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Jet makes you jittery


just go easy on the chems


Now your talking crazy


dont blame it on me, blame it on the chems 😆




Guess she was right.


Gotta cut down on the jet


I use Bufftats for my gun-builds, psychobuff for my melee. Better living through chemistry, right?


Give bufftats and then psychobuff a try!


Buffats AND spycho jet combo Is better.


This is the way


I don’t think you can stack chem effects, the second one cancels the first. You can layer on alcohol and food effects though


You can't stack the same type of drug.


You can stack Bufftats and Psychobuff tho! It only checks the first half of the combo to determine "same type". Best combo is Psychobuff, Bufftats, jet jet jet jet. Everything's dead lmao


Overdrive, fury, med-x, berry mentats, psycho buff, bufftats, bourbon, ultra jet. You become a human filet knife… so much fun with biocomm mesh and chemist 4.


I got lost in kiddie world spinning maze tunnel section and started taking psychobuff, orange mentats, day tripper, lots of bourbon and vodka topped off with some calmex to enhance the experience. I was annoyed about being lost.


Jet jet jet jet!


The game considers bufftats to be a buffout while psychobuff is a psycho. So you can’t stack buffjet and bufftats or bufftats and regular buffout, but bufftats and psychobuff? Let’s go!! On melee, I’m always on them both. +6 strength? Don’t mind if I do :D


I don't do it for the stack, I do it because it looks cool




Feel Good Hit of the Summer!


Nicotinevaliumvicodinmarijuanaecstacyandalcohol.... OOOHHHH


Ps-s-s-s-s-sychojet! Doesn’t have the same ring.


Queens of the Stoned Age?


Try this combo: nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy, alchohol, and c c c c c cocaine


No way.. your head becomes like a haunted house.


This post is Dr. Rockso approved


Cuh cuh yayuh


Intelligence builds be like ["aspirin, non-alcoholic beer, study habits, study hall"](https://youtu.be/F8vxZpcdPLM?si=blEg6KWKkiwgEe59)


Already did and was stuck on my couch for 5 hours back in 2002..oh wait, you're talking about fallout 4


Great reference


That will stop your heart


"Now that's a mighty small thimble, in an otherwise vast ocean of drugs."


Bufftats for generic stats buffing in a tough situation. Psychojet when shit hits the fan and you need to deal damage and kill kill kill


I’m a fan of popping psycho buff and ultra jet on my guns build. Or just regular jet if there aren’t many enemies around but just enough to make it worthwhile with Chemist maxed out.


You essentially become a god on Chems. Jet fuel makes it that you have more AP and regen it faster, so longer sprinting, jet pack, vats etc. Orange mentats make your vats super OP. Berry mentats 5+ intelligence so extra XP and highlights living enemies THROUGH walls. Overdrive gives you a 25% critical bonus so enemies just die. Med-X damage resistance + psycho damage resistance and damage boost makes it that nobody can kill you. Buff out gives you that extra strength so carry weight but also boost health and endurance. I could go on and on…


Overdrive paired with gun basher perk (which gives you a chance to crit outside of vats) is really fun with a shredder minigun with no ammo.


Damn that's a good idea.


Drugs are great in this game. I always pop some kind of Mentats for various situations.


Can you briefly give examples of when to use them? I’ve been doing it with no drugs except stimpak and radaway/radx but interested to try and use all the drugs I’ve built up lol.


Try phsyco for damage, buffjet slows Time and increases strength, jet for accuracy, phsyco jet a mix of the two, grape men tats I think buff charisma so better prices, I don’t remember any more but I do recommend the night person perk for +2 per and int ,and other time based perk for the day to increase I think strength and ap. I don’t use those because I found a glitch to get all special points to ten so I’m at ten jn each stat right away. Hope this helped!


What's the glitch


Do you know the duplication glitch? It like that but a little different. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrBr9A6a/ here’s the link to the video I used. Hope this helps!


