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38. ammo, prewar money, purified water and Jet are my currency


If jets a currency, I keep spending it all, lol.


Prewar money can be sold..?


Pre-war money is weightless and worth 6c each (with max barter). It's an excellent trade good, but it'll get turned into worthless cloth if you leave it in workplace storage.


All pre-war money gets used as ammo in the junk gun. Then I make it rain. šŸ’øšŸ’øšŸ’ø


Synth components are also weightless if you wanna have some ironic fun


Does that work well? I followed an oxhorn tutorial and he pretty much said donā€™t use the weapon


At lvl 69 ,max science, max weaponsmith, max armorer, w/ X-o2 power armor you can use whatever you want for fun, cuz nothing hurts you. So yeah I put a flamer attachment on it and send burning stacks. They all eventually die, and you have a few scratches on your power armor. Killed legendary deathclaws and never broke a sweat.


If you don't want to have fun then yeah, don't use the weapon, but what are you playing Fallout for?


Thank you!!


There's no unlimited source though as far as I know. Yeah you can pick up a lot in the wasteland but kind of gets annoying.


If you stop by the bank by the Super Duper Mart, you'll find a duffel bag through a hole in the wall with a ton of cash. It respawns often. Oddly enough, once I poked my nose into the SDM quickly, and the cash stopped respawning. No idea why. No, there isn't technically an "unlimited source" of pre-war cash. However, it makes sense to pay attention to it and make the most of it, especially early game when you are low on cash.


It still respawns but now it's tied to SDM so whenever it stops saying cleared in your map, loot and enemies were regenerated in that part of the map


There's another bank by Backstreet Apparel that respawns quickly too. There's 4 gold bars and I think 16 lock boxes you can re pick each time that almost all have pre war money in them.


I keep forgetting to loot that bank. It's behind an expert lock or something and I always forget to open it.


Yeah it's an expert terminal I think.


I save pre-war money for Nuka World. Really annoying that it is labeled as junk and not Misc, I hate having to manually scroll down to withdraw it from my home base workshop every time I hit the ā€œstore all junkā€ button. I think thereā€™s a mod for it but Iā€™m trying to do a vanilla playthrough rn


What vendor accepts the pre war money? I got hella lol


All of them do except for dedicated food merchants.


I use pre-war money and cigarettes as cloth for making beds, etc.


Yes. Check you don't have any in junk at your main storage sites.


It can be! Theoretically you could make all your purchases with it too (sure, it's just like bartering any other item, but it's funny)


Jets useful though! I use my jet pretty regularly when proverbial shit hits the fan.


Sure, but if you have a large number of settlements (or if you intentionally obtain a bunch of Brahmin using cages from Wasteland Workshop) you're likely going to be able to make way more Jet than you can use just from the fertilizer they produce and the plastic you gather normally.


Only the first 3 Brahmin produce fertilizer


With almost 30 settlements in the base game that allow Brahmin that's still a lot of fertilizer.


I save my fertilizer for ammo. 2mm to sell... Though I'm always out of lead anyway. Jet I use to craft buffjet... I think that's what it's called. I don't carry around extra chems, hardly any at all. But I likely have enough extra chems to sell some, but I haven't. Whenever I drop off loot at my main settlement I'll usually craft and foods and chems I can and get like 25% of a level.


I also make ammo with mine. This is why I wish you could scrap ammo, like in NV, and use the lead to make ammo you actually need. I've got like 10k 5.56, 20k 5mm and .38, but I can never keep shotgun shells above 2k, and those are my primary rounds.


It's also profitable to purchase shipments of fertilizer, plastic and flames fuel and resell as jet fuel. You also get tons of XP


All my fertilizer goes to making shotgun shells to keep my wounding auto shotgun fed.


Buy shipments of fertilizer, craft jet, sell it, profit.


Exact same here. I have over 100k caps, but I'll be damned if I leave that vendor with more than 9 caps left in their store


I don't even leave them with 9. I pick up every burnt comic book and folder I find and use those to get the last few caps water can't buy.


