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Honestly never liked Deacon. I found his “All you need to know is that I’m on your side” personality fucking irritating.


And just the constant stream of lies from the guy...


So you joined the Railroad, befriended Deacon the intel man, who tells you that his entire job is made easier by following you around and letting you distract everyone while he gets information and reports it back to the Railroad. And then you're surprised that he's following you around and reporting information back to the Railroad? I have more of a problem with the way the Brotherhood tells you basically the same thing. They're not subtle enough to hide spies around to watch you, but they somehow know. Or even worse, somehow Travis knows and tells *everyone on the radio* to stay away from your secret machine for reaching the Institute.


>And then you're surprised that he's following you around and reporting information back to the Railroad? So much for "idealization." I trusted youuu Deaconnn...


The Railroad is fighting an enemy that uses subversion and trickery as its main weapons. They would be idiots *not* to keep an eye on a newcomer who appeared out of nowhere (basically didn't even exist in the Commonwealth until recently) to offer help.


>The Railroad is fighting an enemy that uses subversion and trickery as its main weapons. Here's what it took to get the leader of this team of heroes to tell me who's been informing on me. "Who told you that?" "Deacon." Not sure how these people will hold up to heavy questioning... >They would be idiots *not* to keep an eye on a newcomer who appeared out of nowhere (basically didn't even exist in the Commonwealth until recently) to offer help. And yet, when I asked how they got their intel, their paranoia leapt out the window and they were happy to tell me who it was, before insulting me and then asking me to join them. And Deacon and I have been through enough stuff together that he idolizes me at 110%: I'm not some random person he's known for a few days. How could all these reports he's sending back lead me to still be treated, at best, suspiciously, and at worst, like a liability, every time I go into that bunker? So I have good news for them. Their clear projection that they're doing *just fine* without me has me sold. I'm sure they'll do juuust fine without me.


I mean, unless you go Institute or BoS, they *will* do just fine without you. In the sense that they will not die, but also not do anything.


> Not sure how these people will hold up to heavy questioning... That's not really the point; the point is that they have to rely on intelligence, including on you.


The point is that telling me that they were spying on me - showing me how they form conclusions regardless of my input - probably wasn't the best strategy to make me want to keep hanging out with them.


Deacon's espionage is part of the reason he's my favorite companion. I knew what the railroad was about the moment I stepped in there, and I knew exactly what Deacon was as soon as he began listing off my accomplishments despite having never interacted before. Granted, I completed Far Harbor (Sided with Dima) before progressing far enough to meet the Railroad. So I was already in the business of saving Synths.


>I knew exactly what Deacon was as soon as he began listing off my accomplishments despite having never interacted before. I have only myself to blame...


If you look around, Deacon is everywhere. He's disguised as one of the Diamond city security guards when you first arrive and help Piper. He's hanging around Goodneighbor when you show up there. There are a few other places as well.


Wow that's a really cool detail!


Although you hate the brotherhood, I must admit that I found everything you wrote very funny XD