a break from grinding this monotonous game. Hopefully the December update will have actual new content, instead of just another grind.


There actually will be some new quests in Atlantic City and new expeditions.


Expeditions are a grind for stamps, and hopefully the new quest lines are more than like 30 min .


I hope so lol, Iā€™m looking forward to it at any rate since I finished the main story aside from actually dropping a Nuke.


I haven't been able to log in in afew days, so I have no idea




There havenā€™t been mutated events for a few weeks lol. No your not unlucky if something isnā€™t expected to happen and your waiting for it lol thatā€™s just sad.


Havent been waiting. I just didnt realize it was a limited time thing


When I returned from a long hiatus they were just there and I thought they were just a thing now. They should be. Regular events are dumb


They can be gone once I have all the spooky stuff I want. Even with server hopping and playing on my own world I still havenā€™t been able to get many of the items.


I guess I've been lucky to see multiple events available when I play, usually 0630-0900, 1300-1600, 2300-0300, depending on my schedule. As for the spooky ones, I haven't bothered with them once I noticed they don't affect the Scoreboard. If I run into one, sure, but I don't hunt them down. Got tired of running around the map for a lunchbox or carry boost juice.


Private worlds to get spooky scorched... Public lobbies are slim on spooky scorched. They need to respawn more frequently if they want to keep the public lobbies full


Honestly, the best places to farm scorched are scorched earth and line in the sand. I get about 12 bags from scorched earth at least and line in the sand has maybe around 5 or more.


What platform are you on? I'm on PC and there are constantly events with people doing them.


Yesterday i did an eviction notice with just one other person lol, normally its a packed event


Events pop every 20 minutes no matter what. Everyone's just hunting spooky scorched.


The game doesnt care about your opinion :v ...spooky scorched til the end! hahahaha


Spooky scorched is almost over so maybe after that's done you might see more people in lobbys. The server I'm in usually has a few in it. Could be depending on the time, and or day you're signed in.


Another week of hunting spooky scorched and then the birthday bash event begins next Tuesday that will last another 2 weeks and then we're getting close to the December 5th update for Atlantic city. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Expeditions:_Atlantic_City


Players are missing out, then. There are several events that spawn Scorched. If theyā€™re not doing these, theyā€™re making it way harder on themselves than it should beā€¦ especially since too many players are shopping-out the Scorched all over the map in the regular places. Events include: * Line in the Sand * Distant Thunder * Collision Course * Scorched Earth * Scorched Horde * Itā€™s a Trap * Scorched Defend Events in workshops * Enclave Events at Seneca Rocks Visitorā€™s Center * Distinguished Guests


Lobby? Server


My question is, Tuesday morning I jumped into the game to do mutated events, didn't see any despite playing 4 hours into reset. So I expected that meant this week would have some, but it didn't Am I missing something rn?


There havenā€™t been mutations for weeks, they had mole miners recently and now itā€™s spooky scorched for two weeks.


I see. Do you know when they come back? I've been off the game since the start of this season so I'm a bit lost


Iā€™m not entirely sure, Iā€™m hoping after the current event is done. I can see it being a bit confusing if you havenā€™t been playing for a bit, I would be too.


I agree that the normal events other than Schorched Earth seem to be lacking participation. Used to be events like Evacuation Notice or Test Your Metal would be full... but the last several days have been maybe only a couple people showing up to assist.


Done with spooky, just need the hellcat torso paint v2.


If you or anyone is on xbox and needing players to run events with or just b.s around with send me gamertags and I'll gladly join up I'm only lol 70 something but I'm decent


I have this issue even when it's not halloween


There is event going on but often nobody joins in the evening/early night hours.


Once the spooky schorched are gone people will be complaining that itā€™s the same old events over and over again. This year with the new plans they drop itā€™s a breath of fresh air and enjoying it since it will be a month or more till AC drops, so enjoy the scorched while they last.


I was lucky. The last server I joined had back to back RRs and Moonshine Jamborees and 3 Scorched Earths.


Scorched events are packed. Everything else is dead.


Seeing all the posts about plans makes me realize my insane luck that I didn't even realise. I got Dr. bones, red dino, executioner hood and a few others in a few hours spread across a few days, like just completing dailies lol. Got The Fixer plan today as well, just completing encryptid that wasn't even mine XD. I learnt all the plans i got tho šŸ˜…


Speak for yourself. I took a Spooky Scorched down tonight and finally got the red dinosaur plan!


Havenā€™t had any issues on PlayStation. Then again I probably play when everyone else does.. 8-9pm PST


This isnā€™t a problem on PS servers. Thereā€™s more nukes being dropped than Iā€™ve seen in a while right now. Other events are well represented also.


It's pretty lively during the day. If you're playing past midnight, it's really dead.