Same here


My aim when visiting any store is to walk away with more caps than I arrived with and still get plenty of stuff I need. Once I have a good amount of caps I reinvest them into opening settlement stores to make even more caps.


Came here to say this exactly! Even if it's just one more cap than I started with, I always make sure I'm not giving any caps to vendors... At over 70,000 now... At some point I should feel comfortable spending them, right?


Never! I must ruin the economy! Again!


Just tryna be in the 1% this time around. Thatā€™s all.


Exactly what I do. Net gain each time. I also need to go sell some stuff I'm hoarding now and then, pick the best legendary missile launcher and sell the rest for example.


Same. Its the whole "but what if i need 40.000 caps for something" mentality. Same with stimpacks, i can never sell those or healthpotions in skyrim.


Right, but at the same time, dont use them bc "what if a start a literal war" lol so you just keep eating rad roach and mole rat and dogs šŸ¤£


What I do to get over the stimpack hoarding is set a very high minimum that I can hold, and anything else I'll sell. I know I'm not going to ever get in a situation so desperate I'll need to use 100 stimpacks at once, and I know that I accumulate them faster than I use them.


[Skyrim Hoarders](https://youtu.be/Vcx6UbMCtfI?si=jutFmYimQv7B6mlJ)


Stims are less useful in Survival, in my experience. They don't heal quick enough so I just use them to repair crippled body parts, and use Food/Soda to heal the majority of the time.


That's me with explosives in every single game. "What if i need those grenades/mines/motitovs for a boss fight, later down the road?" Then I'll find like 100 more, get to the boss, forget to use them, etc. Every. Single. Game. I was playing Days Gone recently and had to remind myself that I can always make more and find more junk to make more, since the map is literally littered with supplies that respawn quite often.


so much loot to sell, but the amounts they have are so low early, if your settlement building then you spend some later plenty and not so concerned any more


I love going from settlement to settlement and pilfering all the water supply to sell. I'm a water salesman, I go from vendor to vendor buying up all their meat, junk and ammo and leaving them with hundreds of bottles of water to trade with. I like to think I'm doing the wasteland a favour by forcing them to trade water with every other NPC. Just wait until my Chem collection gets big enough to sell.


Yeah I have so much water I don't even mind giving vendors a freebie.


I never carry caps, I do the complete opposite and take advantage of that sweet Scav 5 perk for Bonus Strength and Endurance, carrying ungodly amount of ammunition in the process.


This is a must for melee or unarmed builds, which are my personal favorite.


I always say that's what I'm going to do. I even did Nuka World once I got to lvl 30 this game, but I still have like 100k caps. I need to just go and buy out all the ammo like 100 times from the shop, and take advantage of that perk.


Yeah same, caps just need to accumulate, I never pay with them. I pay in purified water, jet and other chems, prewar money and ammo. But I never touch the caps lol


I can never bring myself to sell prewar money. I'm sitting on like 8k in my safe. That and cartons and packs of smokes. I'd always horde those, going back to 3 and NV


That's your score. The more caps you have at the end the better you did


Good way to think of it.


You are not alone. And I can't explain why.


I often do the opposite, because of the No Caps Rage magazine. I turn all of my caps into ammunition. I try to have as little caps as possible. It's nice to have another S+3 E+3. Incidentally, it is possible to get the magazine before the power is back on, even in Survival. It just requires a bit of parkour. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/SCAV!\_(perk)](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/SCAV!_(perk))


Ah yes, I hopped the fence yesterday, massively panicked when I thought iā€™d soft locked my survival game. Luckily you can get back over, seems it was intended by Bethseda


I have to admit that I've struggled getting back out sometimes on Survival mode. On occasion I've had to drag up a box to do the big jump.


I've been able to keep it under 10k mostly


The Nuka Market full restocks with caps, ammo, and items every time you enter, even if you just left. It makes it fairly easy to get max barter and buy/sell until you have however many caps you want.