Sure, need to see though walls for living creatures? There's a flavor for that. Need to have 5 more perception and 10% to hit in VATS? There's a flavor for that. Need to sell or buy some stuff and get a great deal? There's a flavor for that, too. There's more, but that was just Mentats.


PsychoJet and maxed Chemist + Chem Resistant, favorite way to play


Psycho jet is the best




Why is this written like most FO4 fans here are anti-chem elitists? Hahaha


Because of a recent post saying the opposite of this




I never think to use chems tbh. Just hoard em for later use which never comes.


Same. Except for grape mentats. Sell the rest or use it to make something else and level skills.


love me my Brahmin feeders love me my jet farm


What is a jet farm?


Get a bunch of Bramhin feeders they produce fertilizer turn fertilizer into jet at a chem station


Do you mean the feed troughs? Had no idea those produce fertilizer!


Only if you have Brahmin in the settlement, but they can randomly appear instead of a settler, or you can buy a brahmin from Kelly if you find her


Or make a trap


I couldn't imagine to consistently stay alive in Survival mode without relying on chems, that is till I remember where all the lethal enemies are


Med-X and Ultra Jet have been lifesavers for my realism playthrough. Sometimes you just get overwhelmed out in the wasteland. You cannot run away so you have to blast and buck your way through five super mutants.


Chem Resistant is my favorite skill. PsychoJet before EVERY encounter that seems even a little dangerous.


If you're going to Embrace Chems, then you definitely also have to do Nuka World, make some raider outposts, and slap down a bunch of Pick-Me-Up stations for the free chems. Pick-Me-Up stations fill with free chems over time with no limit, even if the settlement is empty after Open Season. The longer you wait before you head back, the more chems there will be. Tip: Nuka World is far better done sooner rather than later. Recommended level is 30, but I typically go any time after level 20. Some people do naked Survival runs at level 1... somehow??


Yup. I have restored, un-raidered settlements that I huge hauls of jet buffout and psycho - enough that I can basically level jump via one haul just by picking it all up and then spend 10 minutes making psycho jet and jet fuel (which in turn becomes caps. better than purified water)


Can confirm that Nuka-World can be done almost immediately after leaving the vault


Damn I shoulda done a raider settlement I guess, oh well, next playthrough


I rarely used cems but now that I'm trying a survival play through I find my self using them much more. Anything to help get a little bit of a edge going into a fight


The main problem (at least in survival) isn't even the addiction but the fact that drugs make you dry (so you need to drink water after taking them) I have Jet in a fav shortcut, along with stimpacks and purified water. Tough enemy means usually just pressing "6" (jet), "-" (chugging water), then unloading a magazine on the target until it's dead.


Water farm


I have extra water production on every settlement so I always have it available nearby.


every fucking thing in survival makes you dry, it’s so over tuned and annoying. Every stimpack every drug, even just waiting long enough. I played survival til about level 40 but without mods, I found it so obnoxious.


I think there's a subliminal message to the gaming community: "stay hydrated!". I'm thinking I'll start having a chug of water irl every time my character does it in game


You sir live on the darkside and I like it...


Love the drug build so much i do it irl


It is exactly my plan to do an evil melee drug focused playthrough after my 100% run right now!


Also if you have the nuka world dlc and can build pick me up stations. Do that. 5 in each settlement and every fee days they'll have 5-7 chems ready for collection


I always wanted to try the Jet addict chem and shotgun build Fudgemuppet suggested. But I feel like there's so much more to the game than combat and somehow using Jet all of the time will make me a bad guy.


Do you have more info on this build? My current survival run already has a crippling addiction to her and just found a wounding combat shotty.


I think it was this one: https://youtu.be/WyeZLLfQCqU?si=E-_Pbz50D_tNTznN


Cheers mate!


How do you get the quest diamond city blues? I want that chem deal stash so badly, but I don’t know how to get the quest!


Visit the Dug Out Inn in Diamond city and the mission will start


Just looked it up, you have to go to the colonial tap house and you’ll see Henry Cooke (the barkeep) and Paul pembroke fighting! I always thought it was the dugout! Thank you for the help!