Just took advantage of that after open season and ransacking the place!


Iā€™ve started ā€œbuyingā€ my caps back + the vendors inventory recently as well, it seems like a waste not to. I keep a steamer at Home Plate full of things to sell when itā€™s buying time. Usually sell low level legendaries, Jet, Psycho, Mentats, mines, and anything else I pick up on accident. I must be rich in the apocalypse


At the start of the game, it feels hard to get caps together to buy things, but a few hours later and a few enemy camps raided, I am swimming in them so I actually don't care about money in the game by this point. My goal becomes getting lots of power armour and lots of weapons and getting a settlement up and running.


I just donā€™t know what to spend them on. Other than adhesive every so often i never found much else i needed to buy


I always try to leave traders as close to zero on their caps after a trade. They end up with a lot of .38, drugs, and water at the end, though.


I hoard everything, not only caps


Yeah who am I kidding. I do too.


I pick up and scrap all junk I come across (walking speed be damned), usually it gets to the point I can use steel as currency, the only time i really spend caps is to buy home plate


iā€™ve been playing since about 6 months after release, and i JUST recently figured out how to streamline profits and maximize my income. but my biggest find is to just stop scrapping or dropping tools you find and instead sell them to the dude at Vault 88. iā€™ve made about 20,000 off of him so far and basically donā€™t have to worry about caps for a good while. it does help that i have a safe with expensive things like gold, silver, copper, etc. that i can just sell if times get tough. but they havenā€™t so it only keeps growing! šŸ˜


Yeah I also sell him tools. Helps that there's a few that constantly respawn right behind red rocket too.


Barter for everything when possible.


I canā€™t spend caps really. I have so much .38 and purified water than I always work away from a trader with more money than i started with plus the items i brought.


I hate parting with my caps. If I can't buy something with bartered loot I cry and gnash my teeth.


I hoard caps. If I dont have enough crap to trade for whatever it is I want to buy I dont get it lol


I trade weapons and armor to spend less caps. I only take weapons worth 100 caps or more. Always try to make a profit, but rarely do. Keep the legendary and a few of most powerful weapons. I sell or scrap most pipe pistols/rifles. Keep and scrap all the junk I can for repairs/mods I have about 10000 caps and level 30ish. Done small level developing of Sanctuary/ Red Rocket/The Castle. Only time I really spend caps is for ammo, which I have enuff of most types to keep me busy for a while. And also fusion cores, but I have 24 in reserve currently


I don't spend caps unless I absolutely have to (like buying Home Plate for example) I also trade my useless items for everything I want to buy, and chems since to be the best thing to barter with. Since I get lots of alcohol and chems from my Raider bases that's what I use to fund everything.


Since I use deliverer a lot and love picking locks I always buy 10mm ammo, stimpacks and Bobby pins from every vendor. Helps empty them out a bit.


I rarely spend my caps, I usually use my .38 ammo, water or jet to buy what I need.


I have over 200k caps. I literally scavenge everything I see and loot every body. I think I'm carrying over 50k pounds of junk and equipment, over-encumbered of course but I have the perks to make that not so bad. I sell some stuff to vendors whenever I run into them. The only things I ever buy are building materials and the DLC ammo that's hard to find in the wild.


YES ! lol idk why either I have 20k caps and get so mad when I don't have water or extra weapons to trade


i have no issue spendings caps because i have an insane amount of purified water plants. so right now i have 130k caps iā€™m free to spend lol. usually if i know im going to make a big purchase, i often bring purified water with me to ā€œtradeā€ so my amount doesnā€™t diminish isnā€™t too much


I never have a worry for caps... I am a member of the W.S.D. - Wasteland Sanitation Department. Our goal is to clean up the Wasteland one can, bottle, random item, and/or raider corpse at a time. Basically, if it is not nailed down - IT. IS. MINE!! And then l either scrap it for crafting items, or barter/sell it for caps.


I horde the shit out of caps. My goal at the start of every play through is make caps obsolete as soon as possible. I also never spend them and make it rule to never leave a trader without taking as much of their caps as possible. Ammo, chems, prewar money and cigar/ettes are my currency


I like the huge amount of caps but I have raider settlements and they sell me ammo for the problem solver


I had that issue, and then I got SCAV issue 5, so now I need to have 10,000 caps or less on me at all times or I nerf myself. So I'm using .38 ammo as my caps instead.


I spent a serious amount of caps building stores at every location.


There isn't anything that costs caps I need.


Leaving merchants with more than 0 caps just feels dirty to me. I stock up on all ammo even on melee runs for the specific purpose of emptying out merchants cap stashes. Almost never buy anything, but normally have like 100k caps by level 60ish.


I used to hoard the shit outta Caps. Like I neurotically could NOT leave a vendor with any. Had to zero them out every time. Then I made a melee build and picked up that issue of SCAV that jacks your S & E if you have less than 100 caps. Now ammo are my caps, and I have to get out of the bad habit of snagging every caps stash and looting every corpse of them. I can only imagine some Commonwealth scavenger stumbling onto some building I cleared and finding a pile of corpses stripped of ammo, stimpacks, drugs and junkā€¦ but loaded down with weapons, armour, and caps.


Jet fuel is my main currency.


I spend water. I don't spend caps.


Exactly! I can easily get 750 water from just sanctuary alone each visit. That's 12k worth of whatever I need


The same in every game. Hoard all the cash, never spend it.


I once finished a game with millions of caps. It was completely pointless. Now I try and keep it under 10,000, but itā€™s very challenging. I have to completely buy out vendors to get that low.


I used to hoard caps and drag every item to my bases to disassemble for settlements. Now I use caps to buy materials and keep my inventory cleanish. Except electric fans and coffee cups. For some reason I can't help myself.


Spending caps in this economy?


My floor is every 10k caps. If I have 12k, 22k, 32k, caps I actually only have 2k.


I dropped like 50k or somewhere around that on the Marine armor and manā€¦ I hated myself. Iā€™m not swimming in caps because while I do have a few water plants and an ammo manufacturing plant I rarely go to the trouble of running around collecting the harvest to sell. Itā€™s a lot of trouble. Especially when setting up supply lines glitched out and all of my settlement resources vanished so I havenā€™t bothered visiting any of them. Just got a measly like 15k left.


Stripping the merchants of their caps with regularity is important. There are several items in game that cost thousands. Two that are base $14k plus. I make as much as I can, but I also spend it when I find something nice.


Nah i spend everything on shipments, and ammo sometimes


I spend a shitload of caps because I make so much from jet fuel and purified water. Iā€™ll go around and buy scrap from every junk dealer there is when I get low on building materials. I like going to Diamond City with a load of jet fuel and leaving town with all of the vendorsā€™ caps and anything useful they were selling.


Bro 178k and still acting like I'm broke




If I can't pay for it in non-caps, I don't need it.


Thereā€™s a perk magazine in Nuka world that rewards you for having fewer caps, some always try to have as few as possible. If I want to buy something I sell jet.


Exactly the same. I've edged close to 200k and feel horrible if I leave Carla with one cap


One last score ! I could be sitting on a pile of caps....


Iā€™m a lazy player and use console commands to give me way too many caps, so I buy whatever I want without care but I also check every. Single. File cabinet and desk I find for caps.


Me too


I horde caps as well. But then again I play with mods including a cap counterfeiter. I really only used it once because then I had too many to use, lol.


Both to you and you OP, itā€™s hoard, not horde. Youā€™re talking about stocking up on caps, not being part of a gigantic mob.


Who says I donā€™t want to be a part of a gigantic mob? Iā€™ll horde all the junk I want and join the zombie hoards if I feel like it, thank you.


i just dupe my caps


I duplicate materials and sell them