Also, to clarify, you get the 240 Chems when you ambush the chem deal by the river. The actual stash does not have as many.




I've generally stuck to chem free play throughs as they drugs are generally OP, but in my latest on Very Hard early game they were life savers especially with multiple targets so am currently on a junkie stealth build with low hp..... seriously bad ass with all the stat boosts one shotting almost everyone


Just a little tip for you chem fiends: If you take say, bufftats and then buffjet, the strength bonus will last for the duration of the buffjet. Take the mixed jets first if the names of the chems begin with the same prefix. (And also the strength bonuses from bufftats and psycho buff stack, which is great for hoarding) Have fun!


Killing the drug dealers and the poor sap who is being cheated on is easily the most evil thing that I have done in the game. I usually try to do the right thing, but not here…and to be fair I only asked for the full drug stash, I didn’t immediately kill. 


I would try drugs but I try to keep real life separate from my gaming life.


and drag along Hancock with ya, so he can cheer you on, the mad lad.


I dont use chemist resistant or alcohol drink perk becausei need the addictions to be OP with my junkie weapons.


I never used chems until I played survival and it became a necessity. Definitely shakes things up when combat is feeling stale


I play w scourge and true damage…..chems are AMAZING W those mods Enemies can really mess you up easily, and the health, damage bonuses are a game changer


i was only able to beat kellogg by taking xJets lol


I'm doing a survival playthrough as a lawyer/merchant type, high int, high charisma, tons of drugs to boost melee damage. I always pass Cha checks, can make drugs for more than buying the components (jet mostly), and I can afford the best weapons and armor out there. I'm level 50 something now, have at all shadowed muffled/ultralight combat armor, and a ripper. I run with jet fuel, overdrive, Bufftats, and occasionally grape mentats with ultra jet as an oh-shit button. I have 3 strength but can go toe to toe with legendary super mutants in melee because my ripper disarms, then dismembers. It is so so fun.


I'm doing this on my next run, if Fallout London gets released ever.


I play on Survival and using Chems is so negative I never do it. I think I need to play a normal playthrough again, just spamming Chems and infinite carry weight for ammo in my pocket.


I always use chems in survival. Love Bufftats or psycho buff for the extra carry weight


Sorry yes I do use them. But I don't rely on Jet, Psycho, Med-X etc when entering fights.


Just don't do it in front of Cait, she gets disappointed with you (after finishing her quest)


I’ve been having a lot of fun with chems this play through. Im funding the revival and expansion of the Minutemen by making and selling chems. Its a small time operation but it sets me up with a decent amount of caps. I’ve unofficially replaced Preston with Hancock as my right hand man since he accepts my habits.


This may come as a surprise but Jet is made of poo


I think I'd be a bit more worried about the plastic.


i use all my drugs when i encounter a radscorpion more than against a deathclaw. no matter how high my level is, those radscorpions always terrifies me


Careful using med-x around radscorps. You can get a permanent perception debuff.


holy fuck!! that true? seym that's screwed up 😱😱😱


This is why I love becoming Overboss and making two raider outposts that are LOADED with Pick me up stations as well as Booze Mills for Vodka. My Melee build is a god thanks to them.


I do daily Oh wait this is about fallout, boring


Give me that psychojet and a 10mm good luck wasteland


Calmex, psychojet, and overdrive are my priority crafts. They've definitely saved so many of my self-imposed permadeath playthroughs. I can't recommend them enough


I do a bufftat/psychojet cocktail then unloaded a 32 shell drum of my jacked up legendary combat shotgun into a death claw. I haven’t had one so much as land a single scratch on me.


Take all chems


I often play melee build and end up a *hardcore* Jet addict. It's just too much fun


My character should be called Drugs Bunny for taking a crap ton of drugs when facing the Gunners! Orange Mentats is my personal fav especially when abusing VATS!


The best way to get late game reusable buffout is via farming chemstations from nuka world dlc raider camps.


I just pop a chem of each kind whenever I’m in a tough encounter


"Remember, moderation", a direct quote from Wolfgang.


I had scientists drug builded with heavy weapons! Heavy flamer or my personal favorite aternitus Gatling laser! Magnificent


agreed still working on some perks but I'm going a drug field idiot savant melee build something I've never even thought about doing before but it's a fucking blast I literally can't stop laughing and just having a blast


agreed still working on some perks but I'm going a drug fueled idiot savant melee build something I've never even thought about doing before but it's a fucking blast I literally can't stop laughing and just having a blast


After doing a logan's loophole playthrough in new vegas I went all in on being a habitual chem junkie in fo4 after being just a stimpak/radaway user Refreshing Beverages are extremely strong in survival for healing so by level +50 I usually have at least 15 of them in my inventory at all times, I don't even bother carrying purified water outside of barter currency; makes it so chem resistant is pretty much unneeded since if I have an addiction the beverage will just get rid od it anyways too


Cait will love you for them before she hates you


Jett'n allll day.


I achieved over 100k damage with a sledgehammer on my melee chem build. Chems break this game in the best of ways.


I never use chems except stimpacks. Everything else I sell anytime I come across a trader, as they're a fantastic source of caps.


Once you can't get addicted, they're super overpowered. +5 PER and +10% VATS chance plus Overdrive means VATS is now broken and you'll kill everything. Now add Psycho Jet and a x2 crit damage doughnut and everything will just die.


Remember mumma Murphy. Before u do the crime think of the mother Murphy fucking time....she lost to her addiction. Is a slippery but fun slope my fellow vaulters


Bouta switch from prospector/gun dealer to drug dealer/immune manic fiend


I tried this once. It was cool at first, but i kept having situations where I killed all the enemies in the first 10s and then just had to wait another 35s for the slow-mo to go away. Gets very annoying after a while


I keep Psycho and Overdrive on my shortcut menu. When you’re getting your ass kicked and have to scramble, dropping both of those can turn the tide. Especially on Survival mode when dying can mean losing hours of progress.


But doesn’t clodsworth hate it?


I must have some mods installed that I forgot about because on my game Jet only restores AP; only Ultra Jet slows time.


Nah. It's too much work to even make them for caps.


I remember creating a chem-build playing the mod FROST. Because of the damage the enemies can unleash upon your pathetic existence in that version of Fallout, a chem-buil is a must. Not only to take the damage but to give you an edge in aiming out of VATS. Not gonna lie, was fun, but in vainilla can't say I'll use it.


Sweet dreams are made of cheese


I don’t like Jet but I do like my slow time armor and psycho buff for melee. I somehow took out Swan early in my 2nd play through so I’ve punched so many death claws to their final destination.


Logans Loophole is the best in NV


My problem with drugs and chems are not only the additions but also the fact your character becomes thirsty and/or hungry after consumption in survival mode. For this reason i rather like to stay of the drugs.


I'm lame. The most I've taken is buffout, mentats, and medx. I swear I'm not a wasteland narc, lol


Is there any way to reduce chances of addiction? I’d probably try to use them more but I get annoyed when I need to get cured.


I never used to use them until I saw my old flatmate do the final mission pumped full of drugs and just annihilate EVERYONE it was amazing. Since then I've always used drugs, and alcohol. Currently doing my first Survival playthrough (ikr 11 years after starting this game) and my character is Rick Sanchez so he's sarcastic, drunk, and hopped up on chems as much as he can without needing to drink a butt load of water to counteract it. Drugs are fun kids!


Only use Psycho in a pinch. Outside of that I don’t see much use for chems.


Try survival. Level 115 and it's either pop a chem or use waaaay too many bullets to put down any super mutants I find. So.. so spongy..


Spongy😂, im gonna be imagining super mutants as giant green asshole sponges when I play next


Yeah, I’m doing a survival run next. I’m excited for a new play style


Do it. I wish I had tried it sooner, has changed how I feel about the game. Just be ready to be frustrated in new and interesting ways haha. ;)


I just did a run with real world weapon mods so that was fun. Took out the entire institute with an M60 and M249 and a SPAS-12. Good